09-06-05 PCITEM 2_7 CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 6, 2005 Roll Call: Planning Commission members: Deputy Chair Pam Black, Commissioners Tammie Fallon, Tom Darkenwald, and Alternate John Thelen. Absent: Chair Richard Nichols, Commissioners Jim Kolles, Doug Hackman, Dave Thompson, and Alternate Troy Watring Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Mark Thorsted and Vern Heidner. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson and City Planner Dan Licht. 2. Consider the following minutes. 2.1. August 15, 2005 Minutes Commissioner Darkenwald, seconded by Commissioner Fallon, moved to approve the August 15, 2005 Planning Commission minutes. Carried 4-0. 3. Planning Items: 3.1. Public Hearing for Zimmer Farms Phase IV & Final Plat for Zimmer Farms 5` Addition A. Rezoning from A-1 Agriculture to R-6 Residential. B. PUD/CUP/Preliminary Plat for Zimmer Farms Phase IV. C. Final Plat for Zimmer Farms 5`h Addition. City Planner Dan Licht presented the staff report. He indicated that the plat had been reduced in density by ten units from the preliminary plat. Dave Klee of DR Horton stated that they had no problem with the conditions of approval. Commissioner Fallon, seconded by Commissioner Thelen, moved to approve a Zoning Map Amendment revising the zoning from A- 1 Agricultural to R-6 Residential. Carried 4-0. Commissioner Fallon, seconded by Commissioner Darkenwald, moved to approve a PUD/CUP/Preliminary Plat for Zimmer Farms Phase IV & a Final Plat for Zimmer Farms Phase V with 8 conditions. Carried 4-0. 3.2. Public Hearing for Arbor Creek 4`' Addition This hearing was continued due to an incomplete application. 4. Other Planning Commission Business 4.1. Update on City Council Actions Councilmember Heidner updated Commissioners on recent Council actions. 4.2. Update on Future Agenda Items City Planner Licht updated Commissioners on future agenda items. 5. Adjournment Commissioner Darkenwald, seconded by Commissioner Fallon, moved to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. Carried 4-0. Pam Black Deputy Chair Michael Robertson City Administrator