09-06-05 PCITEM 3_1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners(cunacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Shives/Daniel Licht RE: Otsego — Zimmer Farms Phase 4 and 5th Addition REPORT DATE: 31 August 2005 APPLICATION DATE: 18 August 2005 FILE: 176.02 — 05.26 CITY FILE: 2005-49 BACKGROUND D.R. Horton is requesting a preliminary plat for Zimmer Farms Phase 4 and final plat for Zimmer Farms 5th Addition. The fourth phase of Zimmer Farms consists of preliminary platting the area at the south end of the development currently platted as Outlots H and I of Zimmer Farms. This area was previously considered as a concept plan as part of the overall Zimmer Farms Development. The developer has also submitted a concurrent final plat application consists of 3 lots each containing one 8 -unit townhome building at the north end of the Phase 4 area to be known as Zimmer Farms 5th Addition. The subject site is guided for medium to high density residential land uses within the west sewer district established by the Comprehensive Plan. The site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The applicant's request involves the aforementioned preliminary and final plat applications as well as an application for rezoning of the subject site to R-6, Residential Townhouse, Quadraminium and Low -Density Multiple Family District and PUD -CUP for subdivision of townhouse unit and base lots. Exhibits: A. Site Location E. Grading Plan B. Original Development Plan F. Utility Plan C. Preliminary Plat — Phase 4 G. Landscape Plan D. Final Plat — 5th Addition H. Monument Sign Plan ANALYSIS Development Plan Consistency. The layout of the townhome units within Zimmer Farms Phase 4 is proposed to be similar to the original concept plan for the Zimmer Farms development. The original concept plan approved for this area of Zimmer Farms anticipated development of 128 dwelling units within 8 and 10 -unit "villa" and "urban" townhome buildings. The proposed plan has been revised slightly to include 118 dwelling units within 8 and 6 -unit "villa" buildings. The developer is proposing to replace the proposed 8 and 10 unit "urban" townhouse buildings that were to be located south of Marlowe Avenue with the "villa" units that are also being developed north of Marlowe Avenue. Zoning. The subject site is currently zoned A-1, Agricultural District requiring a zoning amendment to allow for the proposed townhomes at urban densities. The requested zoning map amendment rezoning the site to R-6 District and the application for a PUD - CUP to allow for townhouse development is to be evaluated based on, but not limited to, the criteria outlined in Sections 20-3-2.F and 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance as follows: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan guides this portion Zimmer Farms for medium to high density residential uses, which is defined as a density of eight dwelling units per acre or greater. The proposed density of the fourth phase is equal to 7.59 units per acre, which is consistent with the future land use plan for the area. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses in the area. Comment: The table below illustrates land uses surrounding the subject site. The proposed development is compatible with the various existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Low/Med. Density Residential R-6 District Zimmer Farms East Low/Med. Density Residential A-1 Undeveloped South Low/Med. Density Residential R -1A District Agriculture — Albertville West Low/Med. Density Residential R -1A District Agriculture — Albertville 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed use will conform to the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. 2 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is planned. Comment: The proposed 5r" Addition provides for a logical pattern of development consistent with the balance of the Zimmer Farms subdivision. 5. The proposed uses impact on property values in the area in which it is planned. Comment: Although no official study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative effect upon area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of existing and planned streets serving the property. Comment: Development of the subject site is accompanied by and provides for upgrades for McIver Avenue and Marlowe Avenue, which are designated collector streets intended to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed development and surrounding neighborhoods. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools. Streets and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The intensity of the proposed use is within the parameters established by the Comprehensive Plan and original development plans for Zimmer Farms upon which infrastructure and service planning has been based. As such, no negative impact to the City's service capacity is anticipated as a result of this project. Access. Primary access to the development will be provided off of Marlowe Avenue at locations pre -determined with the original preliminary plat for Zimmer Farms. Access to the proposed townhouse dwelling units is provided via private drives. All private drives must be 28 feet wide with concrete curb as required by the Engineering Manual. Street names will be assigned by the City Engineer based on the County grid pattern at the time of final plat application. Sidewalks. The proposed development plan provides sidewalks on one side of all local public streets and private drives. Lot Area/Width Requirements. Townhouses developed in the R-6 District are required to have a minimum of 5,000 square feet of lot area per unit. The submitted plans indicated that the average lot area for the townhomes in the within Zimmer Farms Phase 4, is 11,154 square feet per dwelling unit compliant with Zoning Ordnance requirements. Setbacks. The following table shows the required setbacks for townhome units within the R-6 District. Principal/Collector Street Local Street/ Cul -De -Sac Private Drive Interior Side Yard Rear Yard 65 feet 35 feet 25 feet 10 feet 20 feet It is important to note that the front side yard setbacks along private drives allow for a 25 -foot minimum setback. Additionally, the required setback between buildings on the same base lot is 30 feet. All of the proposed townhome buildings meet the required setbacks for the R-6 District. Landscape Plan. A landscape plan has been provided that continues the landscape themes of the remainder of the Zimmer Farms subdivision. This includes establishment of boulevard landscaping trees, buffer yard plantings along MacIver Avenue and perimeter/foundation plantings for the townhouse dwellings. As required in previous additions of the development, the area between the driveways of abutting dwelling units must be grass or asphalt. The landscape plan must also show details on irrigation facilitation and locations. Building Elevations and Design. As noted above, the developer is proposing to construct their "villa" back-to-back townhome buildings south of Marlowe Avenue where the concept plan had anticipated a different building type. The three buildings to be built north of Marlowe Avenue are "villa" type buildings consistent with the concept plan approval and the other townhouse buildings already final platted and under construction. These "villa" buildings are the same as previously approved phases of the Zimmer Farms and the expectation is that the exterior materials and colors will be consistent with those requirements. We would note that the design of these buildings includes varied roof sections preventing a continuous horizontal line at the peak of the structure, which minimizes the perception of building mass. Also, the developer is proposing the use of stoneface wainscoting and shake -style siding in the gable roof sections for the units south of Marlowe Avenue to provide some differentiation from those buildings north of Marlowe Avenue. Guest Parking. The City requires that townhouse development provide one-half stall of guest parking per dwelling unit. With 118 townhouse dwelling units, 59 guest parking stalls are required. A guest parking plan for the Zimmer Farms development was previously submitted illustrating compliance with required guest parking and an updated plan reflecting the revised layout of the Phase 4 area will need to be submitted for City staff review. Sign Plans. The applicant has submitted plans for a proposed monument sign to be located on the northeast corner of the intersection of MacIver Avenue and CSAH 37. The entire monument sign structure is proposed to be 6 feet high and 41 feet in length. The sign is proposed to be stone faced structure with columns and connecting vinyl fence rails. The proposed sign is consistent with the provisions of the Sign Ordinance. ld Park and Trail Dedication. There is no land proposed for park or trail dedication within Zimmer Farms Phase 4 or previous phases of the development. Park and trail dedication requirements are therefore to be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land based on the current fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. The current fee is equal to $2,932 per dwelling unit, which would be a total sum of $70,368 for the proposed 5th Addition. Park and trail dedication for Phase 4 will be determined at the time of final plat approval. Sanitary Sewer Capacity. The West Wastewater Treatment Plant has capacity for 2,400 residential dwellings based on the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The number of residential lots preliminary platted exceeds the available residential capacity of the W-WWTP by approximately 900 dwellings. Although only previously considered as a concept plan, the area of Zimmer Farms Phase 4 has been counted in the inventory of residential dwelling units preliminary platted within the west sewer district in part because of the investment by the developer to extend trunk sanitary sewer the length of the east border area of Otsego with Albertville providing final resolution to a long-standing political issue between the two jurisdictions. Based on the changes to the Zimmer Farms Phase 4 area from the concept plan, the net effect is a reduction in the overall number of proposed dwelling units, which is very positive from a service capacity standpoint. As of this date, 294 RECs remain available to accommodate residential final plats, enough to accommodate the proposed 24 dwelling units within the Zimmer Farms 5th Addition final plat. Construction Plans. The applicant has provided grading, utility and street construction plans, which are subject to approval of the City Engineer. Easements. The 5th Addition Final Plat shows proposed drainage/utility easements over Outlot A. However, the preliminary plat for Phase 4 does not detail drainage/utility easements for the proposed outlots. The preliminary plat must be revised to specify drainage and utility easements over Outlot B and C, subject to approval of the City Engineer. Development Contract. The applicant is required to enter into a development contract with the City prior to approval of a final plat. The development contract is subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Preliminary Plat for Zimmer Farms Phase 4 and the Zimmer Farms 5th Addition Final Plat are consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. Further, the overall the number and type of dwelling units proposes a slight decrease in density from that proposed with the original development plan. Our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1: Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map Amendment rezoning the proposed plat from A-1 District to R-6 District based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2: PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat of Zimmer Farms Phase 4 and Final Plat of Zimmer Farms 5th Addition. A. Motion to approve the applications subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The exterior materials and colors for the row and back-to-back townhouse buildings shall be consistent with those previously approved as part of phases 1, 2 and 3 of Zimmer Farms. Brick wainscoting at least four feet high shall also be added to the side of any building facing a public right-of- way. Stone wainscoting and shake textured siding shall be utilized for the units south of Marlowe Avenue as illustrated on the submitted plans. 3. The landscape plan shall be revised to provide for irrigation of common landscape areas. 4. A revised guest parking plan for the townhouse portion of the project indicating the a supply of at least 59 guest parking stalls shall be submitted and is subject to approval by City Staff. 5. The applicant shall pay a cash fee of $70,368 in lieu of land to satisfy park and trail dedication requirements for the Zimmer Farms 5th Addition Final Plat. Park dedication requirements for the balance of the Zimmer Farms Phase 4 preliminary plat shall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land per dwelling unit based on the cash fee in effect at the time of subsequent final plat approvals. 6. Drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated over Outlots B and C, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 6 7. All grading, utilities, streets, street names, easements and construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City, subject to the approval of the City Attorney. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk / Zoning Administrator Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney David Klee, DR Horton, Inc. Fran Hagen, Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7 UAUE MAP DATA PRO YO ED E Y I -in] Hakanson '"�„Anderson Assoc.,Inc. PREPARED OCTOBER 2001 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT. CITY OF m 0 T S E G 0 z _+ ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD D { { { 4m uu� u i13�1 ,0 OUfLOTA 7 T7lg/I i !? pMOC RAN ^+ fns ONG z_1 RWENnAL PR.D PRD'OYD zmwc L ES NnA PDO L�ppT 1' 11B g OfWLOPMLN2 STANDARDS 4 rowNaffs LOT sr cws (Rq 1 1 1 I Ill I I 8+' 40i 'A, I 'JII LOT 1-.g• NBB•JB'.ur ..u.Ja 1.• / L — — _ — _ — _ — — LAK 21a 87 — — — _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ —'.1— I I I I WestwoodftofessaWSOVKeS,kK. /W.0 L ql/01/OS oar Proposed Legal Description: caner ora wee r. lwufR EARNS, r«ww�q m mr .rrwn+o Pr�r mr,roL r,gnr cw.�fr. Development Data W. 9. ARfA 1-5f AC pMOC RAN LO%YCD DEN. WS o. -B UN/AC fns ONG z_1 RWENnAL PR.D PRD'OYD zmwc L ES NnA PDO IOIAL -AS fIOLrCS 11B OfWLOPMLN2 STANDARDS rowNaffs sr cws (Rq 1 LANu.rtl ,nr rw1AN1 „�. e IL. j mM:r .. Al r1 sr1 ALL PUBLIC ARO fN j, 51WErS ARL 'zti RACK I BALK d- CILNtl No IC: Relrrol. ..I :d uPPuf f.�q Bofo Iw vcfrlul ­­mn urrus Location Map _, I IhrpNnd lu1 D.R. Horton y r1� J! llFleo KrnbnBKe C—, S.R. Ifn IAkerii4, M- -44 Cw AB 11-1. bN .— GOPHER STATE ONE CALL <a 651 454 0002 W„IM IL a 1800. 252-IIL6 D KNOPLR- U.R wh+n C.zlom Nanea 5--, 101180 Nww.:eyr [au.f. S.Ar �1W 1Rme (951) 985-/tlZ6 CwforYlzDvueN Nrue� RAnwCRIENLN[fR/SU Nrsf+uoB nu/essronw 5er.�ses, rnr. INJmq R MN S.SNr 91 5150 Cmlucf5ll J -OBIT llognr, x X EXHIBIT 0----7Ib 2�-- DIS/DI/05 sr.+ q 11 w y72 Zimmer Farms Phase 4 Preliminary Plat / I Development Plan (Hry,, Miunvw a ZIMMER FARMS 5TH ADDITION PRELIMINARY r w,246.e9 OUTLOT C ti I i •i I a vi \salla 75.00 " I — P. it 50.00 NOO°2,'25"W— fe-yo' y `e 54.5 v ;'x: •:Z;£ 8 ro 1p 's •� a 2W.�i-- , NI7°75',7 E �4''^�, `"° ayya �•10.00 LOT 1 Illb � I I � I rfU I t10 O 90 060 6cde' J .hM= 60 /rot b Oenores 1/2 inch by 11 nch e« m« menf n f d .".d by Lk --Na 2JO21 ° • Oen•fea r/2 i«n by r1 inch .m m mens n>und mofFed by license No. 1201J, un°lssa ofherwue ineicaled Aser mmument srrnOd shown f ony sf°tefe .eywi.w ant fh°f wA1 Oe set wirhn 1 year °/ the startling o/ this plat. The or fat/on of lois beor/ng system , based an Um east line 0'01111t f, 2fAACR FARJ/6, Mich Is -ed to bea N 00°16'19' W. EXHIBIT D GENERAL NOTE& • YATERAW GRADE ALLOWED IS .:T. • ALL CENIDURS ANO SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWn TO II'SAB SURFACE/CUTLER GRADES UNLESS OTHERMSE NOTED. • Wf(R TO THE IN& KAI OR 90 PLAN FOR CURRENT HORIZONI& SHE DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION ANO ELEVATION O EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES MIH THE OWNERS AND FIELD -VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMEDIAIEI.Y NOTIFY THE ENDWEER O" ANY OISCNEPANCLES ON VNOATKINS • THE CONTRACTOR IS 10 CONTACT GOPHER STATE "ONE CALL- FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS AT 651-451-0002. Ll. SILT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SHALL DE IN -PLACE PRIOR 10 ANY • EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCHE N AND SHNl BE MAINTAINED UNTIL MAGE RR, OR CTTUUND COVER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED -SWC SILL FENCE CA -WE SHALL O YAW INKED ANO ON NEYOVEp ANO SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENT. TO THE GRADING CONOACI. IT IS ON E%IRFNC IMPORTANCE TO BE AWARE OORN CENI FIELD CONDITIONS MIH RESPELL 10 ER09ON CON INCE. IEMPORANY PON NC. DWES, HAYBALES. EIC., REQUITED BY ACINCHS/OMER SHALL BE WODENIAL 10 111E CRAUWC • THE GRADING CONTRACTOR MUST BE AWARE OF ALE EXISTING AND PROPOSED UTILITIES • ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOC. AN. STATE RULES NCLE) C IEE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM INPUTS) PERMIT REQUIRE.— ALL SIMEE IS OISIURIEO WRING WTWKWG HORS NUST O CLEAED At IE END OF EACH WORKING BAY. A ROCK LN TFANCE 10 WE LP MIST BE PROO WOACCORDING TO a _S TO REDUCE TRACKING Of DWI ONTO PUBLIC STREETS. • POS LIVE ORANACE FROM ME 9TE MUST BE PRONOD AT ALL TINES. • ALL EXPOSED SOLS MUST BE STABILIZED MMIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF ROULN GRADE COMPLETION UNLESS OTIENMY DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. ALL STOCKPEES MUST HAVE ADEQUATE SEDIMENT THMPING SYSIEMS INSTALLED ARWOI INE.. • IEuPOR RI VETOING FERNEZNG AND MULCHING -51 BE APPLED Minw LA DAYS BY .—I GRADING UNLESS WORK IS TO W PERFORMED MTIMN 60 OAR BY CHADING COMPLETION. • ME VIE MUST BE KEPI IN A WELT-ORNNED CONDITION AT AL1. IWES OIL CONIRACIOR SHALL BE RESPONSBLE FOR TEMPORARY DITCHES, PINING OR OLDER MEANS REWIRED 10 IN9RE PROPER DRAWACE WRING CONIFELLE DAL LOW —IS N ROADWAYS OR BBIBUM, PAPS MUST BE ..—EL MIN A POSUVE W ,_ PUBLIC STREETS USED FOR DAONG 91ALL BE KEPT IRFE BY SOIL AND DEEMS. SWEET SWEEPNC • SH LL BE CONCURRENT MITI EARIHWORK ON VIE. • HAULING N01R5 NUSI BE CON,NNEO MRI BIE OIY PRIOR 10 BEGINNING WORK • AREA 10 HE -ALLIED = T.T35E AC. • TOTAL 9E AREA = 1395F AC. CGI AB Mews Delwe e�gq�nq: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL ea 651-N54-OOD2 Nnn T.I. YI a I-ROD-2S2-IIfi6 IYTMi�WYO OENOIES SEI FENCE riNOSFrLM DENOTES HEAVY DUTY SET FENCE DENOTES EXIStLNC CONTOURS "MITES PNCPOSFD CONIOUNS ---- --- DENOTES GRADE BREAK AREAS 23.l6 DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION AT CUTIEMLNE. (TYPAL) 6--••- O DENOTES EXISTING STORK Sc- 1-- DENOTES PROPOSED SHORN SEWER ` - - OENOIES EYSTING FREE LINE. M'Y1Yv\ DEMONS MP .-ALE IRFE REMOVAL —11 ,.I BENONS EMERGENCY OVEMLOW ELEVATION DENOTES EXISTING SPOt ELEVATION WHOHS PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EXHIBIT E _ _ _ Zimmer Farms YYLKYWOOdROlOSO disPV K,IHL I" o`y` ._I __ I - -- I --RLE I "° N- D.R. Horton Phase 4 - 4Mse KWw —=DINE mxM KNH,l K. C.WaH. Snne wD 1w4 i n _ F��-.r4Ns__.- __ ..vl. O/01/05 ITZ16 IAL.vill., MinnH'M• SSLN4 (Naexn, MinwWK4 Preliminary I Grading Plan Coil AB 1Nws Nelde Ggynq-. GOPLilHER STATE ONE GALE bn r Meo 1 -BOD-,, Nn Td1 free Op-252-Ilfifi LBGMD EXISTINGPROPnsm SAMIµY SEWER .. SANITARY SEWER — WAIER --_ _.._ WA TER —I TIM W/VALVE .., IITD. W/VALVE --� SIONN SEWER — s. SE— SEINER Gi al UtlBly Nf26s • NEE CONINACTpi SNAN. LENEY ALL EASING CON E— PRIOR to CONSINUCIKIN AND NOIWY O( OLWNEET OE ANY—ERENCES UNLESS OfINERNSE NOTED. ALL MATER1ILS, CWN 1E IECPNDL S µD IESTNG U_ C -I-- r0 INE IWBB E0. Q ONE 'SIANOARO UpIMS SPECIfIG TIONS TOR WATER u N ANO SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION ANO SAN— SEMEN µD ST.. SEWER NS IALLAEON BY OIC CITY ENCINEENNG ASSOCIA fNN Q uNN' µD 10 DEf ,STAND III) -ECWICA RON TOR IUCIIWAY CONSfRUCt10N' NNN DEPT. Of TRANS, ANf. q,1gBB wCE upING IMF CUNRENI ADOENDUu. IEf CpN IRACTOB SNALL BE REUUNED IU FOLLOW ALL PNOCEOURES AS OutIINED OY REE LOCAL AGENCY. • DIE CONTRACTOR SMALL RECEIVE TIN. NECESSARY PFRNIN fOR ALL WCNK OUTyOE OE IK PROPERTY LINTS. • SEE NNYN. PLµ fOR ENACT 91IG. LOCAINOIN SEE SIZE PLAN Epi LAYWI puLNyCNS SERNCE ENIRT LOCAINNS /U SE CD_D'AEED MIN IEEE µCIeiECI. • WENFY EIISTNC N"T LOC f EIEV. PRNR 10 BECYIN,NG CONSTRUCD_ • TINE WASMALL BE INSTALLED WIN A . p' 2.5 fi. OF C—R, NEE COIN TTER SERWCE NN NACTOR SNNL. WIT Y INE CITY AS BURT CONSTRUCTION PL BS 10 ot. LOCAIIOM AND MATERIA TYPE. • ALL SIM" SENEN PIPE SNALI BE CLASS 5 pNESS ODRRMSC NOIEO. OC COINTNACEM SNAU CONTACT'CpYEER STATE ONE CAL' 1. • fW UIWEIT LOCA IONS PRIOR 10 UIKIIY NNSIAEAI— EXHIBIT F —IWolS �xWT IeK--N---- I I.keviD, MinnmN 1501 Zimmer Far msWestwood RdessuTASerwes. 4R. D.R. Horton Phase 4'.DN7q■ ImCGn. StyM1 , K . Minnva�Ia Preliminary Utility Plan rR _ ♦ o rS 'o •'. •i if •i {♦:�q•�r• �L'JI � t• O,P' P 'i;r' !ii' P1i/ 1 i■; 1• •■/ L<� 1 ``�. ��.. � � 1'•� ��•`\ • I�� 1� ■I I� �I I■ fl I� it IA .r �, "�• / .J i► v11•il �;1 Ilt �.i Q,��y �i �.Q Li Gem• = • �e�, s�F ` L9 • Ge 6r♦- a c6 � � I \T/ ►i � I • � vl i ♦ i i ri'.;'•I. f`t�'.= �V f Gi�,•i "111 nl �s iliE�f lair• 4�°i ��p�j�a4Ri t .. f�• �`� ♦�i�y,'`1 � i�B I !� r �f 76 �I��"'.�iA � I /�','•� \moi\NN 3a�4"♦,�r!n►•a sl �.,. (1 �•,-16 1♦t`•y •. e```� •`��`_ \ It +� ,Gig^ee••= ..,ee Aei..;r 6. •. ' `� i• \�. \moi C.11 <d II . eerp. J�gging. GOPHER STATE ORE CALL n Cily —11-1-2 Yn Eql E.<. 1-600-252-I16fi Planting Notes . o-. no- q.wwree �annmc^V Wm gonlnq Nep«.nem pml . ax .nm a,. n... n p 6 mcnnq e .1 �ml'«rs ,no. .xwn9 or prl mul«d unu I . pm o- Conv.<lo-. 1 n r ealaxanW. I ^• r p «I. w.n w..w ., .I.. w r .x « mn.«w, a .xo y to .wln rola or .o esx In« Sx'o°pg�e. mo« xaew o n.ynl w n (`,vp a ax (.I J�saaeN wat- d. va x,. EI o.on pw� mul«.e n x<I rM <w�.lwn.. S«I� ,y.mm a I« .0 �an . p«rs. pcm,�Olne xl. me.'p�; a��wq xl .r ea.xw.e o-er = �+e.a CI Opm Iw .m«In a°Yo-m dd m.ln a..emo«poom oN.a pml> xpn l«a ae wal y. I Yp—w<nplr I .lmZ. unhsr Y.+ M we rlmv«1v r«lu. Planting Schedule 011 xEl C016rQ./BOI. .—K C — WEI IJ0 b d B Marliww / awm 9.Kae' 1' dg al 6v1 si« x.px / Kw .«<n..m 'Goon xn.nl.n 2 d 2) `W Pa Sun.. wx / mo -.m 'Erw,,..e 06 PS. Mru Spr / Y M+.nicn x.�i IJ xx Ounq Pnw B: / e, n.y. 12 rin. xm.Y.w,l / EP.6'Ifn vucrlM. v. -..us '9K.Ii ] PB ...s— —L—s (PEES - 1. 16 [GS Cao- G..n Sp«a / pnm p � C652 Cawae. Gam Spec. / YaM JI BPs« . swan /Paw gwxn-°S.� 6 21 ,w 2 z. K IXEEs - ^.� wnw xwxl/ •n. q:ma. YI..,: lG.mp rwml EGI ions Cmxw. x..lnwn. / Cr.lrg., w,q. 'Mmn 5' BB ♦ Gm NW, 'w.ekali WC v.ml p«o- Gm / u.W, Wxwxx. „ m 26 CAC C.mp:l .m. G.rw.p.,n / v.u..wn v.ouxn 1rr.r Cwnp«E A — x041-W.xPPCS W P°.x $.H.PSfdC usx 0u.xnlx5 N MF [MxE 0p . GSG4 -SEE SKCE 11 EOP u0wx4xE R.NBIY. uSl estwoodit&S',"0S&*et,ha. I ,, �'• I �.."-. I „�,,,_ _� I r p—E. D.R.D Horton r. 1 n rKr. x,-u.S.,. ...: xr x, xry Ir Ofi/0V� IBW 11MKenbriM Cnux Suire 100 Iv vilk W, mW. S`INI Evergreen Detail Tree Detail EXHIBIT G Zimmer Farms 08/09/05 9P., 11 a 12 Phase 4 Preliminary I Landscape Plan Monument & Fencing Details - Project Entry Monument Scale: P' = 2 "r `••""""'�"` , `�"""� `.a.I Monument & Fencing Details - Column & Post Details Scale: h = 2, Plant List - Entry Monument a e. x -m.1-12 w .i� n� I "__�._ _ Westwood Prderwrkil Servicer.Inc .�,_,.. , me .. �'�"" r..e,.a - I D.R. Horton .n... s, „s.,n .. •. r ""'k —.— ._-- rse�,bre � mneo rc.nnr�e�, c .. sw�e ria e, M�nnevwa g51p1 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL W IeY f,ee �I 6aL ,]1}-1166 EXHIBIT H rtes/or/os s...e�u a. u Zimmer Farms Phase 4 Monument Details do I Monument Landscape -. ..:_..-..... Details Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Residential Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Dave Klee, D.R. Horton Fran Hagen II, P.E. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Shane M. Nelson, P.E. Date: August 31, 2005 Proposed Development: Zimmer Farms Phase 4 / Zimmer Farms 5th Addition Street Location of Property: A portion of the W '/2 of Section 31, T121, R23, north of CSAH 37 and east of Maciver Ave NE. Applicant: Dave Klee D.R. Horton 26860 Kenbridge Court, Suite #100 Lakeville, MN 55044 Developer: D.R. Horton Owners of Record: D.R. Horton Purpose: Zimmer Farms Phase 4 is a proposed townhouse residential development in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. Zimmer Farms 5th Addition is a proposed 24 unit townhouse development within the preliminary plat of Zimmer Farms Phase 4. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Permits Required: NPDES (but not limited to) Page 1 CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W333MGPT\ot2311RVW1.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW — ZIMMER FARMS PHASE 4 SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY STREETS PRELIMINARY PLAT TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SUMMARY AND/OR RECCOMENDATION FINAL PLAT REVIEW — ZIMMER FARMS 5T" ADDITION FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET OVERALL PLAN SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN STORM SEWER AND STREET PLAN DETAILS GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS HYDROLOGY SPECIFICATIONS OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Page 2 CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W333MGPT\ot231 1 RVW1.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plans for Zimmer Farms Phase 4, dated 8/01/05, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Final Plat for Zimmer Farms 5th Addition, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Construction Plans for Zimmer Farms 5th Addition, 8/16/05, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Construction Plans for Zimmer Farms 1 st-41h Additions, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Storm Sewer Design Calculations, 8/15/05 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Preliminary Plat for Zimmer Farms, 7/15/04, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan for Zimmer Farms, sheets 4,5,7, & 8 revision 9/15/04, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Hydrology Report for Zimmer Farms, 4/14/04 revision, by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. City of Otsego Engineering Manual Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed, February 2003 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 Page 3 CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W333MGPT\ot231 1 RVW1.doc PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW - ZIMMER FARMS PHASE 4 SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY 1. No comments. STRFFTS 1. The location of the private cul-de-sac appears awkward. Consider relocating the cul- de-sac closer to the south property line. 2. Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum radius of 50'. 3. 62nd Street NE (Street 2) shall be constructed to the east plat line. PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. All plans shall be certified by a professional engineer and/or registered land surveyor. 2. Street 2 shall be renamed 62nd Street NE. 3. Property lines for adjoining property shall be shown. Property shall be identified by name and ownership. TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE 1. Access will be provided to the proposed subdivision via existing Maciver Avenue NE and Marlowe Avenue NE. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 1. A sanitary sewer stub shall be provided to the east plat line along 62nd Street NE. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1. A watermain stub shall be provided to the east plat line along 62nd Street NE. 2. A watermain stub shall be provided to the property to the east along the most southerly east -west street. 3. A watermain loop shall be provided for the units south of Street 7. We would recommend adding a line west of Blocks 6A, 7A, and 8A. SUMMARY AND/OR RECCOMENDATION We recommend approval contingent to the above comments. Page 4 CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W333MGP1'\ot2311RVW1.doc FINAL PLAT REVIEW - ZIMMER FARMS 5T" ADDITION FINAL PLAT Label 62nd Street NE. CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET No Comments. OVERALL PLAN (SHEET 2) Sidewalk shall be installed on the north side of 67th Street NE to tie into the proposed sidewalk being constructed with the Remington Coves subdivision. Credit will be given for the cost of constructing said sidewalk. Please add this to the plans for this project. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLAN (SHEETS 3-4) Sanitary sewer and watermain stubs shall be provided to the east property line along 62nd Street NE. 2. The construction limits are not clearly depicted. 3. Label watermain plugs where needed. 4. Depict future utilities differently than proposed utilities. STORM SEWER AND STREET PLAN (SHEETS 5-6) The construction limits are not clearly depicted. 2. Type B618 curb and gutter is required for medium and high density. Please revise. 3. 62nd Street NE shall be constructed to the east plat line. Type III barricades will be required at the plat line. 4. Add a note to "Sawcut existing bituminous prior to placing base course and mil existing bituminous prior to placing wear course to provide vertical joints" when connecting to existing streets. 5. A minimum slope of 1 % in all directions is required on bituminous pavement. At intersections where 1 % is not provided, cross gutters will be required. 6. Call out length of flared end section in "Profile A" and "Profile B". Page 5 C:\Documents and Settings\Tauri\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W333MGPT\ot2311 RVW1.doc DETAILS (SHEET 7) Many additional details or City of Otsego Standard Plates are needed. GRADING, DRAINAGE, AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS Submit a Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan. STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS No comments. HYDROLOGY REPORT No comments. SPECIFICATIONS Submit specifications for review. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent on the above comments. 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