01-03RESOLUTION 2001-03 SUPPORT OF INTERCHANGE ON INTERSTATE 94 IN THE CITY OF DAYTON WHEREAS; the City of Otsego is located in the northwest metro region of the Twin Cities, WHEREAS; many types of development, including residential, commercial, industrial, retail, recreational, etc., have become a reality in the northwest metro region of the Twin Cities, WHEREAS; proper development requires efficient, safe, and practical transportation routes to adequately provide for the movement of people, goods, and services, WHEREAS; it is extremely important to plan for efficient, safe, and practical transportation routes, WHEREAS: the City of Dayton has identified a future interchange to be built along Interstate 94, at the crossing of Brockton Lane/Hennepin County Road 13/Old Highway 101, eventually linking the interchange to a north -south corridor leading to a future Mississippi River crossing. NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED THAT; we, the City of Otsego, fully support the City of Dayton's efforts to plan for and construct an interchange along Interstate 94 in the future. RESOLUTION DECLARED PASSED this 8th day of January, 2001. -Ago# Mayorc'Otsego tt st: Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator