09-19-05 PCIr ITEM 3.1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4500 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Shives/Daniel Licht DATE: 13 September 2005 RE: Otsego — Boeshans 2nd Driveway CUP FILE NO: 176.02 — 05.31 BACKGROUND Dale Boeshans of 14814 92nd Circle NE has installed a second driveway to access a detached accessory garage to the rear (north) of the single family dwelling and attached garage. The property is zoned R-3, Residential — Long Range Urban Service District. Section 20-21-4.H.1 1.d of the Zoning Ordinance requires approval of a conditional use permit for installation of more than one access to a public street for single family lots within the R-3 District. No CUP has been issued for construction of the second driveway and the applicant received an Administrative Notice for violation of the Zoning Ordinance. In responding to the Administrative Notice, the applicant is requesting approval of the necessary CUP to allow for the second property access. The CUP application is to be evaluated in consideration of regulations concerning driveway design outlined in Section 20-21-4.H of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Certificate of Survey C. Photograph of Site ANALYSIS Second Access. Section 20-21-4.H.1 1.d(2) of the Zoning Ordinance provides that lots within the R-3 District be allowed not more than two (2) accesses per property by conditional use permit. The decision as to approval of the CUP is to be based on the following criteria: 1. There is a demonstrated need for more than one (1) lot access due to physical site constraints (soils, steep slopes, significant vegetation, ponds or wetlands) or the location of the existing principal buildings. Comment: The applicant has constructed a detached accessory garage in the rear of his property, which was approved by the City's Building Department. Due to the location and orientation of the accessory garage, the only logical driveway access would be that of a second driveway accessing off of Ogren Avenue NE as currently exists. 2. The lot shall have a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) feet of frontage to a public street. Comment: The subject site is a corner lot with 190 feet of frontage to 92nd Circle where the driveway to the attached garage is located and approximately 282 feet of frontage along Ogren Avenue NE. The second driveway access is located on the Ogren Avenue frontage. 3. The location of all access points shall be subject to compliance with Section 20- 21-4.H.7 of the Zoning Ordinance and approval of the City Engineer and the County Engineer when applicable. Comment: The location of the proposed driveway is shown to be more than five feet from a side lot line and more than 60 feet from an intersection of two streets as required by the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The design of the lot access shall conform to the specifications established by the Engineering manual. Comment: Because the subject property is located within a single-family subdivision the maximum access width within the right-of-way shall not exceed thirty (30) feet. The driveway does not appear to be more than 12 feet wide, but the applicant must verify this as a condition of approval. 5. A lot having access from two public streets (in the case of a corner lot or double frontage lot) may incur additional costs related to street improvement projects benefiting the property. 2 Comment: The subject property is located on a corner lot and the property owner shall be responsible for additional costs related to street improvement projects benefiting the property as a condition of approval. Surfacing. Residential single family uses located upon lots platted after 1 January 1992 must have driveways surfaced with asphalt, concrete, cobblestone or paving brick in accordance with the regulations of Section 20-21-4-H.12.b of the Zoning Ordinance. The existing second access is currently surfaced with gravel and does not comply with this requirement. As a condition of approval, the second driveway access must be paved with an approved material. CUP Criteria. In addition to the specific performance standards applicable to the allowance of a second driveway, the Planning Commission must also consider the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan establishes policies requiring the number of accesses to public streets is to be minimized to balance property access with proper traffic management, land use compatibility and to avoid private improvements within public rights-of-way. The existing location and orientation of the accessory garage structure demonstrates a need for the second access. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is located in a subdivision of one acre single family lots with minimum widths of at least 150 feet. The establishment of a second driveway will be compatible with the surrounding land uses, given that they are all single family residential lots of at least one acre in area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The design and location of the second driveway shall conform to all applicable Zoning Ordinance and Engineering Manual performance standards. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The second driveway is not anticipated to have any effect upon the area in which it is located. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 3 Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed second driveway is not anticipated to generate any additional traffic impacting Ogren Avenue NE. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. RECOMMENDATION The applicant has submitted necessary information and has made a good case for the need for a second driveway on his property. There are a few minor modifications the applicant must fulfill before the CUP can be granted. We recommend approval of the CUP as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a CUP allowing a second driveway located at 14814 92nd Circle NE subject to the following conditions: 1. The width of the second driveway must adhere to regulations of Section 20-21- 4.1-1.7 which require it to be 30 feet or less and the specifications of the Engineering Manual, subject to approval of City Staff. 2. Per regulations outlined in Section 20-21-4-H.12.b, the second driveway must be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, cobblestone or paving brick. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. PC. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Ron Wagner, City Engineer Karee Rowell, Deputy City Clerk Dale Boeshans Andy MacArthur, City Attorney 0 ITEM 3.2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Great River Centre; MRD Outlot A REPORT DATE: 14 September 2005 APPLICATION DATE: 30 August 2005 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.30 CITY FILE: 2005-54 BACKGROUND Terra Development, Inc. has submitted plans for development of 55,300 square feet of commercial retail, restaurant and office uses within three buildings at the southeast corner of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and 88th Street. The 17.46 acre subject site is currently undeveloped and used for agriculture crops and is platted as Outlot A of MRD Commercial Addition. The applicant previously submitted a concept plan for the abutting 90 acres to the south illustrating development of similar uses, but which did not specifically address the subject site. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial use and it is zoned A- 1, Agriculture Rural Service District, R-3, Residential Long Range Urban Service District and B-3, General Business District. The applicant is requesting a Zoning Map amendment to establish a PUD, Planned Unit Development District and a PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat. Exhibits: A. Site Location E. Building Floorplans and Elevations B. Site Plan/Preliminary Plat F. Utility Plan C. Landscape Plan G. Grading Plan D. Street Section Plans H. Stormwater Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. The proposed development plan describes general retail, restaurant and office commercial uses to occupy the three buildings within the subject site. These uses are most appropriate at this location as the Comprehensive Plan designates the area surrounding the intersection of CSAH 39 and Parrish Avenue as the City's primary commercial area. The B-3, General Business District allows for the widest possible range of commercial uses appropriate for this area of the City. However, the proposed development plan illustrates unique lot configurations, shared accesses to public streets and anticipated cross parking arrangements. For these reasons, we recommend establishment of a PUD District to allow for the proposed development. The uses allowed within the PUD District will be the same as provided for by the B-3 District. Establishment of a PUD District for the subject site is to be evaluated based upon (but not limited to) the criteria set forth by Section 20-3-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan identifies the area surrounding the intersection of CSAH 39 and Parrish Avenue as the City's primary commercial center. The proposed development is consistent with the objectives for establishment of a wide range of commercial uses to service local and regional patrons. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the existing/planned uses shown in the table below. The proposed development presents no compatibility issues with these uses. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Commercial Institutional B-3 District INS District Bank Church East NA NA TH 101 South Commercial A-1 District Agriculture West Commercial A-1 District Undeveloped S:-- Famil 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed development will conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and specific PUD Development Stage Plan approvals. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 2 Comment: The proposed development is an expansion of commercial business opportunities within the City utilizing available City infrastructure and expanding the City's tax base for a positive overall effect. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed use will generate additional traffic that has been studied as part of an AUAR for this area of the City. Improvements to major roadways within the area will be programmed to accommodate increasing levels of traffic. The capacity of roadways serving this area is adequate for this phase of the development. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City=s service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is utilizes in-place City infrastructure intended to allow for this type and intensity of development. No negative impacts to City infrastructure or services are anticipated. Lot requirements. The proposed preliminary plat consists of three lots, one for each principal building and public right-of-way. Minimum lot area and width requirements do not apply to a PUD District with their size and arrangement dependent upon requirements defined as part of the PUD District or other applicable performance standards (off-street parking requirements). Setbacks. The table below illustrates the typical setback requirements and those proposed by the development plan at the perimeter of the subject site: Parrish 88 St. Future Side Parking Ave. 87th St. ROW Side B-3 District 30' 30' 30' 20' 10' 5' Proposed 40' 5' na NA 20' na The proposed setbacks are generally the same as would be required in the B-3 District based on the orientation of the buildings and proposed uses. Building C, which is a two story office building, is moved to within five feet of the right-of-way for 88th Street at its northwest corner. This location encroaches into a required 10 foot drainage and utility easement and City staff recommends that the building be moved or its design altered to allow for a 10 foot setback. Also, the drive aisle to the west of Building A is within 10 3 feet of the Parrish Avenue property line. The width of the drive aisle should be reduced to provide greater space between the property line and back of curb, subject to City staff approval for adequate turning radii for service vehicles. Building Design. Plans for the floor plan and elevation of the three buildings have been submitted. Each building has a unique design, Zoning Ordinance defined "Class A" commercial materials and colors to provide good variety in the character of the development. Responding to initial comments by City staff, the applicant has added additional roof, pergola and trellis elements in order to break up and create more interest in the street -side elevations of Buildings A and B. Landscape Plan. A landscape plan illustrating plantings along Parrish Avenue and 88th Street as well as within the development has been submitted. The proposed landscape plan provides for a good mix of streetscape plantings and screening elements along Parrish Avenue. An estimate for the cost of materials and installation must be submitted with a final plat application for inclusion as a security amount within the development contract. Parrish Avenue. The developer has submitted a proposed street section design for Parrish Avenue based on the traffic analysis completed as part of the ALIAR. The submitted site plan illustrates a 130 foot right-of-way (one-half or 65 feet to be dedicated by this plat) for future Parrish Avenue to accommodate two through lanes in each direction and two left bound turn lanes for southbound traffic at 85th Street and 87th Street. The proposed street section design is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer and Wright County. Right-of-way for Parrish Avenue is only shown on the site plan and must also be shown on the preliminary plat. Access. The subject site accesses from three connection points to 88th Street. We note that 88th Street will likely be limited to future right-in/right out access based on NEWC Transportation Plan spacing requirements. Along 88th Street, the two westerly accesses to the subject site do not align properly with existing driveways on the north side of the street. City staff recommends that the site plan is revised such that the most westerly access is limited to right -in traffic only. This modification will facilitate vehicles trying to utilize the drive through lane on the west side of Building A without interfering with vehicles parking in the area of Buildings A and B. The center access to the main shared drive aisle for the three lots must be realigned with the driveway to Christ Lutheran Church on the north side of 88th Street or the Church driveway reconstructed to align with the intersection proposed on the submitted site plan. The location of the easterly most access point should also be reviewed to ensure that adequate opportunity exists for additional driveways across the street. Quaday Avenue and 87th Street will be extended with development of Outlot A. 87th Street will be spaced to allow for a full intersection with Parrish Avenue based on NEWC Transportation Plan spacing guidelines. The Engineering Manual specifies an 80 foot right-of-way for commercial streets, whereas Outlot A leaves only 30 feet for the north half of the roadway. The preliminary plat must be revised to provide adequate future right-of-way for 87th Street, subject to the City Engineer's review and approval. LI Off -Street Parking. The submitted site plan includes a calculation of required parking and we find these numbers to be accurate. The site plan requires 341 off-street stalls based on Zoning Ordinance requirements and 331 stalls are provided. The number of stalls provided is 97.1 percent of the number required. A 2.9 percent reduction in required parking for anticipated business interchange and off -set peak business times is acceptable. Additional stalls may be constructed along the south side of 88th Street east of the main site entrance at such time as Quaday Avenue is extended to the south and streetscape improvements are made in conjunction with the development of the abutting site to the south. Cross access and parking easements are required to be submitted with a final plat application. Circulation throughout the site appears adequate, although a revised site plan illustrating truck turning radii is requested. We do recommend that the north entrance to Lot 1 from the north -south driveway be revised to provide a four way intersection. Currently the parking aisle west of this entry is off -set to the south requiring vehicles to be making turning movements while in the intersection. We also recommend that the exit to the drive through and service area west of Building A at its southwest corner be restricted to one lane to prevent west bound traffic along the front of Building B from entering this area. Sidewalks/Trails. The submitted site plan illustrates sidewalks along the main internal drive aisles within the site to allow pedestrian access without walking in driveways or parking areas. A sidewalk connection is also shown from the front of Building B to Parrish Avenue to connect with a future trail. The site plan must be revised to provide for a sidewalk along the south side of 88th Street. Signage Plan. No specific sign plans have been submitted other than what is illustrated generally on the proposed building elevations. One area of flexibility required from the standard provisions of Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance is allowance of signs on both the east and west sides of Building A. This arrangement of signs on two sides of the building allows for business identification to traffic on Parrish Avenue as well as at the front of the building. The City has made an allowance for signs on two sides of a building in the past under similar circumstances. All other sign issues must conform to Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. Lighting Plan. No lighting plan for the proposed site plan has been submitted. A lighting plan illustrating the location of all proposed exterior light sources, identifying the type of light fixture and its illumination pattern is required to determine compliance with Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. Light fixtures to be installed along 88th Street or other public right-of-way shall be consistent with the City's standard fixture. The lighting plan is to be subject to City staff review and approval. Trash. The submitted building elevations illustrate provision of interior or integral trash rooms within the structures such that no detached enclosures will be necessary. Easements. Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires a 10 foot easement at the perimeter of all lots within the preliminary plat. A ten foot easement is required to be shown along the Parrish Avenue and 88th Street property lines and also the south lot line of Lot 2. The preliminary plat illustrates a drainage and utility easement over the north -south drive aisle for utilities extended to serve Building B. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grad i ng/Stormwater Plan. A grading plan and stormwater pollution prention plan have been submitted and are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Utility Plan. A utility plan for connection to sanitary sewer and water utilities within 88th Street has been submitted and is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Consistent with City policies, approval of a preliminary plat does not guarantee access to sanitary sewer and water service. Sanitary sewer and water service is only guaranteed to projects with approved final plats. Applicable SAC and WAC fees are to be paid at the time of building permit approval based upon the definition of each tenant space. We do note however, that the City has more than adequate capacity available for commercial users within the expanded east waste water treatment plant. Park Dedication. Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires commercial subdivisions to dedicate 10 percent of the gross area of the plat or pay a cash fee in lieu of land of $7,000 per gross acre for park and trail dedication purposes. No land is proposed to be dedicated for parks from the subject site. The required cash fee in lieu of land for the proposed subdivision is $122,150.00. We recommend that payment of the park dedication requirements be deferred until such time as the timing and costs for construction of Parrish Avenue and extension of Quaday Avenue are made that may result in credits to the developer. Development Contract. Prior to City Council consideration of a final plat for the proposed subdivision, the applicant is required to execute a development contract with the City. The development contract is prepared by the City Attorney and is subject to City staff approval. RECOMMENDATION The proposed development plan for Outlot A of the MRD Commercial Addition is well designed and a positive start to the overall plans for the Great River Centre that will ultimately include the abutting 90 acres to the south. The establishment of a PUD District to facilitate the proposed development allows for an integrated, functional commercial center and is consistent with the City's past practices for other commercial developments. As such, our office recommends approval of the proposed applications as outlined below, subject to additional comments by other City staff. 9 POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 —Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Ordinance amendment establishing a PUD District for land to be included within the Great River Centre Preliminary Plat based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — PUD Development Stage Plan/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary Plat for Great River Centre, subject to the following conditions: Approval of a preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer and water service which is only guaranteed to projects with approved final plats. Applicable SAC and WAC fees are to be paid at the time of building permit approval based upon the definition of each tenant space. 2. The uses allowed within the PUD District will be the same as provided for by the B-3 District. 3. Setbacks applicable to the PUD District shall be as follows: Parrish Ave. 88 St. Future 87th St. Btwn. Bldgs. Parking ROW Side 30' 10' 10' 20' 10' 1 5' 4. Right-of-way dedication and street section designs for Parrish Avenue shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer and Wright County. Right-of-way to be dedicated shall be shown on the preliminary plat and all other development plans. 5. Outlot A shall be revised to be of sufficient width to provide for the north 40 feet of future 87th Street. 6. The westerly access to the subject site from 88th Street shall be revised as right -in only. 7. The center access to the subject site from 88th Street shall be revised to align with the existing driveway to Christ Lutheran Church or the driveway to the Church reconstructed to align with the proposed site access. 7 8. An estimate for the cost of materials and installation of the landscape plan must be submitted with a final plat application for inclusion as a security amount within the development contract. 9. Occupancy of the tenant spaces shall be subject to provision within the subject site of at least 90 percent of the number of parking stalls required by Section 21 of the Zoning Ordinance unless an amendment to the PUD Development Stage Plan is approved. 10. A revised site plan illustrating truck turning radii shall be submitted and is subject to review and approval by City staff. 11. The site plan is revised to align the intersection from the north -south driveway to be a four-way design. 12. The site plan at the southwest corner of Building A shall be revised such that the drive aisle west of Building A is restricted to south bound movement only. 13. The site plan shall be revised to provide a sidewalk along the south side of 88th Street. 14. A lighting plan identifying the type, location, height and illumination pattern of all exterior light sources shall be submitted and shall conform to Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. 15. A ten foot drainage and utility easement shall be established along Parrish Avenue, 88th Street and the south line of Lot 2. All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 16. All grading and stormwater management plans shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 17. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 18. Payment of a cash fee in lieu of land of $122,150.00 to satisfy park dedication requirements shall be deferred until such time as Outlot A is final platted or additional credits in favor of the developer are required. 19. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City agreeing to pay all fees and securities, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. 0 SEDDON ZINE ONE-WAY v Q J1 � RIGHT IN ONLY 88TH TT E N i, ALIGN ACCESS SAW cul uNE / o � � I � I 1 I I I I I I u I 1 I I I/,1' III /� OFFICE ._�` lJ'1 1.,. 0612 CURB AND GUTTER) C $ 24.800 SF _ E 1629' —fi1.0' ,d o � o 1910POSE0 310EWAU (rrncAL) _ I y r � PLANTER WALL 2ao'1IIh-F�,��I {I I}-I}®}I- f}}' {{? 1��}�-I}A� � • �. I - Vgo LL — lJ 1 1 1 1 II U 1 1 — 6x.0' ni a-oRAwAcc "o .g TYPICAL .b _AUTYTA 20' T7gCK T b �' o i ) . E199191G ft00D RAM -1 N b i i ________________� RETAIL / REST. - 18,800 SF B EASEMENT ) -E)U"NG 30• DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PROPOSED 130• RIGHT OF WAY LIMITS FOR CSAH 42 ALIGN INTERSECTION OUTLOT A III III/�_._.0 SITE DATA VARIORG CGu%T IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA SITE NOTES LEGEND AREA ST. (AGES)MBG B.F. PARKING COIMP LOT 1. 17122 S.F. ..9 - 15,410 S.F. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS TYPICAL FULL SIZE 90' PARKING LOT 1 120.779 (277) 17,122 132 ]OS RESTAURMT - 4,623 S F a .65 - 3,010/25 . 04 STALLS. 10.797 S.F. RETAIL O 4 PER 1600 SF.. Y STAB AND ELEVATIONS OF FASTING U71UTIES AND STALL IS 9' K 20' UNLESS OTHERWISE LOT x 91,49] (210) 13.024 110 TOTAL PARKING STALLS REQUIRED - 129. TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF SITE GRAENC. THE NOTED. unw U. LAt J 92083 (1.99) 12,307 Ml LOT 2 13A24 - 12.262 SF. NOTIFY CONTRACTEE SHALL MCREPANCI ALL CURB RADII SHALL 8E 5.0• I/4 Ycm, urE W -IH scKw LVA NT 3. 201E RESTAUIRANT - 3,679 S.f...65 - 2.]91/25 69 STALLS SF RETAIL 4 THE ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES llfl S UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Q11LOT 452792 (1639) - 4693 O PFA 1000 SF. 24 STALLS TOTAL PARANG STALLS RE REO � 102. VARIATIONS FROM THE PLANS. cSAN 42 ROW t3,Ne (0.31) - - ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN THE FACE ALL WPB AND GUTTER BE 8612 LOT 3, ST. 07 5 PER 2 - NT sF...s .22,153 S.F. 22.153 SF. • 5 PER1000 - 110 STALLS. OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. N UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. D, TOTAL PARKING 3rAL5 REQXRED .110. UR PEDESTRIAN RAMPS TO BE BUILDING DIMENSIONS REFER TO THE CONSTRUCTED AT ALL CURB \n OUTSIDE FACE OF BUILENG UNLESS CROSSINGS OF SIDEWALK. OUTSIDE NOTED. miller dunwiddie 'I I 123 Narlh Third S9eet Sulle 104 Minnoapoli. MN 55601-1657 P H2 -327-M 1 612-317-0031 OAHLGI:FN 1HARL1LOlti ANI)• LIBAN. yw DARE OUTLOT GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CSAR AL2 6 SIREN 3. NE Olwq., Mlnn.,ol. NOT FOR pONSTRUCTK)N —Y'—'•— r AYWwT as am _.__ PROPOSED Exwnw SIZE IAYOUI1. g EXHIBIT B-1 ° ° I I - It r7ra � PARISH AVE. N.E. NO( e F u/5.o-�is / 3St6 �■■ 0 s � � S z�z i yP e a. m m m m sg�q a 0� 0 1 C ry ,J a. m m m o m 0 0 ■1 0 3• C fig a. PLANT SCHEDULE an. aiwr iMS OVERSTORY O.E>bR ema MGMeS MOM Q 6m1.11®14� EVERGREEN elff6 nwlu aua6r6 Miller dunwiddie 123 North Third 51ree1 Sidle 104 M=P.. MN 55401-1657 www. dlerd—Wde.wm p dl2-337-= 1 612-337-0071 LANIterre -- 1 �6tira s7�66caw 141 M41M..el� LI NORTH 0 20 40 80 120 160 DARE OUTLOT GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CSNH 42 6 Uth 51. NE Olcego, Mlnneple I_ NO�pNSfRUC" wIM ®aEr.e.rrwrrr CONCEPT LANDSCAPE —N EXHIBIT C-1 _J r>-r_-sTz�m 4 i E liI IR o�n�� Izn2 P u t� T <CL '� O m rL Raise Section A — A /) valve e^ulewra La^e rNru Lanv rnru Lane Lane l.p^e Kealo^ rwru tone rlru L•n• Bau1•wro o CSAH 42 JS' 13' Right of Vay footprint 0 A -L Section 13-13 uureelot ^ LanelBru Lane rMu LeM ever Va1N 85TH STREET NE S' 13' I3' 13' Right of V•V Fmtp.int i l I aI l l t( t L ^K --- LLuJJ t 13 14' 11' s 11' ` 13' v y 13' IT h t t tIBEVALK — IT Intersection of CSAH 42 and 85th Street NE BOVLEVARB — � l3' IT y 13' I -- BOIILEVARB SIKVALK B 85th Street NE miller d"j widdi " 1231 11 Third S1 IS Ta 10.5 M' apolis NN 51401 1657 ille aR tlale.cnlr, p 11I 31/ ODUO 1 611-31/-0031 �� decrlopmepR iur. REX A.a. DARE OUILOT GREAT RIVER CENIRE OF OTSEGO OEVELOPMENI APPLICATION Cv faz a 8MM, 5,. NI oL,eeo. Mlnaesolx rpBISTRIlCT10N ou¢ ,KlFagr x4m ..prom C,.amr.w �wrarwea^..... 1RAFFIC INIERSECTION UETAIIS EXHIBIT D n -M-7;,:, "r•+ r. �+ _ ►i,.. n� I .:_�� ®�. _ 1� _ �� _.11 _1®_ Iv 1� �� _ _111_ 111711! 0 m m 23 24 '_•" IIII�®IL1S@&9�(I�I�;�il�7l9il��IE�II�`�,� w T NONTN ELEVATION - BUODINO A / s T WEST ELEVATION - BUILDING A KIEV NOTES 1 QMISMf ('17 �� PArItEO srFFloorn-� OMf (N' PInIrIEe SfFEL stauClWE.I 7; tsM� PNNrEo area sraunwn:3 (1>LSMa.se �'1T� �y)rsEF-. MErx rw..t i Sl IRt i� mar-. uErx mMz 7J w A09F3 (2V Inca (, j wwaw+reocEMEarnnusawwr � j;, anNncE (M�. Mw (%` sroaEFaoar.t 71; w -Pts( 3> amrs:Faarta w.tsw �sroaEEaaara u'� MIV.IOt V� eralEEawr. (� Mrs>ras IIEEGMPMIRIIL N U9, (/Mont AtplR III I$ miller dunwiddie s.n�rE6ru�re 123 Nath Third 51-1 Sues 106 Mk—po06MN SWI -1657 w r,IUrd.—Id&scan p 612-337-0000 1 612-XIMIDi DAH LGREN 5HARDLOW AND • UBAN. DARE OUTLOT GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION GSg11 42 6 88th Sc NE Otsego. Mlnnesola NOT FON CONSTRNCTION tPAMN sswscE wa oN FLOOD PIAN AND ELEVATIONS �� Q t{fl'PIAN [at ]FIADR PIAN-BDILDINGA TOTgI. GSF -I-16,590 EX-41BIT E-1 AN Ior m—Z— `AOIJ scNe. 6+'I�e z fTr7TTTr:9 :-rte 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 T drn; 0 Sol Iffm:1 r. gyrL m' S v■ } V �s Edi T drn; 0 Sol Iffm:1 r. gyrL m' E C----------------- - SE[ Lol Ept aeT.a - �PAtf xor ro "sr.o ND ZTEOLEVATgI 1=C R NEYNDTES {Dj C� YAGt f � �N) wu-rco srEEt sr-crussa �J) twsw Nerr. taws L rnoE.s IB EAST ELEVATION - BUN.DIND C 1 i10MfRONia I01 SCKE 0 !N', rwloow II I I 1 I 1 II I I I I I I fi axre a e ie T7 sure Lirw re I e II I I I 1 i II vL--�SECOND—RPIAN-BUNDNRIC TOTAL 6IF N-1tp1A m �--�- N ` '7nASOUTH ELEVATION - BUILOINGC ? A� \ND/ DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CSAN A2 6 "M St. NE Otsego. MlnMsata 11 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I k NOT FOR � �� CONSTRDCTION � I I I I � TM1DSOt El _ — [ouv TEwwr Dens N BUILDING C – – — – – – -- – _ FLOON PIANS AND ELEVATIONS 11 I I I I I I I A03 EXHIBIT E-3 A FIRST iLOOR PIAN-BUNDWDC TOTALOSF N-ti,aTB MAN �'���.■ t.' � .��� 1 -- it � i � f _� I� ry - 1 y !A i • ■ v v ' Cts d� I �, �! , • 'm �� OL1 r oili 11 � � �. •kms �� DAH LGREN SHARDLOW AND • UBAN. / N pEASPEC11VE6-RMW A ®PENSPECTIVE6 NMa116uMoklp, 11 7106 •o„osua M5 nur to waa a PERSPECIME6 -RAW 6WIMI B �p PFNSPECTIVE7 - RMW BW I.96 7a ,a.,oM... A75 - miller dunwiddie 123 Nw1h T6H Sh4 SU M 106 MW-poWMN 56101-1667 rw .JU,d Mdd..— p 612.927-0000 1 6127-0671 1 DAHLGREN SHARDLOW AND • UBAN. DARE OUTLOT GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CSAN t2 6 BBI SL ilE OMe6o, Mlnncante w dr nryir 1(IOi iHY�M QMM 6'BIfPfiL71YFS EXHIBIT E.S xM-90!00 `/ w x Y SAN AN \ MH > 1 IN -845.07 E SAN w I miller dunwiddie CoECT to 003 SMI —0.01 IN Pw-N 1. �/ u1rJnE.c1V9E WM e• PIG,( —so., 1N 1 IYpP [( -91a. CONNECT A Ew31N0 w/vAL\E �- •` - 123 NMA Third SI,Y Suite I W Q _P� _.._ - _—_ `j Minneepolu MN%QI-165] CONNECT A EbsONG I 1/ www-ODDOrdunwidWwcan • N.E. 88TH ST"• 5M.p612-ll]-W00161I-337-0031 r�3 ■ s »LSN-no sTw-Im __ °�50YY�11 _ L SIW-111 » — . A C 0 Iwo' -)OFFICE/ ��` C �- SCALE IN FEET RE -1 slue-AlA 24,600 SF r' x(s7-e�9.o9 FFE=865.50 F �� r I - IT E�_eso.aD ®IIx -1A o 1.':� o 0 1 1 Le — IN., INllw 4444 8• CAIS CBYx-IJ0 I a I JT-a•BENC Dw % ®N-JOo - i I� ■■ '��''I�;Fa^' I2 -7 I ■llfE StIN-nu 1I11T— S■S■ as ff{i{ii L 1 1 A Y calix -]N ' �� caaNECT ro EnsrwG = -••• t� YANNOIE MM 2)• qGP ] ■ t l N a O 0 I LOT 3 ; '- \`Lwl-m)..3. a - / \ p �1 OIANAfi MO ; // ]m�1N tl >) Yla1IW.N r t J 8 �( � UI%l1Y FASYFNT � / / S1YH-}IO 1 / 1 \ i{/�• \• ]a )ll a] 1141117Y-I(µ�I - 211 /11 \ ]IIID M' V K I I I _ CBIu1-1 r0 _ _ _ ) / EXISTNG ROOD PLAN) b lJ N 1 ki 1 1 / - 0, '3211 \ \ G ]ble„] NI Y M3.YIYr.M tl t N I1J 43'-6 / T 1 _ CBYN J20 ■p I ,(�( IF'TI \ ...yrs I qu u e]'_6• P SNB IE- IU/` ]IO y9I a LcoPE uwl Nv-I e 0 t5 x e•xGa•ARTE \�II e'%9PCBPH-ISO su \ ]s li 110tl WIN, NYONu w/VALE 10 IWaIa• T[ OT 2 N—AN,w/V.VE 16104, i44OW — DARE OUTLOicwxcr TO E4_ 9]8• E W WN O U- 24' W]GREAT RIVER CENT REwW M� .IDI d ___ IXYI-laD 011-2]D�� d� J \ YI'2a9 2) 11 -1r ala,b i _ 1 --- '�" --- I _ __°•av ---- M1a \ Y9i lm u N 9e■wwm OF OTSEGO » 1 TD ENs xc s' GME% VAIYOT AEPPLICA7MIONT IZ• wN a• \E N' -a• YP 21V_ ' IrWi lA Y 1 I3 M1a M1m I \V IN�Im 1]1I N 9YM Mq 1-12 a 11. 51. NE �/ 86�gE-YSO SNUB -IAA SNB -18M Y!-a71t2 NO\; Im Y 13 W.m OYtl Olae6o, Nlnnewla t RETAIL /REST. p• °''O IE(Nlsss.tl 13.600 SF 0• SAN sTXl EASEMENT Y I la Ma�O X09.% �°-elE.—M % OUTLOT A IE-ese.n slue IE -Borax tmi lY all Y Yam YaY FFE=866.00 \ No, .Y WAe 1 a \�� Ibi 119 O b w.mu - - _.- 3 lm Y m Von- HIM, b W.0 14. OTTRUFOR 1 IIY, 111 Y i 1] Y1m YIM [ CONSCTION l Y1Yi.1■ \ I'm D, Y1 11 Y1 tl'Yl■ ■ \ /a IU OI N M1.N W W 1 � 111.1N uli IL WN W.N M..., I Im�lao 1m Y w.le wY ere AuauaT m, m91 WY WN P91.w Aw UTILITY NOTES - LEGEND CONTRA TOR SHALL FIELD TOPOGRAPHIC LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SCATCHUMPS BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE A IIERMUIM a 7.5 FEET ER COYER IS REWIRED OVER ALL PROPOSED OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC EFEATURESTRPRIOR TO SUMPEO 0.15 FEET. ALL CATCH BRIM ELEVATIONS CUTTERS SHALL BE WA REQUIRED ,UNLESS IN AMI IM NOTED. EXTRA VERTICAL MAY BE —1— SAE NRM PLAN THE COMMENCEMENT O SITE GRADING. THE CONTRACTOR SUMPED 0.15 FEET PER ECTASU RIM ELEVATIONS $HONN ON REWIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 18' VERTICAL Imvll w/ v/uw OM y, SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES THIS PLAN IT NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS. SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM SEWER LINES. ON VARIATIONS FROM THE PLANS REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR CURRENT HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONS A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 ALLAT"EXISTING UTILITY IDEATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. ) FOR AND LAYOUT. FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS REWIRED FOR ALL —»— CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' (651XCAVATI 02) FOR UTILITIES, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. UTILITY 1W TY LOCATIONS, N HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. ALL WATER PIPE TO BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE (D.I.P.) CLASS 52 1wwlaAr rY¢uaN w w. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE TO BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE 0 WATER MAIN. SANITARY SEWER e: STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION (P.V.C.) SDR 35 UNLESS OTHERYSE NOTED. vN..w,. ■ ■ SHALL CONFORM TO THE CURRENT EDITION OF .STANDARD ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BALL _ SPECAFICAT10N FOR WATER MAN AND SERVICE LINE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERYSE NOTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AS -BUILT PLANS THROUGHOUT EXHIBIT F INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND SUBMIT THESE PLANS TO ENGINEER UPON wPAB m" — INSTALLATION' AS PREPARED BY ME CITY ENGINEERS TYPICAL HYDRANT CONSISTS OF: HYDRANT, GATE VALVE. 2.5' COMPLETION OF WORK. 9.1AxrY rAWC nuwvN — ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA. OF 6• DIP WATERMAIN AND ANY HYDRANT E%TENSoN. uxowvuw�cAw[ INtVyul _— __ _ HYDRANT EXTENSIONS SHALL BE INCIDENTAL. STORM SEWER MATERIAL SHALL BE HOPE OR RCP. — CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT MATERIAL REQUEST TO ENGINEER ---� FOR ACCEPTANCE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. — ■Y+685.10 INV+656.. E INV+85).0 5 �. 12•R �\ __._ _J_6 � I N.E. 88TH ST.ZE I — III Y< , 6S ua y ■ UJ Ht t Lu F ^ LL u ee4.00�Ti✓)— 100 _ ��' _ 66100 niiiiiiiiiii O o T I RETAIL / REST. 13,600 SF 1 FFE=666.00 I I O T'CW NV -666.8) I wY.e6Ja6 •, I miller dunwiddie �wY.65195E • �� -` I Ae•IRit111e[ wV-656.0 6 - •. 1 n' RCP / '• 171 Na1N18k11I.4e1 SuILe 100 i MMReyeIYMN 66181-1667 -' f ■w■IRM14r■nM0•eAN• 113-m-0668 1 617-777-0071 ) ee ER61Rif. eL000 HN1 IRE -seas .so 9LT iFNCE OUTLOT A RN s,. W FAT CA `-- ' 4frw/o Ax•R i,.%! L —am 6'Rrn GRADING NOTES 1 0 I HV�V •66I. RCP so 00 'fi2.13 )J NE THE SITE GRADING OPERATIONS, MNEN CpAPLElEO, LEGEND PRDPoseo \\` ELEVATIONS I EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF SITE SHALL RESULT IN ALL AREAS BEING GRADED TO -PLAN •`, - III �+....�. u. u.wcu... • 125, xPo■.vnc mnm �_py—� IY ¢6wo _ _ _ _ _ _ SOEGRA01NGP1AN I \ Q GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR BUILDING AND PAVEMENT AREAS. THE 'PLAN SUCIGRADE ELEVATION' IN THE •� mRwR[� Y.n —' -- — ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE PARKING LOT ANDDRIVEWAY AREAS SHALL BE �% f1� APPROXIYATE. CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' (651-454-0002) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS DARE OUTLOT \ xamm GREAT RIVER CENTRE I\ � OF OTSEGO DEVELOPMENT � ALL SPOT ELEVATIdlS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE OR�� APPLICATION CSIYI 47 6 NIR 11. NE DEPTH (COMPACTED) TO ALL pSNRBED AREAS IC BE SODDED OR SEEDED. w..p•INn6e.M6 I` T ■ EXH161T G CONOT FOR fI NSTRUCTION E SITE PLAN FOR CURRENT HORIZONTAL SITE DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT.EXISTING GRADING NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND THE SITE GRADING OPERATIONS, MNEN CpAPLElEO, LEGEND PRDPoseo EMSTING TING ELEVATIONS I EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF SITE SHALL RESULT IN ALL AREAS BEING GRADED TO -PLAN TYxxRwc m mRM �.po--� GRADING. THECONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF 01SCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM SUBGRADE ELEVATION'. THIS 'PLAN SUBGRADE ELEVATION' SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH THE xPo■.vnc mnm �_py—� IY ¢6wo _ _ _ _ _ _ SOEGRA01NGP1AN THE PLANS. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR BUILDING AND PAVEMENT AREAS. THE 'PLAN SUCIGRADE ELEVATION' IN THE •� mRwR[� Y.n —' -- — ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE PARKING LOT ANDDRIVEWAY AREAS SHALL BE APPROXIYATE. CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' (651-454-0002) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS DETERMINED BY CHECKWG THE PAVEMENT SECTIONb NAILS AND REFERRING TO PAMNC PLAN FOR xmnm xamm PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. LOCATIONS AND UMITS OF VARIOUS PAVEMENT SECTIONS CONTRACTOR SHALL STRIP, STOCKPILE AND RE -SPREAD SUFFICIENT TOPSOIL i0 PROVIDE A MINIMUM 4 OUCH ALL SPOT ELEVATIdlS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE OR�� Ax DEPTH (COMPACTED) TO ALL pSNRBED AREAS IC BE SODDED OR SEEDED. GUTTER LINE GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. REFER TO rwnY enw ■ um,ww.>aRRYYYaE ewY Y.wla.E ■ EXH161T G SEE SHEET CG FOR EROSION CONTROL PLAN. SITE PLAN FOR CURRENT HORIZONTAL SITE DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT.EXISTING • Re o�io •/ M Rr e ° TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY SCHOEL ANO MAOSO MADSON.INC. t TTTZTTI-'rM o i? N.E. 88TH ST: '.. �lOR ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED 00RI110 lOFIA INLET Cama AT (TYPICAL)\ I �0-WAL) (REFER TO DETAIL). ALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE SURFACED WITH CRUSHED ROCK ACROSS TILL NO1H, FROM I I I I `• ENTRANCE PONT TO 75 FEET INTO CONSTRUCTION CONTROL DEVICES AS NECESSARY AND MUST BE REMOVED IF DESIGN CAPACITY HAS BEEN REDUCED ZONE (REFER TO DETAIL). BY 50% LOT 1 EROSION CONTROL FABRIC INSTALLED ON SLOPE PER MNDOT SPEC. 3885. VERIFY RESTORATION METHOD ANO TRAFFIC. SHALL BE MINIMIZED AND SWEPT ON A DAILY BASIS. I I ALL 01STURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED WITH E-a5a.0 (SEE OETAL) t1 1 SURFACE NTH 14 DAYS' I 40 /OT ' R, ` \ l jr II 1 \ AlIUNIRACTOp 10 TiCONS:'-TALL aFP. SFa.aD ALONG "AMM ears aIRI ECr AMOK f0 RMP. ASN /' 1 �\ ♦ \\`V' PENCE OUTLOT A ;\ 1 II Irl EROSION CONTROL NOTES ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL (HAY BALES OR PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF GRADING OPERATIONSAPPROVED EQUIVALENT) TO BE PLACED AROUND BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON THE SITE HAVE BEEN RESTORED. STORM SEWER STRUCTURES DURING CONSTRUCTION (REFER TO DETAIL). ALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE SURFACED WITH CRUSHED ROCK ACROSS TILL NO1H, FROM SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ALL SEDIMENT ENTRANCE PONT TO 75 FEET INTO CONSTRUCTION CONTROL DEVICES AS NECESSARY AND MUST BE REMOVED IF DESIGN CAPACITY HAS BEEN REDUCED ZONE (REFER TO DETAIL). BY 50% It�P1C ipP fUNI. ~\ SEDIMENT TRACKED OFF–SITE, AS A RESULT OF EROSION CONTROL FABRIC INSTALLED ON SLOPE PER MNDOT SPEC. 3885. VERIFY RESTORATION METHOD ANO TRAFFIC. SHALL BE MINIMIZED AND SWEPT ON A DAILY BASIS. gpr B ONII[I/ ALL 01STURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED WITH E-a5a.0 (SEE OETAL) SOD, SEED, WOOD FIBER BLANKET OR PAVED 1 SURFACE NTH 14 DAYS' 1 \ AlIUNIRACTOp 10 TiCONS:'-TALL aFP. SFa.aD ALONG "AMM ears aIRI ECr AMOK f0 RMP. ASN /' 1 �\ ♦ \\`V' PENCE OUTLOT A ;\ 1 II Irl EROSION CONTROL NOTES ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL (HAY BALES OR PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF GRADING OPERATIONSAPPROVED EQUIVALENT) TO BE PLACED AROUND BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON THE SITE HAVE BEEN RESTORED. STORM SEWER STRUCTURES DURING CONSTRUCTION (REFER TO DETAIL). ALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE SURFACED WITH CRUSHED ROCK ACROSS TILL NO1H, FROM SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ALL SEDIMENT ENTRANCE PONT TO 75 FEET INTO CONSTRUCTION CONTROL DEVICES AS NECESSARY AND MUST BE REMOVED IF DESIGN CAPACITY HAS BEEN REDUCED ZONE (REFER TO DETAIL). BY 50% ALL SLOPES 3.1 OR STEEPER, NOT TO BE SODDED AND GREATER THAN B FEET IN HEIGHT, SHALL HAVECONSTRUCTION SEDIMENT TRACKED OFF–SITE, AS A RESULT OF EROSION CONTROL FABRIC INSTALLED ON SLOPE PER MNDOT SPEC. 3885. VERIFY RESTORATION METHOD ANO TRAFFIC. SHALL BE MINIMIZED AND SWEPT ON A DAILY BASIS. SEED MIXTURE. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAMNG ALL 01STURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED WITH TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. SOD, SEED, WOOD FIBER BLANKET OR PAVED SEE SHEET C7 FOR SWPPP SEQUENCING, NOTES. AND DETAILS. SURFACE NTH 14 DAYS' _ � A TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASIN / '\ 1 DRAINAGE REWIRED PROPOSED TOP DF BASIN BOTTOM OF BASIN AREA STORAGE STORAGE ELEVATION ELEVAl10N ASIN 7.7 ACRE 'T'j–j]C)' RAS'—� 0�1 • BASED UPON 1800 CF/ACRE OF DRAINAGE. SEE PLAN FOR BASIN OWENSIONS. 1 1 Miller dunwlddie 1 1 1131 Mild S SuN.106 Mnn..,d MN 55601-1657 www.m u.,A,n1kAA ., P 61x-337-OXQ f 611-m7 amt terra [Al J .dp„ ,A ur,a a �.If. DARE OUTLOT GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION cuN a1 A ealn sl. NF oligo. Mmuwln NOTFOR Ir CONSTIRIICTION �„ TFAIem 0 i a w. MMeMr Tam STOflM WAIkfl I UTION PREVENTION PLAN EXHIBIT H Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Residential Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Tom Brown, Terra Development, Inc. Geoff Martin, Dahlgren Shardlow and Uban Daniel Green, Miller Dunwiddie Architecture Chris Carda, P.E. RLK Kuusisto LTD Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Shane M. Nelson, P.E. Brent M. Larson Date: September 14, 2005 Proposed Development: Great River Center of Otsego — Dare Outlot Street Location A portion of the NE'/4 of the NE'/4 of Section 22, T121, R23 of Property: and a portion of the NW '/4 of the NW '/a of Section 23, T121, R23. 17.46± acres, southwest of C.S.A.H. 42 and 88th Street N. E. Applicant: Tom Brown Developer: Terra Development, Inc. 21025 Commerce Blvd. Suite #900 Rogers, MN 55374 763-463-0289 Owners of Record: Appello Group, LLC Purpose: Great River Center of Otsego — Dare Outlot is a proposed retail commercial and office development on 17.46± acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Permits Required: NPDES (but not limited to) \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\ot2500GtRvrCntrRVW1.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE PRELIMINARY PLAT PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN WETLANDS PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM WATER SYSTEM SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT STREETS ENVIRONMENTAL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION \\Ha011Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\ot2500GtRvrCntrRVW1.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plat of Great River Center of Otsego -Dare Outlot, 8/30/05, by Miller Dunwiddie Architecture, Inc. Existing Condition Plan for Great River Center of Otsego -Dare Outlot, 8/30/05, by Miller Dunwiddie Architecture, Inc. Preliminary Site Grading Plan for Great River Center of Otsego -Dare Outlot, 8/30/05, by Miller Dunwiddie Architecture, Inc. Preliminary Utility Plan for Great River Center of Otsego -Dare Outlot, 8/30/05, by Miller Dunwiddie Architecture, Inc. City of Otsego Engineering Manual, 5/12/03 Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of the Otsego Creek Watershed, February 2003 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 Page 1 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\MunicipalWotsego22xx\2500\ot2500GtRvrCntrRVW1.doc SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY 1. No comments. TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE 1. Street intersection jogs with centerline offsets of less than 200' are prohibited. (21-7- 7.E) Please revise the two north -south streets intersecting 88th Street NE. Currently the alignment with the Bank driveway and Church driveway are unacceptable. 2. The accessibility to truck traffic is in question with regards to some of the 5.0' radii depicted at some of the delivery entrances. PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. Identify the current record owner(s). Provide the name, address, and contact phone number for the record owner(s) and any other applicants including land surveyors, engineers, architects, and developers. (21-6-2.A.3) 2. Existing zoning for land abutting the subdivision shall be shown. (21-6-2.B.2.) 3. Adjoining subdivided and unsubdivided land shall be identified by name and ownership. (21-6-2.B.6.) 4. A 10' minimum drainage and utility easement is required along all lot lines. The full (10') width is required when no easement exists on the adjoining parcel. (21-7-15.A.) 5. Additional R.O.W. shall be provided along C.S.A.H. 42. 75' from the centerline of C.S.A.H. 42 is required be Wright County. 6. The irregular lot lines are a concern. Please revise. 7. Additional drainage and utility easements are needed to cover the hydrants and all shared storm sewer. (Example, the storm sewer running along the southeast lot line of Lot 3 and connecting to the existing storm sewer on Quaday Avenue NE shall be covered. The storm sewer running through Lot 1 from Lot 2 shall be covered.) EXISTING CONDITIONS 1. Include the Existing Flood Plain symbol in the legend. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 1. The soil borings shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.8.) 2. Some of the spot elevations depict a crown in the street and others indicate a cross slope. Please verify and revise. Where only a single catch basin is depicted an Page 2 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\ot2500GtRvrCntrRVW1.doc additional catch basin will be required to pick up the street runoff on the opposite side of the street. 3. The existing inverts for the inverts of existing catch basins at the southeast end of Quaday Avenue NE are the same. Verify that there is no grade between these catch basins. 4. The street grade behind the Lot 1 building is incorrectly called out 0.07%. Please revise to 0.70%. 5. Please provide additional spot elevations along the parking areas in front of the three retail buildings. 6. The grades of 3.20% in the middle of the parking area for Lot 1 and Lot 2 are incorrect. Please review and revise. 7. Please provide proposed spot elevations and/or street grades for the street north of the Lot 1 building. WETLANDS 1. No comments. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 1. A sanitary sewer stub has been provided on the south side of 88th Street NE. Removal of the existing street is not required. The 8" sanitary sewer has been stubbed out approximately 74' @ 0.40% (to the R.O.W.) to the south of existing MH #20-1. The stub has an approximate elevation of 845.49. 2. Connecting to the existing sanitary sewer manhole at the southwest corner of the Lot 1 building with a sanitary sewer service will not be allowed. Instead, extending the sanitary sewer line around from the connection at 88th Street NE shall provide the service to Lot 1's building. 3. Connecting sanitary sewer services directly to manholes is not allowed. 8"x 6" wyes shall be used for all service connections. 4. There appears to there is less than the minimum 18" required separation between the sanitary sewer and watermain crossing north of San MH B. Currently there is only approximately 0.5'. 5. Please note that SDR 26 PVC pipe is required for all sanitary sewer services and fittings. Page 3 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\ot2500GtRvrCntrRVW1.doc WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 1. A watermain stub has been provided on the south side of 88th Street NE. Removal of the existing street is not required. The 8" watermain with a plug has been stubbed out approximately 84' (to the R.O.W) to the south of the existing 12"x 8" cross. An 8" gate valve has already been placed on this stub. Connection with another valve in not needed. 2. Hydrant coverage is insufficient. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 300 ft. in commercial, industrial or high-density residential areas. 3. The 16" DIP watermain is incorrectly called out a 12" DIP in the note "connect to existing 12" DIP..." at the northwest corner of Lot 2 building along C.S.A.H. 42. Please revise. 4. The method of connecting to the existing 16" and 12" watermain shall called out. For both connections a wet tap connection shall be made. 5. Two additional gate valves are required. Please locate one on each side of the 8"x 6" tee to Lot 2 building. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 1. Provide storm water runoff calculations. The 100 -yr flood must not peak within 1.5' of any buildings FFE. Storage of storm water up to 2' deep, with in the parking lots, is allowed. 2. Label the class of all storm sewer pipes. 3. Label the pipe grade and invert at CBMH 320 for Stub 321. 4. The minimum storm sewer pipe size shall be 15" diameter. 12" diameter pipe will be allowed for catch basin lead and on skimmer structure inlet pipe if necessary. Please revise the storm sewer from CBMH 311 to CBMH 310 and from CBMH 220 to CBMH 210. 5. Maintain a minimum velocity of 3 fps for a 10 -yr event. 6. Maintain a minimum cover of 2 feet from the top of pipe to top of casting or flow line elevation for RCP. HDPE pipe is not allowed in vehicle traffic areas. The cover at CB 230, CBMH 170, and CBMH 160 appear to have less than the required minimum. 7. The pipe grade from STMH 100 to the existing 30" stub does not agree with the existing pipe grade from the existing 30" stub to the existing manhole. Please revise. STREETS 1. The street along the southeast lot line of Lot 3 shall be covered by a roadway easement. (21-7-7.A) Page 4 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\ot2500GtRvrCntrRVW1.doc 2. Street names are needed for the north -south street between Lots 1, 2, & 3 and for the street along the southeast lot line of Lot 3 and shall follow the Wright County Ordered System. 3. A typical street section detail shall be included with a section based on a qualified soils engineer recommendation. Indicate the R -value of the soil. 4. The street intersections shall be rounded by a radius of no less than 20 feet. Corner radii to arterial and collector streets shall be no less than 30 feet. 5. Quaday Avenue NE is mislabeled Quaday Street NE. Please revise. ENVIRONMENTAL 1. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site is required. (21-6- 2.B.10) OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. A geotechnical report prepared by a qualified soils engineer shall be submitted. (21- 6-2.13.11) Geotechnical report shall include a stabilometer R -value. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments being addressed. Page 5 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\ot2500GtRvrCntrRVW1.doc A 1 88TH STREET SAW NO REMOVE EX, BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT STA p j TO FACILLITATE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION. 6,X 1 X 1 'X 1 IB'X I6" CROS I EX, 115' STA 6+70 I 4' LT LEAVE SOUTH 24' (MINIMUM) OF EXISTING 88TH Si. HE X 8 WITH 16 % 8" REDUCER, 2 i / B"X 6" WYE I BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT IN PLACE TO B" DIP AND 8' PLUG TO EA 20LF B' P - 1 I EX SAN MANHOLE MAINTAIN ACCESS TO BANK AND CHURCH SALVAGE 18'X B" REDUCER, DIF 8' DIP AN 8' PLUG. II 1 I STA 2+BD 3+' LT (-26) i I & CAP TO 7.077 TH PROPERTIES TO THE NORTH. CONNECT TO EX I6 -X 18" OSS KITH 16'X 12" REDUCER, 12" CA 1 I STA 3+10 34' LT VALVE AND BO% ANO EX TE D 12' DIP I I CONNECT TO EX. STA 8+85 H' LT F & I I2'X 12"% 8'% B" CROSS TO THE EAST. II I I B" PVC SANITARY SEWER EXTEND F 1841E 8' DIP, 8' GATE VALVE & BOX (18' LT OF 1 '1 I I AND TO THE EAST I I i D AND B' PLUG TO SOUTH. KH /20-1 F & 1 12' GATE VALVE & / { oroyp - _AAaa�w BOX & 12' It 1/4' BEND TO EAST. covi<liax 1 ' i asmuc usT • �w1- f & 18'% 6' REDUCER, tiry ! i- - e.s[.cy 6" GATE VALVE & BOX, / 1 IOLF 6' DIP & 6' PLUG TO NORTH. / SEE NOTE /1 MH /20-2 Y 1 STA 9+50 10' LT _ I F & 1 12-22 1/2' BEND 7 I II NONE= _- EXISTING 16' DIP WATERIAAW II ry STUB -OUT 74LF 8" PVC 1 (SOR-26) O 0.40% TO THE 1 r TSTA 3+110 34' LT I SW TH FROM MH /20-t & STA 7+20 3Y LT / EXISTING IS' (SDR -26 )PVC I1 Z I IO'% 6 WYE- CAP SOUTH END, I NOTES: F & 1 12'% 12'% e' /EE / / SANT ARY SEWER - I'((Xf 8' PVC $TA L+00 44'LT INV 845.49 9lf 8" DIP, 6' GATE VALVE STA 11+60 10' LT j(SDR-25) O I.OX 1 1YX 12"X 6" TEE I. THE LOCATION OF THE SANITARY & BOX AND HYDRANT F & 1 12'- 22 1/Y BEND CAP TO t10RTN j W/ 6" GATE VALVE & BOX SEWER AND WATERNAT SERVICES SEE NOTE n I IOLF 6' DIP & ,S MAY 0E NODIFlED IN THE FIELD. i 8' PLUG TO NORTH 2. FOLLOWING — =R I SEE N0� n THE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION ON 88TH STREET, THE CONSTRACTOR >T 1t I I I 1 SHALL ROUGH GRADE ALL .L STA 11+70 10' LT \ $ F & I IrX 12-X 6' TEE W/ 'I 1 j DISTURBED AREAS AND BRING THE PROPOSED STREET (STATION MH /20-3 18Lf-8' DIP, 6' GATE VALVE QUTLQT B sn sa iao _ I I 8+50 TO 12+00) TO RWGH & BOX ,& HYDRANT TO EAST W/ 2TEE. - PLUG ON SOUTH scNE iH T[[r I I 1 ; I SUBGRADE ELEVATION. HOWEVER, TURF RESTORATION WILL BE END F I UMI TED TO SEEDING AND MULCHING THE NEW DRAINAGE DITCH AND THE DISTURBED AREA .... .. .. .......... .. .... NEST OF COUNTY ROAD /42 ONLY. 8 % rn n n n s•«os Osco c�/L : NOTES: - ... ..:.. ...... .. :....... :.... ......' .......:....... I. .THE LOCATION OF. THE SANITARY. SEWER - - : AND WATERMAIN SERVICES MAY BE 870 /\ MODIFIED IN: THE FIELD .... ....- ` ... ' :r .,• .� . / 1 :.. :....... ...........: ....:. .. PROPOSED E PROFILE : 870 ... ..... ..... ... . t .0 -� o :O ) )1 TOP OF PIPE: 865 ... .......... + n .IN .. ! .... :_.......:. ...:. / -- - - .�- EXISTING ri. PROFILE 865 4 o H 860 ` n ;. 71 ...'. ... ... � ....... i 860 W aP5z a WATERMANI -- — - - - - 855 - ..: G :IB' WA ..... i....... EK RVC (sDR.-M). ..... ..... .. 6" ... .V. .. ..... .... ........ ....... �.:... :... : 855 _ OCATI LOCATION: SAN SERER : 41UB dot IaF C PVC (sd1-Y4).. .... .. 5 WT Ot.N% TO SOUTH: TRON MH /20-7 850 !EXISTING SAN NOTE 2" COWER 1DIP TERMAOI 70 PRGNDE MINIMUM 18''VERTTCAL CIEARAN BETWEEN' wv- 947.WSOUTM :......... ........ SEWER MN,0,0.40R;,,._,,., ......:. .......:.BOTTOM, OF.STORM. .PYIE.AND .TOW .OFVNATERNAIN. : 850 271tf e' P C(50R-28) e 0.4X (SDR 26) O 0.4R 2061E B' PVC 845 '.. • PV:(SR-28):e a4E 8 ^ .......... .. �.i ..... _V5F �- -- 845 E1111 g 2-; o �� > 840 - Pi : rc w IH3.6] Y110NYiMW I+ :d - - 1 : - 1.-.- (EI xMYT�. ...f._.. C2 -. ?."... -- 840 TO CONENONC SAIMTMY %NEA Cf1N5TRUClIgI) i l p� _. YOOOI >.. y Z VI K ... .. .... _ -= a .6 n: N. :...... • = + .. .. ......: ... ......... . .. 9 t0 OT616\OT616A DWG EISTc c EIEVANs ' ..�I,-.�W DATE REVISION MVHo kh SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN' 88TH srREET 20 -.. ... !q AssocInc 0 1 3 4 S 6 ® T-».- o — s.2 CITY of orsEco 23 oW 1 RJW a,x •zx sem su e„ .xx �.,., drt 9/11/00 1 RIE b. Oi616 SREETS ITEM 3.3 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners(�+Inacpla nning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 13 September 2005 RE: Otsego — Mississippi Shores PUD NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.29 BACKGROUND The City Council has initiated a Zoning Ordinance amendment to establish a PUD, Planned Unit Development District for the area of Mississippi Shores 6t" 71" and 81" Additions. This action is being taken in conjunction with the on-going public improvement project that will extend sanitary sewer and water utilities and improve the existing frontage road in this area. The goal of the PUD District is to allow for this commercial area located at the northwest corner of CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 to function more like an integrated shopping center opposed to five separate lots. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial uses as part of the City's primary retail and service business area centered around CSAH 39 and CSAH 42. The improvement of this area to contemporary commercial standards is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. Uses. The subject site is currently zoned, B-3, General Business District. The proposed PUD District would allow for the same uses as provided for by the B-3 District. All of the existing uses within the subject area are allowed uses of the B-3 District. Lot AreaMidth. The minimum lot area and width required in the B-3 District is one acre and 200 feet, respectively. These standards will be maintained as part of the PUD District. Setbacks. The setbacks applicable within the B-3 District and those to be required within the PUD are shown below. The only flexibility established by the PUD District is to be that no setback is required from the right-of-way of the City's frontage road and a 20 foot separation between buildings will govern internal setbacks to allow maximum opportunity for in-place expansion or redevelopment within the area. Access. The subject area has intersections with CSAH 39 at the southwest corner of the area and at Park Avenue in the northeast corner of the area. The Otsego Tire and Auto Site, Riverview Liquor building, AMVET building and daycare building all utilize the existing public frontage street abutting CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 for access. Three of the properties within the area also have frontage to Park Avenue. The on-going public improvement project will result in reconstruction of the frontage street utilizing a design more typical of an integrated shopping center with shared private driveways opposed to a City street section. Each of the property owners within the area must execute cross access and parking agreements and also enter into a land -lease agreement with the City assuming responsibility for maintenance of the reconstructed access drive. Off -Street Parking. The number of off-street parking stalls, the design of the stalls and drive aisles for each individual lot within the PUD District is to be compliant with Section 21 of the Zoning Ordinance. Through the cross easements and land -lease agreement discussed above, there may be opportunities to reduce required parking on one lot through joint use of stalls on another property as part of a PUD Development Stage Plan approval. Design Guidelines. The property owners have submitted site and building design guidelines that will apply to future redevelopment of the properties within the PUD District (including the Otsego Tire and Auto building). Based on the same standards as applied to Waterfront West, the PUD Design Guidelines will encourage a high-quality, unified character for this area as private improvements continue. The PUD Design Guidelines are to be subject to review and approval by City staff for consistency with Zoning Ordinance and other City regulations. 2 CSAH 39 CSAH 42 Frontage Street Park Avenue Side Rear B-3 District 30ft. 30ft. 30ft. 30ft. 10ft. or 35 20 ft or 35 ft. abutting ft. abutting a R District a R District PUD District 30ft. 30ft. Oft. 30ft. 1 oft. or 35 ft. abutting an R District at the perimeter of the PUD; Within the PUD District a 20ft. separation between buildings shall be maintained. Access. The subject area has intersections with CSAH 39 at the southwest corner of the area and at Park Avenue in the northeast corner of the area. The Otsego Tire and Auto Site, Riverview Liquor building, AMVET building and daycare building all utilize the existing public frontage street abutting CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 for access. Three of the properties within the area also have frontage to Park Avenue. The on-going public improvement project will result in reconstruction of the frontage street utilizing a design more typical of an integrated shopping center with shared private driveways opposed to a City street section. Each of the property owners within the area must execute cross access and parking agreements and also enter into a land -lease agreement with the City assuming responsibility for maintenance of the reconstructed access drive. Off -Street Parking. The number of off-street parking stalls, the design of the stalls and drive aisles for each individual lot within the PUD District is to be compliant with Section 21 of the Zoning Ordinance. Through the cross easements and land -lease agreement discussed above, there may be opportunities to reduce required parking on one lot through joint use of stalls on another property as part of a PUD Development Stage Plan approval. Design Guidelines. The property owners have submitted site and building design guidelines that will apply to future redevelopment of the properties within the PUD District (including the Otsego Tire and Auto building). Based on the same standards as applied to Waterfront West, the PUD Design Guidelines will encourage a high-quality, unified character for this area as private improvements continue. The PUD Design Guidelines are to be subject to review and approval by City staff for consistency with Zoning Ordinance and other City regulations. 2 Area Identification Sign. The property owners have submitted plans for an area identification sign to be located adjacent to the CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 intersection. The proposed sign must conform to Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and will require a sign permit prior to construction. RECOMMENDATION The establishment of a PUD District for the Mississippi Shores commercial area is an appropriate action to further improvements to the area already on-going with the public improvement project. We recommend approval of the Zoning Ordinance amendment as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a Zoning Ordinance amendment establishing a PUD District for Mississippi Shores 6th 7th and 8th Additions, subject to the following conditions: 1. The uses allowed within the PUD District shall be the same as provided for by the B-3 District. 2. The minimum lot area and width requirements within the PUD District shall be the same as provided for by the B-3 District. 3. Setbacks within the PUD District shall be as follows: CSAH 39 CSAH 42 Frontage Street Park Avenue Side Rear 30ft. 30ft. Oft. 30ft. 1 Oft. or 35 ft. abutting an R District at the perimeter of the PUD; Within the PUD District a 20ft. separation between buildings shall be maintained. 4. Cross access and off-street parking easements shall be established over each lot within the PUD District. 5. Each property within the PUD District shall enter into a land -lease agreement with the City to provide for all maintenance of the access drive within City right-of-way and to allow use of areas within the right-of-way for parking stalls to comply with off-street parking requirements for individual uses within the PUD District. 3 7. Provision of off-street parking for uses within the PUD District shall comply with Chapter 21 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. Redevelopment of any individual lot within the PUD District shall be subject to the PUD District Design Guidelines dated . The PUD District Design Guidelines are subject to review and approval of City staff. 9. All signs shall conform to Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to deny the amendment based on a finding that the action is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson Karee Rowell Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Rudy Thibodeau Bob Fields Tim Philips Michael and Patricia Ringler David Gilgenbach 11 0 LO m M ,!! �1. CN N EXHIBIT B B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Karee Rowell, Deputy City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Tom Brown, Terra Development Daniel Green, Miller Dunwiddie Geoff Martin, DSU 9 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor & City Council From: Ronald J. Wagner, City of Otsego Engineer Date: August 26, 2005 Re: Mississippi Shores Commercial Planned Unit Development - Development Standards cc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy McArthur, Esq. John Brickley, Land Cor Upon reviewing the Commercial PUD — Development Standards, I have the following comments: 1. The original development was Mississippi Shores 6th. Subsequent re -plats have produced the 7th and 8" additions. The title should reference 6th 7th & 8th subdivision. 2. The street lighting should match the lighting fixtures and materials currently used on the adjacent commercial development. This is the standard Otsego has for the commercial development in the area. 3. Street crossings where pedestrians cross should utilize colored stamped concrete. The use of paver bricks in the roadway should be discouraged. 4. A 2 foot clear zone behind the curb should be maintained for safety and snow storage. 5. Revise the easements and include the correct exhibit layouts to correctly show the areas required for the sewer services, water services and storm sewer routes with adequate work zones. Remove the reference to Otsego Goodyear from the plans and easement exhibits. 6. How are the future repair and reconstruction costs going to be incorporated into the agreement? ot2308m em o 8-26-05. doc ITEM 3.4 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSUIL11ANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners(cPnacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Shives/Daniel Licht DATE: 14 September 2005 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance; Chickens in Residential Districts FILE: 176.08 — 05.07 BACKGROUND Due to a recent complaint and a subsequent Administrative Notice that was issued to an Otsego resident in violation of keeping chickens on their residential property, the Planning Commission has been asked by the City Council to review the issue of allowing chickens to be kept in residential districts. Currently, the City Code defines chickens as farm animals and Section 5-1-5 of the City Code states that farm animals are only be allowed in agricultural districts of the City. The following memorandum outlines some issues that may be considered with allowing these type of farm animals within residential districts of the City and offers some guidelines as to what sort of provisions should be included if the activity is to be allowed. ANALYSIS Zoning. Currently, chickens and other farm animals are only allowed in Agricultural Districts of the City as a permitted use and in the R -C District as a conditional use. The limitation on keeping farm animals is directly related to compatibility issues for noise, odor, insects, and rodents and typically the size of farm animals and the structures required to house them. Residential districts are distinguished from agriculture or rural areas of the City by a more dense arrangement and greater number of residential dwellings and related activities, which increases the potential impacts for keeping farm animals in these areas. Other Communities. We investigated several other Metro Area communities which allow chickens in some or all residential districts for comparison purposes. The following outlines regulations for such allowances in the Cities of Anoka, Ramsey and Ham Lake. Anoka The City of Anoka allows chickens in all residential zoning districts. Since chickens are not listed as prohibited animals in such districts, the City allows them and does not impose any regulations regarding their keeping or maintenance. Ramsey Chickens are allowed in all residential districts provided that the lot size is at least 3 acres or more. Chickens may be allowed in residential districts where lot sizes are less than 3 acres upon approval of an interim use permit. The City has a number of regulations for the keeping of chickens including no structure in which animals are kept may be located within 50 feet of a place of human habitation and 75 feet of neighboring property lines. Additionally, the City has regulations regarding the removal of manure which state that manure shall be removed with sufficient frequency to avoid nuisance from odors or from the breeding of flies (at least once every two weeks) and that manure must be removed by hauling beyond the City limits unless used for fertilizer on the premises. Ham I aka The City of Ham Lake recently adopted a new ordinance permitting chickens in R-1 Districts. This ordinance permits the raising of up to 15 chickens on single family lots of 3 acres or more provided the owner meets a long list of conditions. The allowance of chickens is temporary and entitled only to the current owner of the property. The regulation includes standards for accessory buildings, enclosed outdoor areas, removal and proper disposal of manure and prohibits the consumption or sale of any eggs harvested to others. Animal Units. The number of chickens allowed per resident should be regulated based on an animal unit per acre basis, similar to how farm animals are regulated for rural farm and non-farm properties. A chicken has a defined animal unit value of 0.01. Within the Agricultural Districts, one is allowed to have up to 50 chickens per one acre of land. However, being that residential districts have smaller lots and have more homes in close proximity to one another as well as parks trails and major roadways nearby, the number of animal units per acre should be much less to ensure compatibility. We recommend a ratio of 0.1 animal units per acre for the allowance of chickens in residential districts, equivalent to 10 chickens per acre. We would further recommend that the keeping of chickens be limited only to hens to avoid compatibility issues caused by roosters crowing at early dawn times. Manure Management. Each resident proposing to have chickens on their property, must have in place a manure management plan to deal with the collection and disposal of waste generated by the animals. This plan must be submitted at the time of application for the permit and shall be subject to all regulations imposed by the INI Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The plan shall follow regulations outlined in Section 20-26-4.D of the Zoning Ordinance. Minimum Lot Area. City staff feels that if the Planning Commission and City Council decide that chickens may be allowed in residential districts, it should be limited to residential districts which contain lots of at least one acre or more to ensure compatibility with adjacent properties. Districts having a minimum lot size of one acre include R -C, Rural Open Space Cluster District, R-1, Residential -Long Range Urban Service District (River Frontage), R-2, Residential -Long Range Urban Service District (Large Lot) and R-3, Residential -Long Range Urban Service District (General). Accessory Building. A detached accessory building must be required to house the chickens. The proposed enclosure building to house the chickens would be subject to the accessory building standards applicable in each residential zoning district. We would further recommend that the chickens be restricted to a building and fenced area not to exceed the accessory building allowances. If keeping of chickens is to be allowed in residential districts, we recommend that the setback requirements for where the chickens be kept on the property be reviewed. At a minimum we recommend that the building which houses the chickens be located within a rear yard and that the side yard setbacks applicable to the structure be at least double those required of the principal building. Interim Use Permit. The allowance of chickens within select residential districts may be most appropriately allowed by interim use permit. Interim use permits involve establishment of an expiration date applied to the use as a condition of approval. An interim use typically terminates upon the happening of any of the following events, whichever first occurs: 1) the date stated in the permit, 2) Upon violation of conditions under which the permit was issued, 3) Upon change in the City's zoning regulations which renders the use non -conforming, or 4) The redevelopment of the use and property upon which it is located to a permitted or conditional use as allowed within the respective zoning district. Interim use permits are evaluated according to the same standards and procedures for a conditional use permit set forth in Section 4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Draft amendment. Based on the issues set forth above, our office has drafted the following language that could be considered for further discussion to allow the keeping of chickens within certain residential districts: 20-26-4: FARM ANIMALS: G. The keeping and maintaining of hen chickens shall be allowed by interim use permit in the R -C. R-1. R-2 and R-3 Districts. provided: 1. The minimum lot size upon which chickens can be located is one (1) acre. 3 2. The keeping of roosters shall be prohibited. 3. The chickens must be housed within an enclosed detached accessory building and fenced outdoor yard that conforms to the accessory building provisions applicable to the district in which they are kept. The area in which the chickens are allowed to roam shall contain no more than 400 square feet, and shall be completed enclosed by chicken wire mesh. including mesh over the top to prevent any escape by the chickens. 4. The accessory building containing the animals must be within a rear yard and shall be subject to the required setbacks for principal buildings within the respective zoning district with the additional stipulation that the side yard setbacks must be double those required for principal buildings. 5. The total density of the chickens shall not exceed 0.1 animal units (10 chickens) per acre. 6. The keeping and care of chickens is provided as regulated by the City Code. 7. The owner/keeper of the chickens shall submit a manure management plan with the application for the interim use permit compliant with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards. Manure shall not be deposited in household trash bins. 8. If eggs are harvested, they shall not be offered for sale from the premises. 9. The interim use permit shall apply only to the named applicant. shall not run with the land, and may not be transferred. It shall automatically terminate upon the vacation of the property by the a plicant. CONCLUSION The issue of whether keeping chickens in residential districts is an appropriate activity to allow for is to be discussed at the Planning Commission meeting on 19 September 2005. C. Mike Robertson Karee Rowell Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Timothy and Peggy Boyle IMG 0361.JPG 8/18/26-05 11:47:23 AM EXHIBIT C