11-07-05 PCITEM 3.1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway. Suite 202. Golden Valley, Ml\J 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 703,231.2581 plar�ners�ir�ac;F�lanniny.corr� PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Shives / Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Waterfront East; Building E Development Stage Plan REPORT DATE: 2 November 2005 ACTION DATE: 10 December 2005 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 05.34 CITY FILE: 2005 — 57 BACKGROUND Landcor Construction, Inc. has submitted a PUD Development Stage Plan for Outlot I of Waterfront East to construct a 14,600 square foot retail building, known at this stage as Building E. Parking will also be constructed on Outlot J. The subject site is located at the northwest corner of future 90th Street and Quantrelle Avenue, east of TH 101. A PUD District was established on 10 November 2003 with the subdivision of Waterfront East to specify allowed uses and performance standards for the development, including the subject site. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Grading Plan D. Utility Plan E. Building Elevations F. Building Floor Plans ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land uses as part of the City's primary commercial area at the intersection of TH 101 and CSAH 39. The Comprehensive Plan anticipates development of a full range of retail, service and office type commercial use in this area of the City to serve both local and regional market needs. The proposed multiple tenant building is consistent with this goal. Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD District with allowed uses the same as set forth by the B-3, General Business District. No specific uses for the proposed building are specified on the submitted application, which identifies the building only as retail office consistent with the Waterfront East PUD District. The applicant has submitted floor plans specifying general retail uses. Building Design. The plans indicate that the proposed building will have a total area of 14,634 square feet. The plans indicate that the building will have the appearance of two stories, but has only one floor of useable space. The building will be "L-shaped" and connected by an enclosed link area. Individual suites will have separate exterior access points. The submitted plans show that the primary exterior facade material will be brick. The proposed building will have architectural interest in the form of varied rooflines for different sections of the building and the southern entrance of the building will incorporate an approximately 60 -foot high column with a metal Bermuda -style tower roof. The proposed building design is consistent with the approved design standards for the Waterfront East development. Landscape Plan. A landscape plan has not been submitted. As a condition of approval, the applicant must submit a landscape plan, which is to be subject to review and approval of City staff. Access. Vehicle access to the subject site will be provided by reconstruction of 90th Street and Quantrelle Avenue, which is being done as a City project. The City has coordinated plans with MNDoT regarding the pending TH 101 project which will upgrade the intersection of TH 101 and CSAH 39 to a freeway interchange. Full access to the subject site will be maintained during the City construction project and the TH 101 project. The submitted site plan shows that access to the site will be located to the north of Building E via Street A off of Quantrelle Avenue. There are proposed to be several access points off of Street A into the subject site's parking area. Access onto Street A is lined up directly across from a future building site and parking area within Outlot H, as would be required. The site plan shows pedestrian access to the site via perimeter sidewalks on all sides of the building as well as interior lot connections with future development of Building D to the south. Concrete sidewalks are also shown along both sides of Quantrelle Avenue and along the east side of Street A. Off-street Parking. Absent identification of the specific tenants that are to occupy the proposed building, we cannot accurately determine off-street parking requirements. Assuming occupancy of the proposed building by retail and/or office uses at one stall per 200 square feet, 73 off-street parking stalls would be required. Additional parking M would be necessary if a restaurant were to occupy some of the building space. Outlot I shows a total of 70 parking stalls including four handicap accessible stalls. The applicant is requesting a shared parking agreement between Outlot I (subject site) and Outlot K to the south to account for the three stall deficit. Parking on Outlot K is also to be used to off -set a parking deficit on Outlot L. The breakdown of approved and proposed parking is shown below: Site Required Stalls Stalls Provided Net Outlot L under construction 108 76 -32 Outlot I and J subject site 73 70 -3 Outlot K (proposed) 17 57 +40 TOTAL 198 203 +5 Occupancy of the building under construction on Outlot L is contingent upon provision of required parking by construction of the stalls to be provided on Outlot K. Through this already established condition, sufficient parking stalls will be in place to serve the proposed building on the subject site. Off-street loading. The proposed building does not have traditional loading areas, which is typical of this type of commercial building. The expectation is that the proposed uses within the building will receive delivers through their individual front doors. The site plan indicates a truck loading area along the eastern edge of the shared parking area. Based on a MNDOT minimum turning path template, the submitted plans show that the turning radii into, out of and within the parking area will not accommodate a semi tractor -trailer, which is most likely the type of vehicle that would be delivery supplies to the subject site and utilizing the loading area. The applicant must revise the submitted plans or submit other documentation that provides proof that semi tractor - trailers will be able to navigate the proposed turning radii within the subject site. Lighting Plan. A lighting plan has not been submitted for the exterior building lights or parking lot lighting. All lighting must have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off directing the light downward. Proposed lighting must match or be comparable to the lighting shown in the Otsego Waterfront East Development Standards including a pole height limit of 25 feet or less. The applicant must submit a lighting plan, subject to City staff review and approval. Trash Storage. The site plan shows an enclosed trash storage area located in the southeastern corner of the parking area. The trash enclosure's exterior walls must be similar or complementary to the principal building and must comply with all other provisions as outlined in Section 20-16-15.B of the Zoning Ordinance. Signage. No plans for signage on the subject site have been submitted at this time. All proposed signs must conform to Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and the PUD District Guidelines. A sign permit approved by City staff is required prior to construction/erection of any signs on the subject site. 3 Grading, Drainage & Utilities. Preliminary construction plans have been submitted. All grading, drainage and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Final Plat. The City Council has approved final plats for Outlots I and J on 14 June 2005. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must record the approved final plat documents with Wright County, if they have not already done so. RECOMMENDATION The proposed project is consistent with the Waterfront East PUD Concept Plan previously approved and the submitted materials for the development of Outlot L are compliant with applicable ordinances and design standards. The applicant must submit additional plans including a lighting plan, landscape plan prior to consideration of a final plat. We recommend approval of the PUD Development Stage Plan for Building E, Outlot I of Otsego Waterfront East, subject to the comments in this report and the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve the PUD Development Stage Plan for Building E/Outlot I of Otsego Waterfront East, subject to the following conditions: Off -Street parking for Outlot I is to be satisfied though joint use of parking to be constructed on Outlot J. Occupancy of Building E shall be contingent upon the availability of the number of parking stalls as required by the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan illustrating turning radii for anticipated delivery vehicles, subject to City staff review and approval. 3. Plans for proposed signage shall be submitted and must comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and all applicable regulations of the PUD District. 4. The applicant shall submit a landscape plan, subject to City staff review and approval. 5. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan, subject to City staff review and approval. 6. All street construction plans, grading plans and utility plans and related issues are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Waterfront East concept plan. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Bob Fields, Landcor John Brickley, Landcor 1 inch equals 1 mile D OAD EXHIBIT B (o NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE m 0 Z 1 9 Ln IL Z 0 SITE DATA ano4sslrPMPAIwmmo: n,swsF a xas4IUAWAJCUTWT :44m W 4u4nwA3 E PASr Im FWW MGI 4mr SF QUAD" R wwT ISTFLOOg� 4m, PAR M STAUSOLfto 1: m PARNMSTAIUSOM0 J: p TOTALPAT11 STALLS.' SLr C yIl Iuw alrr AsnuLr I! .: 4 um (���� ►J EXHIBIT B (o NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE m 0 LEGEND o. e ::==a� IGW DDIY AlNNT DDNNp MEA WK S,mm rE�a "��°ra\EmrcMiuwEM GRADING. 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EAST BLDG. F: m 5035 SF_ �m �m (5035.3992) awaN GROSS INTERIOR AREAo't6 O Z O zZ 0� , C) 0 I �3 2 TOTAL PROJECT AREA: :10311HOHV ej98 �w 14,634 SQ. FT. EXHIBIT F o�v cn GROSS INTERIOR AREA CC 5 F— F— AREAS TAKEN AT FACE OF FOUNDATION 44010J1J11a33 AREAS INCLUDE PIER PROJECTIONS FLOOR PLAN BASE MATCH LINE LINK: GRID F 676 SF (676.4222) GROSS INTERIOR AREA WEST BUILDING E a 8,923 SF Y0 (8923.1318) cc a. EAST BLDG. F: m 5035 SF_ �m �m (5035.3992) awaN GROSS INTERIOR AREAo't6 O Z O zZ 0� , C) 0 2 :10311HOHV ej98 �w EXHIBIT F o�v cn MATCH LINE LINK: GRID F 676 SF (676.4222) GROSS INTERIOR AREA WEST BUILDING E 8,923 SF Z F- (8923.1318) Q Q GROSS INTERIOR AREA LLd (10I.— CC 0 W O Z O zZ 0 Z Z O O EXHIBIT F o�v cn CC 5 F— F— omoo BUILDING E FLOOR PLAN BASE A2.1 SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" NORTH W 4�901005iA1-130tld-1-1300N 3SVtl tlld 06nOtl01-ZY-.-. MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Bob Fields, LandCor John Brickley, LandCor Truc D. Ho, P.E., Metro Land Surveying & Engineering From: Ronald J. Wagner, PE Date: October 4, 2005 Re: Otsego Waterfront East Outlots I & J — Building E We have reviewed the Construction plans, revised 9/12/05, for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: Cover Sheet — Sheet 1 1. No comments. Site Plan — Sheet 2 The B618 concrete curb shall wrap around the entire trash enclosure. 2. A legend shall be provided to describe any symbols (i.e. the hash marks on the pavement, concrete areas, etc.) 3. The two parking stalls located in the southwest corner of the parking lot (north of West Building E) do not have sufficient depth. It appears that if two cars were to reside in said parking stalls at the same time they would collide. Please eliminate the last parking space along the west side of the parking lot (see redlined plans.) 4. We recommend widening the sidewalk along the west side of West Building E (adjacent to Quantrelle Avenue) to 7' for pedestrian travel. \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\ot2500bldgervwl.doc Page 2 of 3 Grading Plan — Sheet 3 The second entrance into the parking lot from the west depicts drainage from the parking lot into the street. Please revise the gutterline elevations of the curb along the east side of the entrance. 2. Spot elevations shall be provided for the area between Building E and Building C. Utility Plan — Sheet 4 1. Additional fire hydrant(s) must be added around the building to provide sufficient fire coverage. 2. All easements shall be shown on the plans. 3. Easement shall be provided for the trunk storm sewer crossing through Outlots I and J. 4. The existing sanitary manhole information south of Building E shall be shown on the plan. The invert information for SMH-1 does not agree with the invert elevations of the existing manhole (i.e. the existing manhole has invert elevations of 854.64 and 854.69.) Also, the length of pipe shown on the plan between the existing manhole and SMH-1 does not agree with the scaled value. 5. Since Outlot J does not have direct access to a public street, ingress/egress easement is required through the adjacent outlots. (Note: ingress/egress easement will be required for all outlots north of Outlot I) 6. The 12" watermain along Quantrelle Avenue NE is mis-labeled as 8" watermain. Also, all fittings and hydrant information shall be shown on the plans. 7. Insulation is required between the 12" watermain and 30" RCP storm sewer. Also, the watermain shall be lowered so the top of pipe elevation at this location is 851.00. 8. The legend shall include existing and proposed watermain symbols. 9. The Storm Sewer Casting and Structure Schedule call out a Neenah R-1728 casting for CBMH-43 and CBMH-44. The dimensions of this casting do not agree with the dimensions of the grate called out on the detail sheet. Please revise. 10. FES -40 shall be installed at a 900 angle to the detention pond slope (see redlined plans.) 11. The temporary sedimentation basin shall be designed to have a storage volume of at least 1800 FT3/acre of contributing drainage area (see redlined plans.) Ma01\shared docs\MunicipalUotsego22xx\2500\ot2500bldgervwl.doc Page 3 of 3 Standard Details — Sheet 5 1. City of Otsego Standard Plate No. 201, Water service Detail (2" and larger), shall be included in the detail sheets. 2. City of Otsego Standard Plate No. 202, Watermain Thrust Blocking, shall be included in the detail sheets. City of Otsego Standard Plate No. 204, Hydrant Detail, shall be included in the detail sheets. 4. City of Otsego Standard Plate No. 300, Standard Sanitary Sewer Manhole, shall be included in the detail sheets. 5. City of Otsego Standard Plate No. 302, Sanitary Sewer Service Detail, shall be included in the detail sheets. 6. City of Otsego Standard Plate No. 304, Insulation Detail, shall be included in the detail sheets. 7. The base course of bituminous in the typical sections for Heavy Duty Pavement and Parking Lot Pavement shall be Type LV 3. Please revise. Other considerations A parking agreement between the owners/operators of Building E and the future Building between Building E and Building C shall be developed. We recommend approval contingent on the above comments being addressed. Resubmittal is required for approval. \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2500\ot2500bldgervwl.doc ITEM 3-2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. `.4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners(a,nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Shives/Daniel Licht DATE: 2 November 2005 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance; Fowl in Residential Districts FILE: 176.08 — 05.07 BACKGROUND The Planning Commission has had a series of discussions regarding the allowance of chickens and other small, non -water fowl in residential districts. Generally, the Planning Commissioners are in favor of allowing such birds in residential districts. The latest discussion revolved around whether or not potential small fowl owners should be required to obtain an Administrative Permit. It was decided by the Planning Commission that an Administrative Permit was too costly for this type of use, thus they have directed staff to present an alternative. ANALYSIS Zoning. Discussions had at the past two Planning Commission meetings have determined that chickens (and other small, non -water fowl) should be allowed in residential districts, but limited by density. Permit. The Planning Commission has determined that a Zoning Ordinance administrative permit is not the appropriate permit for the request of keeping chickens and similar small fowl based on cost. Staff still believes that residents seeking to keep and raise chickens and other small fowl on their property obtain a permit so that conditions can be attached and the use can be regulated. Staff recommends that a potential chicken or similar small fowl owner obtains a small animal permit, which would be issued by the Zoning Administrator. The permit should cost around $25.00 and would be a "lifetime" permit, similar to the City's dog permit. A resident would have to obtain a new permit if the number of chickens or other small birds kept on their property were to change or if the conditions in which the permit was issued were to change. To obtain the permit a potential owner would need to furnish the City with the number of birds proposed, the conditions in which the birds are to be kept, including a site plan showing were the birds are to be housed on their property, and a receipt of purchase or other documentation showing where the birds are coming from. Density Allowed. The number of chickens allowed per resident should be regulated based on an animal unit per acre basis, similar to how farm animals are regulated for rural farm and non-farm properties. A chicken has a defined animal unit value of 0.01. Within the Agricultural Districts, a property owner is allowed to have up to 50 chickens per one acre of land. We recommend a ratio of 0.1 animal units per acre for the allowance of chickens in residential districts, equivalent to 10 chickens per acre. For example, if a resident has a 12,000 square foot lot they would be allowed to keep 2 chickens on their property upon approval of a small animal permit. Accessory Building. Discussion at the Planning Commission meeting on 19 September 2005 concluded that either an attached or detached an accessory building would be adequate for the housing the chickens. The size of the accessory building will still be subject to the accessory building standards for each district. We recommend that the building which houses the chickens be located within a rear yard and that the side yard setbacks applicable to the structure be at least double those required of the principal building. Avian Bird Flu. With the recent awareness and cautioning of the Avian flu through various articles and newscasts, concerns may arise to the safety of keeping chickens in residential districts of the City. While this is a valid concern, public health officials are only cautioning the American public and sending an early warning as to what may happen if Avian flu strikes. Public health officials are saying, however, that those who are most at risk are people who come in contact with the infected birds, such as families who keep chickens near their homes. At this point though, the only precautions being issued to people in non -affected countries (so far, infected countries include Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, China, Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Romania) is to "wash your hands" and "cover your mouth when you cough", similar to defenses recommended in order to help prevent all viruses and infections. At such time when the potential for the Avian flu to come to Minnesota is greater, the Planning Commission and City Council may elect to put in place a moratorium on the allowance of chickens and similar small fowl in the City limits. Revised draft amendment. Based on the issues set forth above, we have drafted the following language that could be considered for further discussion to allow the keeping of chickens within residential districts of the City: 2 20-26-4: FARM ANIMALS: G. The keeping and maintaining of chickens, pheasants, doves pigeons and similar small fowl shall be allowed in all residential districts by issuance of a fowl keeping license, subject to compliance with the following standards: 1. The number of fowl allowed per propertv_shall be eauivalent to 0.1 animal units per acre. 2. The keeping of roosters, male peacocks and water fowl shall be prohibited. 3. The fowl must be housed within an enclosed accessory building and fenced outdoor yard that conforms to the accessory building provisions applicable to the district in which they are kept. 4. The accessory building containing the fowl must be within a rear yard and shall be subject to the required setbacks for principal buildings within the respective zoning district with the additional stipulation that the side yard setbacks must be double those required for principal buildings. 5. The keeping and care of such fowl is provided as regulated by the City Code. 6. The owner/keeper of the fowl shall control the animal manure and dispose ofit properly. 7. If eggs are harvested, they shall not be offered for sale from the premises. 8. The fowl keeping license shall apply only to the named applicant shall not run with the land and may not be transferred It shall automatically terminate upon the vacation of the property by the applicant. 9. The fee for the fowl keeping license shall be as set forth by Section 2-4-1.H of the City Code CONCLUSION Following discussions at two Planning Commission meetings, including testimony by an Otsego resident who currently keeps chickens on his property within the R-3 District, the Planning Commission has recommended that the keeping of chickens and similar other small fowl within residential districts be permissible by permit. The preceding memorandum outlines these recommendations and shall be discussed further at the Planning Commission meeting on 7 November 2005. Upon review by the Planning Commission, the next step in the process would be to set a public hearing to formally consider the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Timothy and Peggy Boyle E