01-17-06 PCITEM 2-1 OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL TUESDAY JANUARY 17, 2006 7 PM 1. Chair Nichols will call the meeting to order. Vice Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7 PM. Roll Call: Vice Chair Pam Black; Commission Members: Doug Hackman, Tammie Fallon, Jim Kolles and John Thelen. Excused absence: Tom Darkenwald, David Thompson, Richard Nichols and Troy Watring. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Laurie Shives, Associate Planner. Council: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmember Vern Heidner and Mark Thorsted. 2. Consider the following minutes. 2.1. December 4, 2005 Planning Commission Meeting Commissioner Fallon motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Kolles. Voting for the Motion: Vice Chair Black, Commissioners: Kolles, Fallon and Thelen. Commissioner Hackman abstained (wasn't in attendance) Motion carried. 3. Planning Items: PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3.1. Rottlund Homes: A. Rezoning from A-1 District to R-6 and R-7 District B. PUD -CUP and Prelimina[y Plat for 153 Single Family and 170 attached Townhome Units. Vice Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:04 PM and stated that the applicant has requested to continue the Public Hearing to February 6, 2006. Judy Hudson attested that all the proper noticing, publishing and posting was completed. Mayor Larry Fournier stated that he wanted the public to know that they will also have a chance at the February 6th, 2006 Planning Commission Meeting to give public comments. Charlotte Wild, Minneapolis, owns a lot on River Road. Ms. Wilder stated her concerns for any possible assessments with this development, crowding of schools, quality of homes and transportation needs. Mike Robertson, City Administrator, explained that residents will not be assessed for any infrastructure as the developers pay all costs. Mr. Robertson also explained the School Districts serving Otsego and Otsego's Transportation Plan. Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2006 Page 2 of 4 Councilmember Heidner explained that the Comprehensive Plan for the City has been updated several times with the residents input and knowledge. Walter Hyser, River Road, asked what the price range of the proposed homes will be and if CSAH 42 will be able to handle the additional traffic. Mike Robertson responded by explaining the accesses on CSAH 42 and CSAH 37 and that he expects the single family homes to start at $250,000. Sam Virginia, Maple Grove, owns land on River Road, stated that Maple Grove has a lot of town homes and that this proposed development looks nice. He asked if the City is planning on installing sewer stubs along the River Road and if they would be able to connect to sewer and water and he would like to hook up eventually. Mike Robertson said he would ask the City Engineer if this could be done. Heidi Iverson, River Road, stated concern with adding more growth to the Schools and also is concerned with the increased traffic this development will create. Joe Mismass, River Road, asked if town homes will be going in this development, will the speed limit on CSAH 42 be reduced and if the bridge going over CSAH 42 will have a sidewalk. Mike Robertson explained that the County would need to conduct a Speed Study to reduce the speed limit. He also thought that there will be a sidewalk on the bridge. Regarding town homes, this plat is just going through consideration of approval now. Mary Mismass, River Road, asked what the time line for this development is. Mike Robertson thought that grading would be done this year. Charlotte Wild said she was told that sewer and water might be coming from the south. Mike Robertson explained that at one time it was planned to come in from the south but that has since changed. Kathleen Hyser, River Road, stated her concern with being assessed for sewer and water. Vice Chair Black and Mike Robertson both assured that residents are not forced to hook up to sewer and water. Councilmember Heidner also said that the current sewer and water lines have gone in along side many homes who haven't hooked up. Mary Mismass asked for clarification regarding hooking up to sewer and water in regards that if a person needs to put in a septic system would they be required to hook up to city sewer if the lines goes by their home. Mike Robertson replied the homeowner would have a choice and whatever would be best solution. Joe Mismass requested the City to reconsider the access going out to CSAH 42. Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2006 Page 3 of 4 Wayne Simonson, 70th Street, requested the plat show the surrounding properties to this development so they would know exactly where the proposed accesses are located. Sam Virginia stated he would prefer single family homes only. Commissioner Hackman motioned to continue the Public Hearing to February 6, 2006. Seconded by Commissioner Fallon. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2. Eugene and Dawn Goenner A. Rezoning from A-1 District to A-2 District. B. Conditional Use Permit to allow for a lot less than 20 acres within an A-2 District, Judy Hudson attested that all the proper noticing, publishing and posting was completed. Laurie Shives presented the Planner's Report. The applicant, Eugene Goenner, was present and agreed with all the conditions. Vice Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:53 PM. Hearing no public comment, Vice Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 7:54 PM. Commissioner Hackman motioned to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to A-2 District based on a finding that he request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Thelen. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Thelen motioned to approve a Conditional Use Permit allowing a residential lot size of 3.4 acres within the A-2 District, subject to the four conditions listed in the Planner's Report. Seconded by Commissioner Kolles. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Plan Review of revised plans for Building E Waterfront East. Laurie Shives presented the Planner's Report. The Planning Commission discussed the removal of the tower with some Commission Members liking the uniqueness of the tower. Commissioner Thelen motioned to approve revised plans for Building E based on a finding that they are consistent with the Zoning Ordinance and PUD District guideless subject to the one condition listed in the Planner's Report. Seconded by Commissioner Fallon. Voting For the Motion: Commissioners Fallon, Thelen, and Kolles. Voting Against the Motion: Vice Chair Black and Commissioner Hackman. Motion carried three (3) to two (2). 5 Any other Planning Commission Business. 5.1. Update on City Council actions by Councilmember Heidner. Councilmember Heidner updated the Commission Members on Council actions. Planning Commission Meeting of January 17, 2006 Page 4 of 4 5.2 Update on future Planning Commission Agenda Items by Judy Hudson. Judy updated everyone on future agenda items. 6. Adjournment by 9 PM. Commissioner Fallon motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Hackman seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM. Vice Chair Black ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm.