02-06-06 PC-X-4zm 2. 1
FEBRUARY 6, 2006
7 PM
1. Chair Nichols will call the meeting to order.
Chair Nichols called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Richard Nichols; Commission Members: Pam Black, Doug
Hackman, David Thompson, Jim Kolles, Tammie Fallon and Alternate Troy Watring.
Excused absence: Commissioner Tom Darkenwald and alternate John Thelen.
Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning
Administrator; Dan Licht, City Planner and Ron Wagner, City Engineer.
Council: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner and Mark Thorsted.
2. Consider the following minutes.
2.1. January 17, 2006 Planning Commission Meeting.
Commissioner Black motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded
by Commissioner Hackman.
Voting For the Motion: Commissioners: Fallon, Kolles, Black and Hackman
Abstained: Commissioners: Thompson, Watring and Chair Nichols.
Motion carried.
3. Planning Items:
3.1. Rottlund Homes (continued from January 17, 2006):
A. Rezoning from A-1 District to R-6 and R-7 District.
B. PUD -CUP and Preliminary Plat for 153 Single Family and
170 attached Town home Units.
Chair Nichols continued the Public Hearing with Dan Licht presenting the Planner's
Report. Representing Rottlund Homes was Tim Himmer. Mr. Himmer stated they will
be changing the name of the plat. They will also increase the Park size to 6 acres and
he went over their Concept Plan for the Park. By enlarging the Park they will be
decreasing the plat by 19 single family home lots. They want front porches with less
front yard setbacks and 22 foot driveways. Mr. Himmer also would like to use more
landscaping buffering rather than berming. The sidewalk placement was discussed and
the Planning Commission agreed that Condition No. 7 could be changed to reflect that
the location of sidewalk can be subject to change upon Final Plat.
Chair Nichols opened for public comments.
Charlotte Wild, River Road, asked the about the size and type of unit the lots along
CSAH 42 will have. She also asked about placement of sewer and water stubs along
CSAH 42 and if she could hook up in the future when they build a home.
Mr. Himmer explained the lots along CSAH 42 will be the larger single family homes.
Dan Licht explained that staff has discussed placing several stubs along CSAH 42 for
future hookups by residents, if they choose, at the homeowners cost.
Planning Commission Meeting of February 6, 2006. Page 2.
Wally Hyser, River Road, asked if residents would be required to hook up when they sell
their property. Mr. Licht explained that current policy doesn't require residents to hook
up but they need to meet the Wright County Point of Sale Ordinance for their septic
upon sale. Mr. Licht pointed out the access points and explained the required distances
between them.
Mark Ford, River Road, was concerned with retaining the natural scenic look along the
Great River Road and that vehicle lights won't be shining into existing homes. Mr. Licht
explained the required buffering along with landscaping of homes along CSAH 42. He
will review the location of existing homes to the access points and try to prevent vehicle
lights shining into existing homes.
Mark Ford and Rob Snavely, River Road, stated concern with the increase of traffic this
development will create. Mr. Licht explained that with installation of turn lanes and
passing lanes that CSAH 37 and 42 will accommodate the extra traffic as these County
Roads are designed to move traffic to Hwy 101. City Engineer Ron Wagner also
explained the traffic studies and that this development won't create traffic issues and
that the new interchanges on Hwy 101 will keep the traffic moving.
Larry Fournier, 70th Street, submitted his written comments. He said the development
looks nice but his concern is with the 60 foot right-of-way as outlined in his memo. Mr.
Licht suggested that the Planning Commission add a condition that this issue needs
further review.
Wayne Simonson, 70th Street, asked if Street Stub G could be moved so as to be
centered on his property line for future development. Staff will review his request.
Commissioner Hackman, questioned the width of the private drives in the town home
areas and supported the 28 foot street width otherwise he feels it would be too narrow
looking with the 3 story town homes on both sides of the street. Commissioner
Hackman is also not comfortable with the 10, 12 and 14 unit buildings. Commissioner
Thompson agreed and would like to set a maximum of eight units. Mr. Licht said this
proposed development, the six and eight unit buildings are the ones located next to the
single family homes and the larger unit buildings are located in the interior.
The applicant, Tim Himmer, explained that they put the larger units in the interior of
the project and they are three story buildings with more narrow units which he doesn't
feel will affect the length of the building.
Chair Nichols isn't comfortable with the setbacks of the single family homes. He would
like to go review other developments with this setback.
Mr. Himmer said he would provide this information to City Staff.
Chair Nichols asked about color design of the housing. Mr. Himmer said they will be
using 24 color palettes.
Commissioner Thompson stated concern for the size of the garages and doesn't feel
they will be large enough and residents will end up parking a vehicle outside.
Commissioner Hackman questioned the number of guest parking spaces. Chair Nichols
questioned using fescue grass on the Outlots. Dan Licht explained that this type of
grass doesn't require as much maintenance as Prairie grass.
Chair Nichols asked for any additional public comments.
' Rob Snavely asked if Otsego has seen an increase in crime with all the new
development. Mike Robertson replied he has seen no change.
Planning Commission Meeting of February 6, 2006. Page 3.
Charlotte Wild asked about mosquito control and storm water pond appearances. Mr.
Licht explained Otsego does not have mosquito control and storm water ponds are
intended to hold stormwater runoff and not designed for aesthetics.
Larry Fournier asked how many units this development could have according to the
City's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Licht replied this development could have as many as
500 units but will have around 285.
Larry Fournier also stated that Mr. Mismash, property owner on the River Road, wanted
to know about the turn lanes or passing lanes added on CSAH 42.
Ron Wagner explained that Wright County requires a passing lane and right hand turn
lane at each County Road entrance which would widen the street by 10 to 12 feet.
Hearing no further comments, Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing at 9:05 PM.
Chair Nichols motioned to table this item until the March 6, 2006 Planning
Commission Meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Black. All in favor. Motion
4. Any other Planning Commission Business.
4.1 Discussion of Zoning Ordinance amendment — residential districts.
Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report.
Commissioner Black motioned to set the Public Hearing for March 6, 2006.
Seconded by Chair Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried.
4.2. Election of 2006 Planning Commission Chair and Vice Chair.
Chair Nichols opened for nominations for Chair.
Commissioner Black nominated Richard Nichols.
Commissioner Hackman motioned to close the nominations. Seconded by
Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried.
Chair Nichols opened for nominations for Vice Chair.
Commissioner Black nominated David Thompson.
Commissioner Thompson nominated Commissioner Black.
Chair Nichols motioned to close the nominations. Commissioner Hackman
seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Paper ballots were used and Commissioner Black received the majority of votes.
4.3. Update on City Council actions by Councilmember Heidner.
Councilmember Heidner updated the Planning Commission on recent City Council
4.4. Update on future Planning Commission Agenda Items by
Judy Hudson.
Judy said there are no planning items on the February 21, 2006 Planning Commission
meeting and therefore, the meeting has been cancelled.
Planning Commission Meeting of February 6, 2006. Page 4.
5. Adjournment by 10 PM.
Commissioner Fallon motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner
Watring. All in favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:54 PM.
Chair Richard Nichols
Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Admin.