02-06-06 PCIV REFERENCE: Otsego-Rottlund development ISSUES: The 60 foot wide right-of-way ( 71 St street N.E.) from Quenroe Ave N.E. through outlot H, provided to serve the parcel to the west, should be extended south to County Road 37 to provide for future access. If access is only provided from the north east and a private drive way extends to the west, any building located on this property requires a building set back from two roads, County Road 37 to the south and the new private drive way on the north. The building setbacks, from these two roads, leave a very narrow area to place a building when this property is redeveloped. At some time, either now or in the further, Wright County is going too require an acceleration lane from Quenroe Ave N.E. going west on County Road 37. This new lane will go over the existing driveway, creating a very unsafe condition. If the right-of-way is extended south to County Road 37, from 71St street N.E., it will provide and opportunity to remove the existing driveway from County Road 37 and use this right-of-way easement to access the property from Quenroe Ave N.E. This creates a much safer access point. Because of the size of outlot H, the developer can only use this lot for a monument sign. This change will provide for: 1. Highest and best use of property. 2. Allows for more flexibility if property is redeveloped. 3. Creates a much safer driveway access. 4. Outlot H is too small for any other use. �' ..—_ ttp� -.dF�'}r1 •,".:... �°�—!�� O i (6 — — co -�-- �1---� C 00,1 9•� � — � • / $ • 3010 • F—" _' "' �j.I i�,. AC t �! �-�w \ _-�� t { -r 1 iii M1 .� .. ` �F �•.••'--_n_^rt�. "`.,w...... ++�...�.............,.r<..,�.� I � '�� � �. .� I .ar✓ � S• � f�4� • �r •4rr t4'�f RC1 .(3 BW yCtC.C} TW '�",�/.�' 3Va`I %'a.C' ' 13'�I 9G?4. �.1 ' .i j BW X399. Q ;a • .. ... 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The subject site has been used for agriculture crops and the former farmstead buildings have been demolished. The Comprehensiv Plan guides the site for low-to-medium and medium -to -high density residential uses. T e property is currently zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District in accordance with he interim land use plan policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The developer is reques ing rezoning to R-6, Residential Townhouse, Quadraminium and Low Density Multipl Family District for the single family portions of the project and R-7, High Density Residential District for the townhouse area of the site. The developer is also requesting approval of a PUD -CUP and preliminary plat. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Preliminary lat C. Landscape Ian D. Townhouse uilding Plan E. Grading Pla F. Tree Preservation Plan G. Utility Plan H. Development booklet (by reference) ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1 District. The developer is requesting a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R-6 District to accommodate the urban density single family lots and R-7 District to allow for the proposed high density townhouse uses. Single family dwellings are a permitted use of the R-6 District and townhouse dwellings are a permitted use of the R-7 District. A PUD -CUP has also been requested to accommodate certain design flexibilities and the platting of the townhouse unit buildings. Density. The Comprehensive Plan guides approximately 37 acres of the site for low-to- medium density residential uses consisting of small lot single family homes, twin homes or row style townhouse buildings with a density of three to six dwellings per acre. Another 30 acres of the site is guided for medium -to -high density residential uses defined as six tom re than nine dwelling units per acre to consist of row or back-to- back townhouse buldings or multiple family structures. The 13 acres of the site comprised as Outic�J is guided for commercial use, but has been included with the subject site to provide additional gross area to meet minimum lot area per unit requirements. Based on the land ses guided by the Comprehensive Plan, between 291 and 492 dwelling units woul� be anticipated to be developed, not including the area of Outlot J. The resulting densi y would be between 4.5 and 7.5 dwellings per acre (again not including the area c f Outlot J). Based on 305 dwelling units, the density of the preliminary plat (no including Outlot J) is 4.5 dwelling units per acre and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. As part of the PUDCUP, the developer is requesting that the minimum single family lot area and townhou lot area per unit requirements be averaged across the entire subdivision. This c Iculation is shown below: 135 single f mily lots x 9,000sf = 27.9ac. 170 townhouse units x 5,000sf. = 19.5ac. TOTAL LOT AREA REQUIRED = 47.4ac. The totalarea of' f th lots and outlots is 55.91 acres (excluding r -o -w, Outlot G and Outlot J), which ex eeds the cumulative minimum lot area requirements for the single family lots and townhouse units. This flexibility must be considered together with other flexibilities the developer has requested based on specific building designs for the single family and townhouse dwellings and overall vision for the character of the development. Access. The subject site has frontage to CSAH 37 and CSAH 42. The preliminary plat provides for one access to CSAH 37 and two accesses to CSAH 42. Each meets the spacing requirements established by the the NEWC Transportation Plan. Access to CSAH 37 and CSAH 42 are subject to Wright County approval. Turn lanes, acceleration lanes and bypass lanes will likely be required by Wright County at the development entrances. These are typically accommodated within existing right-of-way and do not impact adjacent driveways. 2 A fourth, and likely the most used access to the subdivision will be provided through the planned commercial area at the southwest corner of the subject site. City staff has reviewed concept plans for construction of a street that would align with the northbound exit ramp from TH 101 at CSAH 37 and extending to the west plat line of the subject site at 72nd Street. Apreliminary/final plat establishing the right-of-way and requesting City construction of this street in conjunction with necessary relocation of existing trunk utilities tied to the TH 101 project is anticipated in the next several weeks. Connections to adj cent properties are necessary along the south line of the subject site to ensure that tie existing parcels fronting CSAH 37 can be redeveloped in the future utilizing sewer and water and internal access. Access to the one parcel west of Quenroe Avenue is provided via a 60 foot wide right-of-way. The location of the right- of-way is as far north of CSAH 37 as possible while allowing for the location of a four- way intersection so th of the retaining wall on the east side of Quenroe Avenue for access to the rural arcels to the east. An additional street access to the properties at the southeast corn r of the plat is provided from the north via Quigley Avenue south of 72nd Street. Public Streets. P blic streets within the subdivision have been designed as a 28 foot wide section within a 60 foot right-of-way. This design is consistent with the Engineering Manu I. Seventy-second St eet from the west plat line to Quenroe Avenue and Quenroe Avenue are provided as 33 foot wide streets to accommodate on -street parking along the south side of 72nd Streetand to better accommodate anticipated traffic volumes. This design is based on the recommendations of City Staff. However, after further review, we now recommend that ar additional eight -foot wide bump -out be provided along the south side of 72nd Street from the west plat line to Quenroe Avenue to better accommodate anticipated on -street parking. Street names shown on the preliminary plat are to be consistent with the Wright County grid. The street stion west of 75th Street to 72nd Street must be renamed as Queens Avenue. All streets and street names are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Private Drives. T e townhouse units are served by private drives. The main corridors extending east -west through the area south of 72nd Street have been designed as 28 foot wide sections. All other private drives measure 24 feet wide. The Engineering Manual specifies that private drives serving more than four units be 28 feet wide. The developer is requeting flexibility from the 28 foot wide design standard (and also the setback from the b ck of curb to the garage face) for the 24 foot private drives to provide for a more ompact development pattern and maintenance of higher density. Sidewalks. The g ading plan illustrates a five foot wide sidewalk along one -side of internal public stye is and on both sides of 72nd Street between the west plat line and Quenroe Avenue. ity staff is recommending that the sidewalk along Queens Avenue 3 and Quigley Avenue north of 72nd Street be moved to the outside edge of the right-of- way to minimize street crossings. The developer indicates that the location of this sidewalk was planned to minimize driveway crossings. We consider street crossings to be more of a safety concern and have therefore included the relocation of the sidewalk as a condition of approval. Single Family Lot Requirements. The table below illustrates the required R-6 District lot standards and those proposed as part of the preliminary plat for the single family lots: Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Width Setbacks Front Side Rear BI d Gara e Corner Interior Interior C_SAH 42 Required 9,000 60ft. 35ft. 35ft. 1Oft. 30ft. 65ft. Pro osed Avera ed 55ft. 25ft. 1 30ft. 25ft. 7ft. 30ft. 65ft. The developer is proposing single family lots specific to their housing product. Of the single family lots within the preliminary plat, 70 or approximately 52 percent have a minimum width of 55 feet. The remaining 65 or 48 percent of the single family lots have a minimum width of 65 feet. Lots 3-7, Block 1, which front to the cul-de-sac turnaround of 72nd Circle, have a minimum width of 70 feet or 125 percent of the minimum lot width standard as require by Section 21-7-6 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The average lot size is 10,069 squalre feet and all lots have adequate area to accommodate the proposed dwellings within required setbacks. City staff supports such flexibility for the lot area and lot width requirements only on the basis of the developer's pre -determined house designs. PI ns representative of the housing designs to be constructed within the development must be submitted for review in conjunction with the request lot flexibility. The developer is also requesting flexibility from the standard R-6 District setback requirements. In the front yard, the developer wishes to bring the homes forward to 25 feet from the property line highlighting front porches and entries to encourage a more active streetscape. The garage face would be required to be setback 30 feet from the right-of-way to ensure adequate parking space and visibility behind the sidewalk. City staff supports this flexibility as consistent with the intended character of the neighborhood. The developer is also requesting flexibility from the standard R-6 District side yard setbacks. For interior side yards, the developer is requesting the side yard setback be reduced from 10 fe t to 7 feet. Based on this developer's specific house plans and also examination of the ousing built in the west sewer district within R-6 District developments, Cit staff agrees with this flexibility and intends to propose a formal amendment to the -6 District to this effect as part of a Zoning Ordinance update. Townhouse Building Design. The site plan illustrates that the townhouse buildings consist of 6, 8, 10, 2 and 14 unit buildings. Section 20-17-10.A of the Zoning Ordinance states t at no townhouse building shall contain more than eight dwelling units. The City has given flexibility to this requirement in the past for projects in areas V guided for medium -to -high density land uses and buildings demonstrating exterior designs that minimize the scale of larger buildings. The proposed buildings are to be three-story structures with a two -car garage and storage on the first floor, living areas on the second floor and bedrooms on the third floor. The units have a floor area of approximately 1,300 square feet. The garages are designed to accommodate two vehicles in a 18.5 foot wide by 22 foot deep parking area with additional storage areas to the front or side for garbage cans and other personal property. For reference purposes, a Toyota Camry is six feet wide by 16 feet in length and a Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Extra cab with a standard box is seven feet wide by 19 feet long. The exterior of the Ouildings have been designed with articulation of the facades and variations in the roof1lines and gables to break up the mass of the structures. The location of the garage under the dwelling unit and construction of decks on the second story that extend over the driveway apron serve to hide the view of the garage door and add additional interest. The buildings are to have a brick or stone veneer base, horizontal lap style siding on the second floor and alternative textured vinyl siding on the third story to provide additional variety for the exterior of the building. Overall the design of the building is aesthetically attractive. City staff believes that allowance of the proposed buildings designs, including those with more than eight dwelling units within this subdivision (and generally for areas guided for medium to high density residential as a substitute for multiple family units) is appropriate. The developer must specify at least four color packages for the proposed townhouse buildings, with no single color scheme used for more than 30 percent of the structures. Townhouse Lot Requirements. As noted above, the proposed townhouse units satisfy the lot area per unit requirement of 5,000 square feet per dwelling units when considered in combination with the open spaces provided within the preliminary plat. In that much of this area is not accessible for active use, the net result is a fairly dense development patten. The setbacks proposed on the preliminary plat for the townhouse area enable this pattern: R -O -W Interior Perimeter Between Private Bldgs. Drives Required 35ft. 30ft. 20ft. 25ft. Proposed 25ft. 35ft. 30ft. 22ft. The proposed setback to the public rights-of-way is consistent with that proposed for the single family homes and appropriate in order to bring the entries to the units on the north side of the buildings along 72nd Street closer to the street. The developer is also proposing that the setback from the back of the private drive curb be reduced from 25feet to 22 feet. A 22 foot deep driveway apron is sufficient to accommodate parking of a typical sedan (16 feet), Chevrolet Suburban (18 feet), Chevrolet Silverado Extended Cab/Short Box (19 feet), Ford F-150 SuperCrew as shown in the development booklet illustration (19 feet). 5 The requested flexibility must also be considered with the requested reduction in the width of the private drives by four feet resulting in a net reduction of 10 feet between buildings fronting a private drive. The design of the buildings with the garages tucked under the structure and the extension of a deck over the driveway apron will add prominence to the building that is distinct from a garage forward design, minimizing any negative visual impact with brining the buildings closer together across a private drive. Guest Parking. The City requires that one off-street parking stall be provided for every two townhouse dwelling units to accommodate guest parking needs. These stalls are in addition to space that may be utilized on the apron leading to a garage. With 180 townhouse units, 90 guest parking stalls are required. The site plan for the townhouse units provides 71 off-street stalls. There is 1,000 feet of frontage along the south side of 72nd Street that ould be available for on -street parking, sufficient to accommodate approximately 40 st IIs. City staff is comfortable that the provision of 71 off-street stalls in combination with utilization of the on -street space along 72nd Street and garage aprons is sufficient to meet guest parking needs. City staff recommends that the section of 72nd Street between the west plat line and Quenroe Avenue and Quenroe Avenue be posted s no parking from 2:OOAM to 6:OOAM year-round. The north side of 72nd Street from th west plat line to Quenroe Avenue should be posted no parking. Outlots. There ares 10 outlots identified on the preliminary plat: Outlot Use A, E, J Ponding B Open space C, D, F, I Gasline easement G City park H Future phase/monument sign Except for the park 'parcel, ownership of all of the other outlots will be retained by a homeowners association. Plans must be submitted to establish appropriate landscaping and grass seed mixtures for these outlots. City staff recommends dense seedling plantings within Outlots A, B, E, and J in combination with Fescue grass to minimize long term maintenance needs and reestablish tree cover within the development. Use of Outlots C, P, F and I is restricted due to the minimal depth of the existing gas line and restrictionof the overlying easement. These outlots must also be established with Fescue gI City staff is further recommending that decorative fence structures be located at the points where these outlots intersect streets to discourage encroachment into the easement by pedestrians or recreational vehicles. Landscaping. Th developer has submitted a landscape plan for the streetscape and base of the townho se buildings. The streetscape elements provide for boulevard trees along all public str ets and along the major townhouse private drives. The plantings at the base of the tow house units provide for good variety and quantities. All plant types and sizes are cons stent with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 6 The landscape plan also provides for the required buffer yard plantings along the rear of the lots abutting CSAH 42 as per Section 20-16-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance. The buffer yard plantings should be extended to include the rear of Lots 3-5, Block 1, Lots 8- 13, Block 2 and Lots 2-4, Block 4. Additional buffer plantings should also be provided scattered within Outlot J and along the west edge of Lots 18-22, Block 4, Block 12 and Block 13 to minimize the noise impacts from TH 101 and the adjacent commercial area. The establishment of "native grasses" within Outlot J, Block 12 and Block 13 is subject to submission of a more detailed planting and long-term maintenance plan. The developer has also submitted a tree preservation plan for the areas along the south plat line abutting existing developed rural lots. Eighty-two significant trees were identified in this area and 66 are proposed to be removed as a result of the development. The removal occurs mostly along the west plat line and at the southwest corner of the site where existing slopes must be graded. Consideration should be given to maintaining the trees south of 72nd Street, east of the wetland to provide future screening from the future commercial use to the west. Park and Trail Dedication. Section 21-7-18.H.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of 13 percent of the gross area of the subject site based on the proposed density for park and trail purposes or payment of an equivalent cash fee in lieu of land. The gross area of the plat is 82.12 acres and 10.68 acres can be required to be dedicated for park purposes. The preliminary plat provides for a park to be developed at the intersection of Streets 72nd Street and Quenroe Avenue in the south-central portion of the plat. Outlot G measures 1.57 acres in area or 14.7 percent of the required dedication. Any unmet portion of the required land dedication will be satisfied by a proportional cash fee in lieu of land payment based on the per unit fee established by Section 21-7-18.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance. There will be approximately 630 residences in the area between TH 101, CSAH 37 and CSAH 42 at full buildout of the subject site and redevelopment of existing rural parcels fronting CSAH 37 and including Riverbend Mobile Home Park. Based on the estimated area population and park system classification standards adopted as part of the Park and Trail Plan, a neighborhood park for this area should be in the range of 5.5 to 7.7 acres in size. The proposed park parcel is inadequate for development of a full neighborhood park and the facilities anticipated for such a site by the Park and Trail Plan. The parcel does fit the criteria for a neighborhood play lot. The main distinction between the two types of parks is that neighborhood play lots do not include developed playfields or extensive open spaces for field games. Play lots are intended to be developed within areas not adequately served by existing or planned neighborhood parks, not as a substitution for neighborhood parks. Elimination of the 17 single family lots in Blocks 11 and 12 would increase the size of the park to 5.43 acres which is more consistent with the park system classification for a neighborhood park that is guided for this area by the Park and Trail Plan. We recommend that the Park and Recreation Committee review the proposed park dedication at their meeting on 8 February 2005 and make a recommendation as to the area of the required park parcel. The City's park designer, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. 7 has prepared concepts of both a neighborhood play lot and neighborhood park for consideration at that meeting. If Outlot G in its current configuration is to be accepted for park purposes, we recommend that a 30 foot wide corridor be provided to 73 Id Street for improved access to the neighborhood. We also recommend that the north line of the outlot be extended to the intersection of Quigley Avenue and 72nd Street to eliminate the double frontage to Lots 16 and 17, Block 8. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted a grading plan for the proposed preliminary plat. The preliminary plat includes one wetland area adjacent to the townhouses south of 72nd Street in the southwest corner of the subdivision. A 40 foot building setback and 20 foot no -disturb zone is required from the boundary of this wetland. The drive aisles within Block 12 encroach into the required buffer and must be revised to be outside of the 20 foot setback. A second wetland exists within Outlot J but is not impacted by the development. The grading plan also identifies several retaining walls along the south and west plat lines. The design of the retaining walls must be presented and are subject to review and approval by City staff. All grading, drainage and wetland issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Utility Plan. The developer has submitted a utility plan for the proposed development. Extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities is being planned as a City improvement project related to the planned TH 101 project and Duke Realty industrial park south of 70th Street. As such, approval of the preliminary plat must be contingent upon the City entering into a contract to complete the necessary improvements that provide sanitary sewer and water access to the property. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. The preliminary plat illustrates easements required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance at the perimeter of all lots and over the entirety of all outlots. The wetland and no disturb buffer area within Lots 6 and 7, Block 16 of the townhouse area must also be overlaid by drainage and utility easements. Phasing Plan. The developer is required to submit a phasing plan for the subdivision with the first final plat in accordance with the City's development policy. The phasing plan will be included as part of the final plat approval and development contract in order to allow the City to properly monitor and plan for on-going residential development within the east and west sewer districts. Criteria. The applications for a Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP are to be evaluated based on the criteria established by 20-3-2.F and 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The land uses proposed on submitted plans are consistent with the type and densities anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, the definition of the subject site by TH 101, CSAH 37 and CSAH 42 and the design IN of the preliminary plat is an opportunity to establish a neighborhood with a unique compact character distinct from larger areas of the City. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment. The table below describes existing/planned adjacent uses. The proposed preliminary plat is compatible with surrounding properties. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North NA NA NA East LD residential R-1 District A-1 District Single Family South MHD residential LIVID residential A-1 District R-3 District Single Family West Commercial LIVID Residential A-1 District R-3 District Undeveloped Mobile Home Park 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat will comply with applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual except for flexibilities approved with the development plans. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat will establish a 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject site has multiple access points to major collector and arterial streets to appropriately distribute and accommodate traffic generated by the proposed development. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City=s service capacity. Comment: The City is planning construction of trunk sanitary sewer and water utilities that will provide service to the subject site. As the subject site is within the City's defined growth area, the development can be accommodated within existing City services. 9 RECOMMENDATION The proposed preliminary plat would provide for establishment of a compact urban neighborhood within a geographically defined area of the City. Our office believes generally that this is an opportunity unique to this area that has merit and deserves consideration of requested flexibilities. We recommend approval of the applications as set forth below, subject to additional comments by other City staff. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 - Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-6 District and R-7 District based on a finding that the action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve a PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat for Pinnacle Crossing, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts and payment of applicable SAC and WAC fees to assure the City of timely development. 2. A phasing plan shall be submitted outlining the anticipated final platting of the proposed subdivision. The phasing plan is subject to approval of the City Council, its schedule shall be made a condition of preliminary plat approval and it shall be incorporated as part of the terms and conditions of a development contract executed for the initial final plat of a phased development. 3. The developer shall specify four distinct color packages (siding, trim, and shutters) for the proposed townhouse buildings, with no scheme used for more than 30 percent of the building exteriors. 4. No parking zones from 2:OOAM to 6:OOAM on the south side of 72nd Street and 24 -hours on the north side of 72nd Street between the west plat line and Quenroe Avenue and both sides of Quenroe Avenue south of 72nd 10 Street shall be established by resolution of the City Council with the final plat. 5. The street section west of 75th Street to 72nd Street must be renamed as Queens Avenue. 6. All private drives shall be designed to be 28 feet wide consistent with the Engineering Manual unless approved by the City Council. 7. The sidewalk along Queens Avenue and Quigley Avenue shall be moved to the outside perimeter of the right-of-way to minimize public street crossings. 8. All single family lots shall be subject to the following minimum requirements: Min. Lot Setbacks Width Front Side Rear Private Drives Bldg. 1 Garage Corner Interior Interior CSAH 42 55ft. 25ft. 30ft. 25ft. 7ft. 30ft. 65ft. 9. Townhouses shall be subject to the following minimum setback requirements unless otherwise approved by the City Council: 10. Plans shall be submitted for establishment of appropriate landscaping and grass seed mixtures for all outlots to be retained by a homeowners association, subject to approval by City staff. 11. Decorative fence structures shall be provided at the intersections of Outlots C, D, F and I with public streets subject to review and approval by City staff. 12. The landscape plan shall be revised to provide for the required buffer yard plantings along the rear of the of Lots 3-5, Block 1, Lots 8-13, Block 2 and Lots 2-4, Block 4. Additional buffer plantings shall also be provided scattered within Outlot J and along the west edge of Lots 18-22, Block 4, Block 12 and Block 13 to minimize the noise impacts from TH 101 and the adjacent commercial area. The revised landscape plan is subject to review and approval of City staff. 13. Approval of the preliminary plat is contingent upon the City entering into a contract for construction of improvements to extend trunk sanitary sewer and water utilities to the subject site. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 11 R -O -W Interior Perimeter Between BId s. Private Drives Proposed 25ft. 30ft. 30ft. 22ft. 10. Plans shall be submitted for establishment of appropriate landscaping and grass seed mixtures for all outlots to be retained by a homeowners association, subject to approval by City staff. 11. Decorative fence structures shall be provided at the intersections of Outlots C, D, F and I with public streets subject to review and approval by City staff. 12. The landscape plan shall be revised to provide for the required buffer yard plantings along the rear of the of Lots 3-5, Block 1, Lots 8-13, Block 2 and Lots 2-4, Block 4. Additional buffer plantings shall also be provided scattered within Outlot J and along the west edge of Lots 18-22, Block 4, Block 12 and Block 13 to minimize the noise impacts from TH 101 and the adjacent commercial area. The revised landscape plan is subject to review and approval of City staff. 13. Approval of the preliminary plat is contingent upon the City entering into a contract for construction of improvements to extend trunk sanitary sewer and water utilities to the subject site. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 11 14. All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 15. Park and trail dedication requirements shall be subject to review and approval by the Park and Recreation Committee and approval of the City Council. 16. All grading, drainage, utilities, easements, streets, street names and rights-of-way shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Theresa Greenfield, The Rottlund Company, Inc. 12 = 1 inch equals 1 mile D DAD »� LOCATION MAP 4 U SECRON 26. TOWN5wP 121, RANGE 23 VAGHT COUNTY, M NESOTA. o� PISNEERenomemng C—Rapids Off \\\` IK �\ PRELIMINARY PLAT N of N PINNA CLE CROSSING 4 `\\a SITE INDEX ,� • 1. COVER SHEET 2, EXISTING CONDITIONS • /' • \` \ 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS 4. EXISRNG CONDITIONS 5. PRELIMINARY PUT w w • �'� a \� 6. PRELIMINARY PUT U ` 7. PRELIMINARY PT 4 u R 5• a 3 ��\ S. PRELIMINARY PLAT �• \\\ 9. PRELIMINARY PUT " " ouvr• / R 10. PRELIMINARYSITE k UTILITY PLAN 11. PRELIMINARY SITE t UTIUTY PUN 12. PRELIMINARY GRADING t EROSION CONTROL PLAN w \ �/�' •�\ ♦a \ \\ 13. PRELIMINARY GRADING t EROSION CONTROL PLAN 14. PRELIMINARY GRADING k EROSION CONTROL PLAN " a• n se / R \ �� 15. PRELIMINARY GRADING k EROSION CONTROL PLAN 16. PRELIMINARY GRADING t EROSION CONTROL PLAN " " taj a • tE \ �\ \icy. 17. PRELIMINARY GRADING k EROSION CONTROL PLAN 16. PREUMINARY GRADING t EROSION CONTROL PLAN oulaol i 'd} 19. DETAILS 20. DETAILS — • • a6 a / • f \ L1—L3 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN TT—T2 PRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 4 �a a/ r✓ �/ 6 a as '' a a a \ �a 13 w 1 \ ammo PARK I1 ' a \ r• � 10 12 GRAPHIC SCALE Lao » las aao I -ca eYa 1 • wOn Alms-.RtErN[ _A tllQjc_6 -- — — — — — — — — =817Y STATE AO NX WAY NO. J* -- — -- — ---------- DEV DPM CONTACT THERESA GREENFIELD PINN EXHIBIT B-1 PMNEERengineering Cam R.PiA.01fi¢ PINNACLE( EXHIBIT B-2 \ / SITE DATA \ / TOTAL BOUNDMYAREA SZ12 AC. \ / TOTAL R.O.W. AREA 11.55 AC. v a� TOTAL WROT AREA2657 OUROT A AC. AC. Jo \ A WROT B- .38 1.}2 AC. • W TLOT C 1.18 AC. \ Q• ��� WTLOT D 2.18 AC. \ / WRO7 E WROT F 1.39 AC. 0.53 AC. \ WROT G 1.79 AC. WROTH ^21 AC. \ WTLOT I 2.18 AC. WROT J 12.87 AC. TOTAL LOT AREA --42.00 SINGLE FAMILY LOT AREA AC. 30.05 AC. �'♦ \� CONDOMINIUM LOT MFA 11.95 AC. \ i \ i TOTAL NUMBER OFLO75 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 152 135 . \ 4 • CONDOMINIUM LOTS— TOTAL NUMBER OF UMl'S SINGLE: FAMILY 17 305 UNITS 135 / \ / CONDOMINIUM UNITS TOTAL WEILAND AREA 170 7.1 AC. \ \ \ / _ nNG Z- PROPOSED ZONING (SINGLE FAIRLY)—� d 7%07 L \ / PROPOSZONING (CONDOMMIIUMS) ED -R-7 UTIUTIES— ---- AVAILABLE v ;w ,•, Mtt Mlli Ua q.i IiiM �R ;/•/, + \ % ` ;, PMNEERengineering Cam R.PiA.01fi¢ PINNACLE( EXHIBIT B-2 %lo >.aw wn'\ ' •5 \ am ww ,i *i I m: 5 a '`,dans wn\, `� i�• /' M \ * sI OUTLOT D •, , am ww',, .i � •' /� P 1tr " \ ' Yw I m.ns 4 11, ,s,w ww � '\ /' ; '•� /\ •, an�wR\ � _/�' /� .r: = " .n l a .6 "rte 1� �, //;' P �';:t,\ > \ \ 7 5 am ww I ,aww / '►' },� w / \ 1 ' /' � . .•:%'! tx--••"� .1�. •5 �` o 1, _ F' -•--` T5 ,'S. •-'s-t----- �--'J, `' . '`e,\ �j I p� • p� � \ Www /' ` .' J�/, ,'� as R ,"''1 \ am '�� i \ ,,`5 .e � ,I / 11�• \ \ ,p: '^, ' >,pw '" \ 1Y 15 `I udeewR \ ,� -�` 'v /•.%/ n.om wa��4' r +> '`\ i !, nm�en,,� 'i qR:=';-1-� P \- — ', L � `,i�^'..o i!; "'_.•,,\ 4\ p � ^-., \\ \ • 11 _ A' _ _ \ , 0, �. \ �' ew M1'`.,ss R`, fP, •'� - aJM esR 5`- ` Y5,5 1\ aen ,' , : ,1� : �.. ,a.7ww 13 i,4 4 ;, - R \ / I '` j „ %., ta> x wn. /-•___•'_ ____ r. Iti " w rew I �.,` �` ww wm ww i 5 nms -_- - ' : 5 i 9T. MR .♦• Ro m —_--__-_ " % � , jT ` \ �''�+ 9 1 ��1, I ---- 1 — ' q aw _ 3 i I I •_._______—___, Y, , i ' I ; w _ npM wRI Ilq 2 4w ne a wn ~�' — — — - — — — — —I ba I >, I q' in.or n 'R a w,. is ww , �� ,5 ' s'. — — — — ws & I I � > Iq .j I I, } I I I ' 1 } ---- — } `-- - L — — — i s — I �� 11� E X C I. I ,I i i i _w Z , . _,� , _ -t— . �t �, ; E P T I 0 N GRME� >o I w mu Jo rw 121 n: ► —r-------- PISNEERed. ,... €E�...-.. .Nc""n wpee olrm �'m"ero. �e.o:�.�t� ^ �.�,1e ^--^•'�I--^„'mow'- PRELIMINARY THE ROTTLLND COMPANY, INC. PINNACLE G- ii1B1T v'3 PLAT >ou,xnitrc eair,en. nmeva,F,ewsm-uw olms ------------------ 1 i ^ 12 I x slb wA is our= B - ------------------- am wR I 'R v R. q�l ,a>u �w J I `,,' `,�1``, ' '• i '• '\� -�l , ,naa wR a,'''' i x ' I ' a , s r___t_------------ ..-___i R3 `. �''• '�j / '\ Jen 14 14 I a>ra»R la � I � Lln wa �q a � •i y �/\\ `. �S ,do ------------------- -------------- 15 15 x am»a I zlb n. its (� t Llb R',,, :'� /' M: P _ _ •' ! / 19 – – j – l : ' Ny \ Is �IR I ai I w ,R ;y'1 a«�»w \` %� . ;y 9� / �;,_ ;,✓%4 'y y \ Iilo R i ------------------- 17 I;q 1y / /� '`,✓aau w. •,'°� t. ana ww. ,1 F eN ww I 1'I \ Iilaa R " _' –__ _�; - ,� � / : y r.• ,� � .� ' ,t'R s ,.- - �', ��a��M -- 0 1(� � -'1" � ' a ' g1E! t 10 12 v, ems- a ro.m»w ,.i, �'\ - ! � ( �i , am wR't , (,' '�-•,- -' �I '� `,t,. wi wa ,11 1 "r y��3 i –w::. %"_(-- -y ---;•-r,ek _ ._-- dam wiL� 1'--'- -�'=-—~-'--------'---- - ---- Y `� J—p__611 .1��',: ..-•' -'t y I �`,1 >! IaaoP,° .\='., •\.\ ! ao w \ `C;i"',.,: /- .. >. : " t " OU807 B '`•f: -� ,` l�,- _ ,, '(, '� \•%' / y " /' :" }11 ,'1'�'\'le�4R. I 1t.R]a. h. ;' : / � •\ (dun ww `, /!P /, a?: � \ 16 ar wa '!�: ' - aaeb a. 'q • P (t ^,';, '`\!.n�wR'`, /',,! / p� \,,✓ N�/�� / / t; nan ww 1 = S�M 11 , e ,: ;. ,� jo lo ----------- �\ '► / e. ,:..,', /' , \ of13 w " ' �'\" •c� ��'" 51 e_- 4 , �; ,( a.an w.w \ 1\ ; rYQ\ `�"; ' • 3. aaw wa. 1 n ; t i �`\, A" y (, 1� _- „.t ,� _ / ``'a , +•`•: ,- -' 9 4 w.lr wR • '1 \' -----------'—' - — - — - — - — - — — \ \ % GRAPHIC SCALE –1— n PMNEERengi�eiing EXHIB� B• j1 c—Rapi&Olf � 1M.=a .�••+.--«aA ----- PRELIMINARY THEROTTLUNUCOMPANY,QVC. PINNACLE( 4 „j n �I �•0« r+M•.n _ ]IIM ®MIABflaN�a M. PLAN' OeaValE. NII f511J1 Im OfS¢W. MII... -------------- all p--------- LL---j n- - -------------- ----------- S09-25�4W (d� �5'---- ------ - 1�4 ( �E I la �W 1059.60 30. 1p N, R OU7WT J ----------- OV7WT I Q------- 13 3 4 ITT.255.91 7� W. 412.59 NJ 4N1 2" 5'E- ) 'W—) --------- GRAPHIC SCALE 1. --------------- PMNEERegoneeing EA."!IBIT B-5 PRELIMINARY THE ROTTLUND COMPANY. INC. C— Pupid. Ofr— PI,Al' PINNACLE ,', MRI i . '• i � O 4nl KM1 A �' ',,,1 , ,• '`$ ' I 1'4 y au• K4 T '`� 4� ! n,i" Na . 1't1 Z OU7WT 0 .: •P 1)AM KR ( i `•�� '1!I ' �'- 7A K •�•, Ip,Or] a. , i ` �.�:_�'-! 9 __ - __—t10 __••_ al iY �`i5 ii+ •wm' Y � R - - �__.�_�_�_�. -p----------_ _ 265.91 _ s )x w 7211D ITT•=•cam_ Y W. 41 72ND S I --- _-- , t a- sIL s• • Kat NR ,, t •, t ------------- ' - ________._ __—______. jI Ix K, M ''•• jAar a !Ru»,R ,R ; I 1' , I t I , , T D 1 V I _ :? • ,'1 a 12 so , , t t t r� / ', i 't 1 ]N /• 7 t ,a4L NR , 7n In 11, ! 1,• 2.1 41&17 13 12 a:� ! I ,rCR 400.00 Ma ,)r. Y` IYM•44a, 1a"�1 I $aa'I]'10-E Ea•1 (CMJ) - i 71ST Sr. Ma ' I Iws•wlK aass. S�� ! J�JIt`�.v K ; ou7TOT s TTED I I -----� 5 GRAPHIC SCALE I " P ! - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — , - - - -i'WJTY STATi c r rn:aY m. s,}! L R 72ND sr sa - - - - - - - - - - - - „�.. t PIONEER ►>em------------- MTH 5, 1;a.-.�...r." — — )'� � �. '���, ,°"°• ' , �� —--.+r--- — — — — -- G A IBI, 3'6 lt.Pa•o� a':.kp ,�; �'" '•� PRFLIMINARY THE ROITLUND COMPANY, INC. •m,�,.,lolrmol PINNACLEC ..r.�+='.` PLAT amewJr. l4:aiiaaly m�'vo.sm PLANT SCHEDULE____ CDMMDN NAN ccntf c Ralw RDDi IQUANTITY INSTRUMCTION al 108 MOIIIIfSE WINE/AV. nNMTMR Tr' 0 mum KAN MM7F/Iww R MIW Vwwa --__ LO' W M 0 NORITI M MAZE INX AWAR.RiM6 unadow 'J~ LS'M R ® MAR9WES SEEDLESS ARI/7nrM6 SMwIl SIMM s SwiloW Irem A ® MMrlmot. IED w/o-- Illbta LS EY 1a AYDECMJ LROER/IEO arwlmla bolawY _—._— ■ML NEJS SwRAE/Flw V61Ma Mwb..--.—..—_.— LS m _—_- N W M 75 ADSIMNI HEJN6NM IIIA i W m O1IMMEN7AE 'MILES___ RmElt OIQEOEIEIY/plRI1M 11IMMJ6 Ivm 17 1 SMw la P ANWIFE MAS/V46Y VITRO R' 1.S W 13 • TREE MAXIM PER ENIM m NOTE .1M Pew m6 I— Naw Ie MANY. to rlwbrrbte a•aN •I1Wq I1O166 Fo O . .M. Fxw<6— MI. —M. al Pla Nu y PMNEERengi,eeH,>g AIT Ia.�ua� MendoM ileiphY Olii,s -mt LRIM<ye Emtrala ma wMl IM —Ml YM to b•ewne bn<m eiln RN wY1Mq cm6ilanq prm L-- —.Ew1 0l pl,M -DISE L.JMgN FanVmla mW M1ily Om J 1_. gtgrl Dot• el Ix•t I ME - IIr< Lmq ye Cmbala maN M .eroenWe b 6M FW6 .Mil e.Ybrq uIMIY bOeNena m MEW., mm Mn Dopna Stet• bre Cd [-600- }!}-1166 pvR a w.c ea RN lmJ1< .ra of w [os. Io Na Uenaemtae Ila a Ione npe .rang•.. oI I n.cts lu lar Aga p rl �eviu�dnn - rxm Naeinq Pa1a,n<e br amw• ax pmt malas •nal III, --d w gaan9 me [mgbaMn nus nem canYtl<e b In• aaMealt Sla�e 11-1 1 1 ..I.AIINNIT In• etmaaea luune n tM A-— A<sonotan of Na•nprrx-rLma:ur - AY cmlenr malard Io M Noa^ it IM [mlanw o mm.nan o1 a e (61 mmt p v to aminv m ag.. Dai6rw• mJ �IMliwe b aE n M .I... MI mt Lmea apt .t- —11 Mwmlx ataremlrly la o el W YP.H�I - RM ,mearot CmNm1a Mrm veamlx IIx prop mdaal t " 1x (}) [away Waa pan Ine IM of wdm amptmce o1 .va tom 1M EN, w - nN tslaRm. • xa tM Nvnl 10 n mr Pbr1a .nNA we eewxe wxlalatay Mbt. rYrnv a Yddwn afrom[y A— u• =: d —1. Pram m Pm me t r,wsa m NNmI IME RI. n •Irowr m PIm .. I IT.Nramu. om m In -1M JMEmWc1 LmM• a MNOI M xm 1l1. W Yawn m mulmeq me pMbn9 seA grminiea lomcwrrpwe •INE Int INA, R,e Imwceo• LrnNator mdl xrgY a mmlI.es sno.a m 1 p I s • e - ­TNIIY x w1Y^q mm be m11ANJ .nat nolta. Io IM U<w fonlr•clor mal rroalr oII q o In• •g. cwu y • among epwolrm of nn cx -int lm rot Cm Ax pegtnElRr Io Nr cM e. and Pr xo eJ n1 1n. cmlra<Iw1 e.penx. r ""•J 4nnr mt 1xe r eanage Int Canlratr m II oe reromamle b c Wn 9 u rop rNw ceen. evuo Mna a-0 pw m1g vo$1=� IN. nrrsr a wpplM m= e • n _—.__—_. -. MITRAL BEDS Jul G SON. ANCItp[p MITI KA1 YO,'. Iry C[WPOANCF WlN mNWi SIANOANO SRII SILECT IMSUIL, Itlk B. }- A MNMM 6 6' b iM501 10 BE: PLACED IN ALL RANMNG OFFS. BASES IN A.TRR, ID ME PEAL MOSS AMENDMIHI 3- KAN1N6 504 IM TREES — AND MOItIO CEAERS SN- BE FERRITE .. DOMIAR1 A L18FRM AYOMT OF —IS AND -MAT DE SIE11-1 --S KANT GROMN. It SINN, COMPLY MIN MrrOOi SIANOAND .b11 SEEECE IM III, — B. — YA INl BE 6 NOMM FREE S EFM. NAREl' DR SOIL. SIDES AIR OILMEM5, a I!AL$ MNItAR SAM, N.AAAA M tl-10-10 FERTAIIIR AT A RAZE OP 3 IRS KA GOMC A MI BEINE[N. SAME E BE wCMPOFIARDNODfA RT RE FAME BED B1 RR ENTA_ To INE ENING ISE M 504 PRFPAAE KAAMG REDS RRa1G BEDS TO GRAM. RARE AND NEMDtt REEDS. f— AND ROERS 1' IH DMMIEN ON GREATER. -V.- MATT.- ITLE ALL - I- PNM TO R ANITNI; -1 OR—TARALS. —EM OR E.—TIT SNAL1 OF —111 ACCOEMIC. tO ME MANIAACIIJRR S INS - 1 -O- AI, PLANTS SNALI. BE NEALMY. MGOROIS MAIENITE, FREE OF NESTS AND DISEASE I- ALL 1NEES SNMI BE STRAIGNI-TRIRNED A NTLI-NEADEO AND MEET ALL SKEBFED REDRREM"NTS,. 6- ALL WES AND SI RAIS SNML BE MANED AND M—ED AS SNDYA N INE DETAILS. 6- wARANG AT TIME R KANING: WEDIARLI AFTER KANRNG APRT RAIER TO SETTLE PLANT", AND IBL W MX CMS T 3'DEPRT SOL RAIFAING RAW ANI w SERB 5 MN WES RATER NCRE-1 A1Rtll . S AfN SNMI. RE A .- MRM+ AN NOMS DE SECOND wAEMHG. IRNESS SOl MOSTI NL IS ENCESSIK. NO- RATEIIMG MANIILAANCF, MANTAN A BARRING SOEOAE RMCH n 1NMOgR.Y INAIER ML R AAT% NOFAI S�52 —I1 IN N.- SHAIM MI MCESSITT ARRAIDE E FS TO AIN NERE 11" AME aARRMG REOAPA111 EINENTS I MAINTENANCE SNML KO ARIEOARLY Af1FR FAM PDRI ON M THE IMINT, 1S IN RAR. KA NI MARAIM SNAIL B PROTECTED AND MAINTAINED ENN ITE THSIALEARON ISE MANIINGS 1S ACf!'PTED YAINENANCE SN L INCLUDE. 1A1tJRNC, CIILRVARNG. MULCHING, REM— AND REKACEMENI M MQ M DISEASED HARD—S, MAINIMMG RAMS Al PREWEN MADE AND w A — POJRM. AN1 RANT YATIRIM ARTCH DIES, (AFTAIATES OR TEAMS MDMI SNAIA BE M[NM1 BE—IRDM RE SIE AND NPIACPR MN MATERIAL O 14E SAME". —IES. OUANRTr. SIZE AND NET ME PIANRNE M. DNAPHIC 8C'AIJL IM fY6E D COMPANY, INC. Pinnackl EXHIBIT Cm1 PDIMBORIYE NNTETTEA 1111}1IAl [Aal^E QV.PjLY NP ---------- --- — ----- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PISNEEReroneeHng I I I I 6mmn!%Mmmw� ------------------ DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL CONIFER TREE PLANTING DETAIL CONTAINER SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL Ihnnacle E:I!HIBIT C-2 4 24.17 24.00 24.00 24.17 Ym. s• x0oc R rn. POLY man ]rr. I I I ry N I I I N N 24.17 24.00 24.00 24.17 0 4 wo soo 4 VISTA POIJNDA71ON PLAN TYP. some: ) . 10•-0' IF NW SW YA cnEfx JMwFA L n 'sna Gsm ! 0 —T L LM n-11 41 tR us11F xgN[ess SAx� S a ]Nux h:rKwl ]t ) COxs. NIA Smf s1EW O'mro uA)tYv PIONEEReno>,eering THE ROTTLUND COMPANY, INC. EXHIBIT C-3, �^"�'�' Mcndxlx HelghlY q! _-- PiHnat;IC VISTA FOUNDATION PIAN >ms CENMeraxre Dove N� m tMflY1(A fs11S11}I s�Wt^� N c yxLU r�s p a a d10S':�NNIW '0 DES10 'DNISSO�I� ���NN1�4 Q s r A-liW Via,• e ........... I . 6. B. RETAINING WALL / 111.901.0 ow 8930 TIN 2650 "Go 904.0 ----------- ------------ :R 7 BW IR f! T, 97.NGS STATION 08000 872.41 ELEVAn0N NGS STATION WOBE Ti III= ELrVATI lZ aM.0 ON = 860,61 w 04 s.0c- Rv.& offi. =ZiI w. PRELIMINARY GRADING AND THE ROTTLUND COMPANY, INC. NACLE C EX.41BIT E-1 EROSION CONTROL PLAN PIN L ;IC, AN OWN ........... I . 6. B. RETAINING WALL / 111.901.0 ow 8930 TIN 2650 "Go 904.0 ----------- ------------ :R 7 BW IR f! T, 97.NGS STATION 08000 872.41 ELEVAn0N NGS STATION WOBE Ti III= ELrVATI lZ aM.0 ON = 860,61 w 04 s.0c- Rv.& offi. =ZiI w. PRELIMINARY GRADING AND THE ROTTLUND COMPANY, INC. NACLE C EX.41BIT E-1 EROSION CONTROL PLAN PIN L ;IC, Y _ I m iz ... r7 i 8rf — — �—` ;i� p6 ; I 1 .;� n F 8�•� 1 tl.is.�• � 1PIf �m v RSF '� o�• t' u .ee._ I r 1 1 __ „ t ' - �I�� ��[ ]t I i a - -_ __ � Y• r m IJ I i t vk � • J- $' 1 •, � -Si 1� � v _ �. 12 O I • i I I _ - S� �.r . t�-�T .c r � O �6 _.. ; li i— �FT�.I'� � "�'--- i`o.e�i� R I I o --•---• o i ---SAIGr i 1 S , I -_ „ --t^ar-eope•-�-t - WY—F - 6� - s� — z� I eR - ('� I t .T� R - , t.. 0 �� I 1'--.•_•_`�..•. ._` ��.�� , � �-r ; pop _ II ,1 z RDE QUEN I� - �r - I '� - ...m. nisTs� ?Re iaoi ena %fix '�R-- aux. x � .a: —1•� '_ pix =tea I '' � i ' / L-� ��/\ �/ vo • ,v, z i. �r�`,y�' � i --I-------------- ---- 90 i a• x _SEE SHEET 13 1iY11(V 1\ /fry --'• E; RIP RAP LOCATM.--j ^ . ' / . ���� ` \it � \ � ` Sao ,�r =� �—_ WALL = p ����0���� —~| �� "�^us' � 10 ^,PLACE RIP RAP TOP OF BERM WETLAND 1CY 1 00 YR H.W.L - 870.6 BENCHMARK BACK TO BACK 100 YR H.Wl-- 87SI NGS STATION 8608D ELEVATION - 860.81 IN r7 -20C � \ � ` Sao ,�r =� �—_ WALL = p ����0���� —~| �� "�^us' � aim it .0 00. oll:ikd � � d a `•rte_ I. <. .� 6� 1 1 ----------- ?IIIIIIIIN-11,11.1", ""I,- �--- -I > vo wo > ON f "i > vo wo > ON PIONEERe,wineming Md..lkigh.Offio. EXHIBIT F..' tiiil�, (tUROi n 1, 111 e , _ OUTOT _ -„re` PI*NEERI>ngi 11/udeu Fkio" Myews2a Save Tree to be Saved 6 'yySI _. .. Remove E 3 EM qw. fln AW Removed 1 ] Off Site Save off property EM FW FM3W gnme EMZW. 35w ,� ,1 L e \ E. gemme Elo Ell 6 2 FM w. 1313 Ela t S� r' = -w +e1uYd 6sn EMZW E19 E11 E a EM FFP .- 1.- U 17 53 EM W i 149 Il 3 OUTOT _ -„re` PI*NEERI>ngi 11/udeu Fkio" Myews2a x PROTECTED ROOT ZONE ,wnv —WC3 ?OOT 201E 'L7r..v e'T : TREE PROTECTION FENCE ro. s nomv �/` �_rmt as TREE PRESERVATION NOTES .3sla dR1 LEGEND Save Tree to be Saved 6 'yySI _. .. Remove E 3 EM qw. fln AW Removed 9 ] Off Site Save off property EM FW FM3W gnme EMZW. 35w 6 E. gemme Elo Ell 6 2 FM w. 1313 Ela 6 6 -w +e1uYd 6sn EMZW E19 E11 E a EM FFP .- 1.- U 17 53 EM W E19 Ex0 149 Il 3 Tin zW ..+aee 6nn Plsle yz9 E:l Eu 1523 35M 395 3527 xsE=1 'ss5w x313 Elr a a W R 10 9 oRae Y,e xe,lA. ansle s.. 4�Pre ITR Sbl Sn9 Ort Sur See OR ye yz9 (]1514 Saa Iz a me s..e M Sue L.e Ofl ye yre EE 3336 m7 E39 ESA 2511 zw s« xs9s zse6 asa xv 3001 1W] a . 9 99 9 10 s ORy Sive G11 Swe tll s¢ Sze �5'he See ye Sne oll Ye Sive 01139e Yw �� msu YK mwe an sle s.•e ..inre ansa Y•e •ane on sle Y.e x� Hre �sa sre. R ,e Y�s.r Aa M. R qM ll. Rnw.9 � wR ARw,� m low n10 L11 L1l »19 R) 9.e u 9 0 1 6 } � genre 5vla�o.R �y Sre zIR m HnzIP yre FM ZW SE•e Y.e EM1W- y.r fMW 1016 »I7 »19 11119 1183 �o z ) •vzntd onl Yw eM yy. yve EM SW Rye FMSW RnWse EM w. Rnrwe ]pN wN1R R7 N � Y a ss 6 3 6 91 Il «o Mw EM— e�.e fMvp. Ae.m. EM seR Sae MSW s F rW �rt1 Mz.9o%1.W mzsnq FMr3v: Y.e E sW. Reme M w37 »y om 6 efMSW 6 6 Em:`W AR� M1w. A.re,9 EMZW. nme fYMn sW. Ryw Y•e asRonr s..e EMSW x PROTECTED ROOT ZONE ,wnv —WC3 ?OOT 201E 'L7r..v e'T : TREE PROTECTION FENCE ro. s nomv �/` �_rmt as TREE PRESERVATION NOTES .3sla dR1 LEGEND Save Tree to be Saved 6 Tree to be Remove E 3 EM qw. fln AW Removed 9 Tree is located Off Site Save off property GH.WRIC WL W FEET Tey $R19.) T—I- Rona Sb6s 1593 6 EM qp. Anrcv: 1301 ]503 E 3 EM qw. fln AW 3503 9 EMW 1596 1302 3501 ) ] 2 EM FW FM3W gnme EMZW. 35w 6 E. gemme Elo Ell 6 2 FM w. 1313 Ela 6 6 -w +e1uYd 6sn EMZW E19 E11 E a EM FFP .- 1.- U 17 53 EM W E19 Ex0 149 Il 3 Tin zW ..+aee 6nn Plsle yz9 E:l Eu 1523 35M 395 3527 xsE=1 'ss5w x313 Elr a a W R 10 9 oRae Y,e xe,lA. ansle s.. 4�Pre ITR Sbl Sn9 Ort Sur See OR ye yz9 (]1514 Saa Iz a me s..e M Sue L.e Ofl ye yre EE 3336 m7 E39 ESA 2511 zw s« xs9s zse6 asa xv 3001 1W] a . 9 99 9 10 s ORy Sive G11 Swe tll s¢ Sze �5'he See ye Sne oll Ye Sive 01139e Yw �� msu YK mwe an sle s.•e ..inre ansa Y•e •ane on sle Y.e x� Hre �sa sre. R ,e Y�s.r Aa M. R qM ll. Rnw.9 � wR ARw,� m low n10 L11 L1l »19 R) 9.e u 9 0 1 6 } � genre 5vla�o.R �y Sre zIR m HnzIP yre FM ZW SE•e Y.e EM1W- y.r fMW 1016 »I7 »19 11119 1183 �o z ) •vzntd onl Yw eM yy. yve EM SW Rye FMSW RnWse EM w. Rnrwe ]pN wN1R R7 N M1W EMZW. Rome 1 1 ws lon lI1M n» wb �� i3. X65 a ss 6 3 6 91 Il «o Mw EM— e�.e fMvp. Ae.m. EM seR Sae MSW s F rW �rt1 Mz.9o%1.W mzsnq FMr3v: Y.e E sW. Reme M w37 »y om 6 efMSW 6 6 Em:`W AR� M1w. A.re,9 EMZW. nme fYMn sW. Ryw Y•e asRonr s..e EMSW PINNACLE EXHIBIT F-2 Qggl PIONEERmoneering C— Rapids Ofr— LEFT s7RUC I 00 NGS STATION 86080 ELEVATION - 872.41 NGS STATION560 ELEVATION8608BEI SINGLE FAMILY 55' WIDE IDT NEIGHBORHOOD NUMBER OF UNITS - 70 SINGLE FAMILY 65' VIDE IDT aF NEIGHBORHOOD NUMBER OF UNITS 65 no wu - J 5' Al 13 2 3 4 Ir 12 OUTLOT E TYPICAL STREET SECTION rusuc TYPICAL DRIVEWAY SECTION TYPICAL STREET SECTION L COMPANY, INC. PINNACLE— EA.- 11131T G-1 C 3 SINGLE FAMILY 55' WIDE LOT NEIGHBORHOOD NUMBER Of UNITS 70 OUTLOT B 2 cc�, 14 23 22 —15 IR III 1 11 20 13 4 Ir 5 12 17• OUTLOT E os------ F*, Cr' 3 2 4,12 6 7 4 P.d 200 7 22 to 6�ry OUTLOT J 2 2 STOLE FAIUY 00 WIVE LOT r /-3 NEIGHBORHOOD FIN"— v- a 4 NUMBER OF UN IS 65 4 OUTLOT G 10 72ND ST. NE /W -IR P I* NEE 'Rew-neen-ng Coon Rpids Offim PINNACI, 1EXHIBIl 1 — i 3 2 1 2— ==,T 10 — - — - — - P�. I "SIT Z ROTTIJIND IFISTA NEIGHBORHOOD NUMBER OF UNITS - 170 GUEST PARKING SPACES 71 - 71 Nj ST (COUNTYSTATE AI iJ� HIGHWAY --- --7-- Q-— l' 7 ---------- r GRAPHr sena. w leer L. 70TH STREET NE 2- 7 1 _________________L____________________________ ...... f NGS STATION B6GW W:: I ELEVATION = 872.41 NOS STATION5600E I ELEVATION - 860.81 PINNACI, 1EXHIBIl 1 — i FEB. 2.2006 1:07PM N0.955 P.2/8 Review No. 2 ENGINEERING REVIEW —� Hakanson Residential Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego �■I Assoc -,Inc- by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Bruce Pankonin, The Rottlund Company, Inc. Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E., Pioneer Engineering Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Shane M. Nelson, P,E. Brent M. Larson Date: February 2, 2006 Proposed Development: Pinnacle Crossing Street Location A portion of the S '/ of S26, T121, R23. 82.12 Acres of Property: southwest of CSAH 42, east of Hwy 101 and north of CSAH 37. Applicant: The Rottlund Company 3065 Centre Pointe Dr. Roseville, MN 55113-1130 Developer: The Rottlund Company Owners of Record: The Rottlund Company Purpose: Pinnacle Crossing is a proposed 135 lot single-family and 170 multifamily residential development on 82t acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdihtional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (I)ut not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (biut not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) FEB. 2.2006 1:07PM TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE EXISTING CONDITIONS PRELIMINARY PLAT STREETS TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE WETLANDS SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM WATEII DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL ENVIRONMENTAL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION N0.955 P.3/8 �kHaOl\Shai79d DocslMunlclpallNotsego22xx12295\ot2295RVW2.doc Page 2 of 2 FEB. 2.2006 1:07PM I N FO IFZMATI O N AVAI LAB L E N0.955 P.4/8 Existing Conditions of Pinnacle Crossing, 1/13/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Preliminary Plat of Pinnacle Crossing, 1/13/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Preliminary Utility Plan for Pinnacle Crossing, 1/13/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Preliminary Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan for Pinnacle Crossing, 1/13/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Storm ,5'ewer Design for Pinnacle Crossing, 12/7/05 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Inlet Spread Calculations for Pinnacle Crossing, 1/17/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Hydrology Report for Pinnacle Crossing, 1/16/06 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment, 2/4/04 revision, by Braun Intertec Corp. Geoteclhnical Report for Pinnacle Crossing, 1/29/04 revision, by Braun Intertec Corp. Wetland Delineation Report for Pinnacle Crossing, 11/6/03 revision, by Pioneer Engineering City of Otsego Engineering Manual Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of Lefebvre Watershed, March 1999 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, October 14, 2002 National Wetland inventory Map, 1991 PAGE 1 \1H4011shared DocslMunlclpal\Aotsego22pc12295\ot22B5RVW2.doc FEB. 2.2006 1:07PM EXISTING CONDITIONS N0.955 P.5/8 1. All utilities within 150' of the proposed plat appear to be identified and the adjacent land has been properly identified by current ownership and zoning. PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. Deviations from the City of Otsego required lot widths, side and front setbacks in both the single family and townhome areas are subject to the approval of the city. 2. It will be required that the association retains ownership of all outlots with the exception of Outlot G (park). The site plan depicts trail and storm sewer crossings of the Outlots. Drainage and utility easements will be required. The Final Plat shall depict all easements, including those over outlots and in the townhome areas. 3. The 75' Street R.O.W. shall be rounded with a 10' radius, STREIETS 1. Streets shall be named in accordance with the Wright County Grid system. The Quigley Avenue NE west of Quenroe Avenue NE from 72"d Street NE to 75th Street NE shall be named Queens Avenue NE. 2. The many of the private driveways in the townhome area are proposed to be only 24' vuide. Driveways serving 4 or more units shall be a minimum of 28' wide. 3. The sidewalk along the east side of the Queens Avenue NE and west side or Quigley Avenue NE shall be moved to the opposite side of the street to minimize street clrossings. 4. The number of parking stalls in the townhome area is insufficient. The city suggests that the additional parking stalls be supplied along the south side of 72nd Street NE firom the west plat line to Quenroe Avenue NE. 5. (gross gutters at street and private drive intersections are required where the grade Cver the bituminous pavement is less than 1.0%. Provide intersection details or spot elevations at all appropriate intersections with the final construction plans. (Example FDrivate Driveways N, D, F, G, R, Q, and P) TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE I. fi'ccess to the proposed plat is proposed via two connections to CSAH 42 and one connection to CSAH 37. Access locations are subject to county review. 2. Wright County may require right turn lanes and acceleration lanes along county roads. It will be the developer's responsibility to secure all additional R.O.W. required fpr any turn lanes or acceleration lanes. 3, We have reviewed the Collector Road Access Fee as it applies to this development. Placing the normal flee on it would be problematic as the plat is surrounded by County PAGE 2 MaMShared Docs\Munlclpal\Aotsego22xkU295Wt2295RVW2.doc FEB. 2.2006 1:08PM N0.955 P.6/8 Highways that go directly to trunk Highway 101. However the city is building or has plans to build several collector roads near Pinnacle Crossing that may have some Imefit. The city has also been required to pay approximately 7.5% of the oonstruction cost of the interchange upgrade. We recommend a report be completed 'to determine a proper Collector Road Access Fee specifically for Pinnacle Crossing. The plat may be considered premature based upon the results of the report. The ireport will be drafted with the objective of arriving at a mutually agreeable road Rccess fee for Pinnacle Crossing, WET ANDS 1. wetlands have been identified and the wetland delineation report has been received. No wetland impacts are proposed. 2. Private Driveway J and the adjacent retaining wall shall not extend into the 20' "no dlisturb zone" protective buffer of the adjacent wetland. SURF, WE WATER MANAGEMENT 1. the hydrology report, storm sewer design calculations, and inlet spread calculations have been received. Comments will be included in the final plat review. 2. The infiltration basin along CSAH 42 will not be allowed, Earth berms (minimum 4' high) shall be provided within the drainage and utility easement for buffer yards for 11l►ts abutting CSAH 42. (20-16-7.D) 3. F1Iroposed discharge of 11.24 cfs to the north will be reviewed for impact to the existing storm sewer system. The proposed design of the storm sewer outlet from Pond 100 carrying this discharge requires that the developer obtain a permanent easement from the adjacent landowner, The easement must be secured and d0cuments must be provided prior to any consideration for final plat approval. 4. The developer has requested that this storm sewer be installed with the City of Ctsego's Trunk Watermain and Sanitary Sewer project long the west side of CSAH Q. Due to the configuration of the existing downstream sanitary sewer of the mobile hpme park, removal of a portion of the existing sanitary sewer pipe will be required prior to the installation of the proposed storm sewer, The proposed storm sewer cpnnot be completed until the mobile home park is connected to an operational sanitary sewer system. Consequently the north pond (Pond 100) will have no outlet until such time as the City portion of watermain and sanitary sewer is complete and operational. The developer will be responsible for constructing the proposed storm sq,wer as well as the cost of removing the abandoned sanitary sewer line and associated structures. SANITANRY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM 1. NIA comments. WATQ1 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PAGE 3 MaOl1Sharod DocelMunlcipallAotsego22xn12295\ot2285RVw2.doc FEB. 2.2006 1:08PM N0.955 P.7/8 1- Hydrant coverage of Block 13, Lot 3 and Block 12, Lot 7 is insufficient. GRACIING DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL 1. Provide a legend, 2. Label the contours. 3. Please provide rear building pad elevations for all lots (Ramblers). 4. h-"arth berms (minimum 4' high) shall be provided within the drainage and utility (;� sement for buffer yards for lots abutting CSAH 42. (20,16-7.1)). To accommodate for the infiltration basin in this area the developer's engineer has proposed to provide additional landscaping along CSAR 42 in lieu of the earth berms. The infiltration basin will not be allowed. We have reviewed the topography along CSAH 42 and have determined that conditions do permit the required 4' high earth berms, 5. P�laintenapce accesses providing access to all backyard pond areas and structures shall be labeled on the Final Construction and Grading Plans. 6. 11.5' of freeboard is required from the 100 -year elevation or overflow elevation of all ponding areas to the lowest openings. It appears that some lots may not meet this requirement. (Example Blk 11, Lot 1, Blk 10, Lot 4, Blk 8, Lots 4 &10-13, Blk 4, Lot 8, and Blk 7, Lot 1. 7. There is grading onto the adjacent property to the west shown on sheet 14. Grading on adjacent property will require permission from the property owner and dbpcumentation shall be provided, 8. The rear yard of Block 2, Lot 9 does not maintain the minimum slope of 2% along the Icat line. 9. The final grading plans shall have all lot corner elevations labeled. 10. Private Driveway U appears to require a cross slope to get the water to flow the single catch basin at the south end of the driveway. 11. The grade near the NE corner of Block 7, Lot 5 and the SE corner of Block 9, Lot 3 exceed the maximum slope of 4:1. ENVIRONMENTAL 1, Nip comments. OTHEi� CONSIDERATIONS Tlhie proposed design of the storm sewer outlet from Pond 100 will be subject to the developer obtaining the corresponding easements. The easement must be secured and documents must be provided prior to any consideration for final plat approval. PAGE 4 \\Ha01\sharegd Docs\MunlclpaMotsago22xx\2295\ot2295RVW2.doc FEB. 2.2006 1:08PM N0.955 P.8/8 2. Mallboxes will be required to be located in clusters. The side of the street that the plusters are located on shall be determined by the local mail carrier/USPS. The developer's engineer has acknowledged this comment. 3. Fencing or landscaping is required across the underground gas easements where Ihey intersect public streets to discourage snowmobile use along these easements. '17he developer is willing to install either fencing or landscaping in these areas with the approval of the gas company, SUMIN LARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent on the above comments being addressed. PAGE 5 \\Ha0j\Shanpd Docs\MunlcipalWotsego22nc\2295Xot2295RVW2.doe NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners(anacplanning. corn MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Shives / Daniel Licht DATE: 31 January 2006 RE: Zoning Ordinance Update — Residential Zoning Districts FILE: 176.23 BACKGROUND As a part of the continued Zoning Ordinance update project, we have identified areas within the residential zoning districts in need of revisions and restructuring. The need for these revisions is in part directed by the Comprehensive Plan update approved in 2004 and on-going observation of subdivision development within the east and west sewer districts. Exhibits: A. Residential district matrix B. Single family lot width diagrams C. Draft Zoning Ordinance amendment ANALYSIS Large Lot Single Family District. The first of the proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance is the establishment of an R -4A, Residential -Suburban Single Family District to allow for larger single family lot sizes within the urban areas. The Comprehensive Plan identifies a need to establish a third single family district that provides for a larger minimum lot size in areas with natural amenities and to provide an opportunity for larger, move -up housing within the projected sanitary sewer service districts. Currently, the Zoning Ordinance allows for urban single family minimum lot sizes of 12,000 square feet within the R-4 District and 9,000 square feet within the R-6 District. The creation of an R -4A District would require a minimum lot size of 18,000 square feet with a minimum width of 100 feet. The 100 foot lot width is intended to provide for a wider building envelope and greater flexibility in locating homes on these lots. Application of this zoning district would correspond to areas guided on the land use plan for large lot low density residential uses within the sanitary sewer service district. We have also included language within the R-4 and R-5 Districts requiring a block of R -4A District lots as a transition where a proposed development abuts any existing one -acre subdivisions. To this end, the 100 foot lot width would better ensure that not more than two proposed lots abut any one existing one -acre lot. Furthermore, the anticipated 180 foot lot depth of the proposed lots would better correspond to the typical 290 foot depth of the one -acre lots. Single Family Corner Lot Widths. The final proposed changes within this ordinance amendment involve the addition of minimum required lot widths for single family corner lots. Under the existing language of the Zoning Ordinance, the side yard of a corner lot abutting a public street is subject to a front yard setback. The purpose of requiring the front yard setback is to maintain visibility at the corner and a consistent building line along the intersecting streets. However, the Zoning Ordinance does not currently specify additional width be added to for corner lots. The result is that many of the corner lots that have been platted, especially the minimum 9,000 square foot/60 foot wide districts have substandard building areas when compared to interior lots. City staff has been receiving many inquiries about the potential for variances to build on corner lots because the building envelopes will not accommodate common building designs. This has been especially true for incorporating third stall garages as part of the home plans. City staff has indicated that a variance is not justified as the given lot meets all applicable lot requirements. To respond to this issue moving forward, we are proposing that a minimum lot width for single and two family corner lots be established in the R-3, R -4A, R-4, and R-5 Districts. The intent of the additional minimum lot width standard would be to maintain the same building envelope for corner lots as exists for interior lots meeting the respective district's minimum lot standards. We have included illustrations of the existing conditions and proposed standards for reference. Townhouse Districts. The second group of revisions involves minor changes to the R- 5, Residential -Single and Two Family District and the R-6, Residential -Townhouse, Quadraminium and Low Density Multiple Family District. Currently, the R-5 District allows single family and two family lots at the same lot sizes as the R-4 District of 12,000 square feet and 24,000 square feet. The R-6 District allows for single family, two-family and townhouse dwellings. The single family and two-family dwellings in the R-6 District are subject to smaller minimum lot size requirements of 9,000 square feet and 15,000 square feet, respectively. We are proposing changes to the R-5 District to revise the minimum lot size for single family lots from 12,000 square feet to 9,000 square feet and 15,000 square feet for two- family uses as allowed in the R-6 District. The R-6 District would be amended to remove single family dwellings as a permitted use. Implementation of this change would also require modification of the Zoning Map to redesignate existing single family lots within the west sewer district as R-5 District. The permitted uses of the R-6 District would also be revised to specify that only townhomes with not more than eight dwelling units per building and not more than two common walls per dwelling unit are allowed consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The reason for these revisions is to establish the R-6 District for two-family and townhouse uses only as a "Medium Density Residential District". CONCLUSION The Planning Commission will discuss the proposed amendments outlined herein at their meeting on 6 February 2006. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Ron Wagner Andy MacArthur 3 m X D OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT USES/LOT STANDARDS Existing Districts ISTS S nitary Sewer R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 Uses SF SF SF SF SF TF SF TF TH TF TH MF Min. Lot Area (per unit) SF 2.5ac 2.5ac lac 12000sf 12000sf. 12000sf 9000sf 7500sf 5000sf 7500sf 5000sf 2500sf TF TH MF Min. Lot Width SF 200ft 150ft 150ft 75ft 75ft 120ft 60ft NA NA NA NA TF TH MF Proposed Districts R-1 R-2 R-3 R -4A R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 Uses SF SF SF SF SF SF TF TF TH TF TH MF Min. Lot Area 2.5ac 2.5ac lac 18000sf 12000sf 9000sf 7500sf 7500sf 5000sf 7500sf 5000sf 2500sf Min. Lot Width Interior SF 200ft 150ft 150ft 1 00f 75ft 60ft 1 00f 1 00f NA NA TF TH MF Corner SF 200ft. 1 55f 175ft 130ft. 1 00f 95ft 125ft NA NA NA TF TH MF EXHIBIT B +) 4-> O O Q� Ul L +' 0) O Q) 9- L 0-�_- 0) :5+> O L +> -P -- (— O O :3 Q a- U a- LL - 0 J +'L�� o -'C`) { -U) 0 U X O N �—+ W U L Y ou CI- E d� 31 -Q o C a, u > c Ud� H t� Ln w L 4 (') QJ Ln Q1 U Q) Q S; p Cl 41 � W pOj5-- Lf7 o W -1 N C O) o C o L17 W Lf7 pq 73 O o 6 QJ O pq c m Unw Ln a) O Q- � O i O u U L d H V1 O EXHIBIT B v Cl O c W 0 Liv S -P 3 O J O O L y Qj U d O U O 1-4 O 75 J Q) U) L O N a� OL L O a_ U C) W Ql Q O N LTJ 0) Z5 pq Ln Ln CL O N L O W m m L L y N U _QLF) O -Pm U N 0) Q o O o Q� lLJ pq In LJ J O J -P O � J m O O O Ln O am u. d Ln CLX W U is('l o U i -C O U i d 4 O -P +, U U i d �n -P o v C'7 I^ �J I S +1U� _ �a 3 a Ln 00 o +� o o �( L� � > J i N c W O Ln LSI o) "D I� N O 5,I Pq > R'1 W CD O ML l J Q) 0 V O n O iY O U i d aj .4 O O O V) CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 2006 - AN ORDINANCE REVISING THE ZONING DISTRICTS OF THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE RELATED TO RESIDENTIAL USES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-16-4.13.2 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 2. No accessory building, structure, and/or detached garage for a single family dwelling shall occupy more than ten (10) percent of the area of the required rear yard in the A-1, A-2, R -C, R-1, R-2 and R-3 Zoning Districts or not more than twenty-five (25) percent of the area of the required rear yard in the R -4A, R-4, R-5, R-6, and R-7 Zoning Districts. Section 2. Section 20-16-4.B.7 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 7. Within the R -4A, R-4, R-5, R-6, and R-7 Zoning Districts: a. No accessory detached building shall occupy more than one hundred fifty (150) square feet when accompanied by an attached garage on the same lot nor shall the combined total floor area of an accessory detached building and/or attached garage exceed one thousand one hundred fifty (1,150) square feet. b. There is to be no more than one (1) detached private garage or accessory structure for each detached single or two-family dwelling. Section 3. Section 20-16-4.F.1 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. Zoning District Maximum Height Ord. 2006-_, Page 1 EXHIBIT C A-1 District limit but not higher than the principal building A-2 District limit but not higher than the principal building R -C 16 feet R-1 16 feet R-2 16 feet R-3 16 feet R -4A 16 feet R-4 16 feet R-5 16 feet R-6 16 feet R-7 16 feet R -B 16 feet INS District limit but not higher than the principal building B-1 16 feet B-2 16 feet B-3 16 feet B -W 20 feet B -C District limit but not higher than the principal building 1-1 District limit but not higher than the principal building 1-2 District limit but not higher than the principal building 1-3 District limit but not higher than the principal building Section 4. Section 20-50-1.13 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Residential Districts: 1. "R -C", Residential -Rural Open Space Cluster District 2. "R-1", Residential -Long Range Urban Service District (River Frontage) 3. "R-2", Residential -Long Range Urban Service District (Large Lot) 4. "R-3", Residential -Long Range Urban Service District (General) 5. "R -4A". Residential—Suburban Single Family District Ord. 2006-_, Page 2 6. "R-4", Residential -Urban Single Family District 7. "R-5", Residential -Single and Two Family District 8. "R-6", Residential - Mu i�F—millf Medium Density District 9. "R-7", Residential -High Density District 10. "R -MH", Manufactured Housing District 11. "R -B", Residential/Business District Section 5. Section 20-63-6.A.2 (LOT AREA AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS) of the R-3, RESIDENTIAL -LONG RANGE URBAN SERVICE DISTRICT (GENERAL) section of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Minimum Lot Area Requirements: 1. Lot Area: One (1) acre. 2. Lot Width: a. Interior: One hundred fifty (150) feet. b. Corner: one hundred seventy-five (175) feet. 3. Lot Depth: One hundred (100) feet. Section 6. Sections 64 through Section 69 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be renumbered as Section 65 to Section 70, as follows: SECTION 65: R-4, RESIDENTIAL -URBAN SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT SECTION 66: R-5, RESIDENTIAL -SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY DISTRICT SECTION 67: R-6, RESIDENTIAL -TOWNHOUSE, QUADRAMINIUM, AND LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT SECTION 68: R-7, RESIDENTIAL -HIGH DENSITY DISTRICT SECTION 69: R -MH, MANUFACTURED HOUSING RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Ord. 2006-_, Page 3 SECTION 70: R -B, RESIDENTIAL/BUSINESS DISTRICT Section 7. Section 20-64 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 64 R -4A, RESIDENTIAL -SUBURBAN SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT Section 20-64-1: Purpose 20-64-2: Permitted Uses 20-64-3: Interim Uses 20-64-4: Accessory Uses 20-64-5: Conditional Uses 20-64-6: Lot Area and Setback Requirements 20-64-7: Lot Coverage and Height 20-64-1 PURPOSE: The purpose of the R -4A, Residential -Suburban Single Family District is to provide for low density single family detached dwelling units and directly related complementary uses served by municipal sanitary sewer in areas of the City with unique natural features and amenities. 20-64-2: PERMITTED USES: Subject to applicable provisions of this Chapter, the following are permitted uses in the R -4A District: A. Single family detached dwellings. B. Essential services. C. Day care facilities serving twelve (12) or fewer persons. D. Residential care facilities serving six (6) or fewer persons. E. Public parks and playgrounds. F. Personal wireless service antennas located upon a public structure, as regulated by Section 33 of this Chapter. Ord. 2006-_, Page 4 20-64-3: INTERIM USES: Subject to applicable provisions of this Chapter, the following are interim uses in the R -4A District and are governed by Section 5 of this Chapter: A. Model homes as regulated by Section 20 of this Chapter. B. Farms, farmsteads, and farming. C. Home extended business as regulated by Section 29 of this Chapter. 20-64-4: ACCESSORY USES: Subject to applicable provisions of this Chapter, the following are permitted accessory uses in the R -4A District: A. Tool houses, sheds and other such structures for the storage of domestic supplies and equipment. B. Private garages and off-street parking. C. Recreational vehicles and equipment. D. Non-commercial greenhouses, provided they do not exceed two hundred (200) square feet in area. E. Fences. F. Except as otherwise limited, private recreational facilities, only accessory to an existing principal permitted use on the same lot and which are operated for the enjoyment and convenience of the residents of the principal use and their occasional guests. G. Accessory uses incidental and customary to the uses permitted in Sections 20-64-2, 20-64-3, and 20-64-5 of this Chapter. H. Home occupations. Radio and television receiving antennas including single satellite dish TVROs, short-wave radio dispatching antennas, or those necessary for the operation of household electronic equipment including radio receivers, federal licensed amateur radio stations and television receivers, as regulated by Section 33 of this Chapter. Ord. 2006-_, Page 5 20-64-5: CONDITIONAL USES: Subject to applicable provisions of this Chapter, the following are conditional uses in an R -4A District. (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth and regulated by Section 4 of this Chapter.) A. Public or semi-public recreational buildings and neighborhood or community centers; public and private educational institutions limited to elementary, junior high and senior high schools; and religious institutions such as churches, chapels, temples and synagogues provided that: 1. Side yards shall be double that required for the district. 2. Adequate screening from abutting residential uses and landscaping is provided in compliance with Section 16 of this Chapter. 3. Adequate off-street parking and access is provided on the site in compliance with Section 21 of this Chapter and that such parking is adequately screened and landscaped from surrounding and abutting residential uses in compliance with Section 16 of this Chapter. 4. Adequate off-street loading and service entrances are provided and regulated where applicable by Section 22 of this Chapter. 5. The provisions of Section 20-4-2.F of this Chapter are considered and determined to be satisfied. B. Governmental and public related utility buildings and structures necessary for the health, safety and general welfare of the City, provided that: 1. When abutting a residential use in a residential use district, the property is screened and landscaped in compliance with Section 16 of this Chapter. 2. The provisions of Section 20-4-2.F of this Chapter are considered and determined to be satisfied. C. Personal wireless service towers and antennas not located on a public structure as regulated by Section 33 of this Chapter. D. Planned unit development as regulated by Section 36 of this Chapter. Ord. 2006-_, Page 6 20-64-6: LOT AREA AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS: The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an R -4A District subject to additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this Chapter. A. Single Family: 1. Minimum Lot Area: Eighteen thousand (18,000) square feet. 2. Minimum Lot Width: a. Interior: One hundred (100) feet. b. Corner: One hundred thirty (130) feet 3. Minimum Lot Depth: One hundred fifty (150) feet. B. Principal Structure Setbacks: 1. Front Yard: Setbacks Setbacks From From Right Centerline of -Way Lines 130 feet 65 feet 130 feet 65 feet 65 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet Road Class Principal/Minor Arterial Street Collector Street Local Street From Cul -De -Sac Right -of -Way Where a lot is located at the intersection of two (2) or more streets that bound two (2) or more sides of the lot, no building shall project beyond the front yard line of either street. 2. Side Yard: Ten (10) feet. 3. Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet. C. Accessory Structure Setbacks as regulated by Section 20-16-4 of this Chapter. 20-64-7: LOT COVERAGE AND HEIGHT: The following lot coverage and height requirements shall be observed in an R -4A District: A. The total ground area of all residential buildings shall not exceed a lot coverage of thirty (30) percent. Ord. 2006-_, Page 7 B. All residences shall be limited to a maximum height of two and one- half (2-1/2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet. C. Accessory uses as regulated by Section 20-16-4 of this Chapter. Section 8. Section 20-65-6.A.2 (LOT AREA AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS) of the R-4, RESIDENTIAL -URBAN SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT section of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Single Family: Minimum Lot Area: Twelve thousand (12,000) square feet. �If11'ii1Pi7WSTILUTIreniI a. I nterior: Seventy-five (75) feet. b. Corner: One hundred (1001 feet. 3. Minimum Lot Depth: One hundred (100) feet. Section 9. Section 20-65-8 of the R-4, RESIDENTIAL -URBAN SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT section of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to add the following language: 20-65-8: TRANSITION REQUIREMENT: Any preliminary plat abutting an R-1. R- 2. R-3 or PUD District based on the lot standards of the aforementioned districts shall have a minimum of one tier of single-family dwelling lots bordering such a district to be subiect to the lot standards of the R -4A District. Exemptions to -the -provisions of this section may be granted at the time of preliminary plat approval, provided one or more of the following conditions exist: A. The properties are separated by a major collector or arterial street. B. The properties are separated by a wetland, water body, floodplain public open space, park or other such similar publicly reserved and development restricted area with a minimum width of one hundred feet (100') across its entire length. Section 10. Section 20 -66 -6.A -B (LOT AREA AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS) of the R-5, RESIDENTIAL -SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY DISTRICT section of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: Ord. 2006-_, Page 8 A. Single Family: 2 3 Minimum Lot Area Minimum Lot Width: a. Interior: b. Corner: dye Nine thousand (9,000) square feet. Sixty (60) feet. Eighty five (85) feet. Minimum Lot Depth: One hundred (100) feet. B. Two Family: Minimum Lot Area: Fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. 2. Minimum Lot Area Per Unit: Seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. 3. Minimum Lot Width: a. Interior: One hundred twenty (120) feet. b. Corner: One hundred forty-five (145) feet. 4. Minimum Lot Depth: One hundred (100) feet. Section 11. Section 20-66-8 of the R-5, RESIDENTIAL -SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY DISTRICT section of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby added and reads as follows: 20-66-8 TRANSITION REQUIREMENT: Any preliminary plat abutting an R-1, R- 2, R-3 or PUD District based on the lot standards of the aforementioned districts shall have a minimum of one tier of single-family dwelling lots bordering such a district to be subiect to the lot standards of the R -4A District. Exemptions to the provisions of this section may be granted at the time of preliminary plat approval, provided one or more of the_followina conditions exist: A. The properties are separated by a maior collector or arterial street. B. The properties are separated by a wetland, water body, floodplain, public open space, park or other such similar publicly reserved and development restricted area with a minimum width of one hundred feet (100') across its entire length. Ord. 2006-_, Page 9 Section 12. Section 67 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be hereby retitled as follows: R-6 RESIDENTIAL 15SE UnnIRARA .niiW AN -DI -OW —DENSITY RAI ii Tion r.nnfiii v MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Section 13. Section 20-67-1 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall hereby be amended to read as follows: 20-67-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the R-6, Residential - 1 Medium Density District is to provide for low to moderate density through the mixture of one and two unit medium density dwellings and directly related complementary uses. The allowance of such uses and establishment of the district is dependent upon the availability of publicly controlled sanitary sewer service and only within portions of the City which have been designated as immediate urban service areas. Section 14. Section 20-67-2 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 20-67-2: PERMITTED USES: Subject to applicable provisions of this Chapter, the following are permitted uses in the R-6 District: A. Two family dwelling units. B. Townhouses with not more than six (6) dwelling units per building and not more than two (2) common walls per dwelling unit. C. Essential services. D. Day care facilities serving twelve (12) or fewer persons. E. Residential care facilities serving six (6) or fewer persons. F. Public parks, playgrounds, and recreational uses. G. Personal wireless service antennas located upon a public structure, as regulated by Section 33 of this Chapter. Ord. 2006-_, Page 10 Section 15. Section 20-67-6.A (LOT AREA AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS) of the R-6, RESIDENTIAL- MEDIUM DENSITY DISTRICT section of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Lot Area: 21. Two Family: a. Minimum Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit: Seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. b. Minimum Total Lot Area: Fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. 32. Townhouses, Quadraminiums, Manor Homes: a. Minimum Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit: Five thousand (5,000) square feet. b. Minimum Total Lot Area: Twenty thousand (20,000) square feet. Section 16. Section 20-92-8 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall hereby be amended to read as follows: A. Lot and Setback Standards -Lakes. Subject to the other more restrictive limitations which may be imposed by this Chapter, the following minimum requirements for lakes shall be observed in the yl��2=,=RG21 R -�1 , R ""�, ^^�' Q agricultural and residential zoning Ord. 2006-_, Page 11 districts established by Section 50 of this Chapter which are overlaid by the Shoreland District. 1. Lot Area and Width a. Unsewered Riparian Lots Single Duplex Triplex Quad Non -Riparian Lots Single Duplex Triplex Quad b. Sewered Riparian Lots Single Duplex Triplex Quad Non -Riparian Lots Single Duplex Triplex Quad 2. Setbacks from Ordinary High Water Mark* a. Structures Unsewered Sewered b. Sewage Treatment System 3. Side Yard Setbacks for Property Abutting a Lake 4. Building Height (Ft)** Natural Recreational Environment Development Area Width Area Width 80,000 200 40,000 150 120,000 300 80,000 225 160,000 400 120,000 300 200,000 500 160,000 375 80,000 200 40,000 150 160,000 400 80,000 265 240,000 600 120,000 375 320,000 800 160,000 490 40,000 125 20,000 75 70,000 225 35,000 135 100,000 325 50,000 190 130,000 425 65,000 255 20,000 125 15,000 75 35,000 220 26,000 135 52,000 315 38,000 190 65,000 410 49,000 245 Ord. 2006-_, Page 12 150 100 150 75 150 75 20 20 35 35 5. Maximum Impervious Surface to Area Ratio 25% 25% Setback requirements from the ordinary high water mark shall not apply to piers and docks. Where development exists on both sides of a proposed building site, building setbacks may be altered to more closely conform to adjacent building setbacks provided the proposed building site is not located in a shore impact zone or in a bluff impact zone. ** Agricultural use related buildings, silos, and towers shall be exempt from the building height requirements. Building heights of over 35 feet that are not an exempt agricultural use may be allowed through approval of a conditional use permit as regulated under Sections 4 and 20-92-15 of this Chapter. Section 17. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. ADOPTED this day of City Council. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk / Zoning Administrator Ord. 2006-_, Page 13 2006 by the Otsego