ITEM 5.3ITEM 5.3 0 t TFMI54TA TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: July 14, 2015 RE: Prairie Park Soccer Field Naming Background: Over the past year City staff and the Three Rivers Soccer Association (TRSA) have been working on naming the new soccer fields located in the Prairie Park. Currently there is no signage identifying the fields either by name or location. The TRSA board is requesting that the new soccer fields at Prairie Park be named Dale Lehrke Fields. Dale Lehrke was an Otsego Resident, former board member and current coach when he unexpectedly passed away in February of 2014. At their July 2015 meeting, the TRSA board unanimously approved paying for the construction, installation, and maintenance of the sign should the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Otsego City Council approve it. Section 05.04.04 of the Park Donation Policy states that proposals for donations of improvements for a City park shall be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission and subject to acceptance by the City Council by resolution. Staff have included a rendering of the proposed sign and a location for the sign. The proposed sign will be the first with the new City logo, however, the font and basic design of the sign is consistent with other park signs located throughout the City. Conclusion: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and provide a recommendation to the City Council naming the new soccer fields at Prairie Park Dale Lehrke Fields.