04-03-06 PCITEM 2-1 OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL APRIL 3, 2006 7 PM 1. Chair Nichols will call the meeting to order. Chair Nichols called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Richard Nichols, Commission Members: Pam Black, David Thompson, Tammie Fallon, Doug Hackman, Jim Kolles and Alternates Troy Watring and John Thelen. Excused absence: Tom Darkenwald Staff: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner and Laurie Shives, Associate Planner and Tami Loff, Administrator Assistant. Councilmembers: Mayor Larry Fournier; CM Vern Heidner, CM Jessica Stockamp and CM Mark Thorsted. 2. Consider the following minutes. 2.1. March 20, 2006 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Fallon motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner Hackman. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3.1. Boulder Creek: A. Environmental Assessment Worksheet. B. Rezoning from A-1 District to R-5 District, R-6 District and R-7 District. C. PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat. Continued from March 20, 2006. City Planner, Dan Licht, presented the Planner's Report. Mike Gair, designer for the applicant, explained the "Master Plan Development of Boulder Creek". Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing for public comments at 7:45 PM. Dan Lefebvre, 70th Street, one of the exception pieces. Mr. Lefebvre said he likes the master plan of this development. His concern is with the exception pieces as he would like a buffer between the town homes and these homes located on the exception parcels. He also asked if Wright County would be closing their accesses to CSAH 37 in the future when CSAH 37 is turned into a four lane street. Dan Licht explained that in terms of buffer all the town homes would be set back 30 feet and there is no required buffer and any redevelopment of these exceptions will be with town homes. Wright County will expand to 4 lanes and their access may be limited to right in and right out only. The City will address this by having outlots butt up to the exceptions for future access. Dan Lefebvre noted that if their access is cut off then they would have access but at considerable expense. Mr. Licht said that this would be a County issue. Bill Fignar, 78th Street. Mr. Fignar asked about the single family lots along 78th Street and could the developer change this to something else. Mr. Licht explained no changes can be made without City approval. Planning Commission Meeting of April 3, 2006. Page 2. Carl Schwartz, Palisades Avenue, asked if the tree line will remain. The applicant's engineer, Brian Krystofiak, explained that northern end of the tree line will remain but as they grade to the south it will be taken down. Mr. Licht noted that the developer will be installing many new trees within the development. Paul Hackenmueller, 70th Street, one of the exception pieces said he's concerned if there will be any assessments for water, sewer and street improvements and if they would be required to hook up to sewer and water. Mr. Licht explained that all improvements such as water, sewer and streets are installed and paid for by the developer and therefore no assessments. No existing residents are required to hook up but the developer will stub in the lines up to their properties if they ever want to hook up to City sewer and water. Gordy Goodin, Jason Avenue, owns the property directly south of this development. Mr. Goodin asked about the high density housing located between Street D and Street B and he doesn't understand the alley system proposed if there is a turn around. He also asked if there is a master plan for the exception pieces. Mr. Licht explained the exception pieces are guided for high density uses. He explained how this plan is providing access to them and that no sketch plan for these exceptions has been done. Mr. Gooden asked about aligning access with Packard Avenue. Mr. Licht replied the intent is to shift Packard Avenue to match up to Street A. Chair Nichols asked if there are current developments with nine unit buildings the Planning Commission could review as he wants to see the scale of these buildings. Mr. Licht said he will prepare a map and distribute to the Planning Commission Members. The applicants encouraged everyone to review the Hans Hagen development at The Lakes in Blaine. Commissioner Hackman was concerned if there is adequate space for parking on the units with an alley. Mr. Licht said the garage stalls give two parking spots and there are bump outs. Commissioner Thompson asked how many units have these seven foot driveways. Mr. Licht replied 142 units. John Rask, Hans Hagen, explained they design their town homes keeping them close together to hide the garages. They also prohibit outside parking at night. The covenants don't allow any outside personal storage and limit each unit to two vehicles. In response to Commission Hackman, Mr. Rask said there are about 200 units of row style including 7, 8 and 9 unit buildings. Commissioner Black asked where their phasing would begin with this project. Mr. Jackels said the goal would be to produce a few units of each type starting from the north and east part of the subdivision. Commissioner Fallon asked if there would be a master homeowner's association in addition to the sub -homeowner's associations. Mr. Jackels said there would be. Joe Williams, 76th Street, asked if the ponds and wetlands will be protected. Mr. Licht explained that the City Engineer will review all of this and also explained the requirements for wetland protection and stormwater runoff. Planning Commission Meeting of April 3, 2006. Page 3. Bill Fignar, 78th Street, asked what the prices of the different units will be. Mr. Jackels said there will be a broad range with townhomes may be starting at $180,00 up to $250,000, alley products in the mid $200,000 to mid $300,000 and larger single family homes expects starting at over $400,000. Dan Lefebvre, 70th Street, as you drive through the parkways you will see a large variety of homes but driving on CSAH 37 you will just see the high density product. Mr. Licht explained in the future CSAH 37 will be a four lane and not be appropriate for single family homes and that there would be a variety of the along the Parkway. Hearing no further public comments, Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing at 8:40 PM. Commissioner Black motioned to recommend to adopt findings that the proposed development plan does not have potential for significant environmental effects and that preparation of an EIS is not to be required based on a review of the submitted EAW and evidence received, subject to the one condition listed in the Planner's Report. Seconded by Commissioner Hackman. All in favor. Motion carried. The Planning Commission agreed they would like to review "The Lakes" before taking additional action. The Developer requested the Planning Commission to take action. Commissioner Thompson motioned to table this application until the April 17, 2006 Planning Commission Meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Watring. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2. Hamlet's Creekview: A. Comprehensive Plan amendment B. Rezoning from A-1 District to R -C District. C. Preliminary plat for single family lots and permanent open spaces. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Discussion of realignment of Jaber Avenue, and when raised to Wright County they agreed on the realignment but Monticello Township came back with concerns with access to the west and also agreement of maintaining Jaber Avenue. Jaber Avenue left as is, access in the future could be closed to only right in and right out. Nathan Fair, representing Alpine Homes, applicant, agree with the Staff Report. Judy Hudson attested that all proper noticing, publishing and posting was completed. Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing. Doug Antony, 100th Street, has the property east of Outlot A and asked what are the plans for this strip of land going down to the Mississippi River. He is concerned with snowmobiles and four wheelers. Mr. Licht explained this piece of land is platted as an Outlot and held in common ownership by the lot owners in this development. The City would need to approve any structures to be built but it is private property. Mr. Antony also said that the plan shows Jalger Avenue being paved including the west cul-de-sac on 100th Street and ask why not pave the east cul-de-sac. Planning Commission Meeting of April 3, 2006. Page 4. Brad Kalliomaa, Jalger Avenue, explained that his drain field may be located in this cul- de-sac area. Mr. Licht explained that the City Engineer will review this but the property owners might think of requesting the City to vacate this right -a -way. Brad Rosnow, Jalger Avenue, asked about the Outlot strip running along his land west of Jalger Avenue. He has seen two surveys and they disagree. He also asked about sewer and water and who pays for the improvement to Jalger. Mr. Licht suggested that Mr. Rosnow submit these surveys to the City for review. Mr. Licht also explained that there will be no sewer and water in this area for at least 20 years and probably never in land north of CSAH 39. The developer will pay for improvements on Jalger Avenue. Chair Nichols asked about the realignment of Jaber Avenue. Nathan Fair said he has contacted Monticello Township and the landowner and they have agreed upon an easement. Jay Thomas, 93rd street, Otsego farms, needed clarification on Outlot G which includes a huge wetland which butts up to his land, who will own it and can what can they do with it. Mr. Licht said trails can go through it, mow for weed control but it is a permanent rural open space. Doug Antony requested staff to make sure the survey on Outlot A is accurate. Hearing no further public comments, Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing at 8:32 PM. Commissioner Black motioned to recommend approving amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to include the entire subject site within the Rural Residential Preserve and guide it for future rural residential land uses based on a finding that the action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Hackman motion to recommend approving a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R -C District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Black. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Thompson motioned to recommend approving the Preliminary plat for Hamlet's Creekview, subject to the seven conditions listed in the Planner's Report. Seconded by Commissioner Fallon. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.3 Corrine Olson/k-9 Training Center of MN: A CUP for day/evening dog trainina facility within an A-1 District. Laurie Shives presented the Planner's Report. The applicant, Corrine Olson, said she has talked to all of her neighbors and none expressed any concerns and they would provide letters stating this if requested. Ms. Olson requested to be allowed to go until 9 PM. Kathy Mahr, the dog obedience instructor, supported her request. Planning Commission Meeting of April 3, 2006. Page 5. Judy Hudson attested that all the proper noticing, posting and publishing was completed. Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 9:46 PM. Commissioner Fallon asked for clarification of their request to extend the hours from 5 PM to 9 PM. Ms. Olson said they would have the potential of running three classes. CM Heidner asked if they would have competitions. Ms. Mahr said the site isn't big enough. They also want to conduct seminars for up to 30 people. Chair Nichols stated he supports going until 9 PM if the classes are staggered giving time for people to leave the property before another group gets there. Hearing no public comments, Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing at 9:55 PM. The Planning Commission discussed the number of classes, time slots and weekend hours. Commissioner Thompson motioned to recommend to approve a Conditional Use Permit for a dog training facility, subject to the 11 conditions listed in the Planner's Report and change Condition No. 6. to two dog training classes with half-hour between classes, Change Condition No. 7. to reflect 9:00 PM and weekend hours will be authorized by an Administrative Permit with a limit of 25 vehicles with one Saturday per calendar month, in Condition No. 12 if they wish to increase the number of classes they need to contract the Zoning Administrator. Seconded by Commissioner Fallon. All in favor. Motion carried. 4 Any other Planning Commission Business. 4.1. Update on City Council actions by Councilmember Heidner. An update of recent Council actions was given by Councilmember Vern Heidner. 4.2. Update on future Planning Commission Agenda Items by Judy Hudson. Judy Hudson and Dan Licht updated everyone on upcoming Planning Commission Agenda Items. 5. Adjournment by 10 PM. Commissioner Fallon motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Hackman. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM. Richard Nichols, Chair ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Cierk%Zoning Admin.