ITEM 3 History of financial assistanceCity of Otsego History of Financial Assistance • Apex Warehouse: o Tax Abatement o Approved in 1998 o Assistance of $69,082.50 o Assistance equals 3.75% of estimated market value o Payment of 30% of City share of tax • Long Haul Trucking: o Tax Abatement o Approved in 1998 o Assistance of $20,824.53 o Seven years duration • Gateway North (Duke): o Tax Abatement o Master agreement approved in 2005 ■ First Tax Abatement agreement approved in 2007 ■ Second Tax Abatement agreement approved in 2014 o Assistance of $500,000 o Estimated property valuation at build out of 75,000,000 to 90,000,000 o Assistance will equal less than 1% of estimated market value • Boondox: o Tax Abatement o Approved in 2012 o Assistance of $10,600 o Property improvements of $189,100 o Assistance equals 5.6% of initial improvements (per property tax statement) • Family Speech and Therapy Services: o Tax Abatement o Approved in 2013 o Assistance of $25,000 o Property valuation increase of $360,300 o Assistance equals 6.9% of estimated market value. (Building would have continued to lose value without this redevelopment.) Otsego Apartments LLC TIF Application City Incentive Options July 27, 2015 The City Council has sole discretion in determining if a TIF eligible project will receive TIF assistance and the amount of assistance that will be provided, if any. Below are options for the Council to consider in response to the Otsego Apartments LLC TIF application. The options range from providing no assistance to providing the full 26 years requested. All options are pay as you go. The options below are listed in no particular order. 1. Deny the request for assistance based on City Council policy direction that ranked non -senior, low-income housing as a low priority ineligible for City TIF assistance. 2. Grant the request in full: fund 26 years of assistance as requested in the application totaling approximately $6.4M over the life of the district. This would not comply with Council policy direction that ranked non -senior, low-income housing as a low priority ineligible for City TIF assistance. 3. Grant assistance for "extraordinary" site development costs. The "extraordinary" site costs consist of costs that would not be incurred if the same project were constructed on another site. The "extraordinary" costs for this project would be determined by the Council and could include the following: a. County Road improvements —This would not comply with Council policy direction that County Road improvements could be funded only if the project was a high priority project under the City's policy. b. Costs related to removal of the wastewater treatment plant This would not comply with Council policy direction that ranked non -senior, low-income housing as a low priority ineligible for City TIF assistance. 4. Follow past practice and provide assistance based on a percentage of the increased market value or construction cost of the project. This would not comply with Council policy direction that ranked non -senior, low-income housing as a low priority ineligible for City TIF assistance. 5. Grant a specific number of years of assistance set at the Council's discretion. This would not comply with Council policy direction that ranked non -senior, low-income housing as a low priority ineligible for City TIF assistance. 6. Grant a maximum dollar amount of assistance set at the Council's discretion. This would not comply with Council policy direction that ranked non -senior, low-income housing as a low priority ineligible for City TIF assistance. 7. Grant request excluding specific items such as: a. Land purchase b. Soft costs c. Other at discretion of Council This would not comply with Council policy direction that ranked non -senior, low-income housing as a low priority ineligible for City TIF assistance. 8. Deny request and consider other types of assistance: a. Assess SAC payment b. Tax Abatement ESTIMATE OF TIF QUALIFYING IMPROVEMENTS HOUSING TIF DISTRICT City of Otsego 160 Unit Apartment Development Phase 1: 80 Units, Landscaped Community Patio, Apartment Garage/Storage area and site correction work for both phases Phase 2: 80 Units Apartment Development Cost Estimates PHASE 1 PHASE 2 Infrastructure and Extraordinary Expenses Land 1,920,000 1,124,348 Site Work Demolition/Site Correction (Fehn) 110,273 110,273 Grading/Backfilling/Compaction 225,000 200,000 Wastewater Treatment Plant Removal (Fehn) 59,962 59,962 Paving - cost of base for parking lot and drives 150,000 130,000 280,000 Site Road Improvement 340,798 340,798 Utility Hook-up (SAC) 706,000 706,000 1,412,000 Utility Hook-up (WAC) 256,000 256,000 512,000 Traffic Control - Lights/Signs 265,065 265,065 Relocation Expense - Public Right -of -Way Costs Lighting Signage - Curbs and Driveway Aprons (Ca Rd 42) 90,880 90,880 Sidewalks 10,000 10,000 20,000 Boulevards - Berms 30,000 30,000 Landscaping 75,000 50,000 Interest Cost During Construction Period 100,000 100,000 for eligible expenses Appraisal 15,000 15,000 Survey 20,000 Administrative Costs Construction Supervision 160,000 160,000 Contractor's Fees - Inspection Fees - overhead Environmental Costs Assessment - Work Program - Abatement/Clean-up - Consultant's Fees Architectural/Design 360,000 300,000 Civil Engineering 110,570 110,570 Development Consultant (INH Properties) 120,000 120,000 Financial Consulting (Maxfield Study) 22,000 Traffic Study (Spack) 5,271 5,271 Legal/Bond/TIF Counsel 125,000 25,000 150,000 City Assessments TIF Application Fee 5,000 5,000 Storm Water - Streets - Park Dedication Fees 269,600 269,600 539,200 Contingency for Eligible Costs 200,000 100,000 - Totals 5,751,419 2,471,600 TOTAL PHASE 1 and 2 Costs Eligible for TIF 8,223,019 5,025,367 Riverbend Hook up fee