05-01-06 PCITEM 3-1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4300 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden `/alley, MN 55422 TY?e plicine : 763.2.31.2555 Fac;Sin ilr-: 763,231-2561 FSI ��ri�!rte;u-ri�7Gplt�rlslir� .t;s�rY PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Laurie Shives / Daniel Licht Otsego — Nathe Addition; 2nd Addition Preliminary and Final Plat 25 April 2006 176.02 — 06.12 REVIEW DATE: CITY FILE 29 May 2006 2006-21 Ken and Julie Nathe, the owners and operators of the 101 Market, are requesting to preliminary and final plat their property currently platted as Outlots A and B, Nathe Addition. The applicant is proposing to final plat the two outlots in four parcels so that it may be developed with future retail uses. The property is located adjacent to the 101 Market off of Quantrelle Avenue NE, east of TH 101 and west of the Mississippi River. The property is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District and is guided for future commercial uses by the Comprehensive Plan. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Final Plat ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land use as part of the City's primary commercial area at TH 101 and CSAH 39. The Comprehensive Plan anticipates development of a full range of retail, service and office type commercial use in this area of the City to serve both local and regional market needs. Zoning. The subject site is currently zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District with allowed uses the same as set forth by the B-3, General Business District. A portion of the proposed plat is located within the Wild and Scenic Recreational River District (WS District). Three hundred feet, as measured from the Mississippi River west is within the WS District. No portion of the proposed commercial lots is within the WS District. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The PUD District does not have specific lot area, width and setback requirements, aside from a minimum of a 30 -foot front yard setback and a minimum 10 -foot side yard setback. There is no setback required from the rear (east) lot lines, which abut Outlot A along the Mississippi River. As such, the proposed lots are consistent with the requirements of the PUD District. Access. The proposed lots will have frontage to and be accessed by Quantrelle Avenue NE Quantrelle Avenue is to be used as a bypass for TH 101 traffic during construction of the CSAH 39 interchange. After completion of the TH 101 project, the City will reconstruct Quantrelle Avenue. Full access to the 101 Market and the proposed lots will be maintained during the City construction project and the TH 101 project. Utilities. Sanitary sewer and water utilities will be extended to the proposed lots as part of the Quantrelle Avenue reconstruction. Until sanitary sewer and water utilities are extended, development of the two proposed buildable lots will be subject to temporary utilities as may be approved by the City Engineer. Determination of applicable SAC/WAC fees for each lot will be made at the time development plans are approved, as commercial SAC/WAC fees are based on the specific users. Easements. The submitted final plat indicates drainage and utility easements around the perimeter of each lot, as required. An oversized drainage and utility easement has also been provided over Outlot A. The City has an existing drainage and utility easement through Outlot A to allow discharge of the regional stormwater pond north of the subject site in Waterfront East to the Mississippi River. All drainage and utility easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Park and Trail Dedication. The applicant entered into an easement agreement with the City in September 2005 which conveyed a drainage and utility easement across the subject property to the City for the purpose of providing a drainage ditch for the regional pond located to the north on the Waterfront East development. This agreement stipulated that in the future, the City has the right to acquire a 20 -foot easement located within 20 feet of the bluffline of the Mississippi River for purposes of trail construction to allow for a connection of a trail to be constructed in conformance with the City's Park and Trail Plan. In exchange for the execution of the agreement between the Nathes and the City of Otsego, the City agreed to waive all park fees associated with future subdivision of the subject site. We recommend that Outlot A be revised to create a separate outlot along the Mississippi River to be conveyed to the City ccl+�linn nnA, i-lordinn+inn ronl lirnmon+c no ooh fnr k in +ho oocomont �nroomon� JVLLIIIIL` JJ CAI IN %A%-U11-CALIV11 IVMUII VIIIVIILJ UJ JL L —LII 111 LI— VUJL,I IIIJI II Development Contract. The applicant is required to enter into a development contract for the proposed subdivision. 2 RECOMMENDATION The applicant has submitted the required materials for the proposed preliminary and final plat of the Nathe 2nd Addition. The final plat will allow for the subject site to be developed with commercial uses consistent with the City's future land use pattern. Our office recommends approval of the Nathe 2nd Addition preliminary and final plat subject to the following conditions and any comments of other City staff. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve the Nathe 2nd Addition Preliminary and Final Plat subject to the following conditions: All drainage and utility easement issues are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 2. Development of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 shall require connection to sanitary sewer and water utilities. Use of temporary facilities for sanitary sewer and water services prior to completion of the pending City construction project shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. 3. The final plat shall be revised to separate from Outlot A a second outlot along the Mississippi River extending 20 feet landward of the bluffline to be deeded to the City in satisfaction of park and trail dedication requirements in accordance with the easement agreement of September 2005. 4. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and/or Subdivision Ordinance. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Dale Homuth, DNR Roger Stradal, DNR Ken and Julie Nathe 0 to EXHIBIT A KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Ken Name and Julie Nath., husband and wile, fve —.am of Na /ollowing described propertY situated intna County of Wright Stale .1111 ........ to it: Oudot A and' OUllot U, NATHE ADDITION, according to the recorded Plat in ereof on file and o/record, Wright County, Minnesota. Nave c used theva o be and planed as NATHE 2N0 ADDITION and do hembyl dsurveyed edicate to the pudic, the easemeon, as on this plat for drainage and utility purposes only In wilness wnere.l said Nen N.Ihe and Julie Nalhe, husband and wile, have her.--. se (heir hands this day of .200_. Juga N.1he STATE OF COUNTY OF Tha l.regoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this day of . 200_ by Ken Natha and Julia Natbe, husband and wW,. Notary Public Cleanly. My Commisslo71insJanuary 21, 20_ I hemby ca llIMI I Mve i avayad end platted th e property NATHE 2ND ADDITION;e propertydescribed on Nat this pat Ie a rect repree"rohdlon of .aid survey; Ndistances ar at all o c.ne.dy shown on the plat in feel and hundredth. of a foot; Inst all m.n.ments have ..an rtecity placed In Ne ground as snow. a win M placed as reeulred by the local 911-1-10 unit; that the ..laid. boundary lines are rtecdy designated on the plat; and that there ere no wetlands as defined in MS SOS .02. Subd. 1, or public highways to be designated otMr than as shown. RicMrd L. Licht Land Surveyor Mi....ota License Ne. 26724 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN The foregoing S.ney.fe Ci rtificala was acknowledged Mfore our We day of 200_ by Richard L. UChL LW Su Ya, Minne6ola License No. 2672a. Notary public H .... pin County, Minnesota My Co nnu,mi.n Expire. January 21, 2009 NA THE 2ND ADDITION CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Thisplat W NATHE 2ND ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the CITY of Otsego, Minnesota, It a remiumg held this day o/ , 2Go_ Mayor Clerk WEIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR Examined and ra oended for appal We tlay of cmmrov200 Wright Cotrmy Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR Taxes paid for all years through year _ and transfer entered Hill _ day of WNghl County Auditor WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER I hereby certify that taxes payable In the year on lands Mrvin tl.ecribed ary paid This _day of , 2gg_ Wright County Treasurer WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed In Ne .Nice of Ine County R ... Me' far record on finis _ day of , 200_, al_.'Clock_ M., ane was duly recorded in Cabinet , Sleeve _ _ _ . as Document Number Wright County RecoMer MISSISSIPPI uA .nn casaaAxrs ,x. sxoax tars II II q sy f°ran wa°.'°to�n miss oixi :u wN e n RIVER I slaFv lraibr�. aNisa I Inetes. Elt-ruoriall r.ani iitrna o Itrfs I/Nwmsalr wax ruw . ro 'els xe2ac• ®axons w.or suraxxm roues Qe o TIS —1 m. rxx,wlxt rwn IIII S IU O Z 0 60 120 SCALEIN ,vc ,saws. FEET EXHIBIT ASSOCIATES 0 7B MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ken & Julie Nathe, 101 Market David Hagan, Loucks Associates From: Brent M. Larson Date: April 26, 2006 Re: Nathe 2nd Addition — Final Plat We have reviewed the Final Plat, submitted on March 30, 2006, for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: 1. Nathe Addition Outlots A and B are being replatted as Nathe 2nd Addition and agree with the underlying property descriptions though there are a couple of issues that will be resolved during the county plat submittal process. 2. The R.O.W. along Quantrelle Avenue NE must be reviewed by the City to determine the need of any future R.O.W. 3. A portion of the site is located within the Floodway of the Mississippi River as determined by NFIP/FEMA. Drainage and utility easement shall be provided over the Floodway areas. 4. Additional areas that are within 100 -yr flood zone, yet outside of the Floodway, may require a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) from FEMA if fill is proposed to raise said areas above the 100 -yr flood elevation. 5. It appears that Lot 1, Block 2 will not be a buildable lot due to the Floodway. C Tocuments and Settings\Tauri\Local Settings\Temporary Internet FiIPc\C'nntPnt IFS\W1C)V41,07\nt?5t1(INathP?nrlrvwl M dnn ITEM 3-2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. F . 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MP1 55422 Telephone. 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners-cL-nacplanning.corn MEMORANDUM - addendum #2 TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 26 April 2006 RE: Otsego — Boulder Creek; Revised Site Plan NAC FILE: 176.02 — 06.02 BACKGROUND The Planning Commission tabled action on the above referenced development application at their meeting on 17 April 2006 to allow the developer to revise the submitted plans to address issues related to the design of the preliminary plat. A revised site plan dated 25 April 2006 has been submitted. Exhibits: A. Site Plan dated 25 April 2006 ANALYSIS Proposed Dwelling Units. The revised site plan has 662 dwelling units, which is seven less than on the initial preliminary plat. The breakdown of changes is as follows, which results in a mix of dwelling units divided 43 percent single family to 57 percent townhouse. Given the future land use designations for the subject site guided by the Comprehensive Plan, the proposed dwelling unit mix is appropriate. --Dwelling Type Original Plan Revised Plan Net Change Sin le Family 290 286 -4 Novak -Fleck Quad 112 112 - Shaper Row 118 118 1- - Hans Ha en Row 142-1 146 1 -4 Total 670 1 662 1 -8 School District Boundaries (Condition #4). The subject site is divided between the Elk River and St. Michael -Albertville School Districts along a line from the southeast corner of Pheasant Ridge south to CSAH 37 with school district boundaries going through single family lots, townhouse unit lots and townhouse base lots. Section 21-7- 4.M prohibits division of a single lot by a school district boundary. Wright County has stated that they object to the plat being approved having lots in two school districts and we concur with their position. The applicant will need to pursue an amendment of the school district boundary or revise the site plan prior to approval of a final plat so as not to divide any parcels by a school district boundary. CSAH 37 Right -of -Way. The site plan has been revised to provide for the 75 feet of right-of-way for CSAH 37 as required by the Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan. All of the dwelling units along CSAH 37 are setback 65 feet from the right-of-way. Cul-de-sac. The design of the site plan west of Street A at the southwest corner of the development has been revised to eliminate the cul-de-sac street proposed on the initial preliminary plat. In revising the site plan, the connecting north -south street has been eliminated resulting in two linear blocks extending to the west plat line. The length of these blocks is within the 1,200 foot allowance of Section 21-7-3.B of the Subdivision Ordinance. We would note that the northerly street would be a temporary cul-de-sac over 1,000 feet in length until the property to the west may develop. Westerly Exception Access. The area south of Street A at the southwest corner of the development has been revised to provide access to the exception parcels fronting CSAH 37 and eliminate unnecessarily long dead-end private driveways. Street G. A street extension from Street G to the west plat line is shown on the revised site plan to provide inter -neighborhood access and circulation for adjacent undeveloped parcels as required by 21-7-5.E of the Subdivision Ordinance. Streets D and Q. Streets D and Q have been revised to utilize a section design having a 26 foot drive aisle and 9 foot parking bay on one side. We recommend that the bump - outs be extended to within 30 feet of intersections to maximize on -street parking opportunities. Also, as these streets abut townhouse baselots, we recommend shifting the sidewalk to the outside edge of the right-of-way within a sidewalk easement to provide a boulevard between the curb and sidewalk. Single Family Setbacks. The preliminary plat illustrates proposed front yard setbacks to local streets that are five feet less than required by the R-5 District for the conventional lots and 10 feet less for the alley lots. All other setbacks are as required by the R-5 District. Shifting the house closer to the public street will be conditioned on house designs where the aaraoe does not extend more than five feet beyond the front line of the dwelling unit. V v Townhouse Setbacks. The revised site plan proposes setbacks for the townhouse units consistent with that recommended by City staff. The townhouses would be located not less than 25 feet from a public right-of-way to take advantage of the building types and design to enhance streetscape character. Setbacks from the garage to a private drive are 23 feet for the Novak -Fleck quad units and Sharper row units. Private Drives. The revised site plan illustrates private drives measuring 22 feet and 26 feet in width. The 22 foot wide drives are acceptable for limited use -dead end private drives. The City requires 28 foot wide private drives for those drives accessing more than four dwelling units and connections with two public streets. The 26 foot wide private drives must be revised to be 28 feet wide consistent with the Engineering Manual. Revised Townhouse Building Plans. The developer has showed illustrations of revised exteriors for the Sharper and Novak -Fleck townhomes at the Planning Commission meeting on 3 April 2006. The developer is to submit building plan elevations reflecting the changes to the building designs for review and approval by City staff. CSAH 37 1 Quaday Avenue. Wright County responded to the project EAW that the proposed development would cause the need for a traffic signal to be constructed at Quaday Avenue and CSAH 37. As this is a capital expense the City has not planned for and is directly related to traffic generated by the project, an agreement for the responsibilities for the costs of this signal is required prior to approval of a final plat. RECOMMENDATION The developer has submitted a revised site plan that addresses the majority of issues from the initial planning and engineering reviews. A preliminary plat, landscape, utility and grading plans consistent with the revised site plan must be submitted. However, City staff is confident that the significant issues have been resolved and that conditional approval of the applications is appropriate. We recommend approval of the applications as set forth below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 - Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-6 District and R-7 District based on a finding that the action is '-%.J1 IJIJLVI IL VV iU l U 1V vv 1 �t. 4 - ­;. ;-- B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the following provisions of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve a PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat for Boulder Creek, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts and payment of applicable SAC and WAC fees to assure the City of timely development. 2. The preliminary plat shall be developed in phases not to exceed final platting of more than 140 lots or unit lots within a calendar year. When less than the allowed number of lots or unit lots are final platted within a calendar year, the unallocated lots or unit lots may be rolled forward into subsequent years. The phasing plan shall be incorporated as part of the terms and conditions of a development contract executed for the initial final plat of a phased development. 3. All single family lots shall conform to the lot area and width requirements standard requirements of the R-5 District except: a. Lots and shall be exempt from the lot area and width requirements of the R-5 District. b. Lots and shall be exempt from the lot area requirements of the R-5 District. 4. All single family lots shall be subject to the following setbacks: 0 Setbacks Lot 78 St./ Front Side Rear Type CSAH 37 Interior Corner Alley Lot 65ft. 25ft. 7ft. 25ft. 25ft. Other lot 65ft. 30ft. 7ft. 30ft. 20ft. a. A 35' front yard setback shall be required where a front accessed attached garage projects closer to the front lot than the front building line of the dwelling unit. b. Except for yards abutting 70'h or 78th Streets, the same setback as required for a front yard shall apply to a side yard abutting a street of a corner lot or the rear yard of a double frontage lot. 0 5. All townhouse buildings shall conform following setbacks: CSAH 37 Other Street Between Bldgs. Private Drives 65ft. 25ft. 20ft. 23ft. 6. All plantings installed within public rights-of-way shall be maintained by the abutting property or a homeowners association. 7. Single family lot lines, unit lot lines and base lot lines shall follow the boundary between ISD 728 and ISD 885, as may be amended. 8. The site plan is revised such that the bump -out parking bay along Streets D and Q are extended to within 30 feet of a street intersection, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 9. All 26 foot wide private drives must be revised to be 28 feet wide consistent with the Engineering Manual. 10. The Sharper and Novak -Fleck building plans shall be revised consistent with the illustrations submitted by the developer and an option for outdoor patio provided for each unit adjacent to the front entrance, subject to review and approval of City staff. 11. Park and trail dedication shall be satisfied by dedication to the City of Outlots and with the only the net area of these parcels credited towards the required land dedication. Any unment portion of the required land dedication shall be satisfied as a proportional cash fee in lieu of land, minus any credits due for construction of trails or other improvements, paid at final plat approval for each phase based on the current fee in effect at that time. The developer shall identify the net area of the land proposed to be dedicated to the City and provide a cost estimate for improvements to be installed or constructed within the parcels to be dedicated. 12. Outlots and shall be dedicated to the City for stormwater area charge credits as approved by the City Council. 13. The grading plan, erosion control issues, drainage and utility easements and utility plans shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 14. The developer shall enter into an agreement with the City for construction of a traffic signal at CSAH 37 and Quaday Avenue as required by Wright County in relation to the project. 5 15. A revised preliminary plat, landscape plan, utility plan and grading plan consistent with the site plan dated 24 April 2006 shall be submitted and is subject to review and approval of City staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer John Jackels, 37 Inc. 0 EXHIBIT A Review No. 2 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Residential Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney John Jackels, 37, Inc. Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Pioneer Engineering Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Shane M. Nelson, P.E. Benjamin S. Nelson, E.I.T. Brent M. Larson Date: April 26, 2006 Proposed Development: Boulder Creek Development Street Location A portion of the Section 27, T121, R23. 221+ acres, south of 781h Street, west of Odean Avenue, and north of C.S.A.H. 37. Applicant: John Jackels Developer: 37, Inc. 1875 Station Parkway NE Andover, MN 55304 (763) 755-6554 Owners of Record: Emmerich Development Purpose: Boulder Creek Development is a proposed 290 single-family residential homes and 372 multi -family units development on 221+ acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of Agencies: Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, (but not limited to) Minnesota Health Department City of Otsego, Wright County Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W1QV4LQ7\ot2281-RVW2.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS - - ORMATION AVAILABLE SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY EXISTING CONDITIONS TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE PRELIMINARY PLAT PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM WATER SYSTEM STORM SEWER SYSTEM STREETS DETAILS PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W1QV4LQ7\ot2281-RVW2.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plat of Boulder Creek Development of Otsego, 3/24/06, by Pioneer Engineering Existing Condition Plan for Boulder Creek Development of Otsego, 3/24/06, by Pioneer Engineering Preliminary Site Grading Plan for Boulder Creek Development of Otsego, 3/24/06, by Pioneer Engineering Preliminary Utility Plan for Boulder Creek Development of Otsego, 3/24/06, by Pioneer Engineering Preliminary Site Plan for Boulder Creek Development of Otsego, 4/25/06, by Pioneer Engineering Preliminary Storm Sewer Design Calculations, 2/21/06, by Pioneer Engineering Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan for Boulder Creek Development of Otsego, February 28, 2006, by 37, Inc. Environmental Assessment Worksheet for Boulder Creek Development of Otsego, February 28, 2006, by Pinnacle Engineering Wetland Delineation Report, 9/19/03, by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. Geotechnical Report for Boulder Creek Development of Otsego, 2/15/06, by STS Consultants, LTD. City of Otsego Engineering Manual Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W1QV4LQ7\ot2281-RVW2.doc SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY 1. A 25' building setbacks along alleys, local, and collector streets is proposed. A minimum of 35' is required. 2. Alleys are proposed along the rear lot lines of many of the single-family lots. A setback of 23' is proposed along the alleys. City zoning ordinance does not permit alleys within residential areas. (21-7-8.E) City standard required minimum setback is 35'. 3. The minimum side yard setback required is 10'. (20-67-6.B) 4. Street F and it's cul-de-sac have been eliminated. The elimination of Street F produces an interim cul-de-sac on Street E in excess of the maximum allowed 500 feet. We suggest connecting Street E and Street O along the west property line to loop the two streets. EXISTING CONDITIONS Provide all utility information (size, type, invert elevations, etc.) for all utilities within 150' of the boundary line. (i.e. intersection of Quaker Avenue NE and Quaday Avenue NE and the south & east plat lines of Pheasant Ridge 8th Addition). TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE 1. Access to the plat is being provided off of C.S.A.H. 37, Quaday Avenue NE, 78th Street NE, and 76th Street NE. 2. Streets A & B have center medians proposed. They are not per city standards and will require city approval. 3. Alleys are proposed to serve as access to the single-family lots between Streets C & B, and Streets A & M. Alleys are prohibited in residential areas. (21-7-8.E) PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. A revised site plan has been submitted 4/25/06 but we have not received a revised preliminary plat. 2. Outlots A, B, and C have existing drainage and utility easements over them. Outlots in town homes areas will require drainage and utility easements to cover utilities and streets. Easements are also required over all ponds, wetlands, and creeks up to the 100 -year high water levels. Please show/label all easements. CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W1QV4LQ7\ot2281-RVW2.doc 3. All sidewalks and bike paths shall be covered by a permanent easement. 4. The R.O.W. along C.S.A.H. 37 is subject to county approval. The revised site plan submitted 4/25/06 depicts 75' of R.O.W. with 65' setbacks from the R.O.W. along C.S.A.H. 37. A 25' building setbacks along alleys, local, and collector streets is proposed. A minimum of 35' is required. 6. Streets shall be named in accordance to the Wright County grid naming system. 7. Depict the easements and setbacks associated with the ponds and wetlands. Please verify that the proposed lots are not inside wetland setbacks. S. Depict any shoreland overlay district boundaries. Lefebvre Creek shall be covered by a 100' easement centered on the creek or an easement to the 100 -year HWL, which ever is greater. 9. Mitigated wetland areas need to be shown on the plat. (north half of Outlot G) PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 1. Street F and it's cul-de-sac have been eliminated. The elimination of Street F produces an interim cul-de-sac on Street E in excess of the maximum allowed 500 feet. We suggest connecting Street E and Street O along the west property line to loop the two streets. 2. The sidewalk along Street G shall be switched to the opposite site of the road to limit the number of street crossings. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 1. A revised site plan has been submitted 4/24/06 but we have not received revised utility plans. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 1. All sanitary sewer pipes shall be placed at appropriate grades so as not to exceed a flow velocity of 15 fps. It appears that drop structures will be required for the sanitary sewer along Street `B" and Street "K". 2. The connection to the existing sanitary sewer manhole at the intersection of Street "B" and Quaday Avenue shall be made within 2' of the existing downstream invert to avoid the need of drop manhole at the connection. This will require the invert of the upstream manhole to be lowered. CADocuments and Settings\Tauri\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W1QV4LQ7\ot2281-RVW2.doc 3. The detail for the multi -family area (row townhome neighborhood) depicts 4' horizontal separation between the storm sewer and sanitary sewer under the driveways. A minimum of 10' of horizontal separation is required. 4. The sanitary sewer shall be stubbed to the west under the required street connection to serve the property west of Street G and south of Lefebvre Creek. 5. An existing 70'-8" SDR 26 PVC stub with an invert elevation of 848.78 has been provided out of the existing sanitary sewer manhole at the intersection of Street A and 78`h Street. This stub shall be used to avoid the need for boring and jacking under 78`h Street to make a connection. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Hydrant coverage is insufficient. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 300' (150' radius) for commercial, industrial, or multi -family residential areas and 500' (250' radius) for single family residential areas. 2. The method of connecting to the existing watermain shall be called out. A wet tap connection shall be made if a connection is made where there is no stub provided. 3. Additional valves are required at many watermain tees and cross locations throughout the project. 4. The watermain serving the multi -family homes in the southwest corner of the development shall be looped. 5. The 12" DIP watermain at the south end of Street A shall be connected to the west property line just north of C.S.A.H. 37. 6. The geotechnical report identifies a ground water elevation in the range of 868- 871. Plugs are required on all hydrants below the ground water elevation. STORM SEWER SYSTEM 1. The NWL, 2 -Year, 10 -Year, and 100 -Year HWL shall be shown for all proposed and existing sedimentation ponds, wetlands, and Lefebvre Creek. 2. A drainage and utility easement will be required over all the treatment ponds, storm sewer outside of ROW, wetlands, and drainage swales. 3. The location of the low point and the catch basins along Street 33 do not agree. CADocuments and SettingsUami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W1QV4LQ7\ot2281-RVW2.doc STREETS Any alleys permitted shall have a right-of-way width of at least 24'. (21-7-8.13) 2. The street intersections shall be rounded by a radius of no less than 20 feet. Radii to arterial and collector streets shall be no less than 30 feet and 50 feet for all streets to C.S.A.H. 37. 3. A temporary cul-de-sac is required on the west end of Street O and Street E. All temporary cul-de-sacs shall be covered by a temporary easement. Please submit the easement documents to be filed with the Final Plat. The interim cul-de-sac on Street E in excess of the maximum allowed 500 feet. We suggest connecting Street E and Street O along the west property line to loop the two streets. 4. It appears that cross gutters will be required at many of the private drive intersections. Provide intersection details and/or spot elevations to depict the intended direction of street runoff at the intersections. Intersections with grades of less than 1.0% over bituminous surfaces will require cross gutters. 5. B618 curb and gutter is required for all multi -family areas and along all single- family lots being served by alleys. DETAILS 1. Street sections have been selected based on a geotechnical engineer recommended R -value of 50. Though all street section details agree with the City of Otsego's typical section used for a 9 Ton residential street, it is unclear which street section is to be used for which street. Please clarify. 2. The house grading elevation "key" detail shall call out a lowest opening elevation. 3. The setbacks called out in the individual details for each type of building do not agree with the setbacks on plans, City Standards, or the preliminary plat. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN A revised site plan has been submitted 4/25/06 but we have not received revised utility plans. 2. The NWL, 2 -Year, 10 -Year, and 100 -Year HWL shall be shown for all sedimentation basins. 3. The soil borings shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.8.) 4. Some of the spot elevations depict a crown in the private streets and driveways and others indicate a cross slope. Please clarify. CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W1QV4LQ7\ot2281-RVW2.doc 5. A minimum 1.5' of freeboard is required from all calculated 100 -year HWL's or emergency overflows for non -calculated areas. 6. Please depict all easements and setbacks for ponds, wetlands, and Lefebvre Creek. 7. For Street L and Street N, the difference in elevation at the east end of the road and the existing ground elevation just offsite is approximately 10'. This appears to be strictly done for the type of building pad (walkout). Making a future connection to Street L and Street N to require an extensive fill on the adjacent property as well as at the eastern end lots of Street L and Street N within Boulder Creek. Please revise to more closely match the existing offsite ground. 8. Permission from the adjacent property owner is required to extend any grading onto the adjacent property at the north end of Street Q. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT There is a low area to the west of Lot 533 that currently has a natural overland outlet to the creek that will be cut off by this development. An outlet for this low area shall be provided. 2. The 100 -year HWL of the ponds and wetland along the creek shall be no less than the 100 -year HWL of the creek. The hydrology and storm sewer design is still under review. WETLANDS 1. Wright Soil and Water Conservation District, has identified more wetland area and requests that these wetlands be mapped. 2. Wetlands must be mitigated at 2:1. ENVIRONMENTAL A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site is required. (21-6- 2.B.10) SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION NIe recoml3iend approval contingent upon the above comments. CADocuments and SettingsUami\Local Settingffemporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\W1QV4LQ7\ot2281-RVW2.doc ITEM 3_3 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, SUite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231 .2555 Facsimile: 763.231 .2561 planners@ nacplanning.corn MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 26 April 2006 RE: Otsego — Zoning Ordinance; Attached Garages NAC FILE: 176.02 — 04.08 BACKGROUND In connection with the Davis Mississippi Cove subdivision, the developer has requested a Zoning Ordinance text amendment to increase the size allowed for an attached garage in the R -C, Residential Rural Open Space Cluster District. The Planning Commission held a public hearing and had initial discussion of the request at their meeting on 17 April 2006. The issue was tabled to allow City staff to provide additional information and for further discussion at the Planning Commission meeting on 1 May 2006. ANALYSIS Existing Ordinance. Section 20-16-4.13.4 of the Zoning Ordinance was revised in 1998 to require that an attached garage for single and two family dwellings must be at least 480 square feet and not more than 1,000 square feet. The intent of the provision is to require minimum parking and storage to at least two cars and as many as four vehicles within an attached garage assuming a minimum stall width of 10 feet per vehicle and 24 foot depth. These dimensions are adequate for parking the following vehicles: Toyota Camry = 15.8ft. long / 5.9 ft. wide Toyota 4Runner = 15.6 ft. long / 6.2ft. wide Chevrolet Impala = 16.7ft. long / 6.1 ft. wide Toyota Sequoia = 17.0ft. long / 6.1 ft. wide HUMMER H2 = 17.0 ft. lona / 6.8 ft. wide Chevrolet Silverado 1500 std. cab/bed = 17.1ft.long / 6.6ft wide Chevrolet Suburban = 18.3ft. long / 6.7ft wide Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Extra cab/std. bed = 19.2ft. long / 6.6ft. wide Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Extra cab/long bed = 20.6ft./6.6ft. wide Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD Crew cab/long bed = 21.4ft./6.6ft. wide Proposed Garage. The discussion of this issue has been prompted by the proposed house design for Lot 45 of Davis Mississippi Cove. The existing property owner intends to build a new house on this lot. The house plans call for a garage having three single doors with a floor area of 1,175 square feet for vehicle parking, but because of the garage being angled to the dwelling the floor area of the proposed garage is 1,362 measured by the outside walls and 1,297 measured by the inside walls. The total floor area of the two-level house is 5,607 square feet meaning the proposed garage area is equal to 24.3 percent of the floor area of the house. Beyond just this proposed garage, the developer indicates that other builders have expressed interest in garage sizes larger than 1,000 square feet within the development. The City Building Department also indicates that compliance with the current 1,000 square foot area allowance has been an issue in plan reviews especially within the R -C District developments. Proposed Amendment. At the recommendation of City staff, the developer has proposed amending the Zoning Ordinance text to allow an attached garage of 1,400 square feet. The following considerations apply: Zoning Districts. The developer's primary interest is amending the Zoning Ordinance for attached garages in the R -C District. However, it may be appropriate to consider allowing a larger attached garage in other zoning districts as well. Allowing a larger attached garage assumes adequate space to accommodate the structure. To avoid crowding and other aesthetic issues, allowance of attached garages larger than 1,000 square feet should likely be limited to one acre or larger lots. However, given that one acre or larger lots in the A-1, A-2 are intended as interim parcels until sewer and water may be maid available, further limitations may be appropriate. The R-1 District corresponds to the WS, Wild Scenic in the eastern portion of the City and these lots cannot be further subdivided with or without utilities. The R-2 District is a minimum 2.5 acre district originally established by Wright County that is fairly limited in application. The R -C District provides for establishment of permanent rural lots where utilities are not anticipated to be made available. The R-3 District is also a minimum one acre lot, but where utilities may one day be available and causing subdivision of these into two 75 foot wide parcels. We would recommend allowance of any increase garage sizes be limited to the R -C, R-1 and R-2 Districts. Given that the R-3 District has the same detached accessory building allowances as the R -C, R-1, and R-2 District, the larger attached garage area may be appropriate. Finally, the new R -4A District provides for lots having a minimum area of 18,000 square feet and minimum width of 100 feet. Proposed Area. City staff and the developer initially discussed increasing the allowed attached garage area to 1,200 square feet, which would allow for the depth of a 40 foot wide, four stall garage to be increased five feet (to 30 feet). However, because of the unique house design proposed for Lot 45 of Davis Mississippi Cove, the developer is requesting the area be increased to 1,400 square feet. For a 40 fnrit ir1C] fn Uir otall nnn __ +k -11-4-4 .-1.-..-.4-4. 1.4 1-.. 7C r - -I , yui "yJ_J a ii! UIIUVvGu ucNu l vVUUIU UC JJ ICCI. Again, in the case of the specific garage design being used for this discussion, the parking area is only 1,175 square feet at 40 feet wide and 29 feet deep. It would be possible to bring the area of the proposed garage closer to 1,200 square feet by reconfiguring the interior walls of the house, providing a vestibule between the garage and house or decreasing the depth of the garage to 25 feet. A 25 foot deep garage is adequate for even the longest vehicles (although there would be only minimal clearance at the front or rear). The Planning Commission expressed concerns about the potential aesthetic effects garages larger than 1,000 square feet. The primary concern in this regard is typically maintaining the scale of the attached garage as accessory to the principal dwelling. Because of the unique design based criteria of the R -C District, a specific regulation was included within the performance standards of this district to limit garage forward design/visibility minimizing this issue for the R -C District: 20-60-8. E. Building Design. Attached garages having doors facing the lot front shall not represent more than forty (40) percent of the principal structure fagade facing the lot front. A similar regulation would be more difficult to apply to the R-1, R-2 or R-3 District without the underlying design criteria for the overall district as well as trying to retroactively apply the standard to potential expansions of existing dwellings. A more feasible approach would be to limit the size of an attached garage larger than 1,000 square feet to a percentage of the total floor area of the principal dwelling. Text. Based on the considerations outlined above, we have drafted the following text amendment of Section 20-16-4.13.4 of the Zoning Ordinance for review: 4. Attached accessory garages: a. The minimum floor area of an attached garage shall be 480 square feet. b. The maximum floor area of an attached garage shall be 1,000 square feet. C. Within the R -C, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts, the floor area of an attached garage may exceed 1,000 square feet provided that the maximum floor area does not exceed 1,500 square feet or twenty five (25) percent of the total floor area of the principal dwelling, whichever is less. Note that we used 1,500 square feet only to be consistent with the 500 foot inrn-.mPntc alto\A/,nrl hX/ nth nnriinno of +hr, 1._..:i_I:-_ i_��_ - y Nv.Uv..� v1 U is alJicjsVly UUIIUII1Y Itj U1aL1Un5. CONCLUSION This information is provided for further discussion at the 1 May 2006 Planning Commission. The Planning Commission has closed the public hearing and may consider action on recommendations to the City Council on the requested text amendment. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Scott Dahlke John and Kathy Lenz E R -C, R-1, R-2, R-3 ATTACHED GARAGE Alternative Analysis — Footprint vs. Gross Floor Area Lenz House Dwelling footprint Garage footprint: Gross dwelling area Garage area: Alternate Amendment: 2859sf. 1362sf. or 47.6 % of dwelling footprint 5607sf. 1362sf. or 24.3% of dwelling gross floor area 4. Attached accessory garages: a. The minimum floor area of an attached garage shall be 480 square feet. b. The maximum floor area of an attached garage shall be 1, 000 square feet, except as provided for by Section 20-16-4.8.4 of this Chapter. Option 1— gross floor area: C. Within the R -C, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts, the floor area of an attached garage may exceed 1,000 square feet provided that the maximum floor area does not exceed 1, 500 square feet or twenty five (25) percent of the total floor area of the principal dwelling, whichever is less. Option 2 — footprint area: C. Within the R -C, R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts, the floor area of an attached garage may exceed 1,000 square feet provided that the maximum floor area does not exceed 1, 500 square feet or fifty (50) percent of the total floor area of the principal dwelling, whichever is less. Option 2 maintains the scale of an attached garage relative to the footprint of the principal dwelling. Whereas the Lenz home is a walkout rambler, a two-story dwelling may have a smaller footprint. An attached garage equal to 25% of the total gross floor area of a two-story house may be horizontally out of scale.