07-14-15 Public Safety Commission Meeting MinutesPUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING
JULY 14, 2015
6:30 PM
Call to Order.
Vice -Chair Jim Breitbach called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Roll Call: Commissioners Jim Breitbach, Paul Fields, Charles Schauss, Mark Driste and Tina
Driste. Councilmember Doug Schroeder and Tami Loff, City Clerk. Councilmember Jason
Warehime arrived at 6:45 PM.
1. Approve agenda.
Vice -Chair Breitbach motioned to move Brian Johnson, Wright County Neighborhood
Watch Program, to Item 4. Seconded by Commissioner Schauss. All in favor. Motion
Vice -Chair Breitbach motioned to approve agenda as amended. Seconded by
Commissioner M. Driste. All in favor. Motion carried.
2. Approve previous meeting minutes.
• May 12,2015
• June 9, 2015 Worksession with City Council
Commissioner Schauss motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner
Fields. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Open Forum.
No public comments. There were two observers, Gregory Hubbard and Mark Lucht.
4. Public Safety Police/Fire/Ambulance Updates.
Albertville Fire Assistant Fire Chief, Tate Mills, gave an update. Commissioner Schauss asked for
clarification on the report. Assistant Fire Chief Mills will look into and forward response to City
Clerk Loff to forward on to the Commissioners.
Assistant Fire Chief Mills said they are looking at a hiring schedule of Sept -Oct; they are adding
four additional firefighters. He said they are hoping for a good turnout from Otsego. He asked
the Commission for ideas to promote those openings. There was discussion to promote at the
Otsego Prairie Festival on September 12 as well as Otsego city website.
Assistant Fire Chief Mills said they will be attending a neighborhood party in the Martin Farms
development on July 25.
There was discussion on Otsego Night Out on August 4. All Fire Chiefs said the list of Otsego
neighborhoods sooner than later would be helpful. CM Schroeder said he will let Parks &
Recreation Director Ross Demant know.
Councilmember Jason Warehime arrived at this time.
Elk River Fire Chief, John Cunningham, gave an update. He said the Fire Academy is going well.
He said that ER attended a live burn in Dayton along with Anoka and Champlin. He spoke on the
rehab trailer project which is a support trailer for public safety. He stated that the Office
Assistant position for ER Fire closed today and they had a good turnout. He also stated that
they will be holding a functional Emergency Management exercise in ER in October.
Fire Chief Cunningham said they currently have 45 fire fighters. CM Warehime asked the district
population. Fire Chief Cunningham said approximately 35,000.
Rogers Fire Chief, Brad Feist, gave an update. He said they have an average of 8-9 minute
response time, he said there were three calls in Otsego. He said they will be holding a drill at
Rogers High School in August and also said they will have a house burn by Malmborg's Garden
Center in Rogers on August 18 at 6:15 PM. Commissioners are welcome to attend.
Fire Chief Feist said they currently have 39 members, three new fire fighters. He said his goal is
two more this year and a total of 50 members by fall of 2018- Spring 2019.
He also stated he will speak at the State Fire Chiefs Conference in October regarding the April
fire event in Otsego.
Wright County Deputy was present and said there was nothing new to report. There was
discussion on the recent County Road 39 and Page and Odean accidents.
Brian Johnson, Wright County; Neighborhood Watch Program.
Mr. Johnson was not able to attend due to a last minute obligation. Will be in attendance at
the next meeting.
5. Old Business.
It was noted that Commissioner Dana VanDenBerg resigned her position.
6. New Business.
Joe Hagerty, Wright County Sheriff. Will be in attendance at the next meeting.
New Election of Officers.
Nominations were opened for Chair.
Commissioner Breitbach nominated Charles Schauss as Chair. Commissioner Fields seconded.
Commissioner M. Driste nominated Mark Driste as Chair. Commissioner Schauss seconded.
Call to vote:
Breitbach, Charles Schauss; Fields, Charles Schauss; M. Driste, Mark Driste; Schauss, Mark
Driste; and T. Driste, Mark Driste.
Vote carried 3-2 with Mark Driste as Chair.
Nominations were opened for Vice -Chair.
Commissioner Breitbach nominated Charles Schauss as Vice -Chair. Commissioner M. Driste
Call to vote:
Breitbach, Charles Schauss; Fields, Charles Schauss; M. Driste, Charles Schauss; T. Driste,
Charles Schauss; Schauss, Charles Schauss.
Vote carried 5-0 with Charles Schauss as Vice- Chair.
Nominations were opened for Secretary.
Commissioner Breitbach nominated Tina Driste as Secretary. Commissioner Fields seconded.
Call to vote:
Breitbach, Tina Driste; Fields, Tina Driste; Schauss, Tina Driste; M. Driste, Tina Driste; T. Driste,
Tina Driste.
Vote carried 5-0 with Tina Driste as Secretary.
Upcoming Goal & Projects.
The Commissioners agreed to have a booth at the Otsego Prairie Festival on September 12.
Commissioner T. Driste will be the lead person. The goal is to promote the commission. There
was talk of the state kitchen fire trailer, possible information sheet to pass out and a new Public
Safety Commission banner. The banner will be added to the next agenda for discussion. City
Clerk Loff to check on current Public Safety Commission supplies (coloring books, pencils etc.)
There was discussion on future projects; talk of the commission holding CPR class, ice safety
class or water safety class. Possibly partnering with the Parks and Recreation programing.
The Commission decided this year as a group they will not be participating in the Otsego Night
Out as far as McGruff, handouts etc.
7. City Council Updates.
• May 26- No update.
• June 8 -No update.
• June 22- No update.
• July 13- Commissioner Fields gave an update.
8 City Council Meeting Assignments.
• July 27- Jim
• August 10 -Paul
• August 24 -Charles
9. Adjourn.
Commissioner Schauss motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner M. Driste.
All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:44 PM.
Written by: Tami LofF, City Clerk