08-07-06 PCITEM 3-7 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners-�,nacplanning.corn PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — Wright County Highway Station CUP 2 August 2006 APPLICATION DATE: 5 July 2006 176.02 — 06.21 CITY FILE: 2006-35 Wright County is proposing to construct a Highway Department Maintenance Substation on Lot 2, Block 2 of the Otsego 1-94 West Industrial Park 4th Addition. The substation consists of a 6,720 square foot shop/vehicle building, a 6,000 square foot salt storage shed and outdoor storage of gravel and sand. The subject site guided by the Comprehensive Plan for industrial use and is zoned 1-2, General Industrial District. The substation use is allowed as a permitted use within the 1-2 District, while the outdoor storage of materials requires a conditional use permit. Exhibits. A. Site location B. Site Plan C. Photo of Shop Building (from Cokato) D. Photo of Salt Shed ANALYSIS Lot Requirements. The table below illustrates the lot requirements of the 1-2 District relative to the proposed site plan: Min Lot Area Min Lot Width Max Bldg. Cover Front Side Rear Parkin Street Side/ Rear Required 2.Oac. 200ft. 50.0% 30ft. 20ft. 25ft 15ft 5ft. Proposed 4.5ac. 200ft. 6.5% 160ft. 35ft. 160ft. - - - - Access. The subject site is to be accessed from 71 st Street, which has been designed with a 10 ton, rural section sufficient to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed use. The width of the access is limited to 24 feet wide unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer to accommodate truck turning movements. Building Design. Scaled elevations for the proposed buildings were unavailable from the project contractor. Wright County staff indicates that the proposed buildings are to be the same as those constructed at the Cokato substation. The one story principal building will have four bays used for vehicle maintenance and storage is to be constructed of concrete panels. The building materials and building height are compliant with 1-2 District requirements. The salt storage building consists of individual concrete footings supporting a framework over which a fabric roof is constructed. Concrete walls and floor within the structure contain the salt and enable it to be picked up by a loader. The Zoning Ordinance requires that accessory structures be constructed of materials consistent in quality as the principal building and Section 20-17-4.B.5 of the Zoning Ordinance also requires a continuous load bearing foundation. The proposed building meets building code requirements and would not be defined as a pole building. The City is also building a salt storage building for the new public works building also using a material roof structure. However, the City's building has taller, continuous concrete walls that eliminate the need for the interior concrete structures of the County's proposed building. City staff believes that the design of the City's salt storage building is more consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. Outdoor Storage. Wright County is proposing open outdoor storage of gravel and sand materials used for road maintenance. Section 20-86-7.D of the Zoning Ordnance allows outdoor storage in the 1-2 District subject to the following conditions: The storage area is landscaped, fenced and screened from view of neighboring uses and abutting residential districts. 2. Storage is landscaped and screened from view from the public right of way. 3. Storage area is blacktopped or concrete surfaced. 2 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way of from neighboring properties. 5. The storage area does not take up parking space or loading space as required for conformity to this Chapter. Wright County staff has discussed with City staff that the outdoor storage would be located on the site to utilize the principal building and salt storage building to aid in screening the materials. This would dictate that the storage piles either be between the principal building and salt storage building or to the north of the salt storage building at the northwest corner of the site. Additional screening will be provided by installation of plantings on the north, east and south sides of the site. Wright County is required to submit a certificate of survey/site plan illustrating compliance with each of the above conditions. Landscaping. Wright County staff has stated that plantings will be installed along the north, east and south sides of the substation site to provide screening of the proposed use as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Plantings are not required along the west lot line as this portion of the site abuts a planned outdoor storage area for Northdale Construction. Wright County will be required to illustrate the location of proposed coniferous trees in double rows not more than 25 feet on center to the north, east and south of the proposed buildings and outdoor storage area on the required certificate of survey/site plan, subject to approval of City staff. Off -Street Parking. Section 20-21-9.X of the Zoning Ordinance requires uses such as the maintenance substation to provide eight off-street parking stalls, plus one parking stall for each 750 square feet of floor area over 1,000 square feet. The calculation of required parking for the subject site is shown below: (6,720sf. — 1,000sf.)/750 + 8 = 16 stalls Off street parking, loading and circulation areas are required by the Zoning Ordinance to be paved with asphalt or concrete with perimeter concrete curb. Wright County will be required to illustrate the location of 16 parking stalls on the subject site meeting the dimensional, surface and curb requirements of the Zoning Ordinance on the required certificate of survey/site plan. The number of parking stalls required to be constructed may be reduced to eight if Wright County enters into an agreement allowing the City Council to require construction of the full number of parking stalls required by the Zoning Ordinance upon a finding by the City that there is a need for additional on-site parking. Lighting. All light fixtures installed on the site are required to be cast downward with a 90 degree cutoff to minimize glare. Wright County must identify the type and location of all proposed light fixtures, which are to be subject to approval by City staff. Signage. Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance allows one free standing sign not to exceed 20 feet in height or 100 square feet in area on the subject site. Wall signs not to exceed a total area of 15 percent of the front face of the principal building or 100 square feet for each individual sign is allowed. All signs require_a permit prior to construction on the site. Trash Storage. Section 20-16-15.13 requires that all trash and trash containers be kept within the principal building or within a fence enclosure secured and screened from view of the public right-of-way. Utilities. The City is investigating extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to the Otsego 1-94 West Industrial Park. Connection to municipal utilities will be required if the City Council approves the project. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. A grading plan must be submitted illustrating development of the subject site and management of stormwater run off. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Criteria. Consideration of the proposed use is to be evaluated based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for industrial uses within the west sewer district. Subject to applicable performance standards governing the proposed use, the application is consistent with the direction of the Comprehensive Plan regarding general land use and public facilities to support existing and planned infrastructure. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment. The proposed use will be compatible with the following existing/planned land uses surrounding the subject site: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Industrial A-1 District Agriculture East Industrial 1-2 District Undeveloped South Industrial 1-2 District Undeveloped West Industrial 1-2 District Contractor yard 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: Development of the subject site will be required to conform to all applicable performance standards. 9 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed use represents further buildout of the Otsego 1-94 West Industrial Park with a use that will utilize available City infrastructure and support on-going development within the City and surrounding region. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The traffic generated by the proposed use can be accommodated by streets accessing the subject site. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City=s service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. RECOMMENDATION The proposed construction of a Wright County Highway Maintenance substation upon Lot 2, Block 2 of the Otsego 1-94 Industrial Park eh Addition is an appropriate use of the subject site consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and compatible with surrounding land uses. Additional information must be provided to document compliance with applicable Zoning Ordinance requirements. As such, our office recommends approval of the application subject to the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve site and building plans and a conditional use permit allowing outdoor storage of materials for a Wright County Highway Maintenance substation subject to the following conditions: 1. Wright County shall prepare a site plan based upon a certificate of survey illustrating the information required by Section 20-4-4 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to approval of City staff. 5 2. The salt storage building is subject to the material and construction requirements of Section 20-17-4.13 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council. 3. The location of proposed coniferous trees in double rows not more than 25 feet on center to the north, east and south of the proposed buildings and outdoor storage area shall be illustrated upon the certificate of survey/site plan subject to approval of City staff. 4. Outdoor material storage piles shall be located between the principal building and salt storage building or to the north of the salt storage building at the northwest corner of the site. The outdoor storage area shall comply with the conditions of Section 20-86-7.D of the Zoning Ordnance, subject to approval by City staff. 5. The location of 16 parking stalls on the subject site meeting the dimension, surface and curb requirements of the Zoning Ordinance shall be illustrated upon the certificate of survey/site plan, subject to approval of City staff. A minimum of eight off-street parking stalls shall be constructed upon the subject site provided that Wright County enter into an agreement allowing that the City Council may require construction of off-street parking stalls as required by Section 21 of the Zoning Ordinance upon a determination by the City Council that the additional stalls are required to meet on-site demand and prevent congestion in the public street. 6. The width of the driveway access to 71St Street is limited to 24 feet wide unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer to accommodate truck turning movements. 7. All light fixtures shall comply with the requirements of Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to approval by City staff. 8. All signs shall conform to Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit prior to placement on the subject site. 9. All trash containers are to be stored within the principal building or an exterior enclosure as allowed by Section 20-16-15.6.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to approval of City staff. 10. Connection to municipal utilities shall be required if the City Council approves a public improvement project prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the application does not comply with the requirements of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Engineer Steve Meyer, Wright County Road Maintenance Supervisor 7 m OTSEGO 1-94 WEST •IND STRIAL PARK -�wwafrr `t oou�rrY --PROPOSED SANITARY;�SEWER L� tuar4,nrAr 2r/ter i � i AMMUFM OMMM 41-T 48tACM TMEtL r r I TRAI.ER9 rrrr I / 1&AtAC1 9 ----- ___ it , C ---J ACRES % 31 COMPAMES zst I Fit I PROPOSED WATERMAIN p I 3435 C, A'aiei J I rLLJ ! m .W II, i Q 230 0 250 s00 WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER SCAU fw EXTENSION TO OTSEGO 1-94 WEST EXHIBIT A-2 INDUSTRIAL PARK 4TH ADDITION Lond Projects— 2006\OT63i\OT631—EXHIBIT D: � s; 4.�{ ITEM 3.2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4300 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MH 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners,wnacplanning.corn PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Gateway North; Building #1 REPORT DATE: 1 August 2006 APPLICATION DATE: 18 July 2006 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 06.22 CITY FILE: 2006-36 BACKGROUND Duke Realty, LP has submitted site and building plans for Building #1 of the Gateway North industrial park. The proposed 153,600 square foot office/warehouse building is to be constructed at the south end of the project, near the intersection of Queens Avenue and 60th Street. The subject site is currently platted as Outlot F, Gateway North requiring approval of a preliminary/final plat to establish a Lot of Record for the proposed building. The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for industrial uses and is zoned 1-2, General Industrial District. FYhihite- A. Site location (2 sheets) E. Lighting Plan (1 sheet) B. Site Plan (1 sheet) F. Grading Plan (2 sheets) C. Landscape Plan (2 sheets) G. Utility Plan (1 sheet) D. Building Elevations (1 sheet) H. 2nd Addition Final Plat (3 sheets) ANALYSIS 7nninn, Thp giihipwt cite is 7nneri 1-2 ni-,trim_ The nrnnn-,Pri hiiildinn iS intendPri to accommodate single or multiple tenant office/warehouse users. The type of building is generally consistent with the spatial needs of uses allowed in the 1-2 District. Occupancy of the building by specific tenants is subject to the allowed uses of the 1-2 District. Access. The City Council approved construction of Queens Avenue between 60th Street and CSAH 37 at their meeting on 24 July 2006. Construction of this two lane street with continuous center turn lane will provide access to the Gateway North development from interchanges to TH 101 being constructed at CSAH 36 and CSAH 36. Existing 60th Street, west of Queens Avenue along the south line of the subject site will also be reconstructed. The City Engineer approved the access locations and widths as part of the construction plans prepared by their office for Queens Avenue. The site plan identifies one access to Queens Avenue from the subject site. This access location is more than 200 feet, but less than 500 feet from the nearest street intersections to the north and south. The Queens Avenue access is 40 feet wide to accommodate truck turning movements. A second 24 foot wide access to the subject site is to be located off of the 60th Street cul- de-sac. Lot Requirements. The table below illustrates the lot requirements of the 1-2 District: Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Width Max. Bldg Cover Setbacks Buildin Parkin queens Ave. 60 I St. TH 101 North R -O -W North Required 2.Oac. 200ft. 50.0% 30ft. NA 15ft NA Proposed 8.5ac. 465ft. 41.6% 164ft. 57ft. 90ft. -- 26' - - The preliminary plat was approved with a PUD -CUP to allow for lots within the subdivision to function in a unit/base lot configuration. As such, there is no required setback to the north lot line where Building #2 will be constructed as part of a future phase. Building Design. The proposed building is a one-story structure with a height of 34 feet, which is less than the 35 feet allowed in the 1-2 District. The exterior of the building consists of precast, integral color exposed aggregate panels. Squares of ribbed textured concrete are included in a horizontal band in the top third of the building on the west and portions of the north and south facades visible from TH 101 to provide variation and detail to the fagade. Primary suite entrances on the TH 101 side of the building are highlighted by a raised parapet, large windows and a canopy over the doors. All loading doors are on the north or east sides of the building to minimize visibility from TH 101. The proposed design is a good contemporary appearance for an industrial building and meets the material requirements of the 1-2 District. Landscaping. A landscape plan has been submitted that calls for planting of a mix of tree types at the perimeter of the subject side and foundation plantings on the south, .a .... ..,..46 S;,4 3 ^f +k— t ;IAinn Tk n lonrlcraninn ninn nlcn Inrll Ir p-, rmmnart 'vest al U4 I I u I JIUCiJ %J a IG vUIIUII .y. . � �. ....., r...y r,,.....,.... � _. plantings of coniferous trees along Queens Avenue, at the southeast corner of the building and adjacent to the proof -of -parking truck stalls for added screening of the loading area. The proposed plant materials, quantities and sizes are consistent with Zoning Ordinance requirements. Off -Street Parking/Loading. The table below illustrates an estimate of required parking for the proposed building based on anticipated leasing of the building space, Zoning Ordinance standards and the parking demand evidenced by similar buildings in the developer's Brooklyn Park site: Use Area Gross Net Requirement Required Stalls Office 15% 153,600sf. 20,840sf. 1 stall / 200sf. 105 Warehouse(85%)118088sf. 1 stall / 2000sf. 59 TOTAL 100% 153,600sf. 138,928sf. - - 164 The site plan provides 177 parking stalls for vehicles and eight truck stalls. Fifteen parking stalls and the eight truck stalls at the northeast corner of the subject site are shown as proof -of -parking stalls. The developer does not intend to construct the stalls initially unless required by tenants that may lease space within the building. The proof - of -parking stalls can be approved subject to provision in the development contract allowing the City to require their construction if a need is determined by the City. All of the parking stall dimensions are consistent with Zoning Ordinance requirements and concrete curb is provided at the perimeter of the parking area (except in front of the proposed proof -of -parking stalls). The loading doors/docks for the building are to be located on the north and west sides, with the Queens Avenue entrance anticipated to be the primary access for truck traffic. The depth of the loading area between the building and curb to the east is sufficient to allow a tractor -trailer to enter, turn parallel to the building and back into a loading dock. The surfacing east of the building consists of heavy duty bituminous and heavy duty concrete pavement to support the truck traffic. Fire Access. The proposed site and building plans have been forwarded to the Elk River Fire Department for review and comment. Fire access is provided on the west, north and east sides of the building via driveways and aisles. Access to the south side of the building meeting the required 150 foot radius is met by extension of a dead-end surface off of the main loading area at the southeast corner of the building. This access will need to be maintained as accessible at all times. Lighting Plan. A plan illustrating the type, location and illumination pattern of proposed site lighting has been submitted. All of the fixtures have a shoebox design with 90 degree horizontal cutoff to minimize glare. The light cast to the property line is less than the 1.0 foot candle to the center of a street or 0.4 at the property line limits of Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. Signs. No plans for signs to be located on the site has been submitted. All signs must comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and a sign permit is required prior to placing any sign unnn the prnpertV_ Trash Storage. The site and building plans do not identify locations for trash storage. Trash containers must be stored inside the building or an enclosure screened from view as required by Section 20-16-15 of the Zoning Ordinance. Grading Plan. A grading plan for Building #1 consistent with the overall development plan has been submitted and grading of the site is currently on-going. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to the review and approval by City Engineer. Utility Plan. The Queens Avenue project approved by the City Council on 24 July 2006 includes extension of trunk sanitary sewer and water utilities to serve Gateway North and adjacent properties. A utility plan for connection of Building #1 to the utilities being installed in Queens Avenue has been submitted and is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Calculation of SACNVAC fees for the proposed building will be determined using the City's trunk costs and estimated flows based on similar buildings built and maintained by the developer in Brooklyn Park. Preliminary/Final.Plat. The developer has submitted a.preliminary/final plat for Gateway North 2nd Addition subdividing Outlot F of Gateway North to consist of one lot for Building #1 and Outlot A for future phases. The layout of the preliminary/final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat for Gateway North and meets all 1-2 District requirements as set forth above. Easements. The 2"d Addition Preliminary/Final Plat illustrates 10 foot drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of Lot 1, Block 1 and utility easement over extension of sanitary sewer and water service lines from Queens Avenue as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The latter easement is required as the utility pipes may serve more than one tenant within the proposed building. Development Contract. The developer and City have not yet executed a development contract for the overall Gateway North project. This development contract is anticipated to serve as a Master Development Contract for the subdivision outlining basic requirements and agreements effecting each phase. Subsequently, each phase will be required to enter into a sub -development contract specifying agreements and requirements applicable to that building or buildings. Approval of the preliminary/final plat for the 2nd Addition is contingent upon execution of the Master Development Contract and execution of a sub -agreement to be drafted by the City Attorney and subject to their approval. RECOMMENDATION The submitted plans for Gateway North Building #1 are consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and prior preliminary plat approvals. Our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below, subject to additional comments by other City staff. 11 POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a preliminary/final plat for Gateway North 2"d Addition and site and building plans for Building #1, subject to the following conditions: The development contract for the 2"d Addition shall include a provision regarding the proof -of -parking stalls allowing that the City may require their construction upon a finding by the City that there is a need effecting congestion in the public street, site access and/or public safety. 2. Trash containers shall be stored inside the building or an enclosure screened from view as required by Section 20-16-15 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. All signs shall conform to Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require a permit prior to placement on the subject site. 4. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues, utility plans and easements are subject to the review and approval by City Engineer. 5. The developer shall execute a sub -agreement to the Master Development Contract to be drafted by the City Attorney and subject to their approval and record the final plat not less than sixty (60) days from the date of City Council approval. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Cliff Anderson, Elk River Fire Department David Bade, Duke Realty, LP Jay Hill, Schoell Madson M 111 y}yyp'{ 1 ' 5• pp-s p- p yx �_ I 111 II '` _�. ��--�I j •�' ;_� \•_ III - - p�G• Y $ 0 '7 @ ii -�fffl II I 1 I ys - ... III I I—''. BUILDING 07 --�.- -- -- - - -- 2G4,000 SF ----- - - .. - y j 1 I I 1 KO T. LO! .I It 11 I BUILDING 06 LII 9 s sS 4 11 1 m= 204,000 SF 9LOeK 1. LOT ! l n 7G- +q G- q Fy �q a 1 •I to a ss yp I 1 � III L.. 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Iyl� s pq��gg y3db fppyga 6�goa�$$ $ 98p �g Jq 1�3, Yr �8 gg y R1g1yi a S i S��Q[l.r iii �(! °gd5!5 �y�..� �7 i�.• ! yt t�,���� � Aaad i(F �9 � � a ' � !@ �9°�a @ bib fig Jill, po 1 1 A `------ _ "------- - - -- 06 i t i i c I 1 I I 1 � 1 r ; 1 ; i , 1 !a if E� 0 0 o GATEWAY NORTH SECOND ADDITION KNOW AL1 MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That DUKE REALTY UMITED PMTNERSHIP. m Indiana limited pmtn.rehiy, fee owner of . Idlowng """b"property ,IluoUd n Ne Cwnly of Wright. Sial llo, of Ykneaota, to wll: 0ul F of Gotewoy North Addition. Nas caused the same to M sur.ey,d and pi tiSdi ea GATEWAY NMTH SECOND ADOITIM and dus hereby denote and d.tlkele to N. puWk "P.— .. 1— Urs .e.emmt. as Mown m Na plot for mono". and aliity purpose only. h Sift— wh—f sold DUKE REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, m Indian, limited p,d—p, baa crowd Nass pll—t. to ba tlFW by iia proper olf ere and its cony t, seal to ba harwnlo afhud. thla day of 20_ . (Corp_ala .ad) SIGNED: DUKE REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, m Indiana IWtW partnership By. Duk, R,ulty C_p_ollm, on Indima cory,mUm. Its 9mera4 port— IT T0, STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WAIGNT Th, f 9oing hetnrmmt was wknowledged b.lvr. m. lhN day of 20_ . by lM of DUKE REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. m Indima —tad pmt—p, m behalf of Sold poi—q, Notary PWic. County. Lin—to My Carnni.Mm ,apMes 20_ 1 hereby certify Nat 1 how Si and ptattad th, prapSity d,,mb,d m NIS plat a. GATEWAY NORTH. that iM plat 11 a correct repreemlatim o1 the W—y, that a di.tmcae _ -by shown m N. plat n 1«l and hundredth, of a loot. that ob how been -Uy pl=W h Ne W—d a wM b, co Vy placed h Ne ground f dau"nol.d, Not "h.wl "' bwn"n d_y Ines _, correctly dl0WllW m Ih, plat and Uwt there are no wet Imda o. defn,d h MS 505.02, S.b 1, or publk highways to b, d.Malad other Nm, Nom m N, plot. day R. Hit. ProlwMmd Land Surnyor Minnesota Lk— No. 24552 STATE OF MINNESOTA CWNW OF Viii The I_egon9 --tw arknowledged Dela. me NN day of 20_ , by .ay R. HII, Pr,N—mol Lmd Surnyor. Notary Publlc. County. Mhna.olo My Commlasim vk,, . 20_ CITY COUNCIE OTSEGO. MINNESOTA I hereby ce lly that on the doy of 20th. City Cauncl of the City of Ot.",. lit n, ala, mp—d INS Dlot. ey May_ By a" PLANNING COMMISSION OTSEGO. MINNESOTA %I, plot of GATEWAY NORM w11 approved by the Plmnhg Cammisaim of the City of Ol,ego, Mh mita, al o meeting hNd Nls day of , 20_ By Cho4mm MIGHT COUNTY SURYEYM Purwmt W Chapter 7, Mhn.aoto Lowa of 1976, this plot nae b..n opprond thio doy of By Right County Surny_ WUIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER I harebY —Uty that there— no dol nq ml taus poll for dl I— price to 20_ lar loud described m this plat and trm.fer mlw.d. O—d UIS _ day of 20— 'y Rlghl Cwnly Auditor/1...'. WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY ENGiNEER This pal woe recommended fa appowl Nie _ day of 20_. By Wight Cwnty HIO -y Engin MIGHT COUNTY RECORDER f hereby a.Mfy that thl. pot was /tea h Ne oKu of lM Cwnty Recorder for record thM _ day of 20_ at _ ,'tlod --M. and .o. W', recorded an Cmin,l No._, SS Dmument No. By Blight Cwnly RKardn EXH!RIT H-1 Schoell Madson GATEWAY NORTH SECOND ADDITION /c'. .erm.wl/x er u.w Vx er u. xw ip ennr"11/•I /[..M ." 1/1 orww 1/2au. s" V.a u. x[ IH a s".'�i u Q U E QUFF. OIIIIOT O U U E �d��000 J / •� /. a k. ri. I \ .a � g'�' . w1w 1/40k. LO►`16BLOCK1 I INSET A '� ♦ Y' I See sheet 3 of 3 sheetsrc 4 Io�T Y Y \ OIRIOT A ISI. � 45.00 14i00 5{w10'31'w idN007PI JIO 00.01 .00 — iliro.w PNVY2n T r u n k �li I g h w -a y--- OIIIIOT O U U E EXHIBIT H-2 0 20D 400 600 v—wc scr Schoell Madson o arrorts I/x var . 1. wc" xw w°.wc". rmlw" Ena 9 sneM _-a M«" �d��000 J / g'�' LO►`16BLOCK1 INSET A '� ♦ Y' I See sheet 3 of 3 sheetsrc 4 Io�T Y Y EXHIBIT H-2 0 20D 400 600 v—wc scr Schoell Madson o arrorts I/x var . 1. wc" xw w°.wc". rmlw" Ena 9 sneM _-a M«" GATEWAY NORTH SECOND INSET A . 1 1 I I I a N 00'15 I I I I I I wl wl gl� gl� P{a $ia ,I- - — — — — — — — — i l`---------J L--- ________— Nooroo'ao• � j— -- 196.-6� m,�^ — N aL_IJ.91_JQ / %— 26191 m SOOroa'AO"W o � z � z � � DRAINAGE k UTILITY - CASEMENT 1, BLOCK 1 WE ;o 3.291$ ,e' DRAINAGE k UTWtt _, Op•Jry Y EASEMENT 1\ 1.29 z 1\ z.]l SOOW \ Z 666].937.93 \\ N00'00'WE _______ 3 NOOTIO_24: _______ _ _______________2]0.13_ - �___ 219.00 nla .°Ilm ol^ al^ _______—___-.______________ YI ..... zL___________� ------------- ADDITION I --------------------- NOO.IT23_E_ _______, 165.5] > of ------J EXHIBIT H-3 O �pIE5�1/3 trot . t. IIor IROr NIE MCMA(W1 Yl u p Br x[o51NApW Np. 21bE. — [MIN4 .CCE59 m Schoell Madson Hakanson �� 0 III Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Mder on Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 IAssoc MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney David Bade, Duke Reality L.P. Jay Hill, P.E. Schoell Madson Sara Marlow, Walsh Bishop Associates, Inc. From: Brent M. Larson, E.I.T. Date: August 3, 2006 Re: Gateway North 2"d Addition — Lot 1, Block 1 We have reviewed the Final Plat, Grading, and Utility Plans, dated 7/17/06, for Building #1 located in Outlot F of Gateway North. Preliminary and Final plans for Gateway North have not been accepted at this time. The Gatewady North Final Plat and development plans must be approved prior to the acceptance of Gateway North 2" Addition. With this in consideration we would offer the following comments: Final Plat 1. The locations of the sanitary sewer and watermain being stubbed to this property have been revised. The stubs being provided by the Queens Avenue Improvement project have been move approximately 70' to the north. The easement covering these utilities must be revised. (Schoell Madson is to be provided the latest utility information associated with the Queens Avenue Improvement project.) 2. Remove the wetland identified within the plat. This wetland will no longer exist with the proposed site development. 3. The utilities being constructed beyond the plat boundaries require additional drainage and utility easement to cover them. The pavement along the north boundary also extends beyond the plat line. The final plat for the Gateway North 1 St Addition was required to have drainage and utility easement placed over the entire Outlot F and would satisfy this requirement but a revise Gateway North 1 st Addition plat has not been submitted to the city engineer's office depicting this revision. 4. The right-of-way shall be rounded at the intersection of Queens Avenue and 60th Street. C:\Documents and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\LEVPLXGP\ot2500GWN2ndRVWI.doc Development Plans Title Sheet 1. A signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer is required. Existing Conditions 1. The 2nd Addition boundary lines shall be depicted. Boundary lines shall include bearings, distances, and curve data. (Section 21-6-2.B.1) 2. Identify adjacent land boundary lines and zoning. (Section 21-6-2.B.2) 3. A total acreage of the proposed plat is also required. (Section 21-6-2.B.3) 4. Show the locations, names, and widths of existing streets. The existing 60th Street width and cul- de-sac is not shown correctly. (Section 21-6-2.B.4) 5. The location, size, and elevations of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other underground facilities within 150' shall be depicted. (Section 21-6-2.B.5) 6. The mass grading plan for Gateway North depicts 3 temporary sedimentation basins in the northwest, southwest, and southeast corners of the proposed site. The grading of the entire site is in progress at this time. Verify that these sedimentation basins are in place or will be in place before the 2nd Addition Building #1 site is complete. Site Plan 1. Depict the proposed location(s) for storage of trash containers. Grading & Storm Sewer Plan Soil Borings locations shall be depicted on the grading plans. 2. Grading along the west edge of the plat shall be coordinated with the MnDOT Hwy 101 project. 3. It appears that the proposed gutter elevations and grades at the intersection of Queens Avenue and 60" Street shall agree with the Queens Avenue Improvement plans. (Schoell Madson is to be provided the street and intersection information associated with the Queens Avenue Improvement project.) Please verify that the proposed grades work with the Queens Avenue project. 4. It appears the gutter elevations of 943.7 around the small island along the north side of building #1 are in error. Please verify and revise. Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Assoc., Inc. Files\Content.IE5\LEVPLXGP\ot2500GWN2ndRVW I .doc B 1212 curb and gutter is being called out around the southeast radius of the loading area parking lot. Please verify that this is correct. 6. The curb and gutter shall be sumped 2" from the flow line at each catch basin. Please revise the rim elevations. 7. Provide a minimum of 0.8 -diameter points fall (0.2' per 3" pipe size increase) across all storm sewer manholes when pipe size increases. Many of the storm sewer inverts need revising. 8. A minimum 2' of cover over storm sewer pipe in traffic areas is required. The cover over the 21" pipe at CB 121 is approximately 1.45'. Please revise. 9. CBMH 110 does not have a pipe to the east. Remove the east invert information from CBMH 110. 10. The east invert at CBMH 109, CBMH 108, CBMH 107, and CBMH 106 do not agree with the stub inverts and pipe grades. Please revise. 11. The north and south inverts of CBMH 107 and CBMH 106 are mislabeled. The inverts should be lowered 10'. 12. A 10:1 bench is require below the normal water level. The contours for Pond 2 do not agree with the Gateway North hydrology report's storage areas. Please verify and revise. Utility Plan 1. Depict the storm sewer in a lighter background shade to help identify all crossings and potential conflicts. 2. The locations of the sanitary sewer and watermain being stubbed to this property have been revised. The stubs being provided by the Queens Avenue Improvement project have been move approximately 70' to the north. The invert of the 8" sanitary sewer stub at the property line is 930.72. Please revise the plans to reflect this change. (Schoell Madson is to be provided the latest utility information associated with the Queens Avenue Improvement project.) 3. Depict the 12" butterfly valve that is to be installed with the Queens Avenue Improvement project on the north side of the tee at 60th Street cul-de-sac. 4. An additional valve is needed on the south side of the 12"x 12" Tee in the northwest corner of the plat. 5. The 90° bend in the northeast corner of the plat shall be made by using two 45° bends. 6. The northern hydrant along the west parking lot conflicts with the storm sewer at the crossing. A minimum of 24" of vertical separation, or 12" of vertical separation with insulation is required between the watermain and storm sewer. Hakanson Anderson C:\Documents and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Assoc., Inc. Files\Content.IE5\LEVPLXGP\ot2500G WN2ndRV W I .doc 7. A pipe bedding detail is required. CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\LEVPLXGP\ot2500G"2ndRVW l.doc Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc.