09-18-06 PCITEM 3.1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 783.231.2555 Facsimile: 783.231.2581 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Laurie Shives / Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — Riverbend North; Preliminary Plat and Site Concept Plan 29 August 2006 176.02 — 06.24 SUBMITTED CITY FILE 15 August 2006 2006 — XX Darkenwald's Riverbend Company II, Inc. has submitted an application for a preliminary plat of a 13.7 acre site located on the southeast quadrant of CSAH 42 and TH 101. The proposed site plan shows a subdivision of seven commercial lots and three outlots. The subject site is currently zoned R-3, Residential Long Range Urban Service Area District, although it is guided for commercial uses by the City's Comprehensive Plan. The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the site from R-3 District to B-3, General Business District as well as a PUD -CUP to allow for a shared parking arrangement and access easements. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Preliminary Plat C. Concept Site Plan ANALYSIS Existing Use. The subject site is currently a ponding area related to the sewage treatment system serving Riverbend Mobile Home Park. It is anticipated that the mobile home park will be connected to. City sewer services being constructed along CSAH 42 , the private sewage treatment system be decommissioned, and the ponding area reclaimed for the proposed development illustrated on the site plan. Comprehensive Plan. The applicant is proposing to develop the site with a variety of commercial uses including a sit-down restaurant, fast food restaurant, coffee shop and hotel. As the subject site is guided for commercial uses, the concept plan proposal is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is currently zoned R-3 District. The submitted site plan proposes the development of a 5,500 square foot bank, a 6,300 square foot gas station and convenience store, a 3,400 square foot fast food restaurant, 1,200 square foot coffee shop with a drive-through, an office building totaling 9,200 square feet, a three- story hotel with a total of 45,000 square feet and a 5,000 square foot sit down restaurant. The proposed uses require a rezoning to B-3 District as well as a PUD -CUP to make allowances for shared parking and access arrangements among the proposed lots. Upon rezoning, all uses will be limited to those allowed by the B-3 District and, as such, shall be consistent with the B-3 District performance requirements. Surrounding Land Uses. The following table outlines the existing and planned uses surrounding the subject site: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Commercial B -3/A-1 District Future City Park East LD Residential R-1 District Single Family Homes South LD/MD Residential R-3 District Manufactured Home Park West Commercial R-3 District TH 101 The most significant potential compatibility issue is between the proposed development and the manufactured home park located to the south of the subject site. However, the concept plan indicates that the proposed building located closest the existing manufactured home park will be orientated away from the housing development. Further, the developer has proposed a stormwater treatment pond along the southern edge of the subject site abutting the existing residential area. Upon submission of a site and building plan for the proposed commercial uses, the developer will be required to screen the boundary areas between the two sites to further reduce any negative impacts on the existing residential use. Lot Area and Setbacks. The following table represents the required lot area and setbacks for the B-3 District and indicates those proposed by the applicant. 2 Required Proposed Lot Area 1 acre 0.59 acres - 2.73 acres Setbacks: Front 30 feet 30 feet Side 10 feet 10 feet Rear Parking Setback 20 feet 15 feet 20 feet _ 15 feet 2 As outlined in the table, the concept site plan is consistent with the setback requirements of the B-3 District. Lots being proposed with less than one acre in area can be addressed as a part of the PUD -CUP, which may allow for flexibility in lot area provided that access, vehicle circulation, parking and setback requirements are complied with. Final Plat. It is expected that the applicant will submit a final plat for City Council review establishing Block 1 as an outlot for purposes of recording the requested rezoning and PUD -CUP. The applicant has requested to delay development of the site until all of the TH 101 improvements are complete. The final plat is subject to review and approval of City staff and the City Council as well as execution of a development agreement. Site and Building Plan Review. The applicant has submitted the preliminary plat application for the purpose of conveying public rights-of-way and securing access points to the subject site. No specific users of the lots illustrated on the concept plan have been identified. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any proposed building to be located on the subject site, the applicant must submit an application for site and building plan review for each lot including proposed building architecture and site landscaping, lighting, signage, etc. Site and building plan review applications are subject to review and approval by City staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council. Compliance with all applicable performance standards for the users of each lot will be determined at that time. Vehicle Access. Vehicle access to the subject site will be provided directly off of CSAH 42 with a future signalized intersection. The major access issue for the site is intersection spacing on CSAH 42 as Wright County requires 1/4 mile (1,320 feet) spacing for full accesses along CSAH 42 in accordance with the Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan. The access to the proposed commercial development is 920 feet from the planned CSAH 42/TH 101 ramp and 520 feet from the existing entrance to Riverbend Mobile Home Park. Full access at the entrance to the proposed development is necessary to make the site viable for commercial land uses and is supported by the City. Combination of the Riverbend North and the Riverbend Mobile Home Park accesses is not possible because the properties are under separate ownership and mortgage limits on the mobile home park do not allow for a shared access of this nature. The developer would be responsible for the cost of the proposed signal at the development entrance. The location of the access to the proposed development is subject to MNDoT and Wright County review and approval. Access to the individual lots within the development is provided off of a shared driveway extending from CSAH 42. The design of the driveway and location of access points will accommodate traffic circulation within the site. We do recommend that the concept plan be revised to combine the north access to Lot 6 and the south access to Lot 7 into a single intersection to avoid congestion and potential traffic conflicts from vehicles exiting the two *sites. We also recommend that seven of the parking stalls at the terminus of the main driveway be eliminated to avoid vehicles backing into the intersection. The 9 proposed lots must establish cross access and parking easements recorded as a part of the PUD Development Agreement. These easements will ensure that traffic can flow from one lot to another utilizing the proposed internal street system. Pedestrian Access. The site plan illustrates a sidewalk along the main driveway from CSAR 42 and crosswalks throughout the proposed development to allow for pedestrian circulation. Provision of sidewalks within and between each lot will be reviewed as part of the site and building plan reviews for each use. Off-street Parking. The applicant has identified general commercial uses for the subject site. The following table identifies the number of parking spaces that would be required for the proposed uses as stated in Section 20-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. We are unable to determine the required number of parking stalls for the proposed hotel at this time due to the limited information available on the hotel size and number of rooms. The required number of parking stalls for the proposed hotel use (and all of the other sites) will be subject further to review and approval at the time of site and building plan review for the hotel. As shown in the table, a total of 41 parking stalls over the required amount have been provided. The subject site will utilize a shared parking arrangement and as such, the proposed number of parking stalls appears to be consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Drive-through Service Lanes. The applicant is proposing four separate drive through uses: a convenience food single lane drive through on Lot 3, a single lane drive through car wash on Lot 2, a single lane drive through for the coffee shop within Lot 4 and a double -lane drive through for the proposed bank on Lot 1. Section 20-21-9.1-1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires drive-through uses to provide 180 feet of stacking space. The submitted site plan indicates adequate stacking space for all four proposed drive through uses. Additional conditions related to drive through uses such as landscaping/screening, vehicle circulation, lighting and signage shall be addressed as a part of each individual use's site and building plan review. 11 Stalls Lot Use Requirement Required Stalls Provided Net Lot 1 Bank 1 stall/250sf 20 stalls 34 stalls +14 Gas Station/ Convenience Lot 2 Store 1 stall/250sf 23 stalls 49 stalls +26- 1 stall/40sf seating Fast Food 1 stall/80sf kitchen Lot 3 Restaurant + 15 stalls 76 stalls 62 stalls -14 1 stall/40sf seating 16 stalls Lot 4 Coffee Shop 1 stall/80sf kitchen 5 stalls 15 stalls -6 1 stall/200sf Lot 5 Office + 3 stalls 44 stalls 54 stalls +10- 1 stall/guest room Lot 6 Hotel 1 stall/10 guest rooms ---- 110 stalls ---- 1 stall/40sf seating Lot 7 Restaurant 1 stall/80sf kitchen 101 stalls 90 stalls -11 Total I 1 1 +41 We are unable to determine the required number of parking stalls for the proposed hotel at this time due to the limited information available on the hotel size and number of rooms. The required number of parking stalls for the proposed hotel use (and all of the other sites) will be subject further to review and approval at the time of site and building plan review for the hotel. As shown in the table, a total of 41 parking stalls over the required amount have been provided. The subject site will utilize a shared parking arrangement and as such, the proposed number of parking stalls appears to be consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Drive-through Service Lanes. The applicant is proposing four separate drive through uses: a convenience food single lane drive through on Lot 3, a single lane drive through car wash on Lot 2, a single lane drive through for the coffee shop within Lot 4 and a double -lane drive through for the proposed bank on Lot 1. Section 20-21-9.1-1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires drive-through uses to provide 180 feet of stacking space. The submitted site plan indicates adequate stacking space for all four proposed drive through uses. Additional conditions related to drive through uses such as landscaping/screening, vehicle circulation, lighting and signage shall be addressed as a part of each individual use's site and building plan review. 11 Utilities. The City is currently constructing trunk sanitary sewer and water utility extensions within CSAH 42 that will provide access to the proposed uses on the subject site (and Riverbend Mobile Home Park allowing for reclamation of the subject site). A utility plan showing connections with the individual lots within the preliminary plat to the trunk sanitary sewer and utility lines must be submitted prior to final platting of any of the proposed lot/blocks for development. All utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. A grading plan for the proposed development is required prior to final platting any lots/blocks within the subject site. All grading issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Park Dedication Requirements. The applicant is not proposing to dedicate any land for park purposes as a part of the preliminary plat. Therefore, the applicant shall be required to pay a cash fee in lieu of land to satisfy park dedication requirements for the proposed project at the time of final plat. The 2006 park dedication fee for commercial developments is equivalent to $7,000 per gross acre for a total park dedication requirement of $95,900. Outlots. The preliminary plat illustrates three outlots. Outlots A and C encompass proposed stormwater ponds. Outlot B is provided for the private driveway approach to the CSAH 42 intersection. We recommend that Outlot B be platted as public right-of- way dedicated to the City such that public control is maintained at the CSAH 42 intersection. The driveway within the right-of-way would remain under private maintenance. We would also recommend that Outlots A and C be combined with adjacent buildable lots with the stormwater ponds overlaid by drainage and utility easements. Easements. Section 21-7-15 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that drainage and utility easements be established at the perimeter of all lots. A 10 foot easement is required at the perimeter of all lots, except for the side lot lines where a 5 foot easement shall be designated. Outlots A and Outlot C shall be overlaid with a drainage and utility easement, subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION Darkenwald's Riverbend Company has submitted a preliminary plat requesting a rezoning and establishment of access locations for the property located on the southeast corner of the intersection of TH 101 and CSAH 42. A concept plan has also been submitted which proposes a series of commercial buildings and the proposal is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance requirements and the Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat PUD -CUP for Riverbend North subject to the following conditions: POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning land to be included within the Riverbend North Preliminary Plat to B-3 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve the PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat and concept plan for Riverbend North, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of a preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer and water service. Such service is only guaranteed to projects with approved final plats. Applicable SAC and WAC fees are to be paid at the time of building permit approval and based upon the definition of each building space. 2. The PUD -CUP and Preliminary Plat shall remain valid until 31 December 2009 or until approval of an initial final plat establishing lots/blocks and execution of a development contract providing for phased development of the subject site. 3. Cross access and parking easements shall be provided for Lots 1-7, Block 1, subject to the review and approval of City staff. 4. The allowed uses of each lot shall be the same as provided for within the B-3 District. 5. Development of individual lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to site and building plan review or other approvals as may be required by the Zoning Ordinance prior to issuance of a building permit. 6. The proposed access from CSAH 42 to shall be subject to approval by Wright County and MNDoT. The developer shall be responsible for the cost of any traffic control devices required at the CSAH 42 access. 7. Ouflot B shall be revised and dedicated as public right-of-way to the City of Otsego. 6 8. All utility plans are subject to approval by the City Engineer. 9. All grading plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 10. The preliminary plat shall be revised to illustrate all easements as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to approval by the City Engineer. 11. Park dedication requirements shall be determined and satisfied at the time of final plat approval. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and/or the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer John Darkenwald, Darkenwald's Riverbend, LLP Chris Carda, RLK, Inc. 7 �crctt ewlm.m •mi+ti •wa++m •+vaw �tvc t'—oe on -ia7Gp6snra_.._.___........................ I`#`""— ® a �" "` .. _ O££SS D�06aUUlW 'uan!a )II3 io!d .(uou!w!!aJd ., ""pooa osau 3N S£SL Nuu! .c u 3 146 �srwiMa] dll 'll 0 Pua4a^!21 s,p!oMua oO H1MON .0 82!3AI pasodo�d 2 m L R I I Q 0\ jll —FUTURE TRAFFlC 9GN 4L RIVERBEND NORTH EXISTING ZONING: R-3 PROPOSED ZONING: B-3 TOTAL ACREAGE: 113.7 AC IMPERVIOUS AREA: 18.4 AC �"' • APPROXIMATE AREA OF WDOT TAKING EXISTING FULL ACCESS SITE DATA •\ ,• �' Po. LOT/ LOTINFORMATION ••,;\ r \ I MK BUILDING AREA - 5,500 S0. FT. '•� ,�01 /� REOIIIREO PARKING SPACES - 22 SPACES ,••,• d3 ,``G PROPOSED PARKING SPACES - 34 SPACES / LOT 1 POND Z C3I9BE BUILDING AREA - 47 S 50. FT. APPR0A A . REWIRED PARKING PARKIN SPACES - 47 SPACES •\: , AI AREA % PROPOSED PARKING SPACES - 49 SPACES , ,{+ MnpOi TAKING (INCLUDES 1) SPACES AT THE FUEL PUMP ISLANDS) •`••\ IDI 1/ FUTURE TRAFFIC SIGNAL 3 FAST FOOD " • •• , I �\ BUILDING AREA - 3.400 SO. FT. { �4 T REWIRED PARKING SPACES - 62 SPACES PROPOSED PARKING SPACES - 62 SPACES 1 \O 4 COFFEE sHov :•, 1, \l ,, j BUILDING AREA - 1.200 S0. FT. REWIRED PARKING SPACES - 22 SPACES `��•••,`,• I \, O V PROPOSED PARKING SPACES - 15 SPACES !i ' \ % �/� `•. fro 5 OFFICE I f RUILDINC AREA - 9.200 S0. R. OT 7 REWIRED PARKING SPACES - 49 SPACES PROPOSED PARKING SPACES - 54 SPACES OPRO*ATE t A OF1 6 3 STORY HOTEL •WIDOT, BUILDING AREA - 15,000 REWIRED PARKING SPACES - 105 SPACES PROPOSED PARKING SPACES - 110 SPACES 7 RESTAURANT LOT 6I i�• BUILDING AREA - 5,000 S0. FT. L 4 WTLOi C REQUIRED PARKING SPACES - 90 SPACES i POND - PROPOSED PARKING SPACES - 91 SPACES CONCEPT SITE PLAN INC THE FI THE MNDOT TAKE AREA AND AREA FOR AND RIGHT THE FINAL BOUNDARIES Of THE { I I TURNBACK AND RIGNT OF WAY ARE STILL BEING DETERMINED. CSAH 42 FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS HAYS BEEN OBTAINED FROM MNOOT AND ARE SIOM ON THIS PLAN. I EXHIBIT C Riverbend North - Conce t Site PlanRLK SGAL _ Otsego- MN Date: August 15- 2006 IIIIAnders on MN 55303 ``3 0 Assoc.,Inc. 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka,Anderson 4__ Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer John Darkenwald, Darkenwald's Riverbend Company II, LLC John Dietrich, P.E. RLK Incorporated From: Brent M. Larson, E.I.T. Date: September 13, 2006 Re: Review of Riverbend North Commercial Development We have reviewed the Preliminary Plat and Concept Site Plan dated 8/15/06 for the above-mentioned development and offer the following comments: Grading, Drainage, and Pollution Prevention Plan 1. A Grading Plan shall be submitted for review. Preliminary Plat 1. The location, dimension, and purpose of all easements shall be shown on the preliminary plat. 2. All building setback lines shall be shown on preliminary plat. The ownership and zoning of the adjacent land shall be identified. 4. All utilities within 150' of the plat boundaries shall be shown. The sanitary sewer and watermain along the east side of the property shall be depicted. The size and inverts of all pipes shall be called out. 5. A 75' R.O.W. shall be provided along all of CSAR 42. Concept Site Plan A preliminary utility plan shall be submitted. All public and private water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer shall be depicted. Please note a minimum hydrant spacing of 300' (150'radius) is required in all commercial, industrial, and multi -family residential developments. C:\Documents and Settings\Karee\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5W4UT7K21\ot2315- RiverBendNorthRV W l .doc 2. Centerline horizontal curve information and gradients, roadway widths, and typical cross-sections shall be provided for all streets. 3. All streets shall have curb and gutter. Other Comments 1. The hydrology report shall be submitted for review. 2. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site is required. 3. Soil boring locations shall be depicted on the grading plans and a geotechnical report shall be submitted. The geotechnical report shall have a recommended R -value for the street design. The submittal is incomplete. Additional information and revised plans are required prior to being accepted by the City Engineer. Due to the required review process by Wright County and the State of Minnesota to obtain approval for entrance(s) off of CSAH 42 we recommend the city council approve the preliminary plat contingent upon the above comments. Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\KareeTocal Settings\TemAssoc., Internet Files\Content.IE5\N4� soc.,Inc. RiverBendNorthRV W 1. doc ITEM 3.2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Laurie Shives / Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — Riverbend South; Preliminary Plat / Concept Plan 11 September 2006 176.02 — 06.23 SUBMITTED: CITY FILE: 15 August 2006 Darkenwald's Riverbend Company II, Inc. has submitted an application for a preliminary plat of a 17 acre site located north of CSAH 37 and east of TH 101. The applicant is proposing to construct a series of commercial buildings on the site. The proposed subdivision consists of six commercial/retail lots, three outlots and street right-of-way. The subject site is currently zoned 1-1, Limited Industrial District and A-1, Agricultural - Rural Service District, but is guided for commercial uses by the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant is requesting a rezoning from 1-1 District to B-3, General Business District and a PUD -CUP to allow for shared parking and access easements. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Preliminary Plat C. Concept Site Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land uses. The applicant is proposing to develop the site with a variety of commercial service and retail uses including a motor fuel station, restaurants and a drug store. The concept plan proposal is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is currently zoned 1-1 District and A-1 District. The applicant has submitted a concept plan for the site suggesting development of two retail buildings totaling 16,000 square feet, a 3,400 square foot fast food restaurant, a 14,500 square foot drug store, a 6,800 square foot restaurant and a 6,300 square foot gas station with a car wash. The uses shown on the concept plan require a rezoning to B-3 District with a PUD -CUP for shared access for the lots within Blocks 1 and 2. The requested rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. All proposed uses will be limited to those uses allowed in the B-3 District and required to conform to B-3 District performance standards. Surrounding Land Uses. The subject site is surrounded by the following existing/planned uses: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North HD Residential R-7 District Wetland Front R-3 District Man. Home Park East M/HD Residential R-7 District Wildflower Meadow 20 feet 20+ feet A-1 District Single Family South Industrial B-3 District Anoka Equine TH 101 West M/HD Residential R-7 District The Pointe TH 101 The primary compatibility issue exists to the east with development of Wildflower Meadows as well as existing single family homes fronting to CSAH 37. The orientation of the buildings along the east edge of the site together with separation across the existing wetland will reduce these impacts. Specific attention must be given during the site plan review process for Lots 2 and 3, Block 2 as to screening and site design to ensure compatibility between the commercial and planned/existing residential uses. In order to signify a change in land use between commercial and residential land uses along 72nd Street, we recommend that a different street section east of the north driveway to Lot 2, Block 2 be utilized. This street section may include a median and reduced shoulders from the driveway to the east plat line to discourage commercial traffic from entering the residential neighborhood. Lot Area and Setbacks. Setback requirements for the B-3 District as well as those being proposed by the applicant are shown in the table below: 2 Required Proposed Lot Area 1 acre 0.62 — 3.0 acres Setbacks: Front 30 feet 30+ feet Side 10 feet 10+ feet Rear 20 feet 20+ feet Parking Setback 15 feet 15+ feet Wetland Setback 40 feet 40 feet 2 As shown in the table, the proposed site plan is consistent with the setback requirements for the B-3 District. Lots with less than one acre in area can be addressed under a PUD -CUP, which may allow for flexibility in lot area standards provided that access, circulation, parking and setback requirements are met. The concept plan illustrates that the proposed lot arrangement is feasible in terms of the number of principal buildings and compliance with applicable performance standards. Final Plat. It is anticipated that the applicant will submit a final plat for City Council approval establishing Blocks 1 and 2 as outlots and dedicating right-of-way for 72nd Street. Approval of a final plat is necessary to memorialize the rezoning, PUD -CUP and preliminary plat approval as actual development of the subject site is not anticipated to occur until after the TH 101 project is complete in 2008. The final plat is subject to review by City staff and approval by the City Council. Access. Primary vehicle access to the subject site will be provided off of CSAH 37 via an extension of 72nd Street at the intersection of the CSAH 37 ramps east of TH 101. 72nd Street NE is proposed to be constructed from CSAH 37 northeast to the eastern edge of the Riverbend South preliminary plat where it will with the planned Wildflower Meadow residential subdivision to the east. A right -in access is proposed off of CSAH 37 approximately 370 feet east of the CSAH 37/72nd Street intersection. This access allows patrons of the commercial area approaching the development to turn off of CSAH 37 before the CSAH 37/72nd Street intersection, thus reducing traffic at the intersection. In this regard, City staff the proposed right -in access to Block 2 is appropriate. There will also be no interference with the CSAH 37/72nd Street intersection as traffic is not allowed to re-enter west bound CSAH 37. The Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan specifies that full accesses to CSAH 37 are to occur at eighth mile or 660 foot spacing between full intersections. No requirement is specified for limited access intersection. The right -in access is subject to Wright County approval. The proposed lots within Blocks 1 and 2 must have cross access and parking easements recorded as part of the PUD Development Agreement to ensure that traffic can flow from one lot to another utilizing the proposed internal streets. Site and Building Plan Review. The applicant has submitted the preliminary plat application for the purpose of conveying public rights-of-way and securing access points to the subject site. No specific users of the lots illustrated on the concept plan have been identified. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any proposed building to be located on the subject site, the applicant must submit an application for site and building plan review for each lot including proposed building architecture and site landscaping, lighting, signage, etc. Site and building plan review applications are subject to review and approval by City staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council. Compliance with all applicable performance standards for the users of each lot will be determined at that time. 3 Pedestrian Access. The preliminary plat illustrates a sidewalk along the south and east side of 72nd Street. Connections from the public sidewalk to the buildings on Lots 1, 2 and 4, Block 2 and Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 are shown, but not conveniently located. Likewise, there is not good pedestrian access between the buildings within the two blocks. We recommend that the concept plan be revised to add additional sidewalks as shown on Exhibit C. Off-street Parking. The applicant has identified general retail and commercial uses for the subject site. The following calculation shows the number of parking spaces that would be required for the proposed uses as stated in Section 20-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. Lot Use Requirement Required Stalls Stalls Provided Net Lot 1, Blk 1 Restaurant 1 stall/40sf seating 1 stall/80sf. kitchen 117 96 -21 Lot 2, Blk 2 Gas 1 stall/250sf. 23 38 +15 BLK 1 TOTAL 140 134 -6 Lot 1, Blk 2 Retail #2 1 stall/250sf. 13 28 +15 Lot 2, Blk 2 Retail #1 1 stall/250sf. 45 107 +62 Lot 3, Blk 2 Fast Food 1 stall/40sf seating 1 stall/80sf. kitchen +15 stalls 84 38 -46 Lot 4, Blk 2 Drug Store 1 stall/250sf. 52 79 +27 BLK 3 TOTAL 194 252 +58 We have based the analysis of the concept plan parking assuming a shared parking arrangement between the uses in Block 1 and Block 2. Block 1 shows a net deficit of six parking stalls between the two proposed uses. Given that many retail patrons of the convenience store may be expected to leave their vehicles at the pump islands, the six stall deficit is not significant. The analysis of parking on Block 2 shows a surplus of 58 stalls. However, the parking deficit occurring at the fast food restaurant is a concern. Additional parking should be added to Lot 3 on the south side of the building. Additionally, sidewalks and crosswalk stripping will be required to ensure that pedestrian access to Lot 3 from Lots 2 and 4 is available to off -set the on-site parking deficit. Drive-through Service Lanes. The applicant is proposing three separate drive through uses for the a convenience food use on Lot 3, Block 2 the drug store on Lot 4, Block 2 and the car wash attached to the convenience gas station on Lot 2, Block 1. Section 20-21-9.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires drive-through uses to provide 180 feet of stacking space. The submitted site plan indicates at least 180 feet of stacking space for both the fast food and car wash drive through uses. The drug store has 120 feet of stacking space for the two-lane drive through, which should be adequate. The northwest corner of the drug store building must include an island curb to direct traffic exiting the drive through lane away from the building to improve visibility for vehicles approaching from the south to the east of the building. Ell Grading Plan. A preliminary grading plan has been previously submitted for review by the City Engineer. The applicant's intent is to grade the site in conjunction with earth work on the Wildflower Meadows development. All grading plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. The City is currently constructing trunk sanitary sewer and water utility extensions that will provide immediate access to these services to the subject site. A utility plan connecting the individual lots within the preliminary plat to the trunk sanitary sewer and utility lines must be submitted before final platting any of the proposed lots/blocks for development. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Outlots. The preliminary plat illustrates three outlots that are remnant parcels encumbered by wetlands or gas line easement. Outlots A and B serve no purpose even if conveyed to adjacent property owners and thus must be combined with adjacent buildable lots within the plat. Outlot C may have some upland to the east of the wetland that would be of benefit to the abutting property to the east. In accordance with Section 21-7-41 of the Subdivision Ordinance, Outlot C should be conveyed to the adjacent property owner. MNDoT Turnback. The concept plan illustrates the potential turnback of property acquired by MNDoT for the TH 101 project at the intersection of CSAH 37 and 72nd Street. The applicant, City staff and MNDoT staff are working cooperatively on this issue. A drawing illustrating the incorporation of the turnback area as part of Lot 2, Block 1, Lot 4, Block 2 and 72nd right-of-way must be submitted and agreed to as a condition of preliminary plat approval. Park Dedication Requirements. The applicant is not proposing to dedicate any land for park purposes as a part of the preliminary plat. As such, the applicant is required to pay a cash fee in lieu of land to satisfy park dedication requirements for the proposed project at the time of final plat. The current 2006 park dedication fee for commercial developments is equivalent to $7,000 per gross acre or $118,300. Easements. Section 21-7-15 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that drainage and utility easements be established at the perimeter of all lots within the preliminary plat. A 10 foot easement is required at the perimeter of the lot except over side lot lines, where 5 feet is required on each side. The area of Outlots A and B, which are to be combined with adjacent buildable lots must be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. The wetland and wetland buffer area of Outlot C must also be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. 9 RECOMMENDATION The applicant has submitted a preliminary plat for the purpose of establishing zoning entitlements, access locations and dedication of public rights-of-way. A concept plan related to the proposed preliminary plat demonstrates that the site maintains consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance requirements. As such, we recommend approval of the preliminary plat PUD -CUP for Riverbend South subject to the following conditions: POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning land to be included within the Riverbend South Preliminary Plat to B-3 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve the PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat and concept plan for Riverbend South, subject to the following conditions: Approval of a preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer and water service. Such service is only guaranteed to projects with approved final plats. Applicable SAC and WAC fees are to be paid at the time of building permit approval and based upon the definition of each building space. 2. The PUD -CUP and Preliminary Plat shall remain valid until 31 December 2009 or until approval of an initial final plat establishing lots/blocks and execution of a development contract providing for phased development of the subject site. 3. Cross access and parking easements shall be provided for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Lots 1-4, Block 2, subject to the review and approval of City staff. 4. The allowed uses of each lot shall be the same as provided for within the B-3 District. 0 5. Development of individual lots within the preliminary plat shall be subject to site and building plan review or other approvals as may be required by the Zoning Ordinance prior to issuance of a building permit. 6. Plans for 72nd Street west of the north driveway to Lot 2, Block 2 shall provide for a single lane in each direction with a landscaped center median subject to review and approval by City staff. All street construction plans and rights-of-way are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 7. The proposed right -in access from CSAH 37 to Block 2 shall be subject to approval by Wright County. 8. The concept plan is revised to illustrate additional sidewalks as recommended by City staff. 9. The concept plan for Lot 3, Block 2 is revised to provide additional on-site parking and improved pedestrian connections, subject to City staff approval. 10. The concept plan for Lot 4, Block 2 is revised to provide an island at the northeast corner of the proposed building to direct vehicles exiting the drive through away from the building to improve visibility of approaching traffic from the south, subject to review and approval by City staff. 11. The preliminary plat is revised to combine Outlot A with Lot 1, Block 1 and combine Outlot B with Lots 2 and 3, Block 2. In accordance with Section 21-7-4 of the Subdivision Ordinance, Outlot C shall be conveyed to the abutting property owner to the east. 12. All grading plans are subject to approval by the City Engineer. 13. All utility plans are subject to approval by the City Engineer. 14. The preliminary plat shall be revised to illustrate all easements as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to approval by the City Engineer. 15. Park dedication requirements shall be determined and satisfied at the time of final plat approval. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and/or the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. 7 C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer John Darkenwald, Darkenwald's Riverbend, LLP Chris Carda, RLK, Inc. 122 -1 •pKNle � t t { , ,1JSIl { J Nffu a 11 lit ¢ii 16Si SSS i S " Sa i li�et rapt 'I { HitI'{{il A --r. 'l" fit. ' .Ft jij W ,•I; J.1110 7F7i..,. 0 �. I ! OC£SS oiosauugq vanla 413 Md 6lowwr,a,d pcoa '"N 3N M1 Mdll '11 6uoduroo puagjanla s ploMuajloQ Htnos oN3e83ni. (I1r-r0 UN j I;W ^YAI Al AVIV 100 vi - r -T t.i m �i r,r i„1 ¢ii 16Si SSS i S " Sa pill , P i"ell l A --r. ,tt�t 11 .Ft 8if W ,•I; ji � 0 �. 0 ;v:�• A r i{ x{ F, �lVill , , OC£SS oiosauugq vanla 413 Md 6lowwr,a,d pcoa '"N 3N M1 Mdll '11 6uoduroo puagjanla s ploMuajloQ Htnos oN3e83ni. (I1r-r0 UN j I;W ^YAI Al AVIV 100 vi - r -T t.i m ,,gyyU III} U. I ;SSS 3", iii � I �i r,r i„1 ¢ii 16Si SSS i S " Sa pill , P i"ell l A --r. ,tt�t 11 ,,gyyU III} U. I ;SSS 3", iii � I �i �i r,r i„1 j W ll. Sa pill , P i"ell l ,tt�t p .Ft 8if ,•I; ji � if �i �i r,r i„1 ,1 Sa J ijil ,tt�t ,•I; ji � i I,i;il{;i ;v:�• A r i{ x{ F, �lVill , , lt p �i r,r i„1 ,1 i ;i:1jtiijtl3 ,tt�t RIVERBEND SOUTH �. �fp5n%IC'� / PROPOSED ZONNG' B-3 OUT -LO T A-- - --r- - , TOTAL ACREAGE: 276.9 AC n IMPERVIOUS AREA: 27.5 AC RETAINING W I I �' REFER TO THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR BOUNDARY OF THE 216.9 AC SITE. SITE DATA BLOCK1 RESTAURANT 1�P' / /� I I LOT / DT INFORMATION 6,800 SF (�rJ j�1� J� 1 1 RESTAURANT _ I BUILDING AREA - 6.800 $0. FT. I I REOUIRED PARKING SPACES - 102 SPACES (�� 6. 1 1 PROPOSED PARKING SPACES - 96 SPACES a /^I IyI ylyl I�jI IFIL ISI I 96 STALLS / RETAIL /1 looLOT 1 2.500 sFtat/28 STALLS to7 ss I I 2 GAS STATION 80/I000 BUILDING ARE A - 6.300 S0. FT. 8,6/1000 SPACES 40 SPACES I / / PE RED ROPOS DPARKING SPACES - 38 SPACES , / BLOCK 2 iEm fI -0 LOT 2 / 1 RETAIL 12 I _ / REQUIRED PARKING SPACES - JS SPACES3 500 FT. r LOT I - C— II ,/OU TLOT B I PROPOSED PARKING SPACES - 28 SPACES - _ - _ 4 RETAINING WALL :. 38 STALLS - 2 RETAIL /1 <., 6.0/1000 LOT 2 WETLAND BUILDING AREA - 12.500 SO. FT. L REWIRED PARKING SPACES -63 SPACES PROPOSED PARKING SPACES - 107 SPACES LOT 4 Ir�A ',•a I I LOT 3 I \ \ 1 U 3 RFAST F EWIRED PRARNNG SPACES - Ja SPACESFT 21: g pl I �`' ) PROPOSED PARKING SPACES - 38 SPACES ` o< / u " DRUG STORE _ Q I / / O a DRIB— .TORE 14.500 SE Ino QQQyg J BUILDING AREA - 14.500 S0. FT. __ ___ __ ____________ �o 8`� REWIRED PARKING SPACES - 58 SPACES PROPOSEO PARKING SPACES - 79 SPACES NN VIg 1 2p0. Q ' II I 1 / WE o- - /BUFFER CONCEPT SITE PLAN INCULDES THE YNDOT TAKE AREA AND POTENTIµ MNDOT I 1 / SETBACK I AREA FOR TURNBACK. THE FINAL BOUNDARIES OF THE t! 1 R.O.W TURNBACKj714 1 LL / TURNBACK AND RIGHT OF WAY ARE STILL BEING DETERMINED. T CSAR 37 FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS NAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM MNDOT AND ME SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. . --- -------- -- --------- KE 77 - — — ______________,:.,,.._ MNDOi TAKE AREA �`RIGHT IN FROM 70TH STREET NE (CSAR 97) _,,:,______° ..::..:::..::. ... __;::;___:__:-- ------------------------------ - ---- -------------------------- -------------------------------------------- _____fUlUflE 1f1AFI'IC $I(XjA� __________. _.-- __.._-____.___.. _.. .__.__.._..___--...-.. _____________________________ __________ ______________ _ - .-___.._....___.___..------------ _, ----------- - -EXHIBIT C RIX W Riverbend South - Concept Site Plan SCAIF IN FEET va uiniiii Otsego, MN Date: August 15, 2006 Hakanson t`� 1 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 () 1 Assoc ndersInc. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer John Darkenwald, Darkenwald's Riverbend Company II, LLC John Dietrich, P.E. RLK Incorporated From: Brent M. Larson, E.I.T. Date: September 13, 2006 Re: Review of Riverbend South Commercial Development We have reviewed the Preliminary Plat and Concept Site Plan dated 8/15/06 for the above-mentioned development and offer the following comments: Mass Grading, Drainage, and Pollution Prevention Plan 1. A Mass Grading Plan dated 7/13/06 was previously reviewed commented on. Comments from the review letter dated July 19, 2006 have not been addressed. A revised grading plan shall be submitted for approval. Preliminary Plat The location, dimension, and purpose of all easements shall be shown on the preliminary plat. 2. All building setback lines shall be shown on preliminary plat. 3. A minimum wetland buffer of 20' shall be shown around wetlands. A primary building setback of 40' from the delineated edge of all wetlands or 20' from the wetland buffer (which ever is greater) is required. 4. The ownership and zoning of the adjacent land shall be identified. 5. All utilities within 150' of the plat boundaries shall be shown. The sanitary sewer and watermain along the east side of the property shall be depicted. The size and inverts of all pipes shall be called out. 6. A 75' R.O.W. shall be provided along all of CSAH 37. C:\Documents and Settings\Karee\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\N4UT7K2I\ot2315- RiverBendSouthRVW I.doc Concept Site Plan 1. A preliminary utility plan shall be submitted. All public and private water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer shall be depicted. Please note a minimum hydrant spacing of 300' (150'radius) is required in all commercial, industrial, and multi -family residential developments. 2. Centerline horizontal curve information and gradients, roadway widths, and typical cross-sections shall be provided for all streets. 3. All streets shall have curb and gutter. Other Comments 1. The hydrology report for the adjacent residential development appears to cover the proposed commercial development in the existing and proposed runoff conditions, but the commercial site is modeled with a CN of only 65. The site shall be modeled with a fully developed curve number in the runoff calculations. Please provide this information. 2. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site is required. 3. Soil boring locations shall be depicted on the grading plans and a geotechnical report shall be submitted. The geotechnical report shall have a recommended R -value for the street design. The submittal is incomplete. Additional information and revised plans are required prior to being accepted by the City Engineer. Due to the required review process by Wright County and the State of Minnesota to obtain approval for entrance(s) off of CSAH 42 we recommend the city council approve the preliminary plat contingent upon the above comments. Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\Karee\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.lE5\N4 Assoc., Inc. RiverBendSoutftRV W 1.doc ITEM 3.3 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners4nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego —Anoka Equine; Expansion Site Plan/Plat 11 September 2006 176.02 — 06.25 ACTION DATE: 22 October 2006 CITY FILE: 2006-40 Anoka Equine Properties has developed plans for expansion of the existing veterinary clinic located at the southwest corner of TH 101 and CSAH 37. The plans prepared by Anoka Equine Properties propose a 4,600 square foot future expansion of the existing clinic building, future construction of a 2,000 square foot office and 10,040 arena east of the existing clinic building and a 6,940 square foot breeding barn/hay storage building at the southwest corner of the property. These expansion plans are being brought forward in conjunction with several surrounding construction and development projects each affecting the veterinary clinic including the TH 101/CSAH 37 interchange, extension of Queens Avenue south of CSAH 37 and grading for Gateway North Business Park. These projects necessitate connection of the existing veterinary clinic to municipal utilities, grading of the Anoka Equine site to provide access to Queens Avenue and consolidation of parcels comprising the site as the result of new right-of-way boundaries for TH 101, transfer of property from Duke Realty to Anoka Equine and dedication of right-of-way for Queens Avenue. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Preliminary Plat/Site Plan C. Grading Plan D. Utility Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the Anoka Equine site for future industrial uses. Given the changes occurring in the area with regards to TH 101 and development of the Gateway North Business Park, continued use of the property for a commercial business may be appropriate long term. This would allow for continuation and expansion of the existing Anoka Equine Clinic or future redevelopment with retail, service or office uses. In-place expansion of the existing business is most certainly consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. City staff will be proposing an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan along the Queens Avenue corridor between CSAH 37 and 60th Street in response to the alignment of Queens Avenue. Re -designation of the subject site for commercial uses can be done as part of that amendment. Zoning. The existing Anoka Equine site is zoned B-3, General Business District which allows veterinary clinics as a permitted use. Portions of the site being consolidated with the existing Anoka Equine property are zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District and 1-2, General Industrial District. The applicant is requesting that the entire property be zoned B-3 District consistent with the existing and planned use of the property. Building Plans. The future office/arena and breeding barn/hay storage buildings shown on the site plan are conceptual at this time. Architectural plans for these buildings have not been prepared. Prior to application for a building permit, architectural plans for expansion of the existing building and the office/arena must be submitted for review by the Planning Commission and City Council. The breeding barn/hay storage building is an accessory structure that may be approved administratively by City staff. All of the buildings must comply with the building material requirements of Section 20-17-4.A and B of the Zoning Ordinance. Lot Requirements. Lots within the B-3 District must have a minimum area of one acre and minimum width of 200 feet of width abutting a public street. The proposed lot has an area of 8.1 acres and is 320 feet wide along its east line to Queens Avenue. The area and width of the proposed lot exceeds minimum B-3 District lot requirements. Setbacks. The table below illustrates required setbacks applicable to the subject site: TH 101 CSAH 37 Queens Ave. South Wetland 30ft. 30ft. 30ft. 20ft. 40ft. The proposed expansion of the existing building encroaches to within 10 feet of the west plat line, whereas a 30 foot setback is required from the right-of-way for the CSAH 37 exit ramp. As an accessory structure, the proposed breeding barn is not subject to the 40 foot setback wetland setback. However, the requirement for a 20 foot no disturb buffer applies from the approximate wetland boundary and the building encroaches within the buffer area (as well as an existing drainage and utility easement), which may be effected by the proposed grading plan and wetland filling. The location of these buildings must be revised to comply with applicable setbacks or buffers. The proposed office/arena building location is compliant with all setbacks. 2 Access. Anoka Equine currently has one access from CSAH 37. This access will be limited to right-in/out only as part of the TH 101 and Queens Avenue project due to intersection spacing requirements along CSA 37 established by the Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan. In order to ensure full access and adequate circulation for people bringing horses to/from the clinic, the site plan proposes construction of a new access to Queens Avenue on the east side of the property. This access will allow truck/trailers to enter from east CSAH 37 into the site and drive out to Queens Avenue, north to CSAH 37 again. For trucks/trailers coming west on CSAH 37, a left turn at Queens and right turn into the site is necessary. These trucks/trailers would then exit the site at CSAH 37 making a right turn to go east. The location of the access to CSAH 37 is unchanged from the existing driveway and the driveway to Queens Avenue has been coordinated with the Queens Avenue construction plans prepared by the City Engineer to meet necessary spacing and visibility requirements. Off -Street Parking/Loading. Off-street parking requirements for the existing clinic have been based on three stalls per veterinary doctor on staff. The submitted site plan calculates required parking based on manufacturing use requirements equaling 33 stalls. The site plan provides 41 parking stalls. This calculation is acceptable in that most of the single vehicle parking will be clinic staff. Persons bringing or picking up horses at the clinic would likely be driving a truck/trailer combination that would utilize the loading area east of the existing building and south of the proposed building. The driveways and parking areas for the single vehicle stalls are to be surfaced with asphalt and surrounded by curbing as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The loading area east of the existing building and south of the proposed building and extending to the breeding barn is proposed to be gravel surface. A gravel surface is required for the safety of the horses being loaded/unloaded and can be allowed by Section 20-21- 4.H.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. Gates at the north and east accesses to the loading area ensure that general vehicle traffic does not enter the area with a gravel surface, although the primary reason for the gates is the safety of the horses. The gravel surface must be maintained to adequately control dust and drainage. Utilities. Construction of the exit ramp from north TH 101 to CSAH 37 will destroy the existing septic drainfield serving Anoka Equine. As such, a utility plan to connect the existing clinic and future buildings to trunk sanitary sewer and water utilities being installed in Queens Avenue has been submitted. The utility plan is subject to approval by the City Engineer. Anoka Equine has been metering their water usage to aid in determining applicable SAC/WAC fees that must be paid at such time as the clinic connects to sanitary sewer and water services. Anoka Equine may request that the SAC/WAC fees be assessed, which can be decided by the City Council at a future date. Grading Plan. Anoka Equine has developed a grading plan for the proposed site plan in coordination with the grading for the Gateway North Business Park and construction of Queens Avenue. Concurrent grading of the Gateway North Business Park site and the subject site allows for balancing dirt across the two properties to raise the Anoka Equine site. The grading plan for the subject site includes a retaining wall along the south property line. The retaining wall encroaches into the existing wetland, which is proposed to be mitigated at the southeast corner of the subject site. Where the retaining wall is more than four feet tall, the plans for the wall must be prepared by a Civil Engineer and a fence is required at the top of the wall. The grading plan also provides areas for storm water ponds within the subject site to accommodate stormwater runoff from the subject site and Queens Avenue. All grading plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. The preliminary/final plat illustrates a 10 foot drainage and utility easement at the perimeter of the subject site. The preliminary/final plat also provides drainage and utility easements over the ponding areas along Queens Avenue and the ponding area and wetland along the south portion of the property. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Park Dedication. Approval of a preliminary/final plat typically requires dedication of land and/or cash fees in lieu of land for development of the City's park system. The proposed preliminary/final plat is being considered to adjust parcel boundaries and consolidate parcels under common ownership. To this end, no new lots are being established and park and trail dedication requirements do not apply. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Anoka Equine preliminary/final plat, grading plan and utility plan has been anticipated by City staff and prepared in consideration of the TH 101 project, construction of Queens Avenue and development of the Gateway North Business Park. The planned expansion of this existing business is viewed as positive from a land use perspective and is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Our office recommends that the applications be approved as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to B-3 District to accommodate in-place expansion of an existing building and consolidation of existing properties consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. In Decision 2 — Preliminary/Final Plat and Site Plans A. Motion to approve a Preliminary/Final Plat and site plans for Anoka Equine subject to the following conditions: Prior to application for a building permit for expansion of existing principal buildings or construction of second principal buildings, architectural plans shall be submitted and are subject to site and building plan review and/or approval of a conditional use permit for more than one principal building on a lot. 2. The site plan is revised such that all proposed buildings are setback a minimum of 30 feet from the TH 101 right-of-way. 3. The site plan is revised such that all principal buildings are setback a minimum of 40 feet from the final delineated edge of all wetlands with a 20 foot no -disturb buffer. No accessory buildings shall encroach within the required buffer area. 4. The gravel surface within the horse loading area shall be maintained to control dust and drainage. 5. All grading plans, utility plans and easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. A final plat suitable for recording and consistent with the approved preliminary plat shall be submitted and is subject to approval of City staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Kevin Voller, Anoka Equine Properties Jay Hill, Schoell Madson '1 id1 j U d K'jr,d u, v.(, 4 IJ j..L uu -, u ua j, �,f v 4 t.r, a ;e a #k # ##� a e_ a#e i `e it I# ------ ----�= - ------ ; p `s It s:i sY! 1 $! : # f; s 6 t - - - ?ii•��i�kii Y eJ� Jt !�� ;' •� Ji f usiT, �_ • j s S ;i r.la€FitF•i ag i;• i r11i ! €F it fit S 'A lol 'r_ :<Ix: b Nit si s#f E kap% __ {f J � '�si 6+! • k ; ieJ F tei L itxp t� i8 sit # �--'' ' � � t% �s tp�," �ski�' i %e s%t # ta�# I t' ki i•s i ."'ll.�akPijjj* is 3z ki i$ssiiCk`t ki =t! i l�MaF ik€ s '�,�``•s� \�`+ CF;� �� �� q�£°;�gj���;� �a pit � g��1� � �� i ��' £ 6C.-99 'O.'+ _N A7b"-�O-iH`.•'�+ ?�G:::av'a b?%C_ �0 1h'3i Pd' € S I P%! #is S §s k !i i r3 gg 9Se <Z` `�f I kf�s3R s8t ;k! x i ssa= A•a i 1 \ I !p# •t a:#lsiirc�7kP� 1j t6 ##3 !I P PP % t. 1 !P !P k 4;dl t k# r P 1p lit J .,., _-i- __, 1 �\� - 11 Y •} iittii a �I y • `'`�\ r \\ 6669TabY I 1'lt.Ta FJ�r 1 I i f�'t �C p- \ s • € � x e zn . �� /• � � - �� 1 • t I =z •aA • �I 1` , �1 1 � � � 1 ' I g I _ I$p3� ti o 342S1 I � b 4` � Ntn ,Y :P9-lrX 1 RU 80 y Yz V. XX.. �. rill— �.� �'^��' 1K° u'„�°,", R a °� Schcell Madson�+�' +� ANOKA EGUNE °T"OO• *• �a "P 3 8 EXHIBIT B M O.TOEY SGWXIL MADSM GRADING k EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1 1 l ♦ / , �. _ y - Cdl 48 Hwra Mlwl digging I. --TOA SHLLl CONTACT •GOPHER STAR ONE GLL' WIMw 1W0 WOIMpIG GYS PRNa roM 1 _ �,� To [� ,i I GOPHER STAT ON ./ suvATloN/ cprsTRucTpx roR DrYm LouTaNs. rwH cnws uETRo .wG: I I; \ `moi 1 Twin Cilia, Ara- 651-450-0002 ♦s♦ DDDx oa TOLL -IEE ,ego zsz Ilea ,s.,w x. cDNrlwaoR SxNE DOD NOSY TN[ LaGT10N5 No NEVATNHs M Ex sTwc urY1TE5 AND ! 2 1 1 ^-YN. TOO Fraa 1-800 -252-1166 TDPDCWPH�c rGTUREs PnYa ro srAM a sM cn.DlNc. THE coNrwcTOR swuTt()N yy _ ITOT-111 HOINY THE PROJEC1 FNpEFR M ANY pSCRFPNICES On VMN1xlN5. ' A6 3iL1 } .�- It..7i4,5H J`i SJ '61+58 Jt-U'ws 2T .. BJl _ 3. CpT1RAC10R SMALL M RESPp15WlE FOR ALL HOMZOMN uo VERIKK CGTIRp -^ _ _ .... I -T �_ _ _ _-- � -.. � --�-"_^_,��� �-• - - ♦. INSINL RnMETEn ER0-1 CONTRM NN TREE PROTCCTWN YGSURES BEFORE WGNN NG SHE GRAGNG ACIMIIES. SOME EROSXw COMRMS SUCH AS CMCNS NNHPORME _„- _ la --- S POxDS uAY M Ix5TAl1E0 AS CRAD NG OCCURS N THE SFINEcww ARG .1T { Esi�buSnED. s TNNOUGnpn THE GMDING PROcf55 AHD UupE wHFN TURr Has BEEN .. �. , IN OAS _ GSA y EY:,S� 8 ` IEE .♦cam i -P_1 k=+11 1 1.1 Wf l 5. THE CONRUCIM SW1E CON51RUC1 ORPwUGE BCLNS P'RpR To MNEUE 511E fAAGNG. I'- I - .__ II _ 6. COHIU . ro ADERE TO Nl REWaEHDTTS M THE WNNESOTA POLI.NWN CONTROL A 1 /+ I - \I I• -_..._- EAR MExCY x.PD.E.S PERWT. apUpxG ME REGNREMNr TO MwNOE THE ARU -KET N '•.� II / / .. - 1)ypbp,0i ' GRAGHG AI AM' GNx IYTE AND ro CWPlE1C HIRE RESt� - WRMN THE TNIE REOua[D I / / � r _ \ • .l: W . THE 1ERWr AFTER c= rlpl -.- 7. GRAMf w M MG _____ ]. All ETT\ISED SpL AREAS WIIMN ,00 RET M A WAER M THE -TE OFT NrY STaRMWATER ' 1... �. ' IT ♦ l CONVEIANCE MTEY WIYCx IS CONNECTED TO A WAIFA K THE STALE WKr Bf SIMUEEO T� \ ,1 1 ' )z• f HWI =683 i wm ] GYS (SRFPFA 1TlAr1 ].1 YOPES), 14 GYS 00:T TO 11 SlOPES). OIT 21 GYS 1 I / q, IW¢ 902k. kM.h-[ - \' I SWI - (-ER TNAfI 10'1).' ♦ .. 66 i.: B. ALL pMMRUCIION ENIMPKES SxNl BC SINHAC(D WIBI CT,ISxED ROCx ACIro55 /LNL WUM .. 1 I i 'N \ ROY EMT -E Pole TO W FRl MTo THE COH-OOH xOHE. SEC DETAE. 1 Y. MMr PxpECTnx rs r0 M ➢SED DURwc caNSTR11cTIox. SR MTAk. 1 .• i 1 i •� I ♦ v,x �D AICA 1 (,i QUEENS AVENUE PONDS Drosla Ix>.Nrta uLavaEs 'OE M wsTALun Nre YNxrAwED Ix McoRowcf WIx 1 I �Fl� I o+R z•' AND ASSOCIATED STORM D. cm, YUT[RVED psm Cl MD Ps. PfRWTM ��) r -�. t<N3i. oa ) 1 SEWER BY OTHERS. 1T. 111E COMRA<Tpl SMNl YNNTNM Nl EROSgN CONTROL YGSURES. THE w T Nc1A1pNG w THE RFAWAL 1 rf ') I p t°Pu.0 T1 YOJO 1 1 -TION Eo mT rRpN w SET FENCES D➢ROUR-WGTI(N1 a _ - ,,. NWOAM Fxrs1N0 E1TOSlON C= AHD LRR [XK11NG f1U5UN COH,Rp DrsrpTBFD BY cONSTRUCIUN. IJ. CONIM4 pT S FETE AOprgxW iUIPOxuM proLON Cw1rXOL WVNES AS 1 �y' % Fpt CGKTRUCTXM. �/'1 � - .+r� Nl �••• 1♦. N!I EXMSS SFJNMEM M PROPOSED eAVNS SHALL BE REYOVFD BY THE COMRApOR. 1'•/ I - "' I _ 1 / - J4; I5. N1rpE All EROSION cONTRw MG NIfS N"IfR NGRATT1x K ESIrHIKIED. 1 1 \ = Y' r9lDQ Y�. TCswu uuort ,ul saaS un sFDiWHI TRAptfO axlo [nsrwG SMFErs j , E I /` ♦ 1 •f `` �+/ .__. THE I] E BLOWNG pIST MCMES A NGSNEE l,E COMRACIpT SMALL APPLY YARn FRW A IAMt - - 7-. gam'-._ ��� J \\ Sy IRMx TO TB. -El AOJACEM STREETS IX AccoR .E MM CIR REOWREYENR. TY. wsP[cr [nosax caLmM DN♦cEs AFRR EACH RARwAu AND AT LEAST DNLr DDR He %r row 1 1' `` '- :T / + . a � PRMONGEO RANFNl. WYEOYIFEY REPAR FALLEO ON FAUNG EROSION CONIPM DN10E5. I t I A ____ __ ___ Y /I x0. SmREI1T RE1grAl 5[DIMEM MPo51T5 SITYl M RE- AETER EACH SIpTY EVEM. xT. AMY URETT BE I M TO COT- AREA TWf En HE E CONG M. E NO LOIX'ER �1 �' « ,� _ ` /Y J. • _ \ I.. - R�THTHE SWLL BEG WI TO CO DRY WMI THE FXKTwG CRIDE, RE-, AND SEfOED . M MPROPRUR SFFD WX AS OGECEO BT 1K 2----- CONSISr OFALL SOIL ENCOUNTERED ON lxf SITE MAH / I /► EXCEMRN OF -- DEBRIS dM W1ENYl .0 OTHER $I— T-1 ANO GPANUWt FLL AT IDCATgNS -1fD 2J. EN51WG GRIMA.1n WTERVLS SIWl SE S[GREGRD AND SRICRPAED x♦. CM1 OA -OY SHALL STRIP S1Y1cMIEE Aire RF SPRUO EXTIMG SNE El ro PROWIE t' -w •t( Yy -_�. DR1MCxK55 W p TIaBFD ARDS TO R SOODFD OR SEFMD. UC[M ITN1' _ BpAEVAIro ARFAs MTWEFN TIE mER REm a rw. AND PROPosfn Brox a cure. . a, rev - / - • _� sSTMOFAPEElOP50E ADUCfM To M NGl1 w YYYS ran RFSREAOYU W rNE BpAEVARDS % 3• - -.1 �.�. A PUpIC URRY SfRNCE LYES ME NSINIED � • T / / 25. OUT- OF SIMET RIGH -OF WAYS. MP ET -K 1oP5pl F-4 1D MGHM -THAC..%-T.. HG / / / -- .. • - ,. •. i ' CC011RSTL OIION. D CONSTRUCTOPSpL Nq RF ESIABUSM NRF COVER AFTEP T.. xa. NwsrAwlnH CcON-- OE N S w M. roSTRm ucllrWc AND (ABLE ry K coYPUTEn. �P / E «� NWT. SUBGRA--0BBD.B / I x]. DE [xGYATUx -L M "Ith Y AFTER EXGVATWN ro HNP orTSET / ��? �' i - I IWL-881.' MET STABERY T EVS DUE TO WATER SEEPAGE OR STEEP SLOPES. WHEN PMW NEM SURfAM YAT- -ENI TO E STNG PANMENT. RTE EXE -HON SHALL BE ET-FIELFE1 ROYPII.Y TO AvpO UTAERWWxG M T11E LOSE. PANYfM. g 28. K YIGl1 :SMALL EX -TE DRAYUDE TRENCHCS TO FOLLOW PROPOSED STORM MWFA a� Y, N. GRAM$ $110wH ARE N1rswED GUMS, COMRAcl011 SHALL RWGN GRADE 10 fIEVAiWH, IGVE STREET READY Epi SUIwUsf. l XE rNN GnADCW roIERAMEs ME :Dx FEET OF RAN cRrnEs. WETLAND BOUNDRY TO BE DELINEATED LEGEND /� PRIOR TO GRADING. NO WETLAND ]l. ALL UM55 WTERAL. BlrwxW SUNACNG. CONCRCIE nEYS MOF THFD NEIN PROPOSED EXISTING OFJLS. ANO OTHER UXSIAOIE nW5 SMALL MCOYE 111E w THE CONIRICIOR L'Y��� AxD vLul BE wsPosFn aR THE cptsmucnou v1E. / / -- FILLING Jx. CBpUlI�DINCGI,M MKO PREVEN5T NPLOEIgFpWGt aMRA AHO SL M D CRW�G T ALLOWED UNTIL WETLAND NDMro MITIGATION PERMITTING IS COMPLETED. ONE PROY-)O H & UNEOES, IN M FaE OftAlIM ANE D,H M[A5. COIRAp MCWRCI E r1Fip AUNSlYEM15 TO GWDWG PLWS MF REWafD. ................ PIreKR1Y I1NF b. "H"" k1F PAVNOnS COIPICT THE ,IPPER nNR rFFr M SUBGRAM TO ,ODR UXF PRM1. DFNSDT AT OPIYAW 1IOISnIM COHTDrr AIxI YSx StA N PRp:rpl MNSITY �! � 1 ` w :• ________ ________ UKEI ', � M,DW TME UPPFIt Haff FEET w SUBORADE OUKgf w PAVFMEM MGs COWAp ,� I • EYBWKYEMS 10 YSx STAIgMD PROCTOIT D[N511Y. C� B��iMHi 3♦. ilaF MSIOM K SROWG M A[COIwIVTCE IRM WipOT b]a. SEED K WXURF YOB AT -.... / I ~_Y - gy{p/MWF T MULCH T YOx COhPAM W. q5C AHC." wfllw0 ` r auDwPoG 6SM MIIt1UPExER AT xs wUNos Pfn rCRE WL/HD pYrEP K uxpDT 5B AT , ` 1 E' RR A[R[. WIM EROSxM CDNIPOL BI.WOEf. (MSfALL ONLY wNEPE GRp1xp DISIWBFD) ALL SEEOfD MEAS ARE TO RECCE TYPE I WN.CII NTD Orsc AN[Ma OTT EROSNII CpNROL BVMU. -.� �� PFRCEM w GRAM J5. SLOPES AT J:T OR STEEPEN, MD/pt WKTE MpGTED ON 11E PLMS SNNE M SFEMD ATp LL�'RK -•~- w _ E MAN A orosOx CONIxOI TTPE W 9NYtN NSrALEID On WT M NTOROSFFMD Y11x ODODNODD- MEEKTOFEIT -H. FENCE -BEFORE Je. NGTMN WATER ELEVAnON K M ENdNEEAWG TESTY REUTED TO TIE VpUWE1PIC CMACITY / x H0.0 -1 ETEVAII(IN OII TOOT C oPERnrIw M A PDNDRW AREA 0 p%S NOT .PLT A IYPIGL SURUCE EE--. E POxOwG MG OR ,TWT WMfn WNL M RETANW M THE --^'^ NORNLL BA55. Q L..n....".....,.A BUYIIMG 0 SO 1. 1S J], ALL CONIpNIs k SPOr NEVAlUHS ME TO SUBGPIM. STREET 51TBGPAM rs ].0' B6pw ALL ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS BASED UPON NGVO 1988. ROCK CMSIMICOW ENMNNE fWSHlD GUM. PAD MFA SUBGPIDE K 1.0' BFEAY FMKI1Eo GiIDE. 9GYE N FFf ) Mr L W E 0< W Ul'lR fu igIJ Ld LL:IL f 1J4-1- VLbJ a Al„i.J, f V LL C7 L"tl - - - - • — — — — — — -- ±z E € `€A���o '�'• qa'`'u z :zm RM RZ��R ffi�, € €e Gg 6 zi \\\ i �J • L'/ * \ � � __--�� ---------- 4111 _— 4 • I •\\, \ C • 111,"' 'M 1 . 31 •1 � \�1'_. _., `^R a b@ IV_�., i II f � � �� •� �� �,�'s 1 I i I I I�p 11: \ a.• \ 3 � Jy \ \ s \ \ ._�.�—• oQi ;Alia I J ffi$ Il�ily 1 _ _ Q Ll t t T� R 0" i - a bs I I cla.r Schcell Madson ANOKA EQUINE m � _. ..�� EXHIBIT D 58 8 Hakanson � Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 6-1 O Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 luAssoc.,Inc. MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Kevin Voller, Anoka Equine Properties, Inc. Jay R. Hill, P.E. Schoell Madson From: Brent M. Larson, E.I.T. Date: September 12, 2006 Re: Anoka Equine Property We have reviewed the Preliminary Plans, dated 8/22/06, for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: Title Sheet The owner/developer's contact information is required. Existing Conditions The name of the owner and zoning of adjacent properties shall be identified. The information for the properties to the east and north is not readable. 2. Benchmarks are required on each sheet and shall use the NGVD 1929 Adj. Datum. 3. The Normal and 100 -yr High Water Level elevations are required for the pond north of CSAH 37. 4. The type and size of all storm sewer pipes within 150' shall be depicted. 5. A legend is needed. Preliminary Plat Plan 1. A legend is needed. 2. The edge of the Paddock near the Breeding Barn is 85' from the Centerline of the Hwy 101 Off - ramp. Verify MnDOT setback requirements. 3. Label the NWL and the HWL elevations of the ponds and wetlands. C:\Documents and Settings\Karee\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5W4UT7K21\ot2500Anoka EquineRV W I .doc 4. The area in near Queens Avenue, north of the entrance driveway is identified as a pond. This area is in effect not a pond but a ditch to carry the runoff from the CSAH 37 ditch to the sedimentation pond south of Anoka Equines driveway. 5. Round the R.O.W. at the intersection of CSAH 37 and Queens Avenue for ease of small utilities installation. 6. The area in the southeast corner of the plat (a triangle approximately 200' x 330') is shown as Outlot A in the Gateway North final plat sent 5/15/06. Preliminary Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control 1. Elevations, contours, and benchmarks shall be based the NGVD 1929 Adj. Datum. 2. The NWL, 2 -yr HWL, 10 -yr HWL, and 100 -yr HWL elevations for all ponds are needed. The NWL, 2 -yr HWL, 10 -yr HWL, and 100 -yr HWL elevations for the city pond south of the new driveway entrance are 882.75, 883.33, 884.03, and 884.65 respectively. 3. An emergency overflow (E.O.F.) elevation shall be called out for the pond north of the Breeding Barn. 4. The runoff from the paved and gravel drive areas shall be routed to the pond north of the Breeding Barn or to the city pond south of the entrance at Queens Avenue. It does not appear that the entire runoff from the gravel parking lot behind the Arena will reach a sedimentation pond. Currently, a swale appears to carry this area's runoff to the edge of the parking area and over the retaining wall directly to the wetland. 5. The swale behind the Area has an approximate grade of 0.7%. We suggest providing more grade through this swale to reduce the chance of standing water within the parking area. 6. The runoff from the paddocks directly enters the adjacent wetland. Verify that this runoff will flow offsite through natural vegetation prior to entering the wetland. 7. The storm sewer pipe from the sedimentation pond north of the Breeding Building has a grade of approximately 7.8%. This could generate a discharge velocity of approximately 13 fps. Erosion at the discharge point in the wetland is of great concern at this velocity. We suggest a drop manhole and a flatter final pipe slope prior to discharging to the wetland. Preliminary Utility Plan The class of the 6" DIP watermain is mislabeled. 2. Please call out the 8"x 6" reducer at the connection to the 8" city watermain stub. 3. The curb stop locations depicted for the three separate 1 1/2"Hakanson services vary in distance from the connection point. Please point Anderson CADocumg g P rYents and Settin s\Karee\Local Settin s\Tem ora Internet Files\Content.IE5\M Assoc.,InC. EquineRV W I .doc out the locations on they will be located in the plans. Keeping them at a similar distance from the watermain connection may help in locating them in the field. 4. There is approximately 1.15' of separation between the 6" sanitary sewer service to Breeding Barn and the 12" storm sewer pipe out of the pond. A minimum of 12" of separation with insulation is or 2' without insulation is required at the sanitary sewer and storm sewer crossing. 5. The sanitary sewer service invert elevations at the Existing building and at the Arena do not agree with the pipe grades. Please verify and revise. 6. The agreement with Wright County and the State to allow full an entrance at Queens Avenue is dictated on a Right In - Right Out only at the Anoka Equine entrance off of CSAH 37. Please revise the plans to depict a Right In - Right Out entrance at CSAH 37. 7. The storm water runoff shall be routed to the ditch north of the Queens entrance or the pond south of it. Allowing the runoff to flow to the Queens Avenue catch basins is an option but the inlet spread capacity of the casting and the street must be verified. 8. The note to insulate over the sanitary sewer pipe at Queens Avenue shall also apply to the watermain pipe in this location. Details A detail of the sanitary sewer cleanouts is required. Other Comments A hydrology report shall be submitted. 2. The adjacent wetland is proposed to be filled in the southwest corner of the site. The wetland shall be delineated and all wetland permits shall be completed prior to start of grading or construction. 3. Statement certifying environmental condition of site is needed. We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments. Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\Karee\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.IE5W4 Assoc., Inc. EquineRV W I .doc ITEM 3.4 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 783.231.2555 Facsimile: 783.231.2581 plan nersCcOnacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Foster Lake Substation CUP REPORT DATE: 12 September 2006 ACTION DATE: 23 October 2006 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 06.21 CITY FILE: 2006-41 BACKGROUND Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association has submitted plans for development of an electric substation to be located on an approximate 1.52 acre parcel located along 60th Street between Oakwood Avenue and Packard Avenue. The electric substation is needed to meet future service needs within the east urban service expansion areas designated by the Comprehensive Plan and areas of the City of St. Michael to the south. Actual construction of the substation is not anticipated to occur until 2009. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. Public regulated utility structures are allowed in the A-1 District as a conditional use and are subject to the requirements for essential services established by Section 20-32-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. A conditional use permit allowing for the substation lot to be less than the 20 acre minimum lot size established for the A-1 District in accordance with Section 20- 32-5.13 of the Zoning Ordinance is also required. Fxhihitc- A. Site location B. Site Plan C. Grading Plan. D. Landscape Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for future low density residential development at the southwest corner of Urban Service Expansion Area E2. City staff would not expect sanitary sewer and water utilities to be available to the eastern portions of the E2 area for at least 10 years based on the amount of developable land within the current sewer district and adopted sewer staging plan. Development of essential services such as the substation that are needed to support existing and planned future uses is promoted by the Comprehensive Plan as part of the City's growth management policies. As such, acquisition and development of the proposed substation is consistent with the intent and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1 District. Essential services are allowed in this district as a conditional use subject to the specific performance standards outlined in Section 20-32-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Essential services such as the proposed substation are incidental to and required by the existing and planned growth occurring within the City of Otsego and City of St. Michael. Section 20-4-6 of the Zoning Ordinance requires utilization of a conditional use permit within one year from the date of approval or the permit expires. The applicant has requested an extension of the implementation requirement as part of their request as construction is not anticipated to occur until 2009. Given the need for the applicant to acquire a site for a future substation in advance of actual demand, the request for the extension is appropriate. Surrounding Land Uses. The subject site is surrounded by the following existing/planned uses: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1 District Ag field East LD LL Residential A-1 District Ag field South - St. Michael LD Residential ??? Ag field West LD Residential A-1 District Ag field The proposed substation will be surrounded in the future by planned low density residential neighborhoods. The site will be separated from the future neighborhoods in Otsego to the west, north and east by an existing wetland and landscaping to be installed around the substation for screening. Future neighborhoods to the south in St. Michael will be separated from the proposed substation by 60th Street, which is a planned collector street by the separate Otsego, St. Michael and Northeast Wright County Transportation Plans, and screened by landscaping. The location of the site and proposed landscaping will be adequate to ensure compatibility of the substation with surrounding future uses. 2 Lot Requirements. The proposed substation is to be developed upon an approximate 1.52 acre parcel to be subdivided from a larger 80 acre tract. The site of the substation is at the southeast corner of the 80 acre tract and is physically separated from the balance of the property by a large wetland. City staff considers the parcel to be well suited for the proposed use for even with sanitary sewer and water, the shape of the site has limited opportunity for development. A certificate of survey has been submitted to complete an administrative subdivision of the proposed substation site from the 80 acre tract. The subdivision of a lot within the A-1 District is subject to a minimum lot area requirement of 20 acres and minimum lot width of 450 feet. The proposed site is approximately 1.52 acres in area and is 528 feet wide along 601h Street. The area of the proposed site is less than required within the A-1 District. However, Section 20-32-5.B of the Zoning Ordinance allows sites reserved for essential services to be less than the specified dimensions required by the Zoning District in which they are located as a conditional use. The conditions for allowing a lot with less than the dimensions required by the Zoning District are that a deed restriction is recorded on the lot prohibiting sale or transfer of the property for a use other than an essential service and that all setbacks are met. The deed restriction will be a condition of approval. The table below illustrates proposed setbacks for the proposed substation site, which complies with applicable setbacks: 60 Street East West North Required 30ft. 10ft. 10ft. 50ft. Proposed 30ft. loft. 139ft. 55ft. Access. 60th Street is currently a gravel surface roadway within a 66 foot prescriptive easement. The site plan provides 40 feet of right-of-way for the north half of 60th Street to allow for a future upgrade to an urban collector street when traffic warrants. Access to the site will be off of one 24 foot wide driveway to 60th Street. The design of the driveway from the existing rural section street must conform to the specifications established by the Engineering Manual and is subject to approval by the City Engineer. Off -Street Parking. The Zoning Ordinance requires provision of off-street parking for vehicles anticipated to be at the site. Traffic generated by the site is anticipated to be limited to occasional service vehicles. There is sufficient space within the gated area of the site just off of the driveway access to accommodate vehicle parking. Section 20-21- 4.H.12 of the Zoning Ordinance allows gravel surfaced parking areas and driveways for essential services. Security. The proposed substation is to be surrounded by a chain link fence. The fence is setback 10 feet from the south and east property lines, 120 feet from the west property line and 36 feet from the north property line. No details regarding construction of the fence are specified. Section 20-16-6.K of the Zoning Ordinance allows the proposed fence to be eight feet tall with barbed wire on arms projecting into the property not lower than seven feet above grade. Structures. The structures at the proposed substation will consist of two tower facilities and two 570 square foot equipment buildings. A photo submitted of a similar substation site shows these buildings to be one story structures with metal roofs and siding. The equipment buildings must be constructed of concrete block or other masonry materials as required by Section 20-174A of the Zoning Ordinance. A metal roof is allowed. Screening. The Zoning Ordinance requires that essential services be screened from view of adjacent properties. The applicant has submitted a proposed landscaping plan to install five gallon Dogwood shrubs along the south, east and northeast sides of the subject site and six foot black hills spuce trees along the west, north and east sides of the site. The applicant has indicated that they may install now those plantings to the west, north and east of the substation that would not interfere with construction of the site in 2009. These plantings will provide an effective screen of the site as required by the Zoning Ordinance and installing some now will provide an opportunity for the plants to grow and provide even more effective screening by the time the substation is constructed. Grading Plan. The applicant has submitted a grading plan for development of the proposed substation, which is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The grading plan illustrates the 20 foot buffer required by Section 20-16-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance at the edge of the wetland on the north side of the property. The wetland and wetland buffer must be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. RECOMMENDATION The application for construction of an electric substation is advance planning for providing needed essential services to areas of future development within the Cities of Otsego and St. Michael. The proposed site of the substation provides an ideal location to separate the use from future neighborhoods with additional screening to ensure compatibility. The proposed conditional use meets the applicable performance standards for essential services within an A-1 District and our office recommends approval as set forth below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a CUP for an electric substation within an A-1 District, subject to the following stipulations: The conditional use permit shall remain valid until 31 December 2010 unless a request to extend the permit is approved in accordance with Section 20-4-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. A deed restriction shall be recorded on the lot prohibiting sale or transfer of the property for a use other than an essential service unless the property is rezoned to a district where the lot meets all requirements. M 3. Access to the lot from 60th Street shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. 4. The security fence shall comply with Section 20-16-8.K of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. All buildings shall comply with the material requirements of Section 20-17- 4.A of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The wetland and wetland buffer required by Section 20-17-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance shall be overlaid by drainage and utility easement. 7. All grading plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and performance standards required by the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Marc Weigle, St. Michael Community Development Director Wayne Baurnschmitt, Wright -Hennepin e•Sa'aC•[ r6S ea t 115.03 �I m I K I ' = ?ZF.SHEEr e slrE pt_q� 1 so•sa ao•• ((( i I i I FOSTEP. LAKE SUBSTATION OTSEGO, TIN e I Ap ii R I L ,yt >yH R — t i I tE- -•-i 1 1 1 �� �I m I K I ' = ?ZF.SHEEr e slrE pt_q� 1 so•sa ao•• ((( i I i I FOSTEP. LAKE SUBSTATION OTSEGO, TIN e I L rn 'z N � z ? D C N 4 T G N Q\ Z s 5 - D I, CI H 3 --j� 9 I I I I LIM— �I m I K I ' = ?ZF.SHEEr e slrE pt_q� 1 so•sa ao•• ((( i I i I FOSTEP. LAKE SUBSTATION OTSEGO, TIN e rn 'z N � z ? D C N 4 T G N Q\ Z s 5 - No rn MEYER-KOHL/N, INC. ENOINFERS LAND SURVEYORS -- .. err e—Ti.jn,..m�� wS�opwt� N.. I�rrela. vu SS, � a' C•.I., MR F MIIEM2d,ROn Pe. PSJ) fer-•S[f re, OeJ) eel-eU: Nr< <3-:5 ar_ RS.rc ale aE00 Ea TRIC ORM �+ I I I ` I I� I I � I %I i tid i I II lug :I r :I 1 :I I �i `I I -ry 1 tl I O I` i I I.y� I I I z :I II (rift W':;—RADIN''G, MAINAGE, EROSION ONTROL& ORM SEWS: gF32. I'= F- lag g um �l ANDSCAPE PLAN _{ ; t >� E p6 FOSTERL.AK.E SUBSTATION OTSEGO, MN MEYER-ROHL/N, INC. erywNsras LAND SLOVBVORB M >e».1es . >'e ,ew. u ssJ J a• (]u) 6E3-p�p1 wwiaoawm+ E ewEpvs wpm - EIfCAr. ptM FS>RWC. u •_J>J Hakan AAnders an A MN 55303 `- 3 nderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, c Assoc., Inc. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Wayne Bauernschmidtt, Wright -Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association Nick Nowacki, P.E. Meyer-Rohlin, Inc. From: Brent M Larson, E.I.T. Date: September 13, 2006 Re: Wright -Hennepin Substation — Foster Lake We have reviewed the Site and Grading Plans, dated 7/24/06, submitted with the Development Application requesting a CUP for an Electric District Substation for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: The benchmark and all elevations shall be based on the NGVD 1929 datum. 2 Adjacent land zoning (A-1) shall be depicted. 3. A signature line for Mr. Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer must be provided on the Site and Grading Plans. We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments. C:\Documents and Settings\Karee\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\N4UT7K2I\ot2500Wrigh-Henn substation.doc ITEM 3.5 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners(a-nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 8 September 2006 RE: Otsego — Comprehensive Plan; NW Quadrant of CSAH 42/85th St. NAC FILE: 176.08 — 06.05 BACKGROUND The City of Otsego has undertaken improvements to CSAH 42 between CSAH 39 and 85th Street to expand the roadway to a four lane urban section with turn signals at 85th Street and 87th Street. To complete the project, the City has had to acquire right-of-way for the roadway along the west side of CSAH 42. One of the properties from which the City is acquiring right-of-way is the 40 acre parcel owned by Mr. Kevin Lefebvre at the northwest corner of CSAH 42 and 85th Street. As part of the discussions regarding acquisition of the right-of-way for CSAH 42, the property owners have sought assurances as to the extent of potential future commercial development of the property is to be allowed. In order to provide the property owners with the certainty they seek regarding future use of the property and also to provide greater clarification to developers, the City has initiated an amendment of the Future Land Use Plan affecting the area northwest of CSAH 42 and 85th Street. Exhibits: A. Existing Future Land Use Plan B. City staff development concept C. Proposed Future Land Use Plan (detail) ANALYSIS Existing Conditions. The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment is a review of the future land uses guided to develop on the 80 acres west of CSAH 42 between CSAH 39 and 85th Street. To the west of this area are existing one acre single family lots. There are eight properties within the study area. The Lefebvre property is the largest at 40 acres with the remaining seven properties are located in the north half of the study area and are all approximately five acres in area. Future access from CSAH 39 will likely be limited to a right in/out across from the frontage road intersection on the north side of the roadway. Access to CSAH 42 will be allowed with a right in/out at 88th Street and full access from the signalized intersection at 87th Street. Access to 85th Street will likely be limited to right in/out at 84th Street/Parkview Avenue and full movement at Park Avenue. Existing Future Land Use Plan. The existing Future Land Use Plan guides the east half of the study area fronting to CSAH 42 between CSAH 39 and 85th Street and those four parcels fronting CSAH 39 totaling approximately 50 gross acres (not including future rights-of-way) for commercial uses. This land use is intended to take advantage of visibility, access and business interchange factors to support retail, service and office businesses as part of the City's primary commercial area focused at the intersection of CSAH 42 and CSAH 39. The other approximate 30 gross acres of the study area are guided for medium to high density residential land uses as a transition between the existing one acre single family lots and planned commercial uses fronting CSAH 39 and CSAH 42. City Staff Concept Sketch. Increased development of commercial uses in the CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 area has resulted in several inquiries from property owners and developers regarding potential development of the study area. To better address these inquiries, City staff prepared a concept sketch for how the area may be anticipated to redevelop. We would note that the only street extensions likely to be mandatory for development in this area are the commercial street loop from 88th Street/CSAH 42 to 87th Street/CSAH 42 and the residential street connection from 85th Street/Park Avenue to 88th Street at the west line of the study area. The need for the other street connections shown on the concept plan will be dependent upon actual development plans that are proposed. The concept plan is generally consistent with the current Future Land Use Plan. The primary difference is that the east -to -west width of planned commercial land uses fronting CSAH 42, which is 220 feet west of the north -south centerline of the 80 acre study area. The commercial area shown on the sketch plan is greater to allow for commercial lots fronting both the east and west sides of future Parkview Avenue north of 85th Street. The area guided for residential land uses between the commercial land uses fronting CSAH 42 and existing one acre single family lots to the west is still sufficient to accommodate one block of R -4A District size single family lots, the extension of Park Avenue and another block of R-4 District size single family lots consistent with the transition illustrated on the current Future Land Use Plan. 2 In that the boundaries of the various land uses designated on the Future Land Use plan are subject to interpretation in consideration of specific development proposals, City staff does not view the differences between the current Future Land Use Plan and the concept plan to be significant. In fact, the increase in commercial area is positive both from expanding opportunities for additional retail, service and office business locations, additional employment opportunities and the effects of commercial development on the City's tax base. Amended Future Land Use Plan. In agreeing to provide the City with the right-of-way needed for the CSAH 42 project, the Lefebvre's are seeking greater certainty that development of their property would be allowed as shown on the concept plan prepared by City staff. To this end, the City has initiated an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan to shift the boundary between the future commercial and residential land uses in the study area 220 feet to the west. The net result is that the Future Land Use Plan would guide approximately 57 gross acres of the study area for commercial land uses. The remaining 23 gross acres of the study area would be guided for Low -to -Medium Density residential land uses consistent with the City's policy to provide R -4A District single family lots abutting existing one acre single family lots. The low to medium density residential designation would allow for either R-4 or R-5 District single family lots or R-5 District twin homes on the east side of Park Avenue abutting the rear of the commercial area. The proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Plan also designates approximately two acres at the northwest corner of 85th Street and Park Avenue for public and quasi - public land uses. Another element of the agreement between the City and Mr. and Mrs. Lefebvre is that the City would purchase this site for development of a future fire station utilizing fire service funds. As long as the Future Land Use Map is being amended to address the boundary issue between planned commercial and residential areas, it makes sense to also identify the public use planned at this location. The City will need to initiate a rezoning to INS District and preliminary/final plat for the fire station site in order to finalize the transaction. As stated by the Comprehensive Plan, the Future Land Use Plan is not an entitlement to development. Rather, the Future Land Use Plan is a guide to anticipated development that will occur over time. As such, it is emphasized that any proposed development within the study area consistent with the proposed amendment of the Future Land Use Plan must be fully evaluated in consideration of the City's interim land use plan policies for consistency with growth management policies and adequate infrastructure capacities to support the planned uses at the time of development. CONCLUSION The amendment of the Future Land Use Plan initiated by the City of Otsego for the area west of CSAH 42 between CSAH 39 and 85th Street is not a significant change, but a clarification as to the uses anticipated to develop in this area over time. The change is positive in that the area guided for future commercial uses is increased by approximately seven acres to provide greater opportunities for new businesses in the City's primary commercial area. At the same time, the change is consistent with the City's policies for providing a transitional land use pattern between intensive commercial areas and residential neighborhoods, especially those existing neighborhoods developed with one acre single family lots. Our office recommends approval of the POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan in accordance with Exhibit C based on a finding that the action is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Kevin Lefebvre, property owner 0 F-7 NAC NW CSAH 42 AND 85TH ST. CONCEPT SKETCH /117D /„x fySI-70 14 9Uth STREEI LL, 2 3, ; IEL /,D1D /ACRES # 4 �'�1 _ w 89tn STREET Z\ ' R n R R /you L 4 i�5 #2W 3 /,oeo d / 6 45 b l -- /,ow r� kg 3 is ° 0200r�aaD obi. 2 5709-.5 x 2 ' 1 9ni7o ,WW 2s � R „Oso rF.aD 6 sial x 7 100 6"7_b t.Rb%'A H� e x 2 /.op enaj 2 3 ' /wx A To GG 5 AGti N b 7 , w 1 4 R � NAC Drafted: September 11, ZUU6 lusoR /,o,o R poen a 8 6 5 WATER ROT 3R� A ';F?YICE ROAD- -, N0. 39 ---- — --- �#L; /221:01 N. E }�f2322 8 ATMsI�E \ / SIRU.ItP Jo `q\� ftht In/ ouTLOT ! A---- ^1O1�n out Ally A, ^��iVEN, SICN - g�- oI �! RIOUC TS MI \ sccr,trtE PF o TO � r ocr[I-ovc, 87 Full SI¢ed LU\-S"A. BY 05HER5 MONUMM I a I.I W I SToft%i.Tut NAL ---aunrr _;el— _e_ IT L� ✓ ?t �-� Of i , I / %I u NpawoNT SIC: ----------------- - 85T' Sri ,D,a I t[ F -11,-T;, 01030 /,040 .� PROPOSED PLAN CITY OF oTSE�o ON THE GREAT RIVGR ROAll Future Land Use Rural Rural Residential LD Residential (Large Lot) LD Residential LD/MD Residerdial MDhiD Residential - Commercial Office Industrial P ubli cJOu asi Public �Se Aer Distrid 0;11 RAMWIP WR IPPM-1 .1 Note: This map is for planning purposes only The Comprehensive Plan must be consulted to ret ty poli des appl icabl a to spedfi c land use designations. ITEM 3.6 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners4nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 12 September 2006 RE: Otsego — Zoning Ordinance; Public accessory buildings NAC FILE: 176.02 — 06.21 BACKGROUND The City Council recently approved accessory salt storage buildings for the City Public Works Building and Wright County Highway Department Substation. The construction of these buildings includes a roof comprised of fabric stretched over a frame. In approving the Wright County building, the City Council also directed that the Planning Commission consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance text restricting use of building materials such as those to be used for the City of Otsego and Wright County salt storage buildings to public uses. Exhibits: A. Draft Zoning Ordinance Amendment ANALYSIS The need for the type of building being constructed for salt storage at both the City and County facilities is directly related to MPCA requirements and the corrosive nature of the material being stored. However, proliferation of this type of building material is not viewed as consistent with the City's goals for high quality, low maintenance buildings. The fabric roof is not considered to be as durable material as those specified by the Zoning Ordinance as being allowed for commercial and industrial type buildings. Because the salt sheds at the City public works site and Wright County substation are public facilities, there is some assurance that the buildings will be maintained properly and not be allowed to become nuisances. It may be expected that a business has a potential need for using a building material like the fabric roof for reasons similar to that of the City and County. In such cases, Section 20-16-4.1 of the Zoning Ordinance would allow for use of alternative materials or construction to be considered as a conditional use permit. Under the conditional use permit process, the City would have the ability to ensure that there is a demonstrated, non -economic need for the proposed building and that the building is maintained to a high standard. A draft text amendment consistent with the direction of the City Council is attached as Exhibit A for consideration. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of the proposed amendment regarding accessory building materials. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a Zoning Ordinance amendment regarding allowed accessory building materials as drafted. B. Motion to deny the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Tim Rochel, Building Official Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer 2 ORDINANCE NO.: 2006 - CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO RELATED TO ALLOWED ACCESSORY BUILDING MATERIALS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 20-16-4.G. of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: G. Except for public uses or as may be expressly allowed by this Chapter or by conditional use permit subject to Section 20-16-4.1 of this Chapter, the same or suitable quality exterior finish building materials used for the principal building and allowed by Section 20-17-4 of this Chapter shall be used in all accessory buildings over one hundred fifty (150) square feet�e 2. The design of all accessory buildings shall e4so be compatible with that of the principal building on the lot. "Compatible" means that the exterior appearance of the accessory building is similar to the principal building from an aesthetic, building material and architectural standpoint so as not to cause a difference to a degree to cause an incongruity ' ; or jonropentenn n. a nuisance. The City shall also give consideration to the function of the accessory building when evaluating its compatibility with the design of the _principal buildina for the purposes of this section. 23. Pole buildings as defined by this Chapter are allowed as a permitted accessory structure within the A-1 and A-2 District provided that: a. The lot or parcel lies within the Rural Service Area or Urban Service Reserve Area, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan. b. The lot or parcel on which the building is to be constructed has an area of five (5) acres or greater. .Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication and the filling of a final plat. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 25th day of September, 2006. CITY OF OTSEGO w Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk V