11-20-06 PCITEM 3.1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — Waterfront East; Building F; Development Stage Plan 15 November 2006 ACTION DATE: 17 December 2006 176.02 — 06.28 CITY FILE: 2006-50 Landcor Companies has submitted a PUD Development Stage Plan for Outlot H of Waterfront East to construct a 28,528 square foot commercial building. The subject site is located at the northwest corner of 90th Street and Quantrelle Avenue, east of TH 101. A PUD District was established on 10 November 2003 with the subdivision of Waterfront East to specify allowed uses and performance standards for the development, including the subject site. The application also includes approval of a final plat. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Site Plan C. Landscape Plan D. Grading Plan E. Utility Plan F. Building Elevations and Floorplans G. Final Plat ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Waterfront East development is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for commercial land use as part of the City's primary commercial area at TH 101 and CSAH 39. The Comprehensive Plan anticipates development of a full range of retail, service and office type commercial uses in this area of the City to serve both local and regional market needs. The proposed building is consistent with these planned uses. Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD District with allowed uses the same as set forth by the B-3, General Business District. No specific uses for the proposed building are identified by the submitted application. Occupancy of the building will be subject to the allowed uses of the B-3 District. Building Design. The site plan indicates that the proposed building is to be a two story structure with a gross floor area of 28.528 square feet. The design of the building is a mirror of existing Building B, which has been constructed on the south side of 901h Street across from the subject site. The exterior of the building features various size and colors of bricks with large window areas and an articulated fagade to visually break up the length of the building. One change from the plans as submitted has been elimination of the pitched roof section between the north and south facades of the building. Building B was constructed without these roof sections to minimal effect. As seen on Building B, the overall design is high quality and attractive. The design and materials of the building are consistent with the material requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and PUD Design Guidelines for Waterfront East. Landscape Plan. A landscape plan for the subject site has been submitted. The plan illustrates boulevard trees at the east side of the building and extending north along Quantrelle Avenue as well as trees on the islands within the parking lot. The quantities and sizes of the proposed plantings are appropriate, as are the plant types. The landscape plan must be modified to include plantings to be installed at the base of the retaining wall parallel to the south side of the building along 901h Street consistent with the plantings adjacent to Building B. Vehicle Access. Vehicle access to the subject site will be provided off of 90th Street across from the parking lot access to Building E on the east side of Quantrelle Avenue. The access measures 24 feet wide as allowed by the Zoning Ordinance and is adequate for truck access. Until such time as Outlots E, F or G develop, the subject site would be limited to one access. An access and parking easement is required over the parking field on Outlot H to allow for cross use by other buildings within Waterfront East. The easement document must be submitted prior to consideration of the application by the City Council and is subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. Pedestrian Access. Pedestrian access to the subject site is to be provided by perimeter sidewalks on the north, east and south sides of the building and at the perimeter of the lot. The sidewalk along the east and north side of the parking lot is at a zero setback. We recommend that the plans for extension of Quantrelle Avenue be shown and that the location of the sidewalk be revised to provide space between the parking stalls and drive aisles. Alternatively, a decorative railing could be provided at the front of the parking stalls and the side walk increased in width. As the City street and utility project is complete, the developer is responsible for construction of the sidewalks and retaining wall and associated railings on the south side of the building. Off -Street Parking. To calculate parking required for the proposed building, we have assumed occupancy by retail or office uses at one stall per 200 square feet. The gross floor area of the proposed building is 28,528 square feet, of which, 6,740 square feet is common area (including the lobby that will connect via a skyway to the buildings on the 2 south side of 90th Street. Based on a gross leasable area of 24,000 square feet, 108 parking stalls are required. Additional parking would be required if a restaurant use is to occupy the building. The site plan shows 100 stalls with future construction of additional parking Outlot G and other undeveloped parcels within Waterfront East. With the stalls constructed for the two existing buildings and the two proposed buildings, there will be an overall surplus of five stalls as shown below: Site Required Stalls Stalls Provided Net Building B(existing) 108 76 -32 Building E existing 73 70 -3 Building F subject site 108 100 -8 Building C (proposed) 63 111 +48 TOTAL 352 357 +5 Off -Street Loading. Although a truck loading area is identified, the expectation is that any retail use of the building would receive deliveries through individual front doors. In anticipation of this type of delivery, the site plan must illustrate turning radii for semi - tractor trailers to illustrate the feasibility of site ingress and egress. The designated truck loading area is positive in that it provides temporary space for delivery vehicles and services that may frequent the second floor users of the building. Lighting Plan. No plans for exterior lights have been submitted. The developer must submit information showing the type, location, height and illumination pattern of all proposed site lighting prior to consideration of the application by the City Council. Light fixtures must have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off directing light downward and light cast at the property line may not exceed one -foot candle. Trash. The site plan indicates an exterior trash storage area to the northeast of the proposed building. While this location is convenient to the exterior door on the east side of the building and the truck loading area, it is in a highly visible location along Quantrelle Avenue. Consideration should be given to moving the enclosure to a portion of the oversized island at the center of the parking area where it can be better screened from view. Signage. No plans for signs have been submitted. All signs must conform to Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and the PUD District Design Guidelines. A sign permit approved by City staff is required prior to construction of any signs on the subject site. Utility Plans. The City has completed construction of trunk sanitary sewer and water utilities within Waterfront East. A utility plan for the proposed building has been submitted illustrating connections to the in-place lines. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Grading Plan. A grading plan for the proposed site development has been submitted. All stormwater drainage is to be directed to the regional stormwater pond along the Mississippi River. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. J Park Dedication. No park dedication is required for the proposed final plat as all requirements were met with provision of a park easement over the outlot area adjacent to the Mississippi River. Final Plat. The City Council previously approved a final plat for the subject site. However, no development contract was executed and the final plat was not recorded within 30 days of City Council action as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. As such, that final plat approval is now void. The developer has submitted a final plat with the present application establishing Outlot H as Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East 4th Addition. The common area of the building that will connect to the building planned to the west of the subject site and by skyway to the buildings on the south side of 90th Street overlies the plat line. The final plat must be revised to include the entire building to be constructed within the platted lot or a common wall agreement to be recorded over the subject site and Outlot G must be submitted prior to City Council consideration of the application. As noted above, the final plat requires provision of an access easement and common parking agreement. A development contract must also be agreed to prior to City Council action on the final plat request. The development contract is subject to approval by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION The proposed development on Outlot H is a mirror of the building constructed on the south side of 90th Street and is consistent with the general PUD approvals for Waterfront East. Some additional information must be submitted prior to City Council action on the request. Pending those submissions, we recommend the Planning Commission approve the application subject to the stipulations outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan and final plat for Waterfront East 4th Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. The site plan is revised to illustrate truck turning movements for ingress/egress of the subject site. 2. The landscape plan is revised to provide plantings along the south side of the retaining wall abutting 90th Street consistent with that installed on the south side of the public street. 3. The location and width of the pedestrian sidewalk on the east and north sides of the parking area shall be revised to provide at least two feet of separation from the back of curb of the parking area, provided a physical 4 barrier between the parking area and sidewalk or increased in width at least two feet subject City staff approval. The developer is responsible for construction of all sidewalks, retaining walls and railings. 4. A lighting plan identifying the type, height, location and illumination pattern of all site lighting shall be submitted prior to City Council consideration of the application. 5. The trash storage area shall be relocated to the center island of the parking area and surrounded by plantings to screen the structure. . 6. Plans for proposed wall signs shall be submitted for a permit prior to installation and must comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and the PUD District. 7. Documents establishing a cross access and parking easement with other lots within Waterfront East shall be submitted prior to City Council consideration of the application and recorded with a final plat. 8. The proposed final plat shall be revised to include all of the proposed building within the platted lot/block or a common wall agreement submitted prior to City Council consideration of the application for the subject site and Outlot G. 9. All utility issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 10. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 11. The developer is required to execute a development contract approved by City staff prior to consideration of the final plat by the City Council. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is incomplete to determine compliance with the requirements of the PUD District. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Bob Fields, Landcor CONSTRUCTION PLANS _ FOR BUILDING F "RONT EAST SEGO, MINNESOTA WATE \0 NORTH GRAPHIC B ALE PROJECT LOCATION DMRx nF nRA WINnC SH.I COVER SHEET SH.2 SITE PLAN "L7 ORADINOPLAN SH. E UTH.ITY PLAN . SH. S STANDARD WrAES @f y �8M EXHIBIT A \ RELOCATF TDAcu OUTLOT F OUTLO'r E Sf EDATA YnasYmEA+srAwnarp: YEYasF MM>IOE W1tYf0.00q,W.�rr,�g rorunvYaosrAUY: ws 5 oo' q 3 NORTH ra,aa�Y CRAPWC WALE 4/28/08 -_____----__--- EXHIBIT il MI III Lai LandCo Inc.. HE I ia! Ilk III ¢s9ril4rrt r41,sE� s- ¢ rr ![ 1 !! ; r��%iPi Illi jib t1t 1 �ir4g44 8 EdHili' R eta48 a e o et �t It€ °i5ijgt efr ' �E[ ia�i if BUILDING F v`c WATERFRONT EAST <rl� LandCor Inc to 9 e oMoo. �wnesou "'^ �'w^�:•:• METP.O - i GRADING PLAN U ff I&M 88 �Fl�pasaiBil�Ei`i`B�F3!3 g� 0 g��Filig��9fa�6 ff I&M :I �G I cYl Al cpO 2^ \ lop rN `�,` ```, � � — � i w+R �o :•nae - V1, `� ``,�`a 11�` 111 A O „ A- BUILDING Ftj WATERFRONT E,A.ST �g�rLoj _ _ " METRO UTILITY PLAN 88 da /. ion II q"d9 Y6 lobb1 :I �G I cYl Al cpO 2^ \ lop rN `�,` ```, � � — � i w+R �o :•nae - V1, `� ``,�`a 11�` 111 A O „ A- BUILDING Ftj WATERFRONT E,A.ST �g�rLoj _ _ " METRO UTILITY PLAN i 1-1 i - Pli li- i 53 A 9 9 00 x 10 0 ;D Ali 0 NO SOUTH-EAST ELEVATIONS PANIES ccoICEADIMCIITECTS_ +o -2006 LANDCDR BUILDING F NORTH11944 LAKE PARKWAYVI SUITE 300 C 5N MI NEAPOLIS, MN 55416 OTSEGO MAIN STREET m.PLE GROVE, MN 5 369 (612) 927-8546 (763) 463-8800 -1 R. OTSEGO, MIN 4- F ag93R� 7u IIII I it I III ' I 1 I i .... _..__. -.__ ....... I ';Iii I o� o- o IN Jd! Pia P�•z� �r � y 8 Bg 1f1 �( D NORTH-WEST ELEVATIONS AE y"�" �->>-2008 LANDCOR COMPgNIES BUILDING F O w 9325 UPL4ND PANE NORTH MCCOY ARCHITECTS w 1944 CEDAR LAKE PARKWAY " _ '°"""'"""' ��• +�"� W OTSEGO MAIN STREET SUITE 300 MAPLE GROVE. MN 55369 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 554rK (612) 927-8546 I IV OTSEGO, MINNESOTA (T63) a63-8600 N m a- Y\ I •i' N - - I 1 1 I LOBBY 1 1768 50. MI 1 1825 SO. (LEASABLE PREMISES) � (LEASABLE PREMISES) II (088.19]2) 1 (1823D24) (WCLIAES 1/2 CORE) I (WCLUDES 1/2 CORE) ' EN5 SF SPACE ERMISESABLE 2720 5 INCLUDEDINntsI I REMISES COMMON IN MS MEA I--(nnA,M1 AREA I I ( - LOBBY/LINK �a f TOTAL AREA: 2565 SF LEASEABLE AREA: 345 SF COMMON AREA: 2220 SF Rli� BUILDING F \ I I 1 I GROUND FLOOR PLAN 1 1577 SO. F!. 1 1573 S0. a. (LEASABLEPREMISES) (LEASABLE PREMISES) (1737.3328) I (17133327) 1 INCLUDES 1/2 CORE) 1 (MttU 1/2 CORE) 1 (1577 W28) (—LIVES 1/2 CORE) I (BKLIgES 1/2 CORE) m FM. UT. t I ®. A2.t SCALE: 1/8"" = V' O" I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 TENANT AREAS- 14,264 GROSS SQ. FT., GROUND FLOOR NORTH (AREA TAKEN AT FACE OF FOUNDATION, TOTAL LEASEABLE AREA: 11,363 INCLUDES 8" PIER PROJECTIONS) COMMON AREA STAIR: - 336 13M S0. R. (LEASABLE PREMISES) (13.9.5548) k J" 1 I I I I 1 I \ I I 1 I I 1757 1757 SO. FT. I 1713 SO. FT. 1 (LEASABLE PREMISES) (LEASABLE PREMISES) 1 1577 SO. F!. 1 1573 S0. a. (LEASABLEPREMISES) (LEASABLE PREMISES) (1737.3328) I (17133327) 1 INCLUDES 1/2 CORE) 1 (MttU 1/2 CORE) 1 (1577 W28) (—LIVES 1/2 CORE) I (BKLIgES 1/2 CORE) m FM. UT. t I I � El. 100 I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I i I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 TENANT AREAS- I I ' I . TOTAL AREA: 11,699 SO. FT. TOTAL LEASEABLE AREA: 11,363 SO. FT. COMMON AREA STAIR: - 336 SO. FT. BUILDING F: GROSS AREAS: GROUND FLOOR. 14,264 S0. FT. SECOND FLOOR: 14,264 S0. FT. BUILDING B TOTAL: 28,528 S0. FT. LEASABLE PREMISES: GROUND LEASABLE: 11,]08 SO. FT. SECOND LEASABLE: 10.080 SO, FT. TOTAL LEASABLE: 21,788 50. FT. COMMON AREAS: GROUND COMMON: 2,556 S0. FT. 3: yb �Y SECOND COMMON: 4,IB4 S0. FT. TOTAL COMMON: 6,740 SO. FT. a� 13M S0. R. (LEASABLE PREMISES) (13.9.5548) EXHUPT F-3 k me oaf :NOILv3I, LLB30 3: yb �Y a� STAIR "B" wg ZN 336 (COMMON AREA STAIR) U�jfl _ (3N eB9) ¢M�jdm FT AOOEO TO U< COMMON S. AREA i0 FORFRACTWNAI Od41^ TENMI �Y2N Z 43311RDNY i O N w � z� z ZoON \ zz m 83o �n Luwlnx ojno+ ZN-9 Smvo,3C :a3NM0 "s as :SNOISIA38 Q zW Ir NZ O ZZ , O QLL� i ZZOO 0CD 0 cn )Y�HH omoo A2.1 EXHUPT F-3 8 aev no BUILDING G. LOBBY/LINK BUILDING F (FUTURE) a _ - 4344 50. FT. •1 ti � (LEASABLE PREMISES) rn (4343.5002) w a _ _ � —AY COMMON —AR INLLWFA) 953 SO. FT. I- O I _ N e 5736 SO. FT. (LEASABLE5E5) 0 U (5735.8895)895) xDMFN 0 0 � ® M. 2N0 ROOIt LOBBY/LINK} _ TENANT AREAS COMMON AREA: 2896 IF TOTAL AREA: 11,368 SQ. FT. —� ' TOTAL LEASEABLE AREA: 10,080 SQ. FT. L ". TOTAL COMMON AREA: 1,288 S0. FT. BUILDING F n SECOND FLOOR PLAN 2 SCALE: 1/8"" = 1'-0" LLD NORTH 14,264 GROSS SO. FT., SECOND FLOOR (AREA TAKEN AT FACE OF FOUNDATION, INCLUDES 8" PIER PROJECTIONS) BUILDING F GROSS AREAS: GROUND FLOOR, 11,2fi4 50. IT. SECOND BOOR: 11,264 SO. FT. BUILDING 8 TOTAL: 28,528 SO. FT. LEASABLE PREMISES: GROUND LEASABLE: 11,708 SO. FT. SECOND LEASABLE: 10,080 S0. FT. TOTAL LEASABLE: 21,788 SO. FT. COMMON AREAS: GROUND COMMON: 2,556 S0. FT. SECOND COMMON: 1,180 S0. FT. TOTAL COMMON: 6.740 SO. FT. STAIR "B" 335 SD. FT. (COMMON MFA STAIR) I--) Ay R 8f€5 g Its fit NO11V71911130 T xe a� M". �dW�m ua .aZn YT. KG 1�31wDtro i O Z 4�w �g �o zn�a� S N3. yr yS�a3Nlxo S^ 6sNo1suL3a g o Q (n w O ZZ LL LL i3ZOO Z—(DO 0 w:)P") FAmOO A2.2 xI OF'09'v W4W��3fvaJ 300M Nvl E)KIIISIT F-4 Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 f 0 1 Assoc.,�nC. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Robert Fields, Land Funding, LLC John Brinkley, LandCor Construction Inc. James Landini, P.E. Metro Land Surveying & Engineering From: Brent M. Larson, E.I.T. Date: November 8, 2006 Re: Outlot H, Building F - Otsego Waterfront East 4th Addition We have reviewed the Final Plat, Construction and Grading Plans, dated 10/17/06, for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: Cover Sheet The owner/developer's contact person shall be identified. 2. A signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer is required. Site Plan (Sheet 2) It is difficult to tell what is existing, new, or future construction. Please provide different line types and/or weights to. more clearly depict the limits of this plat. 2. Provide radii information for the center curb islands. 3. The note to "remove the back of the curb to provide handicap ramp" requires a dimension for curb removal. 4. It appears that additional pedestrian ramps may be needed in front of Building F. Please review and revise to call out additional ramps. 5. It is unclear where the sidewalk, curb and gutter, and parking areas currently exist and where they are to be installed with the Building F project. 6. An ingress/egress easement is required over the driveway entrance to Quantrelle Avenue to provide access to the adjacent Outlot G. C:\Documents and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\K5UZ4TAV\ot2500 4th Add RVWI.doc 7. The bituminous parking area and curb and gutter are depicted to extend beyond the plat's boundaries in the NW and SW of the plans. Please revise to contain all proposed construction to within the plat boundaries. Gradina Plan (Sheet 3) 1. It is difficult to tell what is existing, new, or future construction. Please provide different line types and/or weights to more clearly depict the limits of this plat. 2. Include the benchmark information. 3. Please depict the existing contours and how the proposed contours will tie into them. 4. Label the emergency over flows throughout the parking lot and offsite. 5. All proposed erosion and sedimentation control locations shall be depicted in the plan set. 6. The sidewalk and boulevard along Quantrelle Avenue NE and 90th Street shall be designed and constructed by the developer and the developer's engineer. Currently there is approximately 5'-6' of elevation difference between the FFE of Building F and the top of adjacent curb along 90th Street. This design shall be included in the Building F plans. 7. The Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Note #10 refers to a temporary sedimentation trap depicted in the utility plans. The utility plans do not have this information. 8. The contours, drainage arrows, and elevations depict water flowing offsite to the west and pooling at a future catch basin point. Allowing water to sit in this area may make it difficult to stabilize the soil in this area in order to build the next phase's parking area. We suggest providing temporary draintile to remove this sitting water. Utility Plans (Sheet 4) 1. Include the benchmark information. 2. It is unclear where the construction of the storm sewer servicing this site starts, i.e. is CBMH-48 installed and how much if any 30" pipe has been installed towards this structure. 3. CBMH-48 requires 0.8 -diameter points fall from the smaller pipe diameters to the N, W, and S to the 30" pipe to the east. Please revise. 4. An invert elevation and bulkhead is required on the storm sewer stub to the north of CBMH-48. 5. Please provide a sanitary sewer service stub invert elevation for the stub to Building F. 6. It appears that connecting to the sanitary and water service stubs Hakanson for the adjacent building on Outlot G in the future may interfere Anderson CADocuments and Settin s\TamiTocal Settin s\Tem or Internet Files\Content.IE5W1 Assoc.,Inc. x g g P �' with the building foundation of Building F. And extension of the stub to the adjacent building to the west is needed. 7. Verify the storm sewer from CBMH-48 west has been installed. 8. There is an invert elevation for a pipe to the west of CBMH-57 but no pipe is depicted in the plans. Please verify and revise. Details (Sheets 5-6) Erosion and sedimentation control details are required. These details shall include a detail for a rock construction entrance, silt fence, inlet protection, and erosion control blanket. Final Plat 1. The 4t' Addition has been previously platted as the 3rd Addition. Please verify and revise. 2. The storm sewer pipe that runs to the north across future Quantrelle Avenue shall be covered by a drainage and utility easement. 3. An ingress/egress easement is required over the driveway entrance to Quantrelle Avenue to provide access to the adjacent Outlot G. 4. The existing R.O.W. for Quantrelle Avenue has been extended to just past the driveway entrance to Outlot H. Please revise the plat to depict this new R.O.W. Quantrelle Avenue from this point to west shall be covered by an ingress/egress easement or have an agreement in place to allow for access to the Outlots to the west. 5. The easement along the west lot line in the southwest corner of the plat (west edge of Building F) is not necessary and shall be removed. Other Comments Storm sewer calculations and drainage area map shall be submitted for review. We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments. Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\TamiTocal Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.lE5\K5L Assoc., Inc. �c ITEM 3_2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Waterfront East; Building C Development Stage Plan REPORT DATE: 15 November 2006 ACTION DATE: 17 December 2006 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 06.29 CITY FILE: 2006 — 51 BACKGROUND Landcor Construction, Inc. has submitted a PUD Development Stage Plan for Outlot K of Waterfront East to construct a 14,638 square foot retail building to be known as Building C. The subject site is located at the southeast corner of 90th Street and Quantrelle Avenue, east of TH 101. A PUD District was established on 10 November 2003 with the subdivision of Waterfront East to specify allowed uses and performance standards for the development, including the subject site. The application also includes approval of a final plat. Exhibits: A. Site Location E. Building Floor Plans B. Site Plan F. Grading Plan C. Landscape Plan G. Utility Plan D. Building Elevations H. Final Plat ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land uses as part of the City's primary commercial area near the intersection of TH 101 and CSAH 39. The Comprehensive Plan anticipates development of a full range of retail, service and office type commercial use in this area of the City to serve both local and regional market needs. The proposed multiple tenant building is consistent with the direction of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD District with allowed uses the same as set forth by the B-3, General Business District. No specific uses for the proposed building have been identified other than retail office uses. Any use occupying the proposed building must be an allowed use under the B-3 District. Building Design. The submitted building plans illustrate the proposed building having a total area of 14,638 square feet, of which 13,928 square feet is leasable space. The proposed building is a mirror of Building E to the north across a plaza area designed to have the appearance of two stories fronting Quantrelle Avenue, but with only one floor of useable space. The two segments of the 1 -shaped" building are connected by an enclosed link area that allows pedestrian passage from one side of the building to the plaza area. Individual suites will have separate exterior access points. The submitted plans show that the primary exterior fagade material will be brick. The proposed building design is consistent with the approved design standards for the Waterfront East development. Landscape Plan. A landscape plan has been submitted showing landscaping along Quantrelle Avenue, within the parking area and at the base of the building. The landscape plan also shows plantings being installed in the plaza area, although it is not clear if these are to be made part of this project or development of Outlot J. The proposed planting types, sizes and quantities are appropriate and consistent with Zoning Ordinance requirements. Vehicle Access. Vehicle access to the subject site will be from two accesses off of Quantrelle Avenue. The northerly access aligns with the existing access on the west side of the Street to Building B. The second access is approximately 80 feet from the northerly access and the access to the Nathe Highway 101 Garden Center is another 80 feet along Quantrelle Avenue. The spacing of these accesses is acceptable given the slow travel speed anticipated on this segment of street due to the curve of the roadway. Both accesses conform to the width limits established by the Zoning Ordinance. Pedestrian Access. The site plan shows pedestrian sidewalks along Quantrelle Avenue and the north, east and west sides of the building. The plans indicate that the Quantrelle Avenue sidewalk is to be installed by the City. However, the public street and utility project is completed. As such, the developer is responsible for construction of the sidewalk, retaining wall and railings. Off-street Parking. Off-street parking requirements have been calculated assuming occupancy of the proposed building by retail and/or office uses at one stall per 200 square feet. Additional parking stalls would be required if a restaurant were to occupy some of the building space. Based on the leasable area of the building, 63 parking stalls are required. The site plan provides 111 parking stalls meeting Zoning Ordinance dimension requirements. The surplus stalls available on the subject site off -set parking 2 deficits on the other three existing / proposed sites within Waterfront East for an overall surplus of five stalls as shown below: Site Required Stalls Stalls Provided Net Building B (existing) 108 76 -32 Building E(existing) 73 70 -3 Building F (proposed) 108 100 -8 Building C (subject site) 63 111 +48 TOTAL 352 357 +5 The applicant must submit a shared parking agreement for the subject site prior to City Council consideration of the application to allow cross access and parking with other sites within the Waterfront East development. The site plan shows a gravel surface 230 foot x 35 foot gravel surface to the east of the parking area accessed from the parking area. The purpose of this area must be identified. Off-street loading. The site plan illustrates a truck loading area at the southeast corner of the building. This area must be stripped and signed as a loading area to prevent vehicle parking. The site plan must be revised to illustrate truck turning movements into and out of the subject site from the truck loading area prior to City Council consideration of the application. Lighting Plan. A lighting plan has not been submitted for the exterior building lights or parking lot lighting. All lighting must have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off directing the light downward. Proposed lighting must match or be comparable to the lighting shown in the Otsego Waterfront East Development Standards including a pole height limit of 25 feet or less. The applicant must submit a lighting plan prior to City Council consideration of the application. Trash Storage. The site plan shows an enclosed trash storage area located at the southeastern corner of the building. Black hills spruce trees are provided at the east side of the enclosure to screen it from view of the park trail within the ponding outlot. The trash enclosure's exterior walls must be similar or complementary to the principal building and must comply with all other provisions as outlined in Section 20-16-15.B of the Zoning Ordinance. Signage. No plans for signage on the subject site have been submitted at this time. All proposed signs must conform to Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and the PUD District Guidelines. A sign permit approved by City staff is required prior to construction/erection of any signs on the subject site. Utility Plans. The City has completed construction of trunk sanitary sewer and water utilities within Waterfront East. A utility plan for the proposed building has been 3 submitted illustrating connections to the in-place lines. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Grading Plan. A grading plan for the proposed site development has been submitted. All stormwater drainage is to be directed to the regional stormwater pond along the Mississippi River. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Park Dedication. No park dedication is required for the proposed final plat as all requirements were met with provision of a park easement over the outlot area adjacent to the Mississippi River. Final Plat. The City Council previously approved a final plat for the subject site. However, no development contract was executed and the final plat was not recorded within 30 days of City Council action as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. As such, that final plat approval is now void. The developer has submitted a final plat with the present application establishing Outlot K as Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront East 3rd Addition for City Council approval with the PUD Development Stage Plan. A development contract must also be agreed to prior to City Council action on the final plat request. The development contract is subject to approval by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION The proposed project is consistent with the Waterfront East PUD Concept Plan previously approved and the submitted materials for the development of Building C are compliant with applicable ordinances and design standards. Some additional plans and details must be provided prior to City Council action on the request. However, our office recommends Planning Commission approval of the PUD Development Stage Plan for Building C and Otsego Waterfront East 3rd Addition subject to the comments in this report and the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve the PUD Development Stage Plan for Otsego Waterfront East 3rd Addition, subject to the following conditions: The landscape plan shall be revised to indicate plantings to be installed as part of the development of the subject site. 2. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan illustrating turning radii for anticipated delivery vehicles prior to City Council consideration of the application, subject to City staff review and approval. Id 3. The developer shall identify the purpose of the gravel surface to the east of the parking area. 4. The developer shall be responsible for construction of all sidewalks, retaining walls and railings. 5. Plans for proposed signage shall be submitted for a sign permit prior to construction and must comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and all applicable regulations of the PUD District. 6. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan prior to consideration of the application by City Council, subject to City staff review and approval. 7. Documents establishing a cross access and parking easement with other lots within Waterfront East shall be submitted prior to City Council consideration of the application and recorded with a final plat. 8. All utility issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 9. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 10. The developer is required to execute a development contract approved by City staff prior to consideration of the final plat by the City Council. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Waterfront East concept plan. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Bob Fields, Landcor 5 BUILDING C�� � `1'1«-� I«_ `=li1ON PLA - . E T EAST OTSEGO, IV tNI\TESOT?A ow NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE PROJECT LOCATION WDEX OF DRA WINnc SN.1 COVFRSIEE F SN.Y SEB PLAN SN.I O knimpLAN SH., U78dTT PLAN "is STANDARD DSTAE9 SN.6 STANDARD DETAM `C; Landcor, Inc. ays 4�aLvwx.. �. ,. Baa e"••:n"w n� d. PLAN DATE; NNE EI, 2005 A �z _$_w 5I 8 1 ti 8 2=11 n � w y m C - 11._p. o �ID 23'-e' 2'-r Z I mCo. m b -Da ll"w:ll Z T A �z _$_w 5I 8 rX g D 9-b S_e. «.o T72_« 2]._e. 0\o r . - 11._p. 'm �ID Z I n 5I b� 9-b S_e. «.o T72_« EAST & SOUTH ELEVATIONS �,: = ,a_„_,�,s � KL\e BUILDING C OTSEGO MAIN STREET W LA COR COMPANIES O 9325 UPLAND LANE NORTH = surm 300 W MCCOY ARCHITECTS 7944 C_DAR LAKE PARKWAY MINNEAPOL'S, W OTSEGO, MINNESOTA S 3p MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 (763) a63-6800 MN 55416 u (612) 927-8546 I n� rte. wrocl T e'-a'e•-e' z._a. E m N TN94 6'-e' 12'-e' 4-8 d 25'-* p$ ps $ WEST & NORTH ELEVATIONS '"` °"""' BUILDING C m ,C -„-20w LANDCOR COMPANIES MCCOY ARCHITECTS 5� N Z SUITE 300 19325 UPDUNE NORTH W 7944 CEDAR LAKE a dTSEGQ MAIN STREET s $ MAPLE CROS, MN 55369 I(6MINNEAPOLISz sz 8546 i OTSEGO, MINNESOTA (763) 463-66C0 PARKWAY 5476 art. 3 -D. 2 s Pi v9 oP�P$M�$ 6'-e' 12'-e' 4-8 d 25'-* p$ ps $ WEST & NORTH ELEVATIONS '"` °"""' BUILDING C m ,C -„-20w LANDCOR COMPANIES MCCOY ARCHITECTS 5� N Z SUITE 300 19325 UPDUNE NORTH W 7944 CEDAR LAKE a dTSEGQ MAIN STREET s $ MAPLE CROS, MN 55369 I(6MINNEAPOLISz sz 8546 i OTSEGO, MINNESOTA (763) 463-66C0 PARKWAY 5476 art. AREAS TAKEN TO FACE OF FOUNDATIONS, INCLUDING PIERS TOTAL GROSS AREA BUILDING C: 14,638 SQ. FT. EAST BLDG. C .5019 SF GROSS INTERIOR AREA (5018.6612) LINK AREA: 710 SF GROSS INTERIOR AREA ( 710.2477) a$ WEST BUILDING C: 8,909 SF di n GROSS INTERIOR AREA (8908.9107) — — BUILDING C 1 FLOOR PLAN A2.1 SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" NORTH .AL ca 2 ar. 3. t �«« 4 5 49 _4. 90._8. <o . ao'� 6 7 iwlP. 24._0. 25'-4" 22•_8• 22•_0• 22•-1 24'-0" �1 LEASABLE 1 PREMISES 2518 $F t+siailsl LEASABLE PREMISES 2305 SIF 0--) LINK 710 SF 1>.asa0 t; ve L I (L j I [.L*:Il TT I I "'L 'L I T LEASABLE I PREMISES LEASABLE I PREMISES I I LEASABLE I LEASABLE I PREMISES LEASABLE I LEASABLE 1462 SF I 1533 SF PREMISES 1540 SF 1409 SF I PREMISES (iss�uwl I (�vars>) I Os�smml I,tis..ssW 1411 SF 114PREMISES SIF U�m.saa,l 15 54 I i I I I Ioaa,.,nsl I I I I I I I I 1 24'_0. I I 24._0. I I 24'-0" 140'-0' i I I m,au nw 2 'v19tm 3 '� a.m' 4 5 ca co6 7 yTie F �NOO.Y01311N3� r 3 Yb �O a� ion am YV VY2H Um Z'- 3�Z� �1�311H9aV 0 n Z .n Z a� �S o�1 nL'a ovlw`y^ ZQN�=a� JWN�v 83NMO �a :SNOISIMa Z 4 w I¢ _J of 0 0 co mLuz z LL V Zq0� 0 =' to U) m=)F-1— (9 A2.1 XMIRIT E W, ;FiFr Ell uuuv��, uic• GRADING PLAN .. FOR WATERFRONT EAST (BUILDING -m-M —mu 9 I1, IRa Li(endCof I, nc. UTILrrY PLAN o•ao z..a v,v..., FOR Aw-WATEERFPON-r EAST (BUILDING C)s4 VTR v � 444 EA lily.,p fi R gg�,S h Am fill i 9 (P Zi : } €' IRa Li(endCof I, nc. UTILrrY PLAN o•ao z..a v,v..., FOR Aw-WATEERFPON-r EAST (BUILDING C)s4 VTR \ I - I a, a � • r` r q of t if I iI{ �{ I 11 ` E t t 'Ple I � t E i s ; i \ I - I a, a � • r` r q of t if I iI{ �{ I E i I � p ��\ UT - \\\\ COD \ y \ , .mac• `- i � y --------------- _J Hakanson 30 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 1111Assoc.,1nc.nders Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 5 x MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Robert Fields, Land Funding, LLC John Brinkley, LandCor Construction Inc. James Landini, P.E. Metro Land Surveying & Engineering From: Brent M. Larson, E.I.T. Date: November 6, 2006 Re: Outlot K, Building C - Otsego Waterfront East 3rd Addition We have reviewed the Final Plat, Construction and Grading Plans, dated 10/17/06, for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: Cover Sheet The owner/developer's contact person shall be identified. 2. A signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer is required. Site Plan (Sheet 2) 1. Provide radii information for the center curb islands. 2. The sidewalk and boulevard (retaining wall) along Quantrelle Avenue NE shall be designed and constructed with Building C. 3. It is unclear what the intention of the gravel area to the east of the parking lot is. Construction of the gravel area beyond the plat boundaries will not be allowed. 4. The notes to "remove the back of the curb to provide driveway/handicap ramps" require a dimension for curb removal. 5. The bituminous bike trail has been installed and shall be depicted in its existing location. 6. It appears that handicap pedestrian ramps maybe needed in front of Building C East. C:\Documents and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\K5UZ4TAV\ot2500 3rd Add RVWI.doc 7. Remove the Scale 1" = 20' note beneath the graphic scales on all sheets. This scale does not apply to the reduced copies of the plans. 8. It is difficult to tell what is existing, new, or future construction. Please provide different line types and/or weights to more clearly depict the limits of this plat. Grading Plan (Sheet 3) 1. Include the benchmark information. 2. The Normal, 2 -yr, 10 -yr, and 100 -yr High Water Level elevations are required for the regional pond to the east. 3. The 856 and 862 contour labels to the east of the parking lot do not agree. Please verify and revise. These appear to be existing contours and should be identified in the legend. 4. Please label the contour south of the parking lot. 5. Label the emergency over flows throughout the parking lots and offsite. 6. All proposed erosion and sedimentation control locations shall be depicted in the plan set. 7. Some of the spot elevations have along the south entrance to West Building C are incorrectly labeled with a G instead of a C. Please verify and revise. 8. It is difficult to tell what is existing, new, or future construction. Please provide different line types and/or weights to more clearly depict the limits of this plat. Utility Plans (Sheet 4) 1. Include the benchmark information. 2. It is difficult to tell what is existing, new, or future construction. Please provide different line types and/or weights to more clearly depict the limits of this plat. 3. We believe that SMH-1 and the stubs to Buildings E and D have already been installed with a past addition. Please verify and revise. 4. North, south, and east inverts are needed for SMH-1. 5. Please provide sanitary sewer service stub invert elevations for the stubs to buildings C, D, and E. 6. Two gate valves are required at the watermain tee just north of SMH-1. 7. A stub invert elevation is required Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\K5L Assoc., Inc. 3c 8. Verify the pipe grade from CB -24 to Ex. CBMH-23. Ex. CBMH-23 requires additional invert elevations. 9. The south invert elevation at Ex. CBMH 21 shall be removed. If this invert already exists it shall be filled to seal the structure. 10. A Neenah -1733 casting shall be used for MH -25 in the storm sewer schedule. 11. A profile depicting the proposed utilities, proposed finished ground, and all utility crossings is required for the storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and watermain. 12. The minimum storm sewer pipe size is 15". 12" is pipe is allowed for catchbasin leads and on skimmer structure pipes. The storm sewer pipe from CBMH-38 to FES -37 and from CBMH-22 to Ex. CBMH-21 shall be revised. Details (Sheets 5-6) 1. A detail for the Neenah -1733 casting is required. (See attached) 2. The typical concrete driveway detail is not a City of Otsego standard detail. The sidewalk cross- sections A -A and B -B are incorrectly labeled "to be designed and constructed by the city". The design and construction of all sidewalk and boulevards will be the responsibility of the developer and the developer's engineer. 3. Erosion and sedimentation control details are required. These details shall include a detail for a rock construction entrance, silt fence, inlet protection, and erosion control blanket. Final Plat 1. The 3`d Addition has been previously platted as the 61' Addition. Please verify and revise. 2. Per the PUD, there is a 0' setback allowed along Quantrelle Avenue and 90d' Street. For the rest of the lot lines throughout the development the minimum parking lot setback of 5' applies. The parking area along the east plat line near the Trash Enclosure is within this setback. 3. The driveway entrance to the property south of 3rd Addition's is within this plat. An additional easement has previously been put in place to cover this driveway and shall be depicted on the final plat. Other Comments Storm sewer calculations and drainage area map shall be submitted for review. We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments. Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.1E5\K5I Assoc., Inc. x ITEM 3-3 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 13 November 2006 RE: Otsego — Subdivision Ordinance; Park and Trail Dedication NAC FILE: 176.08 BACKGROUND The City Council has directed City staff to annually review the park and trail dedication requirements in Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The purpose of this review is to ensure and demonstrate that there is a nexus between the cash fee in lieu of land accepted by the City for park and trail acquisition and development purposes is reprehensive of the costs incurred by the City in relation to new development as required by Minnesota Statutes 462.358, Subd. 2c. ANALYSIS Current Fee. The City's current park and trail fee in lieu of land for residential development was adopted to be effective 1 January 2006 and is $3,054 per dwelling unit. The fee is based on the following cumulative factors stated on a per residential unit basis: Land acquisition: $1,600.00 Neighborhood park development: $ 604.00 Community center development: $ 785.00 Trails 65.00 TOTAL $3,054.00 For 2005, park and trail dedication fees in lieu of land for commercial and industrial subdivisions were established at $7,000.00 and $3,500.00 per gross acre respectively, based on 2003 land values. Land Cost. No change in residential land values of approximately $60,000 per gross acre (cited originally in our office's 29 January 2004 memorandum) has been observed by City Staff during 2004. We do not recommend a change in the land value component of the residential cash fee in lieu of land on this basis. Commercial and industrial land values along the TH 101 corridor have increased greatly over the last few years. These increases are reflective of continued residential growth within the City, increases in commuter traffic through the City and MNDoT's plans to upgrade TH 101 to a four lane freeway in 2006 to 2007. The current cash fee in lieu of land for commercial and industrial is reflective of land values equal to $70,000 an acre for commercial property and $35,000 an acre for industrial property. Recent commercial land sales and appraisals being done as part of the TH 101 project suggest minimum commercial property values of approximately $350,000 per acre for commercial land and approximately $100,000 per acre for industrial land. Based on this information, the City could justify an increase in the commercial and industrial cash fee in lieu of land for park and trail dedication. Construction Cost. The City undertook construction of three new neighborhood parks in 2006 based on facilities and site designs intended to define a typical neighborhood park. The cost estimates prepared by the City's park designer for these parks are shown below. These estimates have been averaged and adjusted by the Engineering News -Record Construction Cost Index between the first and third quarters of 2006 to reflect current prices the City may anticipate for construction of a typical neighborhood park. Beaudry Meadows: $667,193.00 Zimmer Farm: $572,431.00 Kittredge Crossing: $603,017.00 Mean Cost: $614,214.00 Adjusted Cost: $616,280.00 Each neighborhood park guided by the Comprehensive Plan is anticipated to serve an approximate one square mile area. Assuming an average density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre within residential areas of the City based on existing development and established development regulations, there are approximately 804 households per square mile. As such, the cost per dwelling unit for neighborhood park construction based on the current typical park facility design and construction costs is $767.00. Community Center. Research was also done in the 2003 analysis regarding the cost for construction of a community center similar to that built by Monticello, Maple Grove, Becker and Elk River. The assumed cost of a similar facility for Otsego was $14,800,000 based on that data. Under park and trail dedication requirements, the City 2 has included that portion of the cost for a community center to be borne by new residents moving into the community. The 2000 Census identifies Otsego as having 2,062 households. The 2004 Comprehensive Plan projects the City to have a household count of 21,471 by 2040 based on a growth rate of 400 to 600 new households per year. The initial community center portion of the park dedication cash fee in lieu of land was therefore set in 2003 at $690.00 reflecting the anticipated cost of a community center and 2040 household estimate. The adjusted 2006 fee was set at $785.00. Using ENR CCI for the period between the third quarter of 2005 when the 2006 fee was calculated and the third quarter of 2006 reflecting current prices, a 2.1 percent adjustment is required. The cost per household for construction of a future community center should be set at $801.00 for 2007. Trails. The 2006 cash fee in lieu of land included a trail construction element to account for full buildout of the remaining trail system. The Future Parks and Trails Plan map included in the 2004 Comprehensive Plan identifies17.5 miles or 92,645 linear feet of future trails yet to be constructed, of which approximately 2.75 miles or 9,205 linear feet were constructed in 2006 along Nashua Avenue, Quaday Avenue/85th Street and Queens Avenue. The 2006 cost estimate for the construction of trails as part of street projects or stand-alone construction is $15.00 a linear foot. Adjustment of this figure is to be adjusted 2.1 percent by the ENR CCI for the period between the third quarter of 2005 when the 2006 fee was calculated and the third quarter of 2006 reflecting current prices. To determine a cost factor for future trail construction the following equation is used: 83,440ft. x $15.30/ft. / 21,079 households = $61 / dwelling unit Gross Area vs. Net Area. In response to legislation enacted this year amending State Statutes pertaining to park and trail dedication requirements, additional revisions to Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance are necessary. The change to State Statute requires that land dedication requirements be based upon the net area of a parcel being subdivided, excluding right-of-way for major roadways, public waters, wetlands and trunk stormwater drainageways or ponding areas. The land dedication percentages were based on an analysis of residential density done in 2004 using gross densities consistent with the Comprehensive Plan to maintain a consistent level of land dedication per dwelling unit across various densities: A general planning assumption is that the conversion of gross area to net area as defined under the Statute change is a factor of 20 percent. As such, to maintain a consistent level of land being dedicated to the City for parks, trails and open space purposes, either the density ranges must be adjusted down or the percentage dedication requirement adjusted up. We recommend adjustment to the density ranges as set forth below to account for the change in dedication based on gross area versus buildable area as set forth by the Statute amendment. Buildable Area Density Land Dedication 40 ac. Exam le Requirement Land H. H. Land/H.H. 0>2.4 du/ac. 10% 4.0 ac 1-96 0.10-0.04 2.4>4.8 du/ac. 13% 5.2 ac. 96-192 0.05 — 0.03 4.8>8.0 du/ac. 17% 6.8 ac. 192-320 0.04-0.02 8.0 du/ac. and over 20% 8.0 ac. 320 0.05 - NA CONCLUSION Our office recommends that the park and trail cash fee in lieu of land for residential subdivisions paid on a per dwelling unit basis as set forth by Section 21-7-18.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance be established at $3,230.00 (rounded to the nearest $10.00) for 2007 as shown below. The proposed 2007 park and trail dedication fee is $175.00 or 5.7 percent higher than the 2006 fee. This increase reflects mainly changes in the City's typical neighborhood park design as well as inflationary construction costs. Land acquisition: $1,600.00 Neighborhood park development: $ 770.00 Community center development: $ 800.00 Future trails construction: $ 60.00 TOTAL $3,230.00 The Planning Commission and City Council may also consider increases to the commercial and industrial cash fees in lieu of land based on rising land values. An increase to these fees must also be balanced against the effect to the City's economic development goals. Finally, the draft Ordinance amendment reflects changes in State Statues regarding calculation of land dedication requirements on a net versus gross basis. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner 11 ORDINANCE NO.: 2006-19 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO PERTAINING TO PARK AND TRAIL DEDICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 21-1-11 of the Otsego Subdivision Ordinance is hereby amended to include the following definition: G.1 Buildable Land: All land except wetlands, public waters, trunk stormwater facilities and land dedicated for major collector or arterial roadways as defined by the Comprehensive Plan. Section 2. Section 21-7-18.A of the Otsego Subdivision Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: A. As a prerequisite to final plat approval, and at the sole determination by the City, applicants and/or developers shall dedicate a reasonable portion of the buildable land within a proposed subdivision for parks, playgrounds, public open spaces or trails and/or shall make a cash contribution to the City's Park and Multi -Purpose Trail Funds roughly related to the anticipated effect of the plat on the park and trail system. The amounts listed in this section are the City's best estimate of the dedication or cash contribution needed to offset the effect on those systems. The requirement may also be met with a combination of land and cash if approved by the City Council. Section 3. Section 71-7-18.1-1 of the Otsego Subdivision Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: H. Land dedication. In all new residential subdivisions where land dedication is to be required, ten (10) percent of the !mssbuildable area subdivided, plus an additional percentage of the buildable area subdivided for each three dwelling units per acre of density or portion thereof equal to or greater than three (3) dwelling units per acre shall be dedicated for public parks, trails, or open space consistent with the following table Density: Units Per Buildable Acre Land Dedication Percentage 0.00>3=002M du/ac. 10% 0402 4Q.>&884� 2 du/ac. 13% 0:Q04_$Q>' 9M 7 du/ac. 17% 48-80U du/ac. and over 20% 2. In all commercial or industrial subdivisions where land dedication is required, ten (10) percent of the mss builda le area of the land being subdivided shall be dedicated for public parks, trails, or open space. Section 4. Section 21-7-18.1.1 of the Otsego Subdivision Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. Residential Development: $ 23, 30.00 per dwelling unit. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective 1 January 2007 upon its passage and publication according to law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: 2006. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of December, 2 CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk