ITEM 4.1 Geotechnical testing 85th StreetOtCI�ezoF MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner August 5, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 4.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposals and awarding the contract to Northern Technologies Inc. in the amount of $4,240.00 for the preliminary geotechnical exploration testing along the 851h Street NE Improvement project. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Two alternate routes are being considered for the construction of 851h Street from Nashua Avenue to Mason Avenue. Route "A" involves making the connection to Nashua Avenue at the existing location of 85th Street. This route would cut across and skirt the edge of the large wetland near this location. This route would be the most direct route but may impact the existing homes on the west side of Nashua Avenue at this location the greatest and have the greatest potential for extensive soils correction. Route "B" involves shifting the entire 85th Street intersection north, including approximately 1,000 ft of existing 85th Street to avoid the wetland crossing and impact to the homes on the west side of Nashua Ave. This route would be longer, require realigning a portion of 85th Street, and impact additional homes on the east side of Nashua Avenue but the potential for large soils corrections would be minimized as would be the extent of the impact to the existing home. Request for Proposals were sent to 3 testing firms and 2 proposals were received for the preliminary geotechnical exploration testing for the 85th Street NE Improvement Project on April 13th. The proposals received are as follows: Northern Technologies Inc $4,240.00 Braun Intertec $5,900.00 The testing firms who were sent request for proposals were chosen by staff for work they have previously completed in a timely and complete manner and with minimal changes to the cost. Though either of these firms can complete the project, we recommend awarding the contract to Northern Technologies Inc. Northern Technologies, Inc has provided services on a number of private development projects in the as well as a number for the City of Otsego. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED ❑ NONE List: NTI and Braun Intertec Testing Proposals (2) Soil Boring Exhibits POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to accept proposals and award a contract the preliminary geotechnical exploration testing along the 85th Street NE Improvement project to Northern Technologies Inc. in the amount of $4,240.00. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: x YES MSAS Funds ❑ NO ACTION TAKEN D APPROVED AS REQUESTED D DENIED D TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: 1 Phone: 952.995.2000 Fax: 952.995.2020 Web: braunintertec.com I The Science You Build On. August 5, 2015 Mr. Brent Larson Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Re: Proposal for a Geotechnical Evaluation 85th Street Construction Project Otsego, Minnesota Dear Mr. Larson: Braun Intertec Corporation 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55438 Proposal QTB024932 Braun Intertec Corporation respectfully submits this proposal to complete a geotechnical evaluation for the proposed 85th Street Construction in Otsego, Minnesota. Our Understanding of Project Per the RFP, the project will include geotechnical explorations for the proposed construction of 85th Street west of Nashua Avenue in Otsego, Minnesota. The City has selected two route options for the construction of 85th Street, and has requested soil borings be performed around the existing wetlands near Nashua Avenue, to determine the extent of necessary soil corrections for each route option. The entire project consists of constructing one mile of new roadway, with a 9-ton capacity, from Nashua Avenue to Mason Avenue. The area consists mainly of farm fields with wetlands near Nashua Avenue. The street will be an urban design with center median, concrete sidewalk, and bituminous multi -use path. Purpose The purpose of our geotechnical evaluation will be to characterize subsurface geologic conditions at selected exploration locations and evaluate their impact on the design and construction of the proposed 85th Street. Scope of Services The following tasks are proposed to help achieve the stated purpose. If unfavorable or unforeseen conditions are encountered at any point during the completion of the tasks that lead us to recommend an expanded scope of services, we will contact you to discuss the conditions before resuming work. AA/EOE Hakanson Anderson Proposal QTB024932 August 5, 2015 Page 2 Site Access, Staking and Utility Clearance Based on the provided boring location sketch, it appears that the site will require a track -mounted drill rig. It is our understanding that Hakanson Anderson will be staking the boring locations and determining surface elevations. Depending on access requirements, ground conditions or potential utility conflicts, our field crew may alter the exploration locations from those proposed to facilitate accessibility. Prior to drilling, we will contact Gopher State One Call and arrange for notification to the appropriate utility vendors to mark and clear the exploration locations of public underground utilities. You or your authorized representative are responsible to notify us before we begin our work of the presence and location of any underground objects or private utilities that are not the responsibility of public agencies. Penetration Test Borings As requested, we will drill five (5) standard penetration test boring, extending them each to 25 feet. Standard penetration tests will be performed at 2 1/2-foot vertical intervals to a depth of about 15 feet, and at 5-foot intervals at greater depths. If groundwater is encountered in the boreholes, the depth where it is observed will be recorded on the boring logs. If existing fill, organic materials or other structurally unfavorable soils are not penetrated above the intended boring termination depths, we will extend the borings to obtain at least five feet of penetration into more competent materials at greater depths. The additional information will help evaluate such issues as excavation depth, among others. If deeper borings (or additional borings) are needed, we will contact you prior to increasing our total estimated drilled footage and submit a Change Order summarizing the anticipated additional effort and the associated cost, for your review and authorization. Borehole Abandonment Minnesota Well Code requires sealing of any boring or core that encounters groundwater and is either greater than 25 feet deep or penetrates a confining layer. Based on the intended exploration depths, we will seal 125 linear feet of standard penetration borings with grout and prepare associated sealing records. Sample Review and Laboratory Testing Soil samples will be returned to our laboratory, where they will be visually classified and logged by a geotechnical engineer. Reporting Data obtained from the borings and optional laboratory tests will be used to evaluate the subsurface profile and groundwater conditions, perform engineering analyses related to pavement design and performance and prepare a report, including: r Hakanson Anderson Proposal QTB024932 August 5, 2015 Page 3 ■ A sketch showing project components, limits, and exploration locations. ■ Logs of the standard penetration borings describing the materials encountered and presenting the results of our groundwater measurements. ■ A summary of the subsurface profile and groundwater conditions. ■ Discussion identifying the site conditions that will impact pavement design and performance, qualifying the nature of their impact, and outlining alternatives for mitigating their impact. ■ Discussion regarding the reuse of on -site materials during construction and the impact of groundwater on construction. ■ Recommendations for preparing pavement subgrades, including excavation support, if applicable, and the selection, placement and compaction of excavation backfill and other fill. ■ Recommendations for the pavement design of 85th Street. Only an electronic copy of our report will be submitted to you unless you request otherwise. At your request, the report can also be sent to additional project team members. Additional Services If borings must be extended beyond their intended termination depths, we will charge an additional $35 per lineal foot beyond the originally intended termination depth. Additional site mobilizations will be charged at $415 per day. Cost We will furnish the services described in this proposal for a lump sum fee of $5,000. To help classify the materials encountered and estimate their engineering properties, we have budgeted optional testing including eight (8) moisture content tests, two (2) mechanical analyses (through a #200 sieve only), two (2) organic content tests, and one (1) Atterberg limits test. Optional geotechnical soils testing can be included for an extra $500. Our work may extend over several invoicing periods. As such, for work that is performed during the course of each invoicing period, we will submit partial progress invoices. Schedule We anticipate the field exploration can begin within approximately three weeks of written authorization; the field exploration will take one full day to complete. Sample classification, optional laboratory testing, engineering analyses and report preparation will likely take an additional two to three weeks. We will BRAUN INTERTEC Hakanson Anderson ProposalQTB024932 August 5, 2015 Page 4 pass along results, however, as they are obtained and reviewed. We anticipate we can submit our report before the due date of November 1, 2015. If our proposed scope of services cannot be completed according to this schedule due to circumstances beyond our control, we may need to revise this proposal prior to completing the remaining tasks. General Remarks We will be happy to meet with you to discuss our proposed scope of services further and clarify the various scope components. We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal to you. Please sign and return a copy in its entirety. The proposed fee is based on the scope of services described and the assumptions that our services will be authorized within 30 days and that others will not delay us beyond our proposed schedule. BRAUN INTERTEC Hakanson Anderson Proposal QTB024932 August 5, 2015 Page 5 We include the Braun Intertec General Conditions, which provide additional terms and are a part of our agreement. To have questions answered or schedule a time to meet and discuss our approach to this project further, please call Heidi Olson at 952,995.2231 or Chris Kehl at 952,995.2386, Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION ti Heidi C. Olson, EIT Enginneer-In-Training ir` f j Christopher R. Kehl, PE Principal — Senior Engineer Attachments: General Conditions (9/1/13) Geotechnical Exploration Proposal Form The proposal is accepted, and you are authorized to proceed. Authorizer's Firm Authorizer's Signature Authorizer's Name (please print or type) Authorizer's Title Date BRAUN INTERTEC General Conditions Section 1: Our Agreement 1.1 Our agreement ("Agreement") with you consists of these General Conditions and the accompanying written proposal or authorization. This Agreement is our entire agreement. It supersedes prior agreements. It may be modified only in a writing signed by us, making specific reference to the provision modified. 1.2 The words "you," "we," "us," and "our" include officers, employees, and subcontractors. 1.3 In the event you use a purchase order or other form to authorize our services, any conflicting or additional terms are not part of our Agreement. Directing us to start work prior to execution of this Agreement constitutes your acceptance. If, however, mutually acceptable terms cannot be established, we have the right to withdraw our proposal without liability to you or others, and you will compensate us for services already rendered. Section 2: Our Responsibilities 2.1 We will provide the services specifically described in our Agreement with you. You agree that we are not responsible for services that are not fairly included in our specific undertaking. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, our findings, opinions, and recommendations will be provided to you in writing. You agree not to rely on oral findings, opinions, or recommendations without our written approval. 2.2 In performing our professional services, we will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of our profession practicing in the same locality. If you direct us to deviate from our recommended procedures, you agree to hold us harmless from claims, damages, and expenses arising out of your direction. 2.3 We will reference our field observations and sampling to available reference points, but we will not survey, set, or check the accuracy of those points unless we accept that duty in writing. Locations of field observations or sampling described in our report or shown on our sketches are based on information provided by others or estimates made by our personnel. You agree that such dimensions, depths, or elevations are approximations unless specifically stated otherwise in the report. You accept the inherent risk that samples or observations may not be representative of things not sampled or seen and, further, that site conditions may change over time. 2.4 Our duties do not include supervising your contractors or commenting on, overseeing, or providing the means and methods of their work, unless we accept such duties in writing. We will not be responsible for the failure of your contractors to perform in accordance with their undertakings, and the providing of our services will not relieve others of their responsibilities to you or to others. 2.5 We will provide a health and safety program for our employees, but we will not be responsible for contractor, job, or site health or safety unless we accept that duty in writing. 2.6 You will provide, at no cost to us, appropriate site safety measures as to work areas to be observed or inspected by us. Our employees are authorized by you to refuse to work under conditions that may be unsafe. 2.7 Estimates of our fees or other project costs will be based on information available to us and on our experience and knowledge. Such estimates are an exercise of our professional judgment and are not guaranteed or warranted. Actual costs may vary. You should allow a contingency in addition to estimated costs. Section 3: Your Responsibilities 3.1 You will provide us with prior geotechnical and other reports, specifications, plans, and information to which you have access about the site. You agree to provide us with all plans, changes in plans, and new information as to site conditions until we have completed our work. 3.2 You will provide access to the site. In the course of our work some site damage is normal even when due care is exercised. We will use reasonable care to minimize damage to the site. We have not included the cost of restoration of normal damage in the estimated charges. 3.3 You agree to provide us, in a timely manner, with information that you have regarding buried objects at the site. We will not be responsible for locating buried objects at the site unless we accept that duty in writing. You agree to hold us harmless from claims, damages, losses, and related expenses involving buried objects that were not properly marked or identified or of which you had knowledge but did not timely call to our attention or correctly show on the plans you or others on your behalf furnished to us. 3.4 You will notify us of any knowledge or suspicion of the presence of hazardous or dangerous materials in a sample provided to us You agree to provide us with information in your possession or control relating to contamination at the work site. If we observe or suspect the presence of contaminants not anticipated in our Agreement, we may terminate our work without liability to you or to others, and we will be paid for the services we have provided. 3.5 Neither this Agreement nor the providing of services will operate to make us an owner, operator, generator, transporter, treater, storer, or a disposal facility within the meaning of the Resource Conservation Recovery Act, as amended, or within the meaning of any other law governing the handling, treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous materials. You agree to hold us harmless and indemnify us from any such claim or loss. 3.6 Monitoring wells are your property, and you are responsible for their permitting, maintenance, and abandonment unless we accept that duty in writing. 3.7 You agree to make disclosures required by law. In the event you do not own the site, you acknowledge that it is your duty to inform the owner of the discovery or release of contaminants at the site. You agree to hold us harmless and indemnify us from claims related to disclosures made by us that are required by law and from claims related to the informing or failure to inform the site owner of the discovery of contaminants. Section 4: Reports and Records 4.1 Unless you request otherwise, we will provide our report in an electronic format. 4.2 Our reports, notes, calculations, and other documents and our computer software and data are instruments of our service to you, and they remain our property but are subject to a license to you for your use in the related project for the purposes disclosed to us. You may not transfer our reports to others or use them for a purpose for which they were not prepared without our written approval. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of such a transfer or use. At your request, we will provide endorsements of our reports or letters of reliance, but only if the recipients agree to be bound by the terms of our agreement with you and only if we are paid the administrative fee stated in our then current Schedule of Charges. 4.3 Because electronic documents may be modified intentionally or inadvertently, you agree that we will not be liable for damages resulting from change in an electronic document occurring after we transmit it to you. 4.4 if you do not pay for our services in full as agreed, we may retain work not yet delivered to you and you agree to return to us all of our work that is in your possession or under your control. 4.5 Samples and field data remaining after tests are conducted and field and laboratory equipment that cannot be adequately cleansed of contaminants are and continue to be your property. They may be discarded or returned to GC Page 1 of 2 you, at our discretion, unless within 15 days of the report date you give us written direction to store or transfer the materials at your expense. 4.6 Electronic data, reports, photographs, samples and other materials provided by you or others may be discarded or returned to you, at our discretion, unless within 15 days of the report date you give us written direction to store or transfer the materials at your expense. Section 5: Compensation 5.1 You will pay for services as agreed upon or according to our then current Schedule of Charges if there is no other written agreement as to price. An estimated cost is not a firm figure. You agree to pay all sales taxes and other taxes based on your payment of our compensation. Our performance is subject to credit approval and payment of any specified retainer. 5.2 You will notify us of billing disputes within 15 days. You will pay undisputed portions of invoices on receipt. You agree to pay interest on unpaid balances beginning 30 days after invoice dates at the rate of 1,5% per month, or at the maximum rate allowed by law. 5.3 If you direct us to invoice another, we will do so, but you agree to be responsible for our compensation unless you provide us with that person's written acceptance of all terms of our Agreement and we agree to extend credit to that person and to release you. 5.4 Your obligation to pay for our services under this Agreement is not contingent on your ability to obtain financing, governmental or regulatory agency approval, permits, final adjudication of lawsuit in which we are not involved, your successful completion of a project, receipt of payment from another, or any other event. No retainage will be withheld. 5.5 If you do not pay us within 60 days of invoice date, you agree to reimburse our expenses, including but not limited to attorney fees, staff time, and other costs of collection. 5.6 You agree to compensate us in accordance with our fee schedule if we are asked or required to respond to legal process arising out of a proceeding related to the project and as to which we are not a party. 5.7 If we are delayed by factors beyond our control, or if project conditions or the scope or amount of work change, or if changed labor union conditions result in increased costs, decreased efficiency, or delays, or if the standards or methods change, we will give you timely notice and we will receive an equitable adjustment of our compensation. If you and we do not reach agreement on such compensation within 30 days of our written application, we may terminate without liability to you or others. 5.8 If you fail to pay us within 60 days following invoice date, we may consider the default a total breach of our Agreement and, at our option, terminate our duties without liability to you or to others. 5.9 In consideration of our providing insurance to cover claims made by you, you hereby waive any right of offset as to fees otherwise due us. Section 6: Disputes, Damage, and Risk Allocation 6.1 Each of us will exercise good faith efforts to resolve disputes without litigation. Such efforts will include, but not be limited to, a meeting(s) attended by each party's representative(s) empowered to resolve the dispute. Before either of us commences an action against the other, disputes (except collections) will be submitted to mediation. 6.2 Neither of us will be liable for special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, including but not limited to those arising from delay, loss of use, loss of profits or revenue, loss of financing commitments or fees, or the cost of capital. 6.3 We will not be liable for damages unless suit is commenced within two years of the date of injury or loss or within two years of the date of substantial completion of our services, whichever is earlier. We will not be liable unless you have notified us of the discovery of the claimed breach of contract, negligent act, or omission within 30 days of the date of discovery and unless you have given us an opportunity to investigate and to recommend ways of mitigating damages. You agree not to make a claim against us unless you have provided us at least 30 days prior to the institution of any legal proceeding against us with a written certificate executed by an appropriately licensed professional specifying and certifying each and every act or omission that you contend constitutes a violation of the standard of care governing our professional services. 6.4 For you to obtain the benefit of a fee which includes a reasonable allowance for risks, you agree that our aggregate liability for all claims will not exceed the fee paid for our services or $50,000, whichever is greater. If you are unwilling to accept this allocation of risk, we will increase our aggregate liability to $100,000 provided that, within 10 days of the date of our Agreement, you provide payment in an amount that will increase our fees by 10%, but not less than $500, to compensate us for the greater risk undertaken. This increased fee is not the purchase of insurance. 6.5 You agree to indemnify us from all liability to others in excess of the risk allocation stated above and to insure this obligation. 6.6 The prevailing party in any action relating to this Agreement shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, staff time, and expert witness fees. 6.7 The law of the state in which our servicing office is located will govern all disputes. Each of us waives trial by jury. No officer or employee acting within the scope of employment shall have individual liability for his or her acts or omissions, and you agree not to make a claim against individual employees. Section 7: General Indemnification 7.1 We will indemnify and hold you harmless from and against demands, damages, and expenses of others to the comparative extent they are caused by our negligent acts or omissions or those negligent acts or omissions of persons for whom we are legally responsible. You will indemnify and hold us harmless from and against demands, damages, and expenses of others to the comparative extent they are caused by your negligent acts or omissions or those negligent acts or omissions of persons for whom you are legally responsible. 7.2 To the extent it maybe necessary to indemnify either of us under Section 7.1, you and we expressly waive, in favor of the other only, any immunity or exemption from liability that exists under any worker compensation law. 7.3 You agree to indemnify us against losses and costs arising out of claims of patent or copyright infringement as to any process or system that is specified or selected by you or by others on your behalf. Section 8: Miscellaneous Provisions 8.1 We will provide a certificate of insurance to you upon request. Any claim as an Additional Insured shall be limited to losses caused by our sole negligence. 8.2 You and we, for ourselves and our insurers, waive all claims and rights of subrogation for losses arising out of causes of loss covered by our respective insurance policies. 8.3 Neither of us will assign nor transfer any interest, any claim, any cause of action, or any right against the other. Neither of us will assign or otherwise transfer or encumber any proceeds or expected proceeds or compensation from the project or project claims to any third person, whether directly or as collateral or otherwise. 8.4 Our Agreement maybe terminated early only in writing. We will receive an equitable adjustment of our compensation in the event of early termination. 8.5 If a provision of this Agreement is invalid or illegal, all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. GC Revised 9/1/2013 Page 2 of 2 7/30/2015 Page 3 85' STREET NE CITY OF OTSEGO, MN GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROPOSAL FORM Schedule "A" —Proposal Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extension 1 25 Foot Boring 5 EA $710 EA $3,550 2 Additional Depth 30 VF $30 VF 3 Report Preparation 1 LS $1,450 LS $1,450 Total Proposal $5,000 Project Schedule: The soil borings and report shall be completed by November 1", 2015, It is anticipated that the work will be awarded at the August 10, 2015 City Council Meeting. By:` (IWJJ ApA& Title Pl Signed; /` T_ Dater I Company;tG�UY1_�«�Y1�--rrc.ie>v Hal(anson Anderson NT!" NORTHERN TECHNOLOGIES, INC. August 3, 2015 Hakanson Anderson Attention: Brent Larson, P.E. 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 1408 Northland Drive, Suite 107 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 P:763A33.9175 F:651.389.4190 www.NTIgeo.com RE: Proposal for Geotechnical Services 85th Street Northeast Construction Project Otsego, Minnesota NTI Proposal P5443 We are pleased to submit our proposal to perform Geotechnical Services for the above referenced project. The purpose of this study is to collect representative soil samples, analyze the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions and to furnish a detailed geotechnical engineering report with appropriate design and construction recommendations. The proposed project consists of the construction of an extension to 85th Street Northeast from Nashua Avenue to Mason Avenue in Otsego, Minnesota. The extension is to be approximately one mile long and is to be a 9-ton roadway. SCOPE OF WORK The following is our proposed work scope based on the request for proposal provided by Hakanson Anderson. NTI understands that a representative of Hakanson Anderson will mark the proposed boring locations and provide the surface elevation to NTI. NTI will contact the Minnesota "One -Call' system for clearance of public utilities within the area of the soil borings. NTI assumes that a representative of the owner will locate any existing private utilities that may be onsite. If the owner is unwilling or unable to locate the private utilities, NTI can provide a private locator. The cost of the locator would be a reimbursable expense and is not included within the fee indicated below. The total fee associated with the private locate services is based upon an hourly unit rate but typically ranges from $250 to $350 for a project of this scale. Pracision - Expertise GeotechIli caI - MOteliais FARGO BISMARCK - GRAND FORKS - MINJOT - MEh1OOTA HEIGHTS RAiMSEY � ST.OL0U0 Proposal for Geotechnical Services 85th Street Northeast Construction Project Otsego, Minnesota NTI will then mobilize a truck or ATV mounted drill to the site to drill five borings to a depth of approximately 25 feet below existing grade. The total lineal feet of drilling proposed at this time is 125 feet. Borings may be terminated early if soil/bedrock conditions resulting in practical auger refusal are encountered prior to the proposed termination depths. If soft soils, fill or organic soils are encountered near termination we will continue drilling a reasonable depth until a minimum of five (5) feet of suitable foundation soils are observed. This drilling program will take approximately 1 day to complete. NTI has assumed that there is reasonable access to the proposed borehole locations. This would include slopes suitable for traversing with a geotechnical drill rig, safe working distances from utilities, removal of site obstructions that prohibit access to the proposed borehole locations, etc. Based upon publically available satellite imagery the area near boring SB-5 appears to be heavily wooded and may not be accessible without tree clearing. NTI's proposal does not include tree clearing if necessary. If NTI were to mobilize to the site and find the site inaccessible due to site obstructions (trees) a remobilization fee of $300 would be assessed, which is not included in the lump sum outlined below. NTI would remobilize to the site once we have been given notification that suitable conditions exist to allow for drill rig access to the proposed boring locations. This would include 30 feet of overhead clearance at the proposed boring locations and a path which is roughly 10 feet wide to access the boring locations. Small underbrush, saplings and native grasses do not need to be removed but mature trees blocking access must be removed. In addition, drill rig access to the proposed boring locations may result in cracking of onsite pavements or sidewalks and rutting of site soils. NTI will take reasonable precautions to prevent such damage but repair and final restoration shall be performed by others at no charge to NTI. Soil sampling in the borings will be performed at 2-1/2 foot intervals to a depth of 15 feet with additional samples obtained at 5-foot intervals thereafter if necessary. Soil sampling will be performed in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. A geotechnical engineer will visually classify field -collected samples in general accordance with ASTM D 2488. Each soil sample's color, relative moisture, SPT N-value, relative density, consistency and estimated compressive strength will be documented on soil boring logs. We will measure for the presence of groundwater or lack thereof when we complete each soil boring. We will backfill the soil borings with soil cuttings or high solids bentonite grout to comply with current Minnesota Department of Health Regulations. We will perform laboratory tests on selected soil samples, this may include: 1. Plastic/liquid limit tests on cohesive soils. 2. Moisture tests. 3. Gradations. Proposal for Geotechnical Services 85th Street Northeast Construction Project Otsego, Minnesota Upon completion of the field and laboratory work, a factual geotechnical engineering report will be prepared. The report will include the logs of the borings, location drawing and the results of the field and laboratory tests. In addition, the report will include our engineering opinions and recommendations regarding: 1. Estimated R-Value for use in bituminous pavement design. 2. Estimated historic groundwater elevation based upon observed groundwater conditions and soil mottling. NTI's engineers are also available to provide geotechnical guidance to the design team, evaluate value engineered alternatives, review earthwork, groundwater control, and other civil plans and specifications as an additional service. NTI's engineers, special inspectors and technicians are available to provide construction and materials testing services once the project construction begins. This provides professional continuity of services throughout the design and construction of the project. DELIVERABLES NTI will provide two (2) paper copies and a PDF of the final report to the client. COST We will perform the base geotechnical exploration and report described above based upon the unit rates outlined in the attached Schedule A proposal form. SCHEDULE Upon receiving authorization to proceed, the field work will typically begin in approximately 5 to 7 business days and will take approximately 1 day to complete. The report will be issued to you within 5 to 10 business days of completion of the field work. Boring logs and verbal information regarding our findings can be provided within 1 to 2 days after the field work has been completed. Proposal for Geotechnical Services 85th Street Northeast Construction Project Otsego, Minnesota ACCEPTANCE Please indicate your acceptance of this proposal by signing on the signature block below, and returning a copy to us. The attached General Conditions are an integral part of this proposal. This proposal is effective until October 30, 2015. We thank you for the opportunity of submitting this proposal and look forward to working with you through both the design and construction phase of this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal please contact the undersigned at 763-433-9175. NORTHERN TECHNOLOGIES, INC. HAKANSON ANDERSON Steven D. Gerber, P.E. Senior Engineer By. Printed Name: Ryan M. Benson, P.E. Regional Manager/Principal Engineer Attachments: General Conditions Title: Date: 7/3 0/2015 Page 3 85"' STREET NE CITY OF OTSEGO, MN GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROPOSAL FORM QA,nA,A- "A" — PrnnnQa] -- - -- Item - - - - Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Extension 1 25 Foot Boring 5 EA $ 4 5 0 EA $ 2, 2 5 0 2 Additional Depth 30 VF $18 VF $ 5 4 0 3 Report Preparation 1 LS $1 , 4 5 0 LS $1, 4 5 0 Total Proposal $ 4 , 240 Project Schedule: The soil borings and report shall be completed by November 1", 2015. It is anticipated that the work will be awarded at the August 10, 2015 City Council Meeting. By: Ryan M. Benson Title: Regional Manager 5�1 Signed: _ " Date: August 3, 2015 Company: Northern Technologies Inc. Hakanson Anderson Ell GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 1.0 CONTRACT a. The foregoing Proposal and these General Terms and Conditions constitute the contract (hereinafter, "Contract") between Northern Technologies, Inc., (hereinafter, "NTI") and the party signing the Client Authorization (hereinafter, "Client") b. If Client directs NTI to proceed with Services (as defined below) prior to execution of this Contract, or if Client allows NTI to continue with Services after having received this Contract, it is understood that each party is bound by the terms and conditions of this Contract whether or not Client has signed this Contract. 2.0 SERVICES a. NTI will provide Client with the services specified in the Proposal (hereinafter, "Services" or "Scope of Services") in accordance with the Contract's terms. Services enumerated in writing in the Contract are considered Basic Services. Services not specifically enumerated in writing in the Contract are not included in the scope of NTI's Services and are not NTI's responsibility. b. Should the need arise for NTI to expand our services in response to conditions or events outside our control, NTI would, under Client's direction, submit a separate proposal providing such Additional Services. Additional Services are not included under Basic Services nor are theycovered bythe compensation for Basic Services. C. NTI will provide Services to Client as an independent contractor and not as the Client's employee, agent, partner, or joint venturer. d. NTI shall have no responsibility for the discovery, presence, handling, removal or disposal of, or exposure of persons to, hazardous materials or toxic substances in any form at the project site. If, while performing the Services any hazardous substances or conditions are discovered or encountered that pose unanticipated risks or costs, it is agreed that the scope of Services, time schedule and the estimated Contract costs shall be reconsidered and that this Contract may, at NTI's option, be re -negotiated or terminated. If the Contract is so terminated, Client shall pay NTI for the Services performed up to the date of termination plus NTI's reasonable termination and demobilization costs and expenses. e. If NTI's performance of the Services is delayed by Client or by any other circumstance beyond NTI's direct and reasonable control, then the time for NTI's completion of the Services shall be automatically extended based upon the duration and impact of each such delay and NTI shall be entitled to additional compensation from Client 3.0 GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES a. NTI shall not be responsible for the performance of any activity or obligation other than the Services specified in the Contract, and NTI's performance shall not be construed as relieving Client or any third party of their responsibilities. NTI shall have no responsibility for, or any liability pertaining to: (1) the superintending, supervising, or directing of the work of any independent contractor, agent or employee of Client or any third party; or (2) the results or consequences of work performed by any such independent contractor, agent or employee of Client or any third party; or (3) any claims or allegations of rights by any person or party other than Client relating to NTI's Services; or (4) for job site safety at the location which is the subject of this Contract (hereinafter, "Site"). b. NTI will be responsible for obtaining only those government permits, approvals and authorizations that are specified in the Scope of Services of the Contract. NTI is not responsible for project delays, damages or impacts due to the government's failure to issue said permits in a timely fashion. C. Unless otherwise expressly agreed by NTI and Client in writing NTI's performance of its Services is solely and exclusively for the benefit of the Client and no party other than Client shall be entitled to rely upon any documentation, representation, report, statement or service made or performed by NTI. 4.0 CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES a. Client will make available to NTI all known information regarding existing and proposed requirements which affects the work, including but not limited to specifications, contracts, recommendations, plans and change orders. b. Client will immediately transmit to NTI any new information that becomes available to Client or Client's contractors or subcontractors, so that recommended actions can be reviewed. C. Client will provide a representative to answer questions about the project when required by NTI upon 24-hour notice. d. Client will not hold NTI liable for any incorrect advice, judgment, or decision based on any inaccurate information furnished by or on behalf of Client, and Client will indemnify NTI against liability arising out of or contributed to by such information. e. NTI shall be entitled to additional compensation for all extra work caused by or resulting from the failure of the information provided to accurately describe the Site conditions. f. With the exception of those specified as NTI's responsibility in the Scope of Services, Client shall timely obtain all necessary permits, governmental approvals and access agreements to allow NTI and its agents access to the Site and any buildings thereon. g. Client is responsible for notifying property owner(s) of the nature, scope and timing of NTI's work, along with any potential damage that may occur during the execution of said work. h. Client shall provide reasonable safe access to the proposed location of work including but not limited to slopes, distance from unities, removal of site obstructions, etc. 5.0 NTI RESPONSIBILITIES a. NTI will perform its Services consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the geotechnical and materials testing profession currently practicing under similar conditions (the "Standard of Care"). No warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made by NTI. b. NTI will be responsible for its data, interpretation and recommendations, but will not be responsible for interpretation by others. C. NTI will take reasonable precautions to prevent damage to property. However unless specifically included in the Scope of Services NTI will not be responsible for the repair or cost of repairs of property including but not limited to pavements, turf, walks, vegetation, utilities, irrigation, buildings or any other site improvements. 6.0 INSURANCE a. NTI will carry worker's compensation insurance and public liability, property damage, and errors and omissions insurance policies, which NTI considers adequate. In addition to any other limitations set forth in this Contract, it is agreed that in no event will NTI be responsible for loss, damage or liability beyond the limits and conditions of NTI's available insurance. NTI will not be responsible for any loss or liability arising from the negligence of Client or by other persons or entities employed by Client. 7.0 COMPENSATION a. NTI's Proposal specifies if the fee is a fixed fee or an estimate based on set rates. Unless specifically stated in the Proposal Client acknowledges that the fee estimate will not be construed to be a maximum or not to exceed amount. b. NTI will submit invoices to client monthly, and a final invoice upon completion of Services. Invoices will show charges based on current NTI Fee Schedule or other basis agreed upon in writing. A detailed separation of charges and backup data will be provided at Client's request. c. Client shall notify NTI immediately if there are any issues relating to the invoice format, amounts, name of responsible party or any other factors preventing payment of the invoice as submitted. d. Unless specifically stated in the Proposal, NTI's fees will not be subject to retainage. e. Unless specifically stated in the Proposal, payment of invoices for NTI Services shall not be contingent upon project financing or payments received by the Client from other parties. f. The Client will pay the balance stated on the invoices unless Client notifies NTI in writing of the particular item that is alleged to be incorrect within fifteen (15) days from the invoice date. NTI will strive to resolve Client's concerns in a timely manner as long as the balance of the invoice is paid within the terms of this Contract. In GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS the event Client fails to bring a billing dispute to NTI's attention within the 15-day period, Client waives the right to later dispute the invoice. g. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice and is considered past due thirty (30) days from invoice date. On past due accounts, Client will pay a late charge of 1.5(%) per month, or the maximum allowed by law. h. In the event Client fails to pay NTI within sixty (60) days following invoice date, NTI may consider the default a total breach of this Contract and all duties of NTI under this Contract will be terminated. I. Partial payments received will first be applied to accrued late charges, then expenses and then to the principal balance. j, Client agrees that NTI may increase its billing rates/fees on each anniversary of this Contract. 8.0 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS /SAMPLES a. The Client acknowledges that the reports, data, plans, specifications, representations, correspondence and all other documents prepared by NTI as part of its Services under this Contract (collectively referred to as "Documentation") are instruments of NTI's service to Client. Client agrees to save, defend, indemnify and hold NTI and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees and agents harmless from and against all claims, damages, losses and related expenses (including, without limitation, all reasonable attorney fees, disbursements, expert witness fees and all costs of court and litigation) in any manner arising from or pertaining to: (a) any re -use of the Documentation without the prior written authorizationof NTI or, (b) claim(s) by any third party ( other than Client) to whom Client distributed or provided any of the Documentation, either directly, through an agent, or by requesting that NTI provide it to the third party, without the prior written authorizationof NTI. b. Client agrees that all reports and other work furnished to the Client or his agents, which are not paid for, will be returned upon demand and will not be used by the Client for any purpose. C. NTI will retain all pertinent records concerning Services performed for a period of two (2) years after the report is sent; during that time the records will be made available to the Client during NTI's normal business hours. d. NTI will retain representative samples for 30 days after submission of NTI report. Upon request by Client, samples can be shipped, charges collect, to destination selected by Client; or NTI can store them for an agreed upon storage charge. 9.0 DISPUTES a. All claims, disputes, and controversies arising out of or in relation to the performance, interpretation, application, or enforcement of this Contract, including, but not limited to, breach thereof, shall be referred for mediation under the then current Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association prior to any recourse to litigation. b. In the event of any litigation arising out of or relating to this Contract or the Services, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' and experts' fees, court costs and other costs of collection including NTI's labor costs in connection with the prosecution of any collection lawsuit. 10.0 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY a. CLIENT understands that the Services provided by NTI involve the application of scientific and technical skill, judgment and discretion that is not an exact science and that NTI cannot and does not guaranty the results of its Services. Instead, NTI agrees to perform the Services according to the Standard of Care. b. NTI's liability to the Client and all contractors and subcontractors on the project, for damages due to professional negligence, negligence or breach of any other obligation to Client or others, will be limited to an amount not to exceed $20,000 or NTI's fee, whichever is less. C. Client will notify any contractor or subcontractor who performs work in connection with any work done by NTI of the limitations of liability for design defects, errors, omissions, or professional negligence, and to require as a condition precedent to their performing their work, a like indemnity and limitations of liability on their part as against NTI. In the event the Client fails to obtain a like limitation and indemnity, Client agrees to indemnify NTI for any liability to any third party. d. NTI shall have no liability for any failure to perform or delay in performance due to any circumstances beyond its reasonable control. Additionally, in no event shall NTI be liable or responsible to Client or any other person for any consequential, special, incidental, exemplary, or punitive damages, including but not limited to, governmental fines, penalties or liabilities, lost profits or other economic loss (whether arising from negligence, errors, omissions, breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort, strict liability or otherwise), resulting from any claimed defect or deficiency in the Services provided by NTI or any failure by NTI to provide Services. 11.0 TERMINATION a. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven (7) days written notice if there is substantial failure by the other party to perform. Termination will not be effective if substantial failure is remedied before expiration of the seven days. Upon termination other than for NTI's default, NTI will be paid for Services rendered plus reasonable termination expenses. b. If the Contract is terminated prior to completion of all reports contemplated by the agreement, or suspended for more than three (3) months, NTI may complete analysis and records as are necessary to complete its files and may complete a report on the Services performed. Termination or suspension expenses will include direct costs of completing analysis, records and report. 12.0 ASSIGNS a. Neither party may assign duties or interest in the Contract without the written consent of the other party. 13.0 MISCELLANEOUS a. If any provision or provisions of this Contract shall be held to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with the law of any jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. b. This Contract is the entire agreement between NTI and Client and it supersedes all prior written or oral agreements with respect to the subject matter hereof. No amendment or assignment of the Contract shall be effective unless agreed to in a writing signed by authorized representatives of both parties. C. The provisions of this Contract relating to the limitation of liability and damages, warranties, indemnification, use of plans, specifications, reports and all other Documentation provided by NTI and those specifying choice of law, dispute resolution, notice, waiver, and severability shall survive termination of this Contract. d. The terms of this Contract and its enforcement and interpretation shall be governed by the laws of the state where the project is located. If any provision of this Contract is determined to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be severed from the Contract and shall not render this Contract, or any other of its other provisions, unlawful, invalid or unenforceable. 14.0 PRE -LIEN NOTICE a. By signing this Contract Client represents and warrants that it either owns fee title to, or has the legal right to direct NTI to perform Services in connection with, the site of the project and that there is presently nothing to prevent NTI from filing a lien against the site of the project. b. ANY PERSON OR COMPANY SUPPLYING LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT TO YOUR PROPERTY MAY FILE A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY IF THAT PERSON OR COMPANY IS NOT PAID FOR THE CONTRIBUTIONS. C. UNDER MINNESOTA LAW, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PAY PERSONS WHO SUPPLIED LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT DIRECTLY AND DEDUCTTHIS AMOUNT FROM OUR CONTRACT PRICE, OR WITHHOLD THE AMOUNTS DUE THEM FROM US UNTIL 120 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENT UNLESS WE GIVE YOU A LIEN WAIVER SIGNED BY PERSONS WHO SUPPLIED ANY LABOR OR MATERIAL FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND WHO GAVE YOU TIMELY NOTICE. w Ln, m cnO �j M49 -------------