03-19-07 PCLo z 0 a) m cc ti z CD 10) -(a 0 cm 0 E CO Lo CL 01 moo cr (0 E jo to o of 0 0 a ED 0 0 `•4 w-O J= FL < E < cm 0 0Mi a� -70 < 0— OD N Z. LO LO O'D 0 cm CD Do— to - -C co 0 cv- LU - 00 OM C14 m T 2A 0 0 < S 0 alk M —F m W ur 0 ®J —30 (00) 00 a) PAq ';z-l- 0 cu g- 0 aum 78-70 'm Sad' O im N, ss .9 Ma 93 GO w . V22 W om iz 0 0 ® a 0 E i� pWl; 0 E::p 0 < 2 =) 0 m x LL 00 0 �-� "— a_ 0- -0 w < CwHALYSPS ZonMg.. The applicant is requesting the subject site be rezoned from Amt District to UD District to albw fog° the- proposed developrn` am". The PUD District is to allow the carne uses subject to the carne standards as the B-3, General Business District. The applicant his submitted detailed plans for the uses shown on Lots I and 2, with the northern two lots being platted as outiots for future phases. Ali of the uses shown on the site plan are allowed as permitted or conditional uses within the B-3 District. A future proposal to develop the two northerly outlots will he subject to site a,ncd building plan review and application for final platting. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment is to he based upon, but not limited to, the criteria established by Section 20-3-2.1= of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Elam c7escribes the area surrounding the CSAH 39 and C SAH 42 intersection as the City's primary commercial area. The proposed development is consistent wk1h the vision for this area of the City providing olopodunilles to ewfloand retail and service business in Otsego. 2. The proposed use's competibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment. The subject shs a� sur ounc9ed by the #IbIlowing sidsting1planned land uses. DWCo bn Land Use Ran zonha Hap Bxa Ung Use North Commercial PUD Retail stores Bast Commercial B-3 District Bank South Commercial A-1 District Single Family West Commercial A-1 District Single amil The subject sh'9 is the first commercial development at this quadrant of the CSAH 3,'1CSAH 42lwfersection. here may be potential short term compatibility issues with the commercial development and adjaceanl residential ruses that can be ore- set rset toy conr'ornnance watch per0orrroance standards addressing screening, lighting, signage and recommended site plan changes to rreurrove coati parking &,"alls ord close proximity to the eesidenties l uses. Coag terra, the only potential compati #4,, issue relates too the proposed auto repair use (allowed in the B-3 Distrrlci' as e conditional use), which can be addressed by re- quh ng all service to occur ififithirn the building wkh d-33 service bad, dooms closed. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance Mtandards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, n©ise, etc.). Coil innann''. The proposed R QDD, -VSr RRY be t (iu'JBIoIJ L'i / uJ /( l l(�1LlI�G Gy�wU1�Ca &V dJ36 4J - 1J b T j' _ "ad0 2"71 J671 4. The proposed ease's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. C orrnment: The proposed development will increase commercial business op,portunoeie.s e6l-))anding services available within the C#y's primary commaroial area. 5. The proposed ease'se impact upon property values of the area in which it is Comment. Although no study has leen completed, the proposed use is not antioipat'ad to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: Traffic generated by the proposed use will be accommodated by CSAH 42, which is designated as a minor artefaal roadway and has recently been upgraded to a four lane urban section from CSAH 39 to 85fh Street. 7. The proposed use's irnpaor upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City=s service capacity. CCommenrf° The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service Capacity. CIeG cle Acc acs. The subject site has frontage to CSAH 39 and CSAR 42. These roadways are designated by the Transportation Plan as Minor Arterial Roadways. Under Cary and County regula-ions, no direct driveway froom the subject sitq to these roadways is allowed. The applicant is proposing to dedicate right-of-way and construct the north Ball of future 88`" Street west of CSAH 42 for access to the subject site. The intersection of po�" Street with CSAH 42 is limited to right-in/right-out access. D'dension of 0��" Street west and other local commercial streets west of CSAH 42 WW eventually alio//v for connection to the signalized intersection at CSAH 42 and 087`" Street. Construction of these other streets will be development driven and the City has no Vr Mine for their oornnpWdon. The south half of D0f" Strss-� west of CSAH 42 must be obtained urorn the property owner to the south. The City has the option to allow temporary use of the north Pull o"? the rlght-of-wssy as a driveway to the subject site. However, if the applinant is requesting the City to construct, the street and eGtili'ries for the project, we recommend that the south half of the right-of-way be acquired and that the fell stree1: Poe cconstructedl and ass -eased a�gpinst Poenaff.ing lorop:erdas as this fivila. The subject site has hwo driveways onto 88t" StreeiL The easterly driveway is setbeadn, on nl 7 30 d- si frrom -42, (%1 es"L is, G equireid-1. To, svdd cn g in?) orl CC_L-IsAkH 42 or Snrasst, the seas srhdriva-w- iv rnLisi!.° be 'restrido-e-11to rig h" inkig-IN ,ut only. This can ba a000 inplished by a me:: Sian on 88" Street eA ten6nig from C -S -AH 42 ,wean past the driveway or by revising the drhoeeway access to include an trissingle island. The site plani zal�o shotiris, t\,,vo connections aloncg the v, asc lot line to the abutting prop". These driveways would allow for circulation between the subject sites and a future commercial clavdopmorlt of the property to the west. As there is no development elan for the parcel W the was-�, i -Lr is W guaranleer, that t-hescra connections would be utilities. However, an ingress/®press easement should be established over the westerly nor h-soWh drive aisle and these connections- to the abutting prof e", to allow joint access. Pe-dootrraan Acceaso The site plan provides for sidewalks within the subject site for pedestrian circulation. A sox foot side walk should also be added to the site plea within the right -of -wary along�0 ������, CSAH 42 and CSAR 39 to allow pedestrians access to the signal at the CSAR 30 and CSAH 42 intersection. The site plan shoWd also be revised to provide connections from the internal site to the public sidewalk. Lo « rranMdth. The o-3 District requires a minimum lot area of one acre and minimum lot width of 200 `deet. The four lots proposed to be developed have a total area of3.44 acres aid 256.57 feet of frontage to actin Street. No minimum Iot size is required for the individual lots under the PUD District. The area of the subject site is consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance provided that all setbacks are complied with and that there is adequate area on the subject site to provide for required parking and circulation. Setbacks. The table below illustrates the setbacks aappflcaWe to the B-3 District to be required under the proposed PUD District. The proposed PUD Development Stage Plan complies with all required setbacks. As a PUD District, there is no setback required on the interior of the lots between buildings. Building Design: BuoloM9 M&Urr &B& BuMings constructed within the B-3 District are regulated b Section 20 -i7 -4.B.1 of the Zoning ©refinance and are required to use a rninirnurn 75 percent maasonrrIf material. Building plans have been submitted for the 6,000 square (root retail building and auto repair building: rafts R suck Ong. o Building elevaations for the proposed retail building show a rock face blocl',', lase, rock face brief; face with varied gl zed inserls for variation in N,J'arva. J lea buiJcoling is oieniiad eo 1h so4itlu windows al-Aai cli'uJ swcaui "1u- %o the so"Uth hs -1 ' of the asst send wast sieges- of tha building. On the s,_1. t A- svation'. vJ would al-iiijdi`g 61a uatlui C,-nnOpy :lt'c—)O'S th8 d3i;0F 011 and installing faiL93, Avuind-aws fbethm' i ru( thav doors to P1oA!'--ie 6d'1cris ,. 31 Y;01M" CSAR 39 CSAH 42 88 St. West Parkin R -O -W Vilest Required 30ft. 30ft. 30ft. 1 ®ft. 15ft. 5ft. Proposed 92ft. 82fi. 80ft. 59ft. 15ft. 5ft. The proposed PUD Development Stage Plan complies with all required setbacks. As a PUD District, there is no setback required on the interior of the lots between buildings. Building Design: BuoloM9 M&Urr &B& BuMings constructed within the B-3 District are regulated b Section 20 -i7 -4.B.1 of the Zoning ©refinance and are required to use a rninirnurn 75 percent maasonrrIf material. Building plans have been submitted for the 6,000 square (root retail building and auto repair building: rafts R suck Ong. o Building elevaations for the proposed retail building show a rock face blocl',', lase, rock face brief; face with varied gl zed inserls for variation in N,J'arva. J lea buiJcoling is oieniiad eo 1h so4itlu windows al-Aai cli'uJ swcaui "1u- %o the so"Uth hs -1 ' of the asst send wast sieges- of tha building. On the s,_1. t A- svation'. vJ would al-iiijdi`g 61a uatlui C,-nnOpy :lt'c—)O'S th8 d3i;0F 011 and installing faiL93, Avuind-aws fbethm' i ru( thav doors to P1oA!'--ie 6d'1cris ,. 31 Y;01M" appacar l5lce to JAI'M x.22" tvd's -would also reco6-nmen-d-) thacl iths c ar":�P e i' lbs re ca-" to provide some additional detail along the roof line. &'Wr Gam`&Fpslly OD 'Loold3v6go a he proposed auto repair building Voss a rode faced block base and bricl,. veneer for the lower half of the building and EFS material for the sapper half of the building. The main entrance to the building faces CSAH 42 vvpith the service bay doors to the south (facing the 6,000 square foot retail building). The building has small windows for the sales floor area, no ardculation along the facade and a flat roof line. We- recommend that the architectural plans for the a LL o repair Building he revised to incorporate larger storefront windows facing CSAH 42, provide additional detail and variation for the parapet and roof line and more articulation of the building fagede to provide greater Interest in the overall design. The revised architectural plans for the building should minimize the use of EFS material as more of an accent than a primary matoriel. The car wash is attached to the north side of the building as a glass enclosure not integrated with the rest of the building design as required by Section 20-77- 6.C. I 0-7` -6.C.I of the Zoning Ordinance. Given the humidity of the environment within the car wash, these glass ells are often fogged over and serve no purpose. We recommend that the architecture of the car wash be revised to incorporate materials used for the balance of the building to create a more integrated appearance. udu d91Wg MaWM. Buildings in they 6-3 District nary iim, Ned to a height of three stories or 35 feet. The two initial buildings conform to this requirement, The height of the office/bank building and 6,700 square foot retail Building will be evaluated when site and b0ding plans are su bmifted. Uns dac apMg. A landscape plan for the overall site has been submitted. The landscape plan provides for boulevard type plantings along CSAR 39, CSAH 42 and '58t" Street. ,Along the vest line, plantings are provided at the northwest and southwest corner with two trees in between. We recommend planting e low growing hedge row along the west property line between the proposed trees to provide some separation between the sualbject site and existing residential L9se to the west. We recommend that the landscape island north of the auto repair building be planted with evergreen tress rather than deciduous treesAo pro,,Ada year-round green cover. Off-OtrfsQk ft0dngo The table below illustrates the calculation of required padfing stalls for the four buildings shown on the PUD DeQ,ealopment Stage Plan. ou'&m 'R\WG'C] R'acnj�fts sr ' R"QgUIWd aft le Retail Bldg. 5,OOOs'. I s$siII l 200sf. 27 Auto Repair 3,73Osf. 3 $tells -:- I > 1'0008a. 1 Recoil Bldg-. 6,7O0af. `i atall i 20O8f. 13aNV((Of cs 7,2OW. I Samila = '1125Osf. , -1,1:20,73-37. 13 The Zoning CDrdlinancs requires 103 parking stalls to be provided Sand the sitei plat e showe 115 stFaIle, a surplus of 52 stall& VVe recommemd thaa, ou` the proposed parking stalls be removed as shown on E'Xlhibit 8 to reduce the amount of impervious suruace on the subject site and improve circulation. This would include eight stalls at the southeast corner of the parking lot and 21 stalls along the southern portion of the west lot line. Additional review of the parking situation can be evaluated when the site and building plans for the ban,'Voffice building and 6,700 square foot retail building are submitted. %SII of the stalls have been designed to a 9 foot x 18 foot dimension. The site plan alb w��s for a two foot overhang in front of the learning stalls at the site perimeter or abutting sidewalks adjacent to the Building. Even with the overhang, the sidewalks allow four feet of width for pedestrians. All of the drive aisles are 24 feet. Speoi` c to the auto repair use, the stalls are restricted patronie6 nployee parking of licensed vehicles that are operable and legal for use upon public streets. There is to be no overnight parking of vehicles within the parking area Beyond the Fours of business. Czar Ulfa-z� . There is an automated drive through car wash on the north side of the proposed auto repair Building. Approximately seven vehicles waiting for the car wash would stack ulna along the north and west sides of the auto repair Building and 'xit to the east of the Building. Stacking space and circulation for the car was is adequate. In order to minimize noise impacts from the car wash, the overhead doors to the bay must be closed when the wash is in operation. We further recommend that the hours of operation for the car wash be limited to the business hours of the auto repair use or 7:00 All to 10:00 PM whichever is more restrictive. There are no vacuum or other accessory uses related to the car wash shown on the site plan. DrIve Through Lansa. The bank/office building and the 6,700 square foot retail building include drive through service lanes. The bank drive through has gree service- lanes ervicelees with stacking distance for approximately three ours in each lane. When the site and building plans for the Bann building are submitted, the location of the drive through islands must maximize the stacking distance. The drive through lanes for the 6,700 square foot building are located an the north and south sides of the building. Both of the drive through lanes on 6,700 square foot building have good visibility for entry/wa"K. The drive through lame on north side of the building shares an e,, it with the bank service lanes. Stacking space for hese drive lanes will be reviewed with the site and building plans for they 6,700 square foot building, ftna2UQo The submitted site plan illustrataa one 'u�reestanding sign on each lot and one area identification sign at the corner of CSAH 39 and CSAH 42. Only the area identification sign meets the 10 fo,ot setback required By Section 20-37-3.6 of tine Zoning Ordinance. Ho details have been provided for the proposed freestanding signs. India i 9ual `uri�estaG� in signs ars firer edi sign `9i`rlh a area ou; 100 square feet leer side not to ed; 'nIcl a hei"gh'; of `20 flue`s'. Th= area id envifi a.tion siiggun IuiiJ�z� �,1 Guo����i��u�iiuu _a6.y�l �y •�� �,�j�i9a� 6��! e16� , l� L,�� �.,U,.�:..�d �> � ,r� u�i;��ut, WaH signs within the PUD, DiJ rict veill be subioct 00" the sarrue app ied to the B-3 District. Wall signs are allowed on one side of the building fronting a public street (two sides for the 6,000 square foot retail building and office/hanl� building which farce tWo) streetG). The perspective of the 6,000 square foot retail building shows signs on the south and east side of the building as allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. The auto repair building elevations show signs on the vest, north and east elevations, but only the sign on the east elevation is allowed. Signs up to 100 square feet in sire& may be installed up to 15 percent of the area of the building facade fronting the public street (which must also include the area of the freestanding sign). Compliance. with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and issuance of a sign permit is required prior to installation of any signs upon the properties. LdUhNng, Nas n. A photornetdc lighting plan must he submitted illustrating the location of all proposed exterior fixtures. all fixtures must have a shoe box design with a horizontal cut-off that casts light down, including the wall pack lighting shown on the auto repair buildincg elevations. These lights are identified as decorative Wall wash lights, but there is nothing decorative about the building design meeting the criteria of Section 20-16- 10.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. The lighting plan is to he subject to review and approval of (pity stuff. Locations for trash enclosures are shown along the vest property line. The landscape plan should be revised to provide shrubs on the vest side of the enCIOSUress for screening purposes. Ufolky Man. The proposed development is to be served by municipal sanitary sever and water utilities. Sanitary sever and water services are stubbed into the property dust north of Nth Street and will he extended as shown on the submitted utility plan. Approval of the preliminary plat for the north two lots shown on the development plan does not guarantee access to sanitary sever capacity. Sanitary sever capacity shall only be allocated to approved final plats with executed development contracts to ensure the City of timely development. SACMAC fees for connection to municipal services will be calculated by the City Engineer and paid as a condition of final plat approval. Ali utility plana are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 3 mid,ft Mann. The pplican has submitted a gred ing plan for development of the subs ect site. inhere are no wetlands on the subject site. The grading plan does not propose any on-site ponding areae as storrnvater from this property is conveyed to the regional story y-jeter pond on Outlot A o°u' WaW'ront East The applicant is required to lay e Storrrnvater lmpect fee for the regional storrrnvmter facilities as a condition of final plat approval. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. P0Fa-9aBM n--il6'VIFoRC-0 IPPl8ML The applicant has suPmr1=riii'jed a, prelirninrar s9ua�ial plat for the proposed site. The plat illLmtrEVts lata few' dG a B4OrLID eOluSra 'W -300t Mail buiIdinrg and Fzr1P qt},, r,9,_' s9r b9 l?k-Iu11rnln_l _., 9iclots for `ii'Prae 6,7100 s'-lfl g:-Ir?s [ -M, -fid, PA bant,11offios building. The [prellrrnil sr �,, sind final plate should ibis serpL'11'21q� _ uour buildings ie necessary to convey entitia-mante and yfiyill avoid the need for a public hearing on a preliminary plat in the future. We further recommend that final plat show 'tiro lots for the 6,000 square foot retail building and auto repair building and one outlot. o n o Section 20-17-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires 10 foot drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the property. No easement ie shown along the nor�h-no heart l:last lire and the easernent along the south plat line is only 6 feet wide. Th a, final plat must be revised to provide the full 10 foot easement along these lot lines. A 45 foot easement is provided along the gest plat lire to cover proposed public sanitary sewer and grater pipes. Ali drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. P&rk nd Trrnai D(@dkaVano The platting of the property triggers park and trail dedication requirements. Ho barks or trails are proposed as loam of the project (sidewalks are not credited as trails). As such, the required dedication is to be satisfied as e cash fee in lieu of land. The current cash fee in lieu of lend for commercial subdivisions is $7,000.00 per gross acre. The subject site has a gross area of 3.672 aces, which does not include right-of-way for CSAH 42. The required cash fee in lieu of lend for park and trail purposes is $25,704.00. DsvAapmant Cawhr&(�eo Prior to release of the final plat for recording, the alololioant rust execute a development contract with the City, Pay all fees and bort required securities. The development contract is subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. Rrco�,�mEl` nxr000 m The proposed PUD Development Stage Plan for the Friendship Addition generally conforms to the requirements of the Zoning ordinance and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. A number of modifications to the proposed building architecture and site design are recommended. Some of these recommendations are subjective and made based on the intent of a PUD District to exceed the standard requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and should be reviewed by the Planning Commission. We recommend that the Planning Commission either table the request to allow revised plane to be submitted or approve the application subjectto the conditions as ou'Nined. tl OSSO - LIE tl CTOO 1 S A. Motion to appo°©vs a Zoning Map amendment and PMD D eveloiornent Stage Plan for the Friendship Addition subject to the aoilowing conditions: The P UE), Distrio� shail for tha Snas uses *;Ind subjed 'uo ';he rani s p eriorfiniane eta ndandle -fie set uoMi bo .7 the B-3 I( 1Di`jtdccL 2. Approval of a ESUa Dra-�,/,oeop nent Stsigo Plan and predinninavy plat oboes noA guarantee sanitary sower capacity. Ssnitary eawer capadty shall only be allocated to approved final plats with executed development contracts to as ure� the City of time -sly development. 3. Development of fsiuro phsises consistent with the "UD DeMplopment Stage Plan shall be subject to Site and Building Plan and Final 'plat applications. 4. The applicant shall construct the north half of 88th Street as shown on the submi'Red plana at their cost unless a petition is subm hod for the City to conStrUct ��¢" Street to its full width and asaoaa benefiting properties to the north and south. 5. The easterly driveway to 0��" Street shall be restricted to right-in/right-out access only with the design of the access subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 6. The site plan shall be revised to provide for construction of a six foot wide concrete sidewalk along CSAH 30, CSAH 42 and 00Y" Street with connections to be provided to the the site subject, to review and approval by City staK i. Arch RecturaI elevations for the 6,0000 square foot retail builOng arrs revised to 9xztand9 the awnings and provide fauna windows between the service doors on the east elevation and revise the parapet to provide additional detailing, subject to review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council prior to issuance of any building permits. 0. The architectural plans for the proposed auto repair building shMi be revised to: a. lncorporate larger storefront windows facing CSAH 42, provide additional detaH and variation for the parapetand roof lire and more artiicWation of the building facade b. The car wash structure be revised to incorporate r-nateriala used for the balance of t ie building to create a snore intagraiod: appearance. C. The revised arch Ke- ct,ural plans for the building shoLgld ni i n im t. a the Lies of E lFS material as more of an arca-M than a primary material. 9. For the auto repair use, all se -N!'102 shall -be Cione within the principal building and except, for when woo Ing vehicles in/out of the service bars, the ovarh, ad Floors to the aenjice bads shall be closed. 10. There shall be no overnight psr dng or outdoor parking/storage off unlicensed vehicles, inoperable vehicles, or vehicles in such condition so as not to be legal for operation on puNic streets. 11. The lours of opanation for the car wash shall be limited to the business hours of the auto repair use or 7:00 AM to 10:00 ESM, whichever is more re-strie&o. 12. The landscape plan is revised to prm,,Ide for a hedge row along tlhe east plat line between proposed trees, tall shrubs to the west of the trash enclosures along the west property line and evergreen trees on the island north of the aceto repair Building, subject to approval of City staff. 13. The site plan shall be revised to remove parking stalls as recommended by City staff to reduce irmpevvious surface and improve circulation. These sells may Be shown as "proof -of -parking" which she applicant may propose to construct i there is a demonstrated need in the future. 14. All signs shall comply with Chapter 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and issuance of s sign perrnit is required prior to installation of any signs upon the properties. 15. „ lighting plan shall Be submMed illustrating the type, location, height and illurrnination pattern of all sight lighting and compliance with Section 20-i ra- 10 of the Zoning Ordinance. 16. Ali utility plans ars subject to review and approval By the City Engineer. 17. Ali grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 18. The preliminary and final plat is revised to provide rinimurn 10 foot drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the subject sits and all easamrants are subject to revisor and approval of the City Engineer. 99, A l-reliminary plat is submitted shov\,jing -Four buME-ible lots v thin one Wocl� -and public dght-off-way. 20. A revised find is submitted plat providing rico buildable lots v�Ii un one block, one . MUOt for future phases and public rigN.r-o-u"-wsy. 21. Park, and tail dedication requirements squall be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of lsnd �,A,, hh payment of $25, iprior to relsass OF tha final loft. Tha developer shall enter in:o dveloprent con l�rcN; viith the i'yprior to B. MOUOM tO COLSRI9 919' Mc US -St b -&—sand on c- finding th ucair h ca(,� plicssltio d is inconsistent with the C®mprehensivs Plan, Zoning Orclinpance, Subdivision Ordinance or Engineering Man uaL C. Motion io fral[OAG, C. i�liik Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Bob Fields, & aWdcor Richon Xing, Lancor , Vs AV -4Iv 0- 9 10 MaN "-4ftmw Ila! i Of IA El --- ------- v if I Tf! A G• N3 V7 CV LJ CIO IH , Vs AV -4Iv 0- 9 10 MaN "-4ftmw Ila! i Of IA El --- ------- v if I Tf! A !rj —ETI G• N3 V7 CV LJ CIO i. !rj —ETI N3 V7 LJ !rj —ETI CONTACT INFORMATION DELVELOPER: LANDCOR, INC. 9325 UPLAND LANE N., SUITE 300 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 CONTACT: RICHON XIONG ENGINEER: METRO LAND SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING 9325 UPLAND LANE N., SUITE 350 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 PARKING RETAIL 1:150 S.F. 6,000 S.F. = 40 REO. 7,200 S.F. = 48 REQ. 1,150 S.F. = 8 REO. BANK 1:200 S.F. 7,200 S.F. = 36 REQ. SERVICE STATION 4+2 PER BAY 7 BAYS = 14+4=18 REQ. 177 9' STALLS (CITY) 8 HANDICAP STALLS S 185 TOTAL STALLS REQUIRED 40+48+8+36+20=152 �L STALLS 0 0 WM F � _n Lj ?zz O Z a UJo a Oct z�w a� �Q n m z 0 0 a � a o m .D JSN �pY� t0�0 Jib = 3/5107 I TOP (HIGH) PARAPET EL t1B-0 TOP CANOPY Q. 113-8 TOP 1 08-8 WRl P R.O. 0.. BOT, WINDOW R.O. 0.. 102-8 FIN. GROUND FLOOq 0.. t00-0 (1i SOUTH ELEVATION A4.1 SCALE: 3/16" - 1'-0" W, -D" • oa C meo. rq._. se• -e' 28._6. I j ! SCALE; PREFWISH0 METAL COPING ROCK FACED CMU 4- FACE MER W/ G M NSERTS ® %ERS ROCK FACED CMU 4" FACE BREI( PREFIN6 M METAL CANOPIES 4" FACE BRIG( ANODIZED ALUMNUM lllllu Ws ROC( FACED CMU W/ :ED CMU BRICK W/ RSERTS 0 PIERS :ED CMU BRICK IED METAL BRICK A ULI @ ENTRIES :ED CMU W/ COLOR a _ z �a 3 $sE� a4g� a a N � yU1�Z(Q C � 2� Nm m U (jaZN E�Zv :10311H�EN N Z If�l a� �o zzqzz aD yyn :U3NMo sNo!SIA3a co Z O O Z W Z 0 vJ ZZc u$ C GoLU V S �11 NORTH ELEVATION A SCALE: 3/16" - 1'-0" C ��8 60'-0" A 8' e' 30•-0" .. .... 30._0' e' rad ze'-e" zB•-B" d•-�`-1 I � 2 ti EAST ELEVATION I METAL I CNu n w B2T5 PIERS CW CN LIET+t M CNU W/ LO^ PRFFlNISHED METAL CORING ROCK FACED CMU �' FACE BRICK W GLAZED INSERTS G PIERS RW:K FACED CMU 4' FACE BRICIc PREFINISHED METAL NOPIES 4 I -C BRICK RU, 1, (ACED CMU W/ In ILDIWI COLOR PH FINISHED METAL OPEN FACED DOWNSPOUTS Q Y_b (�jw21D. TJ�71IVOD CIKN� �NpiaN � U � U<ZN �Z :1031JH38V ffr :SNOISIA3H V) Z O Q ~ O LU Lu Z E4 J f� W o nw 30'-0' 30'-o" rvBCR a._4. ` RETAIL BUILDING FLOOR PLAN SJIt L/1�Y o RReuNmaRr: Z 2-19-200] w LANDCOR COMPANIES 9325 UPLAND LANE NORTH w MCCOY ARCHITECTS 1944 CEDAR LAKE PARKWAY o q me u .aw mrp «� ti '.�T3EG�, MINNESOTA y 3 SUITE 300 MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 = v MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55416"` 612 927-8546 ( ) F (763) 463-8800 a w r,,,,nr a u�eor rnv Req:so-el'ron iis�s V soon ■III Room logs soon loss logo soon Roos loss loss loss ■■s■ logo loon Boom NINE loss move Iso■ E■NE NONE I EE■o logo NINE MEMO logo t■o■ IOE■ — DPtt REDURfupB Px D ar _ 7py friS�AC¢NT B�1P0 — COLIX+ IEIIDP PEEL �DOI�BV �Qe — [QVNi NLDN lEYgl PER FiS PDD — D2YME WLDR BINt aWE 94 III I I° /i - � ) (,0 2 » \f m(. 0 N S °i rT e9e 111 Hal��- �g ' _d p$t 1� g ��i ��iy • �� � �p�Ag �Y _ oTseco. M1 LANDCOR, INC. 9325 UPLAND LANE N SUITE 300 ::�° SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 d } C.S.A.H. NO. 39 vi WRIGHT COUNTY MrGmmy RICHT-OF-PFAY PLAT NO. 8 I-- KTB— T� 64.50 N89*37'46"E 'i 5 og 0 A9 W"Ing, Phil 1TV i8 ! R P 51 AA -1glip A 8 iq as ax mK-ji'21m fss �t' 1 1, �;" j x 'j'a JIM 8io RaII f _fF� TR i aW^g I i I�qb gm - - HooI N" . d I 23 A% 8 FRIENDSHIP ADDITION o OTSEGO. MN LANDCOR, INC. 9325 UPLAND LANE N SUI 300 GRADING, DRAINAGE AND MAPLE GROVE, MN TE 55369 METRO EROSION CONTROL PLAN NOT FOR C ON U 10 - E--,`M1B1T F CD A tt W WASH 7T 64.50 N89*37'46"E 'i 5 og 0 A9 W"Ing, Phil 1TV i8 ! R P 51 AA -1glip A 8 iq as ax mK-ji'21m fss �t' 1 1, �;" j x 'j'a JIM 8io RaII f _fF� TR i aW^g I i I�qb gm - - HooI N" . d I 23 A% 8 FRIENDSHIP ADDITION o OTSEGO. MN LANDCOR, INC. 9325 UPLAND LANE N SUI 300 GRADING, DRAINAGE AND MAPLE GROVE, MN TE 55369 METRO EROSION CONTROL PLAN NOT FOR C ON U 10 - E--,`M1B1T F M„O I,L 1.00N m ZY 'ON 'H'V'S'.J 9 o -I Fccun - c _ R 0 it rte. iF 0 — —.I`� • - Y.NW1 ' UTILITYNOTES X11,' CW TRACTOR $HALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS ANO ELEVATIONS OF >f'� EXISTING ;_COMMENCEMENT O AND TOPOGRAPHIC E CONTRACTOR PRIOR A ME COLTUFy ENGINEER K ylI GRADING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HEEL N& NDN 11FY ENGNEER OF DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM THE PLANS. @p ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHO -ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT _ - GOPHER STATE ONE CALL- (651-451-0002) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 18 HOURS PRIM TO EXCAVATION. - � E $ UTILITY CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM i0 THE D SERMT EDITION OF e N. -STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS M WATER MAIN AND SERNCE UNE INS5?Std{. AS PREATIONPARE AND SANITARY ENGINEERS AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION' AS PREPARED By THE CITY ENGINEER$ ASSOpATION Of MINNESOTA. ZCATCH BASINS & MANHOLE$ IN PAVED AREA$ TO BE SUMPED O.O! FEET O CATCH BASINS IN CUTTERS TO BE SUMPED 0.15 FEET PER DETAILS. Q. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLAN 00 NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVAnONS. FW- OI ALL WATER PIPE TO BE WCTIE IRON PIPE (O.I.P.) CUSS 52 AND 5 N O POLY WRAPPED. UNLESS ONERNSE NOTED. (� VI N ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB ? 2 2 ~ Hi� UNLESS OTNERNSE NOTED. W Z TYPICAL HYDRANT CONSISTS OF: HYDRANT, GATEVALYE. 2.5' OF 6' DIP O Q W 1��JN�I WATERMAIN g ANY HYDRANT EXIENyW. E%TENSIONS TO BE INCIDENTAL. V -I >O N A MINIMUM OF8.0' I COYER REWIRED OVER ALL WATERMAIN, UNLESS C O U OTIiERNSE NO. .EXTRA DEPTH MAY BE REWIRED TO MAINTAIN A MIN. Z Q 18- VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM SEWER LINES. A W ga� MINIMUM Of 18' OF VERTICAL SEPARATION qN0 11' OF HORIZONTAL Q SEPARATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITIES, UNLESS OTHERNSE NOTED. � E ALL SANTApY KKRTHERNSE NOTED R PIPE TO BE POLYNN 35 UNLESS OYL CHLORIDE PIPE (P. V.C) $OR H1 OI CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AS -BUILT PUNS THROUGHOUT ` CONSTRUCTION AND SUBMIT THESE PLANS TO ENGINEER UPON COMPLETION OF YAORN. 1s1i 0 G < z Q li qa ¢ x R10� JSR � 10)0023 3/5/07 3.rl.wn N ZERUZS HZ&G 7:1 -------- &K ---- 71 16c ----Mm, ---------- _ N o All MM N IVId AWA -AOS -S m1wIff-I r.15) 6Z 13UVd aims BE 'ON 'HYS':) F-, H Lia 1 'S :331! H 118INX3 Jill FNA I ob = 3.rl.wn N ZERUZS HZ&G 7:1 -------- &K ---- 71 16c ----Mm, ---------- _ N o All MM N IVId AWA -AOS -S m1wIff-I r.15) 6Z 13UVd aims BE 'ON 'HYS':) F-, H Lia 1 'S :331! H 118INX3 Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Commercial Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer Robert Fields, LandCor, Inc. Richon Xiong, Land Funding I, LLC Metro Land Surveying & Engineering Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson Date: March 15, 2007 Proposed Development: Friendship Addition Street Location of Property: A portion of the northwest'/ of the north east'/ of Section 22, T121 N, R23W. The property is located south of CSAH 39 and west of CSAH 42. Applicant: LandCor Companies, Inc Developer: LandCor Companies, Inc 9325 Upland Lane N. Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-463-8800 Purpose: Friendship Addition is a proposed retail, commercial, and office development in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed site will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (But not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRELIMINARY PLANS FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET SITE PLAN GRADING PLAN UTILITY PLAN DETAILS STORM SEWER DESIGN/HYDROLOGY OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Aotsego23xx\2316\ot2316RVW1 -2 - INFORMATION AVAILABLE Friendship Addition Conceptual Site Plan, dated 3/05/07, by Metro Land Surveying & Engineering Friendship Addition Construction Plan, dated 3/05/07, by Metro Land Surveying & Engineering Friendship Addition Grading Plans, dated 3/05/07, by Metro Land Surveying & Engineering Friendship Addition Final Plat, received 3/06/07, by Metro Land Surveying & Engineering City of Otsego Engineering Manual Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 Aotsego23xx\2316\ot2316RVW1 - 3 - PRELIMINARY PLAN No preliminary plans were submitted. At minimum an existing condition plan is required. The existing condition plans must include; a) Boundary lines to include bearings, distances, curve data, and total acreage of proposed plat, clearly indicated. b) Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision. c) Total area of the proposed plat. d) Show location, names, widths of existing streets, buildings, etc. e) Location, size, and elevations of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other underground facilities within 150'. f) Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, identified by name and ownership. g) 2 foot contours. Water courses, marshes, wooded areas, rock outcrops, power transmission poles and lines. h) Subsurface conditions for subdivisions utilizing individual water and sewer systems. Locations and results of soil borings, percolation tests, etc. i) 100 year flood elevations. j) Statement certifying the environmental condition of the site. k) Geotechnical data. FINAL PLAT 1. The plat is not to scale. 2. 70' of R.O.W. is required along CSAH 42. Please revise the 60' of R.O.W. depicted. 3. The 45' easement shall be a 47' wide easement to provide a minimum 20' wide drainage and utility easement centered on the watermain pipe shall along the west property line. 4. The 10' wide easements shall be a 17' wide easement to provide a minimum 20' wide drainage and utility easement centered on the hydrants in Outlot A and Block 1, Lot 1. 5. Round the R.O.W. at the intersection of 88th Street and CSAH 42 (Parrish Avenue). CONSTRUCTION PLANS COVER SHEET (SHEET 1) Provide a signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer. 2. The design engineer for Metro Land Surveying & Engineering shall sign the plans prior to the plans being accepted. Aotsego23xx\2316\ot2316RVW1 - 4 - SITE PLAN (SHEET 2) 1. Provide a contact name for the developer's engineer along with a phone number for the developer's contact person and the engineer's contact person. 2. Depict all sidewalk and pedestrian ramps for all buildings. The two south buildings (Block 1, Lots 1 & 2) do not show any concrete sidewalks. 3. Please label the trash enclosures between Buildings 1 & 2, and Buildings A & B. 4. Provide a dimension for all the curb radii and label the type of proposed curb and gutter. 5. Depict a minimum of two Type III Barricades at the future access streets to the west and at the west end of 88th Street. 7. Provide dimensions of the parking stalls and lane widths. 8. Provide a minimum 20' radius around entrances to the future accesses to the west property. 9. The intention of the "bump out" area of the parking lot to the west of Building 1 is unclear. It appears this may intended to be a trucking loading/unloading area. 10. Depict sidewalk along CSAH 42 and CSAH 39 and label "By Others". This will be installed at a later date by the City of Otsego. 11. The developer is required to install sidewalk along the north side of 88th Street at this time. Depict in the plans and include a detail. 12. Only the two south buildings are being plated as lots at this time. The two north buildings are still outlots. If only a portion of the parking lot and utilities are to be installed at this time, clearly indicate the construction limits. GRADING PLAN (SHEET 3) 1. See Site Plan comment #12. 2. Provide additional spot elevations throughout the proposed parking lots. A minimum of 1.0% over paved areas and 0.60% along curb and gutter is recommended. The areas to the northeast of Building B and southwest of Building 1 do not provide the minimum grades. 3. Depict all sidewalk and pedestrian ramps. 4. Label the contours west of Building B, in the drive-through lanes. 5. Minimum storm sewer pipe size is 15" except for the first catch basin lead in a storm sewer run. Please revise the 12" pipe from CBMH 15 and CBMH 16. Aotsego23xx\2316\ot2316RVW1 - 5 - 6. Provide a minimum 0.8 diameter points fall across all storm sewer structures when increasing pipe size. CBMH 15, CBMH 8, CBMH 10, and CBMH 12 all require additional fall across the structures. 7. A 30" storm sewer stub is required to service the properties to the west. Provide a 30" RCP stub to the west property line. The storm sewer along the north side of 88th Street shall be a minimum of 30". Storm sewer design calculations and a hydrology report is needed to verify that the 30" pipe size is large enough to handle the runoff from the west side of the Friendship Addition and the properties to the west. 8. The existing STMH east of CBMH 12 has an existing east invert elevation (for the 42" pipe) of 858.19. Please include this information in the plans. UTILITY PLAN (SHEET 4) See Site Plan comment #12. 2. Include the class or type of pipe, pipe size, and lengths for all utilities. 3. Include a note to remove and salvage the hydrant at the connection point to the existing watermain along CSAH 42. 4. Please depict the storm sewer (in a lighter background line) to identify potential conflicts at crossings. 5. There is a possible conflict between the watermain and storm sewer at the crossing in the southwest corner of the site (northwest of San MH C). The storm sewer invert at the crossing is approximately 7.2' deep. If the watermain at this location is at the typical 7.5' bury then these pipe conflict. 6. In the "Utility Notes" please add that insulation is required between watermain or sanitary sewer and storm sewer pipe when less than 24" of vertical separation is provided. 7. In the "Utility Notes" please note that all sanitary sewer services shall be SDR 26. 8. In the "Utility Notes" please note that a steel post marker is required for all water & sanitary services. 9. A gate valve and clean out is required on each of the water and sanitary sewer services respectively. Please depict and call out in the plans. Include a detail of the sanitary sewer service cleanout. DETAILS (SHEET 5) The hydrant detail is not consistent with the Otsego Standard Plate #203 or #204. 2. Please include a typical street section detail for 88th Street. All typical sections shall be based on a geotechnical engineer's recommendation. Aotsego23xx\2316\ot2316RVW1 - 6 - 3. Include a detail of storm sewer catch basins and manholes. 4. Include a detail of sanitary sewer manholes, and service cleanouts. 5. Need a detail of the sanitary sewer casting R-1733. 6. Provide a storm sewer schedule that includes structure sizes and castings. STORM SEWER DESIGN Please submit for review. HYDROLOGY Please submit for review. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Submit soil borings and a geotechnical report. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments being addressed. Aotsego23xx\2316\ot2316RVW1 - 7 - ITEM 3.2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — Waterfront East 15 March 2007 176.02 — 07.03 ACTION DATE: 5 May 2007 Landcor, Inc. has submitted PUD Development Stage Plans for Waterfront East Third Addition. The proposed Third Addition includes Buildings B and C for which plans were previously submitted and the proposed Riverboat restaurant (Building D). The proposed Third Addition also includes a revision to the big box users and design of the original PUD Development Stage Plan to include a 34,023 square foot fitness center, 18,275 square foot, three story medical office building and 92,794 square foot retail store. The PUD Development stage plan continues to show four building sites adjacent to TH 101 for restaurant users. The changes to the proposed development are being processed as an amendment to the PUD District and PUD Development Stage Plan approved by the City Council on 14 June 2004. Based on the submitted plans at this time, future site and building plan reviews will be required for 92,794 square foot retail building, the four restaurant users and construction of Buildings A and G fronting 90th Street following completion of the TH 101 project. Final plats for the 3rd and 4th Addition have been submitted for approval. Exhibits: A. Waterfront East PUD Master Plan B. Building D Elevations/Floor Plans C. Building C Elevations/Floor Plans D. Building F Elevations/Floor Plans E. Fitness Center Elevations/Floor Plans F. Medical Office Elevations/Floor Plans G. Building C Landscape Plan H. Building F Landscape Plan I. FC/MO Landscape Plan J. Outlot A Landscape Plan K. Master Utility Plan L. 3rd Addition Final Plat M. 4th Addition Final Plat ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the Waterfront East development for commercial land uses as part of the City's primary commercial area near the intersection of TH 101 and CSAH 39. The Comprehensive Plan anticipates development of a full range of retail, service and office type commercial uses in this area of the City to serve both local and regional market needs. The proposed buildings that are consistent with the approved PUD Development Stage Plan, including Buildings C, D and F as well as modifications to provide for development of the fitness center, medical office building and big box retail use are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD District which allows the same uses as provided for by the B-3, General Business District. No specific uses have been identified for Buildings C and F. Any use occupying these proposed buildings must be an allowed use under the B-3 District. The proposed fitness center, medical office building, big box retail use and four restaurants are all allowed in the B-3 District either as permitted uses, or in the case of the convenience food restaurants as conditional uses. Building Designs. Buildings within Waterfront East are subject to the material and design requirements of the B-3 District and the PUD Design Guidelines dated 14 June 2004. The following paragraphs describe the building designs for which plans have been submitted. Development of the big box retail building, four restaurant pads and Buildings A and G fronting 90th Street will be subject to future applications for site and building plan review. Building C. The submitted building plans illustrate the proposed building having a total area of 14,638 square feet, of which 13,928 square feet is leasable space. The proposed building is a mirror of Building E to the north across a plaza area designed to have the appearance of two stories fronting Quantrelle Avenue, but with only one floor of useable space. The two segments of the "L-shaped" building are connected by an enclosed link area that allows pedestrian passage from one side of the building to the plaza area. Individual suites will have separate exterior access points. The submitted plans show that the primary exterior fagade material will be brick. The proposed building design is consistent with the approved design standards for the Waterfront East development. Building D. The proposed Riverboat restaurant is a two story, 10,094 square foot building designed to look like a historic riverboat. Indoor seating for 180 people is shown, with an additional 40 seats on a deck at the bow. Access to the "boat" will be from a gang plank at the bow and stairs at the aft starboard section. The boat is pitched within a raised pool with a functioning paddle wheel to aerate the water. The proposed Riverboat restaurant has been shown from the start as a key visual feature for the Waterfront East development at a significant location at the project entrance. Building F. The site plan indicates that the proposed building is to be a two story structure with a gross floor area of 28,528 square feet. The design of the building is a mirror of existing Building B, which has been constructed on the south side of 90th Street across from the subject site. The exterior of the building features various size and colors of bricks with large window areas and an articulated fagade to visually break up the length of the building. One change from the plans as submitted has been elimination of the pitched roof section between the north and south facades of the building. Building B was constructed without these roof sections to minimal effect. As seen on Building B, the overall design is high quality and attractive. The design and materials of the building are consistent with the material requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and PUD Design Guidelines for Waterfront East. Medical Office Building. The proposed medical office building has three stories with 18,275 square feet of gross floor area above a 40 stall underground parking garage. The building is a symmetrical design with long horizontal windows flanking a vertical center section and hexagonal towers at the northwest and southwest corner of the building. The primary exterior material is brick veneer. This building is the same plan (but for an additional tower) as the building at the northeast corner of 1-94 and CSAH 30 in Maple Grove, which displays a large green "Landcor" sign. Fitness Center. The proposed fitness center building is a two story structure with a floor area of 34,023 square feet. Facilities within the building include fitness equipment, group exercise rooms, a women's only exercise room, a gymnasium, indoor pool, locker rooms, daycare, tanning and small pro club retail sales area. The exterior of the building is very attractive and features a flagstone base, large windows and building sectioning that breaks up the size of the structure. Materials and colors are not specified and must be to verify compliance with PUD District and Zoning Ordinance requirements. Landscaping Plans. Individual landscape plans were submitted for Buildings C, D and F. A combined landscape plan was submitted for the fitness center and medical office building. The landscape plans all continue the streetscape theme approved with the original PUD Development Stage Plan and PUD District Design Guidelines. We do have a few recommendations: An overall landscape plan illustrating the plaza area between Buildings C, D ane E shall be submitted. 2. Along the south line of the lot for Building C, we recommend replacing the proposed maple trees with a row of evergreens 25 feet on center to better screen the rear of the Nathe Highway 101 Garden Center. 3. The landscape plan for Building F must be revised to include perennial plantings at the base of the retaining wall along 90th Street consistent with the materials installed adjacent to Building B on the opposite side of the street. 4. The landscape plan for the fitness center and medical office building must be revised to include plantings at the foundation of the buildings. With the original PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat, Outlot A was established as permanent open space overlaid by Public park and trail easement satisfying park and trail dedication requirements. The PUD Development Stage Plan approval included installation of a trail and landscaping within the Outlot A as a project amenity to be integrated with the City's park and trail system. Construction of the trail and installation of the landscaping within the Outlot has not been completed by the developer and will be required as part of the amended PUD Development Stage Approval based upon the landscape plan prepared by Loucks Associates dated 14 September 2004. Vehicle Access. Public streets east of TH 101 include goth Street to Quantrelle Avenue. Quantrelle Avenue is now proposed to be extended within a 50 foot wide right- of-way to the cul-de-sac terminus at the north end of the development near the medical office building and fitness center. While this will be a public street intended to provide access to the various properties fronting it, the design of the roadway is consistent with that of a main drive aisle within a shopping center with multiple access points spaced by rows of parking stalls/islands. The design of the street section is to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The PUD Development Stage Plan must be revised to end the lot lines for the three southerly restaurant lots and the lot for Building G at the right-of-way line. Off -Street Parking. The table below illustrates the calculation of required parking for each of the proposed buildings. No calculation of required parking has been made for the big box retail building, four restaurants or Building A and G, which will be evaluated at the time site and building plans are submitted. Use Requirement Required Stalls Stalls Provided Net Stalls Riverboat 1 stall / 40sf. dining 1 stall / 80sf. kitchen 221 130 -164 Building E(existing) 1 stall / 200sf. 73 Building C 1 stall / 200sf. 63 115 +52 Building F 1 stall / 200sf. 108 87 -21 Building B(existing) 1 stall / 200sf. 108 76 -32 Subtotal 573 408 -165 Medical Office 40 underground stalls 3 + 1 stall / 200sf. 86 230 +144 Fitness Center 10 stalls + 1 stall / 150sf. over 2,000sf. 203 231 +28 Subtotal 289 461 +172 There is a significant deficit of parking in the area of Buildings C, D, E and F that cannot be fully off set until construction of TH 101 is complete and Buildings A and G are constructed (with a projected surplus of 75 stalls) along with the big box retail building to provide a larger parking field. Given that the buildings must be constructed and that full occupancy of the proposed buildings would not be anticipated to occur immediately, we recommend proceeding with a condition requiring the developer to construct up to 115 4 parking stalls on the retail box outlot for a total of 515 stalls or 80 percent of the required number of stalls if the City Council finds there is a need. The opposite situation exists at the north end of the project where there is a projected surplus of 172 parking stalls. Given that fitness centers generate high demand for parking at peak times, a surplus of parking over that required by the Zoning Ordinance is likely good planning. However, we would recommend elimination of the 27 single loaded parking stalls to the west of the medical office building in favor of making the area into a larger landscaped plaza. The single loaded parking stalls are inefficient in terms of the amount of impervious surface without stalls on both sides of the drive ailse and there is a need for some larger greenspace to off -set the parking field shown for the retail box. The parking stalls are all designed to a 9 foot by 18 foot dimension with the ability for a two foot overhang to meet the 20 foot stall depth required by the Zoning Ordinance. Sidewalks in front of head in parking stalls are sufficiently wide to allow pedestrian access even with cars overhanging the curb. All drive aisles are 24 feet wide as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Truck circulation is adequate. Pedestrian Access. Sidewalks are shown to be provided along both sides of Quantrelle Avenue and 90th Street. The developer will be responsible for construction of sidewalks, railings and retaining walls for Buildings C and F consistent with what was completed for Buildings B and E as part of the City improvement project. The PUD Development Stage Plan must make provision for extension of the sidewalk on the east side of Quantrelle Avenue along the parking island to the front of the big box retail building across to the medical office building and then on to the fitness center. On the south side of Quantrelle Avenue, the sidewalk will need to be extended along the south side of the roadway to the northwesterly driveway at the cul-de-sac turnaround. Additional opportunities should also be provided for access to the trail within Outlot A from the medical office building. Signs. Allowances for signage on the individual lots will be subject to the requirements of Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and the PUD District Design Guidelines dated 14 June 2004. The applicant has requested a modification of the sign standards for the proposed development regarding freestanding signs similar to that which was approved for Great River Centre. Rather than install one 200 square foot, 50 foot tall freestanding sign for each lot, the revised PUD Development Stage Plan illustrates two freestanding signs at the north and south ends of the project close to TH 101. City staff recommends the area of these signs be limited to 320 square feet same as allowed for Great River Center and that a third sign be required for the four restaurant sites also along TH 101. No other freestanding signs will be allowed and the three signs along TH 101 must all identify "Waterfront East" as well as any individual tenants. Lighting Plan. Plans illustrating the type, location and illumination pattern of all proposed exterior light fixtures must be submitted. All lighting fixtures must be a shoebox design with a horizontal cutoff to cast light straight down. The light fixtures must also be located and shielded so as not to cast light onto Outlot A. A plan for lighting to be installed within each lot may be submitted with application for a building permit. However, we recommend installation of parking lot lighting along the length of Quantrelle Avenue to the cul-de-sac terminus for vehicle and property safety. We also recommend fixtures consistent with the City's park lighting be installed along the trail within Outlot A for public safety. Utility Plans. The developer has submitted a master utility plan based on the location of utilities already constructed and extension of sanitary sewer and water pipes needed to serve the buildings shown on the revised PUD Development Stage Plan. All utility plans are to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. SAC/WAC fees for the proposed buildings will be calculated at the time of building permit approval based upon planned occupancy of the building. Grading Plans. Grading plans have been submitted for Building C, Building D, Building F and the fitness center. No grading plan has been received for the medical office building and is required. Grading plans for the retail building, four restaurant buildings and Buildings A and G will be required with future site and building plan applications. All grading plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Easements. Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance required 10 foot drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of each lot. Drainage and utility easements are also required over any sanitary sewer, water or storm sewer pipe providing service to more than one lot or interconnected with service to more than one lot. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Third Addition Final Plat. The applicant has submitted a final plat for Waterfront East Third Addition. This final plat provides buildable lots for the Riverboat Restaurant and Fitness Center. Outlots are provided for the big box retail building and medical office building, Building F, Building G, and one outlot for the four restaurant pads. The proposed final plat also shows right-of-way for Quantrelle Avenue from its current end with Waterfront East 2nd Addition to the cul-de-sac terminus. Drainage and utility easements are shown to overlay planned sewer and water pipes. Drainage and utility easements must also be added to the perimeter of each platted lot. Final plats must be recorded with Wright County 100 days following execution of the development contract by the City. Fourth Addition Final Plat. The proposed Forth Addition Final Plat is a single lot subdivided from Outlot A of the Third Addition Final Plat for the medical office building. The final plat does not illustrate drainage and utility easements crossing the parcel dedicated with the Third Addition Final Plat and perimeter drainage and utility easements must also be provided. Final plats must be recorded with Wright County 100 days following execution of the development contract by the City. Development Contract. Upon approval of the amended PUD Development Stage Plan and final plats for the 3rd and 4th Addition, the developer must execute an addendum to the original development contract. This addendum will carry forward previous terms and conditions applicable to the project, conditions related to the amended approvals and provide securities for construction of the current phases of the project. The development contract is subject to review and approval by the City Attorney. 6 RECOMMENDATION The revisions to the Waterfront East are all consistent with the intent of the original PUD Development Stage Plan and applicable performance standards of the PUD District and Zoning Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the various applications as set forth below, subject to comments of other City staff. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve an amended PUD Development Stage Plan, amended preliminary plat and final plats for Waterfront East 3`d and 4th Additions subject to the following conditions: Except as modified herein, the PUD District and PUD Development Stage Plan approved by the City Council on 14 June 2004 shall remain in full force and effect. 2. Approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat does not guarantee sanitary sewer capacity. Sanitary sewer capacity shall only be allocated to approved final plats with executed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 3. The retail box building, four restaurant pads abutting TH 101, Building A and Building G shall be subject to site and building plan review as set forth by Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance unless modifications to the PUD Development Stage Plan are proposed and require processing in accordance with Section 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Exterior materials and colors for the proposed fitness center building must be identified and shall comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and PUD District Design Guidelines, subject to review and approval by City staff. 5. The submitted landscape plans shall be revised to: a. An overall landscape plan illustrating the plaza area between Buildings C, D ane E shall be submitted. b. Along the south line of the lot for Building C, we recommend replacing the proposed maple trees with a row of evergreens 25 feet on center to better screen the rear of the Nathe Highway 101 Garden Center. C. The landscape plan for Building F must be revised to include perennial plantings at the base of the retaining wall along 90th 7 Street consistent with the materials installed adjacent to Building B on the opposite side of the street. d. The landscape plan for the fitness center and medical office building must be revised to include plantings at the foundation of the buildings. 6. Construction of the trail and installation of the landscaping within Outlot A as shown on the plan prepared by Loucks Associates dated 14 September 2004 shall be completed by the developer before 1 November 2007. 7. The PUD Development Stage Plan shall be revised to end the lot lines for the three southerly restaurant lots and the lot for Building G at the right-of- way line of Quantrelle Avenue. 8. The developer will be responsible for construction of sidewalks, railings and retaining walls for Buildings C and F. 9. The PUD Development Stage Plan shall be revised to extend the sidewalk on the east side of Quantrelle Avenue along the parking island to the front of the big box retail building across to the medical office building and then on to the fitness center. On the south side of Quantrelle Avenue, the sidewalk shall be extended along the south side of the roadway to the northwesterly driveway at the cul-de-sac turnaround. 10. The PUD Development Stage Plan shall be revised to eliminate the 27 single loaded parking stalls and drive aisle to the west of the medical office building to convert the area into a landscaped plaza. 11. Allowances for signage on the individual lots will be subject to the requirements of Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and the PUD District Design Guidelines dated 14 June 2004 except that the following provisions shall apply to freestanding signs within the PUD District: a. Not more than three (3) freestanding signs shall be allowed within the PUD District which shall be located adjacent to TH 101. b. The freestanding signs allowed within the PUD District may have an area up to 320 square feet and a maximum height of 50 feet. C. Any tenant within the PUD District may be identified on not more than one of the freestanding sign(s) and each sign must identify "Otsego Waterfront East". d. The freestanding sign(s) shall not include electronic changeable copy signs, electronic graphic display signs, multi -vision signs, 12. Plans illustrating the type, location and illumination pattern of all proposed exterior light fixtures must be submitted and must comply with Section 20- 16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance and the additional stipulation that no light shall be cast onto Outlot A with the plans being subject to review and approval by City staff. 13. Parking lot lighting shall be installed along the length of Quantrelle Avenue from 90th Street to the cul-de-sac terminus. 14. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 15. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 16. All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 17. The developer(s) shall execute a development agreement with the City prior to the release of the final plat, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 18. The Waterfront East Third Addition Final Plat is revised to provide 10 foot wide drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of each lot. 19. The Waterfront East Fourth Addition Final Plat is revised to illustrate drainage and utility easements dedicated with the Third Addition Final Plat and a 10 foot wide drainage and utility easement at the perimeter of Lot 1, Block 1. 20. Final plats shall be recorded with Wright County 100 days following execution of the development contract by the City. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the PUD District. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Bob Fields, Landcor Inc. Richon Xiong, Landcor Inc. f -j PRELIMINARY MASTER PLAN FOR OTSEGOf���RFRf9N711 E AeST Ta OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ?041D .!V - UL 140. io 'Irowo�o� 140,101 TRUNK Hl ' I H: .0 V, vii Zzz ofw 2 z Q 0 o< olo poo GRAPHIC SCALE Zz g¢LJ as / / r < z a 140. io 'Irowo�o� 140,101 TRUNK Hl ' I H: .0 V, vii Zzz O ofw 2 z Q 0 o< olo poo GRAPHIC SCALE Zz g¢LJ as / / r < z a LU Q w - O O aW Q 0 NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE 1070.049 3/06/07 Eu r A 1 of2 .T- C/) (n — Or - c: M = m mr ''-r n m o � v O Z W V m29 m" m 11 to -i r Z r 0 r Z r 00 O b Z N 0 00 O Z A 0Q OI A N O O O 0 20'-2 12'-6 7'-8 r='r0 rT r0 Z 0 Z A O A 0 Z N 0 0 0 O Z . P O m A N O O N 0 O r 0 0 A 0'-2 12'-6 7'-8 RIVERBOAT RESTAURANT PRM'y; � MCCOY ARCHITECTS BUILDING DIELW 11 29-2W6 QI1944 CEDAR LAKE PARKWAY N OTSEGO MAIN STREET MINNEAPOLIS, 55416 � (612) 927-854646 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA —, x. l- w •.pe,=ce. Ilsre (s)— �L) G) 00 to mo Ln �D C cq 0 A II 0 0 �J 0 2c.Z7 O A D Z � v i 2IN Z N V/ 00> m o0 NQ.. m 0 a Z Z�c v O -n Roll r °A O "I O occ WA � s 10 y m Z >� n m A 0 Zm D A ■■■ ■■■ man NEM ■■■ ■■■ 0ZZ zz ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ zz ... ... == Ili •eeeee• pp �11111111111111111 � �� ♦i �♦ ♦i O 1, �♦ ♦, �� 1, �� ♦, �♦ pp 11 11111111111111111 �� !� �� /j ��. �j ♦� � ♦� .j p. O �� ij � - -- Illllllllllllllli ■■■ ■■• ■■■ ■■• ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ I RIVERBOAT RESTAURANT vi PREuM�NARY: z-s-zooz MCCOY ARCHITECTS z g W BUILDING D z o w 1944 CEDAR LAKE PARKWAY a N OTSEGO MAIN STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55416 (612) 927-6546 S2 , a. w« MN P,.y1W<lior. n318 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA a W Q > P. � - T� `g 113 O 0 � m Cc o23' m r -a. 2'_4• :m =r m § z IIS P. N - T� a m 0 � 5'-a' 4-o J---2'-4• 1e -4• 27•-a. 2.-4- m r 8'- 12•-a. °m § o z IIS - 5'-a' 4-o J---2'-4• 1e -4• § 8 g s 2D m = D EAST $ SOUTH ELEVATIONS • BUILDING C OTSEGO MAIN STREET Z , LANOCOR COMPANIES w O 9325 UPLAND LANE NORTH s SUfTE 300 MCCOY ARCHfTECTS w 1944 CEDAR LAKE PARKWAY = MINNEAPOL S, MN 55416 F "�+'•• •' OTSEGO, MINNESOTA o� CROVE, MN 55369 (263) 4s3-6eoo (612) 922-8546 -a W B6SNd3a9lCSSN00 0l50ZNVWS9SIVIaL0OZ kVMAUd3OOf Mins 61 Az NV0a0---.-5HLaON 3 z LHOtl W7 V-LOS3NNIW OJ3Sl0 1332US NIVN O93S10 90SAN 0 JNallns �9W�d SNOUVA313 HiWN'81S3M �a -•4 .4 -,SZ Ad A.1 d Ad d L V T.1 A W 8 a rio -o VS ,4-,Z •0-,[Z V-LOS3NNIW OJ3Sl0 1332US NIVN O93S10 90SAN 0 JNallns �9W�d SNOUVA313 HiWN'81S3M �a -•4 .4 -,SZ Ad A.1 d Ad d L V T.1 A W AREAS TAKEN TO FACE OF FOUNDATIONS, INCLUDING PIERS TOTAL GROSS AREA BUILDING C: 14,638 SQ. FT. EAST BLDG. C .5019 SF GROSS INTERIOR AREA (5018.6612) LINK AREA: 710 SF GROSS INTERIOR AREA (710.2477) WEST. BUILDING C: 8,909 SF GROSS INTERIOR AREA (8908.9107) BUILDING C 1 FLOOR PLAN A2.1 SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0,, ly r,1 nuow 4 24'_p• cq. Z 49,-4. n. J.I 80•-8. ca 5 w% 6 74�a�uro. 24'-0" ._4. 4 2a -0• 24 -0 1 22'-0" 1 1 22'-0 24'-0" fa0'-0" `ra&."m 2 4.0 3 `�' : rCOLm 4 - '� 6 a@ 7 wa 11 6�FF €f� a a�4a € gj �NOIJK71311a30 awom YU,±ga Ua L� J.�311H38V 0 0 z a� �o o� �m o�i g�a Ur��n a3Nrno sr4o1s1naa Z wa a ir0 0coz Oz UQZ Zgoo oww x3�i c.9m00 A2.1 E"NIBIT C-3 k p 1 N Q - 9458-LZ6 (Z L9) = 914SS NYV SIlOdV3NNlW ODBB-£94 (f94) 69£SS NN! 3AO80 3ldVYl F A < I^ ViOS3NNIW 'OJ3S10 133NiS NIVN OJ3S10 988-s- g ffi S2 0 y AtlMNNVd 3NHl 88(120 4461 OOf 311f15 z HiNON 3Ntl'1 ONtlldn SZ£6 Iz J ONimin8 i S1O311HOW A000"*V61 -moi S31NVdAoo VOOONVIp 9002-1Wt-Ol ANtlNIf d ' SNOIl`o'n3131St/3-H1nOS k p 1 N Q m t 988-s- g ffi S2 Q zii sW z m a t 5 m a � � 0 w U k p 1 N Q .wmiaa xn �.a=n v � n 0088—£94 (f 9C) A 9458—LZ6 (Z l9) ..G NW 3A08O 31dVA 9lbSS NW SllOdtl3NNIW y OOf 3.uns i tlwn .. ar ee r".p °°"""�' S AtlMNNVd 3XVI O1 W bb6l H1NON 3NVI ONVIdn SZf6 n Z z S1O3LNJiJtl AOOJW 531NtldWOJ d Z)ONVI ZC6 saoc-i�-o�Iy QyQ urvwmnaa i Y R k � @d p Ed Ed@d p�d Ed WG i z O � o LU J W 2 F— O� Z� U dlOS3NNIV 003Sl0 13MUS NI` IN 093S10 3 ONimin8 )I1dn3131S3M-HiHON N F - C,4 M a x W Q wa I TOTAL AREA: 2565 SF TOTAL AREA:111,699 SO. FT.uj Z QLu LEASEABLE AREA: 345 SF 0 COMMON TOTAL LEASEABLE. AREA: 11363 SOFT ,. . n6v COMMON AREA STAIR: 336 SO. FT. 2 wan 3 aai 4 em'�`L 202'_{. 5 im a� aPn 6 e 7 ca, nReF Sara 9 9� 36'_{• -4• 81' - 12'-0 N.O. e'_0. 22,_0• {'-0• 24'-0• 24'-0' 24'-0• T{'-0• 24'-0• 24'-0• ¢n 5 BUILDING F BUILDING e µA.0•! 52'-0• 70'-0' sa_ Z z O O 1 SCALE: 1 8"" = 1'-D” S0 FT SECOND FLOOR: 14,264 SO, FT. W w 14,264 GROSS SQ. FT., GROUND FLOOR NORTH BUILDING B TOTAL: 28,528 SO. FT. LEASABLE PREMISES: :NaLwIJu.B3D . (AREA TAKEN AT FACE OF FOUNDATION, GROUND LEASABLE: 11,706 SO. FT. (D DO O O INCLUDES 8" PIER PROJECTIONS) SECOND LEASABLE: 10,060 SG. FT. TOTAL LEASABLE: 21,788 SO. FT. i COMMON AREAS: GROUND COMMON 2,556 SO. FT. SECOND Co11MON. 1,16( 50. FT. ��. I TOTAL COMMON, 6,740 $0. FT. . 11 j II II I STAIR "B" 336 50. FT. N3aN No13�lr+i = m I .1 {�1� i y- \ �I I IY - 11 I (CONMON RRFA STAIR) ¢V j N MONAST-«l-)=_ I UO rnyZzNf j 1 I I j � 703LH08V I o n LOBEY T I 1786 50, MI (LEAceoic PREMISES) (1768.1832) 1625 SO.. FT. (LEASABLE PREMISES) I 17S] 50. FT. 1 1713 50. R. (LEASABLE PREMISES) I (LEASABLE PREMISES) ( I 1577 SO. FT. I 1573 S0. fT. I (LEASABLE PREMISES) I (LEASABLE PREMISES ) 1 1350 '= Fi. I (LEASABLE PREMISE$) 1 (INCLUDES 1/2 CORE) I (1825.]]24) (INCLOOES I/2 CORE) I (1757.3]28) (1713332 I 7) I (wn.uws I/2 fpREJ I (w2.U0E5 1/2 CORE) I I (157/]]78) I (1513.3326) I 0RLT1106 1/2 GGIIPJ Qe UGE5 1/2 ODRE) I ZZZ Z 345 SF SPACER---• I FLOOR1000 I I ®EL I I \Y'/ OO I V 2220 S 'REMISES COMMON INCLUDED IN THISIILEASE ) I I I cuvAllw� On f>w.wl (aFiAi.sia) ARFAI I i zpz,� 4+gWgj� :83NMO ) I gg I I I I 1 I I 1 ) :SNOISIA38 LOBBY/LINK TENANT AREAS TOTAL AREA: 2565 SF TOTAL AREA:111,699 SO. FT.uj Z QLu LEASEABLE AREA: 345 SF 0 COMMON TOTAL LEASEABLE. AREA: 11363 SOFT ,. . AREA: 2220 SF ate. a" COMMON AREA STAIR: 336 SO. FT. CL � 0 Lu zZ O Z Z 2 BUILDING F BUILDING e LL ;� n GROUND FLOOR PLAN G�„o FLOOR 14,264 Z z O O 1 SCALE: 1 8"" = 1'-D” S0 FT SECOND FLOOR: 14,264 SO, FT. W w 14,264 GROSS SQ. FT., GROUND FLOOR NORTH BUILDING B TOTAL: 28,528 SO. FT. LEASABLE PREMISES: O .__I (n Tn W F- F - (AREA TAKEN AT FACE OF FOUNDATION, GROUND LEASABLE: 11,706 SO. FT. (D DO O O INCLUDES 8" PIER PROJECTIONS) SECOND LEASABLE: 10,060 SG. FT. TOTAL LEASABLE: 21,788 SO. FT. COMMON AREAS: GROUND COMMON 2,556 SO. FT. SECOND Co11MON. 1,16( 50. FT. ��. TOTAL COMMON, 6,740 $0. FT. E "NIBIT D I k �-11m EEE woo Wt ,EE EEe EEE ■,■ ■k■ ak$ D _ .. PZ# . \ co � ,�% w! `)\\ �$22! 'c\ j,)d§d/00 Vio3NNat93so )m, , . JA"t§_._ ON"a C6 e_emmF_-- 10 AOia,n Q N ld8Oolao� � &tit! ! I k �-11m EEE woo ,EE EEe EEE ■,■ ■k■ ak$ !&i §\ § 3 PZ# » \ co `§/.}q ,�% w! `)\\ �$22! j,)d§d/00 . .. �., .� o ilii X10 j�Ef�l� Dili:�I � w g W i W i b' 1 c a � id � o o � a I o LandCor, Inc. O O O Uevdopan, Ge�erd Coutrectore uy« fwwa, uxMm SHADED AREA NOT PART OF SECOND FLOOR 'I /fr/ `E Z151, / �I ! �/ a � ���i J'�i' / Jr,�/�f�; !/� // J r /r �/ r�����y ! Jam,,",�.i�� /•:/� /, /' EN RAL NOTE ti J y,.. :• %/ //. /J/r J /, �, J! � J/;J /f %f �r/:�-�.' JJ ; , / e. ,,m m,oc .ea «n. rv.... eve /. WALL LEGEND // /µ/J• r r / �/J.% r J/ / / J jJ / r / �f / r/r 4�'°;_-�} yF V..1..p 1Si i 14 ` / //` z� � ���j// is ' � _ � I i ! 1 i, ; i �/ f J � ! 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J,VMNatld 3NVl 8V(130 b176l p� HlaON 3NV9 SZ£6 LL Z Z V) Z O � V) < M 2 S1O311H08V ),000w 2 4OOONYIdn S31NVdW0O a000NVl W ooz-a-z ;wewnrreaa Z N ONld�lfl8 301��0 H1ziON b3M011138 � a m i M W N d M Z< � 00 6i W N n � m n w � af M a � n r w J Q i Q J 10 N � r 1 O Vi W N n W n of N M 2 N M W v J QQ W J d I yW rm erNAOi.�i 'd p 8 N� 0 b— zc W 1n— 07 r �_ u yI y GI d N L g EEE O O CJ O J N N O a N N. _Z= rrH 0O W I Q II OZ p� N LL Z Z V) Z O � V) < M 2 2 W Q ® NN O z �? R yI y GI O N L EEE O CJ O (1) U) N N N O a N N. O W I Q II 0Oo Q J Q Q N LL Z V) Z O � V) < M 2 O O. W Q Q Q N O Q O O NN O C FACE PN�EL/ Fr woia� 44,_4„ B �. 28'-0" A rourmawH yZ� n :nRn n � IIIP� 1111 0 Z PREUMINApY: z-'�-'°°' 0 D N r LANDCOR COMPANIES u r x p rn aw o 9325 UPLAND LANE NORTH % M rn H o� � z BASEMENT/PARKING LEVEL PLAN L" 2 a SUITE 300 ~ MINNEAPOLIS, MN 5,5416 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA � N MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 (763) 463-8800 - L]�11U (612) 927-8546 Ii y 7-77-t 44•_4• 28'-0. .. 72,-4. .. C I NWip�ll B am, A FFa"�Ma°nm� BELL TOWER NORTH OFFICE BUILDING Z PREUMINApY: z-'�-'°°' LANDCOR COMPANIES MCCOY ARCHITECTS p aw o 9325 UPLAND LANE NORTH w 1944 CEDAR LAKE PARKWAY BASEMENT/PARKING LEVEL PLAN N SUITE 300 ~ MINNEAPOLIS, MN 5,5416 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA � > o MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369 (763) 463-8800 - a (612) 927-8546 ��� 'JOOPUE, fit 3 UC- ILI• - 6 , - _- ---------- --- - ------ _---- - �60 n I t�L \ I 68CSS•HWena'J a�tleW s - - mn �a N � d ls.an �� v I i Tr wN"6-'N.w)WMII SZC6 s warAn�'gi I i � �f •�' a, r AB S�vOr5N3N 3a Y0 ulI b� x $ M� W yy $y55 � t �1 i W (i A F a !r , ll { 3 li aI {yB $g 3 �g 88 ; I l � iil�'=�1 a� x � �= a ilk g$ � •a � �€ ep $$ �c {E ���7�`—` 3 V IBI $ 9 4 d i all o 7 flit! i } $ga€ It �f Ll IT3B M CST f KHIB!'-w 1 69£99 NW '3AO89 3ldVW NVId 1.1nan 831SVV4 oltuaw � w 0£ 311nS N 3W ONVldn SZ£6 .'M SNI 'W�dN dl NYI'003510 s F sNoisv,3a ova 1SV3 1N02132I31VM m W z = Ou, o z a � a. U v.� 8 � ol 11T17T�r �•%, \\� Rcl,l D nib -, TS�,,�\''��1` ,,••"����-'� �,, ,•••. •� __ � 101- cc ir- � �}jjttTrfiim� �•- 1 �O !j i i 1 k Nk �s7 0 r�. OTSECO WATERFRONT EAST THIRD ADDITION ­M70.0M3` rit"HIC SC= q', - . .-V 1psT 0 OUTLOT K y .3. ouTLGT oll T I I OUTLOT E I IA s G , \ 1, ('ANrR?ZZr mos OUTLDT A i vz. I \ - OUTLOT C OUTLOT . ounorA N", LC X u ouTLu-. 0 UUTLUT D UTLOT OUTLOT b\�\ AVGZ�4 47 — — — — — — — — — — — -- LINE TABLE LMTR— BECRNVTEAIL , TE p 1, __ . L:� _ _. AN. -,- FXH181'r L S .W cl 09 x Review No. 4 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Residential Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Robert Fields, LandCor, Inc. Richon Xiong, Land Funding I, LLC Ronald Dokken, P.E. Metro Land Surveying & Engineering Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, E.I.T. Date: March 14, 2007 Proposed Development: Otsego Waterfront East Street Location A portion of the E 'h of the SE '/4 of Sec. 15 T121 N R23W of Property: and a portion of the W 'h of Sec. 14 T121 R23W located in Wright County, Minnesota Applicant: LandCor Companies, Inc. Developer: LandCor Companies, Inc. 9325 Upland Lane N, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-463-8800 Owners of Record: Land Funding I, LLC Purpose: Otsego Waterfront East is a proposed retail, commercial, and office development along TH 101 and the Mississippi River in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Health Department Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\GHADXDY9\ot2272RVW-4.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE FINAL PLAT for OTSEGO WATERFRONT EAST 3RD ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR THE FITNESS CENTER (3RD ADDITION) COVER SHEET SITE PLAN GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN UTILITY PLAN QUANTRELLE AVENUE PLAN DETAILS OTHER COMMENTS BUILDING D PLANS (3RD ADDITION) COVER SHEET SITE PLAN GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN UTILITY PLAN DETAILS OTHER COMMENTS STORM SEWER AND INLET SPREAD CALCULATIONS HYDROLOGY REPORT OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION CADocuments and Settings\Tamilocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE51GHADXDY9\ot2272RVW-4.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plans for Otsego Waterfront East, dated 5/06/04, by Loucks Associates Preliminary Master Plan for Waterfront East, 3/6/07 revision, by Metro Land Surveying Engineering Final Plat for Otsego Waterfront East, by Metro Land Surveying Engineering Building E Construction and Grading Plans, 10/14/05 revision, by Metro Land Surveying Final Plat for Otsego Waterfront East 1St Addition, received 3/8/07, by MLSE Final Plat for Otsego Waterfront East 2nd Addition, received 3/8/07, by MLSE Final Plat for Otsego Waterfront East 3rd Addition, received 3/8/07, by MLSE Preliminary Plans for the Fitness Center, 3/6/07 revision, by MLSE Building C Construction and Grading Plans, 2/13/07 revision, by MLSE Building D Construction and Grading Plans, 3/5/07 revision, by MLSE Building F Construction and Grading Plan, 12/2006 revision, by MLSE Concept Building Plans for Building D, 2/5/07 revision, by McCoy Architects Preliminary Plans for the Medical Office Building (Bell Tower North Office Building), 2/12/07 revision, by Metro Land Surveying & Engineering Floor Plan and Elevations for Retail Building, 2/19/07 revision, by McCoy Architects Hydrology Report/Storm Sewer Design for Buildings D, E, & F, 2/12/07 revision, by Metro Land Surveying Engineering Hydrology Report/Storm Sewer Design for Building C, 2/13/07 revision, by Metro Land Surveying Engineering City of Otsego Engineering Manual, March 1999, 4/6/05 Revision City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\GHADXDY9\ot2272RVW-4.doc Final Plat Otsego Waterfront East 3rd Addition Remove all old lot/outlot lines from previous the Otsego Waterfront East final plat. 2. Remove the lines depicting the vacated MnDOT right-of-way near Outlot C and Outlot D. 3. The easement line along the southwest lot line of Outlot C runs through Building F. Please remove this easement line. 4. The shared storm sewer along the east side of Outlot A, from Outlot C & D, shall be covered by drainage and utility easement. 5. No setback or easement is required per the PUD along 90th Street or Quantrelle Avenue. The easement line depicted along Quantrelle Avenue in Outlot C can be removed. 6. The shared storm sewer through Block 2, Lot 1 shall be covered by drainage and utility easement. 7. Easements of a minimum 10' wide or a width equal to the required side yard setback established by the respective zoning district in which the property is located, whichever is least, centered on rear and other lines, shall be provided for drainage and for public and private utilities. Lot easements shall be a minimum of 10' when no easement exists on the adjoining parcels. When it is not practical to center easements, the fully required easement width may be required along one property line. (21.7.15.A) A minimum 10' easement is needed along the perimeters of Block 1, Lot 1 and Block 2, Lot 1. 8. A minimum 20' wide drainage and utility easement centered on the pipe shall cover the shared sanitary sewer and storm sewer near the cul-de-sac and along the east lot line of Block 1, Lot 1. 9. The reason for the easement along the south side of Quantrelle Avenue, Outlot B, is unclear. 10. Remove the old Outlot labels. Preliminary Plans for Fitness Center Ord Addition) Cover Sheet A final set of construction and grading plans will require a signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer on the cover sheet. 2. Please clearly indicate construction and grading limits on the overall site map. Quantrelle Avenue, from the end of the City project near Building F's entrance to the cul-de-sac is to be constructed with the Fitness Center. C:\Documents and Settings\TarnALocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\GHADXDY9\ot2272RVW-4.doc 3. The owner/developer's contact person and phone number shall be identified. Site Plan 1. Label the overhead power line as such, along the west corner of the lot. 2. Typical curb radii, lane widths, parking stall dimensions, sidewalk widths, building dimensions, and any other dimensions shall be included on the site plan. 3. Depict all sidewalk and pedestrian ramps. 4. Clearly indicate the cite boundaries. Example, both shared entrances off of the cul- de-sac are to be built to full width, beyond the property boundary. An agreement or easement is needed to cover all shared utilities, access points, parking, etc... Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan Many of the contours (proposed and existing) dead-end and/or do not correctly tie into an appropriate existing or proposed contour. Please revise. 2. A minimum 2% grade overland is required for the area west of the parking lot. Please revise the grading in this area to provide minimum grade. 3. Show all sidewalk and pedestrian ramps. 4. It does not appear that the dash existing contour lines represent the contours as the site is currently. These contours appear to represent the grades before any of the sites mass grading was done. Please depict the most current existing contours to ensure that the grading along the edge of the property does not cause potential drainage or safety issues. 5. Spot elevations and drainage arrows with proposed grades throughout the parking lot and around the center islands are needed. A minimum 1 % grade over bituminous areas and 0.6% along curb and gutter is required. 6. Depict the grading boundary. 7. Depict the rock entrance to be used for the site. 8. Depict all erosion and sedimentation control (silt fence, stormwater inlet protection). 9. Include benchmark and datum information. Utility Plan All utilities shall have the pipe sizes, types, grades, and inverts labeled. Final construction plans shall include profiles for all utilities to help identify any potential conflicts. CADocuments and Settings\Tamilocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\GHADXDY9\ot2272RVW-4.doc 2. Hydrant coverage is insufficient. A minimum 300' spacing (150' radius) is required in commercial areas. 3. Clearly indicate the area of construction. It is unclear what the curb and gutter, pavement, and utilities are to be constructed in association with the Fitness Center. 4. A typical pavement section(s) based on a geotechnical engineer's recommendation is required. 5. Label the type of curb and gutter. 6. Include benchmark and datum information. Quantrelle Avenue Plan 1. Provide horizontal centerline information. 2. Provide centerline street grades, street widths, R.O.W. widths, typical intersection radii, and cul-de-sac dimensions. 3. A typical street section based on a geotechnical engineer's recommendation is required. 4. Label the type of curb and gutter. 5. Label watermain size & type. 6. Label the size, type, and grade for all existing and proposed storm and sanitary sewer. 7. See Master Utility Plan comments # 4. 8. The existing watermain layout does not agree with the proposed layout at the connection point in the middle of Quantrelle Avenue. 9. The existing hydrant in the middle of Quantrelle Avenue must be moved to a location 5' behind the proposed curb. 10. Depict the sidewalk along Quantrelle Avenue. 11. Bituminous curb is not acceptable. All curb and gutter shall be concrete. 12. Clearly label and depict the beginning of curb and gutter and pavement construction. Details 1. Details shall be included in the plan set. CADocuments and Settings\TarnRLocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\GHADXDY9\ot2272RVW-4.doc Other Comments 1► • • 17N- Building D Plans Ord Addition) Final Plat See Waterfront East Td Addition comments. Cover Sheet (from plans dated 2/12/07) 1. Please more clearly indicate the parcel that is Building D on the overall development site map. 2. There are two separate locations for the project engineer to sign the cover sheet. 3. The owner/developer's contact person shall be identified. 4. A cover sheet was not submitted with the latest revision of the plans (3/5/07 revision). Site Plan It appears that a pedestrian ramp is needed for the parking area to the north of building D and east of Building E. Indicate and label any pedestrian ramps to the parking lot 2. It is difficult to tell where sidewalk exists and where new sidewalk is to be constructed. Clearly indicate where Building D construction ties into the existing curb, pavement, sidewalk, etc. 3. It is unclear what is to fill the area directly adjacent to Building D, between the concrete sidewalk and the building pad. 4. Label the NWL and 100 -yr HWL of the adjacent Regional Pond. 5. Depict the location of the Trash enclosure. 6. Remove the easement lines over the storm sewer through the Building E & D parking lot. Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan Include the benchmark and datum information. 2. All proposed erosion and sedimentation control locations (Rock entrance, Stormwater inlet protection around the CB's, silt fence between Quantrelle Avenue, parking lots, or pond and the site, erosion control blanket, etc) shall be depicted in the plans. CADocuments and Settings\Tauri\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\GHADXDY9\ot2272RVW-4.doc 3. The line type depicted for the existing contours in the legend does not agree with the line type being used in the plans. 4. Clearly indicate where Building D construction ties into the existing curb, pavement, sidewalk, utilities etc. 5. Remove the easement lines over the storm sewer through the Building E & D parking lot. 6. Show the existing hydrant northeast of West Building E. 7. The 22' and 12' dimensions for the area around Building E should be moved to the site plan sheet. 8. The 863 contour is missing between the 862 and 864 contours to the east of Building D. 9. The spot elevation at the third storm structure to the east, for the storm sewer south of Building D, does not agree with the rim elevation of 864.50. Please verify and revise. 10. Label the NWL and 100 -yr HWL of the adjacent Regional Pond. Utility Plans Include the benchmark and datum information. 2. Label the NWL and 100 -yr HWL of the adjacent Regional Pond. 3. It is difficult to tell what is existing or new construction. The storm sewer, watermain, and sanitary sewer that has been installed with the construction of Quantrelle Avenue or a previous building such as Building E, shall be labeled as "By Others". Clearly indicate where Building D construction ties into the existing utilities. 4. A gate valve must be cut into the existing water service to Building E. Please label and depict the gate valve in the plans. 5. A gate valve is required at the connection to the water service stub to Building D. Please depict and label on the plans. 6. Include an invert elevation for all sanitary and storm sewer stubs. 7. Label the type or class, grade, length, and size of all pipes. All structures shall be labeled for ease of identification. 8. The storm sewer pipe south of Building D, flowing to the Regional Pond, shall be extended to the NWL to reduce potential for erosion. 9. Show the existing hydrant northeast of West Building E. CADocuments and Settings\Tami\I..ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\GHADXDY9\ot2272RVW-4.doc Details (Sheets 5-6) Detail sheets were not submitted with the latest revision of the plans (3/5/07 revision). Please submit a plan set with the required details. Other Comments No Comments. Storm Sewer and Inlet Spread Calculations The hydrology report for the storm sewer design was submitted with Building F plans and includes the drainage area from Building D is currently under review. 2. Storm sewer and inlet spread calculations are required for the Fitness Center site. Other Considerations No comments. Summary and/or Recommendation We cannot recommend approval at this time due to the extent of revisions required. CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\GHADXDY9\ot2272RVW-4.doc NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Shives / Daniel Licht DATE: 14 March 2007 RE: Otsego — Zoning Ordinance; Interim Uses FILE: 176.08 BACKGROUND The City Council has directed the Planning Commission to review conditional uses within the existing zoning districts to determine if there are some uses that should be made to be interim uses. The Planning Commission discussed the issue at their meeting on 5 March 2007 and directed preparation of a formal Zoning Ordinance amendment to be considered at a public hearing at their meeting. Exhibits: A. Proposed Ordinance Amendment ANALYSIS Conditional Uses. Conditional uses are those uses that may be appropriate within a given zoning district subject to conformance with performance standards intended to off set specific characteristics that may cause a negative impact to the area or surrounding properties. An example of a conditional use is a convenience gas station, which due to its on site activity and traffic generation is subject to specific performance standards to ensure proper access, circulation and screening from surrounding properties. Conditional uses are considered to be "allowed" based on compliance with the performance standards set forth by the Zoning Ordinance and the action by the Planning Commission and City Council regarding conditional use permits defined as judicial actions. The applicant has a right to approval of the conditional use permit if they adequately demonstrate compliance with the established performance standards and the decision of the Planning Commission and City Council must be based on compliance with those specific performance standards. By ordinance, conditional use permits are voided if the use is terminated and not reestablished within one year. Interim Uses. Prior to the development of the interim use permit, most cities used conditional use permits as a way to put a time limit or "expiration date" on uses that the city wanted to be able to control more effectively. However, as more and more conditional use permits were issued with expiration dates, the matter was challenged and the Attorney General made the finding that time limits could not be placed on conditional use permits. Issuance of a conditional use permit runs with the property and may be continued even if ownership of the property changes or the area surrounding the property changes. Subsequently, the Legislature amended State Statutes 462.3597 to provide for an interim use permit to allow cities to impose conditions in the manner of a conditional use permit while also setting an expiration date for a use permit based on a date or an event. The interim use permit was intended to be a tool for cities to use to place restrictions on uses which, as time went on, would no longer be consistent with the City's general character and Comprehensive Plan. As stated in Section 20-5-1 of the City's Zoning Ordinance, there are generally three purposes for an interim use permit; to allow a use for a brief period of time until a permanent location is available, to allow a use or activity that is presently acceptable, but that with anticipated development or redevelopment may not be acceptable in the future and to allow a use which is reflective of anticipated long range changes to an area and which is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Within the Otsego Zoning Ordinance, interim use permits are evaluated based upon the same criteria as conditional uses established by Section 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance. Termination regulations for interim uses within the City are outlined in Section 20-5-4 of the Ordinance and state that an approved interim use shall terminate on the happening of any of the following events, whichever first occurs: A. The date stated in the permit. B. Upon violation of conditions under which the permit was issued. C. Upon change in the City's zoning regulations which render the use non -conforming. D. The redevelopment of the use and property upon which it is located to permitted or conditional use as allowed within the respective zoning district. 2 General standards for interim uses are outlined in Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance. This section states that existing uses allowed by interim use must be in conformance with zoning and building standards in effect at the time of initial construction and development and shall continue to be governed by such regulations in the future. New interim uses must also conform to all zoning regulations, have a clearly defined date of termination, have conditions outlined and imposed by the City Council for the use and shall not impose additional costs on the public if it is necessary for the public to take or acquire the property in the future. Both existing and new interim uses must be compatible with surrounding uses and the architectural character and design standards of existing uses and development within the City. Furthermore, these uses must conform to the established conditional use permit criteria as outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. Zoning Districts. The Otsego Zoning Ordinance was adopted on April 13, 1992 establishing various Zoning Districts that set forth both conditional and interim uses. The following table outlines existing interim uses allowed in the City as well as uses presently identified as conditional uses, which may be more appropriate as interim uses. Conditional uses staff is recommending to be changed to interim uses are underlined. These recommendations are based on potential long-term compatibility issues with certain uses as well as the amount of investment to establish certain uses and whether those investments dictate the need for a conditional use permit. Zoning District Interim Uses Conditional Uses A-1 Mobile Homes Government/public buildings Agricultural -Rural Home extended businesses Commercial riding stables Service District Non-farm produce sales Cemeteries Mining, sand, gravel extraction Commercial outdoor recreation Residential lot sizes > 2'/z acres Single-family density transfer Personal wireless service towers and antennas A-2 Mobile Homes Government/public buildings Agricultural -Long Home extended businesses Commercial outdoor recreation Range Urban Service Cemeteries District Mining, sand, gravel extraction Temporary seasonal sales (farms only) Single-family density transfer Personal wireless service towers and antennas Residential lots < 20 acres R -C None Government/public buildings Residential -Rural Open Commercial outdoor recreation Space Cluster District Cemeteries Temporary seasonal sales (farms only) Keeping of horses and farm animals Planned Unit Developments Personal wireless service towers and antennas I Transfer of development rights R-1 Home extended businesses Commercial outdoor recreation Residential -Long Keeping of horses Government/public buildings Range Urban Service Planned Unit Developments District River Personal wireless service towers and antennas Frontage) R-2 Model homes Government/public buildings Residential -Long Farms, farmsteads and farming Public/Semi-public recreation buildings, public Range Urban Service Keeping of horses and private schools and religious institutions District (Large Lot) Planned Unit Developments Personal wireless service towers and antennas R-3 Model homes Government/public buildings Residential -Long Farms, farmsteads and farming Public/Semi-public recreation buildings, public Range Urban Service Home extended businesses and private schools and religious institutions District (General) Planned Unit Developments Personal wireless service towers and antennas R -4A Model homes Public/Semi-public recreation buildings, public Residential -Suburban Farms, farmsteads and farming and private schools and religious institutions Single Family District Home extended businesses Government/public buildings Planned Unit Developments Personal wireless service towers and antennas R-4 Model homes Single family lots < 12,000 square feet Residential -Urban Farms, farmsteads and farming Public/Semi-public recreation buildings, public Single Family District Home extended businesses and private schools and religious institutions Government/public buildings Planned Unit Developments Personal wireless service towers and antennas R-5 Model homes Single family lots < 12,000 square feet Single and Two Family Farms, farmsteads and farming Public/Semi-public recreation buildings, public District Home extended businesses and private schools and religious institutions Government/public buildings Planned Unit Developments Two Family Detached Dwellings Personal wireless service towers and antennas Manufactured Home Parks R-6 Model homes Government/public buildings Residential -Medium Farms, farmsteads and farming Planned Unit Developments Density District Home extended businesses Personal wireless service towers and antennas Manufactured Home Parks R-7 Model homes Swimming pools Residential -High Farms, farmsteads and farming Public/Semi-public recreation buildings, public Density District Home extended businesses and private schools and religious institutions Halfway houses Nursing homes and similar group housing Elderly (senior citizen) housing Planned Unit Developments Personal wireless service towers and antennas Manufactured Home Parks R -MH None Personal wireless service towers and antennas Manufactured Housing Residential District R -B None Medical offices and clinics, dental offices and Residential/Business clinics, professional offices and commercial District (leased) offices, veterinary clinics (no outside kennels) and funeral homes and mortuaries Retail commercial activities Nursing homes and similar group housing Elderly (senior citizen) housing Swimming pools Halfway houses Planned Unit Developments Personal wireless service towers and antennas B-1 Farms, farmsteads and farming Commercial planned unit developments Neighborhood Home extended businesses Personal wireless service towers and antennas Business District B-2 Farms, farmsteads and farming Drive-in and convenience food establishments Highway Business Home extended businesses Commercial car washes District Motor vehicle fuel sales, truck stop, auto repair - minor and tire and battery stores and services Convenience store with gas sales Accessory, enclosed retail, rental or service Commercial planned unit developments Personal wireless service towers and antennas Motor vehicle sales, leasing and rental B-3 Farms, farmsteads and farming Commercial planned unit developments General Business Home extended businesses Drive-in and convenience food establishments District Commercial car washes Motor vehicle fuel sales, truck stop, auto repair - minor and tire and battery stores and services Convenience store with gas sales Accessory, enclosed retail, rental or service Personal wireless service towers and antennas B -W Farms, farmsteads and farming Open and outdoor storage Business/Warehousing Home extended businesses Open or outdoor service, sale and rental District Manufacturing, compounding, assembly, packaging, treatment or storage of products and materials Planned Unit Developments Personal wireless service towers and antennas B -C Farms, farmsteads and farming Manufacturing, compounding, assembly, Business Campus Home extended businesses packaging, treatment or storage of products and District materials Warehousing/indoor storage Planned Unit Developments Personal wireless service towers and antennas I-1 Farms, farmsteads and farming Open or outdoor service, sale and rental Limited Industrial Home extended businesses Accessory, enclosed retail, rental or service District Temporary structures Open and outdoor storage Planned Unit Developments Commercial and public radio and television transmitting antennas Physical recreation or training facilities 1-2 Farms, farmsteads and farming Open or outdoor service, sale and rental General Industrial Home extended businesses Accessory, enclosed retail, rental or service District Storage, utilization or manufacturing of materials or products which would decompose by demolition, refuse and garbage disposal, crude oil, bulk fuel, gasoline or other liquid storage Open and outdoor storage Planned Unit Developments Commercial and public radio and television transmitting antennas Commercial, private and public satellite dish transmitting or receiving antennas Commercial truck washing Commercial truck service Commercial semi -tractor or semi -trailer, construction or agricultural implement sales, leasing and rental Physical recreation or training facilities Criteria. The criteria evaluation of conditional use permit and interim use permit applications is set forth in Section 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance (and also for Zoning Ordinance/Map amendments in 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance). These criteria include the effects on property values as one of the factors to be considered. City staff has advised the Planning Commission and City Council in the past not to use the effects to property values as a basis for land use decisions. Using property values as a basis for a land use decision requires a detailed study prepared by a certified real estate appraiser. However, even appraisals are a subjective, qualified analysis of a property's value and different outcomes are common for appraisals of the same property by different appraisers. Thus, it is difficult for a City to make a specific finding as to the effects of a proposed use on area property values related to a decision for a development application and we recommend deleting this criteria from the Zoning Ordinance. In addition to striking the criteria related to property values, we also suggest two other modifications. The first is to eliminate the criteria regarding the effect of a use to the area in which it is proposed as being redundant of the first two criteria. The second additional change is to generalize the last criteria regarding the impact to the City's service capacity. This change specifically eliminates potential impacts to schools as criteria because decisions effecting the provision of school services within the City are beyond the control of the City Council. CONCLUSION This memorandum provides an overview of conditional and interim uses within the City and recommends amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to change certain conditional uses to interim uses based on potential long-term compatibility issues and the need of the City to be able to establish a specific termination date. Additional amendments regarding the criteria for considering conditional use permit and interim use permit (and Zoning Ordinance/Map amendment) applications are also recommended so as to be consistent with City practices. The proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment is to be considered at a public hearing scheduled for 19 March 2007. C. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner f: ORDINANCE NO.: 2007 - CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATED TO CONDITIONAL AND INTERIM USES WITHIN THE VARIOUS DISTRICTS AND CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS AND INTERIM USE PERMITS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 20-2-2 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include the following definitions: Excavation: Any removal of the natural surface of the earth, whether sod, dirt soil, sand, gravel, stone or other material creating a depression or depressions. Excavation for Transport: The practice of excavating material for transport of said material off of the land on which the excavation occurs that is not related to development for an approved subdivision or site plan. Section 2. Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Section 3. Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Section 4. Section 20-51-3 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include the following provisions: D. Excavation for transport or land filling operations of more than fifty (50) cubic yards not related to an approved subdivision or site plan, provided that: 1. The use will be in compliance with the provisions of Section 23 and 25 of this Chapter and other provisions of the City Code. 2. The interim use permit shall terminate at a date determined by the City Council to be adequate to allow for completion of the operation based upon: a. The quantity of material to be removed and the plan of operation b. Compatibility with present and future land uses in the area. C. Compliance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and conditions specific to the interim use permit approval. Section 5. Section 20-51-4 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 2 D. Reserved. Section 6. Section 20-52-3 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: C. Excavation for transport or land filling operations of more than fifty (50) cubic yards not related to an approved subdivision or site plan, provided that: 1. The use will be in compliance with the provisions of Section 23 and 25 of this Chapter and other provisions of the City Code. 2. The interim use permit shall terminate at a date determined by the City Council to be adequate to allow for completion of the operation based upon: a. The quantity of material to be removed and the plan of operation b. Compatibility with present and future land uses in the area. C. Compliance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and conditions specific to the interim use permit approval. Section 7. Section 20-52-4 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: D. Reserved. Section 8. Section 20-60-3 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include the following provisions: A. Temporary seasonal sales of products produced on site (farms only) as regulated by Section 20-26-8 of this Chapter. B. The keeping of horses and farm animals, not including feedlots, as regulated by Section 20-27-4.6 of this Chapter. Section 9. Sections 20-60-5.D and E of the Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to read as follows: D. Reserved. C E. Reserved. Section 10. Section 20-78-3 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include the following provisions: C. Open and outdoor storage as an accessory use provided: 1. The storage area is landscaped, fenced, and screened from view of neighboring uses and abutting Residential Districts. 2. Storage is landscaped and screened from view from the public right- of-way. 3. Storage area is blacktopped or concrete surfaced. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences. 5. The storage area does not take up parking space or loading space as required for conformity to this Chapter. 6. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. D. Open or outdoor service, sale and rental (excluding automobile or truck sales) as an accessory use provided that: 1. Outside sales areas are landscaped and fenced or screened from view of neighboring residential uses or an abutting residential district. 2. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences. 3. Areas are asphalt or concrete surfaced. 4. The use does not take up parking space or loading areas as required for conformity to this Chapter. 5. Additional parking, pursuant to Section 21 of this Chapter is provided for said space. 4 6. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. Section 11. Sections 20-78-6.A and B of the Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to read as follows: A. Reserved. B. Reserved. Section 12. Section 20-85-3 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to add the following provisions: D. Open or outdoor service, sale and rental (excluding automobile or truck sales) as a principal or accessory use, provided that: 1. Outside service areas are fenced and screened from view of the public right-of-way, neighboring residential uses, or an abutting Residential District in compliance with Section 16 of this Chapter. 2. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right -or -way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Section 16 of this Chapter. 3. The use does not take up parking space as required for conformity to this Chapter. 4. Sales area is hard surfaced to control dust. 5. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. E. Accessory, enclosed retail, rental, or service activity other than that allowed as a permitted use or conditional use within this Section, provided that: 1. Such use is allowed as a permitted use in a Business District. 2. Such use does not constitute more than fifty (50) percent of the gross floor area of the principal building. 3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading in compliance with 5 the requirements of Sections 21 and 22 of this Chapter is provided. 4. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with the provisions of Section 37 of this Chapter. 5. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. F. Open and outdoor storage as a principal or accessory use provided that: The storage area is landscaped, fenced, and screened from view of neighboring uses and abutting R Districts. 2. Storage is landscaped and screened from view from the public right- of-way. 3. Storage area is blacktopped or concrete surfaced unless specifically approved by the City Council. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences. 5. The storage area does not take up parking space or loading space as required for conformity to this Chapter. 6. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. G. Physical recreation or training facilities provided that: Hours of operation shall be subject to review and approval of the City Council. 2. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic, shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter and shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading stalls are provided in compliance with Sections 21 and 22 of this Chapter. 4. All signs and information and visual communications devices shall be in compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. Ce 5. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. Section 13. Section 20-85-6.A and B and C of the Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to read as follows: A. Reserved. B. Reserved. C. Reserved. Section 14. Section 20-85-6.G of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 15. Section 20-86-4 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to include the following provisions: C. Open or outdoor service, sale and rental (excluding automobile or truck sales) as a principal or accessory use, provided that: 1. Outside services, sales and equipment rental connected with the principal use is limited to fifty (50) percent of the gross floor area of the principal use. 2. Outside sales areas are fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or an abutting Residential District in compliance with section 16 of this Chapter. 3. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right -or -way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Section 16 of this Chapter. 4. The use does not take up parking space as required for conformity to this Chapter. 5. Sales area is hard surfaced to control dust. 6. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with 7 Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. D. Accessory, enclosed retail, rental, service, or processing, manufacturing activity other than that allowed as a permitted use or conditional use within this Section, provided that: 1. Such use is allowed as a permitted use in a Business District. 2. Such use does not constitute more than fifty (50) percent of the gross floor area of the principal building. 3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading in compliance with the requirements of Sections 21 and 22 of this Chapter is provided. 4. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with the provisions of Section 37 of this Chapter. 5. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. E. Open and outdoor storage as a principal or accessory use provided that: The storage area is landscaped, fenced, and screened from view of neighboring uses and abutting R Districts. 2. Storage is landscaped and screened from view from the public right- of-way. 3. Storage area is blacktopped or concrete surfaced. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences. 5. The storage area does not take up parking space or loading space as required for conformity to this Chapter. 6. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. F. Physical recreation or training facilities provided that: Hours of operation shall be subject to review and approval of the City 8 Council. 2. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic, shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter and shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading stalls are provided in compliance with Sections 21 and 22 of this Chapter. 4. All signs and information and visual communications devices shall be in compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. 5. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. Section 16. Section 20-86-7.A and B and D of the Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to read as follows: A. Reserved. B. Reserved. D. Reserved. Section 17. Section 20-86-7.K of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 18. Section 20-87-3 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to add the following provisions: B. Open or outdoor service, sale and rental as a principal or accessory use, provided that: 1. Outside service areas are fenced and completely screened from view of the public right-of-way, neighboring residential uses, or an abutting Residential District in compliance with Section 16 of this Chapter. 2. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right -or -way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Section 16 of this Chapter. 6 3. The use does not take up parking space as required for conformity to this Chapter. 4. The sales area is surfaced to control dust and drainage as approved by the City Engineer. 5. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. C. Accessory, enclosed retail, rental, or service activity other than that allowed as a permitted use or conditional use within this Section, provided that: Such use is allowed as a permitted use in a Business District. 2. Such use does not constitute more than fifty (50) percent of the gross floor area of the principal building. 3. Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading in compliance with the requirements of Sections 21 and 22 of this Chapter is provided. 4. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with the provisions of Section 37 of this Chapter. 5. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or other date as determined by the City Council in accordance with Section 20-5-4 of this Chapter. D. Open and outdoor storage as a principal or accessory use provided that: The Outside storage areas are fenced and completely screened from view of the public right-of-way, neighboring residential uses, or an abutting Residential District in compliance with Section 16 of this Chapter. 2. Storage area is surfaced to control dust and drainage as approved by the City Engineer. 3. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences. 4. The storage area does not take up parking space or loading space as required for conformity to this Chapter. 5. The interim use permit shall terminate upon a change of occupancy or 10