04-16-07 PCNORTHWIRST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway. Suite 202. Golden Vallev, MN 55422 Telephone: 76:3.231.2555 Facsimile: 703.231.2561 plar-iners(anacplanning.corr, PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Shives/Daniel Licht RE: Otsego - Ostrom Building Relocation CUP REPORT DATE: 10 April 2007 APPLCIATION DATE: 19 March 2007 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 07.06 ACTION DATE: 18 May 2007 BACKGROUND Rick Ostrom has submitted an application to relocate a detached garage building to 9124 Ohland Avenue NE (Lot 3, Block 8 Antelope Park). The detached garage has already been moved onto the site and the CUP is being requested to resolve a code enforcement action. The site is presently developed with a single family home having an attached garage. The subject site is zoned R-3, Residential — Long Range Urban Service Area District and detached garages are a permitted accessory use in this District. Section 20-19-1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires consideration of a conditional use permit (CUP) for relocation of existing buildings to lots within the City. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Project Narrative D. New Garage Photos E. Existing Home Photo ANALYSIS Building Relocation. The relocation of existing structures to lots within the City of Otsego requires compliance with the performance standards outlined in Section 20-19- 2, as follows: A. Upon relocation, the building shall comply with applicable requirements of the State Uniform Building Code. Comment: A building permit is required prior to relocation of any structure. Review and approval of the Building Official for conformance with the Uniform Building Code shall be made a condition of approval. B. The proposed relocated building shall comply with the character of the neighborhood in which it is being relocated, as determined by the City Council. Comment: The neighborhood is fully developed with single family dwellings consisting of a mix of primarily wood frame structures. The garage structure to be located on the property is wood framed and will be consistent with this character. C. The relocated use will not result in a depreciation of the neighborhood or adjacent property values. Comment: Provided the structure has a similar character as adjacent dwellings and is in conformance with applicable performance standards, no depreciation is anticipated. D. The relocated structure shall be similar to the market valuation of adjacent principal structures as determined by the City or County Assessor. Comment: Although no market valuation information was provided for the proposed structure to be relocated, it is not anticipated to decrease the market valuation of the subject property. E. The relocated structure shall be ready for occupancy within six (6) months from the date of location on site. Comment: This requirement shall be made a condition of approval. Garage Description. The applicant is proposing to place an existing detached garage in to the east of the existing home on the property. The applicant states that the garage will be used for personal storage. The garage is 24 feet by 40 feet for a total of 960 square feet. The garage has two 8 -foot by 7 -foot overhead garage doors and on 15 - foot by 9 -foot sliding garage door. The garage also has an access door on one side. The garage has an asphalt shingled roof with a 5/12 pitch and is sided with masonite 12 -inch lap siding. The applicant states that the garage will be painted to match the existing home. The garage will be placed upon a new permanent foundation with a 5 - foot concrete apron. Lot Area and Setback Requirements. The following table illustrates required performance standards for single family lots and accessory buildings in the R-3 District. 2 Lot Requirements Accessory Setbacks Lot Area Lot Width Local Street Side Yard Rear Yard Required 1 acre 150 feet 35 feet 10 feet 20 feet The subject site has a total area of 55,000 square feet, or 1.26 acres. Although the existing home accesses off of Ohland Avenue NE, the actual front lot line abuts 90th Street NE. Section 20-2-21 of the Zoning Ordinance defines a front lot line as the boundary abutting a public right-of-way having the least width. The subject lot is a non- conforming lot of record given that the lot width is 80 feet and the required width for lots within the R-3 District is 150 feet. The applicant is proposing to locate the new garage in the rear yard of the subject site. The subject site contains ample room for placement of the detached garage in the rear yard. The garage must be placed within the required setbacks: 10 feet from the side lot line and 20 feet from the rear lot line. Utilities. The site plan indicates the location of the existing individual sewage treatment system. The locations of the septic tanks and drainfields must be verified in the field and final garage placement shall be subject to approval of the Building Official. As required by MN Rules Chapter 7080, sewage tanks must be located at least 10 feet from occupied buildings and drainfields shall be located at least 20 feet from occupied buildings. Accessory Building Standards. Accessory buildings are limited to a height of no more than 16 feet in the R-3 District. The applicant has not submitted details on the height of the proposed detached garage and as such, a condition of approval will be that the garage shall not exceed 16 feet in height. The design of all accessory buildings shall be compatible with that of the principal structure. The applicant has indicated that the proposed new garage will be painted a color to match the existing single family home on the lot. Single family lots within the R-3 District that are 1.01 to 2 acres in area are allowed to have up to 1,500 square feet of detached accessory structures. There is to be no more than two (2) detached private garages or accessory structures for each detached single family dwelling. Existing Site Conditions. In the information submitted by the applicant, there appears to be a vehicle parked within the front yard of the property on the grass. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the detached garage, the applicant shall be required to bring the property into compliance with all Zoning Ordinance and City Code regulations. All vehicles must be parked on a designated driveway or within a building as regulated in Section 20-21-4.F of the Zoning Ordinance. CUP Criteria. When considering CUP applications, the Planning Commission and City Council must also take into account the possible adverse impacts of the building relocation based upon, but not limited to, the following factors outlined in Section 20-4- 21 of the Zoning Ordinance: 3 The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject site is guided for low density residential uses by the Comprehensive Plan. A detached garage is a permitted accessory use in the R- 3 District and the use is consistent with the guided land use for the area. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The surrounding area is developed with low density, single family residential uses which are planned to continue as discussed in the Comprehensive Plan. As such, the proposed use will be compatible with present and future land uses. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The relocated structure shall be required to comply with all applicable performance standards. The location of the existing sewage treatment system in relation to the proposed new garage shall be subject to the review and approval of the Building Official. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The relocated garage may be considered an improvement of the property and, as such, it is expected to have a positive effect on the neighborhood provided all performance standards are met. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed garage is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The relocated structure will be used for storage of personal property of the property owner and is not anticipated to generate traffic beyond the capabilities of streets serving the subject property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. 0 Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. Security. Section 20-19-3 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a security be posted for the relocation of existing structures. This security is required in part to cover any costs that may be incurred due to damage during the relocation and to encourage completion of the project. The security shall be determined by the Building Official and will be required as a condition of approval. RECOMMENDATION The proposed relocation of a detached garage to 9124 Ohland Avenue NE is consistent with requirements for building relocations based on the information that has been provided by the applicant. Our office recommends approval of the requested building relocation CUP, subject to the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve the CUP, subject to the following conditions: A building permit is applied for and approved by the Building Official prior to relocation of the structure. 2. The relocated structure shall be ready for occupancy within six (6) months from the date of location on site, subject to approval of the Building Official. 3. The relocated structure shall be painted to match the existing principal building on the lot within six (6) months from the date a building permit is issued for the building on the site. 4. A permanent occupancy permit for the relocated structure shall not be issued until such time as the property is brought into compliance with all City Code and Zoning Ordinance regulations. 5. The applicant is to submit a detailed site plan or certificate of survey identifying the proposed garage location in relation to the existing septic system and well locations, subject to approval by City staff. 6. A security as required by Section 20-19-3 of the Zoning Ordinance as determined by City staff is posted. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent 5 with the Comprehensive Plan and/or Zoning Ordinance provisions. C. Motion to table the application. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Tim Rochel, Building Official Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Rick and Janice Ostrom 71 APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT — Move in a garage Description of Building: Size is 24' x 40' building of approximately 960 square feet. Three garage doors on front. Two of which are 8' x 7' over head doors; one is 15' x 9' slider door. One service door and four casement windows. Side walls of 10' with 2" x 4" construction, 16" on center. Sheeting is Built Rite and siding is masonite, 12" lap. Roof is 5/12 gable end, with 2" x 4" truss, 2' on center. Plywood roof sheeting, covered with three tab asphalt shingles. Guesstimate on original construction of the building is late 1970's or early 1980's. Location of Building: Northeast corner of lot, in accordance with city lot line set backs. Plan for Construction: Concrete floating slab of 24' x 40' with 12" sides and middle thickness of 4" with 3/8" rod, 2' on center, both ways. Anchor straps 6' on center, no more than 12" from corner of slab. Apron of 5' x 40'. Plan for Renovation: The building will be painted of a color consistent with the house siding and trim. New 2" x 4" treated sills on the bottom of building. First course of siding will be replaced. Holes necessary for transport off the building will be repaired. Respectfully compiled, Rick Ostrom EXHIBIT 0 � �rlru waw i i ," B4 EXHIB q.r E ITEM 3-2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSU Li! 1,1 1 5, INC: 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan nerslaynacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — LINCO; Shop Site and Building Plan Review 12 April 2007 176.02 ACTION DATE: CITY FILE Mr. Brad Praught has submitted plans for construction of a new 24,110 square foot shop building on a 4.2 acre parcel located along 60th Street (CSAH 37) east of MacAllister Avenue. The building is to be used for fabrication of metal building materials expanding on the existing use occurring on the property. The subject site was subdivided from Mr. Praught's farmstead property on 11 April 2005 and zoned 1-2, General Industrial District. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Site Plan/Preliminary Plat C. Grading Plan D. Building Construction Plan E. Building Floor Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned 1-2, General Industrial District. The use of the proposed shop building for fabrication of building materials is consistent with the current use of the property and a permitted use in the 1-2 District. Lot Requirements. Lots within the 1-2 District must have a minimum area of two acres and minimum width of 200 feet to a public street. The subject site is approximately 4.2 acres in area and has approximately 390 feet of frontage to 60th Street in conformance with 1-2 District requirements. Building coverage in the 1-2 District is limited to not more than 50 percent of the lot area. The total building area on the site is 31,310 square feet or 17.1 percent of the lot area consistent with 1-2 District standards. Setbacks. The table below illustrates required setbacks applicable to the subject site, which the location of the proposed building is shown to be in compliance with. Front Side Rear Required 30 ft. 20 ft. 25ft. Proposed 65ft. 30ft. 120ft. Access. The subject site is accessed from an existing bituminous driveway to CSAH 37. This access provides for adequate circulation of the site by tractor -trailers. The applicant is proposing to also utilize an existing field access to the east of the subject site for a secondary driveway. This field property is also owned by Mr. Praught. The need for an access easement is discretionary as the second driveway is not required. Use of the second access for industrial traffic generated by the subject site is subject to approval by Wright County. Off -Street Parking. Manufacturing uses are required to provide one off-street parking stall per 7,500 square feet of net floor area. Based on the proposed 24,110 square foot area of the new shop building, three parking stalls are required. The existing shop building is 7,200 square feet requiring one parking stall. The site plan illustrates 12 parking stalls along the south face of the building exceeding Zoning Ordinance requirements. The parking area and around the west side of the building up to the front line of the existing shop building is to be asphalt surfaced. The balance of the site would be surfaced with gravel consistent with existing conditions. Concrete curb has been provided along the south edge of the pavement to direct stormwater flows. In that the proposed paving improves upon an existing non -conforming condition, the proposed site plan complies with the Zoning Ordinance. Building Materials. No elevation showing the exterior of the proposed building has been submitted and is required. However, the submitted building plans indicate that all exterior walls are to be reinforced 12" rock face block. The use of rock face block meets the requirements of Section 20-17-4.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. We recommend that an integral color be required for the block exterior of the building. Building Height. Buildings in the 1-2 District are limited to a maximum height of 35 feet. The submitted building plans indicate the height of the proposed building is 22.75 feet tall consistent with 1-2 requirements. Landscaping. No landscaping plan has been submitted. We would recommend as a condition of approval that the applicant install overstory trees along the 60th Street frontage and east property line from the front lot line to the front line of the proposed building 40 feet on center. The trees to be installed must be 2-1/2" caliper trees of a type approved by City staff. Final Plat. The City Council approved a preliminary and final plat for the subject site on 11 April 2005. The final plat was not recorded with Wright County and must be as a condition for issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the new shop building. The seven conditions of approval of the preliminary/final plat adopted by the City Council on 11 April 2005 shall remain in full force and effect. Grading and Drainage. A grading plan for the proposed site improvements has been submitted and is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. The grading plan proposes as stormwater basin at the northeast corner of the subject site that overlays the property line and encroaches into the field property also owned by Mr. Praught. A drainage and utility easement must be established on the subject site and on the abutting field property for the proposed pond to overlay property lines. Utilities. The submitted building and site plans do not identify utilities. Given the extent of improvements on the subject site, there is no area for a septic drainfield to be installed until such time as sanitary sewer may be available. The means for providing water and waste treatment on the subject site must be addressed and is subject to approval by the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION The proposed construction of a new shop building on the LINCO property complies with applicable 1-2 District requirements. Our office recommends approval of the application as outlined below subject to comments of other City staff. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve site and building plans for LINCO subject to the following conditions: The LINCO Addition Final Plat as approved by the City Council on 11 April 2005 shall be recorded with Wright County prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the proposed shop building. 2. The applicant shall submit a drawing showing the exterior appearance of the proposed shop building. 3. The rock face block exterior of the proposed building shall include at least one integral color (other than gray). 4. Access to CSAH 37 shall be subject to Wright County review and approval. 5. All grading plans shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer. 6. A drainage and utility easement shall be established over all proposed ponding areas, subject to approval by the City Engineer. 7. Provisions for on-site water and sewage treatment shall be identified and are subject to approval by the City Engineer. 8. The applicant shall install overstory trees along the 60th Street frontage and east property line from the front lot line to the front line of the proposed building 40 feet on center. The trees to be installed must be 2- 1/2" caliper trees of a type approved by City staff. 9. The comments of the City Engineer's memorandum dated 11 April 2007 are addressed subject to approval of the City Engineer. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Brad Praught, applicant D .00W ©Ab m �a� = II � tea•- ->�-L \�- a�i iawia�rv`w.wa'v'.aww iw ' "� : = I Thmao AN to YMV SAvu 'J07 7mm ow OKRAS -AV MAAw r/ 1 a�7A att eaneMa.tr aeiarxv > •ucnn nwws.wna.wxc?nMtrrrv� mmum I amr ac tos'w+eaw I yq��rartM�O FRf.M ASND e I / Pvor XXL a` NIJW'` t I I I . 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Sheet De n e • c „ � 3-26-07 2 N.T.S le I I 227-0" 32'-a' Exlstlncg Saw � Rollers I I 67-0" 128'-0" :JE I I --- DATUM UNE 14'-O" 14'-0" T I � o o revlsed 3/14/7 " m I o I I 191.0" New Beam Line Saw 51 9 - l0ffl OUTPEED DATUM LINE ------------ 110-0 — 52'2" Racks 8x8x3/8 T.S. COLUMN T ABL 100 0 1 MAT. FLOW — DATUM LINE ° � I I? m m 3s' -a 32'-O" Existing Saw * Rollers Electric Panel P DOOR 763434 "5 RCN m 14%14 165.1N5TNl.Cn 12.6 N INSTh U ST -0' 160'-O" f-7xt#181-r IF- r Matenol List l No. Revision Dela I st Fmi Noma �ab Ing Project Nome New Shop se o Mn. Street .N. 3-26-07 N.T.S Hakanson 43 U 1 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 As50C.,InC. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ronald Wagner, P.E. City Engineer Brad Praught, Linco Far, Inc. Gary D'heilly, P.E., D'Heilly Engineering & Associates, Inc. Taylor Land Surveyors, Inc. From: Brent Larson, E.I.T. Date: April 11, 2007 Re: Linco - Preliminary Plat for Site, Grading and Utilities We have reviewed the Preliminary Plans, printed 3/21/07, for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: Title Sheet A revision date is required. 2. The contact name(s) for the Engineer and Surveyors are needed. 3. The Developers Engineer shall sign the cover sheet of the plans. 4. A signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer shall be included on the final plan set. 5. The 11" x 17" plan sets are missing the vicinity and location map. Ezistina Conditions An existing conditions plan is required. Existing conditions plans require the following information: _l . Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision. 2. Total area of the proposed plat. 3. Show location, names, widths of existing streets, buildings, etc. 4. Location, size, and elevations of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other underground facilities within 150'. _5. Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, identified by name and ownership. C:\Documents and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\GORYTBTO\ot2500 LINCO rvwl.doc Site Plan The proposed pond and storm sewer in the northeast corner of the site is depicted extend onto the adjacent property. The drainage and utility easement depicted around the pond and the outlet shall be shown on a final plat. All required easements on adjacent property requires separate documentation. This documentation shall be submitted to the City for review. 2. An ingress/egress easement is required over the shared driveway entrance off of CSAH 37 (60th Street). 3. Label the Right -of -Way width along CSAH 37. The ROW width shall be subject to Wright County approval. 4. If the proposed building is to have facilities requiring water and sewer the location of the proposed well and septic system shall be depicted. 5. Verify the setbacks depicted are in accordance with the proposed zoning requirements. 6. The "3 string electric fence" will need to be relocated. Please depict the fence's new location. 7. Depict the 5' parking setback. 8. It is unclear if the two culverts at the driveway entrance are existing or proposed. Grading Plan 1. A minimum 4:1 slope is required above the NWL of the pond. Please revise the 3:1 slope currently depicted. 2. Please provide additional proposed spot elevations for the driveway and parking areas. The gravel area to the north and west of the proposed building is very flat. We recommend providing a minimum 1% slope over all paved and gravel areas. 3. There is a considerable cross -slope (12%-17%) along the gravel driveway along the east side of the proposed building. Please revise. 4. Verify the invert of the outlet pipe from the pond. The current invert is lower than the downstream contours. "Grading to daylight" may be needed. 5. Additional erosion control is required at the edge of the pavement where the storm water runoff leaves the pavement and travels to the CSAH 37 ditch. (i.e., near the southeast and southwest corners of the proposed building) 6. Rip -rap is required around the flared end section of the pond outlet. SWPPP Plan Hakanson Anderson C:\Documents and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.IE5\GOF Assoc., I nc. 1. See Grading Plan comments 6 & 7. 2. Fiber blanket is required at the inlet and outlet ends of the culverts under the driveway entrance. 3. Depict the location of a rock entrance. Storm Water Drainage Report A drainage area map is required. 2. The listed SCS Runoff Coefficient for the Pre -development Runoff Grass Area does not agree with the Post -development Runoff Grass Area coefficient. Per the City of Otsego Engineering Manual the following curve numbers shall be used for this site. Grass Cover > 75% 61 Grass Cover < 75% 65 Agricultural land 65 Gravel Areas 85 Paved Areas 98 3. In the water quality pond calculations, the formula calculating the S value mislabels the CN. The equation should be S = (1000/89)-10. 4. Per the City of Otsego requirements, the pond shall provide dead storage for a minimum 2.5" 24 -hr Type II storm (approx 12,000 cf). Please provide calculations. 5. It does not appear that enough new impervious area is included in the water quality calculation for the 0.5" runoff calculation. All new gravel area as well as paved and building areas shall be included in the new impervious area for this calculation. 6. The volume provided (8,970 cf) for the BMP calculation does not agree with the volume provide (17,000+ cf) in the dead storage calculation. Please provide the areas of the contours and volume calculation below the NWL elevation of 946.0 to verify. Other Considerations 1. A Preliminary/Final Plat is required. 2. A hydrology report is required. All NPDES Permit requirements shall be met as well as verification that the proposed off-site storm water runoff rate does not exceed the existing rate. 3. If a septic system is to be installed soil borings at the proposed location are required. 4. Details for the pond (#404), silt fence (#501), outlet control structure (#402 & 407), pavement/gravel sections, rock entrance (#505), and B612 Curb and Gutter (MnDOT #7100G). Otsego Standard Details are attached. Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\Tauri\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.IE5\G0F Assoc.,InC. k7dK_;_m__m&11�. FREE BOARD 10' Min. 1' Min. TOP OF 100 YEAR STORM BERM EVENT PEAK ELEVATION NORMAL WATER LEVEL 10' x 10' � OUTLET 4 � STRUCTURE 4' AVG. 1p:1 r 1'2" MIN. 3.•DEPTH D EXCAVATE TO INVERT ( - TRAPPED SEDIMENT Z > 0 "{ OUTLETS TO DETENTION PONDS MAY BE — > SUBMERGED BY UP TO Y OF THE DIAMETER (n m m BELOW NWL, HOWEVER, TAILWATER SHALL Z NOT EXTEND UPSTREAM PAST THE FIRST D z STRUCTURE. co O > NOTE: 1. SLOPES SHALL BE NO STEEPER THAN THOSE'SHOWN. Z 2. AN EMERGENCY RIPRAP OVERFLOW SHALL BE PROVIDED. -D-I » m 3. 10' WIDE ACCESS ROUTE TO BE PROVIDED TO SKIMMER STRUCTURE /RI PIRAP OVERFLOW A O • k7dK_;_m__m&11�. HAALA 48-57 GR, OR EQUIVELE OVERFLOW ELE' SEE NOTE NORMAL WATER ELEVATIONE-:�_— 12" Min. RCP IN NOTE: - THE OVERFLOW ELEVATION SHALL BE AT OR ABOVE THE PEAK 2—YEAR STORM EVENT ELEVATION SKIMMER STRUCTURE NO SCALE )LE SECTIONS UTLET PIPE FLOW 48" HAALA 48-57 GRATE 4 PRECAST MANHOLE SECTIONS OR EQUIVELANT 1 I OVERFLOW ELEVATION SEE NOTE �— RCP OUTLET PIPE NORMAL WATER ELEVATION 12" Min. FLOW RCP INLET PIPE INTEGRAL BASE NOTE: THE OVERFLOW ELEVATION SHALL BE AT OR ABOVE THE PEAK 2—YEAR STORM EVENT ELEVATION SKIMMER 'STRUCTURE NO SCALE APPROVED °F STANDARD PLATE N0. REVISED T it O MARCH 2005 `t ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD DWG NAME STM-402.DWG GRATE GALVANIZED 8" LONG HINGES MINIMUM 1/2" PIN N 1/4" THICK BY 1 1/2" WIDE BY 56 5/8" LONG STEEL PLATE 1/2" DIAMETER, 6" LONG THREADED ANCHOR BOLTS WITH 1 1/4" FLAT WASHER AND NUT IN 4 LOCATIONS 5/8" STEEL ROD 4" O.C. EACH WAY WELD AT EACH INTERSECTION STEEL PLATE 1/4" THICK WELDED TO STEEL RODS STEEL BAND 1/1+ THICK BY7 TYPICAL, 4 LOCATIONS 1 1/2" WIDE BY 7'-6 5/8" LONG WRAPPED AROUND AND WELDED TO STEEL RODS 57'. HINGED GRATE 58" TOP VIEW 5/8" 0 RODS 1/4" STEEL PLATE 1/4" STEEL BAND 1/2" DIAMETER, ANCHOR BOLT. MINIMUM 4" EMBEDMENT 1/2" TYP. SCREEN COVER FOR 48" DIA. OUTLET STRUCTURE NO SCALE O, EGA STANDARD PLATE NO. RENSEO 407 DECEMBER 2000 ON THE GREAT RIPER ROAD DWG NAME STM-407.DWG MnDOT 2573.503 PREASSEMBLED MIN. 2 1/2' ABOVE GROUND OPTION AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 6X6 EARTH FILL LFENCE MATERIAL -�j 6" APRON 5' POSTS — 8' MAX. ON CENTER MINIMUM 2' PENETRATION REF. MnDOT 3886 SILT FENCE NO SCALE APPROVED OF STANDARD PLATE N0. REVISED OTSE0 50 ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD DWG NAME ERS-t)OLUM HARD SURFACE PUBLIC ROAD t ' MINIMUM 6" MINIMUM 1"-2" WASHED ROCK ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NO SCALE APPROVED STANDARD PLATE N0. REVISED EGO 505 ON THS GREAT RIVER ROAD 111. R I USE 2-S/8" R.FOR 4" CURB I h• •' \{jam • • •/ HORIZONTAL LINE DESIGN B NOTES: 1Q LONGirUO!NAI JOINT WHEN AOJACENT TJ RIG10 PAVEMENT OR BASE. SEE STANDARD PLANS MANUAL FOR JOINT INFORMATION. d SLOPE 1/4" PER FOOT NORMAL. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. IF A DIFFERENT CUTTER SCOPE IS PERMITTED, THE CUTTER FORM MAT 8E TILTEO- STATE OF MINNESOTA SPECIFICATION STANDARD APPROVED March 11. 1994 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REFERENCE PLATE NO. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 2531 710OG DESIGN 8 AND DESIGN v ACTING STATE OESICN ENGINEER DESIGN 8 w w , 24" w : 301' w :,. W �� a CONCRETE 22 to U1= W o CONCRETE V1 -0 c: W a� V J r: 4fy� W �a.j J U y N?. W CONCRETE vI t- 40.•4 W U J 4C� V .1 W I y. W CONCRETE v Nz W CONCRETE vi r r: 4�tl W W as u J ..I V ca ►� r Qai.. W¢Or W 0.. V r ..1 V to r yo•CCM 4# t•i -7 t- p IOW �d -� V DIMENSIONS H .% H 4 7-318" li-t/2" 8412 O.d4Zl 23.8 8418 O.C529 t8.9 8424 0.0637 15.7 8430 O.OT45 13.4 8435 0.0653 11.7 6 e" t3-1/2" 8612 0.0474 Z1.1 5618 0.0582 17.2 8624 0.0690 14.5 8630 0.0790 12.5 6636 04906 11.0 8 8-5/e" 15-1/2" 88iZ 0.0529 48.9 8818 0.0637 19.T 8824 0.07113 13.4 1 88:0 0.0853 ILL 8836 0.0962 10.4 9 9" 10.0559 17.9 8918 I 0.0507 15.0 3924 0.31 2-5 89:0 Tom tt.3 6936 0.0441 10.1 10 9-T8'• tT-5/8" i 81pt2 I 0.0529 17.0 81018 1 0.0697 14.4 81d2d 0.0805 l2.4 8!030 0491E 11.0 81035 0.102E 9.8 STATE OF MINNESOTA SPECIFICATION STANDARD APPROVED March 11. 1994 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REFERENCE PLATE NO. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 2531 710OG DESIGN 8 AND DESIGN v ACTING STATE OESICN ENGINEER ITEM 3_3 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners!cbnacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 11 April 2007 RE: Otsego — Wildflower Meadow; Revised Townhouse Plans NAC FILE: 176.02 — 04.35 BACKGROUND The Rottlund Company has submitted revised building plans for the four townhouse buildings to be constructed within the first addition of Wildflower Meadow. These buildings will front to 72nd Street. Townhouse building plans are subject to review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council in accordance with Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Preliminary Plat C. Approved building plans D. Proposed building plans ANALYSIS The four building plans fronting 72nd Street were to be three story, 10 unit buildings. The building plans showed a garage and mechanical room on the ground floor, main living area on the second floor and bedrooms on the third floor. The developer is proposing revised building plans to construct a two story, eight unit building. The ground floor includes the main living space as well as the garage and mechanical room. Bedrooms are on the second floor. The proposed building change eliminates a set of steps within the dwelling unit making the home more accessible. The table below summarizes the floor areas of the approved and proposed units: Dwelling Unit Finished Floor Areas "Villas" Approved "Legacy" Pro osed End Units 1" Floor 734sf. 558sf. 2 Floor 912sf. 1,078sf. Total 1,646sf. 1,636sf. Garage 353sf. 438sf. Interior Units 1S Floor 672sf. Same as End Unit 2" Floor 960sf. Total 1,632sf. Garage 360sf. From the exterior, the mass of the building is significantly reduced. The location of these buildings along 72nd Street is a transition between the higher density townhouse units, the future neighborhood park and single family lots. As such, these smaller scale town house buildings are appropriate. We would recommend that these units also be considered for the townhouse lots west of Queens Avenue and north of 72nd Street. The face of each dwelling unit "front" would use either brick, shake or lap style siding from foundation to peak. We would recommend that at least two of the units within each building, one of which must be a corner unit, be faced with brick on each building. The section of the buildings above the garages would use a consistent lap siding unifying the building design. A unique color should be used for this section on each of the four buildings to provide some additional distinction. The revised building design fits the same footprint as the approved building plans. As such, the change in building design has no effect on setbacks or other lot requirements. CONCLUSION The proposed changes to the building design for the four townhouse lots fronting 72nd Street are positive. The revised unit deign will provide more variety in the types of townhouse units offered within the development, provide more accessible home options and provide a smaller scale building mass as a transition to the future park and surrounding single family homes. We recommend approval of the revised building plans as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve building plans for Lots 1-4, Block 1 Wildflower Meadows, subject to the following conditions: A minimum of two dwelling units within each building, one of which shall be a corner unit or unit fronting a public street, shall be faced with brick. 2 2. The lap siding used in the building section above the garages for each of the four buildings shall be a unique color. B. Motion to deny the building plans based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and PUD -CUP approvals for Wildflower Meadows. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Theresa Greenfield, The Rottlund Company WILDFLOWER MEADOWS OTSEGO, MINNESOTA STREFT k I -rM TTY f r)XTCTU T Tr' fPTnXT DT A -0 a PI*NEER,ngiw,,i g m Coad oaue tMv+o-�°iwo b.,�'mm uaerW ■ If OE1I llafESA OI�Pdrt1D lir ROT1WrB1 Cp.B'ANY ROSE CE E. P-3 OR ROSEWLLE, WN SS,13 (es11 sae--DeDo COVER SHEET E� LOCA 7m MAP sr"r 9� If �' II II `s y _ 1 SECTION 26.TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE2J WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. SHEET INDEX 1. COVER SHEET 2. INDEX SHEET 3. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN 4. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN 5. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN 6. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN 7. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN 6. STORM SEWER 9. STORM SEWER 10. STORM SEWER 11. STORM SEWER 12 STORM SEWER 13. STORM SEWER 14. STORM SEWER 15. STREET CONSTRUCTION ST 16. REET CONSTRUCTION 17. STREET CoNSTRUCnoN 18. STREET CONSTRUCTION 19. STREET CONSTRUCTION 20. SS EU,yI�NSUCTION c6APwc Sc 21. TURN LANE/BY-PASS LANE FOR CSAH 37 22 DETAILS 23. DETAILS 24. DETAILS 7 ! E 1./ APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION JAN 2 3 20617 BY: R.- J Wo . P.E. CRy Engler, ply d DIMS �1 PIONEER DATE _ f: NBE]110i11EARK NCVDu29) Prior tc any -c—tion the contractor $hall verify the NGS STATION 8608D loo Uw of all underground utilibee. Coll 48 Noun before diggNq: ELEVATION < 672'41 GOPHER STATE ONF CAI NGS STATION 8608E Twin no City A (651 454—DD02 ELEVATION 860.81 Mn. Toll Free 1-800 252-1166 , INC. I WILDFLOWER MEADOWS r. �. . _� !' �.�t1 i, '�?tea. �-�Z -:I :-m !� m 0 lolong oms I 1 E - r l 1 I� � ■lll'r rrri "_1I_ r rl..'E r.r,rA 97 ITEM 3_4 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 11 April 2007 RE: Otsego — Friendship Addition; Building plans NAC FILE: 176.02 — 07.04 The City Council approved a PUD Development Stage Plan for the Friendship Addition at their meeting on 26 March 2007. Approvals to construct a proposed auto repair/tire building and single tenant retail building were subject to the following conditions: 7. Architectural elevations for the 6, 000 square foot retail building are revised to extend the awnings and provide faux windows between the service doors on the east elevation and revise the parapet to provide additional detailing, subject to review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council prior to issuance of any building permits. 8. The architectural plans for the proposed auto repair building shall be revised and are subject to review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council prior to issuance of any building permits to.- a. oa. Incorporate larger storefront windows facing CSAH 42, provide additional detail and variation for the parapet and roof line and more articulation of the building fagade b. The car wash structure be revised to incorporate materials used for the balance of the building to create a more integrated appearance. C. The revised architectural plans for the building should minimize the use of EIFS material as more of an accent than a primary material. The developer has submitted revised plans for the two buildings for review by the Planning Commission. We offer the following comments: Retail Building. The revised plan for the retail building appears unchanged from the previous submission except that a prefinished metal awning has been added to the north elevation. Placement of an awing on this elevation was not included as part of the conditions of approval adopted by the City Council. We recommend the Planning Commission require submission of revised plans showing: a. Extend the awnings and provide faux windows between the service doors on the east elevation b. Revise the parapet to provide additional detailing Auto Repair/Tire Building. The developer has submitted revised plans for the auto repair/tire building showing changes reflective of the conditions of approval adopted by the City Council. The incorporation of additional brick facing, especially on the CSAH 42 front is positive. We recommend the following additional modifications: a. The windows on either side of the entrance are widened to the same width as the EIFS section above. b. The brick section extending from the block base to the roof line be moved forward of the front wall to provide visual depth along the fagade. The car wash portion of the building has also been revised to utilize materials consistent with the balance of the building. Subject to the additional comments above, our office recommends approval of the revised building plans. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Bob Fields, Landcor Inc. Richon Xiong, Lancor Inc. 2 � ! »� &o ;_,__ , Go»¥m \ o6c mins ONia 69C :75��—ns © ; -IIVk ,�ng\_,�_ _| ; q / � | �•k� \� / .\ °§ :. \ EEEI h § 2 t d. >¥ S. (V ■� em Lu �� d /— \/ ®§— \/ � \ :.. .. \ .., �! �� ■I §: �` �I !. ,. ,: !; ; �d ,; ,j ! t|,: (§ a 'i Vl � = Z Z ;:'� 3