06-04-07 PCITEM 3_1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan nersC&,nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — ISD 728; Elementary/Middle School Campus REPORT DATE: 30 May 2007 ACTION DATE: 30 June 2007 NAC FILE: 176.02 CITY FILE: 2007-17 BACKGROUND Elk River Area School District 728 has acquired 82.22 acres northeast of MacIver Avenue and 80th Street for development of a future elementary school and middle school campus. Each school would have capacity for approximately 1,000 students. The timing of construction for one or both of the school buildings is dependent upon the School District successfully passing funding referendums. City staff and School District officials have been reviewing concepts for the site and a sketch plan illustrating potential development has been submitted for review by the Planning Commission and City Council. As set forth by Section 21-3-1 of the Subdivision Ordinance, sketch plan reviews convey no entitlements to a particular development proposal but are processed in order to provide a developer feedback as to the acceptability of a proposed use. Subsequent zoning and subdivision applications outlined herein will need to be submitted and approved prior to the proposed elementary and middle school campus being developed. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Urban Service Staging Plan C. Future Land Use Plan D. Sketch Plan ANALYSIS Site Plan. The site plan calls for locating the planned elementary school and middle school buildings near the center of the site. The buildings are clustered with the elementary school to the south and middle school to the north to maximize greenspace on the site and provide for shared accesses, parking areas and service areas minimizing impervious surface. Age appropriate playfields and play equipment intended to serve the school and surrounding residential neighborhoods will be located at the southern end of the site, easily accessible from MacIver Avenue. Multiple playfields suitable for middle school use and organized community sports organizations would be located on the north side of the subject site. Environmental Review. The development of the subject site with an elementary school and a middle school triggers mandatory preparation of an EAW under Minnesota Rules 4410.4300 under one or both of the following subparts: Subp. 14: Construction of an institutional facility with a gross floor area of 200, 000 square feet or more. Subp. 36.A Conversion of 80 acres or more from agriculture to urban land uses. An EAW must be prepared and submitted with the site development applications and is subject to approval by City staff. The EAW is processed concurrently in accordance with Section 36 of the Zoning Ordinance and Minnesota Rules 4410.1400 to 4410.1700. An EAW is currently being prepared as part of the gravel excavation application on the adjacent parcel and there are discussions between the School District and the excavator regarding expansion of the excavation to include the subject site. If an agreement is reached to include a portion of the School District property as part of the excavation application, the EAW required for the mining operation may address the proposed school campus use illustrated on the current sketch plan and eliminate the need for a separate EAW to be prepared and processed. Urban Service Staging Plan. The subject site is located in Urban Service Expansion Area W2. Sewer utilities are not planned to be extended to USEA W2 until after the current west sewer district and USEA W1 are near full development. The Comprehensive Plan attaches no timeframe as to when the sewer district expansions are to occur, but City staff would estimate that the subject site would not be included in the sewer district for 10 to 15 years. As such, development of the school campus will require a Comprehensive Plan amendment to bring the subject site into the current sewer district. While the inclusion of the property in the sewer district is in advance of the City's staging plans, School Districts face unique challenges in acquiring suitably large sites for these uses given competition for vacant developable land. The expansion of the sewer district to include only the school campus site can be considered as necessary to support existing and planned residential development anticipated to occur within the sewer districts and is therefore consistent with the following policy of the Comprehensive Plan: 2 Assist the school districts in locating sites for new facilities that are accessible, compatible with adjacent land uses and natural environment amenities, and offer the necessary land to meet the physical needs of the school use. Future Land Use. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for low density residential uses defined as being urban single family neighborhoods ranging in density from 1.0 dwelling units per acre to less than 3.0 dwelling units per acre. Given that schools support residential land use, it is logical that these uses be located within or at the periphery of residential areas and development of subject site with an elementary school and middle school is considered to be consistent with the following policies of the Comprehensive Plan: ■ All public facilities shall be located where the use is compatible with the existing and proposed land uses of the area. ■ Assist the school districts in locating sites for new facilities that are accessible, compatible with adjacent land uses and natural environment amenities, and offer the necessary land to meet the physical needs of the school use. ■ Enter into agreements for -joint use of City parks and school recreational facilities to maximize the benefits to both residents and students. ■ Establish safe and convenient trail access to each school site within the community. ■ Promote school site design that results in the facilities becoming neighborhood and community focal points and gathering areas. In locating school facilities within or adjacent to residential areas, specific consideration must be given to land use compatibility, access and utility services which will be addressed in subsequent paragraphs. In conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan amendment to include the subject site within the sewer district, we recommend that the land use also be changed from low density residential to public/quasi-public consistent with other City and School District facilities. Zoning. The subject site is currently zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. School facilities are not an allowed use within this district necessitating a Zoning Map amendment for development of the proposed use. In accordance with the Interim Land Use Plan policies of the Comprehensive Plan, zoning designations are only changed to allow for more intensive land uses in response to submission of full development plans conforming to the growth management policies of the Comprehensive Plan and performance standards of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. The Zoning Ordinance establishes the INS, Institutional District for the purpose of locating public government facilities and uses within the City (including Otsego Elementary School). Elementary and middle schools are permitted uses within the INS District. Application for a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the site to INS District may be submitted concurrently with other development applications for the proposed use. 3 Surrounding Land Use. The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and/or planned land uses: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1 District Agricultural field 30ft. 30ft. 100ft. 30ft. Rural single family dwellings East LD Residential A-1 District Farmstead / proposed mining IUP 490ft. Rural single family dwellings South LD Residential R-4 District Urban single family dwellings R-6 District A-1 District Rural single family dwellings West LD Residential A-1 District Registered feedlot / agricultural field Rural single family dwellings Development of the subject site with an elementary school and middle school would be compatible with uses immediately surrounding the property as the schools will be separated from existing rural and urban development by existing City streets and/or agricultural fields. The City is currently processing an application for an interim use permit to remove gravel and sand from the 100 acre property north and east of the subject site. Although no entitlements to develop a school on the subject site will exist, any approval of an interim use permit will likely include stipulations requiring termination of the excavation use upon construction of a school facility on the subject site to avoid any potential compatibility issues. Lot Requirements. The table below shows the lot requirements of the INS District applicable to development of the subject site. The proposed site plan conforms to the lot requirements of INS District. Min. Min. Lot Lot Area Width Setbacks MacIver 851nEast Ave. Pkwy. 80,nSt. Interior Marlowe Ave. Required 45ac. NA 30ft. 30ft. 100ft. 30ft. 30ft. Proposed 82ac. -- 450ft. 1800ft. 450ft. 440ft. 490ft. Vehicle Access. The subject site currently has frontage to 80th Street between MacIver Avenue and Marlowe Avenue and frontage to Marlowe Avenue between 80th Street and 83rd Street. These streets exist as two lane rural section roadways that may be updated or replaced as urban development occurs in the area. Acquisition of right-of-way and construction of turn lanes on 80th Street may be required depending on traffic generated by the proposed use. The primary teacher/employee and service access is shown to be the west leg of the Marlowe Avenue/83`d Street access to ensure separation of student and other traffic. MacIver Avenue is planned to be extended north along the west boundary of the subject site and will provide the primary access for both the elementary school and middle school as a collector street designated on the City's Transportation Plan. This street will eventually extend north of the subject site to CSAH 39 likely as abutting development occurs in accordance with the Urban Service Staging Plan adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan. Development of the subject site will require dedication of 40 feet 9 of right-of-way for the east half of MacIver Avenue, expanding out to 50 feet near major intersections to accommodate turn lanes. Driveway accesses to the subject site from MacIver Avenue should not be closer than 1,000 feet to street intersections at 80th Street and 85th Street and no closer than 500 feet to other intersections. The main parking lot access conforms to these requirements. The two small parking lots near the park and playfields shown accessing off of MacIver Avenue have two driveways which do not meet the 500 foot spacing requirement. These parking lots will either need to provide only one driveway to MacIver Avenue or the design of MacIver Avenue may include a median to prevent left turning movements from both driveways. The Transportation Plan anticipates construction of 85th Parkway between CSAH 19 and Nashua Avenue along the north side of the subject site. Platting the subject site will include required dedication of 60 feet of right-of-way for the south half of future the 85th Parkway and the grading plan must be revised to facilitate construction of this roadway. The 85t Parkway also serves as a collector street and access limitations are to be the same as for MacIver Avenue. There is no primary site access shown off of 85th Parkway, but two driveways are shown for a small parking lot located near the northern playfields. In accordance with the City's intersection spacing requirements, one of these driveways will be limited to right-in/right-out only. City staff anticipates that construction of MacIver Avenue north of 80th Street at least to the primary site entrance will be required with the first phase of development. To this end, it will be necessary to acquire the west half of the MacIver Avenue right-of-way to accommodate the planned street and turn lanes at 80th Street. In order to fully evaluate and plan necessary street improvements to accommodate the school campus, the School District will be required to prepare a traffic study to be submitted with the development applications for the site. The traffic study is to be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Pedestrian Access. There is a trail along the east side of MacIver Avenue and sidewalks along one side of the streets within the residential developments south of 80tH Street. Development of the school campus must provide for extension of the trail along MacIver Avenue as well as intra -site trails intended to allow students walking to school convenient and safe access to the site. Off -Street Parking. Development of the school buildings must include provision of required off-street parking stalls and adequate on-site circulation. City staff has identified that the drive aisles just off of MacIver Avenue must be revised to provide for 90 degree intersections and minimize the number of approaches to the intersection for traffic safety. The drive aisles and parking stall dimensions must conform to the requirements of Section 20-21-4.1-11 of the Zoning Ordinance and the number of required stalls is to be based on the following ratio: one stall/classroom + one stall/50 students+ 1 stall/4 auditorium/event seating Building Materials. The Comprehensive Plan calls for public buildings to be "developed and maintained according to the highest adopted standards of design and performance to serve as examples for private development and to create a source of community pride. Section 20-17-4.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires buildings constructed in an INS District to be a minimum of 75 percent brick, block or other masonry material with additional requirements regarding the use of other materials. Buildings within the INS District are limited to a height of three stories or 40 feet unless additional height is approved by conditional use permit. Elevation and floor plans for the proposed school buildings must be submitted with development plan applications for review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council. Landscaping. Development of the subject site requires general landscaping of the parcel with emphasis on the boulevard areas adjacent to public rights-of-way and the building perimeters in accordance with Section 20-16-7 of the Zoning Ordinance. A landscape plan detailing the type, size, quantities and location of proposed plantings must be submitted with future development plan applications. Lighting. Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance regulates lighting to be installed on the subject site. All light fixtures are required to be cast downward with a horizontal shield to minimize light directed skyward or onto public streets and adjacent properties. A photometric light plan must be submitted with the development plan applications illustrating the type, height, location and illumination field of all proposed exterior light fixtures. No light may exceed one foot-candle at the property line. Park Dedication. To assist the School District in acquiring the subject site, the City of Otsego agreed to provide $250,000 in cash from park dedication funds. These funds are to be used for development of play equipment and playfields meeting both School District and City needs. In particular, the location of the play equipment and playfields at the southern portion of the property will allow for convenient access to the site from existing residential development to the south. A formal agreement between the School District and City pertaining to development of the recreation facilities and scheduling their shared use must still be executed and is required before the City will transfer the park dedication funds to the School District. Utilities. As noted above, the subject site is within USEA W2. Sanitary sewer in this area is planned to flow by gravity to the northeast to a point close to Otsego Creek at CSAH 39. There a lift station would be constructed with a forcemain to pump the sewage back to the lift station located in Arbor Creek. In order to provide sanitary sewer service to the proposed school campus, it will be necessary to extend a small forcemain sized only for the school buildings from the lift station in Arbor Creek to another lift station on the school property. The cost of the forcemain and lift station would be development expenses related to the school campus paid by the School District and not trunk costs carried by the City as part of the overall sewer system. Additional Sewer Access Charges and Water Access Charges must also be paid based upon the estimated utility useage by the proposed buildings. 561 Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control. A conceptual grading plan for development of the subject site has been submitted that anticipates balancing the grading of the parcel without transporting material off site. This grading plan includes preservation of a natural amphitheater overlooking the ball fields at the northeast corner of the site and maintaining the ridge between the subject site and property to the east. The grading plan may be revised to propose excavation of sand or gravel from the subject site for transport off of the property in conjunction with the proposed excavation of the property to the east. The sketch plan illustrates conceptual ponding areas at low points on the subject site. These ponding areas are intended to be low impact development rain gardens that allow primarily for infiltration of stormwater back into the ground rather than being discharged off site. In accordance with the requirements of Section 20-16-9 of the Zoning Ordinance, development of the subject site must provide for on site storage or infiltration of stormwater runoff and rate control such that the rate stormwater leaves the site is the same as or lower than predevelopment conditions. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Easements. The development plans for the subject site must provide for 10 foot wide drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the parcel. Drainage and utility easements will also be required over all stormwater basins. All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer upon submission of development plan applications. Preliminary / Final Plat. The subject site is currently an unplatted parcel. To provide for dedication of right-of-way and development of the property, the subject site must be preliminary and final platted. City staff recommends concurrent processing of the preliminary and final plat as allowed by Section 21-3-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance as the proposed plat involves only one lot. RECOMMENDATION The plans for the proposed school campus suggest that the site is appropriate from a land use perspective in accordance with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. City staff recommends approval of the sketch plan for the Elk River Area School District elementary school/middle school campus subject to the stipulations outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a sketch plan for an elementary school/middle school campus subject to the following conditions: Approval of the sketch plan does not convey any entitlement to development of the proposed use. The following applications must be 7 submitted to formally consider entitlements to development of the proposed uses illustrated on the sketch plan: a. Environmental Assessment Worksheet. b. Urban Service Staging Plan Amendment. C. Future Land Use Plan Amendment. d. Zoning Map Amendment. e. Site and Building Plan Review. f. Preliminary and Final Plat. 2. The School District shall prepare a study estimating traffic generated by the proposed uses, the capacity of existing City streets serving the subject site and street improvements necessary to accommodate the proposed development. 3. The preliminary/final plat shall provide for dedication of right-of-way for MacIver Avenue, 85th Parkway, Marlowe Avenue and 80t Street in accordance with the Transportation Plan and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. 4. Development of the subject site shall require acquisition of right-of-way for the west half of MacIver Avenue as recommended by the City Engineer to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. Accesses to MacIver Avenue and 85th Street shall be a minimum of 1,000 feet from an intersection with a collector street, 500 feet from any other access or otherwise limited to right-in/right-out only. 6. Plans for MacIver Avenue shall include extension of the trail along the east side of the right-of-way and the site plan shall provide for internal trails to facilitate pedestrian access to the site. 7. Off street vehicle circulation and parking areas shall be designed in accordance with Section 20-21-4.H of the Zoning Ordinance, the number of parking stalls provided shall comply with Section 20-21-9 of the Zoning Ordinance and off-street loading areas shall comply with Section 20-22 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. The exterior building materials shall conform to Section 20-17-4.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. 9. The proposed buildings are limited to a height of three stories or 40 feet unless additional height is approved by conditional use permit in accordance with Section 20-17-3.B of the Zoning Ordinance. 10. A landscape plan detailing the type, size, quantities and location of proposed plantings and compliance with Section 20-16-7 of the Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted. 11. A lighting plan detailing the type, location, height and illumination field of all exterior light fixtures compliant with Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted. 12. Development of the outdoor play equipment and playfields is subject to execution of a formal agreement between the School District and City for their shared use, subject to review by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approval of the City Council. 13. Extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to serve the subject site shall be a school district expense in addition to payment of SAC and WAC fees and all utility issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 14. All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 15. The preliminary/final plat shall provide for 10 foot wide drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the subject site and drainage and utility easements over all stormwater ponding areas or utility lines, subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Mark Bezek, ISD 728 Superintendent Ron Brattle, ISD 728 Jay Pomeroy, AJA, Inc. 9 NAC ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CITY Of �� OTSEGO o ° /l Q ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Urban Service ,.., St aging Plan Rural Residential t: Subject Site Long Range Urban Service Area - - - - - Urban Service Expansion Area Sewer District r � E1 0 o E2 o � BASE IAAP DAU PROVIDED BY MOT Note. This map is for planning purposes only. The Comprehensive Plan must be consulted to verify specific policies applicable to sewer service staging. Map Date: April 2006 I AVENUE A 1 GENERAL NOTES: 1. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NO: #118.500-193200 EXISTING PROPERTY IS ZONED A-1, AGRICULTURAL SERVICE AREA. 2. OWNER: Elk River Public Schools 327 King Avenue Elk River, Minnesota 55330 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C'� I AADHRSON-JOHNSON A,tl'OCfArES; MC Ane..... -1.n.,.. w. aai� 04/90/07 a.l.+.� 04101 a. h JRP +R Ru oa,e,.a UAW 171m ELK RIVER AREA PUBLIC SCHOOLS neM, mi. NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OTSEGO 0t s, Minnesota SITE REFERENCE PLAN SKETCH PLAN s.i m.m.. C1.1 Hakanson 43U ' n Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Assocnder �nC. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ronald Wagner, P.E. City Engineer Dr. Ron Bratlie, Elk River Area Schools - IDS 728 Jay R. Pomeroy, L.L.A. Anderson -Johnson Associates, Inc. Daniel L. Johnson, P.E. Anderson -Johnson Associates, Inc. Michael Schrock, Schrock-DeVetter Architects From: Brent Larson, E.I.T. Date: May 16, 2007 Re: Sketch Plan for Elementary and Middle Schools We have reviewed the Sketch Plan, 4/30/07 revision, for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: Sketch Plan Future 85`h Street shall be centered along the north lot line. Currently the entire street width and R.O.W. is depicted north of this property line. 2. The proposed grading for the school property in the northeast corner and the grading of the proposed mining site in this area on the adjacent property will require extensive regrading on both properties in the future to place 850' Street. Please consider coordinating with the adjacent landowner to reduce the potential future impact of 85h Street grading. 3. The radius at the intersection of 80th Street and Marlowe Avenue should be revised in order to construct a safer turning radius. Revisions to this intersection, similar to those proposed at 83rd Street and Marlowe Avenue, may be required. Additional R.O.W. may be required. 4. Per City of Otsego Standards all ponds shall have a minimum depth of 4', a maximum depth of 10' and have a maximum length to maximum width ratio of 3:1. Some of the ponds depicted do not meet these requirements. Please revise. 5. A minimum 2% overland grade is required. Slopes of I% to 2% may be allowed on a case by case basis with approval from the City Engineer. C:\Documents and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ALXMOZ9C\ot2500 Elk RiverSchools rvwl .doc