NOVEMBER 19, 2007
7 PM
1. Chair Nichols will call the meeting to order.
Chair Nichols called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Richard Nichols; Commission Members: Pam Black, Doug
Hackman, Tammie Fallon, Troy Watring, David Thompson and John Thelen.
Absent: Jim Kolles and Brian Gerten.
Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning
Administrator and Dan Licht, City Planner.
City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, CM Vern Heidner and Mark Thorsted.
2. Consider the following minutes.
2.1. September 4, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting.
Commissioner Thelen motioned approval. Seconded by Commissioner
Black. Voting For the Motion: Chair Nichols; Commissioners Fallon,
Thompson, Thelen, Black and Hackman. Commissioner Watring
Abstained. Motion carried.
3. Planning Items:
3.1. MN Native Landscapes:
A. Comprehensive Plan amendment to incorporate newly
annexed parcels.
B. Rezoning from A-1 District to A-2 District.
C. Condition Use Permit to allow for a lot less than 20 acres in
area within an A-2 District.
D. Conditional Use Permit to allow indirect access to a parcel
under joint ownership.
Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report.
Judy Hudson attested that all proper noticing, publishing and posting was
Joe Schaffer, Minnesota Native Landscapes, agreed with the Planner's Report.
Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 7:14 PM.
No one spoke from the public.
Commissioner Thompson asked where the asphalt ends. Dan explained at the
former boundary line.
Chair Nichols asked why this land wasn't squared off for the northern property.
Dan Licht explained this was annexed at a 60 acre limit and by property owner
Hearing no public comments, Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing at 7:18 PM.
Planning Commission Meeting November 19, 2007. Page 2.
Chair Nichols asked about the use. Joe Schaffer explained it will be their base
with employees, equipment, storage and 30 acres of plantings.
Commissioner Black motioned to approve an amendment of the
Comprehensive Plan including the subject sites within the west sewer
district and guiding the area for future Industrial Use consistent with
the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Commissioner
Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried.
Commission Black motioned to approve Zoning Map amendment
rezoning the subject sites from A-1 District to A-2 District consistent
with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by
Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried.
Commissioner Black motioned to approve a PUD -CUP to allow indirect
access to a public street and subdivision, of a lot not fronting a public
right of way and allowance of lot areas less than 20 acres within the A-
2 District, subject to the seven conditions listed in the Planner's
Report, deleting the first sentence in Condition Number 1. Seconded
by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried
3.2. Park & Trail dedication.
Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report.
Judy Hudson attested that all the proper publishing and posting was completed.
Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 PM.
Mike Robertson noted that what needs to be looked at is the cost of obtaining
land for a larger community park. CM Heidner said he attended the last Parks
Commission Meeting and said they had several residents from the southeast area
of the City that want a neighborhood park right now. These types of Parks cost
around $650,000 and there aren't enough Park fees available to purchase land
and build a park at the same time and he doesn't want to bond for Park
construction. CM Heidner requested higher fees for community parks.
Commissioner Thelen suggested that future parks should be partially paid
through the City taxes. Chair Nichols feels the Community Center and
Community Parks should also be paid from City taxes. Commissioner Fallon
supports the neighborhood parks as she sees parks are important. Dan Licht
suggested a three tier system with a reduction in park fees for new lots in
Agricultural Districts. Chair Nichols said we have to set what is reasonable, this
will not affect everyone here but future residents and it shows that we are taking
this very seriously not to raise the fees too much. He doesn't feel that land value
other than the Highway 101 area is going up. He can support the $3,280 but no
more. Commissioner Thelen said 40 years from now it would look foolish not to
have set aside park land today. He feels this funding should come from the
general fund. Commissioner Fallon doesn't feel there will be much development
Planning Commission Meeting November 19, 2007. Page 3.
this year and they should look at this next year. Commissioner Thompson
disagreed and feels the fees should be set at
$3,986.00. Commissioner Hackman asked how many people are complaining. CM
Heidner said only a handful of developers have objected to park fees but more
than 60 people have signed a petition for a park in southeast Otsego.
Hearing no public comment Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing at 8:15 PM.
Discussion on park construction costs and how many homes it takes to fund a
neighborhood park. Commissioner Watring asked when the community center
will be built. CM Heidner said it is estimated to cost 10 to 12 million dollars and
less than one million has been collected.
Commissioner Thelen motioned to leave at $3,320. Seconded by
Commissioner Fallon. Voting for the motion Chair Nichols and
Commissioners Fallon, Thelen and Watring. Opposed: Commissioners
Thompson, Black and Hackman. Motion carried.
4. Any other Planning Commission Business.
4.1. Update on City Council actions by Councilmember Heidner.
Councilmember Heidner updated the Commission on Council actions since the
last time they have met.
4.2. Update on future Planning Commission Agenda Items by
Judy Hudson.
City Clerk Judy Hudson updated the commission that there will be a Planning
Commission Meeting on December 3 to consider a second driveway on a
residential lot.
5. Adjournment by 10 PM.
Commissioner Hackman motioned adjourned at 8:40 PM. Seconded by
Commissioner Black. All in favor. Motion carried.
Richard Nichols, Chair
Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Admin.
Written by: Tami Loff, Administrative Assistant