01-16RESOLUTION NO.: 200]`=16 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A POLICY ON ADDITIONAL TOWNHOUSE UNIT DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY TO MAINTAIN A BALANCE IN THE SUPPLY OF HOUSING CHOICES. WHEREAS, the City adopted a Comprehensive Plan in 1998 guiding areas for development of medium-high density residential uses; and, WHEREAS, since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the City has preliminary or final platted 664 townhouse units within the sanitary sewer service district; and WHEREAS, City staff estimates that the number of townhouse units preliminary or final platted within the sanitary sewer service district represents fifty (50) percent of the total units preliminary or final platted within the sanitary sewer service district and twenty five (25) percent of the total housing units within the City; and, WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan includes the following policy: A balance in the supply of quality housing choices throughout the City shall be maintained. (Policy Plan, p. 46) WHEREAS, the Otsego Planning Commission discussed the issue of housing choice within the City at their meeting on May 7, 2001, expressing concern regarding the number of townhouse units within the City relative to other housing choices and issues of long term marketability and maintenance. WHEREAS, based upon the number of townhouse units presently preliminary or final platted relative to other housing choices, available sanitary sewer capacity and available locations, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend establishing a policy of discouraging additional townhouse preliminary plats for the immediate future except in unique circumstances to provide a balanced housing supply consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO THAT; additional townhouse unit preliminary plats are to be discouraged for the immediate future, except in unique circumstances, based upon the number of units presently preliminary platted, available sanitary sewer service capacity and the Comprehensive Plan policies encouraging a balance of housing choices. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 14th Day of May 2001. CITY OF OTSEGO BY' arry F ier, Mayor ATTEST: Hu n, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk Posted: May 1, 2001 Otsego City Hall 2