01-22-08 PCITEM 3-1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Smith / Dan Licht RE: Otsego — Banack CUP REPORT DATE: 9 January 2008 APPLICATION DATE: 26 December 2007 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 08.01 ACTION DATE: 25 February 2008 BACKGROUND Mr. Joe Banack is requesting a conditional use permit (CUP) to construct a single family home on a vacant legal non -conforming lot of record. The subject site is legally described as Lot 5, Block 1, Island View Estates and is currently zoned R-1, Residential -Long Range Urban Service District (River Frontage). The subject site is also located within the WS, Wild, Scenic and Recreational River Overlay District. The minimum lot area for a single family lot in this district is 2 %2 acres. The subject site has a total lot area of 0.95 acres and is thus considered to be a legal, non -conforming lot of record. Section 20-15-2 of the Zoning Ordinance states that for the purpose of orderly development, single family dwellings and related accessory structures may be constructed on non -conforming lots provided that the lot fronts on a public street, the proposed use is consistent with the current zoning, frontage, depth and area requirements are at least 75 percent of the minimum district requirements and unsewered lots can satisfactorily provide for on-site sewage treatment. The subject site meets all of those requirements aside from frontage and area requirements. As such, a conditional use permit is required for development of a non -conforming lot of record in accordance with Section 20-15-5.2.A of the Zoning Ordinance. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Site Plan C. House Plans ANALYSIS Lot Area and Width. Lots within the R-1 District and WS District are required to have a minimum lot area of 2.50 acres. The area of the subject site is approximately 0.95 acres. Lots within the R-1 District and WS District are required to have a minimum lot width of 200 feet. The subject lot is approximately 150 feet wide along Kahler Avenue, which is less than required. Section 20-95-4 of the Zoning Ordinance regulating substandard lots in the WS District existing upon the effective date of the Zoning Ordinance allows for their development provided that the lot is at least 20,000 square feet in area (0.46 acres) and adequate sewage disposal facilities are provided for. Section 20-15-2.B of the Zoning Ordinance regulating development of non -conforming lots allows development of the existing non- conforming lot with less than 75 percent of the required minimum lot area or lot width as a conditional use provided that all setback requirements are met. Setbacks. The subject site is a riparian lot, meaning it abuts the Mississippi River's edge. As such, the WS District setbacks apply in addition to R-1 District building setbacks. The following setbacks are required for the subject site: Front Yard: 35 feet Side Yard: 10 feet Rear Yard: 50 feet OHWM: 100 feet Bluffline: 30 feet The applicant states that the proposed new home will be consistent with the required setbacks. The submitted site plan demonstrates that the proposed new home and individual sewage treatment system can be accommodated on the subject site in compliance with required setbacks. Utilities. The proposed house will be served by on-site septic treatment and a well. The submitted site plan identifies the location of the proposed septic system drainfield sites to the south and east of the proposed new home. The proposed well is to be located within the front yard, west of the new home. The design and construction of the on-site septic system must comply with Chapter 4, Section 3 of the City Code and Minnesota Rules 7080. All utilities are subject to approval of the City Engineer and Building Official. CUP Criteria. Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance outlines criteria that the decision of the Planning Commission is to be based upon (but not limited to) in evaluating the proposed conditional use: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. KA Comment: The subject site is guided for rural residential uses by the Comprehensive Plan. Development of the existing non -conforming lot of record is a permitted conditional use. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The area surrounding the subject site is developed with existing single family homes. The surrounding area is guided for low density residential uses by the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use is compatible with existing and planned uses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: With exception of the legal non -conforming lot area and lot width dimensions of the subject site, all setbacks and other performance standards are complied with. 4. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to result in an increase in traffic generated from the subject site. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. RECOMMENDATION The proposed development of Lot 5, Block 1 Island View Estates with a new single family home is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. We recommend approval of the application as set forth below: POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve a CUP allowing development of a non -conforming lot of record subject to the following conditions: 1. The design and construction of the on-site septic system must comply with Chapter 4, Section 3 of the City Code and Minnesota Rules 7080, subject to approval of the City Engineer. K 2. The proposed new home shall meet all required setbacks of the R-1 District and the WS District, subject to City staff approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. Comments of other City staff or the DNR. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and/or Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Roger Stradal, DNR Joe Banack, applicant Randy and Barb Henk, property owner 4 < 3P - El or'p'! fin PLANNING a DESIGN, 'LA. ii t! Ito 40, mm'd �OR C1111. < 3P - El or'p'! fin PLANNING a DESIGN, 'LA. NMI —V1 vess� aa�lit �3 °t rg��C P �2 ITEM 3-2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan ners6c�-nacplanning.corn PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht, AICP Otsego — Wildflower Meadows South 16 January 2008 176.02 — 07.27 ACTION DATE: 18 February 2008 The Rottlund Company has submitted plans to expand their Wildflower Meadows development by adding a 2.0 acre parcel at the northwest corner of CSAH 37 and Quenroe Avenue. The exception parcel is currently developed with a single family dwelling that will be removed. The development plans propose construction of three eight unit townhouse buildings (24 dwelling units) on the exception parcel. The developer is also proposing to construct the same eight unit townhouse buildings immediately to the north of the exception parcel where three ten unit townhouse buildings had been approved with the preliminary plat of Wildflower Meadows on 13 March 2006. The applications required by the proposed development include a rezoning of the exception parcel from A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District to R-7, Residential High Density District, a preliminary plat including the exception parcel and Outlot A, Wildflower Meadows and PUD -CUP related to the townhouse site plan and vacation of existing right-of-way for CSAH 37. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Wildflower Meadows Preliminary Plat approved 13 March 2006 C. Site and Utility Plan D. Proposed Preliminary Plat E. Landscape Plan F. Tree Preservation Plan G. Grading and Erosion Control Plan H. Architectural Plans ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is proposed to be zoned R-7 District, which allows for townhouse dwelling units as a permitted use. Section 20-16-3.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires approval of a PUD -CUP to accommodate townhouse site plans with multiple principal buildings, shared access and common open space. The Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP are to be evaluated based on (but not limited to) the criteria set forth by Sections 20-3-21 and 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: K 3 4 The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment. The exception parcel and the south portion of Wildflower Meadows are guided by the Comprehensive Plan for medium to high density residential development. Townhouse buildings with eight units in a back-to-back configuration are an appropriate land use in this area consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the existing/planned uses shown in the table below. Public streets separate the subject site from existing single family dwellings and a large wetland separates the subject site from future commercial uses to the west. The proposed use will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North M/HD Residential R-7 District Townhouses East MD Residential A-1 District Single family South LD Residential A-1 District Horse farm Single family West Commercial 8-3 District Riverbend South The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed use will conform to the performance standards established by the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and those approved as part of the Wildflower Meadows Preliminary Plat/PUD-CUP. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: Access to the site is provided by CSAH 37 CSAH 37 is designated as a major collector street Transportation Plan and has adequate capacity to generated by the proposed use. 2 off of Quenroe Avenue. by the Wright County accommodate traffic 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The subject site is within the designated east sewer district with utilities available to the site and can be accommodated within existing City services and infrastructure. Density. The Comprehensive Plan allows for 291 to 492 dwelling units to be developed within Wildflower Meadows. The exception parcel is guided for medium to high density residential uses anticipating a development density of six to nine dwelling units per acre or 18 dwellings. The proposed Wildflower Meadows South preliminary plat would add 24 additional townhouse units to the 282 dwelling units previously approved with the total within the range allowed by the Comprehensive Plan. Wildflower Meadows was approved allowing that the minimum single family lot area and townhouse lot area per unit requirements be averaged across the entire subdivision. This same flexibility is proposed to extend to Wildflower Meadows South essentially combining the two preliminary plats for density purposes as shown below. The net area of Wildflower Meadows and the exception parcel is 57.41 acres (excluding r -o -w and Outlots G and J shown on the Wildflower Meadows preliminary plat), which exceeds the cumulative minimum lot area requirements for the single family lots and townhouse units. 116 single family lots x 9,OOOsf = 24.Oac. 190 townhouse units x 5,OOOsf. = 21.8ac. TOTAL LOT AREA REQUIRED = 45.8ac. Building Plans. The developer is proposing a third building type that is distinct from the two designs previously approved for Wildflower Meadows. The proposed "Vantage" unit is a two-story, two bedroom walk up above a two stall garage. The finished square footage of the end units is 1,456 square feet and 1,442 square feet for the interior units. The Villa units originally approved for a portion of the subject site have a finished floor area of 1,632 square feet and the Legacy units under construction along 72 Id Street have a total floor area of 1,636 square feet. The garage area is 390 feet based on an 18 x 22 foot dimensions. The width of the garage is consistent with the design approved with the Legacy buildings and Villa buildings. In addition to the garage, a mechanical room and closet on the ground floor provides space for additional storage and laundry. The exterior of the building is designed with a masonry base, lap siding and shake siding accent on articulated sections of the building. The roof design is also broken into smaller sections to minimize visual mass. The character of the design is consistent with the Villa and Legacy units. The primary difference from the exterior of the Villa building, which is also a two-story walk-up and the proposed building is the lack of an individual deck above the garage on the Vantage building. Consistent with past City practice and the approvals for Wildflower Meadows, three distinct color packages will be required with one package used for not more than 1/3 of the six buildings. The Legacy townhouse design also provided for variation in a brick or stone facing at the base of the building which should be incorporated as part of the Vantage buildings as well. 3 The building has a defined height of 35 feet, which is the maximum allowed in the R-7 District. Landscaping/Tree Preservation Plan. The developer has submitted a landscape plan that outlines site plantings. A detailed plan illustrating installation of plantings at the foundation of the buildings must also be submitted. The landscape plan is an extension of the plans for Wildflower Meadow with additional plantings along CSAH 37. The density of plantings along CSAH 37 needs to be increased to include more coniferous trees to meet the buffer yard landscaping requirements established by Section 20-16- 7.D of the Zoning Ordinance for residential yards abutting a collector roadway. The developer has also submitted an inventory of existing trees on the exception parcel, which is heavily wooded. The majority of the existing trees will be removed. Those that are to be saved are within the wetland buffer on the west side of the exception parcel. CSAH 37. The subject site abuts CSAH 37, which is designated as a major collector street by the Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan. The preliminary plat provides 55 feet of right-of-way for the north half of the roadway. However, Wright County Engineering staff is requesting 60 feet of right-of-way as CSAH 37 is designated as a State Aid street. City staff is working with Wright County staff to determine if the right-of-way needs can be met by dedication of additional drainage, utility and trail easement so as not to impact the proposed site design. The developer is also requesting vacation of right-of-way dedicated with the Wildflower Meadows Final Plat that established 75 feet of right-of-way for the north half of CSAH 37 at Quenroe Avenue. Wright County staff has indicated that a vacation to reduce the right-of-way to 60 feet (or 55 feet w/ additional drainage and utility easement as proposed by City staff) is acceptable. The vacation of right-of-way must be approved by the Wright County Board. Access. Access to the proposed townhouse buildings is to be provided by extension of the private drives approved with the original Wildflower Meadows PUD -CUP looped at the south end to provide fire access and circulation. The north -south private drives approved with the Wildflower Meadows preliminary plat are 22 feet wide with curb. The 22 foot width drive will be extended south to the three additional buildings. The east - west loop segment to the south of the three additional buildings widens to 28 feet with curb to allow for additional guest parking along the south curb line. The 22 foot wide drives and north side of the 28 foot wide drive are to be posted as "Fire Lane — No Parking". Sidewalk/Trail. There is to be a trail constructed along the west side of Quenroe Avenue from CSAH 37 to 72nd Street and a private sidewalk along the south side of 71St Court. The proposed development plans provide for extension of a private sidewalk from 71St Court to CSAH 37 on the west side of the subject site and extension of a public trail from the west side of the subject site to Quenroe Avenue. Construction of the trail segment qualifies for park and trail dedication credits. rd Setbacks. The table below shows the setback requirements established with the Wildflower Meadows PUD-CUP/preliminary plat and proposed to be applied to Wildflower Meadows South: CSAH 37 Quenroe West Ave. Between Bid s. Private Wetland Drives Required 65ft. 35ft. 30ft. 20ft. 25ft. 40ft. Proposed 65ft. 80ft. 115ft. 28ft. 25ft. 85ft. The proposed site plan meets all of the required setbacks. Wright County's decision on the right-of-way needed for CSAH 37 may effect the site plan as the buildings are shown setback the minimum 65 feet. If Wright County requires that 60 feet of right-of- way for CSAH 37 be dedicated, we recommend that the three south buildings be shifted five feet to the north (23 feet from the three north buildings) to maintain compliance with the 65 foot setback. Guest Parking. Townhouse developments are required to provide one guest parking stall for every two dwelling units. The total number of townhouse units in Wildflower Meadow and Wildflower Meadow South is 190 requiring 95 guest parking stalls. The site plan for the subject site provides for 31 guest parking stalls on the east and west perimeter of the subject site and space for 13 stalls along the south side of the private drive abutting CSAH 37. The total number of guest parking stalls within Wildflower Meadows and Wildflower Meadows South is 96 with space for additional 40 stalls on 72nd Street, which is a public street. The guest parking stalls are distributed throughout the townhouse buildings to provide convenient access for residents and guests. Park and Trail Dedication. The developer is meeting park and trail dedication requirements for Wildflower Meadows through a combination of land deeded to the City and cash fees paid on a per unit basis with each final plat. City staff recommends that the area of the exception parcel minus right-of-way for CSAH 37 be used to recalculate the percentage cash fee per dwelling unit to be paid with future final plats of Wild Flower Meadows and Wildflower Meadows South. Outlot F dedicated to the City with the Wildflower Meadows Final Plat is 58.3 percent of the required 13 percent land dedication required of Wildflower Meadows and the net area of the exception parcel. As such the required cash fee in lieu of land per dwelling unit for both Wildflower Meadows and Wildflower Meadows South will be 41.7 percent of the cash fee in effect at the time of final plat approval. The developer will also receive credit for construction of the trail along the north side of CSAH 37 shown on the Wildflower Meadow South site plan. Area Identification Signs. The developer has constructed two area identification signs at the intersection of CSAH 37 and Quenroe Avenue. The west sign is within the Wildflower Meadows South Preliminary Plat and the east sign is within a City owned outlot. The signs are setback 10 feet from the Quenroe Avenue right-of-way as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The landscaping plan illustrates installation of plantings to accent the masonry signs. An easement allowing the east sign on City property needs to be executed between the City and developer. 5 Preliminary Plat. The preliminary plat illustrates six lots, one for each of the townhouse buildings with ownership to be established by condominium association. The preliminary plat also shows Outlot A for the portions of Outlot A, Wildflower Meadows not effected by the site plan changes. As a preliminary plat, the areas unaffected by the site design changes should be shown as lots consistent with the Wildflower Meadows Preliminary Plat and subsequently final platted as an outlot for future phases of development so as not to erase previous entitlements granted with the original approvals on 13 March 2006. Easements. The preliminary plat illustrates drainage and utility easements over each lot outside the foundation of each building. The easements are consistent with the requirements of Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. A separate conservation easement must be established to encompass the area 20 feet from the delineated edge of the wetland at the west side of the preliminary plat. All easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Grading Plan. The developer has submitted a grading plan based on the previously approved Wildflower Meadows grading plan and tree preservation plan. The grading plan is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utility Plan. The developer has submitted a utility plan for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to the subject site from the previously approved pipes in Wildflower Meadow. The utility plan is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Wildflower South development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and performance standards established by the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and those approved as part of the Wildflower Meadows Preliminary Plat/PUD-CUP. Our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below, subject to comments of other City staff. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 - Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-7 District based on a finding that the action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. no Decision 2 — PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve a PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat for Wildflower Meadow South, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts and payment of applicable SAC and WAC fees to assure the City of timely development. 2. A phasing plan shall be submitted outlining the anticipated final platting of the proposed subdivision. The phasing plan is subject to approval of the City Council, its schedule shall be made a condition of preliminary plat approval and it shall be incorporated as part of the terms and conditions of a development contract executed for the initial final plat of a phased development. 3. The developer shall specify three distinct color packages (siding, trim and masonry) for the proposed townhouse buildings, with no scheme used for more than 1/3 of the building exteriors. 4 Right-of-way dedication for CSAH 37 and vacation of existing CSAH 37 right-of-way shall be subject to review and approval of Wright County. 5. All 22 foot wide private drives and the north side of the 28 -foot wide east - west private drive abutting CSAH 27 shall be posted "Fire Lane — No Parking". 6. The following setbacks shall apply within the area of the Preliminary Plat: CSAH 37 Quenroe Ave. West Plat Line Between Bldgs. Private Wetland Drives 65ft. 35ft. 30ft. 20ft. 25ft. 40ft. 7. The landscape plan shall be revised illustrate proposed foundation plantings and to provide for the required buffer yard plantings along CSAH 37, subject to review and approval of City staff. 8. Park and trail dedication requirements for both future additions of Wildflower Meadows and Wildflower Meadows South will be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land based on 41.7 percent of the per dwelling unit cash fee in effect at the time of final plat approval with credits for any developer installed improvements. 9. The preliminary plat is revised to illustrate the lots approved as Wildflower Meadows in place of proposed Outlot A. 7 10. A conservation easement shall be established over the 20 foot buffer required from the delineated edge of the wetland within the preliminary plat. 11. All grading, drainage, utilities, easements and private drive construction shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. The City and developer shall establish an easement for the location of an area identification sign east of Quenroe Avenue to provide for long term maintenance and ownership of the sign. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Deb Ridgeway, The Rottlund Company Larry and Phyllis Fournier, property owners 4 CITY OF -- OTSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD 78th STRE SITE LOCATION Future Land Use `SIV Rural t�R Rural Residential LD Residential (Large Lot) LD Residential — LD/MD Residential - MDIHD Residential i- Commercial Office - : - — Industrial ® 65th STREET,, Public/Quasi Public I Sewer District f SAM M PDAV%PWMDSDs1 Uiir/ IiiY Note This map is for planning purposes only. The Comprehensive Plan must be consulted to verify policies applicable to specific land use designations. . r L=,M UAP SECTION 25, TONNSMIP 121, RANGE 23 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PRELIMINARY PLAT \� PINNACLE � of ~ E CROSSING 11 10 \ 72 is rl \ n u u GRAPHIC SCALE TiE DSP toy✓ I W t Lp FrowE P- MEA10W sov-r-9- I a M -0TH S,EET NE - - - - COIMY STATE AV - --m--=mar-=-v- DEVELOPER CONTACT THERESA GREENFIELD COVERSHEET nffi ROTMUND COPMANY. INC. PINN. EXHIBIT B`1 rwevnaa ummasorA vuxi iao s • T `: • a \`\' `\\ SITE INDEX �- - - I. COVER SHEET 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS ' • \�� r ' 3. E%ISTING CONDITIONS E%ISTING CONDITIONS • \ a ■ \ • • \� 5. PRELIMINARY PUT 6. PRELIMINARYU PT ��� n L 5• • \,\ 3 ��\ \ • 7. PRELIMINARY PUT 5.' PRELIMINARY PUT a a • 9. PRELIMINARY PUT . •Duerr r ' , 10. PRELIMINARY SITE ! UTIUTY PUN 11. PREUMINARY SITE k UTILITY PUN 12 PRELIMINARY GRADING k EROSION CONTROL u e• a ,\ e 5„ JJ \ ��\� PUN 13. PRELIMINARY GRADING t EROSION CONTROL PLAN a a 14. PREUMINARY GRADING k EROSION CONTROL PLAN 15. PREUMINARY GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PIAN Y� a' - • • ,� a 5• ` \ \ 16. PRELIMINARY GRADING k EROSION CONTROL ULAN 17. PRELIMINARY GRADING i EROSION CONTROL PLAN 18. PRELIMINARY GRADING B EROSION CONTROL -/� • ; r5 " `� r .9,. \ PLAN 20. DETAILS 20. DETAILS i a M n' • , .a \ `7 U -L3 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PN t♦ U T1-T2 PRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION PUN 4 /�� }q 5 a • • 13 n n eaaor a • • • ' . e PARK 11 10 \ 72 is rl \ n u u GRAPHIC SCALE TiE DSP toy✓ I W t Lp FrowE P- MEA10W sov-r-9- I a M -0TH S,EET NE - - - - COIMY STATE AV - --m--=mar-=-v- DEVELOPER CONTACT THERESA GREENFIELD COVERSHEET nffi ROTMUND COPMANY. INC. PINN. EXHIBIT B`1 rwevnaa ummasorA vuxi iao CWH 11: ' I ICIXINECT TO I + - D U. 1S' RCP CONNECT TO j RDTTLUND EAST. 1a' RCP - —INae�i.n ENST. o I I- - I I H- VANTAGE 11 I TO — I I j I I NEIGHBORHOOD 31 OUTLOT A --- j i I '— - — j ---- j ,-- _' GUESTNPARK�ING ��� - 31 I I I I 'ON STREET' GUEST PARKING SPACES - 22 1 A TOTAL PARKING - 53 m t I r tela t0' �v.-ae .zo � �TD PVC C+p t31 ..11TTrr 1112 8 a' 113A CBYN - . T' Tia I I RIND 1 0 J. IN ns 8 I�w.a A,m.va I j is -• a _I ca Of �I Of -� J-�--- 8 1-t,PARIONc 1 n ao •> _ m I _ p snusl 1I - (0-A zo• 3 GUEST TW.) PANONG 11 _ W sous' I Z tax 20' TW.CEsi) ABN 1 y cow coB, Q m22*2Z 11- 114C OEMN 2r W 14 .t ZL B-13 B-B: B-B 7 Ej i Z W I W 8 5 CONOWIE ~ Q Sa1EwAU( a j Z STA-pa GUEST j 1 LLS (91 2wW 115 3ETBAGK UIE ---- \ "\ 6,00 ' -- ,l +' Hoo a' PYO C7 DRWY—L Ca --- 11a 10' aTUNNOUS TRAL n •�- VV w..-allfUBa-E u .m1 1 .B I ��-_-_-__-_ GRAPHS SCALE OI P86i I ! °' � � BENCHAAARK: if NGS STATON 86DBD (COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY NO 37) ELEVATION T 872.41 * �� 70TH STREET NE --------------- __ _--_--- NGS STATION B60BE �� �- � - ELEVATION - 860.81 PIONEERS ng EXHIBIT C Coon d301! NCe� 1�+ rr�wr�.� x. RAP ,., ",�+....,.s.� PRIH2,HVARY THEROT30S'�UNDRe � .INC. WIIAFLOWERMiNi—A SOUTH SITE&UTU=PLAN ROSEVR.1$1AaNR30TA3A QFRW,NIIiADO 3 OF % LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) �snz SEC6aW� Ztl 12'�ac^. It- u SITE DATA I ; TOTAL BOUNDARY 9.13AC. TOTAL R.O.W. 0.50 AC TOTAL LOT 38.63AC CONDOMINIUM LOTS— -33,86 AC. OUTLOT A 4.75 AC. TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS 7 CONDOMINIUM L01S 6 OUTLOTS 1 TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS 48 EMSTING ZONING AG & R-7 PROPOSED ZONING (CONDOMINIUMS) R-7 UTLITRT AVAILABLE LEG •() Dwotw " C ken w --wt o D•notr - m.m.n-t .•t -d makM W. RLS 20595 . O .tw f d =an m-amwt knprornwb Dab Dew .Dawn. F- Na lo -IM of -7 wargrarna ughl- -a aalae --1w. COPIIETf STATE ONE CALL at 651-{5•-0002 PI$NEERe;ne,i ,g Mrrx�y.wa- Copp Rapids Od o.iwrs.a ro11M,-r1.lr�ero rrolm,w kpo,w PRELIMINARY PLAT of ^r WILDFLOWER MEADOWS SOUTH PROPOSED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ON LATS 1-6 ARE SHOWN AS THUS al (NO SOME) . _,. .. S 7 R E E T :r O R T HE A5 7 `\\\ N79'12'3 -E �-----�------t-----_� B•prhq••ka- a• auumM GRAPHIC SCALE ad mk. w- ' SITE INDEX 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2DOS71NG CONDITIONS 3. PRELIMINARY SITE AND UTILITY PLAN 4. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 5. DETAILS 6. PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 7. TREE IN1EpRpR7_ ___ I ; OuaW Cant • i- 7x T.rre�,a, R 5091J1Y'E ( R C.S.lti N0. 37) 7pTH STREET VOR1wil B 8y C47� L °p�� - - - - - - - r . LEGAL DESCRIP770N ir.r.rt err a fru.. 6\--. II1 400.DO--------T-- _ .N (GSJ.H. r Jf) i07H STREET i�WWT G S7 fa,p...e a.e.afwwr @@ �- --- -- pat uxw Nl�rm•paoecorMnp t. N• ncoMM r i L V r - I 1 L V R Y I ttCCwi} f H TDat pat of 7MD So, l Na m L w -m N pre plat V� R I n WLDROWER MEADOWS, WHpkt Cowry, Mnnwa4 e•acaa w abs 1 ty 1 W I Crnmwtln9 al N• •-N.a.l cant of Lot I. Block I. wia pok Nwce 1' w aep•w 11 mnatw 41 wew" WW. auuma0 Dewing awpp N• Ea.t M. a Waol A wW plat N• pat a Ell. li . of N• pact to De to ft a-9 o t1. l ar«•wrmco�n-vewta Na NnaMwe.71 h­9 oNn 1•N -a a c-tra -y or W aa9re9 ]6 Puts 1W `J aR —ad NariD B9 6a9raa. 1} mM 19 p I 1 If a I �_ I M el5wMt 00 dov- �� p •c r� W W -L lar 1 - F _ 20.00 fe.t Nance S*', 69 a.aew 13 —tw 19 wmnd. EaaL W-. `• ` Nww nrN•a , 15.61 I- awo a twq«tla wm cweare to tM Dodnq _ M1 i.Kj wM1 K w I F - norgw•eL a rower. a 10.00 feet and ...- of 90 6•prew 35 i -J V. mina(.. 00 ooewtlS N«w Na- OD a.gr•w 11 mbatw Q I I -,- i M�� i•rm�NotFq.2no0 fM to •ala vobt of DegkmNp wa td�ww mit, LU prt of N• SrAnw«1 C.Mta of Ne SCYNw.I Warta at r------1 • r______1 --- 'C t� 5«teen W. TaewD'p 121 Naq, Ronge y WaN, MMpDt Cwnty. Mnna•ol. G.crpW w fdlorc Bpinnnp of o t F- 6 !- - - - I I ` I • I wetiuwt Ou So�tl,elGMnru of 618 Nalt cel a of Cpl .- I I <i swot••( aoma o/ •ala Swa, ro t Wortr of So WN tow--. w WNww East a-9 .ae 5-N Ina a w•t-w 200 f••t N«w eM«! 90 a.qr... IeR w.l-w . of 217.6 f••t Naw. a.e•ct 99 a.qr... I.rt . w•t-w .e f g npr� nM1 u31� aM1 i•R C I.R v 641-w er 21].8 feet to a - J -I 9 `• aoM Pont Da9k.,n k I I I I I I ( w I toq.Nr ma, d - Part of N• S-Nwwt Warty of Swarae.t Warty a _a S.etiw N. TowuDlp 121, Ron9. 23. OwcroN w Idlowe: BepYnnq of a poral w N• S_ In• of wM SWIM 26 a r S C 1, f elNw of {1B feN East o/ Ne SwN.••t eomr of wb SwNr••1 Wl— of Sd Nt— Water. Nww East awq F •P S th f •, 200 feet N«c. data - 21 90 Mepen I.IL 7.6 I«t tI,— Ga- 90 a-- I 200 f••t N«w m amw NiiG �� I a9•cl 90 Eag - I 217.6 feet to Na paint a D•pnnn WFlprt camtr. MWWto. a SITE INDEX 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2DOS71NG CONDITIONS 3. PRELIMINARY SITE AND UTILITY PLAN 4. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 5. DETAILS 6. PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 7. TREE IN1EpRpR7_ ___ I ; OuaW Cant • i- 7x T.rre�,a, R 5091J1Y'E ( R C.S.lti N0. 37) 7pTH STREET VOR1wil B 8y C47� L °p�� - - - - - - - r . ir.r.rt err a fru.. 6\--. senTR 400.DO--------T-- _ .N (GSJ.H. r Jf) i07H STREET i�WWT G S7 fa,p...e a.e.afwwr s.nrlrE �- --- -- --- ----- _ _ A �----------------- --;7-nL_A - I 1 L V SITE INDEX 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT 2DOS71NG CONDITIONS 3. PRELIMINARY SITE AND UTILITY PLAN 4. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 5. DETAILS 6. PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 7. TREE IN1EpRpR7_ ___ PI *NEERengi,iee,;,,g CONFER D%P1.AA V2 G DEDII, wwai �' s 1t war bow PLANT SCHEDULE M NAM tlfie n RDOT AN INS 01E161Mt 1NF2 t 4 fl=91 11 I'. -IK CONFER D%P1.AA V2 G DEDII, wwai �' s 1t war bow PLANT SCHEDULE M NAM tlfie n RDOT AN INS 01E161Mt 1NF2 spmlEnx BIwS N1EIE /SI/Frmarw..mmxme •,wrtnd it w s ® AIERICAN MNDER/IE..mMeme RaA.vord 2r m s DERRSR IFS suac NESS SPRIICE/➢Ieu I— ame.e e m u AVS11E.11 PIIE/P .1v E ne d OPROPOSTD BEES PER WENWS WWLO 1E11 SM3 x TW. X ..A REE wee .mx w wee w.e.. ae.a wm .. ee+exv .anenav m r^aW . ws .w ww eaer a. ..wro. wwn.n r pmeew wN•r wm aam w ae� wr n ae.a�s ���.w_ cm� > rw w � �.m� r. n. nw x. xv •m�Ir �«..r a� r w nwswu.i a� Rrem RW m w eew�eea ey .mw ..e w o«.. ase.m. waw ee rams ; ;erw�/e �« :�1e«W"ae«�.�� •wee w ..xm��xro..� w .ens >M . e ..an«e remr.m v M� m �pn °'y rwb as m e...�w ..eeureawy wan .es. a ane. xawabn mes«m. e..ser. w ..�h w rxa. we.� m a. t ea.an �n.« m =�a•m ..m w.... a. r«. m. ae a«. eevxq wa w aeewa w«..ema. «. .«r wa r r cM w�m....e r. m. w .e.r eerowp...� m.q rve .e m: Twee era ne�wns.x«em • mx.�..e a r �e w p.w s rmmn w> u` aieemmwa m .m •%�aev sw.. s sr.w vasees w L sw"a���r i1eiwr�^ewiun� were w'mer. a eaamxM sa m.�.e waw ...eseme . n..�me yeraee.ep w . w emua �Y err we t e W m.en s� p >.> ra1M e.e. energc�eerov rvww��w «� ar e.eu.e a � e.e« 1ww a. enr�^ awe ma rev . x Wnetr w en«r. ll�eivy�r'aey�e1w�ierw r w. m wi•m� u srW, rem aw n«h EXHIBIT E GRAPHIC SCALE IN FELT TREE PROTECI7 N ROOT ZONE DETAIL TREE pRpTEC-17o rCE DETAIL PIONEERengineving Caen RapiN Office- TRFF FRF-ERVATIO4 NOTES icw T Amari' X =SAVE TREE x =REMOVE TREE u EXHIBIT F � y N 1 ^ I m s i I ungT Al — I aeAFmc w1s m tzar , j� —a 9 -- �w --4-+00 0.eex 0.10;5+00— �0.6uL 80 �fOG� - ): 1+00. [ gUya fly -K ENTRANCE I BFNCHMARIC NGS STATION B60BD ELEVATION - 872{1 I]OA !jam- -- I ,2 p,e C NGS STATION 8608E 335 p _.., ,. ... :.. �•• k .. .:.. .. .—. —._ ,. e y ..r -,. 7. ELEVATION - 860.81 ,µt .36 1 1+57.92 �� .wzo e d 8 B yd I ? _ Z I 3ortct- ••M1., m __�__ I Jd 7j •• 3013. 3015 \ $'I -_i), f/1 o • _ W W. 3011• � c. `� �`°•`— _ — ` `"�- � - ��se.SJ � 3 eau }I o e I '�,., x • I • , I o , IoD >z , x ,^,q ann x>b xo oo;> 6 i SLT FENCE. AND /OR TREE FENCINI\ 1 :. x 8 I 7 x,i x,m TREE -V)g— II NS,,.� IL WETLAND I 0.�Ox b+oo_7,�T, 8 • n. 38 y+ Q�W r all — ea— __ _ � � ..—mc 1 _.... .... � --eye ...r.o... b �.....••u'2m>C�tr _ � _ /1 70TH STREET NE CSAH 37 / a PI2NEER,1, ,,,,,i g — EXHIBIT G Rapid, PRELCaan ER03IA0 CONTRARY RADROL INGN& THE RO TLUND>CCOMPA easevn.le.ulrmvsvrr.ssn ' INC. WR.DFLOWER MEADOWS SOUTH 4 of 7 oTsero.nmvNBsor� Q 16 «Zb�I . �w ; R Q I| ! N og 10 UO g | _ `meq|||sgocvRw �ilgol�cl/|q z\ 2 . a. . Z � | »t W ! j§ € / q >° | ! \f | /\ {) � ! z } . . ., : : ; : e j } � § k \ ) \ 7 ° k \! - LD LL) 2= 2\ (| »! » ^ Hakanson 7 Anderson Assoc., Inc. Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Commercial and Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Deb Ridgeway, The Rottlund Company, Inc. Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E., Pioneer Engineering Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: January 16, 2008 Proposed Development: Wildflower Meadows South Street Location A portion of the SW'/4 of the SE'/4 of S26, T121, R23 of Property: Southwest of CSAH 42, east of Hwy 101 and north of CSAH 37. Applicant: The Rottlund Company 3065 Centre Pointe Dr. Roseville, MN 55113-1130 Developer: The Rottlund Company Owners of Record: Larry and Phyllis Fournier Purpose: Wildflower Meadows South is a proposed 48 unit multi -family residential development on 9.13 acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Wright County Highway Department, Minnesota (but not limited to) Department of Health (water), and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) .. TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRELIMINARY PLAT EXISTING CONDITIONS PRELIMINARY SITE AND UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM STREET/TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUES GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL WETLANDS SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION S:\Municipal\Hotsego23xx\2319\ot2319RVW1.doc Page 2 of 6 INFORMATION AVAILABLE Preliminary Plans for Wildflower Meadows South, 12/21/07 revision, by Pioneer Engineering Storm Sewer Design Calculations for Wildflower Meadows South, 12/17/07, by Pioneer Engineering Final Plat for Wildflower Meadows, received 3/21/07, by Pioneer Engineering City of Otsego Engineering Manual, 2007 revision Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of Lefebvre Watershed, March 1999 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, October 14, 2002 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 PAGE 1 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2319\ot2319RVW1.doc PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. A phone number and contact person for the developer are required. 2. The required Right -of -Way (R.O.W.) along CSAH 37 is subject to Wright County approval. The Wright County engineering staff has requested 60' of R.O.W. be provided. A 20' "no disturb zone" protective buffer is required around all wetlands (20-16-9.E). Wetland Buffer signs will be placed along the wetland in the southwest corner of the site. 4. Depict the setback line alone Quenroe Avenue NE. The property west of Block 1 and north of CSAH 37 has been platted with the Darkenwald's Riverbend Co. II. Please revise the "Unplatted" and owner information. EXISTING CONDITIONS The entire Wildflower Meadows South plat shall be depicted in the existing conditions including the portion of Wildflower Meadows being replatted as Wildflower Meadows South and the existing Quenroe Avenue. The grading of Wildflower Meadows has already taken place and should be reflected here and in the preliminary grading plans. 2. Label the existing 100 -yr HWL and NWL of the wetlands in and adjacent to the plat. (21-6- 2.13.9) 3. Depict all existing underground utilities within 150' of the plat boundaries. (21-6-2.B.5) The culvert under Quenroe Avenue NE at CSAH 37 does not have the size or invert elevations. 4. Label the zoning of the existing land surrounding the proposed plat here or on the Preliminary Plat sheet. (21-6-2.B.2) PRELIMINARY SITE AND UTILITY PLAN Label the datum of the Benchmarks. (N.G.V.D. 1929 Adj. Datum?) 2. Provide the proposed storm sewer pipe sizes, invert and rim elevations in the plans. 3. A combination of surmountable, B612 and B618 curb and gutter will be required throughout the plat. Please refer to the accepted Wildflower Meadows construction plans to be consistent throughout the townhome area. 4. Concrete valley gutters appear to be needed across the intersections of the driveway streets at 71 St Court NE and possibly along the parking stalls. Clearly depict the plat boundaries. PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2319\ot2319RVW1.doc w SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM 1. The sanitary sewer along Driveway L shall be extended to the west to service Lot 6, Block 1. Extending the service from the manhole at the intersection of Driveway L and Driveway N will not be allowed. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Hydrant coverage in the townhome area is sufficient. STREET/TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUES The required Right -of -Way (R.O.W.) along CSAH 37 is subject to Wright County approval. Discussions regarding the required R.O.W. have determined that 55' or 60' will be required. 2. Driveway L shall be 30' wide. To provide safe and protected parking along Driveway L, a constant 22' wide street with 8' wide parking stalls shall be provided. 3. The soil borings, geotechnical data, and recommended pavement section for Wildflower Meadows will suffice due to the size and close proximity of Wildflower Meadows South. The proposed street section agrees with the street section used for Wildflower Meadows. 4. Streets shall be named in accordance with the Wright County Grid system. DRWY B = Queens Court NE, DRWY L = Queens Circle NE, DRWY N = Quell Avenue NE, and DRWY M = Quenelle Avenue NE. GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL 1. Erosion control measures shall be in accordance with the Best Management Practices as published by the MPCA and shall meet all requirements of the permit. 2. Label the existing 100 -yr HWL and NWL of the wetlands in and adjacent to the plat. (21-6- 2.B.9) 3. Depict the existing contours for the area surrounding the proposed plat. Portions of the site have previously been graded with the Wildflower Meadows development. This grading shall be depicted in the existing conditions. 4. Clearly depict the plat boundaries. WETLANDS Label the existing 100 -yr HWL and NWL of the wetlands in and adjacent to the plat. (21-6- 2.B.9) PAGE 3 S:\MunicipaRAotsego23xx\2319\ot2319RVW1.doc 4, v, " .." SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 1. Storm sewer design shall use an intensity of 5.8 in/hr for a 10 minute time of concentration (Tc). Provide justification for Tc's longer than 10 minutes and for the coefficient "c" values. 2. Inlet spread calculations shall be provided at the time of Final Plat submittal. The allowable inlet spread for catch basins at low points is half the drive lane. The allowable inlet spread for a catch basin on a grade is two-thirds of the drive lane. 3. The flow to the catch basins with stubs for the roof drains do not reflect the additional areas from the roofs. Please revise. 4. The downstream storm sewer calculations for the Wildflower Meadows development do not take into account the entire flow coming from the proposed Wildflower Meadows South site. The runoff now being route through their storm sewer may over load the existing downstream system. Please provide revised storm sewer calculations depicting the downstream storm sewer through Wildflower Meadows. 5. The hydrology for the site has been included in the accepted hydrology model for Wildflower Meadows. ENVIRONMENTAL 1. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substances as defined in Minnesota Statues 11513.02, Subd. 8 is required. (21-6- 2.13.10) OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Mailboxes will be required to be located in clusters. The side of the street that the clusters are located on shall be determined by the local mail carrier/USPS. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval of the preliminary plat contingent upon the above comments being address. PAGE 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2319\ot2319RVW1.doc ITEM 3-3 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan nersC'nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: IDaniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Remington Coves; 2nd Addition Concept Plan REPORT DATE: 17 January 2008 ACTION DATE: 24 February 2008 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 08.01 BACKGROUND Cottage Builders, Inc. has submitted a concept plan to replat 18 of the detached townhome lots with as 9 twin home buildings (18 units) within the Remington Coves development. The PUD -CUP and preliminary/final plat of Remington Coves was approved 27 September 2004 and included 43 detached townhomes. The proposed twin homes are clustered on the east side of the project at the corner of 70th Street and 69th Street. The builder is requesting consideration of the concept plan as none of the detached townhome lots have sold since the development was constructed. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Approved Site Plan C. Proposed Preliminary Plat ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for low density residential land uses. The density of the development will not be effected by the proposed building changes. The detached townhomes were approved in Remington Coves as being consistent with the intent that low density residential land uses be single family neighborhoods. Although there is no impact in density, the Planning Commission and City Council must decide if the proposed twin homes are consistent with the desired character of the area. In this regard, it is noted that the detached townhomes would be at the periphery of a single family neighborhood and abuts a future minor arterial roadway. Zoning. The subject site is zoned R-6 District. Detached townhomes are allowed as a permitted use in the R-6 District as are the proposed twin homes. A PUD -CUP was approved with the Remington Coves preliminary plat to allow for the detached townhomes to be platted in a unit and base lot configuration, shared access from private drives and unique setback requirements. An amended PUD -CUP would need to be processed with a preliminary plat application to address these same issues with the revised site plan. Building Design. No architectural plans have been submitted for the proposed twin home buildings. Twin home units are subject to review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council. Based on discussions with the builder, the detached townhomes have a two story design, whereas the two family buildings would be one story with a slightly larger finished floor area. The design of the two family buildings is critical to evaluating the change in building type as the setbacks were based on the design of the bayhomes. The dimensions of the garage are also important inconsideration of the proposed driveway flexibility. Landscape Plan. A revised landscape plan is required to reflect changes to the site plan as part of a preliminary plat application. Setbacks. The following setbacks were established for the Remington Coves bayhomes: 70 Street 69th Street Between Bldgs. Private Wetland Drive Required 65ft. 25ft. 1Oft. 25ft. 40ft. Proposed 60ft. 25ft 15ft 20ft. Na The concept plan will need to be revised to conform to the 65 foot setback from 70th Street, which will be a minor arterial street in the future as CSAH 37. The primary issues with site plan changes are the reduced setback to the private drive and the separation between the buildings. A 20 foot deep driveway apron is sufficient to accommodate parking of a typical sedan (16 feet), Chevrolet Suburban (18 feet), Chevrolet Silverado Extended Cab/Short Box (19 feet), Ford F-150 SuperCrew (19 feet) but doesn't leave much space for visibility behind a parked vehicle. The appropriateness of the setbacks between building is dependent on the architectural design. The bayhomes were designed and located on the site to ensure an open 3/4 view for each of the dwellings. Most of the twin home units have a similar view, with units #2 and #17 being more limited and tucked behind adjacent buildings. Utilities. Sanitary sewer, water, cable and phone utilities were all installed in the subject site based on the detached townhome site design. The City Engineer has identified a number of issues related to utility locations and the revised site plan. A preliminary plat application would need to remove utility boxes from driveways and provide for appropriate connections to the dwelling units, subject to approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. No grading plan has been submitted with the site and utility plans. The City Engineer does not believe that significant modifications are required to the established grades approved with the original development plans to accommodate the change in building type. A grading plan will be required to be submitted with a preliminary plat application. Easements. Drainage and utility easements were established over Outlot C, which is the base lot surrounding the detached townhome lots. These easement must be vacated and new easements established over the base lot shown on the proposed preliminary plat. RECOMMENDATION The concept plan for replating 18 of the Remington Coves detached townhomes as nine twin home buildings (18) units has been submitted for consideration and comment by the Planning Commission and City Council. The primary decision to be made at this time is whether the proposed two unit dwellings are appropriate for the area. City staff believes that there is an opportunity for a neighborhood scale twin home development within the City and that the proposed use would be compatible with the Remington Coves area. Specific site and building plan issues outlined herein would need to be reviewed further and resolved as part of a subsequent preliminary plat application. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to provide favorable comment on the concept plan for Remington Coves 2nd Addition, subject to the following conditions: The Concept Plan shall require the following applications to be processed in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance: a. PUD -CUP amendment b. Preliminary Plat C. Final Plat d. Vacation of drainage and utility easement 2. The builder shall submit building elevations and floor plans for the proposed twin homes, which are subject to review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council. 3. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted reflecting changes to the site plan. 4. The following setbacks shall apply unless modified as part of the PUD - CUP amendment: 70 Street 69th Street Between Bldgs. Private Wetland Drive 65ft. 25ft. 20ft. 2 5ft. 40ft. 5. The utility plan shall be revised as recommended by the City Engineer, subject to that office's review and approval. 6. A revised grading plan reflecting the site plan changes is submitted and is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. Existing drainage and utility easements over Outlot C, Remington Coves 1 st Addition are vacated and new easements established over the base lot based on the revised site plan, subject to review and approval of City staff. B. Motion to provide unfavorable comment on the concept plan based on the proposed land use being inconsistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and previous Remington Coves approvals. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Brian Reiner, Cottage Builders, Inc. Bruce Bonebright, Cottage Builders, Inc. 4 CITY OF r a u r _ QN THE GREAT RIVER ROAD LJ _ 1sT EET j Future Land Use Rural Rural Residential ........ LD Residential (Large 3� LD Residential LCUMD Residential W' - MDJHDResidential Commercial WOffice SITE LOCATION Industrial —. EE Public/Quasi Public Sewer District I W W W C W U 1 ww Msv Dam naovroto�r Note This map is for planning purposes only The Comprehensive Plan must be consulted to verify policies applicable to specific land use designations. ! li -.+fvirf, � a Vi '� ,r � �r1 �..�r�` ,. _ � � Q`�. s . i��. -�' � iJV E 1. ✓�1� v 1 • .� �I,i,� � ,nom r _ Arw PRELIMINARY PLAT -of- THE BAYHOMES AT REMINGTON COVES PROPERTY OWNERS: Cottage Builders, Inc. 32091 st Street South, EKISTING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1.Walfe Park, MN 56387 ft I.t Q EMING th =, OV COBE$ FlRSTADDIRON, tN lghgI County,O-n.met,, p1 320-251-4289 0 ebq to the recorded plat NermL NOTES: FI Nd ee^'sy ewe bbn kted by EO Rud and S x, Inc m Decwnber 10. 2007. Bembp ehoen — m m assume denim. M ami— sham be tN, —y — es.t., Due to eew rock bebq o Plated durkeq the winim ,eaeen fharo may be ded—t. t <mdRlm, dae—terhttthkOeof Mlnne t f M-1 Nntera vbhle due to mow Wbfer and emlle y servicem lofkn ere booed m abe. ground mw e,e and .Mot plme. No e,eaw—, eves mbee to wrlfy octad locaflon m dyth. - Site grodbq and utefty Plan, prepared by Plows E.qb, nq. PROPOSED EASMENT VACATION DESCRIPTION: Me ewboq, and utNty edsemm t. lyny wlthh In Lot, a and 5, &-e ], and the droe,ag. and utNty easement thrmghout all of auot C. dl m deekafed b the P'.' recerdee GTTDN CO o� MST AODInON, -,ht County. Mb--. occardbq to PW e DEVELOPRIENT DATA: th LEGENLEGEND e purpo,e of Mh proposed plat i, to <m e l IB d—ed D")— Mt. e,to 9 tee, eoA— arts,. ❑ DENOTES CATCH BASIN - Esafb9 ime,¢ Plmnee Unlf DevNopmmt - Praposad imbq: Plmned Unit Dewlopmmt —O DENOTES STORAf SEVER —ege we, of IB twh boye0me IOM1: W44 eq. A. —e ---G DENOTES SANITARY SEWER Buede,q Setbacks: -Front mfib— - 20 ft. (a to frml of gprape) —e— DENOTES WA7FRMAIN -M»mum dktmm bet~ b,ldbp - 15 N. A DENOTES NYURANT MOTES RETAINe10WtL PROPOSED BUILDING LOTAREATABLE DENOTES OGNC!✓ETE SURFACE DETAIL _ O DENOTES BDUIgNa1S SURFACE O DENOTES OCNT POLE (SCALE: I IN. - 30 FT.) Teo sa rt. sen J,se m ,r. m DENOTES TELEPifONE PEDESTAL J 'm' R' O DENOTES CABLE PEDESTAL Pel row * DENOTES ELECTRIC MANSFORLIER wx 5q rt. -- --1. 1 JJx) 50. r1 pa g -ILL I Z74q rt. "' a=ces d c"w ix 1U] 5d Fr. ALL Txo-as;a Nau5E2 m .E SLAB m aAx I hereby certify that thle --y, plan ar report Was prepared by me ar under my dkect eupeMebn and that 1 am a duly Registered Lond Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. N A. REN Dote: Q/ AZ License Na 2530 INC. Professional Land Surveyors n.eq�d<om 6776 Lake Drive NE, Suite 110 Lino Lakes, MN 55014 TOL(651)361.8200 FOX(651)361-8701 ee �n en n: m m rt. VICINm M. (NO SCALE) ----------------------------------------- (SEE SHEEr 2 FOR BOUNDARY AND LOT DIMENSIONS) OMOT A (m.WbE Aro Mealy LASOe]eT ,eW WmmT WTAT .V o-------- -------- \ I I I I I I S\ leo A14 �G e/ .sox w mse,eP ata er. Aa ,ween ❑ x urz aeax.wN NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE li a ,30 Hakanson 03 0 1 AriCieCSon 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 ASSOC.,InC. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ronald Wagner, P.E. City Engineer Brian Reiner, Cottage Builders, Inc. Bruce Bonebright, Cottage Builders, Inc. Craig G. Schlichting, P.E., Plowe Engineering, Inc. John A. Rengo, R.L.S., E.G. Rud & Sons, Inc. From: Brent Larson, P.E. Date: January 16, 2008 Re: The Bay Homes at Remington Coves — Sketch Plan Review We have reviewed the Preliminary Plat, dated 12/21/07, and Preliminary Utility and Grading Plans, dated 12/20/07, for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: Preliminary Plat The preliminary plat proposes to revise 18 detached Bayhomes (Lots 1-9, Blocks 7 and Lots 1-9, Block 8 of Remington Coves First Addition) to 9 Twin Bayhomes (still 18 units). The preliminary plat vacates all existing drainage and utility easements covering Outlot C, which surrounds all the townhomes, and between Lots 4 & 5, Block 7. It appears that the new preliminary plat reinstates all required drainage and utility easements. 2. The delineated wetland edges shall be depicted in the final plat. 3. The driveways for Block 1, Lots 4, 9, 10, and 12 cross adjacent lot lines into adjacent properties. 4. The locations of a telephone and cable pedestal appear to be located in the proposed driveways for Block 1, Lots 4 and 18 respectively. Existing Conditions 1. All mass grading, utilities, curb and gutter, and streets associated with the proposed plat have been completed with Remington Coves First Addition. S:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2277\ot2277BayhomesRVWI.doc Utility Plans 1. The utility work associated with the The Bayhomes at Remington Coves plat consists of connecting to the existing sanitary sewer and watermain service stubs and extending these services to the townhomes. In situations were the existing services no longer properly align with the new townhome location a 4" cleanout is proposed to be installed on the sanitary sewer service to "bend" the service towards the townhome. In most cases the services are not to be realigned. It does not appear that the services will enter the each townhome in the same location therefore the utility rooms may have to be located in different locations for each house. This should be considered when reviewing the architectural plans. Gradiniz Plans No comments. Other Considerations All storm water management has been address with the Remington Coves submittals. Hakanson Anderson S:\Municipal\Aotsego22xx\2277\ot2277BayhomesRVWI.doc Assoc., Inc.