ITEM 4.1ITEM 4.1 0 �CI ST� F D MINNE56TA TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: August 13, 2015 RE: Dog Park Rules & Site Amenities Background: The dog park construction was completed in April 2015 and since that time the dog park has been a popular attraction at Prairie Park. During the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting in April commissioners voted to table adding site amenities to the dog park anticipating that there would be some feedback from the users of the park during the summer. Staff have met with many of users and have had consistently two requests, the first being water and the second more places to sit in the shade. With the expense of a new water fountain with a "dog" ready faucet at $4,000 staff is recommending to install a water spigot that would attach to the chain link fence for owners to fill up their dog dishes. Staff would also attach a sign directly above the spigot so dog owners would be able to see where the water access was. The estimated cost of adding a spigot that would attach onto a fence is $400. Picnic tables are the other popular requests coming from users of the park. The estimated cost of two picnic tables is $1,500. Finally, signage is needed to inform park users of the rules for the park. Staff is recommending installing two signs, one at each entrance estimated at $250 total. Staff is also recommending the following rules for the dog park to be displayed on the sign. Use park at your own risk. Owners are legally responsible for the behavior of their dog at all times. Dogs must be leashed while entering and exiting the park. Dog waste must be picked up by owners immediately. owners must be in verbal control of their dog at all times. Female dogs in heat and dogs under the age of four months are prohibited. Conclusion: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and provide a recommendation to the City Council on the dog park amenities and rules. 2