ITEM 5.1ITEM 5.1 0 t TFMI54TA TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: August 13, 2015 RE: Archery Park Rules Background: With the archery range almost complete and archers currently using the park, signage is required to identify range rules and shooting etiquette. Staff is recommending adding the rule signage at the entrance for the range and also adding an archery range sign at the entrance to the dirt parking lot that serves the archery range and the baseball fields. Staff is recommending the following rules and shooting procedures for the signage at the park, these rules and procedures come directly from the Archery Trade Association (ATA) Archery Park Guide. RULES: Follow archery shooting procedures. Only shoot at designated targets. Always be aware of the target and what is beyond the target. Always keep bow pointed towards the target. Always draw bow with arrow parallel to the ground. Only nock arrows at the shooting line. Always have an arrow knocked when drawing to eliminate the possibility of a dry fire. Broadhead shooting is only allowed at specified targets and/or during special "sight -in" days. Anyone under 16 must be under adult supervision. ARCHERY SHOOTING PROCEDURES: Verify the range is clear. Give "Range is Hot" or similar command to indicate shooting may commence. When finished shooting, place bow on rack or set it down and wait behind the shooting line until all archers are finished shooting. Give a "Cease Fire" or similar command to indicate all shooting should stop. Verify all equipment is put down and remains behind the shooting line. Proceed to the targets to retrieve arrows. When using whistle commands: use 1 whistle blast (i.e. 'shoot") to indicate shooting may commence; 3 blasts (i.e. "get bows") to indicate arrows may be retrieved, and 4 or more blasts if an emergency exists. Two whistle blasts (i.e. "get bows") are used during programs to indicate participants can pick up their equipment. This command is not necessary during open shooting. Conclusion: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and provide a recommendation to the City Council archery park rules and procedures. 2