ITEM 3.1ITEM 3.1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER July 21, 2015 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Angie Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Jim Breitbach, Doug Cassady, Cara Husak, Corey Tanner, Susan Krekelberg and. Absent: Commissioners Derrick Stark and Michael Stanga City Council: Council Member Doug Schroeder. Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Dan Licht, City Planner, Amy Stemler, Recreation Program Staff, and Connie Schwecke, Recreation Administrative Assistant. 1. Oben Forum. 2. Consider agenda approval. Commissioner Cassady motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Breitbach. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.1 June 16, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Tanner motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner Husak. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Unfinished Business. 5. New Business. 5.1 Public Meeting on Conceptual Plan for Wildflower Meadows Park. Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented. He reviewed the updated concept plan the commission had selected at the last meeting. Demant introduced SRF Consultant Tim Wold who then proceeded to present the updated park concept plan, with possible site amenities, to the commissioners and the neighborhood residents. After the presentation, the residents then had the opportunity to ask various questions and give input about the park. Parks and Recreation Director Demant, City Planner Licht and SRF Consultant Tim Wold answered all questions and concerns the residents of Wildflower Meadows Development presented. Demant stated that at the August meeting the commissioners would be asked to have a final concept park plan to recommend to the City Council. 5.2 Girl Scout Troop 13951 Request. ITEM 3.1 Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented. He stated that a Girl Scout Troop approached him asking if they could host a homeless awareness event, "Sleep in a Box" at Prairie Park. Demant introduced representatives from Troop 13951. The seventh grade cadets explained that this event was to raise awareness on homelessness and that they were partnering with Sharing and Caring Hands to donate needed items and that participating in this event would earn the cadets a Silver Award. The cadets and leaders of Troop 13951 asked the commissioners to extend the park hours on October 3, 2015 so they could host this event. Commissioner Breitbach motioned to recommend to the City Council to extend park hours that are outlined in the City Code for Troop 13951's Sleep in the Box event on October 3, 2015. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.3 Naming of the Prairie Park Soccer Fields. Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented. He stated that for over a year, staff has been working with Three Rivers Soccer Association (TRSA) on naming the soccer fields located at Prairie Park. TRSA's board unanimously approved paying for the construction, installation and maintenance of this sign. Demant introduced Steve Zoubek, past president of TRSA board, who presented the commissioners TRSA proposal on naming the soccer fields at Prairie Park, Dale Lehrke Fields. He reviewed the life of this coach and explained why TRSA wanted to honor this dedicated coach and community volunteer who passed away unexpectedly on the soccer fields in 2014. Commissioner Tanner motioned to recommend to the City Council naming the soccer fields located in Prairie Park to the Dale Lehrke Fields. Seconded by Commissioner Cassady. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.4 Naming of the park at Wildflower Meadows Development. Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented. He stated that Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission has researched the historical significance of the Wildflower Meadows area and have proposed two park names; Northwood Park and Roskaft Park. Demant stated that Northwood was a planned town named by Oliver Kelly and 011ie Roskaft previously owned much of the land that is now Wildflower Meadows. After discussion, a recommendation for the park name was selected. Commissioner Cassady motioned to recommend to the City Council naming the park at Wildflower Meadows Development, Northwood Park. Seconded by Commissioner Breitbach. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update. ITEM 3.1 Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented. He stated that the Eagle Scouts had just finished hanging the targets and the archery range was open but more signage and fencing would be need to be installed before the City would publically announce an opening. Demant discussed other on-going summer programs and was please to tell the commissioners that he believed with the participation numbers that, for the first time, Flag Football would be running this fall. Demant informed the commissioners that he had received Peter Torresani's resignation letter and thanked him for his years of service as a commissioner. 7. City Council Reports. Council Member Doug Schroeder presented. He stated that the wastewater issues had been mitigated but that the council was evaluating an expansion to the west side wastewater treatment plant. He also stated that the City Council took a tour of MinnMed and was impressed with the security. 8. Adjourn. Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Husak. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:07PM. Written by Connie Schwecke. Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant