03-17-08 PCITEM 3.7 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.corn PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — GRC/TCF Bank; Site and Building Plan Review REPORT DATE: -12 March 2008 ACTION DATE: 12 April 2008 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 08.06 BACKGROUND HTG Architects has submitted plans on behalf of TCF National Bank for development of a 4,600 square foot bank office building on Lot 1, Block 1 Great River Centre (GRC). The subject site is located at the northeast corner of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and 87th Street. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land uses and the property is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District in accordance with the ordinance and standards approved by the City Council on 13 March 2006. The submitted plans are subject to site and building plan review pursuant to Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance and GRC PUD District. A public hearing is not required for site and building plan review applications. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Site Plan C. Landscape Plan D. Grading Plan E. Utility Plan F. Lighting Plan G. Exterior Elevations H. Floor Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses by the Comprehensive Plan as part of the City's primary retail and service business area surrounding the TH 101/CSAH 39 interchange. Bank uses are consistent with the intended character of the area as a location for businesses that provide service to local and regional patrons. Zoning. The GRC PUD District approved 13 March 2006 established allowed uses as the same as allowed within the B-3, General Business District. Banks are a permitted use in the B-3 District. Building Design. The proposed building is a one story structure utilizing two colors of brick for the exterior fagade. The brick is used on all four sides of the building for a uniform appearance and the materials and design of the building is consistent with the recommendations of the PUD District. The PUD District establishes a 24 foot / 1 story height limit for the subject site to protect viewsheds of the SuperTarget store from Parrish Avenue. The section of the building at the entrance rises to a height of 26 feet to emphasize the "front" of the building. The additional two feet of height is allowed by Section 20-17-3.13 of the Zoning Ordinance for this section of the building as it does not include usable floor space. Landscape Plan. A landscape plan proposing generous site landscaping has been submitted. The landscaping along Parrish Avenue and 87th Street include plantings installed as part of the overall development and gateway monument sign. A row of Red Twigged Dogwood and Tiger Eyes Sumac is provided along the westerly property line to screen the drive through lanes. During leaf -off conditions the chosen plants will break up views of the drive through if not fully screen it. The sizes of the proposed deciduous, ornamental and coniferous trees must be specified in the form required by Section 20-16-7.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. The landscape plan notes state that an in -ground irrigation system is to be provided. Lot Requirements. The subject site is platted as Lot 1, Block 1 Great River Centre. The lot area is 1.01 acres and the lot width (measured from the front setback line to 87th Street) is 172 feet. There are no minimum lot area or width standards established by the PUD District with the adequacy of the lot based upon compliance with applicable setbacks and provision of a functional site plan that provides adequate access, circulation and off-street parking. Setbacks. A 30 foot setback is required from Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and 87th Street. There is no specific setback established by the PUD District for the internal north and east lot lines abutting the SuperTarget parcel. Parking areas and drive lanes are required to be setback 10 feet from public rights-of-way. The site plan shows that the proposed building and parking areas conform to the setback requirements established by the PUD District. 2 Pedestrian Access. A trail has been constructed along the east side of Parrish Avenue and sidewalk constructed along the north side of 87th Street abutting the subject site. An access has been from the sidewalk on 87th Street at a location that aligns with the sidewalk on the front (east) side of the building. Vehicle Access. Access to the subject site is required to enter off of 87th Street or Quaday Avenue and across the SuperTarget parking lot. The drive aisles within the SuperTarget parking lot facilitate traffic movement to the subject site. Traffic exiting the site may utilize a right -out only movement back onto 87th Street or cross the SuperTarget parking lot to full accesses at 87th Street or Quaday Avenue. Off -Street Parking. Section 20-21-91 of the Zoning Ordinance requires banks to provide one off-street parking stall per 250 square feet of net floor area. The calculation of required parking is shown below: 4,600sf. x 10% / 250 = 17 stalls The site plan provides 23 stalls with additional parking also available in nearby stalls within the SuperTarget parking lot. As such, the parking provided exceeds Zoning Ordinance requirements. All of the parking stalls and drive aisles are designed to the dimensions, surfacing, curb and striping required by Section 20-21-4.H of the Zoning Ordinance. Drive Through. The proposed bank has drive through facilities on the west side of the building with three teller lanes and an ATM lane. The width of the aisle west of the ATM lane is sufficient to allow a vehicle to bypass the drive through facility. Section 20-21- 9.M of the Zoning Ordinance requires 180 feet of stacking space (equal in length to approximately nine cars) for each drive through lane. Our office believes this standard is outdated in that electronic banking has reduced the peak traffic generated by drive through bank windows. There is space for approximately four vehicles in each lane with additional space provided in the drive aisle on the north side of the building where the employee parking is located. Signs two square feet in area or less should be posted in front of the eight stalls on the north line of the site designating them for employee parking only. Signs. The subject site is a corner lot facing Parrish Avenue and 87th Street. Section 20-37-5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance allows signs up to 100 square feet to be installed on two facades of the building facing public streets. The building elevations show one 70 square foot internally lit wall sign installed on the west fagade facing Parrish Avenue. Another of these signs is proposed to be installed on the east fagade, which faces the site entrance. Given that the east fagade is also the location of the building entrance, the proposed location of the sign is appropriate. The PUD District established locations for shared monument signs at the entrances to the Great River Centre instead of individual freestanding signs on each lot. The sign is required to be setback 10 feet from property lines. The location of the sign on the subject site encroaches within the required setback and is also within a drainage and utility easement. A gateway monument sign is to be constructed on the southwest corner of the subject site. City staff recommends moving the sign to meet the setback requirement by revising the radius of the curb on the outside of the drive through to make sufficient space to accommodate the sign. Plans for the gateway monument sign have been previously submitted for a sign permit and conform to the provisions of the PUD District, which allows a sign structure 15 feet tall, 25 feet wide with a display area of 64 square feet. Lighting Plan. Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance limits exterior lighting cast to the property line abutting public rights of way to 1.0 foot candle or less. The light cast on the south property line exceed the Zoning Ordinance allowance. We would recommend that the pole mounted fixture on the south side near the south lot line be moved to a location on the north side of the drive aisle or a fixture mounted on the building is uses. A shield could also be installed on the south side of the fixture to direct light to the north. Street lights installed along 87th Street within the public right-of-way will likely cast sufficient light onto the southern portion of the site. All other exterior light locations conform to the Zoning Ordinance. The exterior lighting to be installed on site are shown to be shoebox fixtures that cast light downward as required by the Zoning Ordinance. Trash. An enclosure for exterior storage of trash containers is provided on the north side of the building. The trash enclosure is six feet tall and constructed of the same brick used for the principal building. A maintenance free gate is provided to fully screen the trash containers. The trash enclosure complies with the requirements of Section 20- 16-15.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Utility Plan. The proposed building will be connected to City sewer and water utilities from existing service in 87th Street. SAC and WAC fees for connection to the City utilities will be calculated and must be paid at the time the building permit is issued. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Grading Plan. A grading plan has been submitted for the proposed site plan. Stormwater is to be conveyed from the subject site to the linear pond to the south extending from Parrish Avenue east to the regional pond east of Quaday Avenue. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. RECOMMENDATION The proposed construction of a TCF National Bank is appropriate use for the subject site consistent with the City's goals for commercial development in this area of the City. Furthermore, the site and building plans comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and GRC PUD District. Our office recommends approval of the application as set forth below, subject to comments of other City staff. 4 POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve the submitted site and building plans for TCF National Bank subject to the following conditions: The landscape plan is revised to state the sizes of proposed plants in the form required by Section 20-16-7.C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Signs two square feet in area or less are to be posted in front of the eight stalls on the north line of the site designating them for employee parking only. 3. The site plan is revised to locate the gateway monument sign to be setback 10 feet from all property lines, subject to review and approval by City staff. 4. The lighting plan is revised such that the light cast at the south property line conforms to Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. SAC and WAC fees for the proposed use shall be calculated by City staff and paid at the time a building permit is issued. 6. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and PUD District. C. Motion to table. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Kendra Lettau, HTG Architects NE 88TH STREET GENERAL MERCHANDISE OTSEGO, MN S09 SITE DATA WYAN* PARCEL PARCEL PARCEL OSS BUILDIN PARKING PARKING PARKING DESCRIPTION AREA USE AREA REQUIRED PRONDED RATIO - LOT 1 1.01 AC IRETARL BANK , 'IRI SF 16 27 5.00 1000 pl%yRu' 1ASnNG pfiATtONsltlps LOT 2 Ia.06 AC RETAIL 187,800 SF 819 STALLS 782 STALLS 4.18 1000 LOT 3 },50 AC RETAIL 38,300 SF 138 STALLS 181 STALLS 4.73 1000 LOT 4 1.16 AC TOTAL 19.77 AC 228,1OD 5F el] STALLS 969 STAI1 4.29 1000 RVAN COMPANNOUA 9VC L�11�J Mryiiuri YYY�pYA AW RA616 461p.YYy, �tP.AVANCOYP.WI4COY A rrOleCT NAYS N TCF NATIONAL BANK o® SCALE IN TEST , ocA]roN OTSEGO, MINNESOTA OVERALL SITE PLAN EXHIBIT A C2 20,000 15,000 SF 0 I� RETAIL :11 SF .IFI v. i■�i U7; 9 x. r v v , ocA]roN OTSEGO, MINNESOTA OVERALL SITE PLAN EXHIBIT A C2 KEY NOTE5 Naarpr � rw eu� re I•I a �, _� cwaa.c r.wvwrx. n SIGNS tE- Jrlure.nue I I I I 1R. � I I V I I TCF BANK I. , 1 - � I I� j! I NE 87TH ST n SITE PLAN V I-xw-0. 9300 Hennepin Town Ftoad Eden Prairie. MN 55347 Td: 952.2788888 Fax 952,278 8N2 PROJECT TCF NATIONAL BANK NEW CONSTRUCTION GREAT RIVER CENTRE OFOTSEGO NEC PARRISH AVE & 67TH ST OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 55330 MW DATE eEY1510N5 DATE W. $QQ = fRYfls.nH SITE PLAN EXHIBIT B �' oMwr W. -al �,rx '�1 m PARRISH AVE NE (CSAH NO 42 ) :m N s 10 CD�� m �r I ll tNOT FOR � -sg s e H if CONSTRUCTION I 6R P1 9i �` s y GRADING NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY All ELEVATIONS OF CYAN® EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR THE UTILITIES AND TGRADIN . THE COMMENCEMENT OF SITE GRADING. TIE CONTRACTOR SHALL EME AL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF dSCREPANgES VARIATIONS FROM THE PLANS. eulLOxc LAsnNO REUT1oNSHIPs ALL EXISTING UTIUTY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' (651-454-0002 OR 811) FOR NUTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL STRIP. STOCKPILE AND RE—SPREAD SUFFICIENT Esu; srvc. 0 20 ♦o TOPSOIL TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM 4 INCH DEPTH (COMPACTED) TO ......Fo mry ssws ® ALLDISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED OR SEEDED. zau SCALE IN FEET THE SITE GRADING OPERATIONS. WIZEN COMPLETED, SHALL RESULT cDa+z URw O. IN ALL AREAS BUNG GRADED TO 'PLAN SUBGRADE ELEVATION. THIS 'PLAN SUBGRADE ELEVATION' SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH WWW.artiucomvNnescom THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR BUILDING AND PAVEMENT AREAS. THE 'PLAN SUBGRADE ELEVATION' IN THE PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAY AREAS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY CHECKING THE —1— PAVEMENT SECTIONDETAILS AND REFERRING TO PAVING PLAN FOR LOCATIONS AND UMI TS OF VARIOUS PAVEMENT SECTIONS. TCF NATIONAL ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE OR OUTTER BANK UNE GRADES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY WESTW'OOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, STORMWATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY ACCOMMODATED IN OFF—SITE PONDING. GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION REPORT PREPARED BY BRAUN INTERTEC FOR RYAN COMPANIES ON MARCH 16, 2078. OISEGO, MINNESOTA LEGEND ExlsnNc MINOR CON­— — — —754-- — 1R®97DIN GRADING, DRAINAGE E .TO ­R L R 754— 5E EROSION CONTROL PROPOSD) MRN1R COIROIIR 754— PLAN ---760--- PROPOSED MANOR CONTOUR ----760--- -E dWN40E OIR1:CTpN ►— COST. u�Dv'a tlf2p.mYwt•rtK STORM SEW EW Kms— PROPOSED STORM $EWER K--f— SAT FEKCE EMERDDK.Y oSTnFIDw ►.► ��� �J C2 BENCHMARKS EROSION CONTROL NOTES per' V 1. TOP NUT HYDRANT N.E. QUADRANT ANTEOF CSM 42116 THESE PLANS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL PODU11M DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPOES). AND NGVD 1929) ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF SITE REMOVALS GRADING OPERATIONS AND BE pQ' ML A, MAINTAINED UNTIL ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON THE SITE HAVE BEEN RESTORED. 2Q ALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE SURFACED WITH CRUSHED ROCK ACROSS FULL WIDTH, FROM ENTRANCE POINT TO 75 FEET INTO CONSTRUCTION ZONE (REFER TO DETAIL). ALL SLOPES 3:1 OR STEEPER. NOT TO BE SODDED AND GREATER, THAN 8 FEET IN HEIGHT, SHALL HAVE EROSION CONTROL FABRIC INSTALLED ON SLOPE PER MNDOT SPEC. 3885. VERIFY RESTORATION ev.a.0 .ie RpiM�w.AW us�RenaArlrN WWE�P�ewR� METHOD AND SEED MIXTURE. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWING TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. Hewar4Hra�rr TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL (INFRASAFE OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) TO BE PLACED AROUND STORM SEWER STRUCTURES DURING CONSTRUCTION (REFER TO DETAIL). SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL OMiY WH�e DEVICES A6 NECESSARY AND MUST BE REMOVED IF DESIGN CAPACITY HAS BEEN REDUCED BY 5OTL SEDIMENT TRACKED OF—SITE, AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION Rscssr THON rvo. on TRAFFIC, SHALL BE MINIMIZED AND SWEPT ON A DAILY BASIS. Roe ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED WITH SOD. SEED, WOOD FIBER BLANKET OR PAVED SURFACE WITHIN 14 DAYS. CONTRACTOR/OWNER SHALL ADOPT THE CONDITIONS THE Toe rvumaeR xHsroar EXISTING NPDES STORM WATER PERMIT FOR THE OVERALL GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO PROJECT. EXHIBIT M.—M.- C4 ta N 6! 6 - [�616]F � ST u, GIP WAIEPMA. TES UTILITYCMAC RYANO OR SHA CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELDRAPH VERIFY LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT SITE GRADING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEEEC R OF DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM TIE PLANS. —_ aH1Il>HNG TASTING REunoNSHIM ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATONS SHOWN ARE APPROAMATE. CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL- (651-454-0002 OR 811) FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. WATER MAIN. SANITARY SEWER @ STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION SHALL FsS Hc. MNO,.,.,pell,, THE CURRENT EDITION OF CONFORM TO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR MN�eMavmM WATERMAIN AND SERVICE UNE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION' AS PREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA. XwN.Mao u. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 WWWArwcoMewlas.wH FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPEO 0.15 FEET PER DETAILS. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN 00 NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS, —J— REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR CURRENT HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. TCF NATIONAL ALL WATER PIPE TO BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE (D.I.P.) CLASS 52 UNLESS BANK OTHERWISE NOTED. A MINIMUM OF 7.5 FEET OF COVER IS REQUIRED OVER ALL WATERMAIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXTRA DEPTH MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 18' VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM SEWER ONES. A MINIMUM OF IB INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS REWIRED FOR ALL UTUTES. UNLESS OTHERWISE 1nG,r1aN NOTED. OTSEGO, ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE TO BE POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (P.V.C.) SDR 35 MINNESOTA UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. eHsl TTS CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AS–BUILT DOCUMENTS THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTIM AND SUBMIT THESE PLANS TO ENGINEER UPON COMPLETON [J[((,I]'] PLAN OF WORK, SEE MECHANICAL PLANS FOR POST INDICATOR VALVE, SAM FLOW PREVENTER. AND DOMESTIC METER LOCATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE LOCATIONS OF PVC SLEEVES UNDER PAVEMENT FOR IRRIGATON WITH LANDSCAPE/IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR, O= J� A4Z; 2y N 0® /LSO °` STALE IN FEET A LEGEND «� ODgTES FASTING STWM SEVER Ie- nm.. WpM IwM..PbX bn. Mwa W, ebe,a Mmww,. �IX� OEIgf6 PRDPDSED STORM SCAER -I -I- DENOTES EASTNG WAR]OAMN �1�1� OFIgiES %LOPOSFD WAIERMMN < DfxOTE] EXISDNG E.wrtARr SERER < ODIOTES PROPOSED SA.- SEWER Q • ODplES EXISTING STORM WNHOLE/ W TION No. GATE • DENOTES PROPOSED STORM --/ OB ODgiFS PROPOSED SrtE HYDRWf N DENOIEs RROPOSEO GTE VAIK esmn.m...uuc EXHIBIT E C6 RER C -EX 38 G -EX 38 F 38 F 38 H 38 D -SK -EX 38 F 38 b.t b. b.4 g. • .1 .4 .x 2.3 .z 1.7 .6 !.9 .9 .8 b.3 b.l b. I b.1 19 1 5.7 3.0 .z V8 .e .t b.6 b.l b. b.3 7 1.7 b.4 .6 10.6 S.3 b.t b. b.z t.1 X 10.2 .3 b.l b. b.t 1 4 1.2 .o S. 3 3. .4 71.4 73.5 b.1 b. b.1 1 0 1.9 4.9 4.1 '4.1 14 b.4 .8 .6 .9 4.2 .♦ .2 .6 4.1 4. b.6 %.9 5.8 S.3 '1.6 4.3 'J.3 °1.3 1.3 1.1 O b.o b. 5.2 5.e g. �Ot , .4 4.a .5 9.3 1 (rCn� � b.0 b. 1j.2 O c rao a 4.0 4.9 4.7 t.2 4.6 Z g6 a H b.0 b. t.6 .9 4.7 41 t.2 0.1 4.5 .4 clopS b.o b. Al 9 4s 4. 4s .5 10.4 B .e 5. .1 a D -SK -EX b.o b. b.1 1.s 13 S.z 5.a .x 4s .9 a 9. 4. .o °.7 g1 b.o b.o I b.0 b.l I a b.7 1.4 4.2 h.2 L6 1.1 b. z s2.7 g.6 9.4 5.9 9.2 1.1 0 0 b.o b.o b.o b.oIllIllb.2 .z I NE 87TH ST b.0 b.0 I b.o b.o b.o b.l b.1 b.t b.l b.2 b.l ba b.o b.o I b.0 b.0 b.o b.o b.o b.o b.0 b.t b.l b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o I b.o b.o b.o- b.o I b.o bX b.0 b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.0 b.0 b.0 b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o OZ SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN On Site Lighting & Survey, LLC PH 763-684-1648 arw, w rrrr RYAN' BUIIDINa 4anNG R[IATKINSHIYS 4t4meus,aac i- rrre TCF NATIONAL BANK OTSEGO, MINNESOTA UGHTING PLAN wwr°a Mu+runM ny •aMy n.• i M u�,.' �'. r r � e., m. EXHIBIT F Symbol ply Label Arron9ement Lumens LLF Description -� 3 F SINGLE 110000 0.750 Visionoire American FAME-4-T3-1000MH-VLFG-HOUSE SHIELD - 1 H SINGLE 110000 0.750 usionaire American FAME -4 T3-IOOOMH-VLFG O 38' mlq ht. -Pc t C -EX 3 O 90 DEGREES 110000 0.750 EXISTING FIXTURE TO REMAIN - SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY -® 1 C -EX SINGLE 110000 0.750 EXISTING FIXTURE TO REMAIN - SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY 1 O -SK -EX BACK -BACK 110000 0.750 EXISTING FIXTURE TO REMAIN - SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY On Site Lighting & Survey, LLC PH 763-684-1648 arw, w rrrr RYAN' BUIIDINa 4anNG R[IATKINSHIYS 4t4meus,aac i- rrre TCF NATIONAL BANK OTSEGO, MINNESOTA UGHTING PLAN wwr°a Mu+runM ny •aMy n.• i M u�,.' �'. r r � e., m. EXHIBIT F ieii u�i�YGu.."iii&L"ii. ""' - a� P+•'31 n . 0000,a-�-moi®leer �� _ 1■I I�1�q ,fi ■rs.] e �.N"irnu.sr EAST ELEVATION ��ORTH ELEVATION E, ZE�LT ELEVATION r�nn r — cceNee�� E .. 1 acn cc rcuaE ....a ; r 1 �■ n SOUTH ELEVATION yBYI•-0' 9300 Hennepin Town Ft d! Ed— Prairie, MN 55347 Tel'. 852.2788880 Fu 952378.8822 TCF NATIONAL BANK NEW CONSTRUCTION GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO NEC PAAAISH AVE & 87TH ST OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 55330 REVISIONS DATE N0. MfuiRtiv F E �ytil�uu+r � ��qe EXERMM EEVATOS EXHIBIT c-- 43 43 TRASH / HVAC ENCL05)RE PLAN LTJA Lj: 110 Lj: :10 --------------------- --- HE 0(1 o Asn gm al. of TRA5H HVAC ENCLOSURE ELEVATION n MAIN LEVEL PLAN 41 Eden Pride, KIN 55347 T* 8522788888 F. 852278.8822 PROJECT TCF NATIONAL BANK NEW CONSTRUCTION GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO NEC PARRISH AVE & 87TH ST OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 5W DAN W. ma --un wa MAIN LEVEL PLAN EXHI13111-r El: ----- - ----- El: --------------------- --- HE 0(1 o Asn gm al. of TRA5H HVAC ENCLOSURE ELEVATION n MAIN LEVEL PLAN 41 Eden Pride, KIN 55347 T* 8522788888 F. 852278.8822 PROJECT TCF NATIONAL BANK NEW CONSTRUCTION GREAT RIVER CENTRE OF OTSEGO NEC PARRISH AVE & 87TH ST OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 5W DAN W. ma --un wa MAIN LEVEL PLAN EXHI13111-r "Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 t _ AssoC.,InC. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ronald Wagner, P.E. City Engineer Rich Thiermann, TCF National Bank Kendra Lettau, HTG Architects Daniel Larson, P.E. Ryan Companies US, Inc. From: Brent Larson, P.E. Date: March 12, 2008 Re: TCF National Bank - Lot 1, Block 1 Great River Centre 0 Addition We have reviewed the Plans, dated 2/12/08, for the above -referenced project. It is assumed that since this is the first submittal, the plans are to be considered for preliminary and final acceptance and therefore must meet all requirements pertaining to preliminary and final submittals. We have based our review on this assumption and would offer the following comments: Existing Conditions Boundary lines shall include bearings, distances, and curve data. 2. The existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision shall be labeled. 3. Adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land shall be identified by name and ownership. 4. The existing 2 -foot contours shall be depicted. 5. The legend does not identify the Easement, Property/Boundary, or Right -of -Way (R.O.W.) lines. 6. The overhead electric and telephone lines east of CSAH 42 have been relocated underground. Please verify and revise. Site Plan 1. No sign or sign structure, unless otherwise regulated by this Section, shall be closer to any lot line than ten (10) feet. On corner lots, no sign shall be located within the visibility triangle required by Section 20-16-8. (20-37-3.B) Also, no sign shall be placed within any drainage or utility easement. (20-37-3.C) The Target monument is proposed to be located closer than the minimum 10' from the C:\Documents and Settings\Tauri\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\3UEKPXLG\ot2500 TCF Bank rvwl.doc property line and within the drainage and utility easement in the southwest corner of the site. This will not be allowed. Please revise. Grading, Drainage, & Erosion Control Plan 1. Depict the existing contours the proposed contours tie into, for west and south of the site. 2. Provide a minimum freeboard of 12" between the emergency overflow elevation (EOF) and the Buildings finished floor elevation (FFE) for the low area in the northwest corner of the site. Currently the low area would overflow through the parking area north of the building at an EOF of 884.20, which is only 0.8' below the FFE. Paving Plan The pavement sections match those used throughout the Target site. Traffic/Access Issues Access to the site is limited to entering and exiting the site via the Target parking lot. Two entrances separated by a landscaped curbed median are proposed along the east side of the property. The nearest City street access is a right -in -right -out intersection at 87th Street. 2. The site provides adequate parking spaces and an acceptable parking/drive aisle layout. (20-21-9.L and 20-21-4.H.9) The handicap parking spaces provide 18' of depth and do not meet the minimum 20' depth required. (20-21-8) The drive aisle width being provided behind the handicap parking stalls exceeds the minimum aisle width required by 2' therefore the combine depth of parking stall and aisle width meet the minimum requirements. We recommend striping the handicap stalls so that they meet the minimum depth requirement. 4. Please submit documentation allowing the shared drive lane along the east side of the property to be used by the surrounding properties. Utility Plan 1. Please note that all sanitary sewer service pipes, including the bends and wyes shall be PVC SDR 26. 2. The proposed revised radius of the parking lot curb and gutter in the northeast corner of the site (Target Site of median) appears it may impact the hydrant and/or the hydrant gate valve. Please verify. Hakanson I-illAnderson C Documents and Settings\TamiTocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\3U) Assoc.,Inc. rvw l .doc Stormwater Management 1. The storm water runoff from the TCF Bank site has been accounted for in the Great River Centre hydrology model. The downstream stormwater system has sufficient capacity to handle the additional runoff for the fully developed site. 2. This site's storm sewer system discharges to an 18" RCP storm sewer pipe that was stubbed to the property line in the northeast corner of the site with the development of the Target site. The downstream storm sewer system has been adequately sized to handle the runoff from the fully developed site. 3. Design calculations shall be submitted for the onsite storm sewer. Wetlands The wetland delineation for the Great River Centre did not identify any wetlands within the TCF Bank boundaries therefore no wetland impacts are anticipated. Environmental 1. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site shall be submitted. (21-6-2.B.10.) Other Considerations 1. A geotechnical report was submitted for with the Great River Centre development. (21-6-2.B.11.) Summary and/or Recommendations We recommend approval contingent on the above comments being addressed. CADocuments and Settings\TamiTocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\3UE rvw l .doc laal Hakanson Anderson Assoc.,[nc.