ITEM 3.6 Northwood ParkDEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: Parks and Recreation PRESENTER(s): Consent AGENDA ITEM DETAILS Request for City Council Action Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager REVIEWED BY: Lori Johnson, City Administrator MEETING DATE: August 24, 2015 ITEM #: 3.6 RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends naming the park located in the Wildflower Meadows Development, Northwood Park. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: With the design phase of the park located in the Wildflower Meadows Development underway, the Otsego Historic and Preservation Commission has researched historical data to aid with naming the park. Park names are to aid in promoting community identity either through recognition of a person or place of local historical significance or based on a natural feature of the specific park. The City's Heritage Preservation Commission has in the past provided recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Commission on the naming of parks, the Parks and Recreation then will recommend a name to the City Council for approval. "Northwood Park" is named after Northwood, a planned town site that Oliver Kelly and his brother designed. It was a 'paper town' in that it was developed on paper, with buildings, streets, etc. There were some buildings built but this was a time of a significant economic recession and the town was never completed. The Oliver Kelly farm is just across the river from Wildflower Meadows. There was some sort of cable connection across the river to this site. Also the west river bank provided special clay used to polish silver. We believe the Excelsior Polish Company, an Oliver Kelly business, sold this product. "Roskaft Park" would be named after Ing and 011ie Roskaft who previously owned much of the land that is now Wildflower Meadows. They lived in the Otsego area for 50+ years. Ing was very active in local government — he was on the planning commission for Otsego Township and city and was on the Wright county board. At their July meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council to name the park in the Wildflower Meadows Development, Northwood Park. The commissioners talked about how they liked the historical significance of the park and the name is more fitting for a park. The also thanked the HPC for all of the research they have done to name the park. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ATTACHED X NONE POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to name the park that will be located in the Wildflower Meadows Development, Northwood Park. Runr.FT INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑YES X NO Ar..TI(lN TAKFN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: