ITEM 5.1 CSAH Improvement projectOtkzo MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner August 24, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 5.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed Supplemental Agreement No.1, in the amount of $274,801.36 (City portion = $130,538.99) for the 70th Street/CSAH 37 Improvement project. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: As the project and the grading of the road base has moved forward there have been many areas of organic topsoil and/or other unsuitable soils that have been encountered. Though most of these soils have been found next to the existing road where the road is being widened or shifted to the north or south, some have been found within the existing road bed. The thickness and content very greatly from location to location. Much of the unsuitable soils are not organic but rather supersaturated clays and silts that are very unstable and must be removed in order to provide a stable road base. Large rock and boulders have been found (which trap water and saturate the surrounding soil) as well as sheet metal and other items used to help support the road or allow the field to drain quicker. Typically soil borings were done every — 500' and within the existing road. These variations do not show up on the soil boring. Hakanson Anderson has been working closely with the geotechnical engineer (Braun Intertec) and contractor (Fehn Companies) to determine the extent of the removal of unsuitable soils at the time of excavation at each location. There are contract unit prices for both the additional removal (muck excavation) and additional fill of these areas (common borrow). There are some areas that the contractor has already attempted to fill using the common borrow material (onsite clay) as originally planned but was unable to meet specified density requirements due to the unsuitable soils below and/or amount of moisture entering these excavation areas. In these situations it has been determined that a granular material must be used at the bottom of the excavation (and in some extreme cases a layer of fabric is needed to separate the sand from the soft clays) to provide a stable base to build on. In areas, as directed by the Engineer, Select Granular Borrow will be used as backfill material in addition to or in lieu onsite clay material to minimize muck excavation and additional common borrow. We have negotiated a unit price with the Contractor for the Select Granular Borrow as provided in Mn/DOT Specification 1904. We have discussed this unit price with MnDOT and Wright County and feel the unit price is reasonable. We have negotiated the unit price for geotextile fabric with the Contractor as well. Attached is a the Supplemental Agreement No.1 which we hope includes all unplanned excavation costs used -to -date as well as anticipated to complete the grading and construction of the road subgrade. Please note on the MnDOT Supplemental Agreement form that "funding group/category" #1 represents the City's portion of the project and #3 represents the County's portion. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED ❑ NONE • Supplemental Agreement No.1 • Supplemental Agreement Quantity Breakdown POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve proposed Supplemental Agreement No.1 for the 70th Street/CSAH 37 Improvement project, in the amount of $274,801.36 (City portion = $130,538.99). BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: x YES MSAS Funds Region 7W Federal Funds o NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: 70th Street/CSAH 37 Improvment Project SP 217-112-002 SP 086-637-033 8/10/15 Supplemental Agreement #1 As of 8/4/15 City ,Total 8,550 LF of project complete = 60.0% (corrections complete 127+00 to 157+00 and 190+00 to 211+00) Remains 3450 (157+00 to 190+00 remains) Muck (EV) Planned = 491 CY Used to date = 12,043 CY Est. Remaining = 4,817 CY Est. Total = 16,860 CY Est. Addn'I Total=r16,369 CY <-- Supplimental Agreement Total Select Granual Borrow (LV) Planned = 0 CY Used to date = 0 CY Est. Remaining= 2,000 CY Est. Total = 2,000 CY Est. Addn'I Total = 2,000 CY <-- Supplimental Agreement Total Common Borrow (LV) Planned = 11,055 CY Used to date = 15,656 CY Est. Remaining = 4,262 CY Est. Total = 19,918 CY Est. Addn'I Total = 8,863 CY <-- Supplimental Agreement Total Geotextile Fabric Planned = 0 SY Used to date = 0 SY Est. Remaining= 1,600 SY 300 LF * 48' wide) Est. Total = 1,600 SY Est. Addn'I Total = 1,600 SY <-- Supplimental Agreement Total County Total 3,450 LF of project complete = 88% (corrections complete 211+00 to 233+00 and 5+50 to 14+00) Remains 400 (1+50 to 5+50 remains, large & deep muck area) Muck (EV) Planned = 1,713 CY Used to date = 4,000 CY Est. Remaining= 7,980 CY Est. Total = 11,980 CY Est. Addn'I Total = 10,267 CY—�<-- Supplimental Agreement Total Select Granual Borrow (LV) Planned = 0 CY Used to date = 0 CY Est. Remaining = 7,500 CY Est. Total = 7,500 CY Est. Addn'I Total = 7,500 CY <-- Supplimental Agreement Total Common Borrow (LV) Planned = 2,043 CY Used to date = 5,200 CY Est. Remaining = 2,874 CY Est. Total = 8,074 CY Est. Addn'I Total = 6,031 CY <-- Supplimental Agreement Total a�,r.fa E'FQ:,> STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. July2014 ,d5 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT SP 217-112-002 & 086 637-033 II MN Proj. No. STPM 8615 SA No. 1 Project Location: CSAH 37/70th Street, Otsego, MN Local Agency: City of Otsego Project No. 14-01_ &_ 14-02 ]Contract - - Contractor: Fehn Companies -Local No. ^_ _ Address/City/State/Zip: 5050 Barthel Industrial Dr, Albertville, MN 55301 Total Supplemental Agreement Amount $ 274,801.36 This contract is between City of Otsego and the Contractor as follows: WHEREAS: The Engineer has determined that areas of organic and other unsuitable soils exist where none where anticipated and some areas of expected unsuitable soils are more extensive than originally planned WHEREAS: The Engineer has determined that some of these unsuitable soils must be removed to provide a stable road base; WHEREAS: The extent of the removal of unsuitable soils shall be determined at the time of excavation at each location as determined by the Geotechnical Engineer; WHEREAS: the contractor has attempted to fill these corrected area with common borrow material as originally planned but was unable to meet specified density requirements due to the unsuitable soils below and/or amount of moisture entering these excavation areas; WHEREAS: as directed by the Engineer, Item 2105.522-Select Granular Borrow meeting MnDOT 3149.D.3, shall be used as backfill material in addition to or in lieu of 2105.523-Common Borrow and as directed by the Engineer, Item 2105.604 Geotextile Fabric, Type 5 shall be used to separate the unsuitable and granular materials. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: 1. Payment for the removal of additional unsuitable soils will be at the Contract Unit Price for Item 2105.505-Muck Excavation. 2. Payment for the Select Granular Borrow and Geotextile Fabric Type 5 will be at the Negotiated Unit Price basis as provided in Mn/DOT Specification 1904. 3. Contract time will not be modified 4. This Supplemental Agreement covers the known and anticipated costs attributable to the work covered by this Supplemental Agreement. If the Contractor incurs unknown and unanticipated additional work that affects costs or impacts the critical path, the Contractor reserves the right to request an adjustment to the Contract amount or contract time in accordance with MnDOT 1402. Ee°.Fet9E3pT :- STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT Rev. July 2014 Estimate Of Cost: (Include any increases or decreases in contract items, any negotiated or force account gems.) *`Group/Fund ing category Item No. Description Unit Unit Price + or — Quantity + or — Amount $ 1 2105.505 Muck Excavation (EV) CY $4.31 16,369 +$70,551.25 1 2105.522 Select Granular Borrow (LV) CY $10.44 2,000 +$20,880.00 1 2105.523 Common Borrow (LV) CY $3.60 8,863 +$31,907.74 1 2105.604 Geotextile Fabric, Type 5 SY $4.50 1,600 +$7,200.00 3 2105.505 Muck Excavation (EV) CY $4.31 10,267 +$44,250.77 3 2105.522 Select Granular Borrow (LV) CY $10.44I 7,500 +$78,300.00 3 2105.523 Common Borrow (LV) CY $3.60 1 6,031 +$21,711.60 Net Change this Agreement] $ 274,801.36 Approved by Project Engineer: Print Name: Approved by Contractor: Print Name: Date: Phone: Date: Phone: DSAE Portion: The State of Minnesota is not a participant in this contract. Signature by the District State Aid Engineer is for FUNDING PURPOSES ONLY and for compliance with State and Federal Aid Rules/Policy. Eligibility does not guarantee funds will be available. This work is eligible for: _ Federal Funding _ State Aid Funding _ Local funds District State Aid Engineer: Date: