ITEM 6.1 Great River CentreP OtCI�egoF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration Lori Johnson, City Administrator August 24, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Lori Johnson, City Administrator 6.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend requesting certain tax forfeit parcels in Great River Centre be conveyed to the City of for public Durpose use. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The Wright County Auditor/Treasurer provided a parcel listing of tax forfeit properties within the City. The City has the opportunity to acquire parcels for public purpose and use by requesting that the County remove those parcels from the public sale. After review, staff has identified five of the nine parcels on the tax forfeit list as parcels that will serve a public use. The parcels are Outlot K Great River Centre of Otsego; Outlot A Great River Centre of Otsego 2; Outlot B Great River Centre of Otsego 2; Outlot C Great River Centre of Otsego 2, and Outlot A Great River Centre of Otsego 3. Four of the parcels are required for storm water management purposes and the fifth, Outlot A, Great River Centre of Otsego 3 is to provide economic development through increased market value and the creation of jobs. The resolution attached to this memo addresses the four parcels the City wishes to obtain for storm water management purposes. Outlot A, Great River Centre of Otsego 3, PID 118-266-000010, is addressed in a separate Council item. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ❑ ATTACHED ❑ NONE • Letter from Robert Hiivala, Wright County Auditor/Treasurer • Tax Forfeit Parcel List • Map of parcels to be removed from public sale • Resolution 2015 —41 Requesting Conveyance of Certain Tax Forfeit Parcels in the City of Otsego for Non -Payment of Property Taxes POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve Resolution 2015-41 A Resolution Requesting Conveyance of Certain Tax Forfeit Parcels in the City of Otsego for Non -Payment of Property Taxes. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED: X ❑ YES ❑ NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: Robert Hiivala Wright County Auditor/Treasurer Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street NW, Room 230 Buffalo, MN 55313-1193 Phone:763-682-7579 Fax:763-682-7873 Email: bob.hiivala@co.wright.mn.us City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave NE Otsego NIN 55330 Enclosed is a parcel listing of non -conservation land located in your city/township. The parcel(s) described in the listing forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of property taxes. As required under M.S. 282.01, we request that you approve the parcel(s) for public auction or auction to adjacent owners or request a conveyance to your city/township for public use. We require a certified copy of the City Council Resolution authorizing any action taken to be mailed to this office. Special assessments that were levied before the forfeiture do not need to be certified to this office. They were canceled at forfeiture and will be paid from the sale price. Special assessments that are levied after the forfeiture should be certified to this office. They will be added to the appraised value and paid from the sale price. Pleased be advised that, if the City Council fails to respond within sixty (60) days of the date of this letter, the classification and sale will be deemed to be approved. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact nie at (7601) 682-7579. Please note that our goal is to try to have a tax forfeiture auction in 2015, so if at all possible if you could return these to us quicker than the 60 days we would be greatly appreciative. Sincerely, Robert J Hiivala Wright County Auditor/Treasurer 00 CO N N 00 W 00 00 00 m 19 10 t0 v a` (L` a 0- J IO Z) a Z C C C C C C C C C \ Z O O O O O O O Omm O W v W G1 N Ol C1 N H > O= w w C C C C C C C C C N z u° u° u0 uo V0 u° u v0 uo z O C C C C C C C C C O O O O O O O O O O V Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 2 m w � U a Cz_ C w W 00 w V d w O O O O Ol 1, d' N a W O O O V 0 0 0 o m tD rn m 0 h W � V} l? ifT t/} N In. 00 to L2i 14 Lu a J a u w a N O C)0 0 0 0 J I� O¢ ¢ O cy V V � N Z Z xx a_ x z O aN°Di aOOi v atl0i doabi0to to v O O O O O O O 0 O c v v ac a -o N E E -o ai w w M o C C ry N ry m 0 0 ww E E c°o m o 0 0°0 Z v E E v b0 °0 v ,,, w v o bD U U O O r)0 0 a O c o 0 0 0 lo c o V) O n o — n m 0 v v v v x 3 � Z a U V U U U a O 03 '0 o N N N m00 , 3 w = E: cf ty, 0 m ,o on io io ry Q > N v N N N Y m0 Q x Y¢ m u¢ w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o — — — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m h O p w p Z r 0 00 w m 00 m O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 00 a-i CO CDa-i ,--� N m ri . O o a, 0 0 0 O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O p O O O O O O O O O C V h 0O 0 m N N N w m w m m m m m m w 0 0 rl H N N N N N w w 00 00 00 00 00 00 w .-i ri c-I ci ri ri ri ci a -I ci c1 ci ci ri ,-1 fi ci ci Tax forfeit parcels to be acquired for storm water management purposes RESOLUTION NO.: 2015 - 41 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN TAX FORFEIT PARCELS TO THE CITY OF OTSEGO FOR NON-PAYMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES. WHEREAS, the City of Otsego received notice on July 1, 2015, from the Wright County Auditor/Treasurer of parcels within the City forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of property taxes; and, WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 282.01, Subd. 1a (a) allows the City to request that tax forfeit parcels be conveyed to the City for public purpose uses; and, WHEREAS, City staff has reviewed the listing of tax forfeited parcels to make recommendations as to potential public uses of said properties; and, WHEREAS, Parcels 118-239-000110, 118-252-000010, 118-252-000020 and 118-252- 000030 are parcels the City intends to acquire for stormwater management purposes; and, WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the list of tax forfeited properties and the recommendation of City staff as to potential public purposes at their regular meeting on August, 24, 2015 and identified the four parcels listed above and parcel 118-266-00010 requested by separate Resolution as parcels with public purpose. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that: Parcels listed above are requested to be conveyed to the City of Otsego. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 24th day of August, 2015. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk