04-07-08 PCITEM 3_3 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan nersCcanacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — GRC/Klein Bank; Site and Building Plan Review REPORT DATE: 2 April 2008 ACTION DATE: 26 May 2008 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 08.09 BACKGROUND HTG Architects has submitted plans on behalf of KleinBank for development of a 4,900 square foot bank office building on Lot 1, Block 1 The Shoppes at Great River Centre First Addition. The submitted plans also identify a potential 1,600 square foot expansion of the building. The subject site is located at the southeast corner of Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and 87th Street. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land uses and the property is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District in accordance with the ordinance and standards approved by the City Council on 13 March 2006. The submitted plans are subject to site and building plan review pursuant to Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance and GRC PUD District. A public hearing is not required for site and building plan review applications. Exhibits: A. Site location B. Site Plan C. Landscape Plan D. Lighting Plan E. Exterior Elevations F. Floor Plan G. Future Expansion H. Grading Plan I. Utility Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for commercial land uses by the Comprehensive Plan as part of the City's primary retail and service business area surrounding the TH 101/CSAH 39 interchange. Bank uses are consistent with the intended character of the area as a location for businesses that provide service to local and regional patrons. Zoning. The GRC PUD District approved 13 March 2006 established allowed uses as the same as allowed within the B-3, General Business District, which allows banks as a permitted use. Building Design. The exterior of the building has four-sided architecture with brick and granite used as the primary materials. Copper and champagne metallic finishes are used at the building entry and for the drive through canopy to provide variation. The roof is a standing seam metal in a contrasting color. The materials and design of the building is consistent with the recommendations of the PUD District. The PUD District establishes a 24 foot / 1 story height limit for the subject site to protect view sheds of the SuperTarget store from Parrish Avenue. The proposed building has single floor with building height defined by the Zoning Ordinance to the mid point of the peaked roof of 24 feet. Landscape Plan. A landscape plan proposing landscaping at the base of the building and site perimeter has been submitted. The landscaping along Parrish Avenue and 87th Street include plantings Autumn Blaze maple trees consistent with the boulevard treatment throughout Great River Centre. In addition, a row of Sea Green Junipers are provided to screen the off-street parking and drive through areas as recommended by the PUD District for the Village Commercial Area. We recommend that the row of Junipers be extended along the east and south sides of the property as well. The landscape plan notes state that an in -ground irrigation system is to be provided. Lot Requirements. There are no minimum lot area or width standards established by the PUD District with the adequacy of the lot based upon compliance with applicable setbacks and provision of a functional site plan that provides adequate access, circulation and off-street parking. The gross lot area is 1.2 acres and the lot width (measured from the front setback line to Parrish Avenue) is 375 feet. Setbacks. A 30 foot setback is required from Parrish Avenue (CSAH 42) and a 10 foot setback is required from 87th Street. There is no specific setback established by the PUD District for the internal east and south lot lines abutting the SuperTarget parcel. Parking areas and drive lanes are required to be setback 10 feet from public rights-of- way. The site plan shows that the proposed building and parking areas conform to the setback requirements established by the PUD District. 2 Pedestrian Access. A trail has been constructed along the east side of Parrish Avenue and concrete sidewalk will be constructed along the south side of 87th Street abutting the subject site. We recommend that the site plan be modified to provide accesses to the trail and to the sidewalk at locations aligned with the sidewalks on the north and east sides of the building. Vehicle Access. Access to the subject site is off of 87th Street at a right-in/right out intersection at the northeast corner of the subject site. Full turning movements will be available off of Parsons Avenue at either 85th Street or 87th Street. A shared private driveway will extend east from the subject site to access Parsons Avenue. The design of the access to the shared private driveway must be made subject to further review by City staff. The design shown on the site plan has too many approaches from the subject site, undeveloped site to the south and north -south private driveway within close proximity that may cause confusion and conflict. A potential user for the lot to the south of the subject site has been identified by the GRC developer such that the issue may be resolved quickly. The site plan identifies various directional signs at locations within the subject site. The type of sign and its dimensions must be more specifically identified. Off -Street Parking. Section 20-21-91 of the Zoning Ordinance requires banks to provide one off-street parking stall per 250 square feet of net floor area. The calculation of required parking is shown below: Proposed Building: 4,900sf. x 10% / 250 = 18 stalls Total w/ Future Expansion: 6,500sf. x 10% / 250 = 24 stalls The site plan provides for initial construction of 41 parking stalls and the potential to add 10 more stalls along the north edge of the site if required by the planned expansion. As such, the initial number of parking stalls provided exceeds Zoning Ordinance requirements. To avoid conflicts with site circulation, our office would not recommend construction of the additional stalls unless there is a demonstrated need. All of the parking stalls and drive aisles are designed to the dimensions, surfacing, curb and striping required by Section 20-21-4.H of the Zoning Ordinance. Drive Through. The proposed bank has drive through facilities on the west side of the building with four teller lanes and an outside ATM lane. The easterly teller land abutting the building is nine feet wide, while the other three are 10 feet wide. The width of the aisle west of the ATM lane is sufficient to allow a vehicle to bypass the drive through facility. Section 20-21-9.M of the Zoning Ordinance requires 180 feet of stacking space (equal in length to approximately nine cars) for each drive through lane. Our office believes this standard is outdated in that electronic banking has reduced the peak traffic generated by drive through bank windows. There is space for approximately four vehicles in each lane which will be sufficient. Signs. The site plan identifies a 40 square foot monument sign at the northeast corner of the property. However, under the PUD District, individual sites are not allowed freestanding signs. In place of individual freestanding signs, the PUD District identifies locations for common monument signs. The subject site is within the Village Commercial District defined by the PUD District making the Village Monument Sign at Parsons Avenue and 87th Street the likely location for the proposed use to be identified. The site plans must be revised to eliminate the proposed monument sign within the subject site. The building elevations illustrate one 32 square foot wall sign on each of the four elevations of the building. Allowance of four wall signs for the proposed building is consistent with the allowances of the PUD District as a trade-off for the co -location of freestanding signs. The four signs will ensure adequate identification of the facility with the monument sign at Parsons Avenue and 87th Street aiding way finding. The proposed wall signs comply with the area limitations of the PUD District. Lighting Plan. The applicant has submitted a photometric lighting plan for the subject site. Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance limits exterior lighting cast to the property line abutting public rights of way to 1.0 foot candle or less, which the proposed site lighting complies with. The exterior lighting to be installed on site are shown to be shoebox fixtures that cast light downward as required by the Zoning Ordinance. It is recommended that the site developer work with the GRC developer to coordinate lighting along the shared private driveway abutting the east side of the subject site and also along the south property line with the potential user of that site to ensure adequate lighting but minimizing overlapping fixtures. Trash. An enclosure for exterior storage of trash containers is provided on the southeast corner of the building. The trash enclosure is seven feet tall and constructed of the same brick used for the principal building. A gate is shown to fully screen the trash containers but its specifications are not identified on the submitted plans.. The trash enclosure complies with the requirements of Section 20-16-15.13.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Utility Plan. The proposed building will be connected to City sewer and water utilities from existing service in 87th Street. SAC and WAC fees for connection to the City utilities will be calculated and must be paid at the time the building permit is issued. Drainage and utility easements will be required over the sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer lines intended to serve both the subject site and abutting properties. All utility plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Grading Plan. A grading plan has been submitted for the proposed site plan. Stormwater is to be conveyed from the subject site to the linear pond to the south extending from Parrish Avenue east to the regional pond east of Quaday Avenue. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 4 Snow Removal. The applicant must provide a plan for on-site snow storage and removal of snow from the property when designated areas are filled to capacity to be dumped at the regional storm pond. Regional stormwater ponds to the south of the subject site and abutting TH 101 are available for snow removal from the subject site. The snow removal plan is subject to review and approval of City staff. RECOMMENDATION The proposed construction of a KleinBank is an appropriate use for the subject site consistent with the City's goals for commercial development in this area of the City. Furthermore, the site and building plans comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and GRC PUD District. Our office recommends approval of the application as set forth below, subject to comments of other City staff. Note that the recommendation for approval includes the full build out of the 6,500 square foot building illustrated on the future expansion plan. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to approve the submitted site and building plans for KleinBank subject to the following conditions: 1. The landscape plan is revised to provide a row of Sea Green Juniper plantings along the east and south perimeter of the subject site. 2. The site plans shall be modified to provide pedestrian access to the trail on Parrish Avenue and sidewalk on 87th Street at location aligned with the sidewalks on the north and east side of the building. 3. The design of the site access and parking area at the southeast corner of the subject site is subject to further review to improve intersection approaches and spacing for the subject site and abutting properties to be approved by City staff 4. The site plan is revised eliminate the proposed monument sign at the northeast corner of the subject site. 5. The lighting plan is to be coordinated with development of abutting properties and the shared north -south private driveway to ensure adequate lighting and minimization of exterior fixtures, subject to approval by City staff. 6. SAC and WAC fees for the proposed use shall be calculated by City staff and paid at the time a building permit is issued. 7. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. All sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer lines within the subject site that provide serve to abutting properties shall be overlaid by drainage and utility easements, subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 10. The applicant shall provide a plan for on-site snow storage and for removal of snow from the property to be dumped at the regional storm ponds within Great River Centre should the on-site storage areas be filled to capacity, subject to review and approval of City staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and PUD District. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Ed Muehberg, HTG Architects Tom Brown, Terra General Contractors 141 5 d O m�islml erA.6 Q � p CURB DETAILS Ni lin �-0 eaa,� �R�FReaae..e>< Q ADA RAMP DETAIL u w.lq �bYM�6.•R � fR eVr.�� �IUfh1o�KR�rra ® GATE DETAIL ® TRA5H ENCLOSURE nu ul-0• n FLA5 POLE DETAIL N.I I'•I'-0' sn � 9 �e1 BOLLARD DETAIL gENLA V8•.I'q•RGED AUTOBANK PLAN NJ 51TE PLAN NOTE5: RD fT�NO.MpllpbE 12 KJ35 rIMIIAE. SBFT.. 4,4 SF. IX& S 1. 4,1 5F NRglNK CNIWIi 211 SF. PN f.F! W8305F1 1 mm maw N MRCBNKSTK w ImN. SpE %Fr. 52318 SF. fu IQR5/ rm7. lmz Q 58. F.r, 5,880 SF. (32 NY�13>W TmN•Fa1'mQ F.r, m" SF. L'ID N.18S83N 1BO• 1 LLARD DETAIL ® ISLAND u r.r-0 NE. 5lth 0s'xsmcnaNraa Wimra 0r.easrr:nelrwanwre.v �.urtaracw.zees. O aR'L.oMtsRx,<Wal IO NMrmeRw ww aa'rv.w! OO ::.�•�,�ws,N:�..rx. p.beeRse� ,.SN89� �rS�.4R ILlFNr1u�M lMG 0 emmva r..xnze. -Re- 0 roc. wa rb ww, rce .rral pg µe�wbsq.,.Rraa t�i �Iw,a rorlpntrR�xR� fyx�eya�gw,ia q'�M.weNie]I rRGI•l � >MeYfO esirl6 R r11. � .,lX . 595 W kSe�Kx e�mrie eLm'lrO Flew bMMeGV..Kx aI1'.a�. ..e..aeFaFrae.��„a<,,,5 �Qn�.eSR.�ra�...,m.•»�.. eel Ce IpmN.b R tat ares rX. «•1,;5..V.e es, 9300 Hennepin Town Roed Eden PmIrie• MN 55347 Td: 852178.8888 Fa: 852.278.8872 CdHeSN! a2(gl by M6 Mdrbclf PROJECT KLEINBANK 1550 AUDUBON ROAD CHASKA, MN 55318 NEW BRANCH FACILITY OTSEGO, MN ISSUEe scT amp anae nwlsaxs wr[ xo. @I'• SITE PLAN 28'q' EXHIBIT B Ince -6111 SITE PLAN, NOTES AND DETAJLS alWlb Fy a®®R JP A1.1 DENERA NOTES: -fig "— —'A'— SHALL Nar SITE PROR TO SURYITTNG SID To BECUIE COMp,C,FLY F—AR wl" SR - AL NUW AND "K. DRADNO 1D BE DONE BY DMERS A-REA. NO P—TNG WLL BE NNTIL ACO STALLED UL GRAMD AND CONSTRUCTION NAS BEEN TED N IMMEDIATE -IT 5111E RESPONSIBLITY OF THE OYa1FA k —,NAE—TO RMIEN EHTIFY ALL UGRORID EABLA. GwA%nTB MRES. ETC. ON TIE PROPERTY. IF THERE 15 A DISCREPANCY BETNEEN ME NUMBER OF PLANTS SHOWN ON ME PLAN ANP NE NUMBER OF PLANTS SIbNN N THE PUNT UST. THE __OF PLAR15 SHOWN ON THE PUN wLL TAKE PRECEDENCE. ALL CONTANER WTERAL TO BE OIOwN N CONTANER A MINIMUM OF S ..NS. - ALL MATERIAL SINAL COMPLY wN THE LATEST EDITION OF NE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR MUNBERY SUCK, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF AN EREa M. REPAIR ALL DA IAO To ApFEATY FROM "TING OPEn^TIONS AT N COST TO TIE OWNDI GUARANTEE NEW PUNT MAEINA TRRIIIDH OIE CAENDAR YEAR FOR ALL PERENMALS. SNRUBS DEOWWS TREES W TO ]-1/2" CAL k COOPERS W ,O 11' NT. (URGER SIZES wLL BE WAN.-. FDR — CAEZNOAN YEARS FRED TINE OF PRONSIOINAL ACCEPTANCE. - AL PNOPOSED FLINTS SIAL BE LOCA, MR—T BEFORE BE ARE TFD CARERULLY AS SNOwR ON TIE BANS AMO SHALL BE AP—BY LNBSCAPE NSTAl1E0. CONTAACT` CAN SUBSTITUTE MACHINE MOND MATERIAL USING APPROPRIATE SIZE TREE SPADE FOR B a B MRI LANNSCAPE ARCIaTECTS MPROYAL - LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHNL ENSUNE RIA, NEW FREES MOND DAY, TINE SITE ARE DUG FROM SIMNAR SITES MU _LAN 5a. TO THE SME OF NIS PROJECT (HUED TO NEA .. UONT TO UDR. HEAVY TO LIGHT SOLS). E CONFRACTOR IS REQUIRED D,OM pEN-TNG To WATEMNO, FEEDING, v UNINC. PESTHCOONTOR MROML ANDN"�ATED ITEMSyANCE ANIS aa -L BE PRE AREDGUARANTEE AND DDFNERED r0 OWNER AFTER PRONSIGRAL INSPECTION APPROVAL HAS BEEN OVEN BY LANSCAPE ARCHITECTS. WRAPPMG WTEDAL SINAL BE CDfUGATEO MEF PROTTECNN WN R E SIn o, RBE I' oA (MN.) LAROR NAN THE GIEER MOI SIZE K � LO BE PROTECTED. ALL TREE% EXCEPT —ENR TREE SHALL BE PROTECTED PRION TD 12/ USES REupKD BY 5/1. - POLY SODER UNLESS SPECIFIED ONERWSE, SHALL BE BUCK — EDGIER, OY-OLA EDGINGS INC. SUPER -DOC STYLE EDGER. - POCK MULCH SHALL BE ]' °SEP t' - I I/Z' DIA. WASHED RIVER ROCK WM NEED CHEK CLON. - S' OCK MUBE INSTALLED UNDER ALL TREES AND SNUBS MAT ARE I—.0 FROM MWNDC°YER MDEEP RSH EAS AND GENERAL LCH RUBOB SASSES. srA u°zm AaF HA�N° nK jp LTp°Hly�y RC, (A"RBE TYflFACTORR w OF FULL UALIGHHTSFiINBCBRTD BE PRWPS DU,N R OR EWIVAENT. SAMPLE REGNRED FOR APPROVAL ff- ALL PLANRMC SHALL RECON: FERTIVIER As FOLLOWS: DARER AND FAL PIANTIN -BEFORE MN1ER FREEZE-UP APPLY °-20-20 [RANULAR IN SAUCER ARpAtl PLANT Ai RE RALE K 1-IZ OZ. CAN PFR 2-D' CAL 1REE k I -e 02 CAN FULL PFA SNRUB. FOLDED IIP IAN NE SAE O 1D-10-tO THE FOLOFtlNC SPRING. - CRABAPPLE TREES MALL HAVE NO BR—ES BELOW W ABOVE ME ROOT BALL, AND HAY: N 'V CROTGIES. ;,B—PEN O' AL NEE TRUNKS UP 10 Aro INEUDE B 4' SNA- BE MEASURED B' ABOVE GROUND LM AND 12' GROUND IEAEl FOR LAROR SIZES. -- OVSD OUS SHRUBS SHALL HAVE MIMNMN OF Fk (S) CANS AT SPIDDRED HEIGHT UNLESS OMERWSE NOTED N T USI, IY NANIWIG SOR (43% Tops 45% PEAT On MAROE, t� •SNNO) �- .m.� >n..� �.cw.e w un. a IDV N ALL PEaca— BEDS INHERE TULIPS AND PER-- ARE RAKED. NO FILTER WT WLL BE INSTALLED AND M.. wLL NOT BE AHY DEEPER MAN 2'. ALL OTHER PENENNIAL BEDS WLL RECOVE FABRIC AND A Y OEPN O MKCN. - F RE CONNACTW FEELS AN ERNOR HAS BEEN MADE REGAaDNGSFAGING OR NARDNESD OF A SPECIES OF AMA"IERIT K. mtlA. INDICATED ON NE E -Cr PUN PLAN. NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE IEON TO NE NS—T. OF T ALL NEEDY INSTALLED PUNT MATERIAL SKAL BE PLANTED IN NEIL-ORMWO ARCoRaACTEM SIAL AVOID WS,ALONG ART PLANT YAIEEA IN DRANAGE SHALES OR NEL DS. R POMLT na,NED AREAS. CpIn1UR5 ARD HAVf sST�GGEa500ED JORINTS� LIN SUES STEEPER MAN 3:, RE MKDRNN^GE SHALES ME 500E TO SALT BE VLAONEDiG IOFTOr asp°LANo'nnlsl"R�AOIrEicERDSan"soDC"IuuEOIAATIDL lvwon mT Di:arvc saD4Cw°rnACTw 1siAPRIOR AwiO 0-e-. FERRLIZER A NE GATE O 10 POUNDS PER 1000 S0. FT. Cry. Common a Botanical Names - SW Cont_ k..,b 6 wph,"NWumn Blixi 24tr Bal. M - faljN 6gIk11 Maar, A xFOA,,,M,jWmME' �Mi VaralllLaa 4 CIk,'Sw m WhIN' P x11T aa1. N YnON IbalylLt Nfbr.. D revs eNnbr 4 &roh, 'Jap. Whib 6pin' (hula SNm) 16' K - Y -1/IL MLI Y NNohaa 1-1FS' I Nidi. BelWa plar)•yMla Mr. Fsppkca - W birwlwa MNw ii' K ] 411PPIDD'smoov"DAY" M1bIVS 2" ..1. BB 6liyli, atralylLt-- 5prinB Snout 'IrrR' Mi bnnahaa below 16- hL 16 Dopwoo0 GarrNs sencea?'SWP ]0'M Cent - -- 16 HyeOneea,•AMaMlli 26'kL Cont.'YniprNi fi'IL HOWrangez aiDoascanN Annaeelle' �- _ ff Junipar,'SBA Ona"' _ J -M L. ..- N, Tea G -D' Z4" EIA. CRnt. If Yaw, Taunton 6pnadin5' Texus mepa'1'aunfNNi' 2V dia. Cont 712 'CahMnt• WAlkara Low B"Ela. Pot Aepeta YaassenA, 'ftA ,s Low' A DaylilY. 1NIN ON Q' (GMAC) a" tlia. P t R ONmea Ih 'S-4Ore' 17 Gra ,'FBaNAr Reef R" IRA. Pot Cale. -ED, aUmlinacea'KD111—A, Reed Gass' iN0 TulipA.'AP-1- m'(RAE) TURpB Sp ApMAo ewe Plante"o.c. tla Bear in MW LEGEND PROPOSED TREES. SIRUSS AND PEAQW ALS ���/��{`,\�,�1j('�y./fir//�//�//�/�� ® PRDPOSED Soo W/IRMGATION 1 [ \K IBJ 1 iT I / K LIU NE OF PUNTING FIT WIEN LANTED INDNOVALIr ,p PLANTING Nam. Y DYER o, MULCH AS WEOFIED 4N. PAVED SURFACE OR uwN UNDISTURBED oR COMPACTED So, 7 `DECIDUOUS SHRUBS SURFACES '- PLANTING MI%TME Y UrElt DF MULCH AS ED ED PAVED SURFACE OR MIN. UYRN TVP. ' UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SOL J CONIFEROUS SHRUB FREE SHAH BE CENTERED N FASTEN TREE TD 14 GA. PU BLE PNC COATED "RE CONNECTED TO BLACK RUBBER BANDS. SECURE FIRMLY AND NEATLY ALL ENDS. ALTERNATE STAKING DETAL 2%2'zB' WOOD STAKE (OPTIONAL) WRAP TREE W1 4' YA°E TREE NRAPPING MATERIAL AS WECIFOED TO IST BRANCHING. FMN OR PLANTING BED GA, PLIABLE MRE / a UTtN O SHKENDED HARDWOOD MULCH I gTO EARN DIT�R O" STAKE ORCUMFERENCE (3)2'.4 .24" LONG FlR 1 � STAKES PLANTING YI%NRS MOUND MM. 13" PEA ROCK, B' DEIN UNDISTURBED OR COAPACTEO SOIL �� DECIDUOUS TREE EXHIBIT C CAU1NO/W4 UOMAYQ• �IWFS a rFtlnCAnOMf F At. Nth EnTRIKTI L G2V 4 y 4 y y y y y y y y 4 m m d A la[ N SLIGHT FIXTURE BASE DETAIL e,rlr WB aq®R MAF p E 1 fAU1N0/W4lbH=7/VO' L nA91ri b rFtl,UfaM1 AS2 d F;LRIS,. "'a...,. ., ry wr wasleavM. r uarru r Yfo M[ la�iei�riwr5 eo rrw. ivuiaoii Rwr Rlirnrlsrrr At. Nth EnTRIKTI L L l+ L \, 4 y 4 y y y y y y y y 4 m m d A la[ N SLIGHT FIXTURE BASE DETAIL e,rlr WB aq®R MAF p E 1 L L L L 14 4 4 L 4 b b a L 4 L L l 4 4 4 3_ a ___.-____� LI L m pp b; L; 4 4 jy' 4 4I L to U/4; u a U L L L is a U a 4 y a u L y a a y 1, y y a 4I 4 m 4 L a/U • a L L 4 . a 4 a l+ a a a L 4 In a b i, L i, b b b! P/11 4 L L 8300 Hennepin Twn Road EdanPrairie, MN 65347 Tel: 852]188880 Fec' 851518.8827 + L 4 U L 4 b L b L b b i, 4 a 1' 4 TK L L L 4 u is lr L b L L b b b L L J• y t� y l,l y y PROJECT �- --------------------------------------- \\4 a U, b `Li' L a b Ls a b a 4 b b L b • 1. LI L b LI L 4 4 K LEINBANK NEW CONSTRUCTION �4 0 . - ----------------------- ----------- ,'__U• V. toU 1, I _ L L L 1! a b\ in b b f.+ OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 4 L L L L L e�4 4 4 a 4 a 4 a 4 pip L L UPS! 819 L L 4 a L 4 4 b 4 4 a 4 a a 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 b b 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ffyeio118S! 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MN 55347 TY: 852.2188888 Fu 852.278.8822 Q MONUMENT SIGN DD,rd XV 5 M6 he Nscb Da •ro• PROJECT KLEINBANK 1550 AUDUBON ROAD CHASKA, MN 55318 NEW BRANCH FACILITY OTSEGO,MN ISSUED SET M1A�Ef1YA & REWSXXIS DATE W. �f�Orm�nr�r sd 1ua EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS onyr,n 5M oEo®,r. u EXHIBIT E All ff�, MLL TYPES O a O a O a <8> aeie.vovY.,rZee �Bawc wl naw g,r�jl a�9@t liaoess niem.."M w srwri sfi°x '�iw''m.usu wwr._rsia^wienao a.., s'awro an .m .Me,Ta.r S°• usar rt nn�°Cumo'O1wusv u wses•xen.m. ma usuwriis:n.mie. e•n-e ruuaeo air vnw�w,vru. ¢o%..tiMwu:oaia •tel Wp ��Imi,KaN,��apW�fA�fM�Y� • l a61r 59� 1 � �'����sw�� �,�,xt�•.: se�.,.� ti •�„°: r°w�� a, ;,ter: w �•��.,�, ..� SQ euRraR�resanoro�sias � as,dam erwe� � un � �� ..� s`�s �e ,nweeuwwaa �e nwa amaeww Ii'`"",µ• Oen 0�•� n ENLARGED TOILET PLAN N7� sesv nae. aaa urwra„ .ems smau aae. .nwa.wa e.e.oa :� s,are nam w oi�� TOUT r.EY� Opp E LIST MC.6 ^'•M1 •T i+..✓ ee�i ryM�P�1�1 CdNWLL NOTE& rnemoR nVmmew� fn. aeie.vovY.,rZee �Bawc wl naw g,r�jl a�9@t liaoess �� .enNlersr er. eenert romnsas� � Smw� � �[lmwrMm ©wae;axa„erµ utwaesta�Mewr O S�l�pam. 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Xxawam- (j) i,e,.s,eMPEA., 9300 H.—pl. T—. Road Eden Pmli., MN 55347 To[. 952.278 -SM F- 8522]8.8822 PROJECT KLEINBANK 1550 AUDUBON ROAD CHASKA, MN 55318 NEW BRANCH FACILITY OTSEW, MN ;=SET DATE NO. FUTURE EXPANSION WE 51TE PLAN EXHIBIT G F)| ����-----� --- -__--__- ---_--- --_�----- -_—'---_' ---- ---~~~~_ --- __' -- — :1N ] O N I A V____ ___H 8 |h j fill I T1 if gill Jill I 'M iM 111M 11, Q N n _C.O. INV 853.00 o ulr at 111 `_--------------- NOME I �. o•a' • w :m r ac wm"`w.�l« a wa•na I I 1 6 CONC. ALK 6' C _ .« o•. r ." moo,.. •. a ,• .n I At NORTH SAN 5H _ "`••"moo wrlw mr'erO1$°0•'ow I RIM =863.52 RE=862.53 1"611°•"1'"��0i¢"O OT�'� IryV=841.1 NS INV=858.39 �nr«rwar rlx �r"rwne• "xsa ry otm. o<I•KM uo wom I 1 I � _ _ _ 11 12' DIP 10+ 0 i 11+00 tj12tOO 13+00 1: 7 TAPER S 8 PVC A I RE 864.62 RE=862.53 r narm•.r�wa �uumx xo m+. or ru I ' N E 8 7 T H 1NV=8579;; T R, E T INV 846.25 (W) INV=858.1 INV 846.35 (E) 1 I B6J."Y - iYoe ' I 6CONC. WALK sc_ 250.01- m.• ♦ I Y�_T"- I __ I- 1 j 6" 8" IP SERVICE O 1 Y.O. IINV 84 I I I 1 1 1 V I I I ry, /'r` • neo �' wo®� / I / / lAJ � T• F ico u 1. 1i 3 r —Ji • /3 N M ----------------- I co WI II Iz 1 �I Z I — I 1 O I W Q _ I 2.42'53"E280.01 I I N Q ( it uSAN MH (n I N = I = ".I I I V=8311..15�S ST -105 .� cn' = I I moo B L 0 C K 1 Z ¢STOCKPILED of, >_ ^; I F U w Z MATERIAL of i w>" EXHIBIT 1 W _T Anderson Engineering of Minnesota,LLC KLEINBANK X0. "ter~ OTSEGO, MINNESOTA --NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION .�.m.�.�la PRELIMINARY UTIUTY PLAN HTG ARCHITECTS C2 uNST Hakanson 3r O 1 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 e Assoc., Inc. MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ronald Wagner, P.E. City Engineer Fred Whitnet, KleinBank Ed Muehlberg, H.T.G. Architects Gary Johnson, P.E. Anderson Engineering From: Brent Larson, P.E. Date: April 2, 2008 Re: K1einBank (Lot 1, Block 1 Great River Centre 2"d Addition) We have reviewed the Final Plat for The Shoppes at Great River Centre 1St Addition, received 3/27/08, the Preliminary Plans, dated 3/27/08, and storm sewer calculations, dated 3/26/08, for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: Final Plat 1. An ingress/egress easement shall be placed over all shared roads and sidewalk and a 20' wide drainage and utility easement centered over the pipe shall cover all shared utilities within Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A of The Shoppes at Great River Centre 1 s'Addition. Anderson Engineering has indicated that the required easements will be provided by separate documentation. Title Sheet 1. Please indicate that the plans are preliminary on the title sheet. 2. All sheets must be signed by the appropriate licensed Architect, Land Surveyor, Engineer, Landscape Architect, etc. The Final Plans shall provide a signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer. ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey Lot 1, Block 1 should be labeled Great River Centre 2nd Addition. 2. The plans lack much of the required existing conditions required in a preliminary plan submittal. We recommend providing an additional sheet to include the following required items: C:\Documents and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ALXMOZ9C\ot2500KleinBankrvwl.doc i. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision. ii. Total area of the proposed plat. iii. Show location, names, widths of existing streets, buildings, etc. iv. Identified by name and ownership, the adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land. v. Statement certifying the environmental condition of the site. Site Plan, Notes and Details 1. The final plans shall include additional information of the proposed signs. 2. A stop sign is required at the drive-thru lanes' exit to the parking lot. Traffic/Access Issues 1. Access to the site is limited to entering and exiting the site via the Target parking lot. Two entrances separated by a landscaped curbed median are proposed along the east side of the property. The nearest City street access is a right -in -right -out intersection at 87`h Street. 2. The site provides adequate parking spaces and an acceptable parking/drive aisle layout. (20-21-9.1, and 20-21-4.H.9) 3. The handicap parking spaces meet the minimum 20' depth and width required. (20-21-8) Preliminary Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plans Label the 10' wide bituminous bike path along the west side of the property. 2. The proposed contours do not tie into the existing contours beyond the site. Please revise. 3. Please label the soil boring location(s) with the associated soil boring ID from the geotechnical report for Great River Centre. 4. Please label the proposed grades along the curb and gutter and across the bituminous parking lot. We recommend a minimum 0.6% along curb and gutter and a minimum 1.0% over bituminous. 5. The pavement section shall be based on a geotechnical engineer's recommendation. 6. Provide a detail of the proposed inlet protection. Preliminary Utility Plan 1. The Notes shall refer to the "2005 Edition of MNDOT Standard Specifications for Construction." 2. All storm sewer pipes within the City Right -of -Way shall be RCP and a minimum 15" diameter. The storm sewer pipe from CBMH 2 to the Existing CBMH along 87th Street revised to a 15" RC Pipe. Hdkdnson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Assoc., Inc. Files\Content.IE5\ALXMOZ9C\ot2500K1einBankrvw l .doc 3. A plan to provide water and sewer service to the southwest area of Outlot A is needed. We suggest that the water and sanitary sewer be extended straight south from the existing connections, to the south property line of Lot 1, Block 1 and stubs to service this area be provided. 4. Please note that all sanitary sewer service pipes, including the bends and wyes shall be PVC SDR 26. Stormwater Management The storm water runoff from the K1einBank site has been accounted for in the Great River Centre hydrology model. The downstream stormwater system has sufficient capacity to handle the additional runoff for the fully developed site. 2. This site's storm sewer system discharges to a proposed storm sewer structure labeled by others. This "by others" system has not been designed yet and additional information is required to verify that the downstream system is adequately sized. 3. Design calculations have been submitted and found acceptable. Landscanine Plan 1. No comments. Photometric Site Plan No comments. Wetlands The wetland delineation for the Great River Centre did not identify any wetlands within the K1einBank boundaries therefore no wetland impacts are anticipated. Environmental 1. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site shall be submitted. (21-6-2.B.10.) Other Considerations 1. A geotechnical report was submitted for with the Great River Centre development. (21-6-2.B.11.) Summary and/or Recommendations Previously, preliminary plans for The Shoppes at Great River Centre 1St Addition were submitted, which include vital information for the K1einBank property. The approval of the K1einBank Plans should therefore be contingent upon the approval of The Shoppes at Great River Centre 1 st Addition plans. Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and SettingsJami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Assoc., Inc. Files\Content.IE5\ALXMOZ9C\ot2500K1einBankrvw l .doc We recommend approval contingent on the above comments being addressed. CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ALXMOZ9C\ot2500K1einBankrvw l .doc Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc. ITEM 3.4 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plan nersCcvnacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Cronies Bar and Grill; Revised Plans REPORT DATE: 2 April 2008 APPLICATION DATE: 22 January 2008 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 08.03 ACTION DATE: Extended to 21 May 2008 BACKGROUND Centrasota Commercial has submitted a preliminary/final plat and site and building plans for Cronies Bar and Grill. The 9,630 square foot building is proposed to be constructed east of Quaday Avenue NE and west of TH 101 to the north of Otsego Waterfront West. The subject site is currently zoned A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service Area but is guided for future commercial uses by the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant is requesting to rezone the site to B-3, General Business District to allow for the proposed restaurant and bar use. The Planning Commission held a public hearing at their meeting on 19 February 2008 to consider the application. The applications were tabled to allow the applicant and property owner to acquire additional land such that the proposed lot to conform to the minimum lot requirements of the B-3 District. The parcel must also be preliminary and final platted to create a legal lot of record recognized as being approved by the City of Otsego. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Final Plat C. Site Plan D. Building Elevations E. Floor Plan F. Grading Plan G. Utility Plan H. Landscape Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan and Zoning. The applicant is requesting a Zoning Map amendment to allow for a rezoning of the subject site from A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service Area to B-3, General Business District to allow for the proposed use. The B-3 District allows for restaurants with on -sale liquor as a permitted use. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment is to be based upon, but not limited to the criteria established in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject site is guided for commercial uses by the Comprehensive Plan as a part of a concentrated retail area near the intersection of TH 101 and CSAH 39. The proposed restaurant use is a destination service business consistent with the intended character of this area. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North Commercial A-1 District Agricultural field East Commercial PUD District Waterfront East TH 101 South Commercial PUD District Otsego Waterfront West Commercial A-1 District Agricultural field The proposed use will be compatible with the planned commercial character and complementary of other existing businesses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The subject site and proposed use shall be required to comply with all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: Quaday Avenue will be extended the width of the subject site with sufficient planned capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed use. 2 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: Sanitary sewer and water utilities will be extended the width of the proposed lot from Otsego Waterfront and adequate City services exist to accommodate the proposed use. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. The following table displays the lot requirements and setbacks for uses in the B-3 District along with those being proposed by the applicant. The proposed lot and site plan conform to all B-3 District requirements. Lot Setbacks Area Lot Width Front Side Rear Required 1.00 acre 200 feet 30 feet 10 feet 20 feet 13 feet Proposed 1 1.68 acres 1 200 feet 106 feet 78 feet 92 feet Access. The site plan identifies two access points to Quaday Avenue from the subject site. We recommend the north access be closed off to discourage parking lot circulation within the public street potentially interfering with traffic. A second access to Quaday Avenue would also be available via a shared driveway with the Holiday Inn property to the south. The second access point would primarily provide circulation between businesses or service vehicle access for maintenance, deliveries and trash pick-up. A letter from Holiday Inn agreeing to a cross access easement with the subject site has been submitted. The applicant is required to extend Quaday Avenue from its current end at the north line of the Otsego Waterfront development to the north line of the subject site. The design of Quaday Avenue is to be consistent with the existing street to the south within the Otsego Waterfront development and is subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. A temporary cul-de-sac is proposed at the north end of Quaday Avenue and extends beyond the 80 foot right-of-way into the proposed lot. A temporary easement is required for the temporary cul-de-sac to encroach upon the subject site. The applicant must also provide a site plan shows restoration of the temporary cul-de-sac when Quaday Avenue is extended in the future (this cost will be borne by those extending Quaday Avenue). Where Quaday Avenue currently ends with a temporary cul-de-sac, the applicant will be required as a condition of preliminary plat and final plat approval to remove the temporary cul-de-sac, restore the concrete curb, sidewalk and grass areas within the boulevard and Holiday Inn yard at their cost. Six foot concrete sidewalks are proposed around the perimeter of the restaurant building as well as along the front lot line of the subject site. Pedestrian curb ramps are provided in the parking lot area to allow for pedestrian circulation between the restaurant and the sidewalk along Quaday Avenue. Building Design. The proposed restaurant building is a one-story structure constructed primarily of EFIS with cultured ledge stone and stone cap accents. The building is proposed be to 27.5 feet in height from the finished floor elevation to the top of the proposed parapets. This height is consistent with height limitations for the B-3 3 District. Standing seam metal awnings are proposed over the front entry and window areas. These materials are acceptable exterior building materials in the B-3 District. Staff suggests that the columns of the cultured ledge stone material at the building entrance be extended up to the parapet or another type of material be incorporated to provide additional visual emphasis and to break up the long horizontal span of EFIS material. Patio. A patio is proposed along the west building elevation consisting of approximately 360 square feet. The applicant will need to be aware of the requirements for construction of patios to restrict exterior access if liquor is to be served on the patio. Landscaping. Section 20-16-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance requires landscape plans for commercial properties to address the perimeter of the subject site, perimeter of the proposed building and perimeter of parking and loading areas. A landscape plan for the perimeter of the building and the parking area has been submitted. A total of 21 trees and 103 shrubs are proposed for the site. A variety of trees and plants are proposed that are appropriate for the area and the proposed plantings are consistent with the City's size and height requirements. The proposed plan adequately addresses the building and site perimeter. Off -Street Parking. Restaurants, bars and banquet facilities must provide one parking stall for each 40 square feet of gross floor area for dining and bar areas and one parking stall for each 80 square feet of kitchen area. Being more of a commercial entertainment use, the game room area should provide one stall per 200 square feet of floor area. The required parking breakdown for the proposed project is as follows: Use Area Requirement # of Stalls Dining 1,463 sq. ft. 1 stall/40 s.f. 37 Bar 2,263 sq. ft. 1 stall/40 s.f. 56 Game Room 2,100 sq. ft. 1 stall/200 s.f. 11 Banquet 706 sq. ft. 1 stall/40 s.f. 18 Patio 360 sq. ft. 1 stall/40 s.f. 9 Kitchen 1,775 sq. ft. 1 stall/80 s.f. 22 Total 153 The proposed site plan indicates a total of 127 parking stalls, including four handicap accessible stalls. Three of these stalls will be unavailable until Quaday Avenue is extended and the temporary cul-de-sac restored. City staff believes that the number of proposed parking stalls is adequate for the subject site based on anticipated interchange between the restaurant, bar and game facilities within the building and seasonal use of the patio. The City of Rogers was contacted regarding the parking requirements applied to Maynards restaurant. Rogers City staff responded that Rogers requires restaurants and bars to provide one stall per three seats for restaurants and bars. Rogers City staff also said that Maynards is a unique situation because of special events and poker nights, they are under parked several nights a week. Based on the Rogers' parking 9 requirement, Cronies would need to supply 77 stalls for the facility versus the 93 for the restaurant/bar plus 51 additional stalls for the game room, banquet room and kitchen under Otsego's Zoning Ordinance requirements. We would also note that the parking calculations for Space Aliens in Albertville are the same as required by Otsego. Snow Removal. Only 0.3 acres of the 2.0 acre subject site is pervious surface. Stormwater drainage is accommodated by the regional stormwater basis within Waterfront West adjacent to the Mississippi River. The applicant must provide a plan for on-site snow storage and removal of snow from the property when designated areas are filled to capacity to be dumped at the regional storm pond. The snow removal plan is subject to review and approval of City staff. Signs. The applicant has not submitted details regarding the proposed site signage. All signs must comply with the provisions of Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. Prior to placement of any signs on the subject site, sign plans and specs must be reviewed and approved by City staff and a sign permit shall be approved. Lighting. The applicant has not submitted a lighting plan. As a condition of approval, a lighting plan must be submitted identifying the type, location and height of all exterior light sources and a photometric light plan showing compliance with Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance and subject to review and approval of City staff. Trash Enclosure. A trash enclosure area is shown on the submitted site plan at the southeast end of the building. The trash area should be constructed of the same exterior materials as the building so as to blend into the structure. Grading Plan. The applicant has submitted a grading plan showing existing and proposed contours. Site grading is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Utility Plans. Plans for sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer have been submitted for the subject site. These plans show extension of utilities within Quaday Avenue from their current end at the north line of Otsego Waterfront. All utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. The applicant shall pay applicable SAC and WAC fees at the time the development contract is executed. Park Dedication. Platting of the subject site triggers park and trail dedication requirements. Commercial plats are required to pay $7,000.00 per buildable acre subdivided in accordance with Section 21-7-18.1.2 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The buildable area of proposed Lot 1, Block 1 and Quaday Avenue right-of-way is 2.05 acres. The required park and trail dedication fee is $14,350 and must be paid at the time the development contract is executed. Development Contract. As a condition of final plat approval, the applicant is required to enter into a development contract with the City and pay all fees and securities required by it. The development contract shall be executed and recorded with the final plat within 100 days from the date of City Council approval. Lefebvre Properties. In addition to recording a subdivision involving the subject site, Mr. Richard Lefebvre recorded several other lot combinations/lot line adjustments with Wright County without receiving prior City approval. Conveyance of land without approvals required by the Subdivision Ordinance is a violation of Section 21-10-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed preliminary/final plat addresses the subject site. However, City staff recommends that a condition of approval be added requiring a survey combining the parcels within Section 15 controlled by Mr. Lefebvre such that the property west of the existing/proposed Quaday Avenue extension abuts the right-of-way with out a reserve strip as currently exists. RECOMMENDATION The revised preliminary/final plat and site and building plans conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the applications as outlined below, subject to any additional comments from other City staff. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to B-3 District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Preliminary/Final Plat and Site and Building Plans. A. Motion to approve a preliminary and final plat for Lot 1, Block 1 Cronies Addition based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance, subject to the following conditions: No building permit shall be issued for Lot 1, Block 1 Cronies Addition until a survey combining 118-500-154403 and that part of and 118-500-154302 within Section 15 Township 121 Range 023 with 118-500-154302 or another arrangement is approved by the City of Otsego and recorded with Wright County. 2. The site plan shall be revised to eliminate the temporary north access to Quaday Avenue. 0 3. The applicant shall submit temporary public right-of-way easement for the temporary cul-de-sac, subject to review and approval of City staff. 4. The applicant shall submit an executed ingress/egress easement between the subject site and Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego Waterfront 4th Addition, subject to review and approval by City Staff. 5. The applicant shall pay applicable SAC and WAC fees at the time a building permit is issued. 6. The design and construction of all streets and utilities shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 7. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 8. The applicant shall pay $14,350.00 as satisfaction of park and trail dedication requirements in lieu of land at the time the development contract is executed. 9. The applicant shall enter into a development contract subject to review and approval by the City Attorney, which is to be recorded with the final plat within 100 days of City Council approval. 10. The exterior building plan shall be revised to incorporate an alternative material to the EIFS proposed at the building entrance. 11. The applicant shall provide a plan on-site snow storage and for removal of snow from the property to be dumped at the regional storm pond within Outlot A, Waterfront West should the on-site storage areas be filled to capacity, subject to review and approval of City staff. 12. All signs shall comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and prior to placement of any signs on the subject site, sign plans and specs must be reviewed and approved by City staff and a sign permit shall be approved. 13. A lighting plan shall be submitted identifying the type, location and height of all exterior light sources and a photometric light plan showing compliance with Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of City staff. 14. The exterior trash enclosure shall be constructed of the same exterior materials as the principal building. 7 B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and/or Subdivision Ordinance. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Philip Rondeau, applicant I v I 41 M Xere �ttWMR= aKrN ,re Y,/a a Stt.0 ran.. I PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CRONIES ADDITION W, * 1 x x x PA Mpa aTo M! e M W �i-I----del+- NaRT9 O w So SCALE N FEET SCALE I — - SO feet 0 .I r•1 '� aE ew vn,ry UatEwa / ; rr1 (• t I i i �. Thet an eI 1M E.el Hell d ih. .—.W. Owna, rI 5.crirn I5, T--bi, 121 NPlh. Renge n W»L Proposed Zoning: B-2 (Buoi..s5 District) Wnnnl—My, Anora.da, 4..cnb•d.,1.r— mencirg.I a polM on 4r x.n lim of »id .an Hall al1M aomMaa. Ouan.r 150i.001e.1 nI tM nrdhxrl c•,»r N.r.rl. _— Flood Zone: nn •»1.dy n right an".. to tM wen lin• d »H Nen rl IM somM»I Ouann.. dl.lmn d 187.00 N.I: lnenc. nonMny, den•cenq ro 1ne ZONE X: Areas demrmined to M oulaide SO"., flood pain pe, FIRM (Flood Insurance Ram �• : /, ' Lot r ' / gam• 81ock It 1 x•,`i pl.l WrbhiCounty, Minwana aM IM P..M of nas.nnin9 .l n. p.— t1 I. --d: 1h.— •.rry.lorg IM loot d- ­ "Pain An.: •i 1 Lot 1: P05e ]],2915 feat 1.69 ac. quare p f i s �•,` I t 1 f r ae-91. the prim rf 6ag1nning oral Iharo tnm-ung. To 1ne,with'. r� TM�pan el Hre E.n HMI e1 tM 9oulM1..n Own.r of Sxlion 15. Trxmenip 111, R.np. Il. WngM CmiWrs are shown at 1 -foot Intervals. y, Nnr l.. d..cnnw arMOwOiF,'�: Comment N E»1 Hall of rM SomMa.l Own., 1501.001»1 of IM nonlm«I <er»r IM1ir.or, IMn-.«wdy n right —,.. to —.,nt li« d .ail B ... hmerk' E.n H.If.1 t. Sonh».I Ouann, a dl..— el 0aT. 00 I.n:1Mnc. nrnh.rry. d.1lacling 10 m. Ie1190 a.g,».00 Top Nut Hydrant at nonheaS-ly and of cul-0eaec of Ouad.Y Avenue NE (SEE MAP). minm.a 00..<rMy a ainan<. eI — W — ra .'.. --ner rN n- le iM B; iMmm.aar.nl, d.iNce �m 1M right b dpr«. W —Pa De —1 a dIM.M. LIT I OI 168.90 1-7— or N.q to w»l.ry n— the MINNEaOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION rRIGHT OF WAV PLAT NO. N-9, Le.Bal D—Opt- Z..i.g: , COMM Zoning: A-1 (AgrlculturalRural Service Areal Thet an eI 1M E.el Hell d ih. .—.W. Owna, rI 5.crirn I5, T--bi, 121 NPlh. Renge n W»L Proposed Zoning: B-2 (Buoi..s5 District) Wnnnl—My, Anora.da, 4..cnb•d.,1.r— mencirg.I a polM on 4r x.n lim of »id .an Hall al1M aomMaa. Ouan.r 150i.001e.1 nI tM nrdhxrl c•,»r N.r.rl. _— Flood Zone: nn •»1.dy n right an".. to tM wen lin• d »H Nen rl IM somM»I Ouann.. dl.lmn d 187.00 N.I: lnenc. nonMny, den•cenq ro 1ne ZONE X: Areas demrmined to M oulaide SO"., flood pain pe, FIRM (Flood Insurance Ram Od.pr».Wmina)•.aO«coney aOlnarc.of,h.s9l«I lO•prim nn.in.11.r rN.rr.a to P_' 1,, Inence—1.rly, 4ell, MaPICo—.itYPanel Number: 2707470002A•—prevised S.p.nnIa n, to .right Yo d,,— - --.. 00 —n4, e n•rp --11M MINNESOYA DEPARTMENT of lAANSF0RTATI0N�R—TrO1 WAY PLAT NO. aa -e, a<crrd,g 10 IM r.coM.d IMr»r, .1992. pl.l WrbhiCounty, Minwana aM IM P..M of nas.nnin9 .l n. p.— t1 I. --d: 1h.— •.rry.lorg IM loot d- ­ "Pain An.: .P. l. ...a A": InM,c. wnMrly, d cNrg to IM right b eyn» To minute. to—.PA. a dinence rl 1s5.15 I.m; IMnc. e.MerN. rar-1h a N Z Lot 1: P05e ]],2915 feat 1.69 ac. quare p r!M w a"— m mlmA.. m —.m. a m.1»<. of lea.9O I« i mrra o, u,., M IM..«t«ry oposed l-Wav Ouatlav Avenue NE' 18 000 fee, ne of ..B RIGHT OF WAY PI AT NO. 66-9: IM1enc. ermlwny .Ong ne weeleny li« of .old RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. Toml Area: 99,294 square feet (2.05 act ae-91. the prim rf 6ag1nning oral Iharo tnm-ung. To 1ne,with'. Not.: TM�pan el Hre E.n HMI e1 tM 9oulM1..n Own.r of Sxlion 15. Trxmenip 111, R.np. Il. WngM CmiWrs are shown at 1 -foot Intervals. y, Nnr l.. d..cnnw Comment N E»1 Hall of rM SomMa.l Own., 1501.001»1 of IM nonlm«I <er»r IM1ir.or, IMn-.«wdy n right —,.. to —.,nt li« d .ail B ... hmerk' E.n H.If.1 t. Sonh».I Ouann, a dl..— el 0aT. 00 I.n:1Mnc. nrnh.rry. d.1lacling 10 m. Ie1190 a.g,».00 Top Nut Hydrant at nonheaS-ly and of cul-0eaec of Ouad.Y Avenue NE (SEE MAP). minm.a 00..<rMy a ainan<. eI — W — ra .'.. --ner rN n- le iM B; iMmm.aar.nl, d.iNce �m 1M right b dpr«. W —Pa De —1 a dIM.M. Elava9on • 871.32 feet N.O V 0. 1929 Datum. OI 168.90 1-7— or N.q to w»l.ry n— the MINNEaOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION rRIGHT OF WAV PLAT NO. N-9, .111111 11 the 11-11d pin lh.—,, Wrgm CeunN_ Mlnr..ou aM iM pelnl of M9lnning o11M A.rwl 1r ne O.»,Intl; Ih.nce erN norg IM tan d»crin.a lire to.aid Point B;1Mncs nonMrry, d.n»ling Io1M ryM1190 a5 1»c dograe. 00 minm.a 00 a.ernda s aNt.nc• rI1to erN, .necny to IM right d ao e.gr»aro mirm.. Oa.»mrd. ai.I»c. a of ru».to lMmw.rtrlin rl .old RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. BlJ: IMnc. «uIMrN elonp m. wealerly fine d .aN RIGNi OF WAY PLAT NO. 86916 IM P nt of WglnNrg .nd IMrp urminallrg. EXHIBIT B ICRONIES ADDITION Otsego, Minnesota CENTRASOTA COMMERCIAL 690 HUI7S ff OgIVE EA6r SUITE G BIG tAaE MINNESOTA • ASSOCIATES ' M° KAE -� CEW a=¢01.2u Ti. PRELIMINARY PLAT CRONIES ADDITION pmwo No: 07-165 C1 -i NORTN 0 30 60 SCALE W FEET SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES ! mus P -- -D ABR.! .22 W wry'r« Nl.000 A.. w bZ125 UF1 a eaanimei nwa q� mpkm° wani°� iw qn. Iv e.r ' ��°nl. el 12 A e. 5„ma°� ain �atan 0.e.1`e��aa wr�n epa`! e e Ca wv .1r. pigni,'Nmew o.nc .T. p✓ �m rwv✓nmt. el 1rpe2� ! w, i ,.w.a .w ai .✓. n. u,..kr, ne ,.e °'ra�'e, e, �., n r o P. Q* b ie ui .m✓.r .w ae , ,neaa nar.. Is.. .a wr.l. ma w�n..a ma e..w�.w w w.m�n� ,aem weaver eo oew�a.r Gopher State One Call EXHIBIT C masa Nas CRONIES sl IWzi#.' :.: OTSEGO, MINNESOTA CENTRASOTA COMMERCIAL 690 MIMBOLOT DRIVE EAST SLIDE G BIG WE, MINNESOTA I(�CC.—. 1 1n. Comm�rol.l Smke: • ASSOCIATES r.ee. M�✓e... ,,,,m„�„ •itrw _rtirr.�� :w4� r• rrrewrr.�� n SITE PLAN 07-165 C2-1 I RI A el NORTN 0 30 60 SCALE W FEET SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES ! mus P -- -D ABR.! .22 W wry'r« Nl.000 A.. w bZ125 UF1 a eaanimei nwa q� mpkm° wani°� iw qn. Iv e.r ' ��°nl. el 12 A e. 5„ma°� ain �atan 0.e.1`e��aa wr�n epa`! e e Ca wv .1r. pigni,'Nmew o.nc .T. p✓ �m rwv✓nmt. el 1rpe2� ! w, i ,.w.a .w ai .✓. n. u,..kr, ne ,.e °'ra�'e, e, �., n r o P. Q* b ie ui .m✓.r .w ae , ,neaa nar.. Is.. .a wr.l. ma w�n..a ma e..w�.w w w.m�n� ,aem weaver eo oew�a.r Gopher State One Call EXHIBIT C masa Nas CRONIES sl IWzi#.' :.: OTSEGO, MINNESOTA CENTRASOTA COMMERCIAL 690 MIMBOLOT DRIVE EAST SLIDE G BIG WE, MINNESOTA I(�CC.—. 1 1n. Comm�rol.l Smke: • ASSOCIATES r.ee. M�✓e... ,,,,m„�„ •itrw _rtirr.�� :w4� r• rrrewrr.�� n SITE PLAN 07-165 C2-1 U :I ;I I I I 'I x I , N I0 300 60 SCALEI IN FEET ' / r GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL NOTES I' ® Gry� REF f vw pp Gopher State One Call 63i -S5. -000t id.L rI1FEMEA . 1-66G-252-1166 EXHIBIT F LYrva61 N.em: CRONIES foo -0 I OTSEGO, MINNESOTA CENERASOTA COMMERCIAL 69RRUMB&OTIWJVE RIG LV�(E, 511MMNWTA :C CENTRA:Evtn • ASSOCIATES GRADING PLAN 07-165 C3-1 I I 1 I � I ' i M I ' I � I ' I I 1 1 I I I I I x Rt6.7 I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I � I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I � I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ------------� I I I I I I I , 1 N I0 300 60 SCALEI IN FEET ' / r GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL NOTES I' ® Gry� REF f vw pp Gopher State One Call 63i -S5. -000t id.L rI1FEMEA . 1-66G-252-1166 EXHIBIT F LYrva61 N.em: CRONIES foo -0 I OTSEGO, MINNESOTA CENERASOTA COMMERCIAL 69RRUMB&OTIWJVE RIG LV�(E, 511MMNWTA :C CENTRA:Evtn • ASSOCIATES GRADING PLAN 07-165 C3-1 'Ivo TMNIES NORTH a 30 60 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA CENTRASOTA COMMERCIAL SCALE IN FEET 690H S.&DRIVE 65�� MG LAM fAMESOTA C'. - ----------- --- CENTRA!:�-I,, UTILITY PLAN GENERAL NOTES 07- ------------------ - -------------- EwM2e6 I -- Szu- /% %' r1iIE was L —.1 111�1�1 d •IP %ycs9816 —n— "Ilk RLL -11- 1 Ll I I I I I I I I If"\ P Y. Gopher State One Call ® c.0 T= 07-165 C4-1 EXHIBIT G 6 10 &STUB(SEE--) o old' "In y 'E,S;— 50 Ile I E=1 E PT= 57.50 v + - — — — — — — — — — — — — ------------------------ 'Ivo TMNIES NORTH a 30 60 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA CENTRASOTA COMMERCIAL SCALE IN FEET 690H S.&DRIVE 65�� MG LAM fAMESOTA C'. - ----------- --- CENTRA!:�-I,, UTILITY PLAN GENERAL NOTES ASSOCIATES T.. —.1 111�1�1 d •IP %ycs9816 —n— "Ilk RLL 6h UTILITY PLAN UTILITY Y. Gopher State One Call ® c.0 T= 07-165 C4-1 EXHIBIT G s 1 I I I s 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I i I `7♦Of_rDanrrs�Tn E�L.7ET�EI'::nt•� OEM kIIIIIiiii LP!•��lna��[aii:;ra arsrmr�'rns:-r� .• ti°��C��,-r ;,�emnar:..: ^.�:ulr -.,.. ,...�.r•ns:>�s" �Fy:tl�® N� ORTH 0 �R0 60 SCALE IN FEET CML KFW vW da ® Gopher State One Call aRu- 232 -RRRx Tai iaEc, �-eoo°xs:-..R6 EXHIBIT H CRONIES .. mim OTSEGO, MINNESOTA CENTRASOTA COMMERCIAL 6%HUMROLDT DRIVE ""'SUITE C RIG LAIR. MINNESOTA ASSOCIATES 4—M, lF k I LANDSCAPE PLAN oiea Ne�� 07-165 GM(RM NOTES CONDIIONRELATI VOOT THE ARWrtH)EXIOFIN Hf CWgTIOrvt RFUTIIL TO TI NATURE AND SCOPE OF wpLK. VERRY 11OUT AND ANY DWFHSIOIS SHCIwn ANO BRIIG TONT. ATTENTION (FTHE UrvDSCAPF ARHITE T ANY IR>CREPAIIfS WHICH MAY MTR SE TI DESK Al—IF INTENT OF TI SE PRgFCT'S I AVOUT. ASSURE COATLANCE WITH All APPLCABLE GLADES ANU REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE W(MK OR—I WSSU`P_ TRACTOR SHALL—ECT ALL EX15TI C, ROADS, CURBLCUTIU5. TTREES. 5 AND SITE NG E ELEMENTS WRIPLANIIIRC IONS. -5 ANY DAMAGE TO SAM( SHAG BE REPAIRED AT NO COST TU THE OWIR UIDE CTUND AND MOVE IXUfR—ANO PROwOf THE NECESSARYPROTER EORSNAEls-110NSTRUCT—l-TERAL wSTALLATION BLLINS WINAIUM 11,'.IPCIFARANCF'I. ALL OFRGROUNO ­01.1SHAH BI LAID SO THAT TREn(FIES W OT CUT TI IRFI)GI ROUT SYS— Of ANY 1)11-10 TREES TD RIALARN (uSTIIC CONTOURS, TRARS. V[G[iADON, ('L)RM(NTT[q AND (lIH(R NC ELEMENTS RMFD UPCH RFLMMAIRN SUFPLBDR) LANDSCAPE— 'TECT RY OTHERS. CONTRA'TOR STALL VERIFY ANT LANDSL MSCREPANCIEs PRISM TO COHSTRUCTIOAMNNOTFY CAPE ARCHITECT OF - THE THE PEOP fs—, ITARS AN-aOAp cuDf ARE SUFIRCT TO EKED AgLnTMENT REUUIEW TO )I ORM TOl')CMNLALDED TOPOGRAPI HC CUNOIIKNi AND TO Mu51ATREE 4ILIAL AND CRA. ANY CHANR w AIOFLMFNT ef ENPR(W EO RY UNOSL'APE —11,. LANDSCAPE INsruLATIOn ��� COOK NATETHPHASESa C(MSTRLMTIONANDPLANTER; MLA —LIFE.ITT— IYNTRACTE., w(wK--SITE . NOP—TING w11L BI INSTALLED UNTIL IOMPLITE GRAUIIC AND COAFSTRUrnON MA5 BEEN l'OITLETI.IN THE wIEDATE AREA. SFfU ALL MFM UISTURBEV UUE TO GR.AUNG OTHER EW W THOSE MEAS NOTED TO RECDVE SOD, SEED SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MULCHED AS PER —I SUIT AL1. AREAS 015TURBED DUE TO UAHNG. WIRE SORAFTED ABUTS PAVED SURFACES. 11—D GAM IX N)WSEED SHALL SE ILD I• BELDYY SURFACE FIEVATKN UE I— STM.CURB, ETC STAGGERED KRNTS, ON SLOPES STUPE1 THAN MCAS IHp NAGE SWALIS, THE SOD SHALL B( STARID TO THE GROUND ANY CONIFEROUS TREE PREVIOUSLY TUNED FOR CHRISTMAS TREE SAES SI �ND' BE URO. ALL ('ONRERWS TREES Lull N' FULL FORA. ru M. O THE _B , wITH(Art INEUNING. PRECEDEIE OVER 1AN1 SCI CWLE IF DISCREPAIRS IN IBESITF NT5 FUST. SRCCA FTCR NS TANNYTT CF DNF4 ALL NES SEO�AFYA IBRR USTAPP ALL ARNGIXRNYE AURRAL PRNM TO ANY AND ML Of-- D REM [STEAM LIRIAL E- L BS3ITLU7I­S 111, K ACCEPTED I)SCAH Q- Br THE IAN0SC(sMYMtWAI ALN CONTRACEM ATTR TO THE SURMI151(M OF A MO ANIMAS CUOUTIOIR, PONSTMENTS IN LOE ATNN OF PRL SFT, PI ANT MAT— MAY BE IEOEO II FIELD SI -D AN ADIUSTMCNT BE ADVISED. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE I)TINEO AA PUNT MATERIALS SHALL BE f(4TMRED UPON-'ALIT— L 0RUNE MOL. OTHER APPROVED FERTILIZER -EO IN fIq Auv BF TREATED FOR SUACR AND FAL INSTAL L1 WIT AIN ATLxATRNa CAANULAR a X)aI±oR PER 25 CALKER PFR TREE AND 1 OZ PER LIRUB wIT1H AN ADDITIOIM APRCATION ORI_ uTHE Rll HNC SPRING IN THF TRE AUC'FR. AL PUNTIIG AREAS RECEI ING GROUND COVER PERENNIALS. nNWR VINES SHALL RECiM A MINPIUM 01 C DE OF PLAITING SOILCONSISTING Ell' AT LEAST A5 PARTS T(PSO 1. AS PANS PEA) OR MANURE AID ID PMR - ALL PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS RR PLANTING DETAILS RAPP MATE- SHALL BE COMUWTED PVC PNNC I --TER AU"It MSN THE TR(( BEING PRORR(D OP QUALITY, IAVY, Al PROOFCRERPMERMANUFACTUREDFORTISPURPOSI. WDM FLE=DUOUS TREES PLANTED IN THE FALL IIOP TO I1-1 AID ALL.—NC AFTER 5-I. BLACK POLY EDGER TO BE USED 1O CONTAIN SHRUBS. PERENNIALS. AND KZUALS WIRE BED IFPS SO—ID UIE51 NOTED UISMER ALL SHRUB BED MASSIIGS TO CUIE A -DEEP SHREDDED I WLDwOOO MLR CH AND FIBER AAT WFFn BMRIR All TREES TO RECENT R-DEfP SHREDDED IARDwOODARAOI WITHNOMULCHINOIRFCTCONTACTWIDHTREE.R NI ALLAN—LAI—RENIAL PIANRIGBEDS TO RECEWE T DEEP SHREDDEDHARDWOODMULCHWIT--ED&SRRIER. SPREAD GRANULNI FRE EMERGENT HERRxpE-III OR EfNAI PER MANUFARURES REGONMfNDAT10N1 U-1 ALL MULCHED AREAS. MAINTENANCE STRIPS TO HAVE EDGER AND MULCH AS iPECIFIEp)NdGTED ON OIAWNG OR W SPEOTCATION. VERITY EXISTINGITROPOSED 1—TION sYETGS LAYOUT AND =uAMcCOATLETE LAWS OF IMICATRN PRIOR TO SUPPLn LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RISFONSBLE EOR PROWDIIC AN WBGTION LAYOUT PIAN AND SPECIFIC— AS A PMT IX THE SCOPE CK WORK WHEN BIDDING MESE Shill BE APPROVED BY ME CANAPE CHITECT PRIOR TO ORDER A- CFRLAND PECO A TORS-11iNSBIIITYTOINI 17 SIA LLBErI1 URE, ALL SOODED)SfEOED AHD PLANTED MEAS ARE WRIGAUD PROPFRY, INCLUDING THOSE AREAS DIRE -Y MOUND AND ABUTTING BUILDING FOUNDATKN+. LV+US(:vE CONTRACTOR SI PROVIUI THE OWNLR WITHA T SCHIDULI SITE CONDITIONS ANO TOPLANTANTERIMPGROwTH REQUIREMENTS IF THE ANDSCLPF CONTRA ET 15 CONCERID OR PfRCONSAHY DEFICIENCIES IN THE PLANT SELECTIONS, -1 CONDITIONS OP Arvv OTHERLTECONDITIONWNICIIMIGHT.1—n ILYAFFECTPUNT ESTABLISHMINT, SURVWKCRGUAFUu RE.HFMUSTBRI TIFSf DfFCIFNCIE5 TO THE ATTEIfKN OF TI LM+DS('AR A.I.— PRIOR TO PRUCUREMEM AN -11 UAT11I C(1NTRACTOR SHALL SuSAYT A w0.TR11 REOUFST FOR THE OWT4R MCHDERA TH(cOATLrTR)rvor PUNTINGIXMlLANDSCAPE MATERwS. PERP UA ACCFITAIE—I e( CONSIDERED. REYRDUUCIBLE -BUILT URAWIIISI EI ALL LAND5CAW ciO STRLN� RxiNIT—AN. 1U.R TO vR(LMc�r KIIFTA 1 UNLESS NOTED OTEIERWISF THE APPROPRIATE DATES EDR SPRING CONIFEROU5 PLANTING MAY OCCUR It—AUGUST I5 -(OCTOBER I AHD ISR.wTIFLG OIITSP IDE Tn[SF DABS ISFIMOTRFCIX.WFNMDMMBFR ADNSTMEI MUST BE APPROVED IN wR BY THE IANDSCME ARMITFR PROTER ALL EXISTING OAKS On SITESCHIDUILO TO RLMAI rc[%ISTFK; OAKS ARE DAMAGED IN ANY MANOR, ABOW OR BELOWCMOUVU N Mf ROOT SYSTEM, AN ASPHALTIC 'BIT PRUNINC PAMV1 SHOULD BE MRIED ERATEI AFTER OR TRANSPLAITEO BET -11 AP IL 15 AND IMY I. MTIfvUUl+05(RfAgvfO ARCHITECT 11' THESE DATA$ ARL UrvAVu1UMLl. LAID I iRARIXI STALL ESTAAUSH TO IIS UUTSIARKW Iul SOIL AID COMPACTION C"01-5 MF ADEQUATE T) ALLOW EOM PROPER DIUINACE AT AID AROUND THE BUR.NC LTE. THE I, RIsPOHSRRE TOP POLOD. $TAQIIG IS 5000 fTEO eVi OISPORFS AGS rMiFUWEn PLANCHIS AFTER AMMG IS C(ITLFIF R It FRCE wATGHLI AT PLACE L CE C N WITI ALTO iuGlN i SOR wn YVT- MYVR(F IN CM =IF RE[ wRH TO EAST SR.SNC H DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL I t 1 Is VARIES M 5[f�LwUIPT -SEE SPECS. LOOSEN ROOTS OF ALL REFER TO PUN TB'MN. S�FY B07GMMDSIOE50F EKKEPRIDRTOPLANTWC EDGE VARIES SEE PLN SHRUBS TO BE RACED SO THAT lE'DEPfH IMNL LOAM ISI I� I I TOP OF CONTAINER SITS FLUSH WON PROPOSED GARDE. _ LOOSE RWTSO( FMATERALPRIOR MULCH -B' OEFP - SEE SRC 0PLANTING LANDSCAPE FABRIC SEE SPEC. EDGINGMATERW SEESPEC. EDGE VARIES - REFER TO RAN RANTING SOIL -SEE SPEC. BURDNG WMl DYPS � s 1� SHRUB PUNTING DETAIL Is VARIES M 5[f�LwUIPT -SEE SPECS. DEPTH EDGER - SEE SPECS EDGE VARIES SEE PLN lE'DEPfH IMNL LOAM ISI I� I I PLA41ING SOIL -SEE SPECS. _ LOOSE RWTSO( FMATERALPRIOR —III -1" VIII 0PLANTING 4 PERENNIAL PLANTING L2-1 xNE.)..Ie n.nRAWI NORTH 0 30 BD SCALE IN FEET CML BEFdIE YDO) - ® Gopher State One Call TLYIN CITY r0.l . 851 ASE -DDDR FREE ARFeoD-xsa-IIBB CRONIES 1 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA CENTRASOTA COMMERCIAL B9D HUMBOLDT DRNE EAST SUITE G BIG WE, MINNESOTA 4C6rtRA50I'A.. I-- C-Rummmial. ASSOCIATES I�w nwr F C:TITI LANDSCAPE DETAILS 07-165 L2-1 Hakanson O 1 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 ]Assoc.,Inc. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 c a t MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ronald Wagner, P.E. City Engineer Philip Rondeau, Centrasota Commercial Rich Simon, Cronie's Gameroom Bar & Grill Steve Carlson, Cronie's Gameroom Bar & Grill Andrew Berenberg, P.E., Loucks Associates From: Brent Larson, P.E. Dan Sidla, PLS Date: April 2, 2008 Re: Cronies Gameroom Bar & Grill We have reviewed the Final Plat, dated 1/22/08, Preliminary Plans, dated 3/11/08, for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: Final Plat A new Final Plat has not been submitted at this time therefore the following comments remain: A written agreement regarding allowing Cronies access to the Holiday Inn's driveway is required. 2. The gas line along the south property line is to be relocated. The gas line shall be relocated to within the provided easements along the lot line. All hydrants and watermain to the hydrants shall be covered by a minimum 20' wide a utility easement centered over the pipe. 5. The legal description is not complete. It does not identify the section, township, range, county or state where the property is located in 6. The graphic portion of the plat does not follow the calls in the description. Deflection angles are called out in the description but turned angles are shown on the plat C:\Documents and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ALXMOZ9C\ot2500 Cronies rvw2.doc Construction and Grading Plans Title Sheet 1. The line type in the legend for easement lines does not match the easement line used throughout the plans. 2. Please revise the signature line for the City Engineer to read Ronald J. Wagner. Preliminary Plat (C1-1) We recommend removing the preliminary plat from the final construction and grading plans. We are concerned that this may cause confusion in the future. Please submit a revised preliminary plat as a separate sheet in the future. 1. The preliminary plat cannot be signed by an Engineer. A Licensed Land Surveyor must sign the Preliminary Plat. 2. The property lines for the property(s) to the east are missing. Depict all property lines for the adjacent properties. (All Sheets) Existine Conditions (Sheet C1-2) Some of the existing utility and grading information is missing from the existing conditions and utility plans. Please find attached plans for the Holiday Inn Waterpark and Quaday Avenue As - built Plans with additional existing utility and grading information. Existing pipe size, grade, and inverts shall be depicted. 2. It is unclear what the dashed line west of the Cronies Property line depicts. Please label. 3. The date and firm name are missing form the general notes. 4. The 8" DIP watermain to the east of the hotel should be centered within the depicted drainage and utility easement. 5. There is currently two center medians depicted south of the existing cul-de-sac. The median offset to the east is correct. Please revise. 6. The east entrance south of the cul-de-sac has been relocated with the construction of the hotel. Please revise. 7. Depict the existing street lighting along Quaday Avenue. Depict the street lamps around the cul-de- sac and electrical lines running to them. Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\TamiTocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\AU Assoc., Inc. ; Site Plan (Sheet C2-1) 1. The street lamps around the existing cul-de-sac will need to be relocated/replaced and the power lines will need to be avoided when removing the cul-de-sac. Additional street lamps (the same as are currently installed) shall be placed along the Quaday Avenue extension. 2. Please depict the removed cul-de-sac and curb and gutter as lighter, background, lines and/or in different line types. Currently the plans do not call out the removal of the curb or cul-de-sac. 3. The current two entrances will not be allowed. We believe that circulating traffic will exit and re- enter the site using the cul-de-sac as a turnaround while looking for a parking space. This could cause an unsafe condition for traffic navigating the cul-de-sac. 4. Provide the overall layout of the existing and proposed streets, sidewalk, sewers, watermain, and other underground facilities within 150'. We suggest the utilities be shown in a background color/shade. The Elk River Fire Department has reviewed the proposed plans and wishes to state that the second access point located in the southeast corner to the site uses a "designated fire lane for Fire Department access and is signed as "No Parking Fire Lane only." This access point is not to be used for vehicles that will be parked and/or unattended for maintenance, deliveries, and/or any other services provide to the building." 6. The sidewalk shall be extended to the north property line (see attached plans). 7. The handicap parking spaces provide 18' of depth and do not meet the minimum 20' depth required. (20-21-8) The drive aisle width being provided behind the handicap parking stalls exceeds the minimum aisle width required by 2' therefore the combine depth of parking stall and aisle width meet the minimum requirements. We recommend striping the handicap stalls so that they meet the minimum depth requirement. Grading Plan (Sheet C3-1) Label the existing contours. 2. Depict the existing contours within 150' of the property boundaries. Currently the proposed contours do not tie into the existing contours along the property edges in some places. 3. Please provide additional proposed spot elevations (top curb or gutter line) and grades along southeast entrance. 4. Depict the existing contours offsite and the proposed contours tying into them. SWPP Plan (Sheet C3-2) 1. Depict proposed contours. Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\TamiTocal Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.IE5\AU Assoc., Inc. Utility Plans (Sheets C4-1 & C4-2) 1. Provide the location, size, and elevations of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other utilities within 150' of the project boundaries (see attached plans). 2. The 8" DIP watermain to the east of the hotel should be centered within the depicted drainage and utility easement. There should also be a stub extending to the Cronies south property line from the tee and two gate valves on the watermain. 3. The connection to the 16" watermain shall be made with a 16" butterfly valve. 4. It appears that the storm sewer along the west side of Quaday Avenue was stubbed approximately 20' south of the property line with an approximately elevation of 860.63 (see attached plans). Please revise the stub location and invert elevation. 5. Provide a stub elevation at the property line for the storm sewer along the west side of Quaday Avenue. 6. The pipe length is not correct for the pipe between CBMH 1 and CBMH 6. This pipe also appears to conflict with small utilities placed in the boulevard east of Quaday Avenue. 7. The pipe length, size, type, and grade are missing for the pipe from CBMH 6 to the building. Include the benchmark description, elevation, and datum in the utility plans. 9. There appears to be a conflict between the water service and the storm sewer at the crossing north of CBMH 1. A minimum 12" of separation with insulation or 24" without insulation is required between all storm sewer and watermain and services. 10. Label the grade of the proposed sanitary sewer service. It appears that a riser may be needed. Detail Sheet (C8-1 & C8-2) 1. The typical street section and parking lot section shall be based on a Geotechnical Engineer's recommendation. Other Considerations 1. Hydrology and/or storm sewer calculations are required. 2. Geotechnical report with soil borings and recommended R -value. 3. Statements certifying the environmental condition of the site and that no wetlands are located on the site are needed. 4. Grading and Construction Specifications. Hakanson Efil Anderson CADocuments and Settings\TamiTocal Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.IE5\AUM ONE !Assoc., [nC. Summary and/or Recommendation We cannot recommend approval at this time due to the lack of geotechnical and hydrology reports, wetland certifications, and the number of above comments. Hakanson Anderson CADocuments and Settings\TarnALocal Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.IE5WL; I Assoc., Inc. ; ITEM 3.5 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. F. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@?nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 2 April 2008 RE: Otsego — Remington Coves 2 d Addition NAC FILE: 176.02 — 08.01 The Planning Commission held a public hearing on 22 January 2008 to consider the concept plan for replatting a portion of the Remington Coves detached townhomes with twin home units. The consensus of the Planning Commission at the time was that the proposed twin home buildings would be appropriate in this location, but the site plan must be modified to reduce crowding and improve the orientation/location of the proposed buildings. The City Council reviewed the concept plan at their meeting on 29 January 2009 and provided similar comments. At the City Council meeting, the developer provided a revised site plan showing the concept plan without the underlying approved site plan to better illustrate the spacing of the proposed buildings. The developer also met with City staff at a Development Staff meeting to discuss the Planning Commission and City Council's concerns. The developer has revised the concept plan based on these previous discussions and has submitted it for further comment by the Planning Commission and City Council. City staff has two recommendations regarding the revised concept plan: The guest parking area near the south side of Building 1-2 should be removed. Removal of the guest parking area would increase greenspace near this building and the detached townhome lot to the west. The 28 foot width of the private drive is adequate to accommodate guest parking on one side. 2. Building 7/8 must be revised to meet the 65 foot setback from 70th Street. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Bruce Bonebright, Cottage Builders, Inc. PROPOSED BUILDING LAYOUT EXHIBIT -a- THE BAYHOMES AT REMINGTON COVES PROPERTY OWNERS: Cottage Builders, Inc. 3209 1 st Street South, Waite Park, MN 56387 320-251-4289 ENSTING PROPERTY DESCRIM01k tors 1 I-0 s ---, IIID r 1 -1 rot: 1 11-0 u Jnd.—.ft— II am .1 oI —1. C. REMMUiON CC1£1 MSI Ap0—. -ol C-1,.. Nnneao,o, a —.' to - rvc— pot to —1 LEGEND OENOTS ""NG RE1AmvNG WALL C,mmS EXISRNO CUNCREIE SUNFACE OENOIES Ex IMC ANp PROPOSED B111/1NNW5 SURFACE [IENOIES GREEN SPACE PROPOSED BUILDING DETAIL (SCALE. I IN. = 30 Fr) F- G. BUD a SONS. INC. -"" Professional Land Surveyors 6776 Lake Drive NE, Suite 110 Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Tel. (651) 361-8400 FM(651)361-8701 _ P:M��Ybionnbr,.vn?roy7/+c�.�ead..,.v�Lima)nfo_nw__-_-. YICINIIY W. Otsego, 68N I- .IID �,Y OUTU A EAsoo,r n.a,eallr — a ------------------------------------------- 70TH STREET NE �r 71ewp_ ®mooGRAPHIC SCALE i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 0-10 Assoc., Inc. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Judy Hudson, Clerk Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ronald Wagner, P.E. City Engineer Brian Reiner, Cottage Builders, Inc. Bruce Bonebright, Cottage Builders, Inc. Craig G. Schlichting, P.E., Plowe Engineering, Inc. John A. Rengo, R.L.S., E.G. Rud & Sons, Inc. From: Brent Larson, P.E. Date: January 16, 2008 Re: The Bay Homes at Remington Coves — Sketch Plan Review We have reviewed the Preliminary Plat, dated 12/21/07, and Preliminary Utility and Grading Plans, dated 12/20/07, for the above -referenced project and would offer the following comments: Preliminary Plat The preliminary plat proposes to revise 18 detached Bayhomes (Lots 1-9, Blocks 7 and Lots 1-9, Block 8 of Remington Coves First Addition) to 9 Twin Bayhomes (still 18 units). The preliminary plat vacates all existing drainage and utility easements covering Outlot C, which surrounds all the townhomes, and between Lots 4 & 5, Block 7. It appears that the new preliminary plat reinstates all required drainage and utility easements. 2. The delineated wetland edges shall be depicted in the final plat. 3. The driveways for Block 1, Lots 4, 9, 10, and 12 cross adjacent lot lines into adjacent properties. 4. The locations of a telephone and cable pedestal appear to be located in the proposed driveways for Block 1, Lots 4 and 18 respectively. Existing Conditions All mass grading, utilities, curb and gutter, and streets associated with the proposed plat have been completed with Remington Coves First Addition. C:\Documents and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ALXMOZ9C\ot2277BayhomesRV W l .doc Utility Plans 1. The utility work associated with the The Bayhomes at Remington Coves plat consists of connecting to the existing sanitary sewer and watermain service stubs and extending these services to the townhomes. In situations were the existing services no longer properly align with the new townhome location a 4" cleanout is proposed to be installed on the sanitary sewer service to "bend" the service towards the townhome. In most cases the services are not to be realigned. It does not appear that the services will enter the each townhome in the same location therefore the utility rooms may have to be located in different locations for each house. This should be considered when reviewing the architectural plans. Grading Plans 1. No comments. Other Considerations 1. All storm water management has been address with the Remington Coves submittals. C:\Documents and SettingsJami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ALXMOZ9C\ot2277BayhomesRVW I.doc Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc.