05-05-08 PCITEM 2.7 OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL MAY 5, 2008 7 PM 1. Chair Black will call the meeting to order. Vice Chair Thompson called the meeting to order at 7 PM. Roll Call: Vice Chair David Thompson; Commission Members: Tammie Fallon, Doug Hackman, John Thelen and Richard Nichols. Excused absence: Pam Black, Jim Kolles Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Dan Licht, City Planner and Ron Wagner, City Engineer. Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner and Mark Thorsted. 2. Consider the following minutes. 2.1. April 7, 2008 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Hackman motioned adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Fallon. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Planning Items: PUBLIC HEARING ITEM: 3.1. Island View Bluff: A. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for development of three single family homes on substandard lots of record within the Wild and Scenic (WS) District. B. Preliminary/Final Plat. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report he noted that the lots were created in 1972 when Otsego was under county jurisdiction and the owner had a right to build on them if they could meet the conditions. Judy Hudson attested that all the proper noticing, publishing and posting was completed. Joanna Bame, property owner and applicant, said she has reviewed the engineering and planning reports and agrees with all their recommendations and conditions. Mike Brandvold, Anderson Engineering, went over their engineering plans for erosion, drainage and grade charges. Kevin Kloeppner of Echo Systems, reviewed the septic plans which would be standard septic systems with a requirement of 1 foot of washed sand that would be installed in the drainage trenches for treatment. Ron asked about the filter if that would make this an "other septic system". Kevin said it is additional piece of equipment to reduce suspended solids going to drainfield. This adds life to a drainfield. CM Heidner asked if homeowner can clean. Kevin said homeowner can do it because it is not that difficult or otherwise a septic pumper can do it. Vice Chair Thompson opened the Public Hearing at 7:19 PM. Planning Commission Meeting May S. 2008. Page 2. David Thill, 10121 Kahler Avenue, not against this but asked if there are requirements on septic systems to have an alternate site along river. Mr. Licht said that it is a standard city requirement. Mr. Wagner showed the two sites on each lot. Mr. Thill said it seems like the soils are disturbed and has there been enough soil borings. Mr. Wagner said the soil has been disturbed but there is not enough compaction to harm septic systems, in fact they need to add material to slow down the drainage. Mr. Thill asked about bluff protection he understand setbacks for Wild & Scenic regulations but these landowners will want access to river. Mr. Licht said Wild and Scenic regulations make provisions for construction of steps to access the river but there are limitations on width etc and the city will review the plans. Mr. Thill had concern with screening. Mr. Licht said they have to survey and preserve all trees over 4 inches. Mr. Thill said he is not aware of all the city parks but m y we need a park on the river. Mr. Licht showed all the parks planned for al ng the river. Commissioner Hackman asked about the stormwater ditch going in.o the Mississippi do we need sumps. Mr. Wagner said this is a rural area and the ditch does a lot of the cleaning. Commissioner Hackman's concern is s dimentation. Commissioner Thelen asked with the septic system is there any concern in spring with frozen ground could there be a back up. Kevin Kloeppner said the septic system will be deep enough. M% Thill asked when putting in the storm sewer pipe will trees that are removed be, replaced. Mr. Licht said that we can include that as a condition to replant the ar2a subject to staff approval. Mr. Thill asked with the storm sewer design when it omes into Kahler Avenue will there be a trap there. Ron said yes. Tony McAlpine, 10191 Kahler Avenue, wondering on the storm sewer will there be any work on other side of road or just on river side. Mr. Wagner replied that all construction will happen on river side of road. Mr. McAlpine said that the storm sewer has a lot of drop. Mr. Wagner explained the drop takes out a lot of energy out of water. Mr. McAlpine asked will the storm sewer be assessed to the of er properties. Ron said the developer will make this improvement at his cost. Mr. McAlpine asked about private wells distance. Ron said wells need to be 50 feet from all septic drainfields. Gene Williams, 10180 Kahler Ave, when he moved in the water would sit in there for a month after a storm. Will storm sewer be able to handle large rain falls? M'. Williams was concerned that the soil borings were done deep enough to sow all the material in the lots. Mr. Wagner said with normal rain fall there won't be a problem, on larger event there is holding capacity in the system. Mr. Williams said that trees have been washed out into the river from the washout. lWagner said the developer would repair the washout and install am erground pipe to prevent further erosion. Commissioner Fallon excused herself at 7:58 PM. Planning Commission Meeting May 5, 2008. Page I Paul Wilcox, Kahler Ave, wondered if the owner had been paying reduced taxes because it was a outlot and asked if there should be makeup for taxes. Mr. Licht said he didn't know about taxes but that outlots are typically interim before final development. David Thill, 10121 Kahler Avenue, suggested an EAW. Mr. Licht said the project doesn't reach the threshold for an EAW. He noted the DNR is in favor of this project because it will repair a washout. There is a petition process for residents if they want an EAW. Hearing no other public comments, Vice Chair Thompson closed the Public Hearing at 8:10 PM. Mr. Licht said soil borings are covered under 1st condition and he recommends a 9th condition that the applicant submit a replanting plan reviewed by city staff in accordance with Wild & Scenic Ordinance. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve a CUP, Preliminary/ Final Plat for lots 14 and 15, Block 7 Island View Estates and Lot 1, Block 1 Island View Bluff to allow development of substandard lots within the WS District, subject to 8 conditions plus a 9th condition regarding landscaping: The applicant shall submit a landscape plan for replanting the area subject to Section 20-95-10 of the Zoning Ordinance, which is to be subject to review and approval of City staff. Seconded by Commissioner Thelen. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2. Discussion of Residential Care Facilities. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report and said the goal is to set a Public Hearing for 6-5-08 for a zoning amendment. This would bring the Zoning Ordinance into compliance with state law. Commissioner Nichols motioned to set a Public Hearing for 6-5-08. Seconded by Comm issionerThelen. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Any other Planning Commission Business. 4.1. Update on City Council actions by Councilmember Heidner. CM Heidner updated the commission on recent Council actions. 4.2. Update on future Planning_ Commission Agenda Items by Judy Hudson. Judy Hudson updated the commission on upcoming agenda items. 5. Adjournment by 10 PM. Commissioner Thelen said that he may be gone for the 6-5-08 meeting. Commissioner Hackman motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:41 PM. Planning Commission Meeting May 5, 2008. Page 4. Dave Thompson, Vice -Chair Attest: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Admin. Recorded by: Tami Loff, Deputy Clerk