ORD 15-06ORDINANCE NO.:2015-06 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO REGARDING MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SALARIES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 2-3-1 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2-3-1: COMPENSATION: A. The salary of the Mayor shall be $4,200.00 per year ($350.00 per month) and the salary of each City Council member shall be $3,600.00 per year ($300.00 per month). B. The Mayor and City Council members as of 1 September 2015 shall be compensated in the amount of $45.00 for each special City Council meeting attended, each meeting of any established committee or commission which the Mayor or any City Council member is the appointed liaison or alternate, any meeting with the City Administrator and City Attorney to discuss or receive information related to City legal issues, any City sponsored event or any private event, tour or function where the Mayor or Council Member is attending as representative of the City, any public hearing of a City board or commission, any meeting of another political subdivision, State Agency or committee or the State legislature where the Mayor or City Council Member is appearing or functioning as a representative of the City and any other meeting , event or function which the City Council has directed or authorized the Mayor or any City Council member to attend either prior to or after the meeting, event or function has occurred.. C. The Mayor and City Council members shall also receive reimbursement for expenses related to attendance at said additional meetings as well as any other functions which they are authorized to attend on behalf of the City, including mileage costs at the then applicable IRS rate. D. The Mayor or City Council members shall submit written claims to the City Clerk for compensation and for reimbursement expenses. The claims shall be approved by the City Council at a regularly scheduled or special City Council meeting held after submission of the claim. (Ord. 2011-08, June 13, 2011) Section 2. Section 2-3-2 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2-3-2: ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION: In addition to that compensation listed above, the Mayor and Council members shall receive as compensation for attendance at workshops, seminars, or conventions $150.00 for each day of attendance or $75.00 for each half day of attendance plus reimbursement for expenses related to attendance including mileage costs at the then applicable IRS rate. Written claims for all additional compensation and related expenses shall be submitted to the City Clerk. (Ord. 91-04, Jan. 14, 1991) Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: Darkenwald SECOND BY: Heidner ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Darkenwald, Heidner, Schroeder, Warehime THOSE OPPOSED: None ADOPTED by the City Council of Otsego this 24th day of August, 2015. CITY OF OTSEGO Jessf6a Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, STATE OF MINNESOTA) MINNESOTA ss COUNTY OF SHERBURNE ORDINANCE NO.: 2015-06 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, OTSEGO REGARDING MAYOR states or affirms that he/she is the Publisher's AND CITY COUNCIL SALARIES Designated Agent of the newspaper(s)known Desi g gCITY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY as: ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 2-3-1 of the Star News City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2-3-1: COMPENSATION: with the known office of issue being located A. The salary of the Mayor shall in the county of: be $4,200.00 per year ($350.00 per SHERBURNE month) and the salary of each City with a substantial portion of the circulation Council member shall be $3,600.00 per year ($300.00 per month). in the counties of: B. The Mayor and City Coun- WRIGHT cil members as of 1 September and has full knowledge of the facts stated 2015 shall be compensated in the below: amount of $45.00 for each special City Council meeting attended, (A) The newspaper has complied with all of each meeting of any established the requirements constituting qualifica- committee or commission which tion as a qualified newspaper as provided the Mayor or any City Council by Minn. Stat. §331A.02. member is the appointed liaison or alternate, any meeting with the City (B) This Public Notice was printed and pub- Administrator and City Attorney to lished in said newspaper(s) once each discuss or receive information re - week, for 1 successive week(s); the first lated to City legal issues, any City insertion being on 08/29/2015 and the last sponsored event or any privateevent, tour or function where the insertion being on 08/29/2015. Mayor or Council Member is at- tending as representative of the MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES City, any public hearing of a City Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. 580.033 Pursuant board commission, any meet - ing of another political subdivision, relating to the publication of mortgage State Agency or committee or the foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies State legislature where the Mayor with the conditions described in §580.033, or City Council Member is appear - subd. 1, clause 1 or 2 . If the newspaper's () ()tive Ing or functioning as a representa- of the City and any other meet - known office of issue is located in a county ing, event or function which the adjoining the county where the mortgaged City Council has directed or autho- premises or some part of the mortgaged rized the Mayor or any City Council member to attend either prior to or premises described in the notice are located, after the meeting, event or function a substantial portion of the newspaper's has occurred.. circulation is in the latter county. C. The Mayor and City Council members shall also receive reim- bursement for expenses related to - $q attendance at said additional meet - By: y �-I ings as well as any other functions which they are authorized to attend Designated Agent on behalf of the City, including mile- age costs at the then applicable Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before IRS rate. me on 08/29/2015. D. The Mayor or City Coun- cil members shall submit written claims to the City Clerk for com- (} pensation and for reimbursement expenses. The claims shall be ap- proved by the City Council at a regularly scheduled or special City Notary Public Council meeting held after submis- sion of the claim. (Ord. 2011-08, June 13, 2011) Section 2. Section 2-3-2 of the wv v�wvwvv"v"vvv� ' City Code is hereby amended to R DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON read as follows: 2-3-2: ADDITIONAL COM • Notary PUMc-Minnesota - PENSATION: In addition to that Ma My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2019 compensation listed above, the Mayor and Council members shall receive as compensation for atten- dance at workshops, seminars, or conventions $150.00 for each day of attendance or $75.00 for each Rate Information: half day of attendance plus reim- bursement for expenses related (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users to attendance including mileage for comparable space: costs at the then applicable IRS $23.00 per column inch rate. Written claims for all addi- tional compensation and related Ad ID 440029 expenses shall be to City Clerk. (Ord. 91b--04, an. 14 1991) Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: Darkenwald SECOND BY: Heidner ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp, Dark- enwald, Heidner, Schroeder, Ware- hime THOSE OPPOSED: None ADOPTED by the City Council of Otsego this 24th day of August, 2015. CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tam! Loff, City Clerk Published in the Star News August 29, 2015 440029