09-15-08 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 15, 2008 Roll Call: Otsego Planning Commission: Chair Pam Black, Commissioners Richard Nichols, Doug Hackman, John Thelen, Dave Thompson, Tammi Fallon, Jim Kolles, and Alternate Brian Gerten. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Councilmembers Vern Heidner and Mark Thorsted. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson and Assistant City Planner Laurie Smith. 1. Consider the August 4, 2008 Minutes Commissioner Hackman, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, moved to approve the minutes as presented. Carried 7-0. 2. Public Hearing - Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Amendment to Future Land Use Plan Assistant Planner Smith reviewed the proposed amendment. The changes are minor and mainly involve increasing slightly the amount of industrial land adjacent to major highway corridors. Chair Black opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. There were no comments from the public. Chair Black closed the public hearing at 7.:07 p.m. Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Nichols, moved to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment regarding the Future Land Use Plan. Carried 7-0. 2. Public Hearin - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Swimm Pools & Accessory Buildings Assistant Planner Smith reviewed the proposed changes. Chair Black opened the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. No one from the public spoke. Planning Commission direction on the Accessory Building ordinance is that they would like a review of the standards of other area communities and they asked that this come back in the future as a separate item. With regard to the Swimming Pool ordinance, Commissioners noted that the ordinance was similar to Elk River's but not as strict as St. Michael's. Staff noted that St. Michael had recently changed their ordinance. There was disagreement Otsego Planning Commission Meeting of September 15, 2008. Page 2 whether fences should be required for temporary pools, regardless of their size. Commissioners were in agreement that swimming pools should not be treated as accessory buildings. Commissioners were concerned that enforcement would be administratively difficult. Councilmember Heidner said that the ordinance would be treated like most City ordinances and enforced on a complaint basis. With no comments from the public, the hearing was closed at 7:28 p.m. There was considerable further discussion until the Commission directed staff to find out what the reaction had been in St. Michael to the changes and to revise the ordinance based on the Commission's feedback and bring back to a future meeting. 3 Council Update Councilmember Heidner updated Commissioners on Council actions and City events. 4. Adjournment Commissioner Fallon, seconded by Commissioner Hackman, moved to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Carried 7-0. Michael Robertson City Administrator