09-15-08 PCNORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 10 September 2008 RE: Otsego — Comprehensive Plan; Future Land Use Plan map NAC FILE: 176.08 BACKGROUND Our office has prepared the attached map outlining potential updates to the Future Land Use Plan map. The City Council reviewed the map at their meeting on 25 August 2008 and directed the Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing to consider formally amending the Comprehensive Plan to include the updated Future Land Use Plan map. Exhibits: A. Current Future Land Use Plan map B. Proposed Future Land Use Plan map — redlined C. Proposed Future Land Use Plan map ANALYSIS The majority of the proposed changes are adjustments reflecting changes to land use boundaries or identification of parcels deeded to the City for parks based on approved development plans. Two specific changes that we would draw attention to are: ■ Changing approximately 80 acres of land east of Queens Avenue between CSAH 37 and 62nd Street from Medium -High Density Residential to Industrial. This change is intended to make full use of the traffic capacity in Queens Avenue to serve industrial land uses in an n area accessible from TH 101. The City _ Engineer indicates that there is sufficient capacity in the utilities constructed in Queens Avenue to accommodate this land use change as industrial or warehouse uses will generate less demand than medium and high density housing. The area west of Kadler Avenue, north of 70th Street guided for residential uses is changed to industrial uses. This area had been guided for residential uses as part of the concept plan for Kittredge Crossings. The PUD District and preliminary plat for Kittredge Crossings included only the area east of Kadler Avenue, so no entitlement exists to residential use on this parcel. We would recommend that Kadler Avenue is an appropriate stopping point for residential development and that returning the area west of Kadler Avenue to industrial uses would be more compatible with existing and planned uses in the area and consistent with the City's long term plans for industrial development in the area served by an interchange at Kadler Avenue and 1-94. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of the updated Future Land Use Plan map in the form attached hereto. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of the Future Land Use Plan map update. B. Motion to recommend City Council not approve the Future Land Use Plan map update. C. Motion to table. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer air mr-IllsON Pea �r�� ■IIC�.1■II I SEEM r�f �r "MIN IMOMMi Rural Residential to PubliGQuasi Public -DRA FT— CITY OF q2,TSEGO Rural Residential to -,� --- Public/Quasi Public PubliGQuasi Public to _ _ ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Low Density Residential ,t , yyL Future Land Use r� Rural Rural Residential Low Density Residential (Large Lot) B101 to Public/Quasi PubliclLD Residential (Large Lot) Low/Medium Density Residential�' _ to Public/Qi Public� Public/Quasi LD Residential Rural to Public/Quasi Public — J LD/MD Residential _ i I Commercial to Public/Quasi Public MD/HD Residential — Low Density Residential (Large Lot) T ®Commercial to Low Density Residential — - Office j Commercial to Low/Medium Density Residential Industrial Low/Medium Density Residential to Industrial_ fes; Public/Quasi Public Medium/High Density Residential to - 1 Low/Medium Density Residential Sewer District Medium/High Density Residential to Low/Medium Density Residential Commercial to = Public/Quasi Public7 " Commercial to Low Density Residential I - Industrial to Medium/High _ Medium/High Density Residential \, Low/Medium Density Residential Density Residential to Low DensityResidential Lar (Large Lot ) to Low Density Residential edium/High Density Residential Ftmo Medium/High Density Residential Low Density Residential and Low Density Residential (Large Lot) Low/Medium Density Residential to -- to Industrial Medium/High Density Residential Commercial to Medium/High Density Residential Medium/High Density Residential Medium/High Density Residential Low Density Residential to to Low Density Residential to Low Density Residential (Large Lot) Public/Quasi Public Low Density Residential to Industrial 0 0.5 1 2 Miles Low Density Residential to Medium/High Density Residential 1 inch equals 1 mile NORTH 1-411110invil "Am Nl'i 0 ITEM 3.2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 plannem' nacplan,;ing.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Laurie Smith / Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: September 10, 2008 RE: Otsego — Zoning Ordinance; Swimming Pool Regulations FILE: 176.08 — 08.08 BACKGROUND The City Council has discussed the City's swimming pools regulations and has determined that an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance is needed in order to update pool safety standards. Recently updated Swimming pool regulations for the City of Elk River and the City of St. Michael were also reviewed for comparative purposes. The City Council has directed the Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing to amend the Zoning Ordinance as presented in the attached ordinance amendment. Exhibits: A. Draft amendment — redline B. Draft amendment ANALYSIS Other Cities. The following table compares swimming pool regulations in Otsego, Elk River and St. Michael. Otsego's zoning ordinance regulations related to pools are similar to those in Elk River. St. Michael has adopted more detailed regulations that require stricter access controls for both above ground and below ground swimming pools. The Elk River and St. Michael ordinances also address behavior, which is more appropriately addressed as part of the City's nuisance ordinance than the Zoning Ordinance. SWIMMING POOL REGULATIONS Otsego Elk River St. Michael Definition A structure n/a Any pool, tank, depression designed to be or excavation in or above used for swimming ground, or other structure which has a which shall cause or has capacity of 1,000 the capacity to retain water gallons or more or with a depth greater than a depth of over 24 30 inches which shall be inches designed for the intent to be used for swimming, wading, or immersion purposes by individuals Permit All permanent Below ground — all All pools with depth of 30 Required pools with capacity Above ground — those that inches or more of 5,000 gallons exceed 5,000 gallons and and/or 2 feet or have a depth of 2 feet or more in depth more Location Per district Setback a minimum of 8 Shall not be located requirements for feet from side and rear lot beneath utility lines or over accessory uses lines and must comply with underground utility lines of required front yard any type; 10 feet from side setback. Patios around property lines, 15 feet from pools must be setback at rear property lines, 10 feet least 5 feet from property from principal structures lines. and no closer to front property line than principal structure Fence Below ground — Below ground — must be All swimming pools shall fencing, screening enclosed with a fence at be completely enclosed in or other enclosure least 4 feet high and a fence meeting the or sufficient density includes lockable gates. following requirements: as to be Fence shall be installed 1. Fence shall be of impenetrable. prior to filling the pool. non -climbing type, Fences must be at Fence shall be chain link, so as not to be least 4 feet tall. vertical pickets or solid. penetrable by Opening between Automatic or manual pool toddlers and fence and ground covers to not qualify as a affords no external shall not be more fence. handholds or than 4 inches. All footholds fence openings Above ground — no fence 2. Bottom of the fence shall be equipped required, but those that shall be no higher with gates or doors require a building permit than 4 inches with self- must have access above grade closing/self-latching controlled by a removable 3. All openings shall device unreachable ladder or lockable gate be equipped with by children. self-closing and self -latching gates. Above ground — Self latching device Fence must have must be placed at Continued safeguards in place top of gate or so it to prevent children is inaccessible to from gaining small children uncontrolled access Construction fence must completely enclose any in - ground pool preceding the erection of a permanent fence Below ground — fence shall be at least 6 feet high Above ground — fence shall be at least 4 feet high Above ground pools with an accessory deck constructed within 3 feet of pool, deck shall be required to install 36 inch high guard rail. All openings shall be equipped with self-closing and self -latching gates Outdoor spas and hot tubs of any size must be covered when not in use and shall have a latchable cover or surrounded by a 4 foot non -climbing fence. Cover should be constructed of material not to be penetrable by toddlers Other Failure to prevent access The conduct of persons into an above -ground pool and the operation of pools when unoccupied is a is the responsibility of the misdemeanor owner or tenant thereof, and such conduct or persons and operation of the pool shall be done in such a manner so as to avoid any nuisance or breach of peace, and it Proposed amendment. City staff recommends an update of the Zoning Ordinance to amend the provisions related to swimming pool safety standards to address the following, which are outlined in the redlined version of the attached draft ordinance amendment. 1. Update the definition of pools subject to regulation. 2. Require a one-time administrative permit for any pool, as defined by the Zoning Ordinance, which is not required to obtain a building permit. 3. Specify that fences or other structures are required for all below ground pools distinct from screening. 4. Require more specific access control measures for above ground pools. 5. Address security of hot tubs and similar devices. A separate fee for the swimming pool administrative permit will need to be established with the 2009 Fee Schedule. City staff will review the costs to administer the swimming pool permit and make recommendations to the City Council in December. The intent would be for the permit fee to be less than the standard $200.00 administrative permit fee. Fees for swimming pools requiring a building permit would be charged based on building code requirements. Accessory Buildings. An issue was presented at a recent Development Staff Meeting whereby the owner of a R-3 District lot with an area of 1.0044 acres was proposing to build a detached accessory building. Section 20-16-4.B.6 of the Zoning Ordinance includes in the table below regulating the allowed area of detached accessory buildings within the R-3 District based on lot area. The subject site falls between the 1.00 acre and 1.01 acre lot size requirements for allowing a 1,500 square foot detached accessory building. Under Section 20-1-4.A of the Zoning Ordinance, the maximum detached accessory building allowed is 1,000 square feet as the more restrictive requirement applies. W shall be unlawful to allow loud noise to go beyond the boundaries of the property upon which the pool is located to adjacent property Proposed amendment. City staff recommends an update of the Zoning Ordinance to amend the provisions related to swimming pool safety standards to address the following, which are outlined in the redlined version of the attached draft ordinance amendment. 1. Update the definition of pools subject to regulation. 2. Require a one-time administrative permit for any pool, as defined by the Zoning Ordinance, which is not required to obtain a building permit. 3. Specify that fences or other structures are required for all below ground pools distinct from screening. 4. Require more specific access control measures for above ground pools. 5. Address security of hot tubs and similar devices. A separate fee for the swimming pool administrative permit will need to be established with the 2009 Fee Schedule. City staff will review the costs to administer the swimming pool permit and make recommendations to the City Council in December. The intent would be for the permit fee to be less than the standard $200.00 administrative permit fee. Fees for swimming pools requiring a building permit would be charged based on building code requirements. Accessory Buildings. An issue was presented at a recent Development Staff Meeting whereby the owner of a R-3 District lot with an area of 1.0044 acres was proposing to build a detached accessory building. Section 20-16-4.B.6 of the Zoning Ordinance includes in the table below regulating the allowed area of detached accessory buildings within the R-3 District based on lot area. The subject site falls between the 1.00 acre and 1.01 acre lot size requirements for allowing a 1,500 square foot detached accessory building. Under Section 20-1-4.A of the Zoning Ordinance, the maximum detached accessory building allowed is 1,000 square feet as the more restrictive requirement applies. W Lot Area Maximum Total Floor Area of All Detached Accessory Structures 0.00 to 1.00 ac. 1,000 square feet 1.01 to 2.00 ac. 1,500 square feet 2.01 ac. or larger 2,000 square feet If the Planning Commission finds that the intent of the Zoning Ordinance provisions is to allow the greater detached accessory building area for parcels larger than one acre (in the case of this property), then the following modification to the table is recommended. These changes would be applied in the same form to the other tables establishing detached accessory building area for the various zoning districts within the attached exhibits. Maximum Total Floor Area of All Detached Accessory Structures < 1.0 ac. 1,000 square feet Lot Area >1.0 ac. and < 2.0 ac. 1,500 square feet > 2.0 ac. 1 2,000 square feet CONCLUSION The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing at their meeting on September 15, 2008 to consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding regulation of swimming pools and accessory buildings. City staff recommends approval of the proposed amendments as outlined herein. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Tim Rochel, Building Official Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney 5 ORDINANCE NO. 2008 - CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE RELATED TO SWIMMING POOLS AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-2-2.S of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: Swimming Pool: r Any pool, tank, depression or excavation in or above ground, Deleted: A structure designed to be including swimming pools, spas and hot tubs but not including stormwater facilities, used for swimming which has a capacity of one thousand (1,000) which causes or has the capacity to retain water with a depth greater than thirty (30) gallons or more and which has a inches and which is intended to be used by individuals for swimming, wading or depth of over twenty-four(24)inches Immersion purposes Section 2. Section 20-16-5 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: A. Accessory Uses: 1. All above or below ground swimming pools shall be subject to the setback requirements for accessory structures established by Section 20-16-4 of this Chapter. 2. All above ground swimming pools shall be deemed to be accessory structures subiect to regulations on the number and area of accessory structures allowed by Section 20-16-4 of this Chapter. Deleted: Swimming pools shall be B. „ r ; l .,t ,,: Permit. An Administrative Permit shall be required for all subject to the requirements of Sectior 20-16-4 of this Chapter.f swimming pools. as defined by Section 20-2-2 of this Ordinance which do not Deleted: p require _building permit. Each application for an Administrative Permit to - construct or erect a swimming pool shall be accompanied by plans of sufficient Deleted: permanently constructed detail t0 show: Deleted: with a capacity of five thousand (5,000) gallons and/or two feet or more of depth 1. The proposed location and its relationship to the other buildings Deleted: p structure. on the lot. Deleted: principal 2. The size of the pool. 3. Fencing and other fixtures existing on the lot including utility location:-_ and trees. 4. The location, size and types of equipment to be used in connection with the pool, including but not limited to, filter unit, pump, fencing and the pool itself. 5. That the requirements contained in Section 20-16-5.0 will be satisfied. Meted: and 20-16-5.o C. All swimming pools as defined by this Ordinance shall be provided with Deleted: below ground pools for safeguards to prevent children from gaining uncontrolled access. This may be ( which a permit is required and granted accomplished with fencing or other enclosure, of sufficient density as to be Deleted: impenetrable. ,screening Deleted: , or any combination thereof, 1. Fences. _ If fences are employed, they shall be at least four (4) feet In' Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", height. The opening between the bottom of the fence and the ground or Hanging: 0.5" other surfaces shall not be more than four (4) inches. Fences shall be of a non -corrosive material and shall be constructed so as to be not easily climbable. All fencing openings or points of entry into the pool enclosure shall be equipped with gates or doors. All gates or doors to swimming pools shall be equipped with self-closing and self -latching devices placed at a sufficient height so as to be inaccessible to small children. All fence posts shall be decay or corrosion -resistant and shall be set in concrete bases or other suitable protection. 2. Accessory decks. Above ground pools with an accessory deck constructed within three (3) feet of the pool shall install a thirty-six (36) inch guard rail around the deck. All openings shall be equipped with self- closing and self -latching gates. 3. Pool covers. All swimming pools as defined by this Ordinance shall be covered when not in use by a latchable cover constructed of a material which prevents uncontrolled access. Deleted: D. All above ground pools for which a permit is required and i granted shall be provided with safeguards to prevent children from gaining uncontrolled access and shall be subject to the approval of the Section 3. Section 20-16-4.B.5.a of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be Building official.¶ amended to read as follows: a. The total floor area allowed for all detached accessory structures shall be as follows: < 1.0 ac. Maximum Total Floor Area of All Detached Accessory Structures 1, 000sf. Lot Area >1.0 ac. and < 2.0 ac. 1,500sf. >2.0 ac. and < 3.0 ac. 2,000sf. >3.0 ac. and < 4.0 ac. 2,500sf. >4.0 ac. and < 5.0 ac. 3,000sf. >5.0 ac. and < 6.0 ac. 3,500sf. >6.0 ac. and < 7.0 ac. 4,000sf. >7.0 ac. and < 8.0 ac. 4,500sf. >8.0 ac. and < 9.0 ac. 5,000sf. >9.0 ac. and < 10.0 ac. 5,500sf. > 10.0 ac. 6,000sf. Section 4. Section 20-16-4.B.6.a of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: a. The total floor area allowed for all detached accessory buildings shall be as follows: 3 Deleted: Lot Area Deleted: Maximum Total Floor Area of All Detached Accessory Structures Deleted: 1.00 ac. or smaller Deleted: 1,000 square feet Deleted: 1.01 ac. to 2.00 ac. Deleted: 1,500 square feet Deleted: 2.01 ac. to 3.00 ac. Deleted: 2,000 square feet Deleted: 3.01 ac. to 4.00 ac. Deleted: 2,500 square feet Deleted: 4.01 ac. to 5.00 ac. Deleted: 3,000 square feet Deleted: 5.01 ac. to 6.00 ac. Meted: 3,500 square feet Deleted: 6.01 ac. to 7.00 ac. Deleted: 4,000 square feet Deleted: 7.01 ac. to 8.00 ac. Deleted: 4,500 square feet Deleted: 8.01 ac. to 9.00 ac. Deleted: 5,000 square feet Deleted: 9.01 ac. to 10.00 ac. Deleted: 5,500 square feet Deleted: 10.01 ac. and larger Deleted: 6,000 square feet Deleted: ¶ < 1.0 ac. Lot Area >1.0 ac. and < 2.0 ac. > 2.0 ac. Maximum Total Floor Area of All Detached Accessory Structures 1, 000sf. 1, 500sf. 2,000sf. Section 5. Section 20-16-4.B.7.a of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: a. The combined gross floor area of attached and detached accessory buildings shall be as follows: Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: 4 Deleted: Lot Area Deleted: Maximum Total Floor Area of All Detached Accessory Structures Deleted: 0.00 to 1.00 ac. Deleted: 1,000 square feet Deleted: 1.01 to 2.00 ac. Deleted: 1,500 square feet Deleted: 2.01 ac. or larger Deleted: 2,000 square feet Formatted Table Deleted: Lot Area% Deleted: 0.00 to 15.0001 sauare feet lFormatted: Underline Formatted: Centered Formatted: Underline Deleted: 15,001 square feet to 18,000 square feet Deleted: 18,001 square feet or larger Maximum Total Floor Maximum Gross Floor Area of all Attached Area of a Detached and Detached Accessory Structure Accessory Structures When an Attached Garage Exists on the Same Lot < 15_000sf, 1,150 square feet 150 square feet > 15.000sf. and < i 8 _ 000sf 1,220 square feet q 220 square feet q Lot Area > 18,000sf. 1,360 square feet 360 square feet Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: 4 Deleted: Lot Area Deleted: Maximum Total Floor Area of All Detached Accessory Structures Deleted: 0.00 to 1.00 ac. Deleted: 1,000 square feet Deleted: 1.01 to 2.00 ac. Deleted: 1,500 square feet Deleted: 2.01 ac. or larger Deleted: 2,000 square feet Formatted Table Deleted: Lot Area% Deleted: 0.00 to 15.0001 sauare feet lFormatted: Underline Formatted: Centered Formatted: Underline Deleted: 15,001 square feet to 18,000 square feet Deleted: 18,001 square feet or larger THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 22"d day of September, 2008. ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator ORDINANCE NO. 2008 - CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE RELATED TO SWIMMING POOLS AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-2-2.S of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: Swimming Pool: Any pool, tank, depression or excavation in or above ground, including swimming pools, spas and hot tubs but not including stormwater facilities, which causes or has the capacity to retain water with a depth greater than thirty (30) inches and which is intended to be used by individuals for swimming, wading or immersion purposes. Section 2. Section 20-16-5 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: A. Accessory Uses: 1. All above or below ground swimming pools shall be subject to the setback requirements for accessory structures established by Section 20-16-4 of this Chapter. 2. All above ground swimming pools shall be deemed to be accessory structures subject to regulations on the number and area of accessory structures allowed by Section 20-16-4 of this Chapter. B. Administrative Permit. An Administrative Permit shall be required for all swimming pools as defined by Section 20-2-2 of this Ordinance which do not require a building permit. Each application for an Administrative Permit to construct or erect a swimming pool shall be accompanied by plans of sufficient detail to show: 1. The proposed location and its relationship to the other buildings and structures on the lot. 2. The size of the pool. 3. Fencing and other fixtures existing on the lot including utility locations and trees. 4. The location, size and types of equipment to be used in connection with the pool, including but not limited to, filter unit, pump, fencing and the pool itself. 5. That the requirements contained in Section 20-16-5.0 will be satisfied. C. All swimming pools as defined by this Ordinance shall be provided with safeguards to prevent children from gaining uncontrolled access. This may be accomplished with fencing or other enclosure of sufficient density as to be impenetrable. 1. Fences. If fences are employed, they shall be at least four (4) feet in height. The opening between the bottom of the fence and the ground or other surfaces shall not be more than four (4) inches. Fences shall be of a non -corrosive material and shall be constructed so as to be not easily climbable. All fencing openings or points of entry into the pool enclosure shall be equipped with gates or doors. All gates or doors to swimming pools shall be equipped with self-closing and self -latching devices placed at a sufficient height so as to be inaccessible to small children. All fence posts shall be decay or corrosion -resistant and shall be set in concrete bases or other suitable protection. 2. Accessory decks. Above ground pools with an accessory deck constructed within three (3) feet of the pool shall install a thirty-six (36) inch guard rail around the deck. All openings shall be equipped with self- closing and self -latching gates. 3. Pool covers. All swimming pools as defined by this Ordinance shall be covered when not in use by a latchable cover constructed of a material which prevents uncontrolled access. Section 3. Section 20-16-4.B.5.a of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: a. The total floor area allowed for all detached accessory structures shall be as follows: Maximum Total Floor Area of All Detached Accessory Structures 2 Section 4. Section 20-16-4.B.6.a of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: a. The total floor area allowed for all detached accessory buildings shall be as follows: Maximum Total Floor Area of All Detached Accessory Structures < 1.0 ac. 1,000sf. Lot Area >1.0 ac. and < 2.0 ac. 1,500sf. > 2.0 ac. 2,000sf. Section 5. Section 20-16-4.B.7.a of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: a. The combined gross floor area of attached and detached accessory buildings shall be as follows: Maximum Total Floor Area of all Attached and Detached Accessory Structures 3 Maximum Gross Floor Area of a Detached Accessory Structure When an Attached Garage Exists on the Same Lot < 1.0 ac. 1,000sf. Lot Area >1.0 ac. and < 2.0 ac. 1,500sf. >2.0 ac. and < 3.0 ac. 2,000sf. >3.0 ac. and < 4.0 ac. 2,500sf. >4.0 ac. and < 5.0 ac. 3,000sf. >5.0 ac. and < 6.0 ac. 3,500sf. >6.0 ac. and < 7.0 ac. 4,000sf. >7.0 ac. and < 8.0 ac. 4,500sf. >8.0 ac. and < 9.0 ac. 5,000sf. >9.0 ac. and < 10.0 ac. 5,500sf. > 10.0 ac. 6,000sf. Section 4. Section 20-16-4.B.6.a of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: a. The total floor area allowed for all detached accessory buildings shall be as follows: Maximum Total Floor Area of All Detached Accessory Structures < 1.0 ac. 1,000sf. Lot Area >1.0 ac. and < 2.0 ac. 1,500sf. > 2.0 ac. 2,000sf. Section 5. Section 20-16-4.B.7.a of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: a. The combined gross floor area of attached and detached accessory buildings shall be as follows: Maximum Total Floor Area of all Attached and Detached Accessory Structures 3 Maximum Gross Floor Area of a Detached Accessory Structure When an Attached Garage Exists on the Same Lot Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 22nd day of September, 2008. ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO W Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator N < 15,000sf. 1,150sf. 150sf. Lot Area > 15,000sf. and 1,220sf. 220sf. < 18,000sf. > 18,000sf. 1,360sf. 360sf. Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 22nd day of September, 2008. ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO W Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator N