03-02-09 PCITEM 2-1
MARCH 2, 2009
7 PM
1. Chair Black will call the meeting to order.
Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Pam Black, Commission Members: Doug Hackman,
Tammie Fallon, David Thompson and Richard Nichols. Absent: Jim Kolles, John
Thelen and alternate Brian Gerten.
Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Dan Licht, City Planner; Tami Loff,
Deputy Clerk.
City Council: Councilmember's Vern Heidner and Mark Thorsted.
2. Consider the following minutes.
2.1. December 1, 2008 Planning Commission Meeting.
Commissioner Nichols motioned to accept the minutes as written.
Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Planning Items:
3.1. Tiffany Huebner:
A. Interim Use Permit to allow a daytime -only dog kenneling
City Planner Dan Licht presented the Planner's report.
The applicant had no comments.
Deputy Clerk Tami Loff attested that all proper noticing, publishing and posting
was completed.
Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:04 PM for public comment.
Brad Groves, 5571 Quilley Avenue, asked if there will be Kennels on the south
side field. Dan said the property owner is allowing use of that field for activities
but there are no outdoor kennels. Mr. Groves asked about fencing and noise.
Dan said that they have not proposed a fence and that dogs must be leashed
and supervised while outdoors. The kennels will be inside the building.
Applicant and owner, Tiffany Huebner said she has not had any problems at her
current business in Princeton. Dogs will have bark collars when needed.
Commissioner Hackman asked applicant on the size of the dog runs. Ms.
Huebner said that would not be built immediately but they would be around 6
feet high. Hearing no further comments, Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at
7:09 PM.
Commissioner Thompson motion to approve an Interim Use Permit to
allow the proposed animal care, training and kenneling use at 5600
Queens Ave subject to the seven conditions listed in the Planner's
Report. Commissioner Hackman seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Planning Commission Meeting March 2, 2009. Page 2.
4. Any other Planning Commission Business.
4.1. Update on City Council actions by Councilmember Heidner.
Councilmember Heidner updated the Commission on council actions.
4.2. Update on future Planning Commission Agenda Items by
Mike Robertson.
Commissioners Pam Black and Richard Nichols said they would like to be re-
appointed to the Planning Commission.
5. Adjournment by 10 PM.
Commissioner Fallon motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner
Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:37 PM.
Pam Black, Chair
Judy Hudsgy, City Clerk/Zoning Admin.
Written by: Tami Loff, Deputy Clerk