09-08-09 PCITEM 3-11 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Boulder Pass; Preliminary Plat/PUD-CUP REPORT DATE: 3 September 2009 ACTION DATE: 12 November 2009 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 09.09 BACKGROUND Hans Hagen Homes has submitted plans dated 22 June 2009 and an application for preliminary plat approval of 118 single family lots on 71.01 acres located at the northwest corner of Quaday Avenue and 70th Street (CSAH 37). Development of single family lots and various types of townhouse buildings had been approved for the subject site by the City Council 8 May 2006 on as part of the larger Boulder Creek preliminary plat. City staff met with the developer on 27 August 2009 to review preliminary issues identified by City staff. An updated site plan attached hereto as Exhibit B reflects some modifications requested by City staff. The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for low-to-medium and medium - to -high density residential uses. The subject site was zoned to a mix of R-5, Residential Single and Two Family District and R-7, High Density Residential District in conjunction with the approvals for Boulder Creek and is now proposed to be zoned entirely R-5 District. Portions of the site are also within the Shoreland Overlay District of a natural environment lake on the property to the north. In addition to a Zoning Map amendment, the developer is also seeking preliminary plat and PUD -CUP approvals. The current application would supersede all previous zoning and subdivision approvals for the subject site. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan (updated per staff comments) C. Preliminary Plat D. Preliminary Utility Plan E. Preliminary Grading and Erosion Control Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. The subject site is zoned R-5, Residential Single and Two Family District and R-7, High Density Residential District. The developer is requesting a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the entire subject site to R-5 District to accommodate the proposed urban density single family lots. Single family dwellings are a permitted use of the R-5 District. A PUD -CUP has also been requested to accommodate certain setback flexibilities discussed in later sections of this report. The applications for a Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP are to be evaluated based on the criteria established by 20- 3-21 and 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject site is guided by the Comprehensive Plan for medium to high density residential uses. The proposed single family lots are significantly less dense than the level of development anticipated by the Land Use Plan, but consistent with community goals for a single family neighborhoods to be the primary housing type. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject site is surrounded by the following existing/planned uses: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD/MD Residential MD/HD Residential A-1 District R-6 District Rural Residential River Ridge East MD/HD Residential R-6 District The Pointe South Commercial LD -LL Residential A-1 District Rural Residential Agriculture West LD/MD Residential MD/HD Residential R-5 District R-7 District Boulder Creek The proposed single family neighborhood may be less intense than surrounding future land uses but will be well buffered by planned slopes between adjacent properties and an internal street pattern that discourages through traffic. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed preliminary plat will conform to all applicable requirements of the City Code. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 2 Comment: The proposed single family neighborhood will be accessed by two residential major collector streets with adequate capacity to serve a development that has approximately 250 dwelling units less than previously approved. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed development is within the planned east sanitary sewer service district where the City has anticipated urban density development and planned for delivery of services sufficient to accommodate this single family neighborhood. EAW. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet was processed along with the preliminary plat application for Boulder Creek. In that the proposed Boulder Pass preliminary plat has approximately 250 fewer dwelling units within the same area, the intensity of development and potential for significant environmental effects is lessened. As such, there is no need to process a new EAW and the negative declaration adopted by the City Council on 24 April 2006 stands. Shoreland District. Portions of the site are within the Shoreland Overlay District of a natural environment lake on the property to the north. The allowed density within the Shoreland Overlay District is evaluated based upon the area of 320 foot wide tiers radiating out from the boundary of the lake. The number of dwelling units allowed in each tier determined by dividing the area by the required minimum lot area within the Shoreland Overlay District. The Shoreland Overlay District also allows for an increase in density within each tier if at least 50 percent of the site is preserved as open space, which can include usable yard space. According to the City Engineer's calculations, the number of building pads within Tier 2 is two dwelling units over the number allowed with the maximum density multipliers. The preliminary plat must be revised such that the dwelling units within the Shoreland Overlay District comply with the maximum number allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. Access. The subject site will have access to Quaday Avenue and future Palmgren Avenue. Quaday Avenue is designated as a residential major collector street. Intersections to major collector streets are required by the Comprehensive Plan to be spaced 660 feet apart. The distance from the centerline of Street A to the centerline of CSAH 37 measures 660 feet and the distance from the centerline of Street A to the centerline of 72nd Street is 950 feet. Palmgren Avenue is a future residential major collector street to be constructed within the remaining portion of Boulder Creek between 78th Street and CSAH 37. The intersection of Street B with future Palmgren Avenue properly aligns with a cross street established by the Boulder Creek preliminary plat. The Transportation Plan also guides a minor collector street to be provided within the area of the proposed preliminary plat. This minor collector street was intended to accommodate traffic generated by medium to high density residential uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan and approved as part of the Boulder Creek preliminary plat. As the Boulder Pass preliminary plat reduces the number of dwelling units by approximately 250, there is not the need for a street with the capacity of a minor collector street. Eliminating the minor collector street, together with the layout of the internal streets, will serve to minimize through traffic within the single family neighborhood. Right-of-way for Street B is also shown to be extended to the north plat line to provide access to the abutting property. However, because of the slopes proposed on the grading plan, Street B cannot be constructed with grades compliant with the Engineering Manual to the plat line as required by Section 21-7-5.E of the Subdivision Ordinance. This issue is discussed in greater detail under the paragraph addressing the grading plan below. Streets within the boundaries are all designated as local streets. A 60 foot right-of-way is provided on the preliminary plat and the 28 foot wide street section is consistent with Standard Plate 112 of the Engineering Manual. Sidewalks are provided one side of the internal streets as required by the Engineering Manual. The preliminary plat had identified a center island within Street A at the intersection with Quaday Avenue; City staff recommended that the island be removed to avoid long term maintenance issues and facilitate snow plowing operations. The island has been removed from Street A on the revised site plan. Single Family Lot Requirements. The table below illustrates the required R-5 District lot standards and those proposed as part of the preliminary plat for the single family lots: Min. Lot Min. Lot Setbacks Area Width Int. Cor. Front Side Rear Bldg. Garage Corner InteriorInterior Quaday Ave./ CSAH 42 Required 9,OOOsf. 60ft. 90ft. 35ft. 35ft. 10ft. 30ft. 65ft. Proposed 9,OOOsf. 60ft. 90ft. 25ft. 30ft. 25ft. 10/5ft. 30ft. 65ft. The developer is setbacks applicable to the housing products they themselves build as developer/builder. In the front yard, the developer wishes to bring the homes forward to 25 feet from the property line to increase the rear yard space. Consistent with past flexibility on front yard setbacks, City staff recommends that the garage face be required to be setback 30 feet from the right-of-way to ensure adequate parking space and visibility behind the sidewalk. The developer is also requesting flexibility from the standard R-5 District side yard setbacks. For interior side yards, the developer is requesting the side yard setback be allowed to be 10 feet to the house and five feet from the garage with a minimum 15 feet between buildings on abutting lots. The proposed setback between buildings is one foot greater than would be required if the standard seven foot side yard setbacks are required. Given the developer's control of the project and the layout of house pads as shown on the grading plan, City staff supports this flexibility. rd Landscaping. The developer is required to submit a landscape plan for a required residential buffer yard along Quaday Avenue and CSAH 37. The landscape plan must be submitted prior to approval of the preliminary plat and must conform to the requirements of Section 20-16-7.D of the Zoning Ordinance. Park and Trail Dedication. The application for preliminary plat approval is subject to park and trail dedication requirements established by Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Park and Trail Plan identifies a neighborhood play lot at the northeast corner of the subject site to serve the planned development of the site as well as the adjacent townhouse dwellings at The Pointe to the east and River Ridge to the north. The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the submitted preliminary plat at their meeting on 12 August 2009 and recommended that the plat be modified to provide the guided neighborhood park at the northeast corner of the subject site consistent with the Future Parks and Trails Plan. The required park land dedication is based on 10 percent of the net area of the subject site, or 5.61 acres, based on the following calculation: Gross Area: 71.01 ac. CSAH 37: -3.08ac. Quaday Ave: -3.03ac. Outlot B: -0.95ac. Outlot G: -6.52ac. Outlot I: -1.30ac. Net Area 56.13ac. The revised site plan submitted by the developer includes Outlot H as a 2.01 acre parcel intended to be dedicated to the City for the neighborhood play lot. The proposed park parcel would have frontage to Quaday Avenue and Street D. Evaluation of the parcel for City park purposes is continent upon submission of a revised grading plan. A curb cut had been placed on Quaday Avenue to provide access to a neighborhood play lot, although off-street parking is not typically provided at such a small facility. The curb cut is off -set from the frontage to Quaday Avenue. If the City accepts Outlot H for park dedication purposes, the developer will be responsible for replacement of the curb along the rear line of Lot 5, Block 2. Trails are shown to be constructed along the north side of Outlots I and H, along Street A and extending through Outlot F to Street C then to Street B to connect with Palmgren Avenue. City staff would also recommend that a trail connection be added along the rear of Lots 1-2 and 5-6, Block 2 to connect the neighborhood play lot with the trail on Street A. The trail segment on Streets B and C should be eliminated in favor of a trail through Outlot E. The developer would receive park land dedication credits for a thirty foot wide corridor overlaying the trail alignment. The proposed trails are to be 10 foot wide and designed with the section required by the Engineering Manual. Grading Plan. The submitted grading plan anticipates significant excavation of the subject site. Material excavated from the subject site is to be used to balance the remaining portions of the Boulder Creek preliminary plat and will also be hauled off site. Any material hauled off-site is subject to the fee required by Section 2-4-2.1.1 of the City Code. 5 The extent of the excavation of the subject site would result in 3:1 slopes in along sections of the west and north boundaries of the plat, whereas a 4:1 slope is the maximum allowed. Furthermore, the resulting slopes would cause difficulties for development of the adjacent properties, particularly to the north. Outlots A, D and C are intended to provide remnant parcels that could be excavated further in the future to tie into the adjacent properties. However, these parcel create long term maintenance and ownership issues and would remain under separate control from the adjacent property owners. The submitted grading plan must be revised to provide 4:1 slopes at the perimeter of the subject site or there must be a permanent agreement between the owners of the subject site and abutting properties transferable to subsequent owners providing for the ultimate grading plan of the area. Wetlands. There is a small wetland along the north boundary of the plat to be included within Outlot E. The wetland is required to have a vegetative buffer established at its perimeter in accordance with Section 20-16-9.E.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. The preliminary plat must be revised to illustrate the minimum 20 foot wide buffer, which must also be entirely within the boundaries of Outlot E. Outlots. The revised site plan includes nine outlots. Outlots A, C, and D are provided to encompass proposed 3:1 slopes that would be intended to be eliminated when the properties to the north and west develop. However, these outlots would remain after any such grading and present long term maintenance and ownership obligations for a homeowners association. City staff recommends that the preliminary plat be revised to include the area of Outlots A, C and D within the individual single family lots. Outlots B, E, F, G, and I are to be deeded to the City as all stormwater basins, wetlands and wetland buffers are to be platted in separate outlots deeded to the City for long term ownership and maintenance in accordance with Section 21-7-15.D of the Subdivision Ordinance. The preliminary plat must be revised to modify the boundaries of the proposed pond within Outlot F or the boundaries of the outlot such that the pond is fully within Outlot F. Outlot E must also be revised to include the entire wetland and wetland buffer. Utility Plan. The developer has submitted a utility plan for the proposed development off of in-place utilities in Quaday Avenue. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. The preliminary plat illustrates drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of each single family lot as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinances. The slopes at the rear of the lots on Blocks 1, 3, 6 and 7 are also included in drainage and utility easements. Phasing Plan. The developer is required to submit a phasing plan for the subdivision with the first final plat in accordance with the City's development policy. The phasing plan will be included as part of the final plat approval and development contract in order to allow the City to properly monitor and plan for on-going residential development within the east and west sewer districts. 3 Wright County. As the subject site abuts CSAH 37, the preliminary plat is subject to approval by Wright County. The preliminary plat shows dedication of 75 feet of right-of- way for the north half of CSAH 37 consistent with the roadway's designation as a minor arterial by the Northeast Wright County Transportation Plan. The preliminary plat must be submitted to Wright County by the developer for their review. RECOMMENDATION Our office recommends that the application be tabled to allow the developer to work with City staff address issues related to the grading plan to ensure long term compatibility with surrounding properties and compliance with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1 - Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site to R-5 District based on a finding that the action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve a PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat for Boulder Creek, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts and payment of applicable SAC and WAC fees to assure the City of timely development. 2. A phasing plan shall be submitted outlining the anticipated final platting of the proposed subdivision. The phasing plan is subject to approval of the City Council, its schedule shall be made a condition of preliminary plat approval and it shall be incorporated as part of the terms and conditions of a development contract executed for the initial final plat of a phased development. 3. All single family lots shall be subject to the following minimum requirements: Min. Lot Min. Lot Setbacks Area Width Int. Cor. Front Side Rear Bldg. Garage Corner Interior Interior Quaday Ave./ CSAH 42 9, 000sf. 60ft. 90ft. 25ft. 30ft. 25ft. 10/5ft. 30ft. 65ft. 4. The preliminary plat must be revised such that the dwelling units within the Shoreland Overlay District comply with the maximum number allowed by Section 20-92-17.E of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. A landscape plan for a required residential buffer yard along Quaday Avenue and CSAH 37 must be submitted prior to approval of the preliminary plat and must conform to the requirements of Section 20-16- 7.D of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The preliminary plat shall provide suitable area for a neighborhood play lot at the northeast corner of the subject site to be evaluated upon submission of a revised grading plan and approval of City staff. 7. The submitted plans shall be revised to: a. Eliminate the proposed trail from Streets B and C. b. Provide a trail within Outlot E from Street C to Palmgren Avenue. C. Provide a trail at the rear of Lots 1-2 and 5-6, Block 1. 8. Excavation and hauling of any earth material off-site is subject to the fee required by Section 2-4-2.1.1 of the City Code. 9. The submitted grading plan must be revised to provide 4:1 slopes at the perimeter of the subject site or there must be a permanent agreement between the owners of the subject site and abutting properties transferable to subsequent owners providing for the ultimate grading plan of the area; All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. The preliminary plat must be revised to provide for a a vegetative buffer established at its perimeter in accordance with Section 20-16-9.E.4 of the Zoning Ordinance with the buffer to be entirely within the boundaries of Outlot E. 11. The preliminary plat must be revised to include the area of Outlots A, C and D within the individual single family lots 12. Outlots B, E, F, G, and I shall be deeded to the City in accordance with Section 21-7-15.D of the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 13. Construction of all streets, trails and sidewalks is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 15. The preliminary plat is subject to approval by Wright County and must be submitted by the developer for their review. C. Mike Robertson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Roger Stradal, DNR John Rask, Hans Hagen Homes E I] M KelI Aft - � � II�Ji `-� • - • C • • - I■`�y1.� / Y�'� wifgj�' •, .� Boulder Pass Otsego, Minnesota I 1 •, 1 \\N II ' rr ounm o _ j /i /%% l I 1 ^11 e 11 3 11 ♦ 11 `_J L_J l ,♦ // //r—>r— 6 _ /� a 1 1 v 11 `-JI-- u / // >r—�r—�r—�r--Ir-Ir—ii iir / J II L j�-J ,�'— <-� � 11 +a // II 11 II II II II II II II 11 r , / /N ---- I i.l -__J L- I _\. <_ // , II II II II II II i r/i r-__ 1 ^�, r, •� ^./C ,o II a II a it . 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II 11 ° \ , � i ,Is+�,i �/� / \ I I I I I ] II L- -1 L_J L_J L_J L_J L_J __ -'1 I � a- 4j \\\ oun.arr (- -` )♦ / �/ / �j /9P / Il � � 1 27 L \ 11 AM r tJ o� \ ^\ II �� 11 ,e 1 1 u II '♦ ii '] ii " ii ,0�1�, L�yp I (i 1 \<i'i» , �\ •\`JC --J L_J L_J L_J L_J L_J 1 --II 11 II a II Il\I �rv✓ / r ` I I 'I I OQ (�� 3 i/a\�� / L- JL J ,ii ]] �/ a: >r1r-�i—, r ->r_ -j ter -ter- 11 e1 II m II le I I ,e -J L- J I I II 11 II ♦ II a II a II , I e \ \\ > ,� ii 1 / r---7 L..rL— -+ r—�I ounm c J L� L—y ' amar e I E I ------ v I I --------- 70TH STREET NE SCSAH L().__37) ----- t -------------------- - ---------------- - -- -------- ------------------- ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - , - - — - - — - -'-- - - — - - — - - — - - ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- C� I 1 �/'►_[.■. �1.��1 svarwxr . e . e m m,p„ .r.ak.a a amx .: en. a awr.re. n ^" HANS HAGEN HOMES BOULDER PASS EXHIBIT B C/-`rison up w. xx rs mlm tlrtwn. a r�wm r w,m Otsego, Minnesota xxa.: nwl.s.,vm ea.e.,r,muv:wux,a::. aar ,e,.a..: ew:a:J— 941 NE. Hillwind Road, Suite 300 MOreaalOeut teeneee rv: nef).efars9 un:va aa„^+w rnenn,uwr 1 ow:� u�.. r: vw, ux:� Fridley, MN 55432 .a..zas,-zsomzs.z -ewe.. r..,vc.o c..v.... •ro .e_.....a v ...z� v, n M ..,� PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: BOULDER PASS -for- HANS HAGEN HOMES 941 N.E. HIIImlDd Road Frldley, MN 55432 Tel. (763)S72-9455 NOTES 1. Beaings Noun bacon ae based w Ins Nwln INe e, ins Swth -1 el Lha 23. 4 nn.at,. na.Ngr ah a,sa- bearing eroSautn B9n dWaas JB-taly33 eawM Ent. 2. Sa_d premises Nem w this eurwy as b N nand zone X (area of h%bhe flw '). --, to Hood Inwrwce Rel. MW Canmunily Panel Ne. 270747 02the 00A by Fadsol Emenc ergy ...1-1 Agency, effedha dale Saplamber. 30. 1992. 3. Boundary woo of Ins wrwystl pFemiseN 3,092.961! s4 It. (71.01 oaes). a. The City el Ot.ega 3ah. g Yap d"at.d Ihe1 the w d p neve rwy Is Twed s .. this sa-shtly R-5 (ResldaAIW-SNan gia d Tva Fam9y Di,tdd) and R-0 (Res W. -High D-ty CbMtat) .nd A -I (Apnwnar.). Ins prwaty rnliy zoned R-7 b pr.pned to be --d as R-5 (Raaldmlld-SNgI< and Tva F_Y DNtricl). Esh,W9 A -I awing to ,main A-1. Proposed R-5 balding .elbake and a.a. a. ea Idlave. 8.1hhhg Sslbacks: Frml chd Ske Street - 25 Int Rom Right el Ways (Vabnce Ilam 35' stwdard swing setback reaukad) Slde lot Ihas - 5' house wd 5' gwaga (15 Isal minbnum belveen binding.) Rear - 20 Leel Selbaak 1- Wady Awnua and 70th Street - 65 feet Single F -y Lal Ar requirement.: iNxxMf minimum 1.1 size BO' minMum tot -h. 90' vans lots 100' minimum fol OeDib A Ins v. -,d pramiaes ..I bow .ccsas to W.day A- N.E.. o public atlas!. 6. The field survey el this aIle -as co pietsd by Pianm Enq-,ing and ProSource EngNeainq. 7. Sn GroEbg Ran and Utility N-1 by Cwlaw Prolesalonal aerJ.ces. LEGEND a DENOTES NON MONUMENT FOUND AS LABELED o OENOTE5 IRal MONUMENT SET. YARNED RLS/ 25141 DENOTES WRIWT COUNTY CAST IRON MONUMENT DENOTES MIUMINOLS SURFACE v - I TES EmSTNG CONTOURS .s.0 DEMOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVADON - - - DENOTES PROPOSED BUILDING SETBACK LINE - - - - - - - DENOTES PROPOSED DR -ACE h UTILITY EASEMENT Ism I Isso I ssss, ENSIINC 201IING DISTRICT UNE PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The South Hail of Ina Saath... t Ehh- of Sactbn 27. T - P121. 121, Range 23. taight Cwnt,,, Minn.Iota, es tshg merefi-h that Dart of the Sautneael Ow -al Lha Swtbn.l Walsr of a.M Satish 21 deecrbed se IMlows: Beginning at Iha SaVlhnel soma of said SwNaasl iN- of Na ShaP...I Wwlx, thence -talwg the South 6n< o d Swtbea.l -ta, of th< -b-Oualer 645 leaf: th ce Nalheasleny to the Nath- cm al I W said Sautb... arts of ins Southeast Water, thence South dung the East line I-saf t. the D- of bsglnnMg. aacading W the g-11 I-, Iha 1 That pal al the Saul1_nt Warlar .I the Swthvnl Wena and Ihs Nh,thenl Warta .I the Saath-t W.- 0f Seclbn 21. ".ship 121. Rwga 23. W ,ahl C. -L, Minnesota, --d a. I- Bag 'a .t Ins N.rlheasl twos f said -b-Warta 1 th< Swlh- Wald: Ih<nce Swth W degree. 20 -sa 12 sec.nd. East. vum.dIng. dan9 Lha East Ilha o1 sab -t1- Warta al the Saathwnt Water a dl.tence of 676.32 l.el; Ihanca In 61 dagr.se 11 -t.52 ucw s West 269.26 eel: then. In 53 degree. 00 mbutea 26 nawde West 315.90 fast: Nona Nath 36 degree 59 mNpin 31 ssawds East 533.6{ Int: th.ncs nwlbea.lsl..2.35 ,.at d 2 a tmgentltl eurw canww . In nwlbwnl n.vbg a amlyd mgM 10ae.g es 21 minule at awde and a 1.- 01 550.00 Leet: thews South 53 tlsgren 00 mnulaa 26 s df East 1]3.93 feet la Iheepgnl of begNning, oc -ha, Io Ins g. shl eprwy N.real. new nouauT nere OVERALL PLAT AREA _ 71.013 ACRES PROPOSED M1h STREET R/W AREA - Sa63 ACRES PRO°OSED OUADAY ALflATE R/W AREA -1013 ACRES PROPOSED INTERIOR R/W AREA - 7.493 ACRES PROPOSED OAROIs E A' F (PIIBLIL OPEN SPADE) - 9.e1t ACRES PROPOSED WRO15 A ! D ((II''RIV iE OPEN SPACE: NTURE REtYtADE OR REOEIEtOPMENi) - 1.313 ACRES PROPOSED q on B * e (Prim =SPACE) - 5.50t ACRES SINGLE FAMILY LOT AREAS - 4049! ACRES 116 PROPOSED SIN LE FAMILY LOTS DENSITY - 1.66 UNITS / ACRE xMa ❑ F511B1 Professional Land Surveyors www..glud.com 6776 Lake Drive NE, Suite 110 pF3wPwy Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Tel. (651) 361.8200 Fax (651) 361.8701 SHORELAND MANAGEMENT DISTRICT TIER INFORMATION; DNR PROTECTED UNNAMED WATER /96 -IW (A NATURAL ENWRONYFNTAL LAKE) LES R11HN 1000 FEET OF ME PLAT. TES 1 THRWW 3 ARE ESTAH3SHED AT 320 FOOT INTERVALS FROM WETLAND EDGE. DER /1- 004 ACRES, ZEIN) eUttUING PADS IRIHIN DER. DENSITY - O LOTS/ACRE PER /2- 5.91 ACRES; 11 1XhLDING PADS NTHIN TIER; OEN9TY - 1.6 LOTS/ACRE PER /J- 15.69 ACRES. 35 BUILDING PADS RITHIN DER; DENSITY - 2.1 LOTS/ACRE VICINITY MAP SECTION 27. TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 23 (NO SCALE) F- -F � IL �Yy II �''4 II RRMNT COUNTY, WWSOTA GRAPHIC SCALE (wTQr) --------------- y Ire )a••. II/ " CA eee aaaa ��PL fP�EI eeeeesee�� NORTH EXHIBIT C -I I I - _ -m J L-r.e 1 n.,e6y cro;ly Inaf 1nu eaw„pM� ° d ay 1- mY tlN�l 1 ba _n an a Nly Ragiataed LPne Sar ansa thaa(���b`�^v�s��.1 ne slal�e."�P'I�'u�N�'n�.��,�'a'in 5 OmERWs[ srww a Tms eI.T. DANIEL W. MILER Oofe: I.-- No. -41 xMa ❑ F511B1 Professional Land Surveyors www..glud.com 6776 Lake Drive NE, Suite 110 pF3wPwy Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Tel. (651) 361.8200 Fax (651) 361.8701 SHORELAND MANAGEMENT DISTRICT TIER INFORMATION; DNR PROTECTED UNNAMED WATER /96 -IW (A NATURAL ENWRONYFNTAL LAKE) LES R11HN 1000 FEET OF ME PLAT. TES 1 THRWW 3 ARE ESTAH3SHED AT 320 FOOT INTERVALS FROM WETLAND EDGE. DER /1- 004 ACRES, ZEIN) eUttUING PADS IRIHIN DER. DENSITY - O LOTS/ACRE PER /2- 5.91 ACRES; 11 1XhLDING PADS NTHIN TIER; OEN9TY - 1.6 LOTS/ACRE PER /J- 15.69 ACRES. 35 BUILDING PADS RITHIN DER; DENSITY - 2.1 LOTS/ACRE VICINITY MAP SECTION 27. TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 23 (NO SCALE) F- -F � IL �Yy II �''4 II RRMNT COUNTY, WWSOTA GRAPHIC SCALE (wTQr) --------------- y Ire )a••. II/ " CA eee aaaa ��PL fP�EI eeeeesee�� NORTH EXHIBIT C -I --�ttt•mt!-iL' 35 !0 I / %•:- �:;, ' \ / M„8t,VZ.00S 3s 3HL Jo a3 0' 3�1- r •. i / � 8t'Z l� l (y b/ L 3S 3Hl J0 19 X tl �, \.� �� `�\ \ ��' •\\�_ -_'tea._;.♦''� \ Cb I vo �� -T 9J/1" - _1.-- l ::°.o ln,�t •`hti4 6•! ! l_ N \ ! �:\ '\� p.. W LU Z - ''� _._ \•-$:"_—_.__? 6 i is - r . C LU uj LU %\ •.'s�`'�_.C' CD CO3 i cooN LUr-----------.Jn:, - it 10 I o Lu q•---._''(%, 1 S3N °iQb l3 HS 93S 1 S133HS 9 40 z ANS19S\ L ---' EI ------ ] i VVV]]] i I- �''o-, i Ln 1 V co • / �....,� I 1. of Lsis�----- ♦ : .` :� " ���'�\\'. (� .moi R v ! 0 '^ m r GS 10 LLJ ' �. �i�, 6 y',/, ��� .,�j�rf 7?a-� - J� •a°° �'" �i� (amu ii Ag LU LLJ �. •/•��"�� � ,eb3-�..��1 1, / �,;� - 1 (n Goy 1� � ••` �-,. :�; •, 'i rte• �ni�'µgxFi _J ! %;A� �,� //;�I �,/rdp �; ; ,� �\\ W \ , ,' n '/•/ \Q\ Ift 1 N'I ° _ l!I � lr r p i / / Ae `\`� •1` ' O LM Lu LU le Q ,w .�• � 1 , �\ fid` no ,fi,wr' /V /..,+Y' n� ,4 �i � ,,1 . , t \I• , 1 .i•�i = V,) - m Qi W / � ; 1�,�•1` .,�iC�. '�l� i �' J li/� � � �I ,t -moi y�pM 01, o PRELIMINARY PIAT OF. BOULDER PASS kE. G. RUO & SONS, INC. Professional Land Surveyors m 6776 Lake Drive NE, Suite 110 Lino Lakes, MN 55014 T0. (651) 361-8]00 F..(451)361.8701 -for- HANS HAGEN HOMES SEE SHEET 3 OF 13 S GRAPHIC SCALE EXHIBIT C-5 /r u \ / u / \ ' \ N 11 BENCHMARKS Jncv, man \ J TYPICAL LOOT DETAIL --- - �-�-- -- - - ----- --- - - - - -= E -----T-Au'- ------ -- --- - - - ----- -- - -- - --- - - ---- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - :'�- - - - - - - - - + --C-�-- - - -r- ---- ----------------_------------>------------ muav°n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TYPICAL STREET SECTION I I TYPICAL STREET EET SECTION TYPICAL ST ERET All SECTION 110' R/! I v �i5ry,�, • I n"ona r�.o I w�i«� a rt. • �'�' ��• rr«.« d�.r. >aw«sr Wr _ .,i.� Lj.__ ___ ss•niaxr an,a, rwsmram r.onr mem, �v.:`.'.W e••�,,,N, - ra �,�,•� ,n M. WEB. n..waram, :eY::.m ,m .•w.e.. !;.5"Ew.r..,.. "`` Vii- „ EXHIBIT �.r rr,•, px.•se.+m ,..+v err a«m. m.,.w..u.. xx, r..,. «.. r,...:= HANS HAGEN HOMES 7 calCQ,ism BOULDER PASS PRELIMINARY SITE ism a ��+^^ o ^ate• °; •� d ,�K 0e* '= 941 NE. Hillwlnd Road, Suite 300 noru>ww�>tnvleu fm,lmsms «a. x.. Otsego, Minnesota &UTILITY PLAN .«r.an,.iq.am .-Wase,- u..,. v. .sw, r+«� Fridley, MN 55432 13 i 4 ,Iry,'.eyf:I\,�-tiffsol �- Fi /54 IMF �'�,pl�-�....., � ��. I��_..,.� ����, Wim: } / 1 �• r �\:._ \ � 1/�".\ ."� ' 't!/ I j"` of _.. � r \ BM — Yi popme mm—;4;p - 'COGti �\�\� "� 7\\�7. ���'I!f•�11a\,�rtit��i'1\������I� �®������ �II���i�l�����0i' ai/�® \I�g����%°" I I I NNig Me ■ Carlson 300 Otsego, ( SEE DETAIL) ' � I Y 1 I 11�iT� I � 1�� i---7t--- / / ---�-- \a---- \\ \ ••� - ��/� % N.W.L�885.7 /%% ,/, H.W.L-867.3 M. H.W.4.ae 669.2.2 y / ° -- — h — ` I it 1 i R LO -- 8 I I I • . 1 I i . 11 R ' ! } _ II 'I 9 .l l l ,,,• / // %r/ f%/ a ' I / R i R R o I eea.o o I eso.o o eedo •b eeao o eee.e I 19 Bead I o eee'ol j o ee].6 11 1 11 \e / t / �yy//,!! ly iwo- oo eeqoo seesms1 ! I wowo wo wo Wo woI I em.7 eex7 WU eex.7 em.7 em2 eea7 0 ' / � • T' / ' �fsa-1 Li I I I I J I I I II p II 1 �i b I /: T ,'r : '• /� ��`'� II II II II II I II I .' . / 13 I I 12 I 10 9 I / i I 8 I I 7 I I 6 li III5 •ji f -'' C` I.'tY(/ / �' �/ ' V Ti I I ---� I I I I ! J L_ I __ J I I t � i I ' ��— f'!i — •"'—', / ° I I I (I r > /��97/ I / � % A 'j ///j/ / / / / /// \ \ -- L -----' :. -7f.'0 r// y, / /i/ 7x I �ll I v % / / ' // J • ''/ //� / 1 ,,l �r POND III) SILT FENCE 11 ' 2 YR. H.W.L-!70.2 /� — 1 1 ,..,;I. I�/ / / %,:2° f (SEE oEruL) L. , f0 1rR. H.W. —670.9 ° K / / 100 ML "..L.67zo / I ! I -�— i +i� f // " /T 100 YR. By KW.L-674.3 ... - — / I /// //— ,/ / yyI I I� / y i - /G; �✓�� OUTLOT c74F I 2 H.. -67Qy/ / / / 4 %'a 1 10 TR. l / 1pd1p°MtRia g/—B.w.e763 / BENCHMARKS 1 1�' 11�•�fl Ij�` 'TM /lr JIIJI:I��ill EXHIBIT E-2 HANS HAGEN HOMES 9 Carlson BOULDER PASS PRELIMINARY GRADING & a VM�'�7Ve-,,,� ,'— ptl1axev= 941 NE. Hlllwlnd Road, Sults 300 Otsego, Mlnnewte •� Aeel.e.eew e9 EROSION CONTROL PLAN areown -sumo Frldley, MN 95432 13 / i r J \\ ✓ / - yam_"10-/'l/, /• �/' ilii �''�• ///%:� / }'/ ONR -BW OHWEILAND (PER DNR nM -7) \\ SILT FENCE \ (SEE DETAIL) \ 1 \ X. OUTLOT 39 i _, 5 1 II Wp I I ` WO \ \ 'l\\\ s_\ ``�1 {•• r /, � ,�_ 1- .. � I I I I I I o ma I 1 \ \ //�/// �,�r // « nb --- \ a• / ° .ead�----- -- �-- ,a a^ � i ,� I I 1 1 R I1 0 �(A /� �L� 4 I I I \ .. / �jl'�` Q5 • • / r-�- _� \\ l i �< ' r />; i _ -- 8S . r � \o �A I\4bs+° —_ • ,�" -tea u,,, '�20�� / Cp'�% \\\ \\\111 r �>� �� . y'% � �`�/ � '��.� - -- ,� H' �� � _ --� T� �_� r �\ • . ,� i o`o i� � R� � /R eesR /((I /�/ f.• J'� _ / i // ^/ /' /' �''�� .3 `~ — '� R\I1 � - - eno � ..— WO o o i� ' '�- —ase °0.� �� II vi. I l /�11 / • / ( //fgmokm. I I '( /'I i r $ $ , • \� I \ I III �J.5 1-' \ 1,1 / 1 i WO sego o seas o reser Wp I WO W0)15. "Jj 32 12 `1Qs Q ri^\�\ \ /O ( \- ` / IOgTLOT...,. 1 F jN \ Tao 29 10 W \ I 2 YR My / III B CHM KS \�\ \ \\ / / 1 j I / // 3 rA u i — o` \ \ / I 1 100 YR. \I 1 \ �±,,� Fewer\ \�\ �� ----`\ �� ii I 1� i -e Hi Le7>674.3 EXHIBIT E-4 S E .sw r a� ....... �— HANS HAGEN HOMES BOULDER PASS PRELIMINARY GRADING & 10 Carl= ren.: pul.w-nao a.•a°`..eu.r.m...r w.�.n rL.4'.- wp.a:�Ti , 941 NE. Hiilwind Road, Suits 300 a pssl�ssess ���.. Otsego, min EROSION CONTROL PLAN te, Fridley, NN 55432 13 SEE SH ET 10 � / UUILUI 1- \f \ \ \\ � , � /1`%/•O / `/ - =_- 1 ` \ \. aoNo 110 1 / �y� \ \ `� \\ \ \\ / / i ♦ ,A _/ 1 I NAL -869.5H 10 Yft. .W.IL=970.9 2 1R. H.W.L_870.2 _ V ^ I 10010o YR. h,w.L=872.0 / �7� � /� 1 •° __\_ 1 \ / I � I "1 / \ J / L 1 LII_ 1 O {, 1 1 Mt. IH.�.LJ,,8870.9 7R H.T!�L•f872.0 / 3 1; 1 B,H.WiL-e7as I / �/ \ \ \ I I �r a r � /q.1 .♦ i �`_1 3--i i \ 1r 9 i i \—'�/$j� '""1\ I \\ ❑-\ '. �24•\ I i W0 ( (\ L \ v� r oo \ i i WO \~ � 1 I// n � / 1 \ � / \ U ^' � � / � � / / I � � / / ♦ I I 1 \ J // ' `♦ � `�� •' - � __ I I I i 0 890.0 0 I 0 I I I � 98.0Ly /�, �X'� /1 1 i II I1� 1 /• / / �� / / / .^ \ // / / \ / `/ / - / // _ �t23 _ 3' ead0 w I _ t `� /- -998/ �- A Fr - -I --j4 \ I♦ � r// 1 // i i �- t '� — -�� r r - "°ao I' 1• S , R I I/ R I ?� R I I / 1 —' I i .c e°�i t ?9ao I. c eea o, /14 �/ / /i I/, ma.o ' aeas evs \� I SILT FENCE OETAIL) \% �\\ \ \ ,\\-- — // r// I \\� •—��"'..iiti.t. e.... �y�.......•. S. . ....'rr..-.��`� c•� ••— _—_ —�_--iii �irv)'"J • • —_ _— �__—_----_.--�_ — ---------_-- ��_ 3615 _.�- _.-_ — -- � _—=w �— _—_ __-- _a^�--__— �--eo.- � r � � /"-, moi =- _ _=11b---/ —/ ✓ �� _z \\ / �" ���// ., .\� EXHIBIT E-5 //�� Carlson '",,,,°se Bron •' 6'eshe ^•.^^wsv.v°^ ��.-^•,..., aN mea°�. my •" •� "^ �- %� ^�..^ , — °"ji°= ""..' HANS HAGEN HOMES 941 NE. H11Wnd Road, Suite 300 BOULDER PASS Otsego, Minnesota PRELIMINARY GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 11 of �„ nor[snoNu servmes o'61' ue — Fridley, MN 55432 13 45 OUTLOT F v I 700. B B NAL -f 7 J/ 100 YR. ByB H.W.L�874.3 12I✓ 1.F111 — . wo b'0 O i j x99.0 0 1 i ees.0 a I i C B5o40 ' .j'0 Bata -1 N I STREET – II / R R' o1.r 7- 1 Me R 51% R i aa..5, j I e[0.6� i eas s�.1 L'�_ I (� Carlson um �m,xx smsx Mom: ()b➢7 N9.)9x0 n0lYfION�I ��WIC�I )^�' ()M1l7 �BFAm .nnsmol.�n i R I "- � 11 '„ � 1 1 ��' _ � ,t'• .� '" �/ o w /S/t ��/ NAL 887.7 4` ( / �i /F�// 10 YR. H.WLL72., e , 7 / 100 YR. H.W.L-BB8.9 OUTLOT B �/• / j/ SILT FENCE (SEE DE AQ � I "• HANS HAGEN HOMES 941 NE. Hlllwlnd Road, Suite 300 Fridley, MN 55432 -------------- ------------ 11 BENCHMARKS i)cve ne BOULDER PASS PRELIMINARY GRADING & 12 Otsego, Minnesota EROSION CONTROL PLAN or 13 Boulder Pass Otsego, Minnesota I I I Wn.oT E � I 11 e I 11 II II I / Ir-�r-�r-Ir-�r-ii 41 it - 1===-' \ _� p 11 ao II 1 r� < ♦♦ ,:' �%l \ /I .r/ ♦ \ \I III L_J / I/ // is // fir -r \ l II • II ♦♦ )y'r j r ^\ / rr ♦ ^ ♦ \ 11 L_J <� // 11 l/ t• // lrlr-lr-lr-lr-lr-lr-lr-if-lf' � I 1 JI I s ♦�'.�'a �♦ - \-'J --� 1 J< // Il / �1r---7t---Err—Ir---+r-�r—tr—Ir�\I I ♦ : � ,i'; ,// II 11 y II • II a 11 1 \I t l � I `. L `VIZ )� /= vT'/ �� II s II II II II 1\\, �♦�/; ''a• � - .;� ___ ;--\ .\ �-/(` // II II II II II ' II II II II II , II ♦♦ �/ A . � yy -) �r -JL__J L_J L_J L_J L_J L_J L- oc op < ,♦ .\ .�./// m II ,) II I I II • II II tx II , I II -II 111 e ♦ ✓ .` I ' �i \ r 1 U \ „ ♦ I I ,e I I s II t is I I II I I /; I I 1r C'i /ta I I11Q, LJ�� �-- ri i/ v 1r --I r_, r-1r=lr-,r-rr--Ir- _ f'�\C ) ♦�♦ `\ i I r � N I r3 — -- ��---'/L_ ii m II m II to 1 I to 11 n II Ie II —._f �r 1r-14�, a \\ ♦�♦ i -_ I 1 r \ / I --1-JL__JL_JI I I II II II is �� I• II to II tf II tt II to 1 e I11 \\\ � ' i it ; i i j"1 II I L-JL_J II II II II \ I ) ! \rrr JL�L=_��_-1 I OYM1OT t _ /' WMT a i ; 1 I r -J I I _i_ I 70TH STREET NE LCSAH NO. 37Z — — — — — ---- II — — — - -- r�---- - ------------------------- It----___ -_-'-- ------------------------- r� ---- - - - -- -Fv --------------- - --------- -- --- - -- �� ----- ___—_------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - C7 / / I I I/ HANS HAGEN HOMES BOULDER PASS „< : 'os;,;,, ,00 d. a "" wa+t m•e. •� : .tl..e:= 941 NE. Hi 11 ind Road, s ice 300 ot- E X H 113 1 T B nsn.a•->9se o, Minnesota 1 �.,,, m,yt„.,� x.tw Ps1pm.�"x."+aw°q�.ww,�` P.m w»ns, u�.: ._ u,.:.x ,�. Ffidley, MN 55932 9 ,.ee0eef0011el AeNCee,.. •..-..-..- �.7 znjPEz�2y61-25ey�2562 - yaAtler Passs[aD�E.pswe�ne .� sHe evry s r i2aov tn5 tb w Ep, PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: BOULDER PASS -for- HANS HAGEN HOMES 941 N.E. HlMnd Road Fridley, MN 55432 Tet (763)572-9455 NOTES 1. Bmflnq.shown hereon are based m the Narin line of the - Holl of the $oulheeet o.p of SKlim 27. Township 121, Range 23, Wrigbl County, emto, balm -venal b lI of South 59 deya.. 38 mywla. ]3 MNma East. ing 2. Surwwd plemises Mown m this mrwy map ix o Flood Zm. K (arm of mNimd Rmdnq). accwtlhg to Woad Inwrmce Rote YIP Community Panel No. 270]47 0002A by Ne I`- Emergency Manag.mml Agency, I". dote Sep-- 4 3. 8 entity olr Ol.poh2mhp Yap Tdkaled Uio9lne .urwaYedaewin0ws .hoe)m m Ih4 vrwy 4 axrmtly zoned R-5 (RaMEmlid-Sn91e and Two F.1Y Dill astl R-7 (INdl-ld-High DmMty D-lIt) or,d A-1 (Apt -hall). Th. -ty Wendy zoned R-7 4 prop-.tl le M1 --d I. R-5 (R.eidmlial-SNpe Ina Two Fomly -t), E.Mlbg A-1 -hg 1. r.maN A-1. Pr.p-M R-5 builtlinq ..Ibock. and ave. d. as Idlowx Bul Mml and Ske Slrml 25 1w1 Rorn Rlgnt of Wow (Naim- Rom 35' Kdad-g -I- r -,w) SM. lel I- - 5' haus. and 5' w -g. (Is No min- bnwem W' -o) Rear; 20 f-1 S.tbarA Ran W -Y A- and 70th Sh-t - 55 lest Single Fanly Lal Mm rpuiemenle: 9000.1 mN'unum lot .Ixa 60' m m It wMlh, 90 cane b4 100' midnwm lot dW. 5. The sorwwd Premims wll bow IKea. to Wadey Aft. N.E., a p,,Nk .t -n. 6. The R.Id vrwy of IN. lite was cam WId by Pionem Enpineming Ind ProSWFce E. i,l-Ing. J. sen -g Plm and UMlly Plans by (AK4v W.Ildebnol ll -IIIA PROPERTY RESCRIPTION Th. hdf ihol of Us Sou $p!IM1aael 10u .1c5111 Ue 27. 5oulloi Ihip o?1. IrBol wtl1.35ec1ipanM1l2J ` r- p�tldlo a-tlnq BagNnN9 of Ih. -1hm.l cane of mM Soulhm.t Warlm of the Smthmel Qlatm: thence We.l dglw the Smtn . al mia S -then.± W> If IM S-Iheael 0,,- 545 le.tT Qmce Nalh... Ubly Ia Ih. Nlr .t Cana of luld --t -I, of Ne Saulhm.t Wal: lhmce S-ln donq the Eael IN. th'.ol to the I,- of begiminq. .11-9 to Qe 9owrmnanl mrwy th-c Tho± wl of Ih. Snutheael W.n.r of the SWtnwe.t OL.- and Ine N -It WKW of Ine S-Ibwe.t W.- of $.<lidn 27. TIM.ny 121. R. 23.Wfignl County, NNnemlo, d..abed I. I..- Be9NnNg of the Natbmst I= el -id Soutneavt Wala of Ine SKthwmt WaNer, Umce Soutn W degr... 20 mhuln t2 s.o.nde E.M. <pumetl -hl, don9 Ine Eon line of mid Slu - Wal of Q. Saullest Wplm o tl4lmc. el 678.32 ful: thence Nath 61 d.rym. It mN 52 second. Weal 269.26 heel: -1. N -N "' degreK DO -t.. 26 second. Wan 315.90 teat: thence N.th 36 d"q 59 mhwlee 34 Nd- Eael 535.51 teal: thence -4-I Y 42.35 INt almg o tangentid curve Idh o to the npinw..t namg a cent'. angle of 04 tleP.. 24 .Nuts. 41 .ecmd. and o ratllus of 550.00 lee4 then<e SwQ 53 d", Bal. OD mYwla. 16 eecmde East 1]3.93 feel to Ine plNl of beginning. acmdhq to the 9 -llnl survey DEVELOPMENT DATA OVERALL PLAT AREA - 71.01± ACRES PROPOSED IOM STREET R/W ARCA 106t ACRES PROPOSED WADAY AVENUE R/W ARCA 5033 ACRES PROPOSED INTERIOR R/W AREA � 7.49± ACRES PROPOSED WTLOM E R F (PUBLIC OPEN SPACE) AIII± ACRES PROPOSED WROM A e D (PRIVATE OPEN SPACE .RI, REGRAW OR REDELELOPMENT) � 1.513 ACRES PROPOSED WROM B R C (PRIVATE OPEN SPACE . 5.50± ACRES SINGLE FAMRY LOT AREAS - 40.491 ACRES IIB PROPOSED SN FAMILY LOTS DENSITY - 1.66 UNITS / ACRE LEGEND • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FWNO AS LABELED o WNOTES NON MONUMENT SET, MARKED RLS/ 15341 WNOTES WRIGHT COUNTY CAST IRON MONUMENT O DENOTES BITUMINOUS WRFACE -� DENOTES EXISTING CONTOLMS ..NK DENOTES EMSTNG SPOT ELEVATION - - - DENOTES PROPOSED WILDING SETBACK LINE - - - - - - - DENOTES PROPOSED DRAINAGE a UTILITY EASEMENT I I EMSTING URIINO DISTRICT UNE d�L.. yen I r I nm.bY <KfilY IM1oI Inis vxwK plm ,NKII ms w�� er Idol �an � Ty mP.rNsmm I eulY Reg4lmetl LNd Surwwr unep xm ub A.Avhw Ine(�row. al I/ne�s�(TN� al MNnesola Ab,dINNIuAi ssolimMY qwM '@w Ii. U`6w�ww Cut IN Ives -1 DANIEL W DBERM0.IER Dale: -MN` Lkmse No. 15.141 Ron�, INC- °""' Professional Land Surveyors Drive NE, Suite 110 sr..w.EI OIC WWW..geNd.aam 6776 Lake Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Tel.(651) 361.5200 Fax (651)361.5701 SHORELAND MANAGEMENT DISTRICT TIER INFORMATION: DNR PROTECTED UNNAMED WATER /B6 -6W (A NATURAL 1-40NMENTAL LAKE) LIES WTMIN 1000 FEET IX THE PLAT. TIES 1 THROUGH 3 ARE ESTABLISHED AT 320 FOOT WTERVALS FROM OPERAND EDGE. TIER /1- ON ACRES ZERO WILDING PADS NDRN PER: DENSITY - 0 LOTS/ACRE TIER /2- 5.91 ACRES: 11 BUILDING PADS WITHIN RER: DENSITY' 1.5 LOTS/ACRE PER N' 16.69 ACRES 35- PADS NTZNTN PER: DENSITY 2.1 LOM/ACRE VICINITY MAP SEC77ON 27, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 23 (NO SCALE) r--T---� 11 i 11 1- L -I- `' si J WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA GRAPHIC SCALE ( Ix Feey ) NORTH EXHIBIT C-7 •E� (�, � ��► ,i yNTpy � �eee�'e���Ae�a "MSy. y �J V49a �!��i PPE eeeeeeeeeee►� NORTH EXHIBIT C-7 1 SEES WT4IIF SH _M I ,„ L•% \ — L4--- ----- —� — r _'vim i 1 giy, o �%•^ I iF . wl I \ °^F o AI GI ,•+, 4°a. I, co avaepo 0 1 OD Z , a�rn vi 1. �I I� °.g I !P. I uL - p --- -- ; ~ Cts y -4 tn� _ - L ----- -----� I r---- -- aq-� ww ___Do.z_c ca O T . �o -r-- T_ s l m . �w -- -------- _ --- �AAs ''� to '• ,\char !' RP( \\ 'w I r It M a. C m CPw ZI IN h / M _ � i ~\7 '\� Qw t� / / ''M- i gig' % �$ . - ( i � I Rb •� �, � -� ._. ` e.. y 6 t i �. �; ''�,. (�; •����,`\ �� \ t � foo ("] �� � i /" �/ __ � lin �; \ �/[��• � - e \•\ \ L ` ` m ,Q \\�/ // V \ ye. / `\ OF THE SE 1/4 23 N 1312.48 _ - NE Lr0 ER OEF THE SE i• $0'24 48"W / \ v / THE t 4 of SE ._2r• u�aa�-- w o fl H p ! l i ' :h 1 't. �• ;a`'r r4� }I ; / PPI �y RZ COD y 0 M3 nySi •C� /. o (( � �)_ \ '. 1 1-� � yrv"_ Sgt �' moi' � �p R�,�c� ` '�..-- .�' 1 j I �!I! S 'j"`'t xccos - i • .., y 9 -- Z �- 0 O O;\ , a ^\I� .Sl �_ � /�' �� / / `/,: / �rJ l •/ ��i ,,.� 111 NYv \p\' 1\ i'. 1'1 ^� ji `4 �!- -` .:-li f fIF� Ir•'- ca � r IIee-jjp'" 1 * p��'a l �.r,,,l �.•C3. _- .a u� � �Q. � .i -J � '- ° � � i ' 'i .• . If rTj X JJ m mi_ z I t i X a G� c� ---—_�— —j \ ----- 1 -�---- ;vas, all `�\ k�`r 1 W I mf- b ��j I O 'A�s' I I� � I 01 ' �'• � '� \ 'L4 --- 113 ___-- SEkSHEET 2 OF,5 SHEETS PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: -for- HANS HAGEN HOMES Q P , SS.- ..., SEE SHEET 4 OF 13 SHEETS �i�•�r�r-f 1-- 9,esara.20.1�'� - , EXISTING ZON1-N'G-', R-7 t w._ !y OATLOT,F <�•,. OUTLOT F� 364.696 •a it <� . _ \ 1 ioi I .�� 2•%w e Y P8 -�� ,c> - - __.. i ,. ', �:; r ! e.2e °� 1a 923Us K. ,. ,prt �eWM•u.�l a21 °n•.. 1 I � 4'w"w` w''` °'n' �/ t`t t �.� i'i, _ 1 / ' 1 32 •ca it �I 1°1 .'j _ \,--_-_L� r•Y 1 Q 17zp T i 1 9R)o sa ie. I I• ° /, ��\v �Q 1 • I •. i � � I Ib >M OEI u I• 1 t1 K � G 1 \ i ° •�,i {, 1 u,ma as rt. - I - 1 ' 7 '\ {I _�,,. �/ ;)" 1� .'/.�• i i.' 28 oz)p..•.. PRQ�p'" •�. I . F I � � � _i: 11 II V j � • 11 a�. \ � �-�-_.' \ �'7 •q lit / r �..�`- r --1. __s— .' ) }I ` \ 1 �, { �/ F { ti 1 `y' �%: \ �� \ '�`,• ti/ i low,{ i F i oLOOTE7 3 =t s I I^ — s- i I 81S I Ir —�S r w r T_I _ -J m 9,60 ✓0. n\ \ 4- ISl c 6 1 17o i � _J � � { 1 1• \. 1 /� � �•``. \ v\ '�' ti4� /� � , �i 1 � I i . � 1 1 I 1 °6� ' i i � � I \ _ � �� 1 . %`•- t � t t > __�,--- �� _ I %-�`-. 1 = —� — _i i_ _ ' i i � 1 1 °S� � I- t 1 I= /,. V _ � ./ ,- � max- ,'� / ��_ -_'__ '_ _— =-_�—_ - l •.. Lu ERI ;,/ , \ - 1•i cif• ,�; \� .�._..—'`�I �_- `a ��?� ` //'^ ice,: �d si _ 1I n I._ ,�.I —-ir=_-=��r--s�1 r'—e -- >~ e- leas • 1 :�—' — — — T � " .' � ' �"� - �- \ — —` — � -t +' l i' a`^ 1 I „ I i ; � ' % I � 1i i / I I : j J-- _ � �i ------------/--�- / - � �------2.,`�'-, >� � � "`hhh i i 7 �o°` \��� i 1 +11 '; iii f,, i i ,rl'1---- ✓i' 1 i i / 1 i'--- 7 i 'V ^ a "� +i`� • el . �,bi r I .'i I I li I I 7 « l \ .t . I / / I (V i 2x \ 1 r J L-- t 19 I i Id e°° 1 ; 1.( J`� tT I>' . 1 ' f ,� 7-19-' � �°�' � 4 , �• . I , !. ''• '� � / 1 a..p�p. � t �— -- � I ---- Lr- .-iaJ� � 1 1 / I X I I �' / `` ism V 1 (. •L'• I ��F� / 1 'D fx I \ ',. L r _ x.a �a ,\ .---` - _- _`- \ sas - ees / B r .+ x_,_11' 1 0,. x ,as ail _ e.e; 1" s 9el�"sT-- /� / 8n6m ¢ 1 _.. - ._-_ , •_ .. -- � is _ -- - _�- --' 1 , J - -- --1'-- - ---t-t---- -- ------ - --� --------- - ----------- - - ------------'---------------- -#T:ago-- --- DHy - - - --- 1 - - - — ------- ----------- — ---------- -- - - — F 7 E_ G. RUR a SONS, INC. GRAPHIC SCALE Professional Land Surveyors ��' ,,.,„,,,�„w,,� m 6776 Lake Drive N E, Suite 11 E X H I B I T (---4 Lino Lakes MN 55014 Tal. (651) 361.8200 Fax (651) 361-8701 `"”"°'0b""'gym""'°""''""`�"`"'°•° ' t PRELIMINARY PLAT OF: BOULDER PASS RU& E G. RNR SL SONS, INC. °" Professional Land Surveyors 6776 Lake Drive NE, Suite 110 Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Tel. (651) 361.8200 Fax(651)361-8701 -for- HANS HAGEN HOMES __.. SEE SHEET 3 OF 13 GRAPHIC SCAM EXHIBIT C-5 -------------------- TYPICAL STREET SECTION 60' " TYPICAL STREET SECTION 60' R/w i —.1— BOA R/N aw i �ury ---------------------- y / V r \ \ N 11 BENCHMARKS / � i ndin rtl0�`mi \J TYPICAL xo � LOT DETAIL KI" ,min•>vx. sx•s .,x,u, m.x.a, o,r Lr ,,,, a—^-� en?scn�« I IP xeuinxcs ..m.,... r. wx ..xeor m:,.-,� �x.,�'....�`"�•�" ,-.,> :.�."�...m.x. �•^'E_.,, .,.oar:n,xx :.1.`.:..:' A EXHIBIT E> LCr�SOn z,eM�xwnvssw,ao ' .em ,nmmM.: M. " a... HANS HAGEN HOMES 7 W urou�a,.wi ":.^q'" :awm":�,arv,m, "" `� BOULDER PASS 71k RELIMINARY SITE wm,m: (sm xesrsoo , ,n .: �-� 2_�—Ki o.w.a: of 'MIesNONY tYY1C6 �: (nl7,esasse 941 NE. HIIIwInd Road, SUite 300 Otsego, Minnesota a UTILITY PLAN ,w.+.axwew.wm x•�—•x• •�3s� ^^•�-o— Fridley, MN 55432 13 IN W W." i�_q_ - _j:g ON 00 11111 omom 7 —MV, �x Jut AM '/\q� a. Mme',g impolls fall 01% 110., �12 Rill am OWN illy • • . R ZZA Now 01 MR -04- ME qgwmj'A IQ �p M 11- M -P -9 -4- M490 --t Y2� MAK -FM ft --- Ida i HA SHAGENHOMES BOULDER PASS N 941 NE. Hillwind Road, Suite 300 GRADING INDEX SHEET Fridley, MN 55432 Otsego, M[nnesota /��/�/�/ 11,1111 IIiI 1I---------------------- I 1 1 • 11 1 1 ' j {\ \� �� � i \� I --- --,_ •�' � l., \ • � lei � �� ---\ eae I i I •I \\\•: � �/ i\ ••': POND 2 N.W.L.-e65.7 YR. KW.L-667.3 100 YR. M.W.L-689.2WP / 7�I 6 R i � c i ea1.o o i � o endo o eao.o i o eec:a V. w _ >.�'� ^\\ ,��\J. t I I Sji eea•o � �`� 6� / 8 /%` ✓/ '/�epK' ��s°` / /// ' ////// --- –mss F/wBoo—, hw--oo–� /� �r�I/,aaa c aec.o o I c eao,o I o e9I I''II � /. '`//j// f/WO �' WO I WO I WO WO WO aal.x em.7 es27 ee27 8027 �"—IL' ii ii JI ii I ii ill � I 1 4 1 , P I / � � y 2 r:' /'• -`' /% // / / I 12 11 171 I I 13 t0 I I !I /% 7 6 I a_•„o 11 / I meg' / �, ! - / . 11 // / ,;T; �, / /�, ✓ f� //'// /l % l l / !/ \ \ OUTLOT F POND 110 I 2 � � too10Y0 R1Ri.YRBy. Hy70—.2 _ II�I�I`SILT FENCE 10YA. ,-03709 (SEE DETAIL) -e787LL-2o N i+✓/ /�•�” s� ��/ f1 / / \ 1111 � _ I» / -- _ ,,/ / w.L—Bas 90� 2R�HW�. -- // • 1TtjyLwaia. ��� 4, 7!/ // / l `al ���� % EXHIBIT E-2 H 2 um,w., xx swi< „o•,...,ww.,.ewm,>,.„.. m, HANS HAGEN HOMES 9 BOULDER PASS PRELIMINARY GRADING & nayuauiiancu ra: pw„ec-mc .., nr ,rune' 941 NE. Hlllwlnd Road, Suite 300 of r•,,,a.•,w.m,,, u.: ems. uv– Otsego, Minnesota Fridley, MN 55432 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 13 �!----��i• / //. , / /'ii. ,'. �.�/'ti��� i, /� i ._ �/ / /�� �� '1 \ '/' !i �.. JI/i i���•' /iii i /% \11 DNR WETLAND a-sw (PER DNR - 1997) // \�// 1T FENCE �/✓ */ \ \ \ \ \\.\\ \ (SEE DETAIL) 1,4111111, x -- \� \ 1✓/ / —\� ��" %/ f°(•/• / v i I, _ �i �i OUTLOT E i \\ `\ �./ � —� i ,� ,veoej— `•_�--. �e .o �t � 515 /"� �• ��_—\ �//,.' ` i i' i 3f7 � `�, �. I � - - « I \ 5 \ I � I I WO � \ i / /' //. \ 1L • i' f, 1 \ i 6 1.0 —� � i � ��. 1!/ ' —i � '��"}�I- _ �� �, I R ,,I o s,a \ t ,_ -- f.a• a � � ,� ///. / � f,--14/ r- - \\I\ \111 �,� �'� ' �// / _ /�f,'/`•i/ b M1��- — T- K \�`� r=te- D' t= __=� / - / i`�o` /R a9BR c // II!ir �•• l' � —� � / �/ / •�4//0� ,v a_� - R. t��A \\`eo-r.o 1\�~ \ �'// '�l° /r ae�a � ,/\\ --� � -- ti ///a�te r J \ •\ \ TLO 3 ° 2 \ ( T >//7i5— - 20 to n 100YR. \v I 1 \\ .xsnJt'n 1 \` \/ i i �`—� \ ///, /A/a j ✓_"`__ -==r- \N. L ea� 77" `1'R WFf 1 H. L.1 7d.9 ./ YR B 14H 4 B7.m74.3/ .... 1� ��- SEE EET 11 Carlson °° �._ ,� ,a�. a .� a m, HANS HAGEN HOMES 10 a'siie¢noo a�.�:, �e wu,m.ew ,..„,.:� b',�SF• BOULDER PASS PRELIMINARY GRADING & :�— °"O"°'= 941 NE. Hlllwlnd Road, Sul[e 300 of """�"""•0��"`°" °"•' '' """ °'•'' °- Fridley, MN 55432 OCsego, Minnesota EROSION CONTROL PLAN 13 SE SHEET 70 OUTLO'fNF"ne / ( 73.0 1 \\ \`// �_ �' •hey/ / :>/ - \ " _ I / / / \ \ \ ».s 20 / i I 1) OUTLOT F Poon no 2 YR. HAL -870.2 10 YR. H.W.L.--870.e7o.9 100 YR. y,W.L-8-4.0 100 YR. !Y-R, H.W.L 874.3 N.L-869.3 Jr�� H. L-701 / M2. H.V1.L-870.9 / H.y'.L-874.3, / /'• VA \I Jf `\ � (\ I\\ \ I I I ) 24 / ,v .� I \� Wim, \ I / -' / / / / � / /•� \ \\„/ / '-t- _ <_ � •ke � i R q ° I ° B i. i o� ae9.o � I ems' I I F'--'� �- // _ ' \ / / / / i / i/ \ I 17� ? R R / I `�)--�__�_ i 'Batu` R II/R I `'\ j / / / I � / // \ .�`_ , ✓«« _ � .,1, f eaao .\ I �A I I � R i i � R � . eR , i- i R � � f �� I I j °9°1"' i g aan IIZ J oe. SILT FENCE !zz _J LIZ= r EXHIBIT E-5 (� CC1��SOr1 xl,.wleomasw,.ioo---�wn,No..w-..�- -- M-• f BOULDER PASS PRELIMINARY GRADING & HANS HAGEN HOMES 11 941 NE. Hillwind Road, Sults 300 of rtOgfllONll e!lVICI! ���� �"a"'�'NW�-Or ""'a"'°"!"m" """ao.sraw.w.r °'°"-°Y'�--' """'= °"' Fridley, NN 55432 Orsego, Minnesota EROSION CONTROL PLAN 13 SEE SHEE 9 -- 73.0 o _m J _ . jL1/ % /dr/4`/ j�// / % / ///r% / 3 ' 0 / OUTLOT F N.W.L-869.POND no / 5' SILT FENCE 10 R. H.W,IG-870.9 "o I I ` ' � / / / / i• � IS'�p(SEE OETAIW 1�/�" �1 �' ioo R. ry,w.L-e7zo / I 1 I k !�_ -i r / <Y / / /- Ioo R/i H.w.L-e7a.a _ _ / (I / / / \ OUTLOT G // /% /�/ //!% 0o R H W.L-6 zo / • tor} R.e rywt-eu.3 �� / '' / 1 IM 111 JI) I ac.o i i pnA s i � e=, al R %5% xs.o i ! 660.6 � i 669.6 _ i" I � �-' , I / R<; i / R. I R I i i LO 6j6(1 / i' �/ / � -��• � ` • i T I II I y I /�// \ \ J 95 1144 /1 V se9.o eee.s I eee.o eea.6 Pauo 51- \ ^ '/_ -�/ / 1/12• // — I ' �69TA i / /s // ` /�/ N.WL-887.7 1 e1. L 2 R. H.W.L-86&2 s " 8 J $ I / 7 < /�=�,—�/rte//" �/ //r•--/��\`\`7 /- �"�►.\��'----��` X7`1/ �l /� �r % 11 // i 1� Carlson awum. / /t•/ij 10 R. H.W.L<868.6 U R. H.W.L68. -89 OUTLOT B SILs oer�n�L) I BENCHMARKS / �/ // �., HANS HAGEN HOMES —7BOULDER PASS PRELIMINARY GRADING & 12 941 NE. H1l1.md Road, Suite 300 Otsego, Minnesota EROSION CONTROL PLAN of Fridley, MN 55432 13 Review No. 1.5 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Residential Subdivision Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Tauri Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney John Rask, Hans Hagen Homes Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Carlson Professional Services Daniel Obermiller, E.G. Rud & Sons, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: September 2, 2009 Proposed Development: Boulder Pass Street Location A portion of the south % of Section 27, T121, R23. 71.01+ acres, west of Odean Avenue, and north of C.S.A.H. 37. Applicant: John Rask Developer: Hans Hagen Homes 941 NE Hillwind Road, Suite 300 Fridley, MN 55432 (763)572-9455 Owners of Record: Hans Hagen Homes Purpose: Boulder Pass is a proposed 118 single-family residential lot development on 71+ acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of Agencies: Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, (but not limited to) Minnesota Health Department Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) CADocuments and Settings\Tauri\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\09RYFWAZ\ot2281-RVW1 5.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY EXISTING CONDITIONS TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE PRELIMINARY PLAT PRELIMINARY SITE AND UTILITY PLAN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM WATER SYSTEM STORM SEWER SYSTEM STREETS DETAILS PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT WETLANDS ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION CADocuments and SettingsWamilocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\09RYFWAZ\ot2281-RVW1 5.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Revised Cover Sheet (Site Plan) for Boulder Pass, 9/2/09, By Carlson Professional Services Sketch Plan for Darkenwald's Property, 9/2/09 Preliminary Plat Submittal for Boulder Pass, 6/22/09, by Carlson Professional Services Storm Sewer Design Calculations, 6/22/09, by Carlson Professional Services Storm Water Management Plan for Boulder Pass, June 22, 2009, by Carlson Professional Services Preliminary Plans for Boulder Creek Development of Otsego, 3/24/06 & 4/25/06, by Pioneer Engineering Environmental Assessment Worksheet for Boulder Creek Development of Otsego, February 28, 2006, by Pinnacle Engineering Wetland Delineation Report, 9/19/03, by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. Geotechnical Report for Boulder Creek Development of Otsego, 2/15/06, by STS Consultants, LTD. City of Otsego Engineering Manual Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, 10/14/02 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 CADocuments and SettingsUami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\09RYFWAZ\ot2281-RVW1 5.doc SUBDIVISION CONFIGURATION, LOT SIZE, DENSITY 1. The current zoning is R-5 and R-7. All R-7 zoning is proposed to be rezoned as R-5. All proposed lot sizes, widths, and depths meet the minimums for R-5 zoning. (20-66-6.A) 2. A minimum 35' building setbacks from the right of way along local streets required for R-5 zoning. A variance is being requested to allow 25' setbacks. Also, a minimum required side yard setback of 7' is required but only 5' is proposed. The preliminary plat notes that a minimum of 15' between buildings is required. (20-66-6.C) 3. A portion of the development is within the Shoreland Overlay district of the pond to the north of the plat. This pond is considered a Natural Environmental Lake and therefore tiers are set 320' apart and an average floor area ratio of 0.038. (20- 92-17.D&E) Therefore the allowable floor area for: a. Tier #1 is 99.3 Sq.Ft. = 0 units (at 2,000 Sq.Ft. per unit) b. Tier #2 is 19,565.4 Sq.Ft. = 9.78 units (at 2,000 Sq.Ft. per unit) c. Tier #3 is 82,879.8 Sq.Ft. = 41.44 units (at 2,000 Sq.Ft. per unit) (these assume the maximum density increases allowed by 20-92-17.E.3.b) Based on these numbers and assumptions only Tier #2, which proposes 11 building pads, is over the maximum density allowed. EXISTING CONDITIONS All utility information (size, type, invert elevations, etc.) for all utilities within 150' of the boundary line must be provided. Most of this information has been included in the proposed utility/grading plans but should be included in the existing condition plans also. (Attached is an as -built plan for Quaday Avenue with some of the missing information) 2. The boundary lines of the adjoining properties and the names of ownership are required. A contact name and phone number for the developer shall also be included in the plans. 3. The normal water and 100 -yr high water elevations are needed for all ponds/wetlands within 150' of the boundaries. CADocuments and SettingsWamilocal SettingsWemporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\09RYFWAZ\ot2281-RVW1 5.doc TRAFFIC/ACCESS ISSUE 1. Access to the plat is being provided via a single entrance off Quaday Avenue. The location proposed for this entrance (Street A) agrees with the location approved with Boulder Creek preliminary plat. PRELIMINARY PLAT The existing pond in the northwest corner of the plat shall be covered by an Outlot, up to the 100 -yr high water level (HWL), and the outlot deeded to the City. 2. Outlots shall cover ponds up to the 100 -yr HWL and wetlands including the wetland buffers. The corner of Lot 28, Block 3 is within the 100 -yr HWL of the pond. 3. Side and rear lot lines shall be extended to eliminate Outlots A, C, D, and portions of E. 4. The ROW shall be rounded with a 10' radius at all intersections. 5. The transition at all cul-de-sacs shall be made with a 60' radius. 6. The R.O.W. along C.S.A.H. 37 is subject to county approval. The preliminary plat currently depicts 75' of R.O.W. with 65' setbacks from the R.O.W. along C.S.A.H. 37. 7. Streets shall be named in accordance to the Wright County grid naming system. This may be addressed at the time of Final Platting. Depict the easements and setbacks associated with the ponds and wetlands. Please verify that the proposed lots are not inside wetland setbacks. PRELIMINARY SITE & UTILITY PLAN 1. See comment #2, Subdivision Configuration, Lot Size, and Density regarding the typical lot detail's setbacks. 2. The watermain and sanitary sewer is proposed to make new connections at the intersection of Street A and Quaday Avenue. Stubs for both the water and sanitary sewer were provided with the construction of Quaday Avenue approximately 350' to the north. The new location and connection point will not be allowed since making these new connections would require Quaday Avenue to be dug up and repaired. The provided existing utility stubs shall be used. CADocuments and SettingsWamilocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\OgRYFWAZ\ot2281-RVW1 5.doc 3. The existing bituminous is mislabeled 8' wide. It is 10' wide and the new proposed trail shall also be 10' wide. Revise the typical sections. 4. The bituminous trail shall have a minimum thickness 2 '/i". Revise the typical sections. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 1. The sanitary sewer must be extended to the property lines at both ends of Street B. 2. The maximum spacing between water valves is 800'. Additional valves are required along Street B and Street C. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The watermain must be extended to the property lines at both ends of Street B. 2. The geotechnical report submitted with Boulder Creek preliminary plat identified a ground water elevation in the range of 868-871. Plugs are required on all hydrants below the ground water elevation. STORM SEWER SYSTEM 1. The proposed storm sewer sizes, inverts, and rim elevations are missing from the plans but based on the storm sewer calculations included with the stormwater management plan submittal the storm sewer appears to provide adequate capacity, grade, and cover across the entire site. 2. The NWL, 2 -Year, 10 -Year, and 100 -Year HWL shall be labeled for all proposed and existing sedimentation ponds and wetlands. STREETS 1. The typical street sections shall be based on a geotechnical engineers R -value recommendation. DETAILS 1. Street sections have been selected based on a geotechnical engineer recommended R -value. The class 5 aggregate shall meet "modified" specifications. 2. The bituminous trail shall be 10' wide and have a minimum thickness 2 '/2". Also the bituminous mix called out in the detail path's typical section does not agree with the mix in the rest of the typical sections. CADocuments and SettingsUamilocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\09RYFWAZ\ot2281-RVW1 5.doc PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN The soil borings shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.B.8.) 2. The existing grade of Quaday Avenue at the intersection of Street A should be labeled. A cross gutter may be required if the grade is less than 1% across the intersection. 3. Depict the 20' wetland buffer zone around the wetland in Outlot E. 4. The slopes along the property boundary are shown at a 3:1 in many areas. A maximum 4:1 finished slope is required. 5. In the areas with a steep slope near the property boundary a flatter buffer zone between the adjacent property and the beginning of the cut slope is required to prevent any washout gullies from extending onto the adjacent property. 6. The grading of the property creates a severe change in elevation (lower) from the existing lay of the land and therefore slopes of 3:1 slopes are required in order to tie into the adjacent existing ground. We have received a concept sketch plan for the Darkenwald property to the north. The sketch plan does show that the property to the north can be made to fit to the proposed grading of Boulder Pass and River Ridge but significant grading is required to develop the Darkenwald property. The sketch plan also shows the need for additional grading within the Boulder Pass development in the future when north property is developed. Some form of comprehensive long term grading agreement between the three larger property owners and the City will be required. (Emmerich, Darkenwald, and Hans Hagen Homes) SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 1. The storm water management plan meets the design requirements for soil curve numbers (CN), times of concentration (tc), pond sizing, runoff rate control, and storm sewer design set forth in the Otsego Engineering Manual. The hydrology model is being further reviewed to verify the effects on the downstream regional City ponds on the east and west side of Quaday Avenue. WETLANDS 1. It appears that no wetlands are proposed to be impacted. A copy of the wetland Notice of Decision is required. ENVIRONMENTAL 1. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site is required. (21-6- 2.B.10) CADocuments and SettingsWami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\09RYFWAZ\ot2281-RVW1 5.doc 2. A geotechnical report with an R -value recommendation is required. The soil borings shall be depicted in the grading plans. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Due to the nature and potential impacts of some of the issues mentioned above (particularly the long term grading issues), we cannot recommend approval until the above comments are addressed. CADocuments and Settings\Tami\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\09RYFWAZ\ot2281-RVW1 5.doc