03-06-96 PCCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 8 P OTSEGO CITY HALL MARCH 6,19% 1 Chair will call meeting�o order_ Chair Carl Swenson called the March 6, 1996 Planning Commission to order at 8 PM. Roll 11: Arleen Nagel, Bruce Rask, Eugene Goenner, Ing Roskaft, Carl Swenson, Richard Nichols, Council Representative Larry Fournier and Elaine Beatty, City Clerk Zoning Administrator. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of Februar; 21, 1996_ Bruce Rask motioned approval of the February 21, 1996 Planning Commission Minutes. Seconded by Ing Roskaft. All in favor. Motion carried. Hearing for Chris and Linda Bulow, Bulow, Tnnc,PO Box 506, Elk River, MN_. Pro e�rty Owners are Gary and Carol Sorenson, 13603 95th Street NE, Otsego. PID # 115-010-001010, Section 17, Township 121, Range 23, Blocks 1,2.3,20.21-22,23.24,25,42,43,44.45.46 and 47, excepting there from the N230' of the W 250' of Block 47. said land to include all the streets adjoining or contignons to the same, all in the Toy=onsite of Otsego according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Wright County Recorder, in the County of Wright. City of MN. Property lies South of County Road 39 and East of Nashua Avenue NE Request is for: 1 Rezone from A-1, General AG to PLJD, Planned Unit Development. I Preliminary Plat - SingleFamily Subdivision. Elaine Beatty stated the applicant, Chris Bulow, has requested to continue this Hearing. Ing Roskaft motioned to continue the Public Hearing to March 20, 1996, 8 PM, at the request of the applicant. Arleen Nagel seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 4- Any other Planning Commission Business- A- Discussion of Meeting_ Procedure Memo_ Chair Swenson explained this proposed Meeting Procedure resulted from residents stating they are not able to get their thoughts together quickly, and after the Planning Commission discussion they have more questions and would like to be heard. The new Procedure would not close the Public Hearing until after the Planning Commission Comments and additional Public Comment. After that, the Chair will call for a motion. Chair Swenson stressed that he doesn't want a dialog going on. He also discussed this with David Licht, Planning Commission Meeting of March 6,19%, cont'd. Page 2. who supports this new procedure. Chair Swenson also said there are no legal objections. Eugene Goenner motioned to recommend sending the new Hearing Procedure to the City Council for reviewal and comment. Seconded by Ing Roskaft. All in favor. Motion carried. Larry Fournier commented that he discussed this with Chair Swenson and he supports this recommendation. The Chair noted this procedure will be on the back of all Planning Commission Agendas. Other B usin ss_Richard Nichols brought up the proposed Feedlot Ordinance which all members received a copy of and also received copies of all the minutes and other documents for review. Mr. Nichols pointed out a few notations: Page 4, 1913, not comma but "or" Page 12 - Item 5 - 1st section, insert "15" 2nd line between Feedlots within one- half mile. Section B #4, 20-38- "5" not 3. 5. Take out determined appropriate - insert "required". 6. 20-38-6 - should read 20-38-"8". This will be on the March 11, 1996 City Council Agenda for consideration of setting a propose Hearing Date of April 3, 1996 at the Planning Commission. The proposed ordinance will be reviewed at the March 20, 1996 Planning Commission Meeting. C *ros s WiTWOTaTi � �I �M-e The video was viewed by the Planning Commission after the meeting adjourned. Richard Nichols motioned to adjourn. Ing Roskaft seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Bruce Rask, Secretary Recorded by: Judy Hudson jeh