03-20-06 PCCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 8 P OTSEGO CITY HALL MARCH 20, 1996 1 _ Chair will call meeting to order. Chair Swenson called the March 20, 1996 Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8 PM. Roll Call: Arleen Nagel, Jim Kolles, Bruce Rask, Carl Swenson, Eugene Goenner, Richard Nichols, Ing Roskaft. Larry Fournier, Council Representative. Staff: Bob Kirmis, Assistant Planner, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. Ing Roskaft motioned to accept the February 6, 1996 Planning Commission Minutes. Seconded by Richard Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried. Elaine Beatty reported that due to engineering problems, Mr. Bulow has asked for a continuation. Ing Roskaft motioned to continue this Hearing to April 3, 1996 at 8 PM. Seconded by Eugene Goenner. All in favor. Motion carried. Chair Swenson suggested that the Planner, Attorney and Engineer prepare a report regarding the Feedlot Ordinance and information would be presented while the public is in attendance at the Public Hearing. Mr. Kirmis suggested a memo outlining major proponents and summary of ordinance. Richard Nichols asked for the major items displayed on the overhead. (4 main sections) It was decided to have Mr. Kirmis put together the information from all of the professionals. The Planning Commission commended Mr. Nichols and the sub -committee for the fine job they did with this ordinance. Planning Commission Minutes of March 20, 1996, contd. Page 2. Eugene Goenner pointed out the following concerns he had with the ordinance. Page 1. Commercial Feedlot Mr. Goenner said this should be deleted. (Mr. Nichols noted that this is what is being recommended) Page 4. 20. Steer Slopes, Shouldn't be built on steep slopes, but there is a need to establish a setback from them. Page 7. 20-38-4. Prohibited Feedlots, Mr. Goenner felt there are enough restrictions with the handling and the number of animal units, that we wouldn't have to set a maximum number. Page 8. H_ Variance Mr. Goenner felt a resident should be able to request a variance. Page 8. 20-38-6. A- lf someone wants to put in a feedlot where the grass can't grow, they will have to map out a large portion just to have one animal. Mr. Goenner feels that just to live by the MPCA Rules is enough. Elaine Beatty said a copy of ordinance was sent to the MPCA. Page 9. 20-38-6_ F. Mr. Goenner stated this is too restrictive. Page 9 and 10. 20-38-7. B. Mr. Goenner worked up a City Map defining the places where a feedlot could go using the restrictions under the proposed ordinance. The map showed, according to Mr. Goenner, very few areas where a feedlot could go in. Page 10, Item 10, Mr. Goenner doesn't agree with this and he felt the intent of this ordinance was to be cut and dry and the City Council shouldn't have the right to increase setbacks at their discretion. Page 11, 20-38-8. Mr. Goenner would like a double asterisk by Platted Subdivisions with reference to "If resident requests it". Page 12, 20-38-9. A. 5. He said this would also apply to all the spot zoning. Page 12, 20-38-9_ B_ 1_ Mr. Goenner said this should not interfere with the design of the building. Planning Commission Minutes of March 20,19%, cont'd. Page 3. Page 13. 20-3R-11. A_ Mr. Goenner wants a point of clarification for this item in regards to if the feedlot is sold, would the previous operator be held responsible or the new operator? Page 13. 20-38-11. B. This is required by the State in Section 20-38-9 and should try to be in compliance with each other. Mr. Goenner would also like added to the Ordinance that a CUP is contingent upon approval of the MPCA permit. The Planning Commission briefly discussed the proposed ordinance. Mr. Nichols went over with the Planning Commission the sources of information. There was further discussion regarding pollution concerns, animals unit numbers, setbacks and concern with obtaining permission from neighboring residents for spreading. Larry Fournier stated it was the intent of the ordinance not to put any restrictions on existing operations. Discussion by the Planning Commission did not result in any recommendations at this time. The Planning Commission will propose any changes at the Public Hearing. None Ing Roskaft motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Bruce Rask. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. Bruce Rask, Secretary Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk jeh