07-17-96 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 17, 1996 8:00 PM 1 Chair Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8:00 PM. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Carl Swenson, Chair, Bruce Rask, Ing Roskaft, Richard Nichols, Eugene Goenner, Arleen Nagel Absent: Jim Kolles Council Representative, Suzanne Ackerman Staff: Bob Kirmis, Assistant Planner, Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk, Carol A. Olson, Secretary. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minute-, of June 19,1996* Chair Swenson noted that Jim Kolles absence was an excused absence. Ing Roskaft motioned to approve June 19, 1996 Planning Commission Minutes with correction. Richard Nichols seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Hearing - U S West New Vector, Kent Sticha, 2510 Mendelssohn Ave_ 1. A CUP for a telephone transmission facility which exceeds the height limits of the A-1 Agricultural Zoning. Property of David and Lynell A. Becker. 6155 Kadler Avenue NE. Chair Swenson stated the applicants CUP request and asked Judy Hudson if the proper publishing and posting have been done. Judy Hudson - answered yes Mr. Kirmis - U S West has requested a CUP to allow the construction of a 100 foot self- supporting tower and cellular antenna. The leased parcel is located south of Co.Rd.37 and west of Kadler Avenue. In conjunction with this tower construction of a 288 square foot equipment building has also been proposed. According to the Zoning Ordinance telephone transmission or receiving facilities which exceed the height limits of the applicable zoning district (A-1, Agricultural Rural Service) requires a CUP. The A-1 maximum height limit is 45 feet. There are two existing towers within 600 feet of the proposed tower. A co -location would be preferred limiting the number of towers. NAC recommends approval of CUP request with eight conditions listed in NAC report dated July 10, 1996. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of July 17, 1996 cont'd Page 2 The Attorney's report dated July 17, 1996, indicated that the city's concern is limiting the number of cellular and wireless communication towers and can request that the applicant make an attempt for co -location of these facilities and demonstrate to the City that honest attempts have been made to co -locate. The City Attorney agrees with NAC's recommendation to approve the applicants request. Kent Sticha, U S West representative - attempts were made to co -locate. UPA and WDAY expressed concerns because the existing towers are older and adding to the towers is not an alternative due to safety concerns and maximum load. Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public. Loren Nagel 8102 Needham Avenue - Concerned with number of towers. Asked Mr. Sticha how Ing Roskaft asked if this request is granted could the city have in writing the reasons for not co -locating with UPA and WDAY. Kent Sticha stated that he could do that. Richard Nichols agreed with Ing Roskaft. Eugene Goenner - if expansion is needed, could power be increased on current tower without additional towers. large an area the tower would service and if there are plans for more towers. Mr. Sticha - generally covers six or seven mile area. Servicing Elk River, Monticello and U S W providing better coverage to St. Michael and Albertville. There are no plans for additional towers, depending on growth. Bernice Waxweiller 6172 Jason Avenue - opposed to tower and exceeding the height limits. Suggests that the city lease to these companies for the revenue. Concern is to get away from farming and seek more things like this and end up with stuff all over. Lynnel Becker 6155 Kadler Avenue - U S West came to us we didn't go looking for the tower. They felt that our land was appropriate for the towers. It's not like we will quit farming and put towers on the farm. David Becker 6155 Kadler Avenue - I'm farming the land. This will only take a 50 foot by 50 foot area. Ing Roskaft asked if this request is granted could the city have in writing the reasons for not co -locating with UPA and WDAY. Kent Sticha stated that he could do that. Richard Nichols agreed with Ing Roskaft. Eugene Goenner - if expansion is needed, could power be increased on current tower without additional towers. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of July 17, 1996 cont'd Page 3 Kent Sticha stated that under existing technology computer equipment could be added without it being visible on the outside. Chair Swenson re -opened the hearing to the public. Steve Glatsel 16200 62nd - There is a need for additional coverage to benefit users in this area. For optimum location for an antenna tower is on higher elevation. Chair Swenson closed the public hearing, Richard Nichols motioned to approve request subject to an additional requirement that U S West provide a letter from UPA and WDAY stating that co -location is not permissible on current towers. Ing Roskaft seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. This will be on the August 12, 1996 City Council Agenda. 4. Hearing - Richard Kin anon, 13333 - 179th Circle PID# 118-500-204202- 1. A CUP for Commercial Outdoor Recreation (9hole executive golf course) in an A-lAgricultural Zoned Area. Chair Swenson - at this point two commissioners believe they have a conflict and wish to leave. Arleen Nagel and Eugene Goenner left the meeting. Judy Hudson stated that the proper publications and mailings have been made. Mr. Kirmis read from NAC report dated July 10, 1996. Mr. Richard Kincanon has requested a CUP to construct a nine hole, par three golf course located south of 85th Street and east of Nashua Avenue. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service which lists "commercial outdoor recreation" as a conditional use. Before offering NAC's recommendation Mr. Kirmis went over the primary issues of the report. Stray balls on Nashua Avenue is a concern conditions have been included addressing this issue. Traffic generated by this use can be accommodated by 85th Street. Well designed course with consideration given to adjoining property owners. NAC has recommended approval subject to thirteen conditions. Under number seven the applicant has indicated that the club house is to function solely as a Pro -Shop with some accessory snack sales etc. not to be a restaurant. Under number nine the applicant has indicated that the maintenance equipment will be off-site, grounds keeping equipment will be brought to the site, the work will be done and then it will be removed from the site. Under number eleven the City Engineer has recommended that either asphalt surmountable curb or concrete curb stops be provided. Lynn Caswell stated that they will work with staff regarding trees. Landscape plans will be provided to the City. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of July 17, 1996 cont'd Page 4 Chair Swenson opened hearing to the public. Jannette Carron 12860 83rd Street - 100 % opposed to the project. Concerned with net, golf balls, traffic, springs and drainage. Diane Constant 13776 85th Street - Liked the golf course idea, concerned with driveway off 85th Street. Hates to see more traffic. Preferred it over housing. Bob Madland 8332 Needham Ave - concern with drainage. Not sure the pond will take care of it. Paid for own drainage system, you'd be using it and that doesn't seem right, because we still maintain the system. Floyd Goenner 8013 Nashua Ave - concern with drainage. One quarter of the property drains onto our property. It seeps under the ground. Concerned with springs and asked if tiling would be done or dike. Lynn Caswell - Driveway will be approximately where the field road is now. We are not planning to add tile or do diking. It will be dug down. Loren Nagel - both ponds are spring fed. When we get two inches of rain it will go onto our property and our system. When we put drainage system we asked Mr. Kincanon to go in on it but he refused. Doesn't care to have view spoiled with net. Concerned ponding won't help, driveway, added traffic, and asked for an estimate of traffic generated. Concerned with equipment storage and is opposed to the request. Mr. Kirmis - we reviewed traffic issue and according to the ITE Generation Manual common transportation reference documented estimates between 144 and 212. Those samples are from suburban type courses. We would estimate closer to 144 per day. Lynn Caswell - stated that the grounds keeping equipment would be stored on a separate parcel. Regarding stray balls, tried to lay out the course for the slicer. Steve Goenner 7815 Nashua Ave - concerned with hole #1 and golf balls ending up in field and how to keep people from coming over and damaging crops. Concern with herbicides doing damage to alfalfa. We are a dairy farm 1/4 mile away. Concerned with complaints about hauling manure. If request CUP for expansion, will I be denied because of the golf course. Also concerned with pond on lower right. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of July 17, 1996 cont'd Page 5 Chair Swenson - Brought discussion back to Planning Commission. Bruce Rask asked if the ponds are spring fed or if the tiles are broken. Floyd Goenner - I know where tile lines are but they are broken. We could tell where the spnngs were. Ing Roskaft - I have no objection to this course if the water problem can be solved. Richard Nichols - Is this property developable. Housing - is that a better use. The problem is, if we turn down the golf course, will we have the same problem regarding housing. What is the best use for this property. I am in favor of more green spaces. We need to delay motion and give the City Engineer time to address the drainage issues. Mayor Freske stated that a feasibility study is being done for work on 85th Street. This is planned for next year provided MSA money is available. This would also address the drainage. He will check when this study will be done. Vern Heidner questioned the number of car trips per day an average household makes according to study. Mr. Kirmis answered seven. Vern Heidner - If that is the case 20 houses would equal the 144 cars figured to be generated by the golf course, so there would be no difference. Chair Swenson brought back to commission. He asked the developer for time schedule. Lynn Caswell - would like to get it seeded this fall. Requested the August 7, 1996 City Council Meeting date remain. Bruce Rask - A lot of people are concerned with the driveway being on 85th. We have been trying to protect going off and onto Nashua Avenue because it is a major north - south arterial. 85th street is less of an arterial in the city's grid work system. Which road do we want least access on. Richard Nichols motioned to continue hearing to allow City Engineer time to address drainage and driveway issues. Ing Roskaft seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Lynn Caswell requested the next Planning Commission Meeting of August 7. Judy Hudson stated that the next Planning Commission Meeting is August 7 and that would be in keeping with date of August 12, for City Council Meeting. Applicant could keep on schedule. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of July 17, 1996 cont'd Page 6 5. Hearing_minitiated by the City Council and Plan ing Commission fnr the foIlQwingt 1. An Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Re: Home Occupations Chair Swenson stated that the next two items are regarding an amendment to Zoning Ordinance for Home Occupations and an amendment regarding outdoor sales and events. Chair Swenson asked if proper publishing and posting has been made. Judy Hudson answered yes. Mr.Kirmis read Memo dated June 12, 1996. At City Council direction an amendment is being proposed to the Home Occupation Ordinance requirements of the city. Specifically four changes are being proposed. First change includes statement of prohibited occupations. The second change involves employment requirements allowing one full time employee. The third change relates to use of attached garage and the final change is a revocation section. Mr. Kirmis read June 16, 1996 Memo addressing off street parking. The allowed 200 square foot would basically be one parking stall. This may result in some non -conforming situations. NAC recommends upping that to 400 square feet. Chair Swenson opened hearing to the public. No questions. Brought back to Planning Commission for discussion. Eugene Goenner asked for general garage size measurements. Mr. Kirmis stated 24 x 24 is standard. So a three car garage would be needed. Richard Nichols - If we leave it as 200 feet and half the garage is used. Mr. Kirmis stated that one car would be outside. Chair Swenson brought back to public - no questions -ask hearing to be closed. Richard Nichols motioned to approve Home Occupation Ordinance as written. Bruce Rask seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. This will be on Agenda for August 12, 1996 City Council Meeting. 2. An Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Re: Accessory and Temporary Outdoor Sales and Events, Mr. Kirmis - housekeeping item prompted by Christmas tree sales etc. Basically the existing ordinance requires a CUP and with the time frame the window where they wanted to sell their product is over. Provided conditions are met this could be an administrative permit and not require a public hearing. Allowed in Commercial Industrial/Institutional zoning districts. B. Temporary outdoor Promotional Events or Sales. Set of conditions for each. Shall not exceed three consecutive calendar days and two of the days being Saturday and Sunday. No more then two events per year. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of July 17, 1996 cont'd Page 7 Chair Swenson opened hearing - no comments - closed hearing. Ing Roskaft motioned approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment Re: Accessory and Temporary Outdoor Sales and Events. Eugene Goenner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion between motion and actual vote. Eugene Goenner questioned why it is stated that it had to be on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Kirmis - good point Richard Nichols motioned wording to be changed. Seconded by Eugene Goenner. All in favor. Motion carried. Judy Hudson said this would also be on City Council Agenda for August 12,1996. 6.Any Other Planning Commission Business Chair Swenson asked Suzanne Ackerman to give an update on annexation. Showed what Otsego gave up to Albertville and what Otsego gained from Frankfort. Gaining about 195 in population and about 230 in acrerage. Now it is up to the Municipal Board. 7. Adjourn Bruce Rask motioned to adjourn. Eugene Goenner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Recorded by: Carol A. Olson