ITEM 1 attachmentGeneral Fund Summary (With Staff Additions) City of Otsego General Fund Budget for the year ending December 31, 2016 2013 2014 2015 2016 Proposed 2016 Actual Actual Adopted Proposed" Adjustments Revised Revenues: Taxes 3,366,010 3,321,316 3,334,000 3,499,950 44,402 3,544,352 (Includes $15,000 Penalties and Interest) Licenses and Permits 830,076 1,238,823 592,000 622,350 19,215 641,565 Bldg Permit Revenue Intergovernmental Revenue 217,630 337,779 323,122 343,590 - 343,590 Charges for Service 38,321 192,168 50,700 57,000 57,000 Interest Revenue (4,766) 37,427 95,000 50,000 50,000 Cable Franchise Fees 83,681 120,964 105,000 107,000 107,000 Other Revenues 72,924 58,815 149,047 133,755 3,000 136,755 39200 Transfer In for mowing at Utility locations TOTAL Revenues: 4,603,876 5,307,292 4,648,869 4,813,645 66,617 4,880,262 Expenditures: General Government City Council 44,216 52,853 82,317 96,838 96,838 Administration 339,696 405,229 415,273 438,225 438,225 Elections 1,486 25,672 745 29,825 29,825 Assessor 67,463 72,517 74,700 76,941 76,941 Finance 242,381 318,213 342,703 341,431 341,431 Legal 78,996 101,013 82,000 86,000 86,000 Information Technology 22,760 40,926 66,300 71,000 71,000 City Hall 71,270 82,267 82,063 82,851 82,851 Planning 70,016 92,152 68,500 91,500 3,000 94,500 45300-360 $1,500 Conf.; 46530-360 $1.500 Conf. Building Inspection 181,882 189,193 229,723 253,333 253,333 $19,215 PT Staff included Subtotal: General Government: 1,120,166 1,380,035 1,444,324 1,567,944 3,000 1,570,944 Public Safety: Police 882,601 912,365 941,700 978,200 978,200 Police Commission 1,399 605 1,350 1,350 1,500 2,850 Conferences for 2 Commissioners Fire 365,873 377,926 454,560 497,462 497,462 Emergency Management 2,950 1,413 7,450 6,900 6,900 Animal Control 11,058 14,610 11,300 12,500 12,500 Subtotal: Public Safety: 1,263,881 1,306,919 1,416,360 1,496,412 1,500 1,497,912 Public Works: Streets 678,991 620,483 681,123 687,030 687,030 Engineering 160,825 92,876 85,000 85,000 85,000 Street Lights 109,667 111,465 114,100 115,968 115,968 Fleet Maintenance 148,131 190,113 187,260 207,502 207,502 Subtotal: PublicWorks 1,097,614 1,014,937 1,067,483 1,095,500 - 1,095,500 Culture & Recreation Park Maintenance 166,490 293,212 343,851 382,956 3,000 385,956 FT Staff $29,412 included; 210 Op Supplies $3,000 Recreation 115,471 139,020 128,927 159,230 (7,000) 152,230 PT Staff $17,019 included; Delete warming house staff $2,800; Delete warning house rental $4,200 Prairie Center 20,220 26,968 35,622 33,877 33,877 Subtotal: Culture & Recreation: 302,181 459,200 508,400 576,063 (4,000) 572,063 Economic Development 3,286 4,095 14,100 14,300 14,300 TOTAL Expenditures: 3,787,128 4,165,186 4,450,667 4,750,219 128,090 4,878,309 Transfers Out/(In) Net - 339,457 - 127,590 127,590 Transfer Out LGA NET GENERAL FUND: 816,748 1,481,563 198,202 63,426 (61,473) 1,953 LGA Transfer 127,588 Balance without LGA (64,162) " Includes requested staff additions of $76,148 9/14/2015 12:11 PM Proposed Levy Certification STATE of MINNESOTA Return by: September 30, 2015 COUNTY of WRIGHT City Taxes Voted CITY of OTSEGO To the AUDITOR of Wright County: I hereby certify that the Council for the City of Otsego, County of Wright, Minnesota, did at a meeting on September 28th, 2015, levy the following amount to be raised by taxation for the City of Otsego for the payable year 2016. 2015 Final 2016 Proposed 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2015 1 2016 1 2016 1 2016 1 2016 Budget Other Tax Budget Other Certified Requirement ; LGA 1 Resources Levy # Fund Requirement LGA Resources Levy 4 648,869i 123,947; 1,205,922i 3,319,OOOi 5 Revenue 4,877,807; 127,588; 1,220,8671 3,529,352 145 OOOi i 145 000 7 Fire Protection 150,0001 150,000 53,0001 53,000 11 Parks Capital 54,5901. 54,590 1,389,4991779,4991 610,0001 19 Debt Service 4,449,6081 ; 3,809,6081 640,000 411,0001 91,0001 320,0001. 20 Pavement Mgmt i 339,2001 339,200 23,0001 23,0001 37 Tax Abatement 88,814; 88,814 25,0001 ; 25,000; 41 Storm Sewer 25,000; 25,000 F 597 000 } 431,0001 160,000i 73 Public Facilities 168,0001 168,000 91 nnni i 25.000; 76 Trail Mamt 25,2501 I i 25,250 7,317,368 123,947 2,513,421 4,680,000; Market Value Based Referendum Levy $ * Do not include any Disparity Reduction Aid or Fiscal Disparity taxes. Dated this 29th day of September, 2015. Total I 1 10, 27,5881 5,030,475 Tami Loff, Clerk/Treasurer CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2015-XX RESOLUTION SETTING A PRELIMINARY PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR TAXES PAYABLE IN 2016 WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council is required by State Statute to establish a preliminary tax levy for taxes payable in 2016 by September 30, 2015 and certify the preliminary tax levy to the Wright County Auditor; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has reviewed the City's anticipated expenditures for funds using property tax proceeds in 2016; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has considered projected revenues for funds using property tax proceeds in 2016; and WHEREAS, revenues from sources other than property taxes are not sufficient to meet the anticipated expenditures of said funds; and WHEREAS, the debt levies have been adjusted or cancelled based on revenue collections and projections. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the following amounts are the maximum to be levied as property taxes payable in 2016 for the following purposes: General Government Tax Abatement GO Improvement Bonds, 2010B GO Improvement Bonds, 201 OD GO Improvement Bonds, 2011A Total Tax Levy $4,291,392 88,814 415,000 105,097 119,903 5 020 206 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of September, 2015. 1 ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk MOTION made by Council Member and SECONDED by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: July31, 2015 CITY OF OTSEGO RE: Bond Register/Debt Levy Supplement (A) (B) (C) A-B=C BOND ISSUED ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL DATE ISSUED DEBT LEVY PER BONDRESOLUTION FOR PAY 2016 ADDITIONS OR REDUCTIONSTO LEVIED AMOUNT CERTIFIED DEBT LEVY 2016 G.O. IMPROVEMENT CROSSOVER REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES2012A 1,400,000 3/14/2012 29,310 (29,310) G.O. IMPROVEMENT CROSSEVER REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2011A 4,640,000 12/21/2011 282,426 (162,523) 119,903 G.O. IMPROVEMENT REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2010D 1,220,000 11/30/2010 105,097 105,097 G.O. WATER & SEWER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2010C 21,300,000 11/30/2010 G.O. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2010B 3,705,000 11/30/2010 517,569 (102,568) 415,000 G.O. EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, SERIES 2010A 385,000 1/28/2010 52,159 (52,159) G.O. WATER & SEWER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2009A 6,360,000 12/1/2009 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2007B 680,000 11/1/2007 TOTAL 986,560 -346,560 640,000 I hereby certify that the above schedule of bond levies to be spread on payable 2016 tax rolls agrees with your records and is true and correct. Copies of any resolutions which increase or reduce these levies are attached. Please sign and date, then return to the Wright County Auditor/Treasurer's Office with your Levy Certification. Wt. Sincerely, Rd,e %,'llaaa Robert J. Hiivala CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO: 2015-XX RESOLUTION REDUCING THE PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR TAXES PAYABLE IN 2016 FOR DEBT SERVICE WHEREAS, the Wright County Auditor's records show the original debt levies pledged by the City Council at the time of sale as follows: GO Improvement Bonds, 2012A GO Improvement Bonds, 201 IA GO Improvement Bonds, 201OD GO Improvement Bonds, 2010B GO Improvement Bonds, 2010A TOTAL RECORDED LEVY $29,310 282,426 105,097 517,569 52,159 986 560 ;and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has, in its most recent audited financial statement, recorded cash in excess of reserve requirements in the Debt Sinking Funds maintained for these bonds; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has considered restructuring of the Pay 2016 property tax levy such that the above amounts may be reduced by use of a portion of the excess funds available, in turn reducing the property tax levy for Pay 2016; and WHEREAS, the debt levies have been adjusted or cancelled based on revenue collections, cash balances reported and projections. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, NUNNESOTA: 1. That the following amounts are approved adjusted property tax levies to be levied as property taxes payable in 2016 for debt service purposes: GO Improvement Bonds, 2012A $0 GO Improvement Bonds, 2011A 119,903 GO Improvement Bonds, 201 OD 105,097 GO Improvement Bonds, 2010B 415,000 GO Improvement Bonds, 2010A 0 TOTAL LEVY FOR DEBT SERVICE 640 000 2. That these debt service property tax levy adjustments are applicable to taxes payable for 2015 only and that any future changes in levy will be adopted at such time as is proper and prudent. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 28th day of September, 2015. MOTION made by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: 2 ATTEST: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk and SECONDED by Council Member City Name: Truth in Taxation Public Hearing Dates Otsego Contact Person: Adam Flaherty, Finance Director Phone: (763) 235-3161 Public Hearing Date: Monday, December 14th, 2015 Time: 7:00 p.m. Listed below is prior year data for (1) the location of the public hearing, (2) the phone number to be published and (3) the mailing address for written responses. Please review these and either confirm that they are still accurate or make the necessary changes. OK OR I New Information 1. Location: Otsego Prairie Center 8899 Nashua Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330 OK OR New Information 2. Phone Number: (763) 441-4414 OK OR New Information 3. Mailing Address: City of Otsego 13400 90th St NE Otsego, MN 55330 Please return this completed form no later than SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 by email to: karen.labo@co.wright.mn.us OR mail the completed form to: Wright County Aud/Treas Dept., 10 2nd St NW Room 230, Buffalo, MN 55313 Attention: Karen Labo