10-02-96 PCNOTE: SUBMISSIONS ARE IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION FILE FOR OCTOBER 2, 1996 MEETING IN THEIR ENIRITY...... MINNESOTA EXTENSION SERVICE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA NIISSISSIPPI CORRIDOR CLUSTER BENTON COUNTY SHERBURNE COUNTY STEARNS COUNTY WRIGHT COUNTY COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVES ON LIVESTOCK MANURE AND RELA TED ISSUES June 1996 This study was supported in part by a Minnesota Extension Service Director's Innovative Grant. NIINNESOT.-\ EXTENSION SERVICE I� L,'IVERSIT`c' ()F MINNESOTA NIISSISSIPPI CORRIDOR CLUSTER June 20. 1996 To: Otsego Planning & Zoning Commission From: Mississippi Corridor Cluster Extension Advisory Executive Corrttee: Nietfeld, Sauk Center Dee Cashman, Sauk Rapt ��� 'Judy Wilts, Big Lake `9 Dick Mattson. Buffalo �� Jun Deidrick, =ure l er J Re: Otsego Feedlonce Our committee is charged with involving people in improving their quality of life and enhancing the economv and the environment through education. applying the research and the resources of the university of Minnesota. Our committee is composed of nineteen citizens from the four county area of Benton, Sherburne, Stearns and Wright. We are farmers, agribusiness owners, county commissioners, business owners. ministers, community educators. wives, husbands, parents, grandparents. etc. It is our concern for your city and it's citizens that prompts us to write this note. We are concerned that you understand the intent of our involvement in the work you are doing in regards to vour feedlot/manure ordinance. We have been and continue to be a resource for you. Our role is not to "write" your ordinance for you or to pressure you one way or the other. Our concern has been that you have a sound process defined for making your decisions and that you take advantage of all of the relevant information available. We have been pleased with the involvement of our educators Lee Raeth and Ken Olson. They have already invested manv hours with you in this process. These educators have manv years of experience in working with people, in helping communities make decisions. in representing the unbiased research based information from the Minnesota Extension Service. the University of Minnesota and the federal Land Grant College system. It is our concern that you not neglect continuing to take advantage of this great resource for the resolution of your current situation. Enclosed is a copy of a letter that was presented to you dated May 1, 1996. We understand that you chose not to receive it at that time. We hope that you will reconsider. We welcome the opportunity for our educators to dialogue and assist you again in this matter. enc cc Elaine Beatty Cite .administration MES Program Leaders & Administration Benton County Sherburne County Stearns County 161 4th Avenue 13880 Highway 10 3400 1 st Str No. Suite 400 Foiev. MN 56329 E!k River. MN 55330-0311 St. Cloud, MN 56303--1000 (320)968-7214 (612)241-2720 (320)55-6159 FAX (320)968-8855 (SGO)433-5236 (8G0)-150-6171 FA;! (612) 241-2727 FAX. (320) 255-6167 Wright County 10 2nd Street NW Rm 13C Buffalo. MN 553133- 1186 (612) 682-7394 (800)362-3667 FAX. (612) 682.6178 LIVESTOCK EXTE,NSION PLANS I NIA-1-Y MARQUETFE MIKE EASTHOUSE EDA Workshop Meeting of January 24, 1996, cont'd. Page 5. G. Meet as a group with new prospects to show promotional material, conduct tours of areas available for development, conduct tours of Otsego. EDA - This comes into play when a project comes in. H. Create and maintain an inventory of buildings and lots available for development. EDA - At one point in time, this was done, but no updating done. Consideration should be given to remove this item. I. Focus on the development of available vacant land within the City in uses consistent with the comprehensive Plan and sensitive to surrounding uses. EDA - Two potential changes to Comp. Plan, nothing to be done other than participation and discussion in Hearings. I Review and comment upon policy matters as requested by the EDA. This may involve occasional joint meetings with the Planning Commission and/or City Council. EDA - This would be on going. K. Review any changes to zoning regulations regarding industrial, commercial and residential areas and recommend specifications to the Planning Commission. EDA - Proposed Sign Ordinance Change. EDAAC should review and comment. Hearing is set for February 7, 1996. L. Have the authority to contact staff specialist for assistance and advice on financing. EDA - Decided that once the Feedlot Committee was done, they should forward it to the EDAAC for comment and review, since this is an economic issue. President Fournier would like a policy that when a development request comes in, it is sent to the EDAAC for comment prior to the Hearing. M. Assist the EDA in making an annual report to the City Council regarding achievements towards fulfillment of economic development programs. EDA - Nothing to report. N. Develop and recommend methods to stimulate positive public interest and economic growth and development. EDA - General O. Develop and recommend feasible methods of financing and other measures of public input into the economic development process. EDA - General. Liz Wilder discussed with the EDA some of the EDAAC's Goals. Within one (1) year. Set benchmarks for commercial or residential development. Have notice of inquiries routed to EDAAC. Discussion: Member Black feels the EDAAC should not be meeting with outsiders. This should be left to the City Staff. Otsego Planning Commission Submissions: -22. Mower County feedlot ordinance from Gene Goenner - 23. April 12, 1996, letter from Ann Bentz re: feedlot ordinance - 24. April 8, 1996, letter from D. Preisler to Ann Bentz re: items to assist in drafting feedlot ordinance -25. Draft of Rice County feedlot ordinance -26. Land Application of Manure Guidelines dated August 16, 1995 -27. Consecutive fax pages including portions of: Development in Wright County and Farmland and the Tax Bill -28. Rice and Wright Counties statistical data -29. Letter from Gordy and Gregg Goodin re: feedlot ordinance no. 96 30. Proposed zoning ordinance amendments 31. April 17, 1996, letter from J. Holland re: feedlot ordinance Page 2 of 2 Otsego Planning Commission Submissions: -1. June 17, 1996, NAC summary outline of feedlot ordinance -2. July 18, 1996, AJM letter re: feedlot ordinance workshop -3. May 28, 1996, NAC memo and draft feedlot ordinance -4. May 24, 1996, AJM letter re: draft feedlot ordinance -5. May 7, 1996, AJM letter re: feedlot ordinance 6. May B9 1996, NAC memo and draft feedlot ordinance -7. Otsego feedlot ordinance process outline - 8. April 3, 1996 draft feedlot regulations summary outline -9. Letter from L. Paetow, Wright County Pork Producers, re: feedlot ordinance -10. Letter from D. Preisler, Minnesota Pork Producers Assoc., re: feedlot ordinance - 11. Letter from M. Berning re: feedlot ordinance -12. List of valuation of homes on 80th Street and Cty Rd 19 - 13. Economic Importance of 1500 cows to Otsego outline - 14. Signatures of area business representatives opposing restrictive feedlot ordinance (7 pgs) -15. April 3, 1996, from John Holland re: feedlot committee and ordinance -16. Environmental Assurance program flyer from Minnesota Extension Service 17. Page 9.17 ordinance re: agricultural conservation districts -18. Page 5.1 ordinance re: public nuisances and animals -19. April 3, 1996, letter from G. Davis re: feedlot committee and ordinance -20. Letter from Ann Bentz re: obtaining copies of other Minnesota feedlot ordinances -21. Section 38, feedlot regulations (pgs 6-13) Page 1 of 2