06-19-96 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 19, 1996 8:00 PM 1. Chair .Swenson will call meeting to order* Chair Swenson called Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8:00 PM. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Carl Swenson, Chair; Ing Roskaft, Richard Nichols, Eugene Goenner, Arleen Nagel Excused Absence: Bruce Rask, Jim Kolles Council Representative, Larry Fournier. Staff: Bob Kirmis, Assistant Planner, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Carol A. Olson, Secretary. Mayor, Norman F. Freske, Councilmember, Suzanne Ackerman 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of June 5,1996* Ing Roskaft motioned to approve Planning Commission minutes of June 5, 1996. Arleen Nagel seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. HEARING - Pa .i i,evencon and Jernme M and Lynn R=rte**� fir PID4118-5 -353206 and PID #118-500-353309* These properties are located on 62nd Street NE and State Highway #101. Request is as follows: 1. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the land use plan from Agricultural to Low Density Residential Chair Swenson went over request. Elaine Beatty stated that the proper publishing and posting have been made. Mr. Kirmis went over NAC background report dated June 11, 1996. The necessary procedure is needed to accommodate the proposed future land division of the parcels. Recommendation is for approval of the request upon condition that the City approve the requested Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The concern is pending sewer study. There has not been a sanitary sewer boundary designated. Mr. Kirmis referred to a memo from Hakanson Anderson Assoc. dated June 13, 1996, stating similar concern regarding a sewer district. Mr. Kirmis concluded that there is justification for both approval and denial of the request. Suggested that without the establishment of a new sanitary sewer service district, the request for the proposed development is premature. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of June 19,1996 cont'd Page 2 Paul Levenson 6129 Highway 101 Otsego MN 55330 Mr. Levenson reiterated what Mr. Kirmis said. Desire is to start as five (5) acre lots. A ten and a half (101/2) acre area that has been divided by Mn/DOT. The land is not typically agricultural in nature and we feel the property is best suited for a low density residential area. Lot sizes would be slightly under two (2) acres, in one case slightly over. Septic system area is adequate. Based on what is in the area (basically residential) this would not change the area that much. Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public. Commenting that the Planning Commission had received one communication from Mervin and Verna Hauan, 16154 62nd Street NE and they have no objection to the requested change. Chair Swenson directed the request to the Planning Commissioners. Larry Fournier - why is this being connected with the sanitary sewer district. If a sanitary sewer district was not being considered for this area, could this request change be considered. Mr. Kirmis explained that the comprehensive plan is set up for the City to decide where it wants urban growth. The existing plan was prepared with the sanitary sewer supply coming from Elk River. The focus now is to supply sewer from the southeast area of the City. The next logical step is to establish a new sewer district, amend land use plan to reflect that and rezoning would follow. The property of Paul Levenson would fall in this area. The land use plan would supply justification for the rezoning. The property is Zoned A-1. (agricultural) Comprehensive Plan needs to be changed in order to allow low density development which relates to the sewer district and Immediate Urban Service Area. The request could be considered, but you need to decide where you want new growth. Richard Nichols - am I correct to assume there are no homes on the existing property. Paul Levenson - said one home on each - pointed out the current residences in the area. Eugene Goenner - concern - if this would fall into the sanitary sewer district, how would this affect the placement of these homes. Are we going to be able to possibly sub -divide. Mr. Kirmis - we would treat this area as we treat the existing urban service area where we allow one acre development with a sub -division plan if sewer comes in. To clarify, what is being requested here is the mechanism to allow for sub -division. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of June 19, 1996 cont'd Page 3 Richard Nichols - as we have approved other sub -divisions, what provisions do we have for sewer and water. Are the developments being set up for two or three houses. Should we be plan for three. Question is two fold, one is to understand what our plans are and two is same concern as Eugene Goenner. I believe it premature to approve at this time. Arleen Nagel commented that she drove by the property and also feels it is premature. Chair Swenson called for any further comments from the public. Glen Beltrand 16093 62nd Street NE Otsego MN 55330 Number one - How many plots were eligible. Number two - What impact will this have on our road. Number three - What is the plan for going with this service road or Quale being extended to Co.#37. What impact will having more homes have on the road. There is gravel between 62nd, Quale and Quam again. How many houses will the land house either now or when sewer comes. When City water and sewer is in how many houses will there be per acre. Mr. Kirmis - The land use plan will change. We don't know what that will look like. It will be difficult to answer that question. They are now asking for one per division. The minimum lot width right now is 75 feet of frontage. Glen Beltrand had no objections to the change, just questioned future plans. Eugene Goenner moved to Amend the Comprehensive Plan from A-1, Agricultural to low density Residential. Ing Roskaft seconded the motion. Discussion between the motion and the actual vote: Richard Nichols questioned the property owners. What is the front facing footage dimension to Quam Ave. Paul Levenson answered approximately 400 feet to the west, and 300 feet to the east. Richard Nichols asked Mr. Kirmis if split is approved and homes are place on the two lots created, what would the Cities requirement be for placing of the homes. Mr. Kirmis - same as any other R-3 Residential sub -division. Every subdivision plan must be submitted showing home placement and re -subdivision for future sewer and water. Eugene Goenner - This is regarding land use, not re -zoning. Mr. Kirmis said yes. Chair Swenson - We have a motion by Eugene Goenner to amend Comprehensive Plan from A-1 Agricultural to Low Density Residential. Seconded by Ing Roskaft. Eugene Goenner and Ing Roskaft voted in favor of the motion. Richard Nichols, Arleen Nagel, and Carl Swenson opposed. Motion failed. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of June 19, 1996 cont'd Page 4 Chair Swenson - when this will come before the City Council. Elaine Beatty - at the first City Council meeting in July. (July 8, 1996) Eugene Goenner requested that the record show that if the motion had been for rezoning, he would have voted against it. So the City Council knows that the vote is for Comprehensive Plan change not for rezoning. I feel the Comprehensive Plan is already basically out of step with having this zoned A- 1, but I'm not in favor of R-3 actual zoning. 4. Set Hearing Date for Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Re: Home Occupations• Richard Nichols moved to have the hearing date set for July 17, 1996. Seconded by Ing Roskaft. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. Review Memo and Ordinance change dated April 10, 1996 from NAC - Re: Otsego Zoning Ordinance: Accessory & Temp. Outside Sales & Events. Set Hearing Date• Ing Roskaft moved to have hearing date set for July 17, 1996. Seconded by Richard Nichols. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Consider Amendment to Otsego on' Ordinance Re* Side Yarn Setbacks lin R-3 Zoning Districts) from 15 feet to 10 feet_ Set Hearing Date: Chair Swenson read the amendment to be considered. Mr. Kirmis - The side yard setback we currently impose on R-2 one acre lots is 15 feet from the future re -subdivided lots. The 45 foot wide building pad does not readily accommodate homes having three car garages. Staff has discussed reducing setbacks from 15 feet to10 feet. To be noted in this is that the sewered district lots (75 foot lots) which could be created, if sewer was available, have a ten (10) foot side yard setback. This change would be consistent with that. Ing Roskaft moved to set hearing date for August 7, 1996. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. Discussion between motion and actual vote: Chair Swenson - stated that doesn't see a problem because the easement is good enough on 75 foot lots, why are we taking 15 feet. Eugene Goenner - A-1 District requires ten (10) foot drainage easements. Are drainage easements required in subdivisions. Mr. Kirmis - five feet on either side, centered on property. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of June 19, 1996 cont'd Page 5 Chair Swenson - we have a motion and a second to set hearing date of August 7, 1996, to consider side yard setbacks in R-3 Zoning Districts. Ing Roskaft motioned. Arleen Nagel seconded. Eugene Goenner was opposed. Motion carried. 7. Any other Planning Commission Businesso Chair Swenson called attention to memo from Elaine Beatty requesting that members of the commission look for and recommend possible new members. Possibly answer any questions people may have regarding the position. Richard Nichols - point of interest for the group. Last week Metropolitan Council held session with six or eight focus groups for their regional plan. (which doesn't include us now) One session was on questions consultants put together. It was a very interesting process. He can get this information for anyone who would like the material. 8. Adjourn: Ing Roskaft motioned to adjourn. Richard Nichols seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. Bruce Rask, Secretary Recorded by: Carol A. Olson