01-02-97 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of January 2, 1997 8:00 PM 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson call the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8:07. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair; Carl Swenson, Commissioners; Jim Kolles, Eugene Goenner, Richard Nichols, Bruce Rask arrived at 8:25. Excused Absence: Arleen Nagel, Ing Roskaft Council Representative; Larry Fournier Staff: Bob Kirmis, City Planner, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Carol A. Olson, Secretary Councilmembers; Virginia Wendel, Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Mii Chair Swenson asked for any additions or corrections Richard Nichols motioned to accept the Minutes of December 4, 1996. Eugene Goenner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. b. December 18, 1996 Minutes Richard Nichols motioned to accept the Minutes of December 18, 1996. Jim Kolles seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Chair Swenson read the applicants request and asked if the proper publishing and postings have been made. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk, answered yes. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of January 2, 1997 cont'd Page 2 Mr. Kirmis - Mr. Michael Emberton, on behalf of Allied Mortgage of Brooklyn Center Inc., has requested the rezoning of approximately 280 acres of land located north and south of Co.Rd.39 between Kahler and Kadler Avenues (South of Island View Estates subdivision). Specifically, the applicant wishes to rezone the described property from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to R-3, Residential Immediate Urban Service designation which would allow the subdivision of the property into one acre lots. To accommodate the proposed rezoning, the following approvals are necessary: 1. Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to: A. Change the land use designation of the land south of Co. Rd.39 from Ag. to low density Residential. B. Include the subject property in the Immediate Urban Service Area. Currently the area north of Co.Rd.39 is within the Long Range Urban Service Area. The portion south of Co.Rd.39 is within the Rural Service Area. 2. Rezoning of the subject property from A-1, Agricultural to R-3, Residential. Mr. Kirmis stressed that the matter of rezoning is being considered at this time, there is no application for subdivision of the property. If the rezoning is approved that would be a later application. Mr. Kirmis highlighted a few items. The portion south of Co.Rd.39, is designated for agricultural use in the Land Use Plan. That is the intent of that District Designation. The land north of Co.Rd.39 is within the Long Range Urban Service District. This land area is intended to serve as a transition between Urban and Rural uses. Policies which discourage and encourage this use are listed in NAC's report dated December 16, 1996. On page 5, note that the area north and east is bounded by single family residential uses. The proposed use is generally compatible with the area uses, however South of Co.Rd.39, is surrounded by agricultural uses. NAC has concluded that in review of the City's amendment criteria, it is premature to develop the subject property at this time. This is a policy decision to be determined by community leaders and officials and justification can be made both for approval and denial. Chair Swenson went over the procedure for public hearing. Chair Swenson asked the applicant for any comments. Michael Emberton - Regarding wastewater treatment facility, Mr. Emberton checked with St. Michael's treatment plant, which is similar to what would work in Otsego. Discussed fees and costs involved to put in a system. According to the building official, in the one acre sites, a minimum of two septic system sites are required which would insure a 50 year life. The risk for environmental or failure of sewer systems are not looked at as critical. Compliance with all the rules and regulations would be made. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of January 2, 1997 cont'd Page 3 Mr. Emberton has reviewed the budget and compared the building permits for 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996 with revenues. Three hundred appear to be needed to generate a surplus revenue. The project offers expanded tax base and would possibly generate surplus revenues. They expect to provide a quality project that does not adversely effect the growth of Otsego. Mr. Emberton asked that consideration be given to the project. Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public and asked if anyone wished to be heard. Peggy Robinson Concerned about tax increases. 9964 Kadler Ave. NE Chair Swenson asked if anyone else wished to be heard either for or against the requested action. No one did. Chair Swenson explained that there would be an opportunity later and brought the discussion to the Planning Commission. Richard Nichols asked Mr. Emberton if the proposal is for one acre sites with on site septic. Mr. Emberton answered yes. Richard Nichols questioned Mr. Emberton on the revenues counter balancing the expenses and asked for targeted home values of the project. Mr. Emberton answered - minimum value of $150,000.00. Richard Nichols - When the proposal came in a year ago he was in favor of that because it had a package sanitary system with it, but sees this as premature because Otsego doesn't have a sewer and water plan. It is still agricultural land, it is not infill, and the Comprehensive Plan is being looked at. Larry Fournier - Mr. Kirmis, in your conclusion you considered this premature in nature. Is that based on no sewer and water and that it is in the Long Range Urban Service Area. Mr. Kirmis - We are not saying we are against one acre development, but if it is to be allowed, we want it to occur where correction is available if needed. This location, at this time, is not an area where sanitary sewer service can be provided. Also there is the issue of precedent. It is in the middle of an agricultural area. Consideration must be given to similar applications for anywhere in the City. Chair Swenson opened that hearing to the general public once again. Don Greninger - Addressing Mr. Nichols - When that was proposed with water and Property Owner sewer, but what the City Council proposed, no one could do that. That's why it stopped. I have three sons that want to farm, and where we are and with new Feedlot Ordinance, there is no way to keep existing. This is a way to get out and help the boys get started on another farm. That is my reason behind this. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of January 2, 1997 cont'd Page 4 Paul Medenwaldt Questioned if the request was just for a rezoning 10525 97th St. change or was it all planned out and ready to go. Chair Swenson explained that the request is for a change to the Comprehensive Plan and a zoning change. The hearing was brought back to the Planning Commission. Richard Nichols - It has been a tough year with the Feedlot Ordinance, and other issues. He is sympathetic to the problems of trying to continue to farm versus having a nest egg from this type of sale. It is setting a precedent and work is needed on the Comprehensive Plan. The City needs to make a decision what the future of the City will be and if sewer and water is affordable. Until the Comprehensive Plan is done, can't see changing right now. Richard Nichols motioned to deny the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Bruce Rask seconded. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. Elaine Beatty - This will be on City Council Agenda for January 13, 1997. Chair Swenson stated that the second request was to rezone from A-1, General Agricultural, to R-3, Residencial Immediate Urban Service Area. Staff has requested that even tho we recommended denial of the change to the Comprehensive Plan, we should have on the record action on the request for rezoning. Richard Nichols motioned to deny the rezoning change. Bruce Rask seconded. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Any other Planning Commission Business Larry Fournier again stated that a date to interview applicants for the openings on the commissions will be set at the next City Council Meeting January 13, 1997. 5. Adjourn Bruce Rask motioned to adjourn. Jim Kolles seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The Planning Commission Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Bruce Rask, Secretary Recorded by: Carol A. Olson p,1 -2.97-p. 14