01-02-97 PCNW, A f NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS 'INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Bob Kirmis / David Licht DATE: 16 December 1996 RE: Otsego - Greninger Property Rezoning FILE NO: 176.02 - 96.26 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Mr. Michael Emberton, on behalf of Allied Mortgage of Brooklyn Center Inc., has requested the rezoning of approximately 283 acres of land located north and south of County Road 39 between Kahler and Kadler Avenues (south of Island View Estates subdivision). Specifically, the applicant wishes to rezone the described property from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to R-3, Residential Immediate Urban Service. To accommodate the proposed rezoning, the following approvals are necessary: 1. Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to: A. Change the land use designation of the land south of County Road 39 from agricultural to low density residential. B. Include the subject property in the immediate urban service area. 2. Rezoning of the subject property from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to R-3, Residential, Immediate Urban Service 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 At this point, the applicant is only seeking to determine the City's position regarding the acceptability of the proposed land use upon the subject property. Should the City determine that the proposed land use is appropriate for the area and approve the requested Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning, a formal subdivision application would be forthcoming. Attached for reference.- Exhibit eference: Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Detailed Site Location Exhibit C: Urban/Rural Service Area Map Exhibit D: Land Use Plan Recommendation It is the opinion of our office that development of the subject site is, at this time, premature and would set an undesirable precedent. Specific concern is the continued allowance of one acre residential developments in areas of the City where sanitary sewer service has neither been planned for nor is anticipated. Matters of land use appropriateness, however, remain matters of City policy to be determined by City officials. Should the City find that the proposed low density residential use of the property is appropriate at this time, we would recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning request. ISSUES ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan Amendment As noted previously, the following changes to the Comprehensive Plan are necessary to accommodate the proposed use: 1. Expansion of the immediate urban service area boundary to include the subject property. 2. Amendment to the City's Land Use Plan to suggest low density residential development upon the subject site (area south of County Road 39). Urban Service Area/Land Use Plan Amendment. As shown on Exhibit C, the subject site currently overlays both the City's rural service district and the long range urban service district. The rural service district is intended to define preferred areas of the City where agricultural activities may occur. The long range urban service district, on the other hand, is intended to serve as a transition between urban and rural areas of the City. 2 To accommodate the proposed development (residential densities), it is necessary to expand the boundaries of the immediate urban service area to include the subject + 283 acre property in question. The geographic delineation of the immediate urban service area is based in part on an ability, at some future point, to accommodate public sanitary sewer service. As shown on Exhibit D, a portion of the subject property is located south of County Road 39 and is designated for agricultural use & the Land Use Plan. Therefore, it is also necessary to amend the Land Use Plan to suggest low density residential land use (in place of agricultural uses) upon the property in order to accommodate the proposed development. Evaluation Criteria. In consideration of Comprehensive Plan amendment requests, Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the City to consider the possible adverse effects of the proposed amendment. Generally speaking, a decision regarding the amendment should be based upon, but not be limited to, the following: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official Comprehensive Plan. Obviously, the proposed low density residential use of the subject property is not consistent with the agricultural use suggested on the Land Use Plan (south of County Road 39). The existing agricultural designation south of County Road 39 is intended to reflect and maintain an existing cohesive land use pattern and assumes that sanitary sewer service is not available to the area. North of County Road 39, long term low density residential development has been suggested. Such land use is intended to provide for an infilling of existing development in the area (south of Island View Estates) and recognizes the residential desirability of the land's proximity to the Mississippi River. While must goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan tend to discourage the proposed low density residential use, there are a number of goals and policies which could be construed to support the proposed use. The following is a listing of goals and polices which both discourage and encourage the proposed use upon the subject property: 3 -Goals/Policies Which Discourage the Use.- Protect se.Protect and preserve prime agricultural lands and the economic viability of farming operations. • Permit growth on a phased basis providing for a logical extension of urban growth and related community services. • Boundary limits for urban expansion shall be clearly delineated and non - farming type uses shall be prohibited from encroaching into agricultural areas. • All development proposals shall be analyzed on an individual basis from a physical, economic and social standpoint to determine the most appropriate uses within the context of the community as a whole. • Land use development shall be related to and reflect transportation needs, desired development and community priorities. • Encourage continued but orderly growth in Otsego. • The spread of small scale, non-farm subdivisions in agricultural areas shall be prohibited. Goals✓Policies Which Encourage the Use.- Land se.Land use allocations are to be balanced with economic market demands and service availability. • All development proposals shall be analyzed on an individual basis from a physical, economic and social standpoint to determine the most appropriate uses with the context of the community as a whole. • Land use development shall be related to and reflect transportation needs, desired development and community priorities. • Once established, geographic land use designations and related zoning classifications shall be changed only when it can be demonstrated that such modifications are in the best interest of the community on a long range perspective and such changes will promote land use compatibility and predetermined goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. M The housing needs of the entire community shall be addressed and responded to. • To the extent possible, a variety of housing types, styles and choices is to be created and maintained. 2. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. In considering the appropriateness of a particular land use, it is generally beneficial to examine neighboring land uses. The following is a listing of land uses which surround the subject property and their zoning designations. Direction Land Use Zoning North Single Family Residential R-1 South Agricultural A-1 East Agricultural/Single Family Residential A -1/R-3 West Agricultural A-1 While the proposed use may be considered "compatible" with uses north of County Road 39, low density residential development is not considered compatible with agricultural uses which lie south of the County road. The introduction of residential uses to a predominantly agricultural area raises specific concerns in regard to the proposed use's compatibility with typical characteristics of farm type uses (i.e., animal odors, machinery noise, dust, etc.). 3. The proposed use conforms with all applicable performance standards. While the City has not received an application for subdivision, any development upon the subject site would be required to comply with applicable zoning and subdivision standards. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Measurable effects of the proposed use cannot be determined until such time as a detailed development plan is submitted. According to Minnesota Rules (Part 4410.4300, Subp. 28.c) projects resulting in the permanent conversion of 80 or more acres of agricultural land to a more intensive land use (outside the Metropolitan Council's urban service area) are required to prepare an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). 5 5. .-The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. There is no evidence that the proposed use will depreciate area property values. Based on comparable situations, a depreciation of area property values is not anticipated. 6. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. The traffic generation by the proposed use and related impacts will be dependent on the number of residential dwelling units. As such, this criteria cannot be fully evaluated until such time as a formal development application is received. In this regard, the need for improvements to adjacent streets will be evaluated when a subdivision proposal has been formulated. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed development will clearly impact the City's service capacity. Future utility service, police/fire protection, snow plowing, etc. must be considered and evaluated by the City. While residential development is acknowledged to exist north of the subject site, the site lies far removed from the City's immediate urban service area (area which could potentially be served by sanitary sewer). It is therefore the opinion of our office that the proposed development is, at this time, premature. Sanitary Sewer Service. Recognizing the environmental concerns associated with private on-site septic systems, a primary concept of the City's Comprehensive Plan is to promote the development of lands which may someday be served by sanitary sewer. A case in point is the current geographical configuration of the immediate urban service area which reflects a conceptual sewer plan. While the ability to implement such plan as currently depicted is, at this time, questionable. The underlying concept of focusing development where such service may ultimately be provided is considered sound planning practice. Because the site in question lies far removed from such service area, our office questions the advisability of further allowing private on-site septic systems in an area where no opportunity for correction (via sanitary sewer) exists. Also to be considered is the precedent which such decision may have upon development applications in other "outlying" areas. 0 Rezoning In conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan amendment request, the applicant has also requested a rezoning of the subject property from A-1, Agricultural Rural Service to a R-3, Residential Immediate Urban Service designation. Applications for rezoning are subject to the same evaluation criteria as the previously discussed Comprehensive Plan amendment request (Section 20-3-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance). Should the City determine that low density residential use of the subject property is appropriate and approve the requested Comprehensive Plan amendments (Land Use Plan and immediate urban service area inclusion), a basis would be established to approve the rezoning request. While our office has significant concerns over the appropriateness of the proposed use, rezoning matters are considered policy decisions to be determined by City officials. CONCLUSION Decisions relating to land use appropriateness are considered matters of City policy. In an objective review of the City's amendment criteria, it is the opinion of our office that development of the subject property is, at this time, premature. PC: Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur Michael Emberton 7 EXHIBIT A - SITE LOCATIOr EXHIBIT B - DETAILED SITE LOCATION CL '". ' _ V:.. :.5 �� -. ....--'\__--. .. ••{• .•.101'2•. _ ',- Minnesota �• a Ih �T• m 1114 �i 1.1 - 15 -<i 92nd ST s i 18 < < !4.. jj. 'y Y 19 z = 0 1 87th STi ; .5 22 23 24 < X19 6 i 3 <; :BaQ :ar::::::;:<:;::>::>::>:. :: SCALE IN MILES < S 3YA. N •�'�% is +' ��: ��•'�:� 2 �•��•' '' 11AR 85th ST O 19 S SEPTEMBER 9 � 831d sr. 80th ST 90th ST = • ,j::.. :: :::i•i: •i • 77th ST _ ••t' •.• 1.OTL THS YAP 6 Fp PLAM04 {.� 771h ST < y� > > < < �1 .�..::::`•; . • • . (:i may:. �: .'• • . •• • • .... � uo MC151 MOT M USED `. ' ; MOT e[ UltD •ntM ►Nkat e ST ' 27 W 26 ; 75th ST 25 � < 30 • • YFA3 NE—s Aft weola+ D. ` ` m ` N •_ • ♦ : as'\ BASE MAP SOLACE. `, < = - i , • • •': ,•, ; : :' ::;.•�'p \ WRIGHT COLAJTY Si'• `-`��\ SI.RVEYORS OFFICE 7-2589 70th ST 70th ST S 3 •<• 701A?T. • :7Ytr.! •'• W 67th ST V� G '.�• •�1 l �Or 67th J, Z W 9• 35r 36 •65N 31 32 33 a 34 g 35 65th ST b• ST $ %a �� ••,u m `�. r%. 1.:.: V1� 3 i 62nd STn RICE 36 �cir.d ST C'Tr GF /• l -r-': 0 01 62nd ST ♦ `.k-' 60th ST rc --' C. -:n ST t 4Y 6Clh Sl tt!,tl• :T r El Immediate Urban Service Area Long Range Urban Service Area PREPARED BY: Urban/Rural � _ Rural Service Area Service Concept F-1ortnweSt ®� Specific Immediate Urban Service Area Boundary I , Amended by Resolution No. 94-70, 10 January 1994 SSOCIated A to be determined bEnineerinStud y Engineering y onsultants, Inc. Amended by Resolution No. 95-27, 26 June 1995 �; - :r_,_. ..................... Otsego, Minnesota 1 .5 0 1 SCALE IN MILES ..P DATE: SEPTEMBER 1989 MOM' THS WAP IS f()R P1AM61IG —ous O.Iy — 5.. . MOT M USED Wr N 1 C934 --SLOWblfM S Aft ft BASE MAP SOLACE . . . . . . . . . . WFOGHT COUNTY SLIRVEYO(IS OFFICE 7 25-89 35 65th ST 3 62nd ST 60th ST Agricultural Highway Commercial (134 ac.) Land Use Low Density Residential Industrial (536 ac.) - Medium/High Density Residential (229 ac.) Park/Public Facility PREPARED BY: Plan Neighborhood Commercial wm m Land uses dependent upon Hwy. orthwest 101 upgrade and sewer availibility f rNXc,,,' 1FAssociated Consultants, In .... ............... J 70th ST t! 14-4 :, rqj� 15 92nd ST Wi and cenic istric 18 Boun Jary iclilistri 67th 19 35 ZX. 32 ........... < 34 87th ST 22 x 23 24 ,�i 9 < asm ST �lr39 8-21d ST. ✓ 0+ 80th ST 80th ST 62nd ST< RICE 77th ST 0 8� 77th ST 29 ST -27 26 751�h ST 25 30 Otsego, Minnesota 1 .5 0 1 SCALE IN MILES ..P DATE: SEPTEMBER 1989 MOM' THS WAP IS f()R P1AM61IG —ous O.Iy — 5.. . MOT M USED Wr N 1 C934 --SLOWblfM S Aft ft BASE MAP SOLACE . . . . . . . . . . WFOGHT COUNTY SLIRVEYO(IS OFFICE 7 25-89 35 65th ST 3 62nd ST 60th ST Agricultural Highway Commercial (134 ac.) Land Use Low Density Residential Industrial (536 ac.) - Medium/High Density Residential (229 ac.) Park/Public Facility PREPARED BY: Plan Neighborhood Commercial wm m Land uses dependent upon Hwy. orthwest 101 upgrade and sewer availibility f rNXc,,,' 1FAssociated Consultants, In 70th ST 70th ST J 70th ST 67th ST 67th 35 31 32 < 34 .,3 55th ST �lr39 ✓ 0+ v 62nd ST< RICE 0 8� L Otsego, Minnesota 1 .5 0 1 SCALE IN MILES ..P DATE: SEPTEMBER 1989 MOM' THS WAP IS f()R P1AM61IG —ous O.Iy — 5.. . MOT M USED Wr N 1 C934 --SLOWblfM S Aft ft BASE MAP SOLACE . . . . . . . . . . WFOGHT COUNTY SLIRVEYO(IS OFFICE 7 25-89 35 65th ST 3 62nd ST 60th ST Agricultural Highway Commercial (134 ac.) Land Use Low Density Residential Industrial (536 ac.) - Medium/High Density Residential (229 ac.) Park/Public Facility PREPARED BY: Plan Neighborhood Commercial wm m Land uses dependent upon Hwy. orthwest 101 upgrade and sewer availibility f rNXc,,,' 1FAssociated Consultants, In