04-02-97 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING April 2, 1997 - 8:00 PM 1 hair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8:00 PM. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair, Carl Swenson, Commissioners; Ing Roskaft, Richard Nichols, Bruce Rask, Eugene Goenner, Arleen Nagel, Jim Kolles, Alternate Bill Jones. Council Representative; Vern Heidner Staff: Bob Kirmis, City Planner, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Council Members; Larry Fournier, Suzanne Ackerman Board Members: Jeff Bartheld, Tom Constant, Park & Rec., Joy Swenson, Joan Nichols, Elaine Norin, Heritage Preservation Commission. Eugene Goenner - Pgl, last sentence - Eugene Loenner aslcea it all me Jroper noucing regarding this hearing has been done. (change to publishing and posting for tonight's meeting) Eugene Goenner motioned approval of the Planning Commission Minutes for March 19, 1997 with correction. Seconded by Ing Roskaft. All in favor. Motion carried. 3 Hearing for City of Otsego applicant and owner, Mayor Larry Fournier, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego MN PID#118 500 202102 described as the North 535.00 feet of the East 486.00 feet of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, City of Otsego, N located at 8899 Nashua is as follows: AConditional Use Permit to allow relocation of a locally significant historic struct ure(Old Town Hall) B. A variance for rear yard setback from 50 feet to 35 feet (15 feet less than required hyOrdinance) Chair Swenson - The Hearing was called by the City of Otsego. Request is to allow the Park & Rec. Commission to relocate an historic structure. Chair Swenson explained the hearing procedure and asked if the proper posting and notices have been made. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. answered yes. Mr. Kirmis - The City of Otsego has initiated a request to relocate the former Town Hall from its current location north of Co.Rd.39 and east of Nashua Avenue to the 5.0 acre new City Hall site located north of 85th Street and west of Nashua Avenue. The 800 square foot structure is ultimately intended to serve as a historic museum and possible meeting place for community groups. To accommodate the proposed building relocation two approvals are needed, a CUP to allow a relocated structure within the city. The second request is for a variance from the fifty (50) foot rear yard setback in the INS district. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of April 2, 1997 cont'd Page 2 Mr. Kirmis highlighted some issues associated with the request. The primary issue relates to off street parking. There is concern that the existing parking lot may not meet maximum demand. Should need for additional parking be demonstrated, NAC recommends the initial Prairie Park site plan parking lot be built.(see Exhibit C attached ) Regarding the variance, the former Town Hall proposed location is in the southwest comer of the 5.0 acre City Hall parcel approximately 35 feet from the rear lot line. The rear property line was created solely for mortgage purposes. The Prairie Park parcel is and will continue to be under common ownership, therefore, granting the requested variance will not adversely impact area properties. NAC believes unique circumstances exist which justifies approval of the requested setback variance. NAC recommended approval of the CUP subject to several conditions of NAC's report dated March 13, 1997, which he read. NAC recommended approval of the set back variance request subject to any comments from City staff, and they hadn't received any. Chair Swenson asked Park Commission members for any comments. Jeff Bartheld In answer to the concern regarding a septic system and well, they 14018 NE 85th St. will not be necessary at the site. Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public. Larry Fournier Requested the discussion focus on the site location, to ensure 16632 NE 70th St. the most appropriate place for now and in the future. Joy Swenson Commented that a grant has been received from the State Historical 9484 95th St. Society. Professional archeologists and historians will be doing an assessment in the city in June or July, which will take a few months to complete. A written report will be done showing important and interesting places to consider preserving. On that basis the request was made to table the project until after receiving the report. The other site to consider would be the original town site.(present location) Chair Swenson - Brought the discussion back to the Planning Commission. Richard Nichols - Asked if the Park Commission agreed with that assessment and supported the delay in approval. Jeff Bartheld We fully agree with the Heritage Committee and want to do what is 14018 NE 85th St. best for the city. If the original site is considered an historically significant site, we would wait for the report. In the interest of making only one move we agree to table this, pending the report. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of April 2, 1997 cont'd Page 3 Vern Heidner Concerned with the effect on contributions and scheduled volunteer 13922 NE 91st St. labor if the project is tabled. Jeff Bartheld The contributions are in the fund and as far as labor we can always 14018 NE 85th St. ask for volunteers later. Eugene Goenner Concerned with the current condition of the building. 12867 NE 96th St. Referring to NAC's report, page 2. Lb. upon approval of the CUP the relocated structure must comply with all requirements of the State Building Code. A completion date needs to be added for bringing the building up to code. The site of the current storage structure is a more appropriate spot. Jeff Bartheld Explained that restoration would be done in stages, moving the 14018 NE 85th St. building, fixing the exterior, roofing, and finishing the interior. Ing Roskaft Agreed to tabling the request until the study is completed by the 7017 NE River Rd. State Historical Society. Chair Swenson brought the hearing back to the public. Elaine Norin Regarding the location, the building is not in it's original location 10235 NE Kadler Ave. It was west of the creek and a block back from Co. Rd.39. Chair Swenson closed the hearing and brought it back to the Planning Commission for comment. Bill Jones - Concerned with lead paint or asbestos issues. Chair Swenson - That could be a concern and at the time they start the work, the Building Inspector will check into it. Richard Nichols - Asked Eugene Goenner if he meant to replace the storage structure or place it between the existing structure and the parking lot. Eugene Goenner - Replace the existing storage structure. Similar applications have come in with an existing non -conformity and the city required the building to be torn down. We need to follow the same rules. That general location would be ideal. Richard Nichols - Agreed and would rather have it in the front part of the parking lot and keep it separate from the park. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of April 2, 1997 cont'd Page 4 Ing Roskaft asked Elaine Norin if the original site was available. Elaine Norin - By studying an oral history found out that it was behind a school that burned down in 1933. The old hall was north of that and west of the creek (by Grupas) Ing Roskaft motioned to table the CUPNariance until we hear from Historical Committee and the Park Committee as to when we can put it on the agenda. Eugene Goenner seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Elaine Beatty - This will be on the council agenda of April 14, 1997 at 6:30 PM. 4 Review draft amendment of one per forty transfer of property rights clustered (Decide if Hearing to he held If so, set date of Hearing) Cont'd from 10/19/96) Bob Kirmis explained that this had been tabled from the March 19, 1997 meeting. There was discussion as to the adequacy of the 1 per 40 density transfers, specifically the number of dwelling units which may exist within a cluster. A draft amendment was prepared at the Planning Commission's request. Chair Swenson - If a change were to be made, two transfers would be allowed with the existing building making it three. Bruce Rask - The intent in A-1 was to allow the farmers to utilize their property not mini development. To enhance and preserve ag land. Do we want six or seven more mini developments. This is leap frog development. We have nothing in our Zoning or Comp Plan now to stop a large cluster and feel we need something now. Revision of the Comp Plan may take some time. Ing Roskaft - Can we say in our ordinance that a cluster can not be over two new transfers. It would be three with the existing home. Richard Nichols - Asked what the exact language that was changed. Bob Kirmis explained that the draft amendment is identical to the original ordinance. Eugene Goenner - If you didn't have frontage, you couldn't develop. Richard Nichols - Where development is allowed clustering should be encouraged. If the intent is to slow down development and preserve ag land then lets return to not allowing transfers where there is no road frontage. Say no transferring of property rights if road rights are not available. Then make it 1 per 40 without any clustering. The original definition of "Prime Farm Land" was anything you can grow crops on. Maybe changing the definition is the answer. I want to make sure that whatever we come up with will be permanent and best for the city. } PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of April 2,1997 cont'd Page 5 Bruce Rask - Referring to page 214 of the Zoning Ordinance, the right is to have 1 per 40, a CUP is needed to request the right to transfer property rights and deed restrict. Eugene Goenner - Concerned that if all the conditions are met, they do not have the right to deny them the transfer. Bob Kirmis - The Zoning Ordinance is just a mechanism to implement the policies of the comprehensive plan. The question being, do you still agree with the policies addressing the preservation of ag land. The first draft of the Zoning Ordinance had a density requirement of one per 80. One per forty was viewed as the appropriate way to preserve ag land. If at this time you determine the policy needs to be changed, that can be considered just keep in mind the primary objective. There was much discussion on preserving ag land, intent of the cap on the transfer rights, past cases, definitions and whether time and money should be spent to prepare an amendment and hold a public hearing. The Zoning Ordinance needs language addressing development deemed inappropriate for the area. Concerned that whatever decision that is reached would be permanent. Chair Swenson - The consensus was to have Mr. Kirmis come back with some options and information for the next Planning Commission meeting for more discussion. 5. Any other Planning Commission Business, Elaine Beatty - There is a Planning Seminar scheduled for May 8, Thursday 6:30 to 9:30 PM. at the city hall. The cost is $15.00 including dinner. Achieving balance in land development is the name of the seminar. Topics are cluster designs, wastewater systems, constructed wetlands, transfer of development rights, and resource preservation. You need to sign up by Friday May 2, and in the past the city has paid for all the commissions to attend. This is the third planning seminar Otsego has had with Minnesota Planning Association. Vern Heidner gave an update on the wastewater treatment plant. Otsego City Council has met with Dayton's City Council and the plant has been downsized. Bonestroo will be coming back with a report with alternatives and cost. Council has commissioned the city engineer to do the trunk line study. The mayor is contacting the land owners to obtain land for the sewer plant. 6. Adjourn, Ing Roskaft motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Bruce Rask. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. 0 . A�/ 64 Kolles, Secretary Recorded by: Carol A. Olson