06-04-97 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 4,1997 - 8 PM 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8:OOPM ROLL CALL: Chair Carl Swenson; Commissioners; Ing Roskaft, Richard Nichols, Bruce Rask, Arleen Nagel, Alternate Bill Jones. Eugene Goenner and Jim Kolles arrived at 8:05 PM. Council Representative; Vern Heidner STAFF: Bob Kirmis, City Planner, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Carol A. Olson, Secretary Mayor; Larry Fournier, CM Virginia Wendel, CM Suzanne Ackerman, CM Mark Berning 2 Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of May 21, 1997: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO APPROVE MAY 21, 1997 MINUTES. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 Hearing initiated by Ronald B. Gunderson, Sprint Spectrum, L.P. 2900 Lone Oak Parkway, #140 Egan, MN 55121 Owner of the property is UPA, PO Box 800, Elk River, AN. Request is as follows: A Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to co -locate an antenna for Sprint Spectrum, L.P. on UPA's tower located 6155 Kadler Avenue NE Albertville, MN (Cityofof Otsego) Chair Swenson - Went over the applicants request. Asked City Clerk if the proper publishing and posting had been made. Answer Yes. Then opened the Hearing for Sprint Spectrum's request to co -locate antenna. Mr. Kirmis - Sprint Spectrum is requesting a CUP to co -locate a set of cellular antennas upon an existing 260 ft. non-public structure. The UPA tower located at 6155 Kadler Avenue NE, Otsego, MN. The applicants intend to mount four (4) antennas' on the structure, two (2) at 223 feet in height, one (1) at 203 feet in height. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service. A personal wireless service tower and antennas not located on a public structure is applicable to A-1 zoning. There was a request to construct a cellular tower in July, 1996 by US West. At that time UPA provided a letter indicating that their tower could not support the additional antenna proposed. Concern is, now a number of cellular antennas are being proposed to co -locate on UPA's tower. NAC recommends approval of the applicant's request subject to ten (10) conditions on NAC's report dated May 20, 1997, which he read. City Engineer has concerns regarding easement access and authority to grant that easement to Sprint Spectrum. The submitted plans indicate a 12 foot wide road will be constructed to access the site. Current easement only allows a ten (10) foot width. s PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of June 4,1997 cont'd Page 2 The city engineer will need to respond to structural issues associated with the UPA tower's ability to accommodate the proposed antenna installations. Chair Swenson asked the applicant to comment. Mr. Ronald B. Gunderson, Submitted a letter from Tower Technology, Inc. Representative for Sprint PCS regarding structural capabilities, analysis of the tower, and engineering report that states there are no problems with mounting the proposed Sprint antennas on the UPA tower. Not knowing what US West was proposing to place on the tower could not address why their equipment could not go on the tower. Each proposed panel antenna is 2 X 6, five (5) feet tall and weighs approximately 30 lbs. Cables coming down and anchored in the ground will be in a fenced in area. Plan to access the property by existing easements granted by the property owner to UPA. Also submitted lease agreement between UPA and sprint specifying terms and conditions. Chair Swenson opened the Hearing to the public for comment. Virginia Wendel, 1/2 mile from tower. Concern that there will be interference with TV 9357 NE 65th Street Neighbors have expressed the same concern. Interference started since the towers have gone up. Chair Swenson brought the discussion back to the Planning Commission and asked the applicant to respond to interference concern. Mr. Gunderson - It is unlikely that this frequency (1900 megahertz ) on the high end of the UHF frequency ban would interfere. The frequency is far below the TV frequency. We also do an interference study before antennas are put up to verify for ourselves that we are not interfering with any other frequencies being transmitted in the immediate area. Chair Swenson - Asked Mr. Gunderson if there was any problems with interference at any other antenna locations. Mr. Gunderson - We currently have 112 antenna sites operating in the Twin Cities area and we are not receiving any reports or interference problems at this time. Vern Heidner - That frequency should not effect TVs. They are up ten times higher and the harmonics go the other direction, there might be something on the tower, but not the frequency. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of June 4, 1997 cont'd Page 3 Richard Nichols - Questioned number eight on the list of conditions in NAC's report. Since the tower is already in this doesn't apply. Mr. Kirmis - It minimizes the number of towers and separates them as far as possible. This was basically taken from other city ordinances regarding antennas to convey that only towers necessary to provide the service will be allowed. Vern Heidner - Requested information that was given to the FCC regarding their permitting of this tower be provided to the city. Ron Gunderson - The system works on sight line technology. The information is somewhat proprietary due to competitors in the area. This information will be provided. Chair Swenson - Went back to the public for comment. There was none. Brought Hearing back to Planning Commission. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBJECT TO ITEMS ONE (1) thru SEVEN () AND NINE (9) thru TEN (10) IN STAFF REPORT. SECONDED BY ING ROSKAFT. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. This will be on the City Council Agenda June 30, 1997. 4 Hearing initiated by Otsego Mayor and Council, to consider the following: A Consider an Amendment to Otsego'so's Zoning Ordinance Section 22-12.2(b) Re: Driveway surfacing upgrade requirements (Applicable to R-3 Zoning Platted Prior to 19921. Chair Swenson - Explained that this Hearing was initiated by Otsego Mayor and City Council and asked City Clerk, Elaine Beatty if all the proper publishing and posting had been done. Answer yes. Mr. Kirmis - This has been discussed informally in the past. At the May 12, 1997 City Council meeting. Staff was directed to prepare an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. This would omit a driveway upgrade requirement currently applicable to detached residential uses in the R-3 Zoning District which lie within plats approved prior to January 1, 1992. This requirement has not been enforced by the City. Staff has raised concern that the $2,500 permit requirement may be excessively low. Originally the intent was to provide a mechanism to implement upgrade of properties to new construction standards. For your information Pioneer Blacktop of St. Michael was contacted and a two (2) inch overlay of a 1,000 sq. ft. is expected to cost $1,200.00 to $2,000.00 dollars. A Draft Amendment has been drawn up (see attached) omitting the upgrade requirement or adding language that requires upgrading only when any improvement to the driveway is to be done. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of June 4, 1997 cont'd Page 4 Mr.Olson - Commented that this needs to be changed, but what portion I don't know. Not sure if he agreed with what was being presented. Possibly consider upgrade at the time a new home is being constructed or brought in. Definitely not to be required when septic system work is required because usually that is a hardship on people and not something you chose to do. Chair Swenson - Opened Hearing to the public. Bill Jones -Does this requirement the way it is worded, say if you add a garage you have improve the driveway. Mr. Kirmis - If accessed by a new driveway, you also have to improve the entire existing driveway. To clarify, this applies to single family residential uses. Bruce Rask - Never felt this should be required, but was told we needed it to improve and upgrade the area. Ing Roskaft - Would consider crushed granite rock, three to four inches thick. It becomes hard packed and is very attractive. Richard Nichols - Driveways generally have Class 5. Driveway upgrading still has merit, but not for septic systems. Possibly consider raising the dollar amount to $10,000.00 for improvements. Jerry Olson - Raising the figure leaves room for people to argue with our evaluation. Requested that other options be discussed. Also dealing with junk and blight creates a problem. If I tell someone to clean up so they want to build a garage to house things, do they have to pave or upgrade their driveway too. Eugene Goenner - Upgrade be required if there is an increase in vehicle traffic or change in vehicle pattern. New construction to house vehicles, improvement to garage or adding accessory buildings, but not for home remodeling or basement finishing are options. Not sure if driveway upgrade should be required at all. Jim Kolles -Concerned that that would create a hardship. Agreed with Ing regarding the crushed granite makes a nice surface, keeps the dust down, and looks good. Chair Swenson - Close the Hearing to the public and brought discussion back to the Planning Commission. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO AMEND THE ORDINANCE AS PROPOSED IN THE DRAFT ORDINANCE. (omitting existing item b and adding proposed item b) RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of June 4, 1997 cont'd Page 5 5. Any Other Planning Commission Business: Eugene Goenner asked if the Planning Commission should be looking at the Comprehensive Plan updates and get a head start in areas not included in sewer study. Vern Heidner - In my opinion, the Planning Commission could look at the different areas not effected by sewered area. Developers are here daily interested in virtually all areas of the city, so not sure what areas wouldn't be effected. Mr. Kirmis agreed that areas regarding the policy or the transportation plan could be addressed. The land use plan is subject to change as a result of the sewer study. The most time effective use of time is to addressed the land use first, then all other issues fall into place. There was much discussion on the Comprehensive Plan and if and how to proceed. Concerns were saving time by getting started on updates, costs involved if premature, and getting a controlled growth plan in place. The request was made of Council Representative Vern Heidner to bring this to the next City Council meeting for direction and guidance. Councilmember Heidner agreed to do so. Chair Swenson - The discussion tonight was good, but the consensus is that it would best to wait for a decision regarding sewer and water. Vern Heidner gave an update on the Otsego/Dayton sewer and water meetings. 6. Adjourn: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. BRUCE RASK SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Planning Commission Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM. J Kolles, Secretary Recorded by: Carol A. Olson