06-04-97 PCNORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC V%Mor COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH PLANNING REPORT FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission Bob Kirmis / David Licht 20 May 1997 Otsego - Sprint Spectrum Conditional Use Permit 176.02 - 97.07 Sprint Spectrum has requested a conditional use permit to allow the co -location of a personal wireless service antenna upon a "non-public" structure. Specifically, the applicants wish to co -locate a set of personal wireless service (cellular) antennas upon an existing 260 foot high United Power Association (UPA) tower located in the southwest corner of the City (6155 Kadler Avenue). The applicants intend to mount four antennas upon the structure, two at 223 feet in height, one at 213 feet in height, and one at 203 feet in height. The subject site measures 4.0 acres in size and is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service. Attached for reference: Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Detailed Site Location Exhibit C: Site Survey Exhibit D: Tower Elevation/Compound Plan Exhibit E: UPA Co -Location Letter 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55415 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 Recommendation Based on the following review, our office recommends approval of the requested conditional use permit subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicants demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the existing UPA tower can physically support the proposed cellular antenna installations. 2. The antennas be in compliance with all City building and electrical code requirements. 3. The structural design, mounting and installatiorrof the antennas are in compliance with manufacturer's specifications and verified and approved by a registered professional engineer. 4. Written authorization is provided from the tower owner (UPA) to allow attachment of the proposed cellular antennas. This issue should be subject to comment by the City Attorney. 5. No advertising messages are affixed to the antennas or antenna support structure. 6. The antennas are not artificially illuminated unless required by law or by a governmental agency to protect the public's health and safety. 7. If applicable, any required federal or state licenses are acquired. 8. The applicant demonstrate (via a coverage/interference analysis prepared by a registered professional engineer) that the location of the antennas are necessary to provide adequate personal wireless system coverage. 9. Outdoor storage, excepting materials determined by the City to be customary and incidental to the use of the property, is prohibited. 10. The City Engineer provide comment and recommendation in regard to property access easement issues. 11. Comments of other City staff. 2 e� ISSUES ANALYSIS Conditional Use Permit. Applicable A-1 Zoning District provisions list "personal wireless service towers and antennas not located on a public structure" as a conditional use. The ordinance defines a "public structure" as: An edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner which is owned or rented, and operated by a federal, state, or local government agency. Because the structure to which the proposed antennas are to be attached does not constitute a "public structure", the processing of a conditional use permit is necessary. In consideration of conditional use permit requests, Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the proposed conditional use. Their judgement shall be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Co -Location. The area in which the antenna is to be located is characterized by a number of tower structures. Specifically, a 250 foot WDAY tower lies + 400 feet to the northeast of the UPA tower in question, while a recently approved 100 foot U.S. West cellular lies + 600 feet to the northeast. 3 The City's antenna regulations have been specifically created to encourage co -location. Co -location is considered preferable to new tower construction for obvious compatibility reasons. Co -location also provides financial incentives to wireless service providers via reduced capital investment and greater antenna height allowances (than new tower construction). Generally speaking, the co -location of the Sprint Spectrum antenna upon the existing UPA tower and the grouping of antennas (and support structures) in a single location is considered positive. The proposed antenna will not increase the impacts of pre-existing antennas (and support structures) located in the area. U.S. West Tower. In the Summer of 1996, the City granted a conditional use permit to U.S. West to construct a 100 foot cellular antenna *tower near the subject site. In its consideration of such request, the City required U.S. West to provide opportunity for future co -location and to demonstrate that a "good faith" effort was made to co -locate upon the proximate WDAY and UPA towers. In response to such stipulation, U.S. West provided a letter from the UPA which indicated that its tower could not support the proposed U.S. West antenna (see letter attached as Exhibit E). This previous disclosure by UPA raises question as to either the structural capabilities of the tower or accuracy of the statement. As a condition of CUP approval, the applicant should demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the UPA tower can physically support the proposed Sprint Spectrum antenna installations. Performance Standards. In February of this year, the City amended the Zoning Ordinance to establish specific standards for various antenna types including, but not limited to, personal wireless service types such as proposed. This ordinance amendment included numerous performance related requirements which are considered applicable to the Sprint Spectrum proposal. These requirements are listed below and must be satisfied as conditions of CUP approval: 1. The antenna be in compliance with all City building and electrical code requirements and as applicable shall require related permits. 2. Structural design, mounting and installation of the antenna shall be in compliance with manufacturer's specifications and shall be verified and approved by a registered professional engineer. 3. Written authorization for the antenna erection is provided (from UPA). 4. No advertising message shall be affixed to the antenna structure. 0 5. The antenna shall not be artificially illuminated unless required by law or by a governmental agency to protect the public's health and safety. 6. If applicable, any required federal or state licenses are acquired. 7. The applicant demonstrate (via a coverage/interference analysis prepared by a registered professional engineer) that the location of the antenna is necessary to provide adequate personal wireless system coverage. Antenna Height. According to the ordinance, an antenna mounted upon an existing structure may not extend more than 15 feet above the structural height of the structure to which it is attached. According to the submitted antenna/UPA tower elevation, the antenna support structure measures 260 feet in height. In'accordance with applicable height requirements, it is the intent of the applicants to mount antennas at heights of 223, 213 and 203 feet. Equipment. In conjunction with the proposed antenna installation/attachments, a tower "compound" measuring ± 260 square feet has been proposed. This "compound" is to house a generator and conduit panel and is to be enclosed and secured by a fence (similar to that which currently surrounds the tower base). According to the ordinance, new equipment buildings necessary for transmitting, receiving and switching equipment must be screened from view by landscaping where appropriate. Considering that the "compound" is surrounded on all sides by agricultural uses and screened from view of Kadler Avenue by the existing UPA tower base, landscaping for purposes of visual screening is not considered necessary. As a condition of CUP approval, however, outdoor storage within the compound is to be prohibited excepting materials determined by the City to be customary and incidental to the use of the property. Site Access. The subject site is to be accessed via an existing ten foot wide ingress and egress easement from Kadler Avenue. Issues relating to easement acceptability should be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer and City Attorney. CONCLUSION In consideration of a previous wireless service antenna request, question was raised as to the ability of the UPA tower to physically support cellular antennas. Provided this concern is resolved and a determination is made that such tower can support the proposed co -location, our office would recommend approval of the requested conditional use permit subject to the conditions listed in the Executive Summary of this report. 5 pc: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Sprint Spectrum m x CD cn m r- 0 0 O SITE ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD EXHIBIT B - DETAILED SITE LOCATI m z • j ;, � � V 1• •1 Z � / 1 jig _ _ — N� —.._..—.._ ... .—. —. _ —. —-3fIN3A1/ a3laV�1 — - — — � ea 1 / I\—.,- I �� f8 ■ e a ®� - I ! i 0 � �� I I ECd ii 1 Vii � ' � // `/ '/' \ I ,. `� • b - ' g i y �+ I a // \\ i< o "I a I i J y yXyX /\ U�' I / / �\�o`'q \ \ 't \ y \ \ •i is Jal I l 1 '-�" 'l I 1 I 1 1 t 1' I 1 S rc 1 l s 1 °°°' EXHIBIT C — SITE SURVE f— rl� y, 00, : \u`A ® \§.° |S k w /| IT, cy. um � . |. o 2 E @ z \ ,} -!e 2 „ } �) �!\ 2 ¥)i ! |\ t] I EXHIBIT D - TOWERELEVAION/coMPOUNDP! § | Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. ,lune 3, 1997 Elaine Beatty, Clerk City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Sprint Spectrum CUP Maar Elaine, JU�I 51997 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 Fax 612/427--+4ff- 0520 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. has reviewed submittal documents provided for the above referenced CUP application. We offer the following. comments: 1. An existing 10' wide ingress and egress easement provides. access to the UPA site. The site plan submittal indicates -that this easement is dedicated to UPA. Documentation must be submitted to indicate that .UPA has the authority=to transfer or lease this easement.. Ot ierwise, a . separate easement must --be obtained by Sprint. 2. A typical roadway section is shown on the Plans, Sections; and Details Sheet-- The heet:The plan set does not indicate where this road .is to -.be constructed. -The section indicates that a .12' wide road will be -constructed. This will not fit inside a 10' wide easement. Clarification is required on. this issue. - 3. Structural comments made by the Planner must be responded to by the applicant. These issues should be referred to our office for comment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. -lye v)I /Yj c)6 Kevin P. Kielb, PE X cc: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE Elaine Beatty, Clerk Bob Kirmis, NAC Andy MacArthur, Attorney ot2134.eb Engineers Landscape Architects Surveyors A James L. Goodin, Manager Telec Engineering voice Mall/ Office: 6 2-241.2369 (UPA) Voice Mail / Otflce: 812-241.2089 Fax No: 612-241-2388 or 2470 United Power Association P.O. Box 800 . Elk River. MN 55330-0800 • (612) 441-3121 July 29, 1996 Kent Sticha UA West New Vector Group, Inc. 2510 Mendelssohn Avenue North Golden Valley, MN 55427 Re: Collocation on tower near Albertville, Minnesota Dear Kent, This is a confirmation that the tower owned by United Power Association near Albertville, Minnesota cannot support the additional antennas and coaxial cable for a cellular installation. Accordingly, United Power Association is not interested in locating the US West antennas on the tower. Sincerely, . James L. Goodin / Manager Telecommunications Engineering JLG/pr MYGROURTELCOWWI KcNTSDOC Our File: JLGLtrBK EXHIBIT E - UPA CO -LOCATION LETTER I MAY . 29. 1997 e: sew BLACK & VEATCH 35B 3397 Wzl� 14:11 TOWER TECHNOLOGY I NC -> BLACK E VEATCH TOWER TEOMMOLOGY9 INC. PAY 29, 1997 Cathie Tender Veen cow ications Equipment specialirt8, Inc. Three n Victoria Drive LOGOS Sunanit, NO 6*006 Telephone: (916) 521,8242 Facsimile: (816) 525-9898 NO. 079 P.1/1 NO. 601 peel/ e1 C �9 P.a soot »tee , KAN6At G1K M0. M1s FM (M) 3"4W Subject: united Power Tower, NK (Site 457) for Sprint Spectrum/Elack a Veatch Dear Cathie, We have reviewed the Sprint Spectrum drawings (Caaaede No. M9037.0157V1). rt is our understanding that the antennas are to be mounted on staggered mounts at 203, 213, and 223 ft. l.nstead of the proposed 210 ft. level for all three sectors. it is our opinion that the change in loading heights will have little effect on the structure and that the tower will be adequate for the proposed loading (See Tower Technology, Inc. analysis dated !earth 6, 1997). if you have any questions, :please let us know, Siucerely, TOWER TSCSNQL,OGY, nNC . George E. Kouba, P.S. Senior project Engineer Post -IV Fax Note 7671 oat* S Zs}g7 pea I To ay From COJDGpL SP�C1wrT co. Phone M Pt=6 M Fax 0 Fax 0 cc: /{'#az/S` CC: Robert Wilson a Black.& Veatch - Facsimile 459-2888 ** TOWER TECHNOLOGY, INC. ** ** P.O. BOX 11538 *# ** KANSAS CITY, MO 64138 ** ** TEL. (816) 358-0003 ** R&ice.. dEu BLACK & VWCH TOWER ANALYSIS MAR 10 1997 DATE: MARCH 6, 1997 FOR: SPRINT SPECTRUM (CES) SITE: UNITED POWER, MN (-457V1)-- HEIGHT: 260 FT. TOWER TYPE: ADVANCE MODEL 333 GUYED TOWER STRUCT. WIND: TIA/EIA-222-F ® 80 MPH WITH & W/O 1/2" RADIAL ICE RIGID WIND: TIA/EIA-222-F Q 80 MPH WITHOUT ICE EQUIPMENT DATA DIAMETER TYPE CENTERLINE AZIMUTH WAVEGUIDE N/A 10' WHIP 258 FT. (BASE) N/A 1 5/8" COAX 8 FT. STANDARD 256 FT. 59 DEG. 7/8" COAX 8 FT. STANDARD W/RADOME 256 FT. 215 DEG. EW63 8 FT. STANDARD 240 FT. 215 DEG. 7/8" COAX N/A UHF 228 FT. N/A 1/2" COAX N/A * (12) AP17-1900 210 FT. 3 DIR. (12) 1 5/8" COAX * - PROPOSED SPRINT SPECTRUM ANTENNAS AND MOUNTS WITH COAX INSTALLED BACK TO BACK I hereby certify that this plan, speai fication, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I Sm a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws o: the Mate of M:n_nesota. f Date Reg stration o 2 Z I*# Tower Technology, Inc. Analysis Report For: Sprint Spectrum (CES) Site: United Power, MN (457V1) March 6, 1997 Commentary This tower was previously analyzed by Tower Technology, Inc. on June 13, 1996 and August 1, 1996 at which time no structural modifications were required. This analysis includes a change in the proposed Sprint Spectrum mounting height. This is an existing 260 ft. Advance Industries Model 333 -guyed tower. The mast structure is three sided with guy wires supporting it in three directions separated by 120 degrees. The mast consists of reformed 60 degree angle legs and single angle diagonals in single laced and X -braced bracing configurations. The bracing bay heights are approximately 48 and 24 inches for the single laced and the X -braced bays respectively. The face width of the tower is 44 inches from centerline to centerline of the legs. The yield strength of the legs is 50 KSI with the bracing members being 36 KSI. The existing tower member information was obtained from a site inspection by Tower Technology (TTI) and Communication Equipment Specialists (CES) and from the original Advance Industries drawing number 25A2421C dated October 10, 1976. Refer to Sketch #1 for the existing tower and proposed antenna configuration. This analysis assumes that the tower steel is in its original state with no deterioration due to weather or field modification. A "K" factor of 1.0 will be used to calculate the allowable load for the leg members as specified by EIA. Wind Loading The tower was analyzed utilizing the current Electronic Industries Association's (EIA's) specification TIA/EIA-222-F with a structural basic wind speed of 80 mph at the 33 ft. level with and without 1/2" of radial ice (EIA allows a 25 percent reduction in the thrust load when ice is considered as a concurrent load). This analysis assumes the wind blowing from three different directions (i.e., apex wind, face wind, and wind parallel to a face). The wind and ice loading was approved by United Power's engineer Carl R. Stapp of Lockard & White for the previous analysis. The structural wind loading without ice will be used for the rigidity analysis. Tower Loading The previous antenna loading was utilized for this analysis with the change in Sprint Spectrum mounting height provided by CES. The analyzed antenna 1&1 United Power, MN (457V1) Report Continued -1- March 6, 1997 configuration and transmission lines are restated on the title sheet of this analysis. The proposed Sprint Spectrum transmission lines must be installed back to back on one tower face. Tower Analysis and Results The tower was analyzed as shown in Sketch #1 with the proposed antenna and transmission line configuration. The results indicate no structural member overstressing. The foundations were analyzed assuming EIA "normal" soil parameters. The foundations were found to be adequate for the proposed loading. The tower meets the EIA rigidity requirements. Recommendations No structural modifications are required to meet the TIA/EIA-222-F specification with a basic wind speed of 80 mph with and without 1/2" of radial ice for the proposed antenna loading. The proposed Sprint Spectrum transmission lines are to be installed back to back on one tower face. I*# a - Y I40 P h m ILO ri x M f` loo go Lo 40 z-17 C%.sreoRwaz (457 VI MN ZC.o' Rou �.vcE 3 3 3 .So2��rsi�e.rtur( (C.E.S.� s/e nco.•x I ST�NC42o c= u!i' `'144 _..._0' 6r,*..*o4A'0 ?.ao IS ZSce__ "IALl = I , TefLQI..l� Sr4 8'Sr.4.voA20 e L40' '�/i�� = aA4F L° ZZ 6' I/L" mod x 1 6?-) 4pr?-t9oa c zrc' �GL� ,si�'�4� Gvy Q /'S'7' '/ /?- 6, /L 6, -e c 99 ' `'/ I/L" --;.Is G"'e «e -4s ' w/ I/L"CA4.s .I c M Q � C V V r_l J OWER TECHNOLOGY, INC. Zoe S.�crci, sF I P.O. BOX 11538 KANSAS CITY, MO 64138 (816)358-0403 FAX: (8 16) 358-3397 J`CI NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Bob Kirmis / David Licht DATE: 27 May 1997 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance - Driveway Surfacing Requirements FILE NO: 176.08 - 97.06 At the 12 May meeting of the City Council, staff was instructed to prepare an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which would omit a driveway upgrade requirement currently applicable to detached residential uses in the R-3 Zoning Districts which lie within plats approved prior to 1 January 1992. According to Section 20-22-4.1-1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance, any residential use (within an R-3 District and in plats of five or more lots) which undertakes an improvement requiring a building permit and the value of such improvement exceeds two thousand five hundred ($2,500) dollars is required to upgrade the driveway and parking areas to meet surfacing standards for new construction. Specifically, existing graveled driveways must be upgraded to be surfaced in asphalt, concrete, cobblestone or paving brick. Uses which front upon graveled public streets are, however, exempt from this requirement. The intent of the existing surfacing requirement is to provide a mechanism to implement the eventual "upgrade" of properties to "neve" subdivision standards. This requirement was specifically discussed and endorsed by the Town Board/City Council as part of the Zoning Ordinance's initial adoption and reflects the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Our office's professional opinion is that the current language should be retained as it is a means and mechanism to enhance the quality and value of residential properties in the City. As you are likely aware, numerous, and possibly the majority of single family residential subdivisions within the City (platted prior to 1 January 1992) currently have driveways surfaced in gravel and front upon hard surfaced (asphalt) streets. 5775 WAYZATA BO'JI-EVARD. SUITE 555 ST LOUD PARK. MINNESOTA 55416 PHI -)NE 61 2-5959636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9637 Technically speaking, any building permit issued to such properties in excess of $2,500 must include as a condition of permit issuance that driveway surfacing be upgraded to asphalt, concrete, cobblestone or paving brick. This requirement could thus potentially apply to applications for the following: - Home Additions - Accessory Buildings - Porches - Septic Systems - Fences - Interior Remodeling - Swimming Pools As a matter of standard City practice, this requirement has not been enforced. Staff has raised concern that the $2,500 permit requirement may be excessively low and may in fact discourage property improvements. According to a representative of Pioneer Blacktop of St. Michael, a two inch overlay of asphalt will cost between $1.20 to $2.00 a square foot depending on soil conditions. Thus, an overlay of a 1,000 square foot gravel driveway could be expected to cost between $1,200 and $2,000. As previously indicated, this matter was discussed informally at the 12 May City Council meeting. In considering this issue and the recommendation of the City Building Official, the Council has "suggested" that the existing driveway upgrade requirement be omitted from the Ordinance. The attached draft amendment reflects this Council directive. The amendment does, however, include a provision that if a property owner undertakes an improvement which includes the expansion of an existing driveway or construction of a new driveway, such driveway must be surfaced in asphalt, concrete, cobblestone, or paving brick. Please be advised that the Planning Commission certainly has the right to dispute the informal "suggestion" of the City Council in this matter and offer recommendation as to its preferred or alternative means of driveway surfacing regulation. This item is scheduled for public hearing on 4 June. PC: Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Jerry Olson Otsego Mayor and City Council K DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 97 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 22-12 OF THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING DRIVEWAY AND PARKING AREA SURFACING REQUIREMENTS FOR DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USES WITHIN R-3 ZONING DISTRICTS. THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: ' Section 1. Section 20-22-4.H.12.b of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance (parking area surfacing requirements for single family uses) is hereby amended to read as follows: b. Detached single family residential uses in the R-3 Zoning District and in all residential plats of five lots or more: (1) In any plats approved after 1 January 1992, all detached single family residential uses shall have driveways and parking stalls surfaced with asphalt, concrete, cobblestone or paving brick. (2) In any plat approved prior to 1 January 1992, (a) Except as provided in Subsection 12.b.2.b below, any residential use shall at minimum have driveways and parking areas surfaced with material suitable to control dust and drainage. (3) Any detached single family residential use fronting on a public street which is gravel shall be exempt from Subsection 12.b.1. and Subsection 12.b.2.b. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of 1997. ATTEST: M CITY OF OTSEGO 0 Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 2 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Bob Kirmis / David Licht DATE: 27 May 1997 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance - Driveway Surfacing Requirements FILE NO: 176.08 - 97.06 At the 12 May meeting of the City Council, staff was instructed to prepare an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which would omit a driveway upgrade requirement currently applicable to detached residential uses in the R-3 Zoning Districts which lie within plats approved prior to 1 January 1992. According to Section 20-22-4.H.12 of the Zoning Ordinance, any residential use (within an R-3 District and in plats of five or more lots) which undertakes an improvement requiring a building permit and the value of such improvement exceeds two thousand five hundred ($2,500) dollars is required to upgrade the driveway and parking areas to meet surfacing standards for new construction. Specifically, existing graveled driveways must be upgraded to be surfaced in asphalt, concrete, cobblestone or paving brick. Uses which front upon graveled public streets are, however, exempt from this requirement. The intent of the existing surfacing requirement is to provide a mechanism to implement the eventual "upgrade" of properties to "new" subdivision standards. This requirement was specifically discussed and endorsed by the Town Board/City Council as part of the Zoning Ordinance's initial adoption and reflects the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Our office's professional opinion is that the current language should be retained as it is a means and mechanism to enhance the quality and value of residential properties in the City. As you are likely aware, numerous, and possibly the majority of single family residential subdivisions within the City (platted prior to 1 January 1992) currently have driveways surfaced in gravel and front upon hard surfaced (asphalt) streets. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 5541 6 PH')NE 6 1 2-5959636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 97 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 22-12 OF THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING DRIVEWAY AND PARKING AREA SURFACING REQUIREMENTS FOR DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USES WITHIN R-3 ZONING DISTRICTS. THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 20-22-4.H.12.b of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance (parking area surfacing requirements for single family uses) is hereby amended to read as follows: b. Detached single family residential uses in the R-3 Zoning District and in all residential plats of five lots or more: (1) In any plats approved after 1 January 1992, all detached single family residential uses shall have driveways and parking stalls surfaced with asphalt, concrete, cobblestone or paving brick. (2) In any plat approved prior to 1 January 1992, (a) Except as provided in Subsection 12.b.2.b below, any residential use shall at minimum have driveways and parking areas surfaced with material suitable to control dust and drainage. E} Any residential use which undertakes an irnproernent which includes the physical expansion of an existing driveway or parking area, or the construction of a new driveway or parking area shall be required to upgrade all such areas in compliance with the surfacing requirements of Sub.section.12.b.(1) above. (3) Any detached single family residential use fronting on a public street which is gravel shall be exempt from Subsection 12.b.1. and Subsection 12.b.2.b. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 2 1997.