ITEM 3.3A OHP 8.11.2015 MinutesITEM 3_3A OTSEGO HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION —August 11, 2015 Present: Toni Seroshek, Zonja Matushenko, Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson, Mayor Jessica Stockamp The meeting was called to order at 7:20 pm. An addition to the Agenda was a question about where we want the OHPC posters put up in the hallway of Prairie Center. We decided we trust Ross and Connie to figure out but that we want the posters up on the main hallway. Jessica will inform them about our wishes. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. Otsego Silver Anniversary: Zonja showed us the slides she has prepared for the Anniversary of the initial Celebration of the City's incorporation with complete labels and we agreed they look very good. She will look into whether she can make these Power Point slides into a movie which may be possible now. She will incorporate some other City information such as existing commissions, boards, etc. Chris and Gail showed the finished product of news articles about the City over the years in poster form. Commissioners and Jessica decided we would make four more posters with articles about the City. Chris will buy the posters and Toni and Gail will look for a means to light all five. Gail will prepare the other four posters. Chris gave more sketches for the Otsego map to Jessica to hand over to Kim Welter who is making a graphic map of Otsego from Chris' sketches. Book revisional binding: Commissioners need to choose the three pictures we want on the cover of the re- bound book In the Beginning: 1852 to 1880. Kim also needs the exact wording of what will be on the cover as well as what will be on the back cover. At Chris' suggestion we decided to have the City's website, address and phone number on the back. There will be a $200 maximum charge for Kim's service on this. Lisa Fahey will be the contact person between OHPC and Kim. Commissioner Replacement: Commissioner John Noll has moved out of the City to Buffalo and states that he no longer wishes to serve and will not be sending a resignation letter per Chris. Jessica will inform the Council of this and we hope to advertise two vacancies on OHPC. Gail will prepare a letter with word of the vacancies to persons who have expressed interest in history in the past. Chris made a temporary sign for the Seniors who meet next door and Zonja will make a more permanent sign for that space soon. SHPO Conference: Toni, Gail, Zonja will attend the Conference in Little Falls. Zonja questioned her attending since she knew OHPC was covered by Gail and Toni's attendance. Toni submitted a grant but has not had a response yet. She will call to check on it. We will then determine who will be attending. All three have sent in registration and have made hotel reservations. New Park Naming: Northwood was the name chosen by the Park and Recreation Board for the new park. OHPC will send a description to Dan Licht from our historical records re: Northwood as a settlement. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm. Gail Anderson, Recorder