ITEM 3.3B PSC 8.11.2015 MinutesITEM 3_30 Public Safety Conunission Minute August 11, 2015 1) Meeting called to order at 6:30pm Roll Call: Paul Fields, Chuck Schauss, Jim Breitbach, Mark Driste, Tina Driste, Council member Schroeder, Chief Bullen, Chief Cunningham, Mayor Stockamp, Wright County Sheriff Brian Johnson Observers: Gregg Hubbard, Mark Lucht 2) Meeting agenda approved motion by Jim Breitbach, 2nd by Paul Fields. All in favor. Motion carried. 3) July meeting minutes approved motion by Paul Fields, 2nd by Chuck Schauss. All in favor. Motion carried. 4) Open forum — Port -a -potty fire at Beaudry park Greg Hubbard sates there is some neighborhood concern re: this and neighborhood safety Chief Bullen and Wright County Sheriff Johnson state this is most likely bored kids and not a big safety concern. 5) A -Wright County Sheriff Johnson — Neighborhood Watch program discussion Minimum 12 homes needed, small meeting with watch group and liaison, There is a link on the Public safety commission page; signs for neighborhood watch are about $50. B- Jam Fest is Fri Aug 14 @ Rockwoods extra patrol in place, no problems in the past. C-NNO fire in Elk River so they were not able to get out to all the houses that signed up to compensate on Oct 3rd Elk River Fire open house these families will get a direct invite. D- Fire Chief Cunningham offered to have the commission come tour their remodeled station/offices. E-Albertville Chief Bullen updating tracking times for calls, tracking all vehicles. F-Practice burn in Otsego (Albertville Fire) 9/19/15 @ 7 or 7:30am. G-Fire chiefs requesting that they be informed of any road construction/inaintenance so they are prepared if there is a call in those areas. 6) Old Business: 6_I Otsego Prairie Fest Public Safety Commission, Wright County Sheriff and Fire Departments will be close together, the kitchen burn simulator will be at Prairie Fest Tina Driste, Mark Driste and Greg Hubbard will be manning the booth 1 Oam-2pm 6.2 Mark Driste will get banner — needs approval from the City Council. 7) New Business: There was a request for a link attached to the public safety commission page for citizens to send us concerns or comments, CM Schroeder will look into this. 8) Council meeting: Centetpoint grant — Public works radios. 9) Upcoming Council Meeting Assignments. 8-24-15 Chuck 9-14-15 Paul 10) Motion to adjourn by Jim Breitbach, 2nd by Chuck Schauss. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8pm. Next meeting is Tuesday, September 81' Written by Tina Driste